Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980): Season 1, Episode 5 - Hawaii Five-O - full transcript

Dan (Danno) Williams, while off-duty, pursues a gun-wielding crime suspect to the man's apartment. While shooting open the lock, Danno believes he inadvertently wounds the suspect fatally. While attending to the man, the wounded suspect's girlfriend takes a gun the suspect had fired at Danny, and flees the apartment. Danno is soon indicted and jailed. McGarrett races to find the woman and exonerate Danno. It is later discovered that she is connected to Big Chicken, a narcotics dealer in Honolulu.

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( suspenseful theme playing)

(tires screech)

(horn honks)



(woman screams)

(indistinct murmurs)

(indistinct shouting
and screaming)

Get a police officer.

Open up. Police.

Please don't shoot.

Don't try to move.


( upbeat surf theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)


What have we got?

I only fired one shot,
Steve, into the door.

I don't know how I
hit him. I don't know.

First time for him, Steve?

Yeah, first time.

You check the body?

Just got here.

Nothing on him.

COP: A kid. Looks about 18.




Yeah, and it's fresh.

Two toothbrushes.

Lady's hairbrush.
Make a note, huh?

And all the staples.

deodorant, suntan lotion.

Even a tub and soap.

McGARRETT: One hot carburetor.

I can just hear him:
"I'll keep this on ice."

Really dug the
good life, this boy.

Nat, Izzy.

Chemist and the ID
team are on their way up.

Taking it hard.

else is there to take it?

There's an 18-year-old
boy under that blanket.


Who is he?

No ID on him.

Who was first on the scene?

Mansin, about a minute
after he heard the shot.

Hit that light switch, Izzy.

Only heard one.

I broke up a fight
at Sullivan's Saloon.

I was going back on patrol.

I heard a shot. Heard it as
I was coming out the door.

On Smith Street?

Middle of the block, between
North Hotel and Pauahi.

Well, he knew a good board.

Probably hot.

Too small for the boy.


Good morning,
McGarrett. Nat Che Fong.

You'd do just as well to haul
Danny out of here. He's had it.

Take his statement.

I'd get his statement
in the morning.

Better for him if he
has to give it now.

Okay by me. Out in the hall.


Come on, Danno.


It was a fluke. I fired
one shot into the lock.

I don't know how I hit him.

That question's for
Che Fong to answer.

Nat's outside. He needs
your statement. Let's go.

How're you feeling, Dan?


Make it easy on yourself.
I need your statement.

You can detail it
in your own report.

Just rough it out.

I was going for my car

in a lot near Fort
Street and Merchant.

I saw somebody trying to
jimmy open the vent window

on the driver's
side of this car.

I told him to
freeze. He took off.

I yelled, "Halt," he kept going.

What make was the car?

Blue, about a '65.

I don't... I don't
know what make.

He'll think of it. Go ahead.

He fired one round
at me in the street,

another at the
foot of the stairs.

I didn't have a clean shot.

I followed him up here,
and he ducked into the room.

What about his gun?
What'd he do with it?

Last time I saw him,
he had it in his hand.

All right, then what happened?

I went to the door,
called him out.

He didn't respond.

I fired one round into the lock.

Then I kicked the door open.

He was on his belly...

crawling toward the kitchen.

Don't bleed, Danno. Think.

You're making
an official report.

McGARRETT: Okay, he
was on his belly. Then what?

Crawling toward the kitchen.

Where was his gun?

I didn't know he'd been hit.

I went over and rolled him over.

Where was his gun?

The gun was on the
floor, just inside the door.

Are you sure?

Look, Nat, I get the feeling

you're dancing a waltz.
What are you looking for?

The gun that Danny
says the boy had.

We can't find it.

( dramatic theme playing)

He had a gun.

And we can't find it.

That means we're
missing something,

but that's all it means.

I'm not doubting you, Danno.

Well, I am.

Look at this, Steve,
the same thing.

The same story. The same
thing I told you and Nat upstairs.

He had a gun. He fired at
me. I saw it. Now it's gone.

If I've forgotten something, I
don't know what it could be.

Maybe I'll remember
in the morning.

We need it now,
Danno. Right now.

I can't remember
anything else. Nothing.

You were there.

That gun just didn't
get up and walk away.

You think it through.

There's nothing more.

Well, if there is anything
else, you better remember it.

A cop pulls his gun,

he better remember
every single detail.

There's always trouble
when you pull a gun,

more if you fire it.

You hit somebody, and you're
up to your hip pockets in it.

And if a cop kills somebody,

every single fact better jibe,
or he gets nailed to the wall.

He's guilty until he
proves himself innocent.

Now, that's backwards,
ugly and unfair,

but that's the way it is.

Now, we gotta know everything
there is to know right now.

So think.


(sighs): All right.

take it from the top.

I was on the way
to my car over there.

Blue car was parked right here.

I saw him trying to
jimmy this window.

Then what? I started toward him.

He saw me, took off.

He had a pretty good head start.

Which way did he run?

Down there.

right, review, Danny

Think it through.

Then I went to him
and turned him over.

And your back was to the door?


And then he died. That's all.

There were two
toothbrushes in this bathroom,

and a hairbrush with
long blond hair matted in it.

Pair of size-5 beach
shoes right over there.

That leaves us with
one small blond woman.

And there was that roach.

Fresh marijuana butt.

She could have been in here,

slipped out when you
were helping the boy.

Steve, if anybody had been
in here, I would've seen them.

It's a small
apartment, look at it.

Then who was smoking the pot?

Butt was fresh.

Somebody could have
been standing here,

you would've missed him.

Come through the door,
Danny. Walk through your story.

The boy was over there.

I walked over to
him, turned him over.

You didn't see me or hear me.

Might have been that way.

Must have been that way.

( somber theme playing)

Hey, aloha.

Wahine, would you
like to go and have...?

Oh, I didn't mean to
be offensive, ma'am.

I'm sorry.

Just wanted to have
a drink. I'm sorry.


What caliber, Che Fong?

A .32.

Plaster wall. No way to
tell how long it's been there.

You need a witness.

And the gun.

It'd help.

Wouldn't hurt to
find that blond either.

We'll go down to Identification,
see what we can come up with.

A small blond who might have
been there? Not much to go on.

Well, it eliminates
all the tall redheads.

I need.

Thaddy's dead. Didn't
you know he's dead?

The snowman is here.


You got the money?


You know the fare,
sugar. Twenty-four dollars.

Chicken, I don't have $24.

Oh, come on,
Chicken. I... I... I'm tight.

I... I need, please.

Everybody has to pay, Annie.

The stuff costs
me, it costs you.


I wish it was free.

Chicken, Thaddy's
dead. Please, I'm tight.

You know, I liked
that boy, Annie.

Nice, trustworthy boy.

I cried when I heard.

But, sugar, you
got to go on living.

And that means you gotta
find yourself another boy.

Now, I still need merchandise,

and you still need that
juice for your needle.

And that all adds
up to another boy.

You mourned long
enough for Thad, no?

Chicken, how am I
gonna find another boy?

How am I gonna find a boy
who wants a girl like this?

Tell you what, I'll stake you.

I'll see that you get
what you need on credit

till you find a new boy.

Let's say, till the
day after tomorrow.

Till I get back from Maui. Cool?

Chicken, I'll find
somebody, I will.

I believe, Peter Pan.

Now, where are you staying?

I'll let you know where you
can pick up your medicine.

I'll... I'll be at Maggie's.

Okay, I'll let you know.


Story. That's what
started me digging into it.

It seems a member of our
state's official police unit,

King McGarrett's special
force that we call Five-0,

Five-0's second-in-command,
one Danny Williams,

he shot a boy, an 18-year-old
boy, and he killed him.

Now, let me lay
it right on the line.

Ladies and gentlemen,

what do you think would
happen to you, any of you,

if you shot an 18-year-old boy?

If you had been drinking
before you shot him?

If you said you saw
him breaking into a car,

and you couldn't
produce that car?

If you said the boy that
you killed had a gun,

and there wasn't any gun?

I'll tell you what would happen.

You would be sitting in a
cell at police headquarters,

and you'd be
charged with murder.

Now, what about McGarrett's
boy, Danny Williams?

Where is he?

He's out on the
street somewhere.

He's not in a cell.

And not only that,

he's still carrying
the gun he used

to kill that unarmed boy.

Now, I don't know
how you feel about it,

but I know how I feel.

I am mad, I am
angry, I am burning.

And I promise to press this,

chase it all the way
around the block.

And meantime,
friends, watch your step.

Williams is still loose
with his license to kill.

See you tomorrow
at the same ti...

What'd you expect him to say?

(door opens)

The attorney general's
on the phone for you.

Guess what he wants, huh?


I got a call from Mr. Vox

asking me to
watch his late news.

Yeah, I saw it.

He put us all on
the hook, Steve.

We've got enough pressures.
We don't need any more.

Well, that's what we got.

Vox is coming in to interview
me at 4. What do I tell him?

You wouldn't say what
I'd like you to tell him.

Well, if you find that gun,

let me know, huh? Mahalo.

Maybe you'd like to tell me

why you're not out
looking for that girl, huh?

It's a stinking job.

Who told you it
was anything else?

He was just a boy, Steve. A boy.

Probably never
even had to shave.

You think it's easier
to kill a grown man?

You think the next one
will be easier than this one?

God help you if you do.

It better hurt every time.

It better tear your guts out
every time you pull that gun,

whether you use it or not.

You learn to live with
it, but don't get used to it.

Now, get out of
here and find that girl.

You really gave it to him, boss.

Too hard maybe?

How hard is too hard?

Just asking. Don't.

Tomorrow morning at sunup,

I want you to cover
Hotel and Pauahi Streets.

I want at least two witnesses
who saw that boy fire at Danny.

I gonna give it my best.

Standing there?

I'm gone.

Any make on the prints
we found in the apartment?

Not yet. Nat said soon.

All right. Give Kono a hand.

See if you can come up with
something on that girl, huh?


(door closes)

How much trouble
would it be for you to admit

you saw them two guys
running down the street?

Ain't no heat for you.

If I saw them, I'd
say. But I didn't see.

I told you yesterday,
I didn't see.

Frieda, baby,

you don't never leave this
window after the sun goes down

till long after it rises again.

And you got them
big beautiful eyes.

Ain't nothing on Pauahi
Street you don't never see.

I didn't see, Kono.
I promise you.

You didn't hear no shot either?


You didn't hear no...?


Frieda, there ain't nothing
you don't never hear.

You can hear a quarter
drop six blocks away.

You're asking
about shots, darling.

Shots, not quarters.

He knows Danny by sight.
Saw him chasing the boy.

What about the gun?
Did he see the boy with it?

(speaking foreign dialect)

He didn't see any gun.

He said the boy shoved
him, used both hands.

Didn't have any gun.

Uh, Mr. Wang said
the boy was afraid.

(knock at door)

Get a full statement.

What do you got, Nat?

You won't believe it.

Try me.

The grand jury delivered a
presentment to the prosecutor.

He took the reports
and the information

before them this morning.

And they indicted Danny?

Murder, first-degree.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door slams shut)

What are you gonna do about it?

Nothing. Nothing?

Oh, sit down and cool off.

What do you think I should do?

You're the attorney
general of this state.

Get him out of Honolulu jail.

Oh, you know I can't do that.

If you can't, who can?

You can and nobody else.

If you'd sit on that
temper for two minutes,

you'd see that's
the way it should be.

Look, one of your men has
been indicted for murder.

And he should
have been indicted.

You think Danny
is guilty of murder?

You think the grand
jury is justified?

Well, he was drunk.

He had two beers.

He was drunk.

He had two beers.
He was off duty.

He had every right.

To shoot down an unarmed boy

while under the influence of...?

The boy was armed.

Danny said there was a
gun, but there is no gun.

The one witness you found
said the boy had no gun.

He didn't see the gun.

Then there was no gun.

There was no car.

Look, Danny is no
liar. There was a car.

Show me.

Show me the car the
boy was breaking into.

I can't, and you
know it. Not yet.

Then there was no
car, there was no gun.

And he shot an
unarmed boy to death.

Now, that's the case
against Danny Williams.

And with only his
word as defense,

he'll go to jail for
the rest of his life.

He is not guilty of
murder, and you know it.

Prove it!


I'll tell you something.

You know he's not guilty,
I know he's not guilty.

But if I were Danny's attorney,

I'd want him right
where he is, in a cell.

And I'd do everything possible

to delay that
preliminary hearing

until you find that gun

and develop that
chain of evidence

which puts the gun in
the room with the boy

at the time he was shot.

Now, you do that, and
Danny's off the hook.

Steve, there's only one person
who could do anything about it.


Hey, big boss, where you been?

You looking for an easy
way out? You got something?

You betcha.


Got no name on the dead boy yet,

but we're real close.

H.P.D. wanted that
kid real bad, man.

They had 37 sets of his prints

they've been picking up off
of cars he had busted into.

Couple of stores
and a warehouse.

Che Fong raised a
store name on his shoes.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Nat sent his pictures
and prints off to them.

We should hear real soon.

I want the name as soon
as it comes off the wire.

Sure thing. Got something
else. Big Chicken.

They found two sets of
his prints in the kid's pad.


Get a statewide pickup
out on him right away.

Been done. He went
over to Maui two days ago.

They're checking on him now.

Is the dead boy a junkie?

Clean like nobody's business.

Eighteen, great physical
shape, not a needle mark on him.

Maybe the wahine.

Found all kind of
prints. No identification.

No doubt there was a
woman living in the kid's room.

Maybe she's the junkie.

With Big Chicken in the game,
ain't much doubt somebody is.

But it wasn't the boy.

Anybody gone down to
see Big Chicken's lady?

Thought you'd want to do that.


(jazzy nightclub music playing)

Hey, you could
knock or something!

(door closes)

No heat on you, Miss Schranz.

I'm looking for Big Chicken.

He's a pig, a real pig.

Where can I find him?

He went over to Maui.

Say, is he gonna
get picked up again?

Well, I'd like to
ask him a question.

No jazz. Just ask
him a question?

We're looking for somebody.

Maybe he can tell me
where to look. That's all.

I don't care if he
gets busted or not.

Where can I find him?

He'll be back
tomorrow afternoon.

He's going back to his place.

At least, that's what he said.

Where's that?

His place, up in
the little jungle.

Oh. Mahalo.



Say, baby,

why don't you catch
my act some night?


You do that.

Aloha, brother.


Chow mein in there.

I was passing the Golden Duck,

thought you might
like some good chow.

Thanks, Kono. What's happening?

That boy was a runaway.
Name, Thad Vaughn.

Might be the break to
get you out of this place.


Chow mein gonna get cold
you don't eat it quick, Danno.


I'm gonna tell you, man,

this ain't the worst bed
I have ever been on.

Maybe you got the
best deal in this case.

Tell you what I'll do.
I'll trade you, dead even.

You don't think I
would, man? Go, baby.

Walk out of here.
Tell them you me.

But try to look a
little bit fatter, man,

or they won't let you pass.

Where's Steve?

I can get him real quick. Why?

We just found the gun.

( gunshot)

Take a look.

The bullet on the left is the
one we dug out of the wall,

and the one on
the right is the test.

No question. Same gun.

You picked it up on Al Drucker?

He said he'd thought
he'd try one armed robbery.

A liquor store.

This gun doesn't mean a
thing to Danny's defense

without the girl.

We've gotta be able to
prove it was in the room

when the boy was shot.

What about the girl?

Nat got the gun from a big
Hawaiian kid named Tommy Tommy.

You like to talk to
Tommy Tommy, boss?


(surf-rock music
playing over radio)

So I said 20 bucks, but
this is worth 35, easy.

Oh, come on, man.
We made a deal.

Thirty bucks is as low as I go.

Your word ain't worth nothing.

So sue me. Want
the stereo or not?

I got no 30 bucks. Got 20.

That's the fuzz, brothers.

Take it easy, boys.

I'm looking for
some information.

What kind of
information, Mr. Fuzz?

You gave Al Drucker a
gun. Where'd you get it?

I ain't saying nothing, man.

Zero. Nothing. I know my rights.

You know what I want from you.

I don't know nothing.

I'm gonna tell you
something, punk,

and I'm just gonna say it once.

You'll get six months
to a year of easy time

for that stereo if it's stolen,
and we both know it's stolen.

But that tire iron
is something else.

That's assault with
a deadly weapon.

You'll get five years of
hard time inside for that.

Now, listen, and listen good.

You trying to prove
you're a dumb Hawaiian?

KONO: You're a real tough guy.

You got big trouble,
and you better know it.

What kind of deal you make?

I'll forget the tire iron.

And that stereo,
man? All or nothing.


Come on, get up, punk.
You're under arrest.

All right, I'll tell you.

I bought the gun.
Got a great deal.

Three bucks, from a blond chick.

Kind of skinny.
Not much stuff, dig?

She was wandering
Hotel Street, cruising.

I had some bread,
so I figure, why not?

You know, it turns out she
was trying to peddle that gun.

So I bought it.

Did you know her?

Said her name
was Ann. That's all.

Except she was a junkie.

She was sweating.

You know how they look,
junkies, when they sweat.

Then she asked me, did I
see Big Chicken around?

Take him down to Identification.
Start him through the mug files.

I ain't sure I can remember
what she looks like, man.

You'd better try real hard.

If Kono calls in, I wanna
know right away, May.

Yes, sir. Mr. McGarrett,
you've got company waiting.

You want Big
Chicken, Mr. McGarrett?

Well, here I am.

The word is out you're
looking for Big Chicken.

Statewide all-points bulletins.

Now, you don't have to make

all that work for
yourself, Mr. McGarrett.

Just say, "I want to
talk to Big Chicken."

Just say it, and you
got it, Mr. McGarrett.

I've been away, out of touch.

Sit down. If only I
would have known.

I mean, first thing I heard
you were looking for me...

You see, I always cooperate with
the agencies of law enforcement.

So as soon as Bonita told
me you were asking for me,

here I am, fast as a
cab could bring me.

Sit down.

Thanks, Mr. McGarrett.

I'm looking for a girl.


Well, you don't need me to
find girls for you, Mr. McGarrett.

You do all right.

She's a user. Her name is Ann.


No, that's against
the law for me.

Having spent some time in
jail for my mistakes in the past,

I... I am not allowed
to associate with users.

Young, blond, straight hair.

Lived in the
third-floor apartment

on North Pauahi Street.

Could that be the apartment
where that young boy was killed?


Yeah, and you were there,

because we have two
clear sets of your fingerprints.

I was just gonna tell you that.

I'll bet you were.

Oh, I was there once.


I can't remember what
for. Well, it wasn't important.

But that girl, user?

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.

Now, I can't imagine

a pretty little girl like
that using narcotics.

Never would have guessed that.

Where can I find her, Chicken?

You know, I got enemies.

I never know where
they're gonna turn up,

but it always surprises me.

Like this pretty, little
young girl, for instance.

Now, she maybe say bad
things about me, you know?

Like how I'm still
selling narcotics,

when you and me
both know I'm clean.

Yeah, she could say bad things.

Where is she, Chicken?

I'm gonna tell you.

I'm gonna tell you
because the law is cool.

The law protects people from
other people saying bad things.

Like, if 1,000 people said
I was still selling narcotics,

and you didn't catch me with it,

the law couldn't
do anything to me.

And you won't ever
catch me with it.

I'm gonna tell you
something, Chicken...

Mr. McGarrett, you're uptight
because Mr. Williams is in jail.

I understand that.

So let me lighten your
burden, Mr. McGarrett.

Now, even though she may
say bad things about me,

even though, as
a three-time loser,

any conviction would close
that gate for good on me,

even though all of
that, I'm still safe.

Because I believe in the law.

And as a favor to
you, Mr. McGarrett,

as a good citizen,

you take yourself over to
that little jungle, Maggie's pad.

Just look on that

like an early Christmas
present, Mr. McGarrett.

Me to you.

I'm gonna nail you, Chicken.

You'll miss some angle.

You stay smug,
and I'll stay patient,

and I'll nail you.

Never, Mr. McGarrett.
No chance you'll ever.

No way.


(sitar music playing over radio)


Take the back door.

It's the fuzz. Split.

(knock at door)

Hello, Maggie. I'm
looking for a girl.

Not in here you're not.

Not unless you've got a warrant.

I got one.

Well, then, like any good fuzz,

just shove me aside
and barge right in.

Where is she, Maggie?


Blond girl, young,
junkie. Name is Ann.

MAGGIE: We don't
know anybody named Ann.

My mother's name was
Ann. But she split to Nevada.

♪ Dead, dead, Mama is dead ♪

She split to Nevada.

She died in a bed.


What's inside, Maggie?

Well, go and look for yourself.

Unless you want to
swallow that chain,

you'd better sit down. Dig?

It's not our war, Georgie.

(snaps fingers)

Fuzz really bug me.

Tell her to come out, Maggie.


MAGGIE: Come on out.

Or he'll come in and get you.

McGARRETT: What about the gun?

The gun. What about the gun?


The cop killed him.

He chased Thad,
and he killed him.

The officer fired through
the lock. It was an accident.

And he killed him.

You saw this?


That means that you
were in the room, then?


The gun that Thad
used to fire at the officer,

what happened to it, Annie?

Thad was so scared,
he didn't mean it.

What happened to the gun, Annie?

I don't know why. I...

I took the gun, and I ran.

I sold it. I needed the money.

Okay, for the record,

you're making this
statement of your own free will

without promises or threats?

You've been apprised of
your constitutional rights?


How old are you, Annie?


Tell us about Thad.

We know that he didn't have
a record on the mainland.

What started his stealing?

I did.

I started him.

He couldn't make enough money.

He loved me, he really did.

I made him steal.

Chicken, Big
Chicken, taught him.

Thad was afraid at first.

He didn't know how.

He loved me.

And I didn't love him...

until he was dead.

Then I loved him.


It doesn't matter.

If you hadn't found me,
I'd have found another boy.

I'd have found another
boy to steal for me.

I can't sell myself.

I've gotta have a
boy to steal for me.

Did Big Chicken hook you, Annie?

I can't tell you about him.

We won't let him hurt
you. We'll protect you.

Oh, it's not that.

He wouldn't have to hurt me.

He'd just cut me off.
Shut down my supply.

I need him. I need
him, and he knows that.

Do you like this
life, Annie, huh?

Shoving a needle in your arm?

Waking up, your
stomach in knots?

Cold sweats?

It's not like that.

It's not always like that.

I don't want to stop.

The only good
time is when I'm up.

You know Big Chicken,
he'll cut off your supply.

He can't stand the risk.

If we forgot you were alive,

he'd still think we
were having your watch.

You're a no-sale, Annie.

He... He wouldn't if
I don't say anything.

Do you know who killed
Thad, Annie? Big Chicken.

He sank the hook in
you, and he killed Thad.

He... He gave Thad a surfboard.

For free. I... Free?

Thad is dead.

That board came high.


Chicken would tell me
what he wanted Thad to steal

and who to deliver it to.

Thad would give me the
money. I'd give it to Chicken.

He'd tell me where
to pick up my stuff.

Thad only took what
Chicken wanted him to.

Once Thad got going good,

Chicken never wanted
to see him at all. He...

Thad only took what
Chicken wanted him to.


Parts for cars.

Now he's dead.

And I love him.

(crying): I love him.

You almost broke
my tooth, McGarrett.

You make another move for
that door, and I'll break your leg.

I blew my cool, heh.
Know what I mean?

I mean, you come in here
and say you're gonna arrest me,

all of a sudden I'm
back in the old days.

I had something to
worry about, so I ran for it.

I got no reason to run now.

You're gone, Chicken.
You're finished, you're pau.

I told you she'd say bad things
about me, and she did, right?

Okay. You want to search me?

Search the apartment?

Go ahead.

You don't need
no search warrant.

You just go right ahead.

You know, every once in a
while, we get one like you.

Wise. A very fancy dancer.
Smart enough to use the law.

You duck us for a long, long
time, and then we get you.

Never on a big thing.
Always on the small print.

You think you really
got me? On what?

Possession? Of what?

You won't find
a grain of heroin.

Not the tiniest piece
of a leaf of pot. Nothing.

You're right, Chicken,

we can't jail you
for all that misery.

Then what?

A hot carburetor.


A carburetor?


Look, I don't see no carburetor.

Just one.

In the refrigerator
at Thad's place.

You ordered it stolen,
and Ann will testify to that.

Convicted on a
junkie's testimony?

Never happen.

We also talked to the man

that Thad was supposed
to deliver the carburetor to.

A Mr. Showbert. He ring a bell?


He also swore that
he ordered it from you.

Now, that's two witnesses.

That's plenty to prove
that you were an accessory

before the fact in a robbery.

Ain't no big thing, brother,

but it's enough to close
that iron door on you forever

when you've been
down three times before.

Now you've had it, Chick.


I... Ah!

I just gave you that girl.

I gave you the key
to get that cop loose.

You owe me. Sure.

Everybody owes you, Chicken. Oh!

How you feeling, Danno?

Not bad.

How's the girl?

Got a long way to go.

(indistinct chatter)

I'm glad that's over.

Ah, what a day.

Come on.

( upbeat surf theme playing)