Hawaii Five-0 (2010–…): Season 5, Episode 7 - Hawaii Five-0 - full transcript

Steve is kidnapped and tortured. He discovers that he was captured by Wo Fat who wants some information from Steve. And it's while he's being tortured that Steve recalls when his father was being held captive but he imagines that instead of his father being killed he is saved by Chin and Danny. Steve then goes home and works with Danny to find out who was the one who ambushed his team. In the meantime, the others try to find Steve.

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This is one. Commander
McGarrett, prisoner is secure.

You're gonna tell us everything.

Every terrorist cell
you and Victor helped arm,

every supplier you worked with,
all your trafficking associates,

everyone you've ever sold weapons to.

Chasing my brother and I
around the world for five years,

like a little doggy looking for a bone.

You don't think
we'd do our homework on you?

You should get that. You don't speak
to your father nearly enough.

- Dad.
- Hey, champ.

- You all right?
- Who are these people, Steve?

Now I know where you get it from.
You got a tough old man here.

I'm offering you a trade.
Your father for my brother.

You know how this works.

We don't negotiate with terrorists.

- You kill him, you get nothing.
- Give me the phone.

Please. I can get him to help you.

He'll listen to me. He's my son.

Listen to me, champ.

Dad, I'm gonna get you
out of there, all right?

- Don't you worry about it.
- I love you, son.

I didn't say it enough.

Whatever these people want,
Steve, don't give it to them.

- Don't you give it to them!
- Dad? Dad?

No more games!
I'm taking my brother now!

This is Transport.
We are under attack.

Taking rocket and small-arms fire
from hostile air.

Come on. Come here.

No, no! Don't do it! Put it down!

Come on, Anton. Come on.

Come on, Anton.

No! No! No!

Put Anton on the phone.

My brother's dead, isn't he?

- Victor, listen--
- Isn't he?

Then so is your father.


- Commander McGarrett?
- Hello?

Is my father dead?

No, he's alive
and he's gonna be fine.

Who am I talking to?

This is Detective Danny Williams.

- Easy.
- Thank you, Detective Williams.

- Can I speak to my father, please?
- Yeah, of course. John.

- Hello, son.
- Dad.


Let me out of here!

Let me out of here! Hey!

What the hell is that thing
on his head?

Oh, that's his hair.

Look like one of them
Daniel Boone raccoon things.

You been out in the sun too long,
McGarrett. Heh-heh.

- Ugly and funny, huh?
- Sang Min, this is Captain Grover.

He's with us now so he's got
the right to slap you around,

knock your teeth out
if you get out of line.

- Take your best shot.
- That's nice.

- Is there any word from McGarrett?
- No, we don't have any more time.

We gotta move now.
Does he know what to do?

We'll see soon enough.

Johnny Moreau.

Thanks for coming.

You got five minutes.

Why couldn't we meet
at your place, huh?

I haven't been home in months.
Cops are looking for my ass.

Mm. Boy, in those pants,
I can see why.

Brah, I think you spent
a little too much time in the joint.

Ah, you know, just trying to break
the ice before we talk business.

Heh. Business?

After you walked out of Halawa,
I figured you'd be long gone.

You know, still looking for my ticket
out of paradise,

which is why I asked you here.

- I thought you could help me.
- Help you? Now, why would I do that?

Because you stole my business,
for one thing.

Bruddah, Five-0 put you
out of business, not me.

I just picked up the pieces.

So you're just a roadkill-eating vulture,
is that it? Bruddah?

I saw an opportunity and I took it.

That's not to say
I don't owe you a debt of gratitude.

That's why I'm here in person,

But for my services,
there is a price.

Well, I figured you'd say that.

- Sang Min!

- Give me the iron.
- Do it.


Get on your knees.
Hands on your head.

Johnny Moreau,
you are under arrest

for human trafficking,
promoting prostitution,

- kidnapping--
- That rat set me up.

I'm no rat. I'm Five-0. Newly minted.
Kicking ass and taking names.

No, you're a rat. Shut your mouth.

Can I see my family now?

No. What did I tell you last week
when we found you?

You didn't find me.
I made myself available for negotiation.

You were hiding in a hole in Ka'a'awa

that made Saddam's ditch
look like a palace.

It's called communing with nature.

No, it's called poison ivy
on your ass for lack of TP.

- Oh, I missed you, Spicy.
- Detective Williams.


- All right, we'll be right there.
- What's up?

All units be on the lookout
for Commander McGarrett.

Hey! I got blood in the car.

Looks like it could be spatter
from a gunshot wound.

He's still not picking up.

- Here's why.
- We should check the hospitals.

- Got it.
- Hold on, hold on.

- Somebody took him.
- What?

Look at these tire tracks.
Somebody took Steve.


Dad! Dad!
Dad, Dad, Dad!

Dad, look what I found.

That's the best one yet, Steve.
Wow. What do you think?

Yeah, Mary likes it too.
Show your mom.

What do you think, Mom?


- Hello, son. Hey, champ.
- Dad! Dad!

- Show your mom.
- What do you think, Mom?

Come on, man.
Where's the aloha?

- Sir, I'm sorry about your golf gear.
- Golf gear? This ain't no golf gear.

I had these clubs made special for me.

There ain't another set
in the world like it.

Find the joker
that stole them out of my car,

because I'm telling you right now,

I'm not going back to Chicago
without my clubs.

Sir, if you'll just take a seat,
I'll get someone to take your report.

Take a re-- Why you wasting time
taking reports, man?

You could be finding my clubs.
I got a tee time.

- Excuse me. Commander?
- Yes.

- Can I help you?
- Yes, sir. My name's McGarrett.

I'm looking for my father.

Commander McGarrett, aloha.

Detective Williams.
We spoke on the phone.

- It's nice to see you.
- Yes. Thank you.

Oh, no, that's not necessary, mahalo.

We say "mahalo" around here,
right, Duke?


Could I see my dad?

Of course. He's in a debrief
with the captain. Come on.

Hey, Cap.




- Welcome home, son.
- You all right?

- Yeah.
- Huh?

Steve, uh, I want you
to meet Captain Kelly.

- Commander.
- How do you do?

He was a trainee under me
and I'm proud to say

he's gonna be
the next chief of police.

What can I say?
I learned from the best.

Yes, you did.

Where's Victor Hesse?

He, uh-- He's on lockdown
at the hospital right now.

He say anything?

Well, as per your request,
we're leaving that to you.

- Steve, what's going on?
- The only people who knew

I was transporting his brother were
the men in my detail.

There is no way
that Victor could have found out

unless he had help.

Who are you?

Eat this.

With the chemicals we're giving you,

you're going to need
to keep your blood sugar up.

You gonna tell me
what the hell's going on here?

What do you want?
What do you want from me?

What have I done to you?

What are you doing?

I'm a cop, you know that?

I'm a cop. They're gonna
come looking for me.

They're watching us. Everywhere.

Can't you see? No. Stop!

You can't do that. Stop!
No, I won't... I won't let you.

Stop! Get away!

- Get away! Stop! No.
- Look at that.

- Get away! Get away!
- Well, I guess

if you're gonna be homeless,
this is the place to be, right?

I guess so.

Excuse me.

Hey, baby doll. Huh?

Heh-heh. I know. I know.

Hey, look, I'm just in the middle
of something. Can I call you back?

Okay. I love you too.
See you in a bit.

- Take it you're married.
- Yes, yes, very. Very married.

I got lucky. Pretty much
the greatest woman on the planet.

- Right on. That's something.
- Yeah.

- What's her name?
- Rachel.

- Yeah? You got kids?
- I do, yeah. One little girl. Grace.

- How about you?
- I'm seeing somebody.

I mean, hopefully,
we'll get there one day, you know?

Yeah. It's the best, man.

My dad said you moved here
a couple months ago.

- Is that right?
- Yeah, yeah.

What brought you to Oahu?

I don't know.
What didn't bring me to Oahu?

I mean, we got beautiful beaches,
you got sunshine all the time.

Got ono eats.
Place is fantastic.

It's like heaven compared
to New Jersey, you know?

Can you help me find someone?

No one will tell me anything.
His name is Josh.

The police said
that he was in a bicycle accident.

If you could just tell me
what room he's in.

- Are you family?
- He's my fiancé.

If you're like me,
you spend a lot of time

in the sand and surf
and that can dry out your lips.

So whether it's the North Shore
or city breaks,

I never hit the waves
without my Surf Kiss Lip Gloss.

It gives my lips that surf-kissed,
want-to-be-kissed look.

Take it from four-time
world champion, Kono Kalakaua.

Don't forget your Surf Kiss.


- I was enjoying that.
- I'm glad you were enjoying it,

because that's probably
the closest you will ever be

to a pretty woman
for the rest of your life.

Heh. You underestimate
my resources, detective.

You'd be surprised
what a man can do

with the right friends
in the right places.

Well, that's why we're here,
to talk about one of those friends.

Specifically the man
who ordered you to kill my father.

Maybe I came up with that on my own.

Maybe I wanted to bury your father
just because I could.

Right. Yeah, you see,
I know you loved your brother,

but I also know that you didn't
come up with that all by yourself.

You got entry into this country.

You got our comm links,
you got my extraction route.

That came with a price and that was
my father's murder, right?

Gentlemen, I'm afraid
I won't answer any questions

- until I've retained counsel.
- Oh.

You won't answer the questions.
Look, I personally love it

when a guy with a foreign accent
tells me to beat it.

It just sounds so much nicer,
you know?

- Let's go, let's go.
- You know? No, wait. Whoa, whoa.

- What does this do?
- Ah! Ungh! You can't do that.

- You can't do that. He's right.
- No, no.

No, you see, I can do that. Right?

Because Bono here is not
a U.S. citizen.

That means he is not subject
to our constitutional protections.

Listen, you're incorrect. Okay?
He's been arrested on U.S. soil.

He's allowed those rights.
You know that, right?

He doesn't know that. Lock the door.

- Lock the door? What?
- Never mind.

Hey! Shh! Shh!

- What the hell is going on in here?
- Hey, don't be rude.

We're obviously having
a conversation here. Leave.

Hold this pillow, would you?
Do me a favor.

While you're out there,

call the coroner,
tell him to get a table ready.

- Okay?
- No, stop, stop.

What kind of cop are you?

The kind of cop that gets things done.
Excuse me. Hey. Shh-shh.

Hey, look at me. Right here.
Look at me, right here.

That's enough. Enough, enough.

- Enough?
- Enough, yeah.

It's not enough.
You told me this man is a terrorist.

9/11, I was there.
I was in New York City, okay?

So this guy gets no mercy
from me, okay?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I didn't ask you the question this time.

My bad.

- Whoa, whoa. Hey?
- What?

Don't unlock the door.
Do not unlock that door.

If you don't like what I'm doing,
you can wait in the toilet, okay?

This man, he tried to execute
your father yesterday.

All right? And I don't think he's gonna
talk without a little friendly persuasion.

Hey! Give us a minute, please!



- Do whatever you gotta do.
- Thank you.

- Wait. Wait.
- Wait?

- I'll tell you what you want to know.
- Who told you about my op?

If I tell you,
you're gonna wish I hadn't.

Yeah? I'll take that chance.
Who told you about my op?

Good. You're up.

Let's begin.

You're never gonna break me.

Behavioral engineering works, Steve.

You know that.

It just takes time.

Now, tell me, where's my father?

I don't know.

You expect me to believe that?


But it's the truth.

Well, where's my office gonna be?

Say something stupid again
and I'll shoot you.

Ooh, Spicy-- Sorry.

Oh, we meet again so soon, huh?

Why's he up there?

We believe that Wo Fat
abducted McGarrett this morning.

Oh, and you think
I know where he is?

No, you're too low on the food chain
to be on his radar.

- Kick a man when he's down, huh?
- All right, cut it out.

Think. Think hard. Associates.

Anyone with the resources who would
be able to help Wo Fat pull this off.

- Hey. What's going on?
- Do you know Anthony Shu?


Are you sure?
He's supposedly an investor

in one of your father's companies.

Kono, I don't know the name
of every one of our investors.

What does this have
to do with anything?

We think Wo Fat abducted
McGarrett this morning.

Sang Min says he uses
the alias Anthony Shu

to do business in the United States.

Okay, um, I'll go to the office,
get everything I can.

Okay. Thanks.

This can end if you just tell me
what I want to know.

If you're gonna kill me, just do it.

Steve, if I wanted to kill you,
I would have done it long ago.

Think about it.



You wanna know
where your father is, yeah?

Ask Doris.

I know about her trips to Colorado
to come see you.

You should have asked her
when you had the chance.

I asked our mother.

She said she didn't know.

What did you say?

You just said "our mother."
What do you mean by "our mother"?

She's not your mother.

I ran the DNA, okay? I ran the DNA.

She's not your mother, all right?!

What are you giving me?
Oh... What...?

What are you giving me?

Something to help you tell the truth.

Authorities have identified
the victim as Doris McGarrett,

a local schoolteacher
and also the wife

to Honolulu Police Sergeant
John McGarrett.

Now Mrs. McGarrett leaves behind
two young children.

H.P.D. officials say they will be
investigating this tragic incident,

which has left one Aina Haina family
in mourning.

No, no, no. No.

Yeah, copy that. Thank you.

Okay, so my sources never heard
of a Wo Fat.

Okay, all right, I mean, I just...

You know, who would make up
a name like Wo Fat?

Well, I mean,
you put two holes in the man.

He would've said anything
to get you to stop, right?

Look, um, I'm pretty sure
that your Navy buddies,

they're up to speed on everything,
but if it happens here on this island,

there's one man to talk to.

This better be good.
You're interrupting my lunch.

Well, I'm sure all the other inmates
are happy about that.

What are you intimating?

By missing a meal,
everyone in this place will eat?

And if I don't, they starve?

- Sure. Lighten up, would you?
- Why don't you shut up?


And who are you? Strippergram?

Lieutenant Commander
Steve McGarrett.

And what do you want, commander?

Detective Williams
here told me you might

know where we can find
a man named Wo Fat.

Try hell.

- Yeah? Any stops along the way?
- What's in it for me?

What do you want?

Fresh shrimp. Twice a week.

I'm tired of the SPAM.


- There you go.
- Done.

Now tell us where to find him.

My father. Where is he?

I already told you, I don't know that.

Very well.

No, no, no. Argh!

I can't tell you what...

What I don't know.
What I don't know.

Why try to kill my father?

What'd he ever do to you?!

What'd he ever do to you?

- Commander?
- Hey.

Look, I know you know
that this is Hawaii,

but we usually don't wear uniforms
unless we're going to a ceremony.

- See?
- I'm, uh, heading out.

Well, that's too bad, you know?

Because I was thinking
about what we did.

I thought maybe you'd be interested
in a career in law enforcement.

- What do you say?
- A career in law enforcement?

- That's right, yeah.
- Um...

I don't know.
Maybe, maybe someday.

All right, you think about it.
You ever get homesick,

I'll put in a word with Captain Kelly

and maybe put you to work.
What do you think?

Tell you what. I could get used
to be being chauffeured

- around all day, that's for sure.
- That's right.

- See you around, Danny.
- Hey, Danno.

- Call me Danno. All my friends do.
- All right, Danno.

Safe flight, buddy. Okay?

- All right.
- All right, take care.

Navy's taught you well.

You son of...

I'm gonna kill you.

And then I'm gonna find your father.

I'm gonna kill him just for having you.

Then you're going to have
to kill your mother too.

What are you talking about?

Your mother is more responsible
for who I am today.

Stop talking in circles!

You know nothing
about the real Doris McGarrett.

Do you?

I know

that she was assigned
to kill your father.

But instead your mother died
in that op.


And she never forgave herself
for murdering an innocent woman

who had just become a new mother.

That pain and anguish

caused her to do something
quite remarkable.

She took in that child

and raised it as her own
for several years.

Until her superiors discovered this

and forced her...

They forced her
to abandon that child.

That was you.

You see?

Doris McGarrett

was my mother too.

If Doris knew where my father was,
she would've told me.

But with your persistence,
I can't help but believe

you know where
your government is holding him.

I don't.

That may be true.

But I need to be convinced.

I'm telling you the truth.

I don't know where your father is.

Hey, guys.
I think I may know where Wo Fat is.


Well, a few years ago, Anthony Shu
used an umbrella company

to purchase a chain of dry cleaners
from one of our subsidiaries.

Well, they all closed down,
except for one on Makaloa.

It's a 12,000-square-foot facility.

- Hey.
- Hey, you can't be back here.

Okay, it's fine.
Everything's fine. Everything...

Come on.

You're not going to kill me. Are you?


You're not my brother.

I miss this view.


I'm glad you're home, son.

Me too, Dad.


- Steve, you all right?
- I'm all right.

You're all right. You're all right.
Come on.

You all right? Huh? You all right?

Yeah. Hey, where's my father?

Where's my father?
I wanna see my dad.

- I wanna see my dad.
- All right.


Buddy, your dad died
four years ago, okay?

- You all right?
- Yeah, yeah.

- You're all right. You're all right.
- I'm good.

- Let's go.
- All right?

- Yeah, let's go.
- Let's get out of here.

- All right?
- Yeah.

Wait, wait.

Let's go.

Come on, man.