Hawaii Five-0 (2010–…): Season 5, Episode 1 - A'ohe Kahi e Pe'e Ai - full transcript

Five-0 must find out who has hijacked a drone and used it to attack civilians and why.

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So, uh, we have, uh, been together
for three years.


See, this is, uh, specifically
what I am talking about.

I'm just correcting you.

Okay. Uh, four years.

It was three years, eleven months,
two days, exactly.

You done?

Detective Williams
asked you a question.


He asked if you were going
to allow him to finish his thought.

I'm-- I'm sorry,
whose side are you on?

I don't take sides, commander.

I'm an objective observer.

As you know, the governor asked me

to oversee the annual
psychological audit of personnel,

and I was concerned by what
Detective Williams had to say.

- Thank you.
- Okay. Yeah, fine.

So we, uh, don't--
We don't agree on a few things.

But I don't see why
that's such a big deal.

I'm gonna go ahead and stop you.

A few things?
We don't agree on anything.

Okay, name one.

Okay. Um, I never get
to drive my own automobile.

And I don't understand
why you're angry about that.

I mean, I'd think you'd be grateful
for being driven around.

Who am I? Ms. Daisy?

- Sometimes I like to drive my own car.
- Sometimes you do drive.

Are you saying that with a straight face

in front of this woman?

Do you never drive your car?
I don't always drive your car.

I get to drive my car
when you're not in it.

When I'm alone,
I get to drive my own car. Yeah.

That's sometimes.
Okay, you know what?

Fine. You wanna know why you spend
so much time in the passenger seat?

- Wanna know?
- This should be fanta-- Yes.

- I get carsick if I don't drive.
- Ha, ha.

And he laughs. And he laughs.
First time I've told him that.

Because it's ridiculous, okay?
He's a control freak.

He's a gigantic control freak.

It has nothing to do with motion,
trust me, please.

- Detective Williams.
- Yeah?

Commander McGarrett is sharing
something very personal with you.

Perhaps you could show him
a little respect.

- But he's lying.
- I'm not lying.

He's a Navy SEAL.

- What has that got to do with it?
- Okay, okay.

- What has it got to do with it?
- Please stop.

I don't really wanna be here,

I'm sure he doesn't either.
If you're not gonna be honest,

- I'm gonna leave.
- I'm being honest.

- Gentlemen.
- Yes?

This is a mandated review.
So let's continue, shall we?

- Fine with me.
- Yeah. It's good.

- Why don't we shift gears a bit?
- All right.

Describe how you two first met.

- Hands up!
- Who are you?

Who are you?
I am Detective Danny Williams.

Lieutenant Commander McGarrett.

- This is my father's house.
- Put your weapon down.

You put your weapon down
and show me your ID.

- You show me your ID.
- I'm not putting my gun down.

Neither am I.

Four years ago,

Governor Jameson asked me
to start a, uh, major-crimes task force.

And Danno--

I'm gonna stop--
See, he knows that I don't like that.

You're right. Excuse me. Sir Daniel.

This... is going right off the rails.
This right here--

Come on. I'm teasing, all right?

Right after I started the task force,
Detective Williams was my first hire.

You got no choice, detective.

Governor gave me jurisdiction
on making you my partner.

We're gonna get along great.

Right. I personally
wouldn't call it, um, a hire.

It was more like a kidnapping.

A ransom. It was the kind of thing--
I didn't have a choice.

I liked his sense of humor,
you know, his personality.

You're right. I don't like you.

When you're getting shot at,

it is nice to reflect
on what a nutjob this guy is.

Tell me about the others.

Well, after Danny signed on,

- we recruited Chin Ho Kelly.
- I can't be a cop anymore.

I'm the last person the department
wants to see wearing a badge.

He was fired from the H.P.D.
at the time.

That's right.
But we straightened that out.

Yeah, and then, uh, Kono Kalakaua--
That's Chin's cousin. --she was next.

I'm told she wasn't even
a police officer at the time.

Your cousin tells us you're graduating
from the police academy next week.

How'd you like to earn extra credit?

Yeah, she was a few weeks away
from graduating from the academy.

But, uh, we needed a female, you see,
and she fit the bill.

And just recently, we recruited
a former H.P.D. SWAT commander

named Lou Grover from Chicago.

We want you to join Five-0.

So five people
make up the Five-0 task force?

Yeah, but we're, uh, more
than a task force, you see.

We're 'ohana.

Why the look, Detective Williams?

Oh, no look. Um...

I guess I was just, uh,
agreeing with him for the first time.

I think we're good.

You're doing great, honey.
Keep going.

- Keep going.
- I can't.

Come on, just a few more steps.
The view, it's fantastic.

Hey, now.
You haven't turned around once.

What can I say?
I've got the best scenery right here.

Well, this scenery is gonna need
an afternoon at the spa after this.

Deal. Now hustle. We're almost there.
You're gonna love what you see.

- Race you?
- You're on.

What is that?

Think you're gonna get
a few of those waves next time?

- Aren't you gonna rinse off?
- I'd rather watch you.

Get over here.

You take such good care of me.

Have you thought any more
about what we talked about?


- Sorry.
- Hey, it's okay.

- You gotta take it, right?
- Yeah.



Yeah, I got it. I'm on my way.

- Adam...
- Hey.

Don't ever apologize
for doing your job, okay?

Go. I'll take the boards home, okay?

- Okay.
- All right.

I'll see you later.

I'm heading to a crime scene.
Diamond Head Trail.

In case you lose me.

Here you go.

What do we got, Lou?

Two dead, name of Todd Sands
and Tracy Powell.

Both schoolteachers on the mainland.
I found this on the male vic.

Apparently, he was looking for
a romantic spot to pop the question.

- Any witnesses?
- Just the birds.

These are 7.62 rounds.

This is military-issue.

Mahalo, Commander McGarrett.
You saved me a trip to Ballistics.

You're welcome, Max.
What do we got on the victims?

They appear to have been shot
in close proximity.

- How close?
- Dr. Shaw, care to opine?

Well, based on several identifiers,

including multiple

I'd estimate ten to 15 feet,

with a trajectory
of approximately 45 degrees.

- All right, who's your friend, Max?
- This is Dr. Shaw.

She's a recent graduate
of Johns Hopkins University.

I will be mentoring her
in the medical arts.

Oh. Well, lucky you.

- You must be Detective Williams.
- Yeah.

I have given her the full heads-up.

- You gave her the heads-up on what?
- It's all true.

- Heh.
- I'm Steve McGarrett.

- Welcome aboard, Dr. Shaw.
- Nice to be aboard.

Okay, I don't get it.

So if they were attacked
at close range,

what are we looking at here?

Very fit mugger
with a serious automatic weapon?

That'd be a sound theory
except for I found both wallets,

rental-car keys and jewelry
in their backpacks.

Maybe it was personal.

Perp knew they were climbing,
was waiting for them at the top.

What do you got there, Danny?

Think we found our shooter.

You ever see anything
like that before?

It's a UCAV. A combat drone.

So, what are you saying?
A machine did this?

Not on its own.

Someone somewhere
pulled the trigger.

- What are you guys doing here?
- You first.

I'm on surveillance.
How'd you find me?

Your mother's car
has an antitheft device.

Technology's not my friend.

Well, get in
before you blow my cover.

No, no. Wait. I got it.

That's very 1988.

Okay, Jerry,
I know I'm gonna regret asking this,

but what is it
that you are surveilling?

What you two
should be keeping an eye on.

Ah. Good point. Girls in spandex.

Next door over. Vintage books.

What about it?

Two weeks ago, the owner came back
from a trip to Düsseldorf,

where he purchased
the entire inventory of a library

that was closing down.

Get out of here.
Well, let's go arrest this guy.

- What are we doing?
- Not so fast, McGruff.

He hasn't committed a crime yet,
but he's gonna, trust me.

Okay, how do you know that?

That library in Düsseldorf
was ancient.

And the books inside it were period.

The paper in those books,
75 percent cotton,

25 percent ultrafine linen.
You know what that means?

I do. It makes
for good counterfeiting stock.

You are going
to the head of the class.

Just because he bought the books,
doesn't mean

he's gonna recycle the paper
and start printing bills.

- What else is he gonna do with them?
- I don't know.

Maybe the vintage bookshop owner
is gonna sell them.

No one reads hard-copy books

Even I know that.

You might be onto something here,
okay, but you can't be doing this.

- You're a civilian.
- I'm a seeker of truth.

You are also a conspiracy theorist
who still lives with his mother

and has yet to file a tax return.

Listen to me. Call the H.P.D.
They can handle this.

I did call the H.P.D.

They treated me
like I was some sort of nutjob.

That's, heh, shocking.

Jerry, I'll help you dig into this,
I promise, all right?

But we need your help.
Take a look at this.

Ooh. Not here. We're too exposed.

What is that?

- Where was this taken?
- Here on Oahu.

This thing was used
in an attack this morning

that left two people dead.

I've seen drones before,
but I've never seen anything like that.

I reached out
to my military contacts,

but they wouldn't disclose much,
due to operational security.

So I figured maybe you could help.

Okay, I'm pretty sure
what we're looking at

is a prototype
domestic surveillance drone.

Minus the evil aftermarket
weaponized payload, of course.

The government has been denying
use of domestic drones

for a very long time.

That's why you hit a brick wall
with the military.

Think they're gonna admit
to violating your right to privacy?

Better chance of getting
a backstage pass at Area 51.

Okay, what about a manufacturer?
Any ideas?

I seem to recall some chatter
about a drone coming out

of a super-secret advanced
development program,

a branch of a local military contractor
named VenPax Systems.

It could be your manufacturer.

you didn't get that from me.


I'd like to help you out,
but I can neither confirm nor deny

that this particular UAV
belongs to us.

- You can't?
- No.

Okay, well,
maybe you can, uh, confirm or deny

that these people are dead.

- Did you know them?
- No.

Todd Sands and Tracy Powell.
They were here on vacation.

They got here on Monday.
They went to a luau,

and they did a tour
of Waimea Falls Park.

And now they're dead,
and I wanna know why.

Look, you have to understand

that this project
is a matter of national security,

so I can't just answer your questions

without compromising
what we're doing.

You have to understand
if you don't answer our questions,

the only thing you're gonna
be compromising is your freedom.

we're under contract by the military.

That means that we operate
under their level of security.

So threatening me isn't gonna work.

Book him, Danno.

- Whoa. Did you hear what I just said?
- Yeah, loud and clear.

Put your hands behind your back.

You're under arrest for obstruction,
withholding information

and impeding a murder investigation.

None of that's gonna stick,
and you know it.

True. But how many more
government contracts

do you think you're gonna get
after a background check

shows an arrest on your record?

- Let's go.
- Okay.


All right, this is QV-901.

It's a surveillance drone
with no other payload,

which means it flies unarmed.

Three weeks ago,
while it was on a routine test flight,

it was hijacked, never recovered.

- How do you hijack a drone?
- GPS spoofing.

Somebody jammed
VenPax's control signal to the UAV,

fed it false GPS data and made it land
wherever the hijacker wanted it.

Okay, so, what are we looking at here?
Inside job? Security breach?

We don't know yet.
Uh, VenPax gave us a list

of their current and ex-employees
that had clearance on the project.

We should run their names

against the victims',
see if we come up with a connection.

Right, and if we find one,
that might explain motive.

I'll tell you something.

Takes a special kind of brilliance

to hijack a drone,
arm it and reprogram it.

We are dealing with one very smart,
very sick son of a bitch.

Same drone that attacked our hikers
this morning.

Witnesses say that it flew in,

hovered, gathering a crowd,
and then, bang, opened fire.

Ten seconds later,
we got five dead, 19 wounded.

Chin Ho and Kono
are running IDs right now

to see if they can make any connection
between the victims of both attacks.

One of my guys got a few shots
at the drone, trying to bring it down.

Bystander caught it on video.

That's good shooting.

If he had missed,
more people would've been dead.

We can't find any correlation

between the Kuhio Beach
and the Diamond Head victims.

Which means
the targets could be random.

All right, we need to start looking
at this as an act of terrorism.

Except for the fact that no group
or individual has claimed responsibility.

- Maybe they're not done yet.
- Good. I'm glad you're all here.

I got some more intel
on that drone you're looking for.

But first a disclaimer.

Whatever I share with you today

is in no way connected to me,
my family or anyone I know.

I'm strictly here on a tour of the palace,
nothing more.

Any attempt to associate me
with the information I'm about to share

will be vehemently denied by myself
and the attorney I will retain.

Are we understood?

Do we--?
Should we sign something, everybody?

Or is "Get on with it--?"
Will that suffice, Jerry?

You're so naive
about how this world really works.

We get it. Get on with it.
What do you got?

As far as drones go,
they may be state-of-the-art,

but the technology
is still incredibly immature.

They are severely limited
by a whole heap of engineering issues,

such as an unprotected
frequency band.

There's just not enough spectrum
to go around.


What does that mean
in the language the rest of us speak?

It means that you can buy
all the equipment you need

to hijack a drone
at your local hardware store.

You can? Oh, good.
Well, then, um, go ahead.

That should cover it. Go ahead.

Okay, not so fast, Donald Trump.
I can jack this thing from your shooter.

The problem is, you gotta be
within 200 yards from the drone

to tap into the frequency.

Okay, so, what you're saying
is there's nothing we can do

until it attacks again.

We have to be there
when it attacks again.

Sarge, some guy just called

claiming he's responsible
for the drone attacks.

How do we know it's real?

He knew details
we haven't released to the public.

Said he's gonna call back
in ten minutes

and wants to speak to someone
in charge.

Patch him through to McGarrett.

- Chin, run a trace.
- We're on it.

- Almost there.
- Come on, Chin.

- Come on. Come on, Chin. Come on.
- Almost there, almost there.

All right, go.

This is Steve McGarrett.
Who am I talking to?

You're going to have
to do much better than that, Steve.

Oh, you think this is funny?

Seven people are dead,
and there's a lot more in the hospital.

On the contrary,
I think it's a tragedy.

But it's nothing compared
to the hundreds killed

by your drone attacks
in the Middle East.

You're comparing sworn enemies of
the United States to innocent civilians.

There were plenty of innocents killed
in those attacks too, McGarrett.

You of all people should know that.

So that's what this is about for you?
Revenge? ls that right?

- Justice.
- Justice?

You want our government to apologize
for keeping us safe?

No. We are way past apologies.

America needs to be reminded
what it's like to be terrorized.

To be afraid to step outside.

So you're saying this isn't over?

- Not by a long shot.
- Okay, hold on.

- Just hold on a second. Wait.
- Expect more blood in two hours.

- Tell me you got that.
- No. He must have bounced that call

off a dozen different relay stations
and satellites.

Lou, call the H.P.D.
Tell them the island is under siege.

We need to get everybody
off the streets right now.

The governor is asking everyone

to remain indoors away from windows,

and do not venture outside
until further notice.

Let's go through what we know
right now.

A weaponized drone opened attack
in Waikiki...

Let's go, let's go, everyone.

Let's go. We gotta get indoors.

Keep your keikis close.
Everyone get indoors.

Let's go, let's go, everyone.
Keep your keikis close.

Danno, what's going on?

Doesn't matter
what's going on, all right?

Go inside, listen to your coaches,
do as they say,

and I will call you as soon as I can,
all right?

- All right. I love you.
- Love you too.

Off the beach. We need
everyone off the beach right now.

Governor has declared an evacuation.
We need everyone inside.

Guys, check this out.

I broke down the drone pilot's call
with a wave modulator,

and I unscrambled his voice.

America needs to be reminded

what it's like to be terrorized.

To be afraid to step outside.

Our mystery voice belongs
to a Jonathan Redmond,

an ex-VenPax employee.

He was fired three years ago
for stealing company hardware.

VenPax had his voice print on file

after Redmond made numerous
harassing phone calls.

All right,
did VenPax ever press charges?

They were worried that the company
secrets would get out during a trial.

No wonder
they didn't mention Redmond to us.

A cancer like that
could kill a billion-dollar contract.

But lucky for us,
Redmond continued his thieving ways

and was arrested by H.P.D.
two years ago for several burglaries.

He served 18 months,
then was paroled a few weeks ago.

All right, where do we find this punk?


- Clear.
- Clear.

Maybe he's operating it
from a remote location.

Call Chin, have him run background
on Redmond's family, friends,

anybody who might know
where he is.

- Kono.
- Hey. You find Redmond?

No, he's keeping a low profile.

Okay. Well, I ran his financials.

I found four wire transfers
totaling $500,000

deposited to an offshore account.

Who sent the money?

I traced it back to
a textile company here in town.

The CIA thinks it's a front
for the SRS.

SRS is an international
terrorist group

made of the best former
Soviet Union intelligence agents.

Redmond told us he's on a rampage
for revenge and ideological reasons,

but this half a million bucks makes
me think that's just to throw us off.

Maybe this is really about money.

All right, so if these SRS guys
are paying Redmond

to terrorize the island,
the question is, why?

I mean, it makes no sense, right?
I mean, if they wanted to hit us bad,

they'd have far more impact
on the mainland.

I don't think we're looking
at the whole picture.

It's about something bigger.

I dug a little deeper,
and I found more wire transfers

to a systems analyst
named Lawrence Turner.

Up until a month ago,

Turner was working
for a local military contractor.

The CIA discovered
he'd been using his security clearance

to download thousands
of classified documents.

He started selling them,
piece by piece.

Let me guess.
They were bought and paid for

by the same textile company
that slid Redmond the 500 racks.

- Exactly.
- Where's Turner now?

That's what the CIA wants to know.

When they went to arrest him
last month, he disappeared.

CIA thinks
that Turner's still on the island.

They have their eyes on ports
and airstrips.

They've been monitoring the chatter
since he fell off the radar.

They think he's never left.

Whoa, Sarah Connor,
I come in peace.

Jerry, what the hell is that?

It's how we're gonna stop
our shooter.

Oh, easy, boy.

Check it out. This thing creates
an electromagnetic field,

which will disrupt our pilot's signal.

All you gotta do
is get me close to the drone.

- This puppy will do the rest.
- That's all.

Okay. How we gonna do that?

- We give our shooter a little bait.
- Bait?

Like, uh...?

Oh, we're the, uh-- The bait?

- Where are you guys?
- Kalakaua and Saratoga.

Just keep circling the block.

If our guy bites,
we're two minutes away.

So stupid. This is so stupid.

- Okay? It's stupid.
- What?

What, what? I'm chum, okay?

My life has been reduced
to a piece of chum.

- Thank you.
- It's a solid plan.

It's a solid plan?

Now it's--?
It's a solid plan hatched by a guy

who believes that aliens
are living amongst us.

You got a better plan?
I'd like to hear it.

- What, right this second?
- No, next week.

After we've enjoyed
the traffic-free roads

and the no wait for a table
at BLT next week.

Hey, I don't need
the sarcasm, okay?

I'm already risking my life.
I don't need the added sarcasm.

Okay, you don't like it,
you can get out and walk.

- What is this, high school?
- No, look.


Sir. Wake up. Get up. Wake up.
We gotta get you inside, okay?

- You gotta get indoors, all right? Go.
- Steve!

Get down!

Hey, hey.
We're taking fire on Koa and Ocean.

Hang on.

- Steve, you all right?
- Take cover. Go. Take cover.

Get up, come on.
That thing's coming back.

We gotta get out of here. Come on.

- I can't drive, Danny.
- Oh, really?

There's a silver lining
in the face of death. Fantastic.

- My leg will heal. Don't get used to it.
- Come on. Let's go.

Come on.

Faster, Danny. Come on.

- It's going-- This is as fast as it goes.
- You're not even redlining, okay?

Shut up, okay?
I don't know what's worse,

your driving or your backseat driving.
Zip it.

Kono, go ahead. We're a little busy.

Guys, air traffic control is reporting
a small aircraft on approach.

No, no, no.
I thought we shut down the airport.

We did. But this thing isn't landing
at the airport.

It's headed for town.

Wait, we got this all wrong.
This is an aircraft extraction.

The drone attack
was just a diversion.

Right, they paid Redmond to clear
the streets so they could land a plane

and pick up Lawrence Turner.

If he gets on that plane,
he'll compromise national security.

- Steve.
- I see it.

Lou, where are you?

Right behind you.

All right, come on, Jerry.
It's your turn.

- This thing is gonna work, isn't it?
- Theoretically.

No, no, no.
Wrong answer, Jerry. Wrong answer.

Okay, okay. It's gonna work. I think.

I got a lock on its signal.

- She's mine.
- You got it.

All right!

One nasty killing machine
down for the count.

Nice one.

Go, go. Stop that plane. I got this.

Check the transmission log.

It'll tell us
where the pilot's operating from.

- Copy, copy.
- One will suffice.


Okay, got it.

The operator's GPS coordinates are

north 21.288824,

west 157.852.

Steve, the plane's starting to move.

It's taking off.

No way we're gonna stop that now.

Relax, partners. I got this.

- Jerry, what are you doing?
- Feeling the force.

Just like Skywalker
on the trench run.

Hang on.


Son of a bitch. He really did it.

We got movement.

I got Turner.

On your knees!

Get your hands on your head!

Seven people are dead,
even more injured.

For what? A payday?

Isn't that why we get up
in the morning?

That's what I get up for.

And this.


It's over.

Lawrence Turner,

you're under arrest
for espionage.

You ought to look into whether they
got some kind of a loyalty program.

Like they'll give you a card,
and every fifth bullet extraction is free.

Well, I'm certain such a program
doesn't exist, captain.

I believe he was joking, Max.

Ah. I can see how that was an attempt
at humor.

Oh, keep it up, wise guy.
You might see an attempted murder.

Lou, he wasn't being rude.
He's just Max. And you'll learn that.

That reminds me, Max.
It's been killing me all day.

What did you tell your new protégé
about me?

- I beg your pardon?
- You said you gave her a heads-up.

Heads-up about what?
What did you say?

Oh, yes. I just explained to Dr. Shaw

that Commander McGarrett
is the leader of Five-0

and that you're his deeply cynical,
misanthropic, short-tempered partner.


I think I see
what you mean about him.

Now, Dr. Shaw agreed
with my assessment.

she did think you were cute.

- Hey.
- Aha.

Well, she's got a point, right?
I can live with that.


Brother, I thought you were shot.

- I was. In my thigh.
- Thigh? That don't count.

- For you? No, for you, it would not.
- Thought you was down for the count.

I brought you some garlic shrimp
and some balloons.

I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Maybe next time,
they can hit a vital organ.

We be back.

Your chariot awaits, brave warrior.

- All right.
- Thanks, Jerry.

- All right. I'll see youse.
- Hey, thanks.

- Yup.
- You're not coming?

No, no, no,
I'm gonna take, uh, this opportunity

to have a nice drive
in my car in private.

I thought your car was shot up.

Yeah, I'm gonna take the long way
to the body shop.

See you guys.

Hey, commander,
you wanna make a stop?

You can help me out
with my surveillance.

Wow, that's, uh... That's tempting,
Jerry, but you know what?

I think I'd like to go home.

I've had enough excitement
for one day. Okay?

No, I got it.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Now, where were we?

Adam, there is nothing I'd like more
than to be your wife.

So, what's stopping you?

It's just everything
that we've been through.

I just wanna know
that we're gonna be safe.

I can't go through that again.

Thinking I'm gonna lose you.


Hey. You're not gonna lose me.

I promise.

You promise?

I promise.

When I heard you were coming
to see me, I asked myself why.

And then I realized

it's the two-year anniversary
of my sister's murder,

which means you must be here
to apologize for letting it happen.

You remember the 25 million
in an offshore account

you tried to bribe me with?

Internal Affairs has been watching me
ever since you were arrested.

They think I have that money.

It's not my problem.

I want you to sign an affidavit saying
that the money never changed hands.

Why would I do that?

Because maybe for once
in your miserable life,

you wanna do something decent.

Let me think about it.

I'll get back to you.

Thank you, sir.

Who is he?

That's what we have to find out.

Because if he knows,
we're gonna have to deal with that.



I believe Grace isn't due back
from school for another half hour.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop.

What are you doing in my house?
Who are you?

I'm Marco Reyes.


That supposed
to mean something to me?

Your brother never mentioned me
to you?

My brother? No. No, he didn't.

Well, I'm hurt.
Matt and I were so close.

What is it that I can do for you?

Your brother took something
from me,

and you're gonna help me
get it back.