Hawaii Five-0 (2010–…): Season 10, Episode 21 - A 'ohe ia e loa'a aku, he ulua kapapa no ka moana - full transcript

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- Previously on Hawaii Five-O...
- This is McGarrett.

My name is Michael Claypool,
and at my client's instruction,

I've been tasked

with hand-delivering a package to you.

I'm sorry, who's your client?

Doris McGarrett.

Upon her death, I was to
wait a period of four months

before contacting you.

This package... What is this package?

I'm sorry, I don't know.

I'm just following the
instructions I was given.

(phone beeps off)


- _
- (doorbell rings)

- Mr. McGarrett?
- Yeah.

Michael Claypool.

My apologies for being a little early.

My flight landed ahead of schedule.

No, no, no problem.
Please, uh, come on in.

And, uh, make yourself at home.

Thank you. I-I mean, I-I got to
say, it hardly seems necessary,

coming all the way from London for this.

Well, your mother's
instructions were very clear.

Following her death, I
was to wait four months

and then hand-deliver
this package to you.

- _
- Uh, I'm sorry. This letter?

This is what you came
all this way to give me?

That was the job I was hired to do.

Now, I'm sure you have a
very busy day ahead of you.

- Good day.
- Yeah. Thank you, yes. Okay.

Good day to you, too.

And, um, hey, listen.
Safe trip home, okay?

- Thank you.
- All right.

- (lock clicking)
- _


Whatever you do, don't hurt my son.

Hey, uh, do me a favor, yeah?

Show me how to turn on your TV?

You got a first aid kit?

- Yeah, in the bathroom.
- Get it. You're gonna stitch me up.

ANCHOR: bring you this
breaking news report.

ANCHOR 2: Police are searching

for two suspects in connection

to a deadly robbery
at Oahu National Bank

in Waipahu this morning
that left one officer dead.

First aid kit.


(knocking on door)

(gun clicks)

Get rid of them.

COLE: Hey.

You, uh,

you left this behind at the diner.

Figured Manu might be worried.

Oh, thank you.

You okay?

Yeah, of course.

I'm fine.

Sorry, I got to get back to my son.

Of course.

LESTER: I think busboy's
got a thing for you.




(gunshots stop)

(footsteps approaching)

(door slides open)

Hey. Hey, hey.

It's okay.

You're safe. Come on.

Come on, baby. Thank you.

Thank you.

You guys okay?

Uh-huh. Yeah.

What-what happened to the other guy?

He got away.

I'm gonna call the police.

And you need an ambulance.

Come on.

MANU: Mommy?

Uh, yeah, baby?


He's gone.

DISPATCH: 911. What's your emergency?

(Hawaii Five-O theme song playing)


(car door closes)

Love you, Pops.

- Hey.
- Hey.

What's happening?

How'd you find me?

I'm a cop.

Well, uh, I pinged your phone,

which, if you checked
every once in a while,

you'd know that people
are looking for you.

We got, we got something.

We always got a case.

You all right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

Yeah, yeah. Oh... You know,

I, uh,

got a visit from that, uh, lawyer
from England this morning.

- What is this?
- STEVE: It's a cipher.

Why would your mother
leave you a coded message?

I don't know.

To be honest with you, uh,
I don't think I-I really care.

I mean,

everything I went
through with that woman,

all the lies, all the years of thinking

she was dead, and I just, I want
to be done with it, you know?

I just...

The last thing I need in my life
right now is another mystery.

- You know?
- Pretty sure I know you.

You're not gonna... be able
to leave it alone, right?

What do you think?

Well, let me ask you something else.

Um, why today? Why'd
you come here today?

I woke up thinking about Dad.

I've been thinking about
him a lot lately, I guess.

I mean, it's coming up on
ten years since he died, so...

It's been ten years?

Crazy, huh?

So much has changed
since he's been gone.

Especially recently,
losing Joe and-and Mom.

Yeah, it's, um, it's been a tough year.

Maybe I'm just feeling
a little lost right now.

That's all right.

Look, why don't, why don't you, um,

take the day, relax,
do what you got to do?

I'll go over to the crime scene
by myself. What do you say?

No, let's go.

I'll drive.

(siren wails)

- Hey.
- Hi.

What do we, uh, what do we got here?

QUINN: I assume you
heard about the robbery

in Oahu National in
Waipahu this morning.

Two armed suspects escaped

after they exchanged gunfire
with HPD. One officer was killed.

HPD canvassed the area,
they didn't find anything.

Then, a little over an hour ago,

they get a phone call from the woman

who lives in this building, Sylvia Yang.

I'm assuming she wasn't just
calling with information.

No, she wasn't.

- Is this one of the cop killers?
- Yeah.

How'd he end up here?

Apparently, after the robbery,

the perps approached Sylvia
and her son at a diner

and at gunpoint, forced Sylvia

to take them back to her apartment.

QUINN: Once inside, they ordered Sylvia

to patch up a GSW

one of them sustained
during the bank robbery.

But she never got the chance to do that.

- Why is that?
- TANI: Well, according to Sylvia,

at the diner, her and her son
met a very friendly busboy.

Now Sylvia's back here,

she's being held at
gunpoint in her own place,

there's a very well-timed
knock at the door. Guess who.

- The busboy.
- Yes.

Ten points. Sylvia said
the busboy threw down,

killed one of the robbers,
chased the other one out.

All right, so the
busboy did all of this?

Yeah. And he probably
saved both of their lives.

- All right, where is he now?
- QUINN: Well, that's the thing.

He didn't stick around to give
a statement or to get treatment

for the bullet to the
shoulder that he took.

- That's all very weird.
- Yes, and it gets weirder.

HPD spoke to the manager
of the busboy at the diner.

He said that our Good Samaritan's name

is Michael Ellington,

but we ran his name and his social

and it comes back to a guy from Missouri

- that died three years ago.
- STEVE: So, our Good Samaritan

is actually living and working
under an assumed identity.

I'm thinking he hasn't
always been a Good Samaritan.

Right, well, I guess
that would explain why

he didn't want to stick
around and talk to the cops.

All right, looks like
our surviving bank robber

isn't the only fugitive we need to find.

- _
- CUNHA: So, I've got prints and DNA

In the works, but no ID yet.

His injuries do tell
quite the story, though.

Aside from the GSW,

he has a crushed trachea, a broken neck

and, based on the severity
of these fractures,

a notable amount of force was applied.

Your Good Samaritan
didn't just kill this man

with his bare hands,

he did so with remarkable efficiency.

Oh, looks like our busboy's
had some kind of training.

(shouting in distance)

HECTOR: I swear!

- Move your fat ass!
- Hey, hey!

Five-O. We got a problem here?

Commander, I told these
men they had to leave,

- but they won't listen.
- He's the one who won't listen.

I have every right to be here.

It's fine. Why? Why do you
have a right to be here?

My brother.

I need to ID his body.

Who's your brother?

I'm very sorry for your loss,

Mr. Acosta.

But I just got to say, you know,

we never actually ID'd your brother,

so there's no way you
could have been notified.

How'd you know to come here?

Or maybe his partner

from the bank robbery
told you what went down.

I mean, if that's the case,

you know that that gunshot
isn't what killed him.

- Hey, shut your mouth.
- Shut up.

You know what I think?

You heard exactly what
happened, and now you want blood.


But that's not gonna happen,

because we're gonna find out
who did this to your brother,

and then we're gonna have
the system take care of it.

I guess we'll just have to
see how that works out for you.


I don't know. Something tells
me that he's, um,

probably not gonna, uh, let this go.

- You think?
- Mmm.






TANI: We've been looking into

our Good Samaritan.
No hits on facial rec.

HPD sent a unit over to the address

listed on his pay
stub. It's a vacant lot.

So this guy's working really
hard to stay off the radar.

Meanwhile, we know
we're not the only ones

who are searching for him.

You've already met Hector Acosta.

According to HPD's OC unit,

he's high up the food chain
in the local outfit

of the Surenos crime syndicate.

So, given that his brother
Marc doesn't have a record,

we're thinking that Hector
organized the robbery

at Oahu National and then enlisted Marc

and an accomplice to pull it off.

GROVER: All right. I'll take a look

into Hector's known
associates and, uh, get HPD

- to put a surveillance unit on him.
- DANNY: Good.

Hector's probably in touch
with the other bank robber,

so with any luck, we'll find him.

GROVER: Oh, come on, now, Danny.

You know there's no such thing as luck.

There's only the, uh,

guiding hand of an experienced
law enforcement professional.

We'll see what I can dig up.

Thanks, Lou.

In the meantime, we got
to stay on this, guys.

We got to find our Good Samaritan
before Hector does.

(phone ringing)

- Hey, Junior. What's up?
- JUNIOR: Yo, just a heads-up.

HPD spotted one of Acosta's
associates' vehicles

in Sylvia's neighborhood.

It's registered to one of
Hector Acosta's companies.

Safe to assume he's probably
doing the same thing we are,

looking for our Good Samaritan.

Right. But Hector doesn't
know where the guy lives.

We, however, do.

What, you got an address?

I'll do you one better.

I'm standing in his apartment right now.

All right, text me that address.
We need to search that place

top to bottom, see if
we can find anything

- that can help ID this guy.
- Will do.

But unfortunately, there's
not much to search. I mean,

the place is practically empty.

I mean, the few pieces of mail I found

were addressed to his alias.

Hold on a second.

Got you.

DNA from the toothbrush
came back to a Lincoln Cole.

Marine gunnery sergeant

with the Fleet
Anti-terrorism Security Teams.

Am I the only one who has
no idea what that means?

FAST teams are the Marines'
dedicated security forces.

They deploy them around the world

to handle threats,
primarily counter-terrorism.

GROVER: And while I respect them all

to a man, it doesn't explain
how a guy with this skill set

ends up on this island,
living under an alias

and working busing
tables at a local diner.

ADAM: Well, this might
help explain things.

Turns out, back in 2016,

Cole led a strike team on a siege

of a terrorist stronghold
in northern Iraq.

His unit took heavy
casualties, losing five men

before they managed to retreat,

- largely thanks to Cole's heroics.
- JUNIOR: He earned himself

a Purple Heart.

And then two days later, he went AWOL,

and he was never seen
or heard from again.

Till today.

QUINN: So, why would

a decorated war hero, one who
was just awarded a Purple Heart,

just suddenly up and disappear?

Whatever it is, I mean, I think
he's running from something.

My question is why-why Hawaii?

I mean, he could have gone
anywhere. Why here?

ADAM: Yeah. We thought about that, too.

Cole's originally from Atlanta, Georgia,

but he did start his military career

here on the island
with the 3rd Marine Regiment

at Kaneohe Bay.

QUINN: Makes sense
why he would pick Oahu.

He has plenty of people here

- to help him.
- STEVE: All right, fine.

Junior, uh, do me a favor.

Will you run everybody
that Cole served with

while he was at Kaneohe, and let us know

when you get something, please?

TANI: Hey, can I, uh...

- Can I talk to you for a minute?
- Sure.

What's up?

Well, um, I think you know what's up,

because I saw the way you
were looking at McGarrett.

You're worried about him, too.

So, what's going on with him?

Well, he's, um...

I don't know. I mean, you know,

he's been running nonstop

for the last ten years.

You do this job long enough, you get...

you get burnt-out.

I-I didn't think it
would happen with Steve,

but it happens.

All right, well, what
are we gonna do about it?

I'm gonna force the issue.

I've seen this before. You
know, a cop gets burnt-out,

loses reaction time.

You can't have that.

So, are you really concerned

that he's not gonna be
able to have our back

like he usually does?

I'm gonna get to the bottom of it, okay?

Sergeant Major Phillips.

I'm Commander Steve McGarrett
of the Five-O Task Force.

This is former Special Operator

Junior Reigns.

Ask you to drop that ax, sir.


Thank you.

We know who you are.

We know what you've
done for this country,

and we respect that.

If that's true,

then I suggest you turn
around and drive away.

Okay, I'm afraid we can't do that.

Lincoln Cole

is no longer under your
command, sir. He's a civilian,

which means he answers to us.

Afraid I can't help you.

Sir, we ran your phone records.

All right? This morning,

you got a phone call from a hotel room

shortly after Cole was
involved in an incident.

We found blood in that same hotel room

that was a match to Lincoln Cole.

- PHILLIPS: I think it's time you leave.
- And I think

it's time you step aside.
Go ahead, Junior.

You're making a big mistake, son.


I understand you're trying to do

what's best for Sergeant Cole.

But right now we're not the
only people looking for him,

and the safest place for
him is in our custody.

- You understand that?
- JUNIOR: Hey, boss!

- In here!
- STEVE: Excuse me.

(whispers): Go.

I got him!

(chickens cluck)

Five-O! Stop!

Hey, hey! Hey! Cole!

(both grunting)

- (two gunshots)
- Show me your hands!

Hands. Now.

Behind your back.

- (handcuffs click)
- This guy's a pain in the ass.

I know.

(lock buzzes, latch clicks)

STEVE: You know,
typically, you got to do

something pretty bad
to end up in this room.

You got to kill somebody,
or you got to rob them.

But not you.

Your thing is you commit
some crazy act of heroism,

and then you take off before
anybody can say thank you, huh?

But I think that's your MO, isn't it?

You serve valiantly in battle,
and you get a Purple Heart,

but then you go UA.

You save this woman and her kid,

then you disappear.

So, what I want to know is...

is, uh, what the hell
are you running from?

Am I being charged with something here?

You mean, aside from assaulting
a law enforcement officer?

Is that what you mean?

Look, man, you and I both
know that you did that

so you wouldn't end up in here.

And as far as killing Marc Acosta goes,

that was justifiable.

The problem is, you did kill that man,

and that has put you in the cross-hairs

of some very dangerous people.

So until that situation is defused,

you're not going anywhere.

So why don't you use
your time... in here

and explain to me what
is going on with you?

- Hey. How was it out there?
- What do you mean?

Well, with McGarrett and Cole.

From the looks of it,
things got pretty dicey.

It was nothing McGarrett
couldn't handle.

Listen, Joons, I'm-I'm
worried about him.

All I can say is the boss was
on point in the field today.

Right, but you know, he's been
through a lot this year, and...

you can't honestly tell me that
you haven't noticed a change.

Joons, I know you idolize the
guy, but he's hurting right now.


Come on. I know you guys are close.

Why don't you talk to him?

All right, Tani, listen.

McGarrett's the best soldier
I've ever worked with.

He's able to compartmentalize things,

and if he's got something to deal with,

he'll deal with it in his own way.

All right? There's
nothing to worry about.


So, Lincoln, you're gonna
help me make sense of all this?

No? Okay, no problem. Here it is.

I read up on that mission in... Kirkuk.

You, uh... you saved lives that day.

Dozens of lives, in fact,

but your unit lost five men, all right?

Now I know how that feels.

That can, uh... that can...

eat at you.

Especially when everybody around you

is calling you a hero,
planning ceremonies,

trying to pin a medal on your chest,

when all you can think about

are the boys you just lost.

But do me a favor.

Take a look at yourself right now.

I mean, you're in this dark hole,

potentially on the hook for...

half a dozen felonies,
and you're okay with that.

I think that's because
you don't mind being here

'cause you've been here
in this hole since Kirkuk.

You put yourself there.

You know, something tells me

I could say damn near
the same thing about you.

You went off grid,
you changed your name,

'cause you couldn't deal
with the... the guilt...

of getting out of there alive.

And that's why you're here
in Hawaii busing dishes,

helping out your neighbors,
fighting for justice.

'Cause you think you're
atoning, but the problem is,

you got nothing to atone for,

'cause you didn't do anything wrong.

- You just survived. That's it.
- That's where you're wrong!

Is that right? Why don't
you tell me how I'm wrong?

I'm the reason those men are dead.

(tires screeching)

- Oh, my God.
- Don't move!

Get out of the van!


You're a reporter, right?

You want to live?

Make sure this gets on the air... now!


We had captured an asset...

This Jordanian jihadist.

I conducted the interrogation myself,

milked him for Intel.

A couple hours in, he breaks.

Places a high-value commander
in a village just south of us.

So we go down there, and
we searched the village.

- No commander.
- Sounds like an ambush.

He let us capture him.

It was all prearranged.

And we fell for it.

They waited until we were
done clearing the village

for us to let our guards down
and leave ourselves exposed.

And that's when they hit us.

I lost five of my men.

Not to mention the four ISF members

who were accompanying us.

War is messy.

Just is.

All we can do as leaders is

make the best decisions
with the information

that we have at hand.

Normally, I'd say you're right.

But this time, nah. It's on me.

I wanted the win... . badly.

We had been treading water for so long,

and this finally felt
like an opportunity

to change the tide.

I let that affect my judgment.

So, you think I'm fighting for justice?

Nah. If there was any justice,

I'd be dead, and they'd be alive.


(lock buzzes, latch clicks)

(door closes)

- Hey.
- A local station just cut

- into their coverage with this.
- MAN (distorted): This morning,

one of our brothers was killed.

To the person responsible, we
ask, "Was it really worth it?"

- Wait. Is that... ?
- Mom and kid from the diner.

This time, if you
want to save these two,

the choice is simple...
Your life for theirs.

You've got two hours.

I just heard from CSU.

No prints on the package the
ransom video was delivered in,

or on the thumb drive itself.

You guys got anything?

I've watched this
video so many damn times

that it is imbedded on my eyeballs.

There are no windows in this room.

It's got white walls and a concrete f...

There is nothing to indicate

where Sylvia and her
child are being held here.

Quinn, fresh eyes. Maybe you
can see something that we missed.

Steve, think about it.

- Right? Right or wrong?
- Of course right.

I mean, there's no question,
Hector Acosta is behind this.

And-and there's no way he's gonna stop

until Lincoln Cole is in the ground.

Okay. HPD can't find the guy.

He's not home, he's not at his office.

- (phone ringing)
- Tell them to keep

looking. We're on the clock, Danny.

Steve, we got to think about
using Cole to flush out Acosta.

You've lost your mind. It's
not gonna happen, all right?

No way. It's too dangerous. Yes, Adam.


Send it over right now.
Thank you. Thank you.

Okay, Hector's been using a burner.

Adam has the number.
He's sending it over.

Trace is up and running.

All right, make the call.

(line ringing)

HECTOR: Who's this?

Yeah, Hector. This is
Commander Steve McGarrett.

Didn't expect to hear
from you again so soon.

Well, look, I know you got

Sylvia and Manu. I certainly
hope that they're okay.

I also know that you're
counting on the fact

that the guy who killed your brother

has enough conscience to show up

for this woman and child right now.

Why don't we talk about
what you don't know?

That they guy who killed your
brother's actually in my custody

right now. He's a Marine
wanted for going AWOL.

Where are we at with the trace?

I've got a location.
Call's coming in from...

Lahore, Pakistan.

- That makes sense.
- HECTOR: So you have him.

That means whatever happens

to the mother and her
son is in your hands now.

QUINN: Now it's saying Athens, Greece.

He's running the call
through a proxy server.

- Okay. Hold on.
- So here's what's gonna happen, Hector.

This guy... he's going
to a military prison,

and he's going away for a long time.

You're gonna let these hostages go free.

No. That doesn't happen
until he is delivered to me.

5:00 p.m.

Lonolau Road.

Half mile past the reservoir.

He comes alone, McGarrett, no cops.

Otherwise, that woman
and her kid... are dead.

Call him back. Tell him
we'll make the exchange. Now.

Even if we were allowed to
put you in that kind of danger,

there's no guarantee

that Hector's gonna hand
over Sylvia and Manu.

Well, we have to try. That's
an innocent woman and her child

- we're talking about.
- STEVE: Yeah, we're aware of that.

There's got to be another way.

You think you're gonna be
able to reason with this guy?

We're wasting time here.

I understand you feel responsible

for the lives of these
people, but you have to know

that we're gonna do everything we can

to get them out of there.

DANNY: Look, I know
you don't want to put

somebody's life in danger,
okay, but he volunteered.

That's number one. Number two...

It's the same thing you would
do if you were in his shoes.

Okay, we got to take him,

and we got to figure out a way

to get the hostages back
without letting him go.

- Okay. Okay.
- Right? Right. Right.

What the hell is this?

- Commander McGarrett?
- Yeah.

Captain Ingram. By order of

the Marine Corps Absentee
Collection Center,

we're here to take
Sergeant Cole into custody.

Sergeant Cole.

Name doesn't ring a bell. You? No?

'Cause it rang some bells in our
system when you ran his prints.

Uh-huh. Okay, yeah, I'll tell
you what, uh, Captain Ingram.

Why don't you and me, uh,
step into my office here,

we'll talk about this a little bit?

Nothing to talk about, Commander.

Produce Cole right now, or
this friendly conversation turns

into a headache neither of us wants.

- Are you threatening me?
- I know who you are, Commander,

and I'd never do that.

But I can assure you, the governor's not

gonna help you with this.

This order came from
the commandant himself.

And as someone who still
wears a uniform on occasion,

you know what that means.

Oh, h-here's the thing.
We-we can't hand Cole over.

Um, if we do that, people are gonna die.

STEVE: I, uh...

I don't think we have a
choice in this one, Danny.

This way.

(siren chirps)

So what's the plan?

I don't know.

(siren wailing)


I don't want to hurt you.

(tires screeching)


So, that's it then?

- We just handed him over?
- We had no choice.

All right, well, there
goes any leverage we had

to get Sylvia and Manu back.

We need to call Hector back right now.

- What's the plan?
- Try to buy some more time.

(phone dialing, special
information tone)

you have reached a number...

He dumped the phone.

Hector's gonna be at
the drop in 30 minutes.

If we don't get there,
Sylvia and Manu die.

(phone ringing)

Sergeant Liu.

- Okay.
- (phone beeps)

Well, you're not gonna believe this.

Lincoln Cole just escaped from custody.

- Wow, that didn't take long.
- DANNY: It might not be terrible.

What does this mean?

I'll tell you what it means.

The MPs don't know where
he's going, but we do.

(car door slams)

(phone ringing)

HECTOR: Lift up your shirt

to show me you're not armed.

Then you start walking.

I am armed.

And I'm not doing anything until
I see the woman and her son.

(quiet laugh)

So you think you have leverage, huh?


We can play it your way.


Don't try anything stupid.

Send them this way, I'll
start heading to you.

As soon as I know they're
safe, I'll drop the gun.

Keep going.

Don't stop, don't look back.

Come on, baby.

Keep walking.

This is for my brother.

- (gunshot)
- (grunts)

(men grunting)


Come on, hurry! Get in the car!

(gunfire continues)

STEVE: Junior, we're pinned down.






You all right?

I think this guy might
be crazier than you.

I think you might be right.

(door opens)

Let's go.

He stays.


- Sir, thank you.
- Thank you.

So I, uh, spoke to the commandant.

He agreed to release
you into our custody

while they do their
formal military review.

And in the meantime, you're a free man.

I don't get it... I went AWOL.

Not to mention the three MPs I assaulted

while escaping custody.

Right, and I mentioned the fact

that if you hadn't have escaped,

an innocent woman and
child would be dead, plus...

I mean, pressing charges
against a decorated war hero

is not a great look.

I don't know how to thank you.

I don't think you have to.

What happened today...

we wouldn't have been able
to do that without you.

Couldn't help but
notice that on your desk.

The cipher.

- What is it?
- I don't know, man.

I wish I could tell you.

I've been, uh,

trying to pull stuff up online,

finding resources to crack it.

But, uh, no luck.

Well, it just so happens I know a guy

that's a wizard at that kind of stuff.

If you want me to make a call,

I'd be happy to.

I-I-I would appreciate
that very much, actually.

I'll be in touch, Commander.

You better be.

Hey, Lincoln?

Um, it takes courage

to forgive yourself.

Put the past behind you and move on.

And I just, I believe that
the men you served with

would want you to do that, that's all.

(phone ringing)

Yeah, Danny, what's up?



You got started without me.

What's the face?

You got a face on your face.

Oh, is this about Lincoln?

You're worried Lincoln's my new BFF?

Yo, no one can replace you.

You're my Danno.

Don't do that.

Don't do what?

I actually want to talk to you.

Don't deflect. I'm-I'm
concerned about you.

I want to have a real conversation.


Look, man, I don't know, uh,

I don't know when it happened,
but something changed.

I've been here doing
this for so long now, I...

I kind of feel like I've
been protecting everybody

except for myself...
Does that make sense?

Yeah. So why don't
you just take a break?

Take some time for
yourself and just cool out?

It's more than that.

And I can't do that here anyway.

I got too many memories.

But I will say this is
how I thought it would end

for us... a couple of old guys

sitting on a beach, watching sunsets.

I mean, that sounds great to me.

We can still do that.

I don't know anymore, Danny.

I don't know.

I've been trying to distract
myself with a bunch of things,

you know, like, I mean, I-I...

did a bunch of dating.

Which was nice, but didn't help.

I really thought that restaurant
would balance things out.

But when it closed...

I started thinking.

Well, you know, I think,
personally, that's your problem.

You think a little bit too much.

Now who's deflecting?

So I don't understand, I mean, what?

You think you're capable of being done?

I don't know.


Look, all I know is that ten years ago,

I hit the ground running hard

and I've been running ever since.

And I feel like maybe I need a,

a little time away to get
some perspective, you know?

Yeah, I do, so when?


Can I make a suggestion?


If you want to go clear your head,

get some, uh...

some clarity, go to, uh, to Jersey.

- (laughs)
- I'm being serious.

I know you're being serious;
I knew you were gonna say that.

Why wouldn't you go to Jer... ?
You've never been to Jersey...

- I'm not going to Jersey.
- Why not?

'Cause it's, it's full
of people like you.

I don't need to go. I already
know what it's gonna be like.

Go to, go to Bali.

Or Timbuktu, go to Africa.

Anywhere but Jersey, how about that?

Now I have to go.

- I'm gonna go get another beer.
- Okay, I'm gonna go to Jersey.

- You're not going to Jersey.
- I'm gonna need recommendations

for, uh, places to stay.

Oh, and restaurants!

I'm gonna need a-a list

of restaurants, okay?

Okay, I'll get right on that.

I don't want to go to Jersey.

(soft clattering nearby)


(crashing in distance)

(both grunting)


(both grunting)


Yo, yo! You all right?

- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Hey.

Yeah, I'm good.

What the hell just happened in here?

Well, I don't know.

Someone came in here,
they tried to rob you.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Wait a minute.


That envelope that the lawyer

delivered this morning.

I left it right there on the table.

The cipher? Someone stole the cipher?

Yeah, I mean, they're
gonna be disappointed.

I never put it back in the envelope.


STEVE: What the hell
did he want this for?