Hatufim (2009–2012): Season 2, Episode 9 - HaChaver Shel Mika - full transcript

Ze'ev and Haim continue to play mind games with each other when new details regarding Operation Judas and Ynon's true mission are exposed.

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Previously on POW

An arrest took place
on May 2, 1982.

Don't move!

I didn't do anything...

The prisoner...
-Jamal Agrabiya.

He never reached the facility.

There is no prisoner named
Jamal Agrabiya.

How can someone just disappear?

10 years instead of 30.

I'll personally
take care of your family.

You want me to work for you?

I want you to work
for your family.

Considering your circumstances

I'd like to run a few tests.

What do you mean,

There are certain illnesses that are
common among former POWs.

I found this in the closet.

I was six.

I'm going out
with someone tonight.

Just for coffee.

I can cancel.

What happened after ten years?

When were you supposed to
go back?

June 6, 1991.

But that was...

That's what happened.


Honey, don't fold it, just put it in.
We have to hurry.

Leave it.

Hello, Sheikh Qasab.

We're on the way to the hospital.
Amal is in pain,

I think
she's about to give birth.

No, no, we don't need anything.

I'll call when we find out
what's happening.

Allah be with you.

He called, they're leaving,

it's happening.

Her water broke,
she's about to give birth.

Why are you so sad?

What's wrong?

It's green,
that's what's wrong.

What does it matter? Green, turquoise,
the wedding is all that matters.

It's annoying.

I miss you so much.

Come back, stupid.


That's too long. Come back
sooner or I'll find someone else.

Who'd want you?

You're ugly and stupid.

I'll find someone.

Promise you'll wait for me.

Promise me
we'll be together forever.

I promise.

Uri, are you coming?
The briefing is starting.

Wait up, I'll be right there.

I have to go. Tuesday.

Where were you?

Let me be very clear,

we are to apprehend the suspect
and bring him back to Israel alive.

No matter what,
do not hurt him.

He won't be alone,

his wife will be there too.

We're bringing her to Israel
for questioning as well.

They're both essential to us.

Good luck. Move.

We'll be happy there,

I promise.

Amal darling,
I swear I'm not exaggerating.

We'll be happy there,
the little one, too. Okay?


Jamal is on the way
to the hospital.

His wife is about to give birth.

I have a bad feeling.

Go make sure
he gets there safely.

Good evening, this is
the Voice of Israel from Jerusalem.

It has been announced
that an IDF soldier was killed

and three soldiers have disappeared
during a mission deep in Lebanon.

According to
the Al-Arabiya network

this was an attempt
by an elite IDF unit

to kill a leader of
the Children of Jihad.

The network reports that the IDF unit
was ambushed.

Combat helicopters and infantrymen
are now combing the area

for the missing men.

The Defense Minister
will be holding

a special press conference
at 7 a.m.

I'm sorry, Jamal.

We all loved her.

They're here.
We brought them here.

Take your clothes off.


Take your clothes off.


So what does it mean?

I believe you didn't go
to arrest him,

you went in
to get him out

and something went wrong.

But if he worked for Atar,

why did he treat us that way?

Even if he was working for us,
he didn't do it voluntarily,

they forced him to.

But I don't have
all the answers, Nimrode.

Doesn't that mean
you knew where we were all along?

That occurred to me too.

Someone knew.

Someone knew.

Then why didn't they...?

We'll find the answer.


What are you thinking about?

He grew up
without a mother.

That's why Jamal wanted
a better future for him.

I'd go there
from our stinking cell

and every time I taught him

I felt like
he was even lonelier than me.

What are you talking about?

Never mind.

I just miss him, that's all.

Okay, friends, before we start
feeling sorry for Jamal, too...

I'm going.
-I have to go, too.

Wait a second, Nimrode.

I have an answer
to your question.

Assi Cohen, Yoram Tolledano,
Ishai Golan

Yael Abecassis, Milli Avital,
Adi Ezroni

Hadar Razon Rotem, Yousef Sweid,
Yonatan Uziel

Sendi Bar, Gal Zaid,
Yael Eitan, Guy Selnick

Created by
Gideon Raff

Casting - Hila Yuval
Script Editor - Michal Shorer

DP - Itai Neeman
Production Designer - Ido Dolev

Costume - Laura Sheim, Line Producer -
Assaf Nawi, Makeup - Nili Levi

Sound - Arie Ben Weiss, Mix -Itzik Cohen
Composer - Amit Poznanski

Editor - Simon Herman
Producer - Liat Benasuly

Written and Directed by
Gideon Raff

Prisoners of War


Why so late?

It's the middle of the day for me.
-Are you going out again tonight?

See if they're here,
I'm late.

They're here.
Where are you going?

You know I can't tell you.

This is the third time
this week.

Since when are you
such a big-shot?

Do me a favor,

if they come to the door, tell them I'm
in the shower and I'll be right down.

Can you add a ten-shekel tip
on the card?

All ten shekels at once?

Don't you want
to pay in installments?

-Did I wake you?

No, what's up?

Remember I told you
that Ido and I moved in together?

Who's Ido?

My boyfriend,

we met at the facility,
an Intel officer,

he was on the team that helped
interrogate Uri and Nimrode.

Yeah, I remember.

Well, we moved in together...

Mika, how much do you know
about my personal life?


That's how much
I want to know about yours.

Oh, okay.
Sorry for bothering you.

By the way, he's working on
Operation Judah. Good night.

Yes, Haim?

Operation Judah?

Wait, wait for me.

If you please, madam.

Very chivalrous of you.

As befits someone who was
born in the 13th century.

I had a lot of fun.

Me, too.
-Thank you.

Sorry if I was a little...

That's all right,
I had a great time

and I'd love to see you again.

If you want to, that is.


So how was it?

It was fine.

What did you do?

Nothing, just had coffee
and talked.

Mostly him.

Hatzav, does it bother you
that I'm going out with him?

Not as much as it bothers Dana.

Is it serious?

I don't know.

I've never been on a date before.

I met Dad on the moshav (farm).

This was...

my first real date.

At my age.

Did he kiss you?



On the cheek.

I won't do anything
that makes you and Dana sad.

Mom, don't be ridiculous.

I'm not.
-You deserve to live a little

after all you've been through.

My sweet boy.

I'm going to bed.

Good night.

Good night.


Did you hear that?

You held the phone upside-down, stupid.
I could hardly hear.

What did she say?
-Nothing happened.

They had coffee and talked.

How did she look?

What do you mean?

Was she smiling?
Did she look happy?

Was her blouse inside out?

She looked normal. -What did she say
when you asked if they kissed?

Yes. On the cheek.



Okay. Good work.
We'll talk tomorrow.

They only had coffee.

Did she look happy?

He said she looked normal.

Why did you ask him
about kissing?

He asked and I didn't hear
her answer.


No, they didn't.

I think everything's okay.

I don't feel right
about spying on her.

You aren't spying,
don't exaggerate,

you're just curious.
It's normal.

It's cute.

Nurit says it's cute.

I don't know.

She doesn't deserve it.

She deserves to go out,
have some fun.

I just...

After all she did for me...

On the contrary, Nimrode.

She fought for you.

She turned the country upside-down
to get you back,

she didn't forget you.

Even when the government
told her you were dead.

They told her it was over
and she didn't give up.

So of course you're upset
that she went out on a date.

But if you don't want
to lose her

now's the time
to fight for her.

Don't give up.

Where did you go?
-To get a glass of water.

I'll have one, too.

Talia didn't do it all for him,
with all due respect.

She enjoyed being
the POW's wife,

she isn't exactly a martyr,
don't buy that story.

I know
that made you mad,

but I didn't mean it that way.

I'm not mad
and it's not funny.

She isn't the only one
who did things, I did too,

in my own way,

Just not... -I know.
I didn't mean it that way,

I was just trying
to cheer him up.

Her children suffered badly

from her involvement.

I wanted Assaf to have
a normal childhood,

but I did do things.

Just without all the noise.

I know.

You don't think
I did enough for you, right?

To get you back.
-I didn't say that.

But that's what you think.

That's what all of you think.
-Who's "all of us"?

Nurit, it's a fact.
Talia organized rallies,

she went all over the world,
met with leaders,

organized marches, and...

And I married
your brother, right?

Is that what you think?

I forgot you and moved on?
-Don't put words in my mouth.

I fell in love with him
because of you.

He was the...

closest thing to you.

I was talking to Nimrode,
that's all.

It has nothing to do with us.

I know you did a lot for me, okay?
Stop it.

Let's go to bed.

All that
happened in Jabaliya?

No, Jabaliya was much later.

I told you that already.

I don't understand
anything anymore.

How do you know
about Jabaliya?

I have a feeling you're lying to me.

Uri. -I don't understand. What...
-Are you hiding something?

There was a long hallway

with low iron doors.

How many on each side?

Six. I think.

Yes. At the end of the hallway
was a gate

leading out.

It was always locked,

a guard was always there.

At the other end of the hallway
were stairs.

That's where they...

always took us.

What do you want from me?!

You're driving me nuts
with your questions!

Explain it again.

Every tap represents a letter.

One is A,

two is B, three is C.

If you knock using the whole hand,
it skips from F to J.

And so on.



They had a lot of time, huh?
Every word took a year.

There were abbreviations.
That's what took so long to decipher.

For instance,
a tap with this finger

takes you from M to R.

But this...

does the same thing.

Depending if you can
see the fingers

or just hear the tapping.

They're clever.

They have words, too.
-We have to talk to them.

Who knows what else
they're hiding.

Talk to who?

We have everything
we need here.

So you solved our problem?

We have an almost complete
diagram of the place.

That's the difference.

I don't see why you're so against us
talking to them.

What'll happen when they find out
what you're really going to do there?

They don't have to know.

It's an unnecessary risk.
They're civilians now.

But if we can't find a way
to deliver the message...

Atar had a way. We'll find it.

And if not?
-Then not.

I won't send them without knowing
who and what he is.

It can't all depend on that.

Atar promised me.

Ruth has it.

Believe me, we'll find it.

Now I need you downstairs
for training.

I have to stop for today.

Hold on,
you're too fast for me.


Yes. Tomorrow, same time.


I know I can't ask you
why I'm teaching him this,

but I hope you know
what you're doing.

When will he know it by heart?

He already does.

Now it's just a matter of practice.

When do you need him operational?


Nosey question.

Remember, you can't discuss this
with anyone.

Of any classification.
Is that clear?

It's clear.

I'm not getting any younger.

I have to think about what'll happen
when I'm gone,

what'll happen to the organization.

Allah is above us.

He'll grant you long life.

The Israelis' drones
are above us, too.

Which is why
I have to think about it.

Do you think he can run
the organization with you?

He's dedicated. He's smart.

But he's reckless.

That's why I have you.

-Greetings. Allah's mercy.

The struggle against the Zionist enemy
is the fundamental struggle

Between faith and heresy.

Killing the heretics
is our lofty duty.

Sacrifice is the most beautiful gift
we can give to Allah.

Jihad is the only way
to attain freedom.

Fear is our greatest enemy.

Don't let fear
seep into your hearts.


Praise Allah.
-Allah is great. Allah is great.

This shitty day is finally over...

I'm sorry.

I was looking for you.
I thought you'd wait for me.

You're mad at me,

but I promise I'm not doing anything.
Just listening.

Sometimes just listening is enough.

I'm not your father,

I can only tell you
what he would have wanted

and I hope you respect that.

What do you think
of what Abdullah said?

I agree with some of it,

for instance
what he said about good and evil

and what he said about
Muhammad's values and kindness.

There are also things
I disagreed with.

What he said about the Jews,
for instance.

Maybe most Jews are like that,
but I know two and they aren't.


Haim, I feel very uncomfortable
about this.


And I don't understand
why I'm doing it.

Ido, you and I have
worked together before,

I've known Mika for years,

do you think I'd do anything
to endanger you?

If it's in your interest,
I have no doubt you would.

What happened?

I've been teaching them
the secret language,

Uri and Nimrode's
finger language,

the one we deciphered at the facility.
-Were you spying on us?

We were doing our job. Who?

-Who did you teach?

His name is Ynon,

he looks young,

20-something, handsome guy.

I never saw him before

but I bet he's with Kidon.


If they get caught, the government
denies having anything to with them.

I'll check it out.

I never saw him before

but they're definitely
planning something.

How many people were there?
-Just him. And Ze'ev.

What do you mean? -Just the two
of them. I know, it's odd.

They didn't say much,
but I happened to hear...

He listens to your questioning,

your conversations with them
at the facility in Zichron.

What? How?
It's all in my office.

That's how they knew
that I could teach them the code.

Maybe they were spying on you
when you were spying on us?

I'm glad you find this amusing.

But that means they've been
planning this for a long time.

Since you came back,
if not longer.

There is no Ynon in Kidon.

What are they looking for?

I don't know. They have
some kind of problem.

They didn't say exactly,

I didn't understand,
but it's crucial.

What were their exact words?

"Atar knew how to
communicate with him"

or "get him the message,"
I'm not sure.

But they don't know how.

Atar hid the answer
deep in his papers.

We have the boxes in our office.
I'll go over them.

It's not all there.

He didn't hide
the top secret stuff there,

he took it home.
-How do you know?

She told me.
His wife, Ruth.

She told us when
she gave us the disk.


They mentioned her,
they haven't searched there yet.

She knows you.
Get going.

See if there's anything there.
We'll meet at my office.

Was that so hard?

What did Haim want?

when he asked you to stay?

I asked him
if there's any treatment for...

you know,

the nightmares.

Yeah. He said there are
all kinds of experimental drugs.

Are you planning to go?

I want to get better,
for her sake.

Tell me if it helps.

I hate him.



He knew where we were, Uri.

I can feel it. He knew.

Who's there?

Nimrode Klein and Uri Zach,
remember us?

Remember the days when people
could enjoy an afternoon nap?

They're over.

Sorry, we wouldn't bother you
if it wasn't urgent.

All right, come in.
I'm make you some lemonade.

Last time we were here
you gave us an envelope, and...

what was in it led us...

There are things we can't find.

We searched Atar's office
and they aren't there.

You said there were things that Atar
didn't keep in his office.

That's right.

He kept them here.

Thank you. -Thank you.
-You're welcome.

It's not here.

What you're looking for is gone.

I threw it all out.
You can search the dump.

State secrets or not, I have
grandchildren who need room to play.

I may have...

one box that
I didn't throw out yet,

it's too high,

I can't reach it.

More lemonade?

No, thanks.

Thank you very much.

Only good things from
now on, okay?

Only good things.

You too,

and we apologize
for disturbing you.

Thank you.

More lemonade?


I think it's time for us
to cooperate.

I can't believe that idiot
threw away State secrets.

There's nothing here.
What is this crap?

It isn't Atar's.
Must be her grandchildren's.

Another dead end.


How is this possible?

What is it?

It's my handwriting.

It's from ten years ago.

And this one...

from six years ago, I...

these are the math books.

I taught Ismail all this...

Here, this one, this one.

How did this get here?

Who gave you these books?

-The math books.


Jamal brought us the books.

I think we just found out how Jamal
and Atar communicated.

They're numbered.

Let me see.


One book is missing.

Number one.

I found it in my closet.
I was six.

There's one more book.

Ismail gave it to me
the last day I was there.

The first one, it's at my house.


I'll come with you.


Hello, Ze'ev.

We were just about to play dominoes.
Want to join us?


It was a great idea.

He loved it. Thank you.

Next on POW

Keep working on the workbooks,
we'll be right back.

You and I need to talk.

Are you mad at me for sort of
not waiting for you?

Why "sort of"?

You were right.
They found the box.

-Ido, the Intel officer.

Son of a bitch.

Look me in the eye
and tell me how you,

after all I did for your children,

could call me a monster?

Because you are a monster.

Can you at least tell me

how many years you knew
where we were?

The Israeli government did everything
in its power to bring you home

without putting important
security interests at risk.

I don't trust him.

That Ze'ev who
came out of nowhere.

I don't either.