Hatufim (2009–2012): Season 2, Episode 4 - Kachol - full transcript

The connection between Jamal, Amiel, and Yusuf is revealed. Yusuf struggles with the shooting and the pressure to execute an act of terrorism against Israel.

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Previously on POW

I told you,
I have no memories of the past.

I was born 12 years ago.

Before that I was nothing.

Amiel is alive.

We know he's alive.

We don't know
whose side he's on.

I was told
you're against recruiting.

There are other ways
to attain our goal

without killing
our own people.

It can't be him.

We know him.

He isn't like that.

Moving somewhere?

No, these are just old things

that I'm packing away.

Maybe there's something I'll want.
-There isn't.


I'm giving you the honor
of killing this bastard.

Harder, you dog!

Creating a dependency
is the basis

and one of the most
important conditions.

The greater the dependency,
the easier it is to apply pressure.

Help me...

The captor holds
the hostage's life in his hands

and by deciding
not to kill him

he grants him life.

The second condition
is absolute isolation.

The hostage must be isolated

and exposed only to his captors.

All the information he receives
about the outside world

comes from his captors alone.

The threat to the hostage's life

must be real,
imminent and constant.

What's your name?

He must sense that the captor

can kill him
whenever he pleases.

Then, through
a defense mechanism,

he starts to identify
with his captor.

Now for the most important

the most essential

and perhaps the cruelest:


How are you today?

Kindness, ladies and gentlemen,
is the key.

When the captor starts to display
a human, caring side...

You can't go on not eating.

You have to get strong,
get healthy.

The identification becomes
complete and absolute.


That's it.

When the hand that hurts
is also the hand that comforts...

Open your mouth.

The dependency is optimal.

It becomes easy

to influence him,

to persuade him,

even to mold his thoughts.

Assi Cohen, Yoram Tolledano,
Ishai Golan

Yael Abecassis, Milli Avital,
Adi Ezroni

Hadar Razon Rotem, Yousef Sweid,
Yonatan Uziel

Sendi Bar, Gal Zaid,
Yael Eitan, Guy Selnick

Created by
Gideon Raff

Casting - Hila Yuval
Script Editor - Michal Shorer

DP - Itai Neeman
Production Designer - Ido Dolev

Costume - Laura Sheim, Line Producer -
Assaf Nawi, Makeup - Nili Levi

Sound - Arie Ben Weiss, Mix - Itzik Cohen
Composer - Amit Poznanski

Editor - Simon Herman
Producer - Liat Benasuly

Written and Directed by
Gideon Raff

Prisoners Of War


Thank you. Bless you.

You'll be okay...


It's all over.

We knew this was coming,
didn't we? You knew.

I can't do this alone.

I want to give you something.

Take it.

Do you know what it is?

What did they do to you?

There was...

They told me to shoot him.

They said
he was a collaborator,

they said...

And did you shoot him?

He wasn't a collaborator.

They just wanted to see
if I'd shoot.

It's Abdullah...

It was a test.

You had no choice.


you did what anyone would do.

You had no choice.

If you hadn't shot,
they would've thought...

You protected me,

your family.

When Jamal was here,
no one questioned my loyalty.

I'll get you some water.

All right?

When Jamal died...

I was glad.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, but all the nights
you spent together,

all your conversations,

your walks around the house...

I thought,
now that he's dead

maybe I can take his place.

Maybe you'll finally talk to me.

Maybe I'll get to know you.
-You know me.

No I don't.

I know nothing about you.

I know nothing
about your parents,

your sister,

where you're from,

what your favorite color is,

about your childhood.

My name is Yusuf.

I was born 12 years ago, here,
in a small room.

Before that I was nothing.

You know all you need to know.

I'll get you some water.


No, it can't be.

We don't do this.
Do you know what time it is?

You almost gave me a heart attack.
-Thank you so much,

It's urgent...

I have to get something
out of there.

I'm only doing this for you.

I finally get
a decent night's sleep...

It won't happen again.
I'm sorry.

Here you go.

What is this?

Where are my things?

Is this the right unit?

What else?


His diaries and photo albums

and letters

and yearbooks and medals.

And his clothes.
His clothes.

His smell.


The police will be here soon, but...

It's all that's left of my brother.

Can I give you some advice?

Check the garbage cans
around here.

No one would keep
what you described.

If they can't sell it,
they dump it.

That's strange.

What's strange?

I'm going over
what we found in the boxes.

Most of it seems irrelevant.

Too bad we can't
access his computer.

Atar was old-school. I'm sure
there's nothing on his computer.

If anything can help us,
it's hiding in these papers.

What's strange?

-Yes, Haim, I know.

So what's the problem?

Atar withdrew about 5,000 shekels
every month.

Agents need cash
to pay operatives, to do things,

you know that.
-Yes, but... every month.

For a long, long time.

How long?

Are you serious?

For the first ten years
it was through 504.

Then the Mossad.

There are also receipts
from "Eitan" (An Intel agency).

Did you count them?

How many are there?


About 200.
Which is...

17 years.

The last one is from the month
before he was killed.

I don't know if it's relevant,
but I think he was sick.

Every week of the last year
he met with Dr...

Where did the money go?

I don't know.

It doesn't say.

It's in cash, so who knows.

Maybe whoever approved
the payments knows.


We know he's alive.

He may even...

have crossed over, if that's
really him in the aerial photo.


-What do you mean?

Why would he do it?

I don't know.

Maybe he...

Why is any spy a spy?

Maybe in order to survive?

If in order to survive

you had to commit treason,

would you do it?

I've never been in his situation.
I hope not.

Maybe... if I were full of hate.

Or unaware.

Unaware? How?
-What time is it?


We're going for a ride.

Where to?
-I'll tell you later.

Internet Cafe

One hour?

Go sit over there.


Hi, where are you?

In the dumps.

You're a poet,
you answer in metaphors.

No, I'm really in the dump.

I'll explain later.

That's why I called,
to make sure there is a later.


Eight o'clock?

Yael, are you okay?

You don't sound so good.

I don't know.

Anything I can do?

Come at eight
and make me laugh, okay?

You got it.

Well? How's it going?
Is it helpful?

I think so.

Who was that on the phone?

A girl.


We have everything we need,

the girl just complicates things.

I know.

I understand, Ze'ev.
It's okay.

It's over.

Now is the time.
As soon as possible.

The Zionist pigs are still celebrating
the POW exchange.

This will be a fatal blow
that proves that...

What do you say?

Abdullah thinks it's time
for a big, showy attack.

What kind of attack?

Something big.
An embassy, an infiltration.

Abdullah is a great hero,
Allah will bless him.

Abdullah is a great hero
and Allah will bless him,

but what do you think?

I'm not sure about the timing.

We got thousands of prisoners
for Nimrode Klein and Uri Zach.

We're the heroes
of the Palestinian people.

Now that Israel is celebrating
your friends' return,

this is the time to break
their morale and show them

that we can attack them
anywhere, and at any time.

If the Iman decides
it's the right thing to do,

I'll fulfill my duty, of course.

When the hand that hurts
is also the hand that comforts

the dependency is optimal.

Then it's easy to persuade him,

to influence him,

even to mold his thoughts.

Thank you. Please prepare
Chapter 7 for next week.

Thank you.

Friends, whoever didn't
turn in last week's assignment,

have it in by Thursday, please.


I don't believe it.


What are you doing here?

What a surprise.

This is Iris,
she works for me.

Nice to meet you, Iris.
-I'm his colleague.

That Stockholm is very interesting.

But you know, some people...

don't believe in it.

Have a seat?

Take abused women,
for instance.

We're quick to judge them

for returning to
their abusive husbands,

but the attachment
is so great...

Getting a smile from the person
who just beat you

is a huge gift.

Like "good cop-bad cop."

Good cop-bad cop, when
a person is in a fragile situation,

any gesture of warmth, of caring,
of attention, makes him open up.

He turns into play-dough.

Then you can change
the way he thinks.

You can mold his thoughts
through identification.

What about
physical rehabilitation?

What if he needs
physical treatment?

Physical treatment creates
not only dependency,

it takes him back to infancy,

that's ideal.

The hand that hurts
is the hand that heals.

Like in captivity.

In captivity the dependency
is at its ultimate.

That's your field.

Friends, I have to run.

I hope I was of help.

Thanks, Zehava.

You surprised me.

It was nice meeting you.

So long.

It's funny, you know?

Like a class reunion.

Kaplan was here this week,

he asked the same questions.


Stockholm is a hot topic.

He was your TA, wasn't he?
-A long time ago.

Those were the days.

The good old days.



"The good old days."

I've never seen you like this, Haim.

Shy, flirting.

Did you and her ever...?

Oh, please...

I can't believe it,

you're blushing.

Haim, you never cease
to surprise me.

I'll end up thinking
you're human.

Don't be fooled. Come on.

All that talk
gave me a headache.


You and Abdullah
don't get along...

What happened last night

wouldn't have happened
if Jamal were alive.

About last night...

You don't have to explain.

If you thought it was necessary,
I understand.

I didn't doubt you
for a second.

I wanted Abdullah
to see with his own eyes.

I see how good you are
with Jamal's son and Layla.

Any other man would take
another wife, but you...

What are you talking about?

Layla told her mother
why you don't have children.

She told her about the checkup.

You have the heart of a Jew.


It's a good thing.

After what we did to you
you could have hated us,

but you...

you're part of our family.

You Jews were
always kindhearted,

that's your problem.

But in this case
my daughter Layla got lucky.

You're like a son to me.

Who was that boy yesterday?

The son of a collaborator.

They need to know their families
will be punished.

If you didn't shoot him,
someone else would.

He would've died either way.

There's a reason we chose him.

A father, a mother,
and three siblings,

be patient with him.


Abdullah was 16

when an Israeli shell

hit his house.

His whole family
was wiped out instantly.

Not one survived.

Be patient with him, okay?



Did you shower after the dump?

Hey, are you okay?
-Sure. Come here.

Pull up your shirt.

It isn't serious.

Show me.
-It's okay.

What happened?

A stupid car accident.

It was my fault.

Car accident?! When?
Are you okay?

It's just a bruise.

Do you want some ice?
-I want a kiss.

But we've never kissed.

I'll get you some ice.


Why was it a bad day?

Never mind.


I don't feel like telling you.

I don't want
to get you involved...

It has to do with my brother.
It's depressing.

And I'll cry.

With you I like to laugh.

This happens every time.

Why don't you ever
turn on the light?

What is it?

Did you tell your mother
you have a problem conceiving?

What did you want me to say?

That my husband doesn't
want to have kids with me?

I told you
it was a condition from the start.

What did I know then?

I lied to them for our sake.

I don't understand
why you don't want kids,

but I trust you, Yusuf.

I know you have your reasons.

You're my husband
and I'll do whatever you say.

I know
you'll always protect us.

Any good man
would do the same.

That's why

you did what you did...

You protected us
and I'm proud of you.

Jamal would've done the same.

Sorry about
what I said this morning.

I wasn't glad that Jamal died.

I just hoped I'd spend more
time with my husband,

that I'd get to know you better.

That's all.



My favorite color.


Poor guy.


Amiel. Poor guy.

If he went through
half of what she described...

We still don't know
what happened to him.

It's all in theory.

But if it's true...

How do they get over it?

If they get over it.

How do you know her?

She was my professor.

Stop it.

Wait a second.

Zehava said that...

Will you stop that?
It's unprofessional.

What was your TA's name,
the one who visited her?

Kaplan. Dr. Ze'ev Kaplan.


Here it is.
-What is it?

An appointment calendar.

Remember I told you
I thought Atar was sick?

Because he saw
a doctor every week?

Dr. Zeev Kaplan.

Yes, Zeev.

Mom's feeling better.

Thanks for asking.

I'm in Metula.

I'll be there in the morning.

Okay. Good night.

Is everything okay?

Everything's great.

Good night, Lalie.


I knew I'd find you here.

It's okay to think about the past.

I know
you had an entire life there.

I know this is hard for you.

Your friends went back to Israel...
-They're not my friends.

Nimrode and Uri.

You see the celebration on TV,

the excitement,

your sister, your home.

This is my home.
-I know. I'm just saying...

Just because
you're one of us now

doesn't mean
you can't miss what you had there.

What is that?

Three, two, one.

I told you, I don't miss them.

I am making plans.

Next on POW

Dr. Kaplan.

What do you know
about Dr. Kaplan?

We've worked together
a few times.

I have to talk to you.

It's about my mom.

What do you remember
about last night?

Oh no, what did I do?

I want your advice
on something.

What do I have to do with it?

I'm not sure yet.