Hatufim (2009–2012): Season 2, Episode 2 - Hag La Sameach - full transcript

Nimrode is out partying while Talia breaks down. Uri and Nurit try to bridge the gap formed by the past 17 years and resume their relationship. Yusuf and Abdullah head out to handle an arms deal.

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Previously on POW

Allah is great.

Amiel Ben Horin.

No, Abdullah. Yusuf.

Nimrode, he's alive.

That doesn't mean
we have to save him.

Operation Judah
died along with Atar.

If anything happens,
she knows nothing.

What do you expect me to do?

Isn't it obvious?
Get him out of there.


I want to adopt a dog.

The oldest, ugliest mutt you've got.

I met a girl today.

I'm glad you're here.

I'm not staying.

Nurit, are you okay?

Are you sure about...


Terrorist Abdullah Ben Rashid, released
yesterday as part of the deal,

was given a festive welcome
in Syria tonight.

You're being disrespectful.

To Abdullah?

You think he's a hero, too?

The first thing we have to do

is find out if he's dead or alive.

Abu Kabir Forensic Institute.


If he's alive, someone made
sure that nobody thinks so.

Uri, why aren't you picking up?

I'm here...
You have to come right now.

I'm here with...

good friends.
You've got to join me.

Oren! Oren, where are you?

I've been looking for you
all day.

I'm here... at a pool party.

I'm with good friends
and good food...

Anyway, I'm going swimming,
so come on over here.

Wait, my phone...!

Wanna hear something funny?

I think I was in basic training
with your daughter.

Dana, right?

Uri, how can I help you?

Any news?

Don't call every two hours,

these things take time.

But he doesn't have time.

I know it. I can feel it.

He needs us.

Believe it or not,
I'm on the way to a meeting.

I'm not stalling.

If I find out anything
I'll call, okay?

Who doesn't have time?

You said "he doesn't have time."

Wrong number.

I said I don't have time for it.

Where to, please?

Yaron Sabbag.

All that happened
in Jabaliya?

How do you know
about Jabaliya?

It's in your file.

42 km north of Damascus. That's where
they kept you the longest, right?

Almost 12 years.

You knew where they were holding us?

Here you go.
Do you know where to park? -Yes.

What's so urgent?

I want to take a look at
Amiel Ben Horin's autopsy report.

What for?

I have a feeling they know more about
his death than they're saying.

What do I care?

What do you mean?

What do I care if he was shot
or stuck his finger in a socket?

Your job is to see whether
the country's security is at risk.

We released them.

Why don't you leave it alone?

Yaron, it would be a big help
to see the report.

If not, I'll manage.

There are only
a few more for tonight.

A. Shorrer... Remind me?

He was head of the Mossad
many years ago.

He was killed in an accident
a few weeks ago.

-It's okay.

He didn't do much here anymore.

We're clearing out his office.

What about the report?

Haim, if you've finished
the investigation,

fill out a report and
let's get this over with.

Don't play Clouseau with me.

Give my regards to the wife.
-I will.

Just one more thing...

In the Klein-Zach file it says they
were held in Jabaliya for 12 years.


Did we know where they were held?

Are you crazy?

They must have said that. -To who?
I was the first to question them.

So some Arab told the Red Cross
on the other side or something.

Let it go.

Go ahead. Don't let me
get in your way.

These are the last ones.

All this is for Yaron?

He has to go over it by tomorrow,
then it all goes to the incinerator.

Why so late at night?

Top priority.
Someone must want this office.

They don't wait for the body
to get cold.

Who are you again?

I gave him this 6 months ago
and the bastard forgot to return it.

Iris, do you still have
that friend in Intelligence?

Assi Cohen, Yoram Tolledano,
Ishai Golan

Yael Abecassis, Milli Avital,
Adi Ezroni

Hadar Razon Rotem, Yousef Sweid,
Yonatan Uziel

Sendi Bar, Gal Zaid,
Yael Eitan, Guy Selnick

Created by
Gideon Raff

Casting - Hila Yuval
Script Editor - Michal Shorer

DP - Itai Neeman
production Designer - Ido Dolev

Costume - Laura Sheim, Line Producer -
Assaf Nawi, Makeup - Nili Levi

Sound - Arie Ben Weiss, Mix - Itzik Cohen
Composer - Amit Poznanski

Editor - Simon Herman
Producer - Liat Benasuly

Written and Directed by
Gideon Raff

Prisoners Of War

Mom, are you okay?

Do you want spinach and tomatoes
in your omelet?

-No spinach for me.

So what are your plans for today?

What are your plans?

I'm going jogging with Daphna.

Mom, don't you think
we should talk about...

Are you okay?

Strange days, huh?
-What do you mean?

Everything's just fine.

Don't worry,
it's between me and Dad.

I'm making a festive dinner tonight.
No excuses.

You can reach me
on my mobile.

-Have a good day.

"Everything's fine", my ass.

I said no spinach.

She scared him away,
that's why she's so happy.

That's what she wanted.

She didn't scare him away,
he left.

Would you have stayed with that nutjob?


I don't know.
He's not exactly Mr. Stability.

Hatzav, she suffocated him.

He came home after 17 years
in captivity and she was all over him.

She always had something
to say,

she treated him like a baby.
He got fed up.

How do you know?
Did he tell you?

He couldn't even look at her.

That's how it is,

17 years without sex...
-Yuck! Dana, you're talking about Mom.

17 years without cock
made her a miserable woman.

It'll happen to you, too,
if you don't get laid soon.

Shut up.

And what did we do?

He left us, too.

Hi, Yael.

I was in the neighborhood, so...

Yeah, right.

Actually, not really,
I came because I kind of...

like you.

Come in.

Moving somewhere?
-No, this is just old stuff.

Maybe there's something I'll want.

There isn't.



I'm not cute enough for you?
-You're totally cute enough, but...

it's not that.

You have a boyfriend.

I mean, I did, but it's over.

Do I have bad breath?

I don't know.


I know nothing about you.

What do you want to know?


Where are you from?

Do you have any siblings? What do you do?


I'm from a village up north.
A dump.

That's the name of the place.

No brothers or sisters.

My dad died when I was a kid.

My mom's a little...

but she's okay most of the time.

I'm a security guard.

And I only asked you to dinner,
not to marry me.



I always imagined
how this would feel...

living together.

Oh, I love this book.

Have you read it?

What about this one?

Romain Gary.
I cried my eyes out.

I didn't read anything.

They didn't give us any books.

Or movies...

Just a newspaper in Arabic
once in a while.

Then what did you do all day?

We imagined.

To pass the time,
to stay sane.

We fantasized.
-What did you imagine?

Our life together

if I hadn't been captured.

Remember the trip
we planned before...

Of course.
Classic Europe in a month.

So I'd close my eyes
and imagine every moment.

I knew exactly
how it would be.

How we'd walk hand in hand
down a Parisian boulevard,

at which charming restaurant
we'd eat in Barcelona.

I even made up
a big fight in Rome.

Rome! I hate Rome.

You've been there?

Sure, that's where I found out
I was pregnant.

I had terrible nausea,

and Yaki wanted to go to the Forum
and the Pantheon and the Vatican,

and I stayed in the hotel
and threw up all day. Poor guy.

It was an awful trip.

Have you been to the other cities too?

With Yaki?

Uri, we have time.

I've never been abroad.

Besides Lebanon and Syria,
but that doesn't count.

This is only
our first morning together.

Don't worry, we'll do it all.

Very good.
Go on. Next one.

I miss him too.

Go on.



What is it? -Another truck
was stopped at the border.

The Sheikh asked us
to deal with it.

One more thing.


He asked us to take Abdullah
and show him the ropes.

I'll be right there.


Keep going.
I'll go over it later, okay?


He loved you very much, too.

What's the matter, Yusuf?

You shouldn't keep it inside.
I'm here for you.

You can always talk to me.

But only to me.

I don't know
who I am anymore.

Yes, you do.

A man's deeds
determine who he is,

nothing else.

It won't always be like this.

It gets easier with time.

I miss home.

This is your home.


Let's go.

Hello, we have a meeting
with Dr. Lerner.

Did you call earlier?

Sign here, I'll take you to him.


I didn't understand what you...
-We're researching

cases of mistaken
body identification.

It's very rare.

In wartime, of course,
there's pressure, and we...

But it happens?

Not to me.

It's happened in the past.

Sometimes there isn't much
to work with

and the body needs to be buried.

There are a number of factors.

Sometimes things fall
between the cracks.

Unlike other countries,
the responsibility

for identifying bodies in Israel

is divided between religious entities,
the Chief Rabbinate,

and our institute.

But it's never happened to you.

A mistake?

Off the record, of course.

Of course.

And not by mistake?

I don't understand.

Hypothetically, if
someone wanted to fake

the identification of a body,

is it a complicated procedure?

What does it entail?

Why would anyone
want to do that?

Good question. You tell me.

I don't... -What are the chances

that there was a mistake in
the case of Amiel Ben Horin?

I imagine there wasn't much
to work with.


Maybe that explains it.

There's nothing to explain.
The report is accurate.

Of course it is.

The body certainly
wasn't in good shape,

but there was enough to come
to unequivocal conclusions.

There was no mistake.

Maybe it wasn't a mistake.

Can I take a look at your report?
Just to get an impression?

Where did you say
you were from?

Second door on the right.

He's obviously lying.

His body language...

He's hiding something, but what?


Do you really think
he might be alive?

After all these years...

For his sake,
I almost hope he isn't.

Isn't this car too small for you?

It's fine.

We have to get the autopsy report,

otherwise we're at a dead end.

Not necessarily.

On what date did they come back?

March 6th.


Yael Ben Horin.

One hour later,
Ilan Feldman.

Isn't he the Casualties Officer?

And in between...
Here we go.

Proverbs 24? What the hell?

Why are you smiling?

"For by wise guidance you will
wage your war".


The Mossad motto.
Proverbs 24.

Atar Shorrer.

It all fits in a small unit,
that's all you need.

If you need more,
we can get you a bigger one.

You have a key,
we have a key.

Your things are safe here.

Everything okay?




Salaam Aleikum.

Hand grenades,


sniper lenses,


and night vision.

We know what is in the shipment.

Then you must know
that UN Resolution 1701

forbids the smuggling of weapons

from Syria into the hands
of terrorist organizations.

That's the law
and I always follow the law.

On the other hand, I am a businessman.
With some flexibilities.

Let's finish with this and go home.

Let's blow his head off,
take the goods and go.

What did he say? -He said he's
very happy with everything he sees.

Then you will love the surprise.
Come on.

This is not from the shipment.

Israeli ammo.

Tavor rifles,


sniper rifles, RPGs,
mortar shells.

Heck, the IDF is all here.

Where did you get this?

Just tell me what you want.

I thought you might like that one.

What are you doing?
Lower your weapon.


Put the gun down.

-I'm just making sure it works.

Too bad there isn't a...

Jew here, for instance.

I don't conduct my business
like this.

Where's your sense of humor?

Claude, ignore him.

We'll take everything.

Let's go, boys,
load up the crates.


What was that?

What do you think you're doing?

That fucking Frenchman
should have his head cut off.

He'd sell his own mother.

What do we do next time
they stop our trucks?

He's the best thing we have.

Why were you so scared?

I wasn't going to shoot you.

Just fooling around.
-Cut it out with the Hebrew.


You better watch it.

I'm practicing.

I don't want to forget it,
it's a beautiful language.

We have to work together.

They mustn't know who I really am.

I have to be sure
we're on the same side.

You took the words
out of my mouth, Amiel.

My name is Yusuf.

Maybe you fooled them,
but not me.

You and I are the same.

We both know what it's like
to be in a cage for so many years,

to be treated like an animal.

What it does to your soul.

You'll do anything to survive,

say whatever they want to hear.

If anyone understands you,
it's me,


You have to come see
my Bougainvillea.

All of a sudden it grew so fast,

it climbed up
the whole side of the house

I asked if you've spoken
to Nimrode lately.

No. Not really.

It's probably the humidity.

You know it's good for the flowers?
-To hell with the flowers!

Daphna, everything's fine.

I realize you're worried,
but I'm okay.

You're always okay,
everything's always perfect, right?

No, not perfect, but I don't want
to talk about it if you don't mind.

You're unbearable, you know that?
-What do you want?

Sometimes I want to slap you
back to reality.

Nimrode left you weeks ago.

I try to talk about it
and you change the subject.

But there's nothing to talk about.

He left! Your husband left you,

the man you waited for all those years
doesn't want you anymore.

So what?

So fall apart, cry, something. Show
you have a heart, that you're human.

You don't have to be so perfect,
so in control all the time.

He's going through a stage...
-No, he isn't. He left you!

Say it. -Be quiet, everyone
can hear you.

I want to hear you say it.

Let's do one more lap
and have a nice cup of coffee.


You're unbearable,
you and your denial.

I can't stand
being with you anymore.

-Here you go.

Wow. Looks delicious.

Today I'm indulging myself.

You can't smoke in here.

Sorry, I...

Where can I...?

I don't usually smoke,

but today I'm celebrating.
-Will anyone be joining you?

No. It's just me.


Where are you?

Here you are.

Lalie, who's at the door?





Yeah, let's go.

Did he eat?

Can't you just tell me?

No, if he's upstairs...

No... Okay...
Good night...


It's okay.
It's your family.

This is for you.

I'm sorry about this morning.

I made you feel bad
about having a life

while I...

Anyway, this way

we can make plans together.


What is it?

I got a Hungarian passport
a few years ago,

I totally forgot.


It's new.
I never used it.

Not a single stamp,
just like yours.

We can start at the same point.

We have time.

1,500 pieces.

Perfect for people who have time.

To you, bro.

Another round.

You're going to be
the most eligible bachelor in Israel.


Then he turns pale,


as white as my ass.

Isn't that right?

I love you, man.

My best friend here...

He just came back from captivity.
-Stop it, Oren.


I'm talking about Talia.

One month with his wife and
he's ready to go back to the Syrians.

To freedom.

That's nice.



What? Is something wrong?

I think I'm in love with you.

Let me help you with that.

You're so sweet.

Do you want to hear a secret?

I killed him.


With my own hands.

But he's alive.

Who? Who?

Turns out I didn't kill him...

What are you talking about?

I'm sharing.
You said I need to share so...

so now I'm telling you.
-Be serious.

Did you really kill someone?

Yes. At first.

I have to go.

But afterwards, no.

You see...

That's why I didn't want to tell you
in the first place.



You don't understand, he...

He's alive.

Hi, Talia.

You're probably asleep by now.

With everything
that's been happening lately...

I'm probably the last person
you want to hear from.

Anyway, today's your birthday.

I wanted you to know
that I didn't forget.

I feel guilty for...

I hope you realize
it's not your fault.

What, no dinner?


Where's Mom?

Didn't she say she'd cook?

Is she okay?



Mom, are you okay?

I'm sleeping. Let me sleep.

But are you okay?

I'm sleeping.

Yes, hello.

This is Dr. Lerner from
the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute.

The man who was here...

asked me to call this number
if anyone ever asked

about Amiel Ben Horin.

Did they give you their names?

Thank you.

Who was that?

Start running.

Next on POW:

The "Children of Jihad."

What can you tell me about them?

I don't deserve this.

Do you know what I did for you
all those years?

Amiel is alive.

I told you,
I have no memory of the past.

I was born 12 years ago.

Before that I was nothing.

This is from two weeks ago.

Intelligence thinks that
Jamal died a few months ago.

This is his successor.


It can't be him.

We know him.

I'm giving you the honor
of killing this bastard.