Hart of Dixie (2011–2015): Season 2, Episode 16 - Where I Lead Me - full transcript

Wade and Zoe accept to be best man and maid of honor when Tom an Wanda decide on a grand Lord of the Rings-Star wars costumed grand wedding. Zoe seems inept at keeping Wanda's bothersome lush mother Betsy Maynard out of harm and the bride's way, yet ends up reconciling them with stepmother Joyce. George is on a roll resembling ADHD after winning for the town legal injunction against the neighboring mayor and his even snootier lawyer rival Scooter McGreevey's plan to build a mall on the coast. George pierces Wade's gallant ride after broken down car battery story, leading to Zoe dumping Wade after he admits a drunk, meaningless night. Cricket drags listless Lemon to a Gypsy fortuneteller, who says she already met her true love, which seems to fit town nut Dale King, but she ultimately makes up in stead with AnnaBeth .

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Those feelings I had for Lavon...

Something already happened
between you two, hasn't it?

I have apologized, again and again.

What more do you want? We share a business.

I don't think that we should anymore.

I want to dissolve AnnaBeth's.

Plans for your bar?

I think I might be ready
to give it another shot.

When we win the Battle of the Bands...

We'll be $20,000 richer.


I support you reaching for your dream.

I know that you will win tonight.

So, you lost.

There's plenty of other ways

that you can raise money for your bar.

You mean plenty of ways to fail.


Yo, Wade.

I'm sorry I missed you last night.

I brought you breakfast.



Burt Reynolds.

You seen Wade?


bacon, hold the cheese.


Hey, have you guys seen Wade?

He's not at his place, he's not at Lavon's.

Seen Wade?

Have... we seen... today...
have we seen...? No.

Well, he didn't come home last night.

And he hasn't called.

He could be in a ditch somewhere.

I put so much pressure on
him to win that contest,

and then I didn't make
it to see his band play,

and I think he's mad.

Where is he?

He's probably just at
Meatball's nursing his wounds.

Yeah, you know, that's probably it.

Are you gonna eat those pancakes?


How about your waffle?

Have them. Have all of them.

For no reason.

I was done with those.

Thanks, 'cause I just...
I get hungry, you know,

when I'm worried.

Don't look at me.


AnnaBeth, as we discussed,

here are the papers

to officially dissolve our business.

Uh, Lemon, are-are you certain?

I don't see that we have any other choice.

Lemon, come on.

I really think we can

work this out. I don't think that we can.

Listen, I'm sorry.

It's not you, okay, it's me.

Well, I mean, it's partly you.

I think that you remember the
part that was you, so...


All right.

That was a little louder than I intended.

Uh, my lovely niece Wanda

and her new fiancé, Tom
Law, have an announcement.

Tom and I decided, why wait?

We're having our wedding
right here in two days.

You're all invited!

Am I the only one thinking "too soon"?

You got something.

Syrup on your cheek.

Where? Where are...

Have my napkin.

Oh, won't that be fun?

We haven't had a wedding here since...


Mayor Gainey,

thank you so much for coming on by.

Now, I-I know we've had, uh,
some difficulties in the past.


Being awesomer than bluebell in every way

has been easy for the citizens of Fillmore.

I wanted us to meet so that
we could, uh, talk things out

in a friendly fashion.

And what's there to talk about exactly?

Well, it's come to my
attention that you plan

to build a shopping mall, right
next to our public beach.

Yeah, I sure do.

Perhaps you didn't consider
how it would affect us.

See, there-there'sgonna be

noise and pollution, first
from the construction,

then made worse from the traffic.

This structure is gonna
be a boon in tourism

for Fillmore, Hayes.

If you ever had any visitors
over here in bluebell,

you'd understand that.


Wade, what the hell?

I really can't find you.

How can you not call me or text me

or just scream loudly?

Where are you?

Thank goodness you are here.

I am itching all over,

and it's driving me batty.

Are you gonna quarantine
me like you did to Tom

when you thought he had leprosy?

No, it just looks like simple hives to me.

It could be an allergic
reaction to something.

Have you tried any new
medications or cosmetics,

detergents, cleaning solutions or foods?

I don't really like new things.

Well, hives are often caused by

the body's reaction to stress.

Like, say, the stress of trying to plan

a whole wedding in just two days.

But getting married right
away is something.

Tom and I really want to do.

It's not stressful.

Is it?

How would I know?

You are getting your
boyfriend to the altar.

I can't even get mine
to return a phone call.

Wanda asked me to be one
of her bridesmaids.

Not maid of honor, but still, it's cool.

I just hope she doesn't make me

walk Tom's hamster down the aisle.

You know it's the flower girl?

Hey, babe, I was thinking
that I should go have

a little talk with Wade about
what happened the other night.

George, we only saw him leave
the bar with that girl.

We don't know what happened.

And even if we did,

it's none of our business.

That-that is true.

It's-it's true.

You're gonna talk to him
anyway, aren't you?

But on the bright side,
look how well you know me.

George, I got a problem.Yeah?

And, uh, since you're the
town lawyer, so do you.

What's up?

We have to take down Todd Gainey.

Todd Gainey Jr., my ex-boyfriend?

Last time we crossed paths with him,

George shot himself in
the leg with a crossbow.

Okay, the safety was off.

No, no, senior, not junior.

The mayor of Fillmore.

As far as I figure,

the whole Gainey line's
got blood on its hands.

George's blood.

I'm in.

Just tell me what you need.

Honey, I realize from the
amount of cleaning products

we just bought,

going to this wedding will
be difficult for you.

So, I think there's someone
you should talk to.

I would never speak to a therapist.

Oh, heavens no. I'm suggesting a psychic.

Madam Van Horn

is right down in Daphne,
and she is amazing.

Correctly predicted that

Marvin and Martha Goldstein's
grandbaby would be a boy.

She had a 50% chance.

Crickett, why on God's green earth

would I want to go see a two-bit charlatan

who wants to take my money,

mess with my head and who
works out of a tent?

Well, because this is the
first bluebell wedding

since your own... calamity.

All eyes will be on you.

And in recent weeks,
you've lost your business,

your best friend and
your dentist boyfriend.

Besides, she's moved from
a tent to the mini mall.

I'm so hungover.

I was doing shots

with that band from Fairhope last night.

Did anyone see that trash
Wade Kinsella went off with?

I know!

I just saw him do his drive
of shame back into town.

If I had known he was lowering
his standards like that,

I would have hit on him myself.

Oh, hey, Doc, you're, uh, out of hot water.

And apparently I'm in it.

Where the hell have you been?

My phone ran out of juice,
and you were right,

I should do a better job
of keeping it charged.

I know that you left the bar
last night with another woman.


Doc, I was in a really dark place night.

And I did

leave the bar with someone.

I walked a girl out to her car, all right.

Her battery was dead, she
said she needed a jump,

and, yeah, you know, something
could have happened.

Maybe she wanted it to.

I don't know.

But it didn't.

Well, then where have you been?


Because I didn't win the $20,000.

Because my band sucked.

Because I spent the night

in the back of my car, in a field.

Outside of Daphne.

I was freaking out.

I thought...

I'm sorry that I didn't
make it to hear you play.

And I know I put my foot in
it about Battle of the Bands.

I pushed you too hard.

Well, thank you.

So, what'd I miss around here?

It's bluebell; What's there to miss?

Well, there's that.

Tom, what are you doing here?

Well, I was getting ready to
practice our wedding dance,

but then Wanda postponed the wedding.

Said it was doctor's orders.

So, thank you, Doctor.

Um, I should probably...


Go deal with this. Mm-hmm.

Wade, I'm so glad you're back.

Dr. Hart?

Oh, hey, Wanda. Thanks for
coming back to see me.

Earlier, when I implied
that planning a wedding

might be stressful, I didn't
mean for you to postpone it.

Well, I did postpone.

And, the worst part is, an hour later...

Oh, no.

Poor thing.

The family was just sitting down for lunch,

and she started scratching away like crazy.

I'm Joyce.

I'm Zoe Hart.

So nice to meet Wanda's friends.

I'll wait outside, sweetie,
so you two can chat.

Family all here for the big event? Yes.

It's always so tense
when my mother's around.

She drinks and she argues,

and, well, she seems worse than ever.

Well, my mother is no picnic either.

But at least now we know
the source of your hives.

You're right.

Great news!

We just have to figure out
a way to stop your mother

from stressing you out so much.

Easier said than done.

What would you do?

Well, if it were me, I would
probably assign someone

from my bridal party to run
a mother interference.

You know, keep her happy and off your back.

That's genius!


I know just who it should be.

Zoe Hart, will you be my maid of honor?

Wow, that is so nice.

I need you.

I mean, just talking to you
has made me less itchy.

No one's ever asked me to
be a bridesmaid before.

Not even my cousin, Olivia.

Rude, right?

So, is that a yes?

Yes, I will help you, Wanda.


Oh. Whoo!

You come in here, and
instantly you feel a powerful

connection to the spirit world.

Really? Because I'm feeling
more of a connection

to the auto parts store
that was here last week.

Welcome, Ms. Breeland.

The tarot cards tell me that
you fear an upcoming event.

Well, what else do they say?

They say that this event you fear,

you will not have to bear it alone.

Ooh, so she'll get a date for
Tom and Wanda's wedding.

How will she meet him?

My dear, you have already
met your true companion.

Thank you very much

for meeting with us, Mayor Gainey.

I, uh... I figure,

since we all know each other,

that sitting down and
talking this thing through

is probably our best course of action.

George Tucker, you're opposing counsel.

That's great news.

Scooter McGreevy.

Haven't seen you since, uh...

Since I whupped your butt
in the Mackenzie case.

I got a new truck out of it, so thanks.

Listen, Hayes, uh,

we know you got your panties in a roll

about this shopping mall thing,
so we've decided to, uh,

offer you a cut of the profits.

Get this through your head:

I'm not looking to make a buck.

Now, we want you to move

your mall away from our shoreline.

But shoppers spend more
when there's a view.

That's a proven fact.

I'm sorry. Have we changed the definition

of "a proven fact" to "crap you made up"?

Okay, listen,
fellas, we are very simply

asking you to start taking steps

to move your development, or...

Or... what?

You'll take us to court,
try and get an injunction?

Please, Tucker, we all
know you're gonna cave.

Okay. Listen.

If you are referring to the Mackenzie suit,

they asked me

to settle against my counsel.

We had that case in the bag.

I guess we'll never know...
since you caved.

I didn't cave then, and
we are not caving now.

We'll see you in court.

Oh... Excuse me. Oh.

I'm sorry.

Wow. Lemon Breeland.

Do you remember me?

Dale King, from second grade?

Uh... wow, Dale.

I... I haven't seen you in forever.

Well, I mean, since second grade.


this is either an incredible
coincidence or...

Do you want to get some dinner?

Dinner with Lemon Breeland.


Great. Oh, and no pressure,

but, um, are you free in two days?

Oh, and do you have a tux?

And that's when I said, "Sure,
the rules of perpetuity"

do cover that transaction."

Joyce, you are so funny.

Well, you know us accountants.


Look, it's Wanda's father.

I'll be right back.

She loves you.

Joyce is great.

I, myself, might not tell

quite as many tax loophole stories,

but your mother isn't dramatic at all.

Oh, wow, this is what I needed.

It's nice to see you, Betsy.

Oh, no, no.

Joyce is my stepmother.

She's a peach.

That out there,

that's my real mother.

The cringe-y parts of
four Bravo reality shows

wrapped in one

very small woman.

The hell you will!

This is my baby's wedding, and if you,

the floozy who destroyed my marriage,

thinks she has a say in any
of this, you're crazy.

Mom, this is Dr. Zoe
Hart, my maid of honor.

She is really

looking forward to getting to know you.




We need to talk.

Look, I know, all right?

I'm sorry.

I was a mess last night,
and I shouldn't have

kicked you out of the band.
I get it... you're pissed.

No, the reason I'm pissed
is because you left the bar

with a woman that wasn't Zoe Hart.

Who, Claudette?

Oh, I get it, all right?

It looked bad.

But, as I already told Zoe,

she just wanted a jump

for her car... which I gave her.

I'm stupid, but I ain't that stupid.
Come on.


All right, then. Wow, that's a...

that's a... that's a relief.

I'm actually really relieved to hear that.

I'm sorry I accused you, man.

I... No hard feelings?

Changed man, Wade.

Changed man.

Yeah, thanks, buddy.

There you are.

I thought you were gonna
come by last night.

Yeah, Wanda needed me to
work late, so, you know...


Can I tell you... Well, guess what!

Uh... sorry.Sorry.

Go ahead.


Wanda asked me to be her maid of honor.

Despite the fact that I'm kind of in charge

of her very intense
Auntie Mame of a mother,

I... I'm a little excited about it.

Is it okay? It's gonna keep me

pretty busy the next couple days.

Uh, of course it's okay. Yeah.

Well, it's just that we haven't really

had a change to hang out,

and I wanted to make it all up to you.

I'll be fine, all right?

You go have fun.

Thank you.

What was it that you wanted to say?



that you're amazing and
I'm lucky to have you.


I've never had

an "amazing" before. Well, there it is.

Come here.

Hey, ladies!

It's me, your maid of honor.

You can call me "Your Honor."

Or "madam."

Or "Zoe" is fine.

She's weird. I like her.

She's the maid of honor?

What are her credentials?

Do you even know her?

Tomorrow is the big day,

and there's lots to do, so I found

a list of wedding
essentials on the Internet.

You know what's always a hoot?

The Bunny Hop.

The Bunny Hop?

Could you get any lamer, Joyce?

It's fun. You hop.

Okay, how about we divide and conquer?

Betsy and I will deal

with the wedding cake and the flowers,

and the rest of you

can split up the rest of this stuff.

Perfect! What a wonderful idea.

All righty, then.

Thanks for that.

So, look, ever since the divorce,

Mom has been a little wild.

Whatever you do, don't let her drink gin.

Don't let her talk to any men,

especially while she's drinking the gin.

Or any clear liquor, really.

And don't lose her.

Wanda, I'm a doctor.

I save people; I don't lose them.


Where is she now?


Found her.

Hey, Wade, you look handsome today.

Uh... likewise, pal.

Congrats on the big nuptials.

Thanks. Uh, so I was wondering, would...

would you maybe be my best man?

Uh... I thought Cody was your best friend.

Yeah, I love Cody, but
you're Wade Kinsella.

And, uh, since Dr. Hart

is maid of honor, it seems only fitting.

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, sure, dude. Whatever.

Awesome sauce.

So, as my best man, I was
hoping you might offer me

some guidance about, you
know, tomorrow night,

me and Wanda's wedding night, because I...

No. No. God, no.

I want to, uh, please Wanda.

Uh... be my sex Yoda?

No. No, I won't be your sex Yoda.

Just rent a Ryan Gosling movie, all right?

Do what he does.

Ugh. Okay.

He... he does make the ladies crazy.

Oh, he sure does.


We are ready.

Oh, I was up all night preparing.

I got a... I got a PowerPoint presentation

detailing the economic impact.

I got depositions from all
the local businesses.

I got a statement from an
environmental scientist.

This injunction is in the bag.

Gainey's not gonna know what hit him!

I have to say... impressive.

What-what... what's going on, George?

I never seen this side of you before.

Yeah, that's because I haven't let

this side of me out since New York.

Oh, but Scooter McGreevy...

oh, he let the litigation monster out.

The monster was undefeated.

He was also

a little bit of an ass,

which is why I should
probably go to the gym

and release some of this tension.

Oh, oh, whoa. Undefeated?

No, no, no, no.

Don't release anything.

We... we're keeping the monster.


Well, the buttercream is classic,

but the chocolate banana...

Is perfect.

Wanda's father and Joyce will hate it.


Well, Baxley is such a fuddy-duddy, and...

he'd want traditional, so no traditional.

Did I mention Joyce used
to be his secretary?

Chocolate banana it is.

I like you more every minute.

You are fabulous.

I want to know all about you.

What do you say we ditch
picking out the flowers...

who cares anyway?... get ourselves

a drinky-poo and bond?

Oh, I don't think that's a great idea.

Come on, Zoe Hart.

Don't you be a fuddy-duddy, too.

YOLO! Oh, no.

Dale King,

I can't believe you've lived
in this town this whole time.

What have you been up
to since second grade?

Well, I like to CrossFit. Mm-hmm.

And I make my own orange soda.


Crickett, what are you smiling about?

Lemon and I went to a psychic.

She predicted Lemon had already met

her date for the wedding, and look.

Dale King?

Oh, he was bizarre in second grade.

And ever since his parents decided

to homeschool him in third, he's worse.

I think they're falling in love.

You are just as beautiful as
you were when we were eight.


Tell me, um,

do you still eat paste?


I only ate paste that one time.

Lori Openden dared me to, so...

Well, that was an important moment for me,

as a devoted paste eater.


There is an emergency... with your father.

My father? Is he okay?

He... locked himself out of the house.

I thought that he was away.


Locked out. Yeah.

You know, I am so terribly
sorry about this,

but I... I really should go.

It has been so...


I'll see you soon. When I watch
you through your window.

Betsy, you know, maybe
we've had enough to drink.

We should probably get back to the hotel.

Big day tomorrow.


We are having a great time.

I want to meet this boyfriend of yours.

Well, hey. Wade!

This is him.

Wade, this is Betsy Maynard, Wanda's mom.

It is a pleasure to meet you.

You are as yummy as the doctor said.

Come on, stop.

Can you get me drink?

No problemo.

On the house. Oh!

Oh, yeah.

Caroline Todd!

How have youbeen?

Wow. You have your hands full.

I do. She keeps saying

that she has to go to the ladies room,

and then she comes back even more loaded.

But besides that, she's
actually pretty fun.

How are you?

I am... Tom Long's best man.

Yeah. I will be wearing a
Jedi costume and everything.


Seriously? Why did you agree to that?

Well, you're Wanda's maid of honor.

I thought it would be kind of... romantic,

walk down the aisle together and all that.

You did?

Wow, that is so unlike you.

Yeah, well, I'm changing.

I guess so.

Where's Betsy?


did you see Wanda's

mom out there?

Uh, Betsy? Yes, I just saw her

climb into a truck with
a mysterious gentleman.

I declare,

some women just can't hold their liquor.

Good grief.


Hey ya, Sal.

Sorry to knock so early,

but I seem to have lost someone.

I've been up all night looking
for her, so I figured

I'd go door to door.

Does Betsy Maynard happen to be here?

Honey pie?

You got company.

Oh. Ew.

Ew. No.

Isn't he just adorable?

What is it with women in this
town and Sal the Shrimp Guy?

Yeah, I'm sorry I...

I disappeared on you, Zoe darling.

I needed to get my engine revved.

Ooh. Well, now you need to
get it checked for STDs.

But first, we have to get
ready for a wedding.

Those two are too young to get married.

They're just rushing in. I thought

I'd keep my feelings to myself,
but I can't watch it happen.

W-What? What-what do you mean?

I'm not going to that wedding, honey.

You give Wanda my love.

I can't believe you got the injunction!

You were like Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men,

meets Tom Cruise in The Firm, meets.

Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch!

Sharp, wily and... just a little unhinged.

What do you think my best part was, huh?

I liked when you objected to McGreevy.

Just 'cause I didn't like the
way he was looking at me.


I told you, you didn't want
to mess with my lawyer.

You lost. You lost.

Your shopping mall is gone.

You lost. You lost.

That also means...

we won. Ah!

Bye-bye, now.

Oh, man, we showed them. Mm.

We showed them. Pow, pow, pow, pow! Oh, oh.

I-I am so amped up right now!

Okay, cowboy, time to put
the monster to bed now.

You crazy? Put the monster to bed?

Lavon, I'm feeling more energized than

I have in my entire life. I...

I have to go for a run.

Oh, wait!

W-We have a wedding to get ready for!

See you there!

Oh, hey, hey, hey.

Oh, he splits the D!

Whoo! Oh!

Oh! There she is.

My maid of honor.

Yay! Here I am!

Everyone looks so good!

So elfish!

And we can reuse the dresses

any time we go to a convention.

Madam, why aren't you dressed?

And where's Betsy?

She wanted to meditate

and work on her mother-of-the-bride speech,

so she's getting dressed at my house.

Hey, Tansy. Mm-hmm.

Can I talk to you about my highlights?

I hope this really
is about your highlights...

which need work... and not the
fact that you obviously lost

the mother of the bride on
the day of the wedding.

You had one job!

I did not lose her.

Okay, I lost her, but then I found her.

Then why isn't she here?

She thinks that Wanda is going
to get her heart broken,

so she's refusing to come. What do I do?

Seriously, worst maid of honor ever! I...

Zoe? Zoe, um, my mom's okay, right?

Because I know she drives me crazy,

and her craziness gives me hives,

but I need her by my side...

preferably this side... because it is,

like, super itchy, and
she could just, like...

Wanda, you entrusted me in
taking care of your mother.

She is going to make it to your wedding.

I'm just gonna go buy some rice to throw.

Throwing rice kills birds.

I am just gonna go buy some birdseed,

and I'll be right back.

Menea means

to shake or wind or
whatever you want to do.

Here we go. March it out, walk it out.

Have fun.

Jump it out right here and give it...

Turn the TV off. Put this on.

You are going to Wanda's wedding.

You don't know what's gonna happen.

Maybe Tom and Wanda can make it.

You know, they really love each other.

I loved someone once.

I remember the day my life fell apart.

Baxley'd spent the whole night at work.

He didn't even call.

Came up with some lame
excuse about tax season.

I wanted to believe him, so I
made myself ignore the fact

that he was acting weird and distant.

But at the same time, too
sweet, too accommodating.

That he couldn't make any
real eye contact anymore.

I made myself busy,

determined that I wasn't gonna see...

what my heart already knew.

But the doubt just started
to eat away at me

until I couldn't stand it anymore.

What did you do?

I asked him.

And he told me...

what I'd known all along.

And my world just...


So... how am I supposed
to go to that wedding,

stand next to them,

and watch my little girl

open herself up to that same pain?

You okay?


No, not at all, actually.

But we can't think about our feelings now.

We have to think about Wanda.

And you not going to her
wedding is something

that you will never forgive yourself for.


I will get dressed.

Oh, Wanda.

My mother's dress. You look beautiful.

I thought you'd be dressed as an elf, too.

Oh, at the end of the day,
I wanted a real dress.

But I am wearing these.




Now, where's your bouquet?

Well, uh, you were in
charge of the flowers.

But I made a run to the flower market,

put together some extra bouquets,

in case there was an
emergency or something.

Well... that was plain
good thinking, Joyce.

What? It was?

Here, let me help you with those flowers.

Oh, my God!

What did you do?

My mother was nearly nice to Joyce.

Thank you, thank you.

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

A, uh, chocolate banana wedding cake?

Who's gonna eat that?

But I do have to give you credit.

You got Betsy here. You did good.

You know, I may have misjudged you.

I kind of see what all the
fuss is about all of a sudden.

Wade's a lucky guy.

You okay?


Well, it's just...

You know what? Never mind. I'm fine.

Hey, let's move it, ladies!

Wedding's about to start.

People, let's gather at the door.

Lemon darling, you're all set.

Is that nice Walt taking
you to the wedding?

Oh, actually, Walt and I broke up.

Oh, no.

Oh, it's fine.

I'm an independent woman, so...

Oh, honey, you were just left at the altar.

There's a difference between

being independent and unspeakably sad.

You should not go to this wedding alone.

Well, why not? I am!

Way to go.

You and your stupid advice
ruined the wedding.

What are you talking about?

Tom's refusing to walk down the aisle.

All right.

Hey, Tom.

Uh, what's going on, man?

I watched the stupid Notebooksex scene.

She takes off her clothes
on one side of the room,

and he takes off his, and she's real happy

because he's got those Ryan Gosling abs.

If it's those abs that women want,

Wanda's gonna live a
lifetime of disappointment.

Tom, what women like about Ryan Gosling

in that movie is his body.

But what they love about him
is him going out on that boat

with that chick in the rain
with them stupid ducks.

He's, like, the most romantic
dude ever, and so are you.

I'm not like Ryan Gosling.

Yeah, you are.

And you're a good, honest, loyal guy.

That's why Wanda loves you.

All right, let's get married.

All right.

Me and Wanda, not me and you.


Oh! Oh, man, this is gonna be awesome.

Lord of the Rings, Star
Warsmash-up wedding.

Uh, George? Yeah?

Why are you still like that?

I'm so pumped up. I feel like Rocky.

Oh. We should go run the
steps of the courthouse.

Right now, yeah.

George, the courthouse has,
like, three steps on it.

Oh, that's a good point.

Hey. Oh, hey! Hey.

Aren't you supposed to
be tending the bride?

What's going on with him?

It's a legal strategy.


George, d-did you talk to
Wade about the other night?

Yes, everything's fine.

Nothing happened with that girl.

Her battery just died, so...

Her battery died?

Well, when you say it
like that, it sounds bad,

but he was very sincere.

Yeah, I've seen Wade's sincerity before

and I've also heard the one about the girl

with the dead battery before.


what are you saying?

You look beautiful.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today

to join this man and this
woman in holy matrimony.

I, Tom, take you, Wanda, to
be my lawful wedded wife.

To laugh with you and cry with you,

to be open and honest,

and to cherish you for as
long as we both shall live.

Secure in the knowledge

that you will be my constant friend,

my faithful partner in life,

and my one true love.

You may kiss the bride.


I know.

The other day when you asked me...

I wanted to pretend it didn't happen.

I couldn't even admit it to myself.

But I...

I did a stupid thing.

And it meant nothing to me.

I was drunk and I was in a dark place,


Zoe, please say something.

It's eerie when you don't talk.

What do you want me to say, Wade?

Baby, I want you to tell
me you'll forgive me.

Please forgive me.

Because I will do... I will do

anything to make this up to you.

As much as we tried, let's face it,

we're probably too different
to make it work, so...

I'm sorry that I pushed you

to be something that you're not.

But the way that you responded...

you had to know that that
would be the one thing.

Now, if you will excuse me...

we have a reception to get to.

Well, despite the fact

that the groomsmen donned lightsabers,

it was a very lovely wedding.

That it was.

Thank you for saving me
from Dale last night.

You're welcome.

And thank you for coming
to the wedding with me.

I didn't realize how traumatized

I was by the last one

until it was time for me to go to this one.

I know.

Sometimes, AnnaBeth, I
think that you know me

better than I know myself.

Despite everything,

I think that psychic was right.

I did go to the wedding
with my true companion.


Are you sure? Not Dale?

That is not funny.

He could have carved me up into a
million pieces. Well, at least

he would have enough paste
to put you back together.

Jedi cake?

Oh, no, thanks.

Look at those two weirdos.

You may be right.

They might be happy after all.

Someone in this family
should, statistically.

Well, I guess that's true.

Where's Wade?

Oh, um...

I don't know.

I see.

One day, you'll find your
weirdo, too, Zoe Hart.

There's the best man.

Hey, Tom, congratulations.

Real happy for you, man.

I couldn't have done it without you.

Just, uh... promise me
you'll be good to her.

The monster's still here.

I'm sorry, Wally, I'm so sorry. Go, go, go.

You're not gonna like this, but
this is for your own good.

What are you talking about?

What the hell?

Just saved you from the
thwacking you probably deserve.

You should thank her, Wade.

Thank you?

I think Tansy just punched Wade.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Are there other people here?
I didn't notice.

As mayor of this town,

I'm gonna have to invoke
executive privileges

and insist that we dance.

I don't think so, Lavon.

It's a long story.

Look, Zoe, I know about heartache.

And there's gonna be plenty
of time for crying, but...

it's time for a couple
of friends to dance.

Come on.