Hart of Dixie (2011–2015): Season 1, Episode 13 - Sweetie Pies & Sweaty Palms - full transcript

Veterinarian Judson Lyons accepts Zoe first asking him not to attend the town's annual Sweetie Pie dance 'too soon', then changing her mind after she notices even Rose manipulated her, but concludes she only really has eyes and thoughts for Wade and returns home. George realizes that he forgot mailing the wedding invitations out of Freudian frustration that Lemon spent all her time on vents since months, hardly any with him. A row with Brick leads to him and ultimately George learning she has been bottling up the frustration over her deserted mother. Zoe finally gets Wade to admit privately he has feelings for her, only to see him frolicking off with another easy date and the proceeds of a bet she wouldn't do it with Judson.

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Harley Wilkes
was your father. He left you his practice.

- Aah!
- Whenever I come around, there's sparks.

Judson, there's no need in hiding
our relationship anymore.

This needs to stop. I can't handle it.

I'm trying to move on,
and you won't let me.

I was trying to get over someone
and I shouldn't have dated...

...but I wanted to because I liked you.

This craziness ends now because
you have been acting insane for weeks.

There's only so much
I'm willing to put up with.

- She's your mother, but my wife.
She's not coming back.

You don't know that.
Yes, I do.

This is Dash DeWitt
for BlueBell's own gossip site.

Y'all, it is one day before
the town's most romantic event...

...the Sweetie Pie Dance.

A time when couples take things
to the next level...

...or don't, a time when you ask
someone to be your sweetie pie.

Or you shove a pie in their kisser.

- Mayor Hayes.
- Yeah.

The people wanna know, is Didi Ruano
gonna be your sweetie pie?

Aah, ooh.

The mayor has no comment.

But Lavon Hayes sure hopes so.

And, Zoe Hart, uh-huh...

...will you be going with the handsome
veterinarian, Dr. Judson Lyons?

The Blawker reports you two have been
hot and heavy for the past few weeks.

Dash, I really do not want
to be recorded.

Attention, Blawkerites,
Zudson is over.

- I told you, ahem.
- What?

We are not over.
Okay, we are not anything.

We've been on three dates.

Three really, really good dates,
but still...

Ready to take things to the next level?

If you go with him to the dance,
you'll be declaring him...

...to be your sweetie pie
in front of the whole town.

And nothing says serious...

...like a small-town slow dance
under twinkle lights.

- He hasn't asked me.
- My nose for news says he's about to.

No, he isn't. Is he?

Keep me posted.



They kiss, Blawkerites. No tongue.

- It's good to see you.
- Me too. I mean, you too.

Sorry, I never know
the right answer to that.

So I don't know if all the decorations
have given it away...

...but tomorrow's
the big Sweetie Pie Dance-

- Don't wanna go.
- Okay.

I mean, it's not that I don't like you.
Because I do.

See, I've only been in one real
relationship, and I basically ruined it.

This dance is a big deal.

I don't want to mess everything up by
moving too fast. I mean, if that's okay.

You're right. Why add pressure?

So, Zoe Hart, would you not go
to the Sweetie Pie Dance with me?

- I'd love to. I mean, I would love not to.

You know what I mean.
- Ha, ha.

Oh, shoot.
You know what, I have to go.

- Will you call me later?
- Absolutely.


- Hi.
- Hey, Rose, you sick?

Uh, no, I just came to visit.

So the dance? Judson? Yes or no?

- No. But I'm happy about it.
- Then question:

My parents are going camping tomorrow
and, OMG, it is so boring.

All they do is fish and then eat fish...

...but I'm not allowed to stay alone.
So can I stay with you?

Yeah, that sounds really fun.
It's a date.

Yay. We can have a Sex and the City
movie marathon.

Yes, heh.

Missed you at breakfast.
- Honey, I'm sorry.

I had to get up at 5 a. m...

...to finish our save-the-date cards,
and I finally have.

I didn't know
you'd be calligraphying them.

These will give the first impression
of our wedding.

They have to be perfect.

But I am fatigued.
Between the Belle food drive...

...and the Preservation Society
library restoration project...

...and putting up all those paper hearts
in town square, it's really taken its toll.

Yeah, I know.

Feel like I haven't seen you in weeks.
And before that, we were, uh, fighting.

Feel like we haven't been us
since before Christmas.

Oh. Don't be so hyperbolic, darling.

Hey, what you and I need
is some good old-fashioned romance.

Which is why it is perfect timing
that tomorrow is the Sweetie Pie Dance.

Remember the first one we went to?

I was extremely nervous
and your dad was not helping...

...because he kept on coming over
and going, "Do not dance too close. "

We broke into the high school
and into the swimming pool.

Yeah, we made some great memories
at those dances, huh?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but, uh,
Magnolia's at school, huh?

Maybe we could create some more.

Heh, I would love to, but I promised Daddy
that he could take me shopping...

...for a dress for the dance. Okay?
But tomorrow, I'm all yours.

Do me a favor. Can you put these
in the mailbox when you get into town?

- Yup.
- Okay.

- It's the least I can do.
- Thank you.

- They are really beautiful, by the way.
- Hmm.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Lavon, what on earth
are you bringing me a pie for?

- It's 10 a. m.
- It's Agnes' specialty. Banana cream.

Will you please just have one piece?

- There's paper in it.
- Yeah, heh.

That's not hygienic. George should
take this to the health board.

Didi, I think that paper might be a note.
Why don't you read it?

"Will you be mm smm?"

No, it's supposed to say,
"Will you be my sweetie?"

Agnes is asking me to be her sweetie?

No, Lavon Hayes is asking you
to the Sweetie Pie Dance.

But how am I gonna break the news
to Agnes?

- I'm kidding.
- Heh.



We'll have a good old time.

Addy, look at the dress
that Daddy got me, heh.

Oh! I just love BlueBell
this time of year.

- You can feel the romance, can't you?
- Oh, Bill and I need it, heh.

Those boys of mine have been sucking
the sexy right out of our marriage.

- Ha.
- Ooh, but now, listen...

...after our kids were born Alice and I
would spend a night...

...at the bed-and-breakfast
after the dance.

- Aah, Daddy.
- Heh, well, I'm sorry, honey.

I would buy her a corsage, and I'd
pick her up like we were still courting.

We would walk to the dance,
under the stars, holding hands...

...like we were teenagers.
You think about it.

Daddy, don't you think that it's time...

...that you create some
new Sweetie Pie memories?

Oh, Brick, I can't help but agree.

The dance isn't till tomorrow.
There's plenty of time to ask someone.

Oh, you two.
Who would I take even if I wanted to, huh?

Addy, I'm on it.

- Addy.

Thank goodness, heh.
I need a woman's eye, okay?

Should I get Didi this corsage?

Is this the Didi that works at the law
office or some Didi in middle school?

Because- Oh, here.

Nothing says "be mine" like red roses.
Simple, direct, to the point. Can't miss.

- Thanks. You're the best. All right.
- Oh, Al, be serious, heh.

And nothing says
"I don't wanna be yours" like that.

Ha, ha. Oh, Al, that's really nice.



Joelle and I, we were, uh, just playing
a little game of strip eight ball.

That sounds fun.
You can count to eight?

I can count to one.

Oh! Baby, why don't you go wait for me
at the house?

Yeah, why don't you?

So, ah, hear you and, uh,
Dr. Dolittle aren't going to the dance.

Everyone was wondering how long
it would take for you to blow it.

Look, just because I don't feel like
declaring Judson my sweetie pie...

...doesn't mean I don't like him.
It means I'm a grown-ass woman...

...whose life doesn't need
to be dictated by this town's calendar.

You did stand him up once.
And, honestly, I can't blame you.

I mean, the most exciting thing
that guy's ever done was-

Oh, yeah, nailing your best friend
at homecoming.

- Zoe, the guy is Boresville, U.S.A.
- Ugh.

Judson is not a bore, okay?
He's just soft-spoken.

Like Sam Shepard in Baby Boom,
which is one of my favorite movies...

...about a city girl who falls
for a handsome, kind town vet.


Judson is awesome.

Yeah, I would be a fool to not wanna
take things to the next level.

Wade, you are so right. Thank you.

Hey, Judson. It's Zoe.

Look, I made a mistake before.

I know I don't have
a lot of relationship experience...

...but will you be my...?

Will you go with me
to that dance tomorrow?

Excellent. I can't wait.



You look like crap.

Couldn't sleep last night.
Saw something that upset me.

Was it Wade and Joelle
making out again?

That woman kisses
like she's eating corn. Heh.

Wasn't Wade and Joelle.

- Do you wanna talk about it?
- No.

Okay, but, Lavon, I'm a great listener.
Kind, considerate.

I'm here for you.

Just as soon as I mend
a 14-year-old's heart.

Hey, did you get my messages?

I'm so, so sorry
for canceling our sleepover.

I promise you the biggest stack
of pancakes to make up for it.

Zoe, it is so no big deal.
I'm gonna stay at Courtney Ann's.

- I already cleared it with my parents.
- Really? If you're upset, I'll cancel.

Good thing I'm not upset then.
I am thrilled.

You're going to the dance
and Judson is so cute.

- He is, right?

He reminds me of, like,
a mute Rob Lowe.

- Rose.
- No, I know he talks.

- Right? He does talk?
Yes. Yes. He talks.

He's a man of few words, but the words
he speaks are eloquent and sensitive.

He's great, and I asked Addy
to cancel my only patient today...

...so I could spend the day trying to relax
and get myself in a romantic mood.

- It takes you a whole day?
- I'm a tense person, okay?

If I was in New York, I would get
a blowout at Sally Hershberger's...

...or a facial at Bliss.
But in BlueBell, I do the best I can.

Take a bubble bath while I spray
my arms with bug repellent.

I need my ritual
in order to get out of my head.

Okay, thank you for understanding.

- I'll see you later. Bye.

You're one wound-up little corkscrew,
aren't you?

Go away.

- What are you looking at, four eyes?
- Go away.

Oh, honey, I can't wait till 8.
You are just gonna love my dress.

- Oh, hold on.
- I'm sorry I'm late with my weekly order.

Brick likes to taste his pie
before he goes to work.

But I've been baking round-the-clock
trying to get 50 ready for the dance.

- Agnes, who are you going with?
- Heh, don't be silly.

As soon as I deliver my pies, I'll watch
whatever dance competition's on the TV.

Why don't you put that in the kitchen
and then we'll have some tea?

- All right.

Honey, better take those legal briefs
out of your backseat.

Tonight, we are double-dating
with Agnes and Daddy.

That is a horrible idea.

Besides, tonight's supposed to be
about us.

Nothing is more romantic than infecting
others with the fever. Love you.

Lem- Ugh.


Zoe, is something wrong?

No, I just wanted to let you know how
much I'm looking forward to tonight.

As a matter of fact, I was thinking,
after the dance, you could stay over?

That's a very intriguing invitation.

Good. Because I'm already
getting in the mood.

I'm about to take a bubble bath
with products...

...my mother sent me
from Frederic Fekkai.

Agh, they smell like guava in a bottle.

Where'd they go?
What-? I left them right here.

- How could I have lost my shampoo?
It happens, I suppose.

I got a goat with laryngitis waiting...

- ... so how about I pick you up at 8?
- Okay. Bye. Ugh.

Looks like we got more than a dance
to get ready for.

- What are you doing?

Saw that guy with Didi last night.

- Didi was out with another guy?
- Yeah.

Thought you asked her
to the Sweetie Pie Dance.

I did. She said yes. I thought she
understood the significance of that.

Well, maybe that guy's
just her accountant.

She met with her accountant at 9 p. m.
on a bench in town square?

Her brother, then.
He kind of looks like her.

- He has red hair.
- He could be adopted.

Look, Didi's bonkers for you.

And need I remind you, you are
Lavon Hayes, football star, mayor.

Oh, wait. You're absolutely right.
I'm Lavon Hayes.

- Heh, don't know what I'm freaking out about.
- Come on.

- Yeah. He probably is her brother.
- Yeah.

- Heh, all right.
- All right, buddy.

Watch out now.

Hi. I just wanted to introduce myself.
I'm Mayor Hayes. Yeah.

- Al O'Grady.
- O'Grady.

Good, yeah. Uh, so, O'Grady...

- ... what brings you to our town?
I came for my woman.

- Didi Ruano.

I see.

Hi, Daddy.

Agnes and I stopped by to say hello.

- Well, this is a surprise.
- Ha-ha-ha.

- Nice to see you too, Agnes.
Nice to see you.

Hey, how's the pie business?

Um, well, I'm making a lot
of huckleberry this month.

Oh, I just love me some huckleberry pie.

- Ah!
- I used to pick huckleberries with my mama.

No way. Oh, my goodness.

Look at you two. So much in common.

And speaking of pies,
tonight is the Sweetie Pie Dance, right?

Yeah. Right.
- Right.

And I bet no one is in more demand
than the pie lady herself, huh?

- Well, sure.
She's alone tonight, Daddy.

- Isn't that such a shame?
- Oh, that's a shame.

We'll have to do something about that, heh.

- Okay.
- Okay. Heh, so we'll see you later, then.

- How's Mobile?
- Useless.

Corrine Terwilliger insisted
on trying to get her bull registered...

...as a sex offender. Again.

The Todd briefs are proofed, ready to go.
The DA returned the Benson file.

Oh, Lemon called, she forgot to
add her second cousin Louise...

- ... to the save-the-date cards.
- Cards.

Louise won't be angry
if you mail her one today.

That's not it. I was supposed
to mail them yesterday and-

- I can't remember if I did it.
- Sometimes I can't remember...

...whether or not I washed my hair.
So I have to do it again.

But, yes. We should figure this out.
Where's the last place you saw them?

- I have no idea.
- So maybe you mailed them.

Let's hope so, Didi.

Let's hope so.

I met her in the truck stop
Hangin' out and drinkin' beer

Yeah, I still recall that dress she-



Wade. Wade. Wade! You gotta get
this possum out of my house.

Wade! I hear you in there.

- Wade's not here.
- Wh-?

What-? What's that I smell?

- Is that guava?
- Not that it's your business...

...but Wade got me this new shampoo.

- Bye.
- What?


- Is that thing gone?
- You are officially possum-free.

Thank you. If you didn't turn up,
I don't think I could step into my house.

- How did it get in here?
- How do you think? Wade.

He also stole my shampoo and I think
he reset all of my relaxing radio stations.

Tonight was supposed to be
the happiest night.

And he is determined to ruin it. I have
to figure out a way to get back at him.

No, no, no. Keep your eye on tonight.

Tonight, your perfect romantic night
with Judson.

I can short-circuit the electricity
when his band comes over.

Come back, romance, dancing.

You are absolutely right.
Sanity restored.

Judson. It's gonna be amazing.

- What will you do with Courtney Ann?
- Uh, not much.

I wanted to talk to you
about something.

He reprogrammed all of my radio
stations. What were you gonna say?

Uh, no, it's okay.
I better get to Courtney Ann's...

...and you better get ready for your date
with Judson.

Yes, I will. Definitely will.

How about fire ants
in his underwear drawer?

That'll leave a mark.

Hey, heh, I'm so sorry.
I heard you ran into Al today.

I hope you didn't pay him any mind.
My ex has a flair for the dramatic.

- He's trying to get you back?
- But it's not gonna work.

I don't love him anymore.

- How long were y'all together?
- Five years.

That's a long time.

There's history.
And clearly, it's not over.

It is over. I just said that.
Why are you being like this?

You know, I think it's best
if we just cool things off for awhile.

Huh? I thought we were going
to the Sweetie Pie Dance.

I think you need
to deal with Al tonight.

He drove all this way.

- What? Wade's still not home.
- Hey. That's okay.

I'm here to talk to you. I was wondering
what you were up to tonight.

- We're thinking of going to Mobile.
- Uh, do you think you could be done by 11?

- Why?
- Oh, man.

This is awkward.
I thought Wade told you.

See, all that fighting we do?
It's foreplay.

Tell Wade I am sorry
if I let the cat out of the bag.

But still, if you could be done with him
by 11, that would be fantastic. Thanks.

Well, y'all's pathetic.

I mean, who doesn't remember
if they mail their own save-the-date?

- Now, what color are the envelopes?
- Oh, they're silver.

Silver. Nope, no.

I'm sorry, George,
ain't nothing in here...

...but, uh, little Jamie Port's invites
to her 9th birthday par-

Oh, look. They invited me.

- What am I gonna do now?
- You're just gonna have to tell Lemon...

- ... tonight at the dance.
- Heh.

Oof, thank God you're gonna be there
to block for me, phew.

What? I'm not gonna be there.

- Lemon said you're taking Agnes.
- Agnes?

- Yeah.
- No. Heh.

- Said you asked her at your office today.
- No, I didn't.

No, I- You know,
I asked her about her pies...

...and Lemon said that, you know,
she was in great demand...

...and that maybe we ought
to do something about it and...


- Good Lord.

Maybe I did.

How did that happen?


Judson, hi. Hey, I'm running late.

- Can I meet you at the dance?
- Is everything okay?

Joelle. Joelle. Hey. Take it easy!
Zoe Hart?

Okay. Okay. That's my best guitar.
- It is now. Okay. Bye.

What the hell? Zoe Hart? What?

I can't believe this. Her?
Damn it, Joelle.

Okay, so we both just need
to hold our ground.

I'll tell Lemon
about the save-the-dates.

You tell her you don't wanna go
to the dance.

- Yeah.
- Okay. Showtime.

Okay, here we go.

Well, what do you think?

Do you like my new dress?
I bought it special, heh.


I hope you brought
your dancing shoes...

...because I may be a doctor,
but I do know how to cut a rug.

See? Tonight is gonna be just perfect.

Hey, doc.
Joelle and I are headed to the movies.

Just wanted to say, you and Judson,
you have a great night tonight.

Wade, that's my phone! Wade!


The BlueBell Sweetie Pie Dance
has officially begun.

I knew I should've put money on them
breaking up tonight.

Girl can't resist the urge
to stand the man up in public.

Once you were a straight shot

A shiny quarter in a new slot

Night would keep the dreams that you got

For afternoon

So you made all these pies?
Heh, yes.

Uh, but I made the pie crust in bulk...

...so it was just a question
of rolling and kneading and filling.

- Right.
- Right.

Would you like to try
the Boston cream?

Oh, you know what?
I'm so full at the moment, thanks.

Oh, okay.

Didi, what are you doing here?

Helping my boss, not that it's any of
your business. I don't wanna talk to you.


Damn it, Wade. I'm coming, Judson.

Remember when Wade
brought Tansy here...

...and, uh, her and Shelley got into it
over the last piece of rhubarb?

- Lemon.
- They're not even talking.

Let them alone, okay? Your poor father
didn't even wanna be here.

Heh, he doesn't know what he wants.
I'm his daughter, I know best.

His daughter, not his mother.

Okay, now, this was supposed to be
our romantic night.

In case you forgot while helping your
dad, Agnes and decorating the town.

All right-

I'm going there.

I'm gonna get a drink.


I am so, so sorry.

Wade locked me in my house.

- He did what?
I know.

I had to climb out a second-story
window and down a tree to get here.

Look, I just wanted tonight
to be perfect. Now, I am a mess.

I smell, and I think I may have
a family of spiders in my hair.

People seemed to have put money down
on whether you will stand me up or not.

I would never do that. Again.

- Do you wanna leave, forget this?
- You know what I'd like to do?

- Oh, thank you.
- Dance.

Lookie-look what I found.

Thank the Lord.
Oh, where did you find them?

Stopped at the Dixie Stop
to get ice cream, rent a movie.

And I looked down
and there they were.

Oh, that's right. Right, I went
to the Dixie Stop to get a cup of coffee.

Thank you so much, Didi.
You saved my ass.

Glad I could help, but a word of advice:
Never, ever tell Lemon what you did.

She find out you lost those,
she's gonna think the worst.

You know what I mean by the worst?
Like, you don't want-

Yeah, Didi. Didi, I get it.

Okay. Okay, uh, do you want me
to drop these off in the mailbox for you?

No, you know what? Just, uh-
Just leave them at my office for me.

I'll take care of it tomorrow.


Nothing fancy, nothing fake

Nothing wasted and no deal to make

What you need is what you want to take

And what you take, you use

Excuse me.
Uh, Zoe. Zoe, uh, Wade just texted me.

He's looking for you, says
it's an emergency, you need to go home.

As if I'm gonna fall for that.
Nice try, Wade.

Lavon, text him back
and tell him to blow it out his wazoo.

Judson and I are dancing.

- Wazoo?


- W-A-Z...
An emergency?

- This means war.
- Zoe, let's not-

Judson, we have to figure out how
to get back at him.

We do? I was thinking we could
grab some punch and a moonlit walk-

Judson, give me your phone.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

Mr. Mayor, hey.

Hey, Brick.

Well, I haven't seen Didi. She okay?

Um, we didn't work out.



Didi is great, but I get it.

There's no point in continuing
a relationship with someone...

...if it isn't there.

You know, I spent 20 years coming
to this dance with my wife...

...and the last 12 Sweetie Pies home
with her pictures.

Well, nothing has made me
miss her more...

...than coming to this dance
with the wrong girl.


Okay, okay, I am a genius. I sent Wade's
girlfriend a dozen roses from him...

...with a note that says "I love you. "
Ha, ha.

Isn't that great?
We can dance now, sorry.

I promise that is the last time
I mention the name.

- Wade Kinsella?
- Hey, didn't you get my message?

Rose is over at my place.
She's got a nasty cut, she's hurt.

Not possible.
She is with Courtney Ann.

Don't you know anything?
You've been here for four months.

That is Courtney Ann.

Come on, Judson, we have to go.

You know what?
That's okay, I'm just gonna-


I'll call you later.

Come on. Go, go.

How could you be so irresponsible?
- I asked you to get the real doctor.

- Move.
- I'm sorry. I told them not to get you.

They got me. What happened?

I thought it would be okay if I stayed at
my house while my parents were gone.

I got locked out and breaking a window
isn't as easy as it seems in the movies.

- You need stitches. Let's go to my place.
Is there a Joelle here?

Oh, Wade.

I love you too, ha, ha.

Wait, wait. Heh, I didn't send you flowers.

Why would I send you flowers?

Why would you send me flowers?

Oh, yeah.

So let me get this straight.
You lost our save-the-date cards?

Well, Didi found them.

So they haven't been mailed out yet?

Because it's three months
before the wedding-

This isn't about proper decorum,

This is about the fact
that I lost our wedding invitations.

Hey, listen, it was irresponsible,
but I forgive you.

You fo-

You know what? Maybe it was more
than just irresponsible, Lemon.

You have been distracted...

...and you have buried yourself in project
after project ever since Christmas.

You've been moody
and you've been snappy...

...and we haven't connected at all
on any level in quite some time.

It's like we don't even know each other
anymore, it's like you're not trying.

George, what are you trying to say?

What I'm saying is that
I lost our save-the-date cards...

...because I'm having doubts.

Listen, the buck stops here, okay?

I am the grown-up,
but you let me down.

You shouldn't have lied.

I am so, so, so sorry.

What you did was irresponsible.

All this scheming and breaking in...

...just so you didn't have to spend
the weekend with your parents?

My parents...

...don't get me.

They think I, like, fit in.

It would crush them to know the truth,
that I only have two friends...

...and they'd both rather be at a dance
than hang out with me.

Hey, Rose, no dance
is more important than you.

I tried to talk to you,
but you were so distracted.

I'm sorry.
It's just that Wade makes me so crazy.


...Wade likes you.

Yeah, he acts like an eighth grader,
and maybe that's how I could recognize it.

And I know it isn't relevant
since you have Judson, who is perfect...

...but you should at least be forgiving.

Okay, I'll try.

But you need to get some sleep.

What are you doing here?

I wanna tell you that...

Ugh, okay.

I was involved with a woman who broke
my heart when she chose someone else.

Chose an old love over a new one.

And when I saw you with Al and I heard
he was here to win you back...

...all the pain came flooding back.

Lavon, no one knows what's
gonna happen between two people...

...and I'm sorry you had
your heart broken...

...but this is not that relationship...

...and until yesterday...

...I was having such a good time.

Well, you know, maybe...

...a good time might be exactly
what Lavon Hayes needs.

Sweetie pie.

Sweetie pie.

- What are you doing home?
- Hey.

- It's not even 10:00.
- I know. Look, I took Agnes home early.

And I apologized.

But let's just face it,
it wasn't meant to be.

I mean, Agnes, she's a very nice woman,
but she's not your mother.

It has been 12 years.

When are you gonna finally see
the truth?

- Mama doesn't love us.
- Now, that is not true.

Your mother had big dreams,
and she left to pursue them.

No, she went to go find a new home
and a new family.

Stop that. I don't know what fantasy
you're cooking up in your head, but-

You know, I'm not the one
with the fantasy, Daddy, okay?

I found her.
I went to see her over Christmas.

She's not a star in Los Angeles.
She's a housewife in Daphne.

She wants nothing to do with us.

- That is not true-
- I'm sorry, but it is.

Hey, how's Rose?

She needed stitches and a friend.

She's okay, though.
She's asleep inside.

Listen, we need to talk.

Judson, I am so sorry
that our night was ruined.

You are everything I ever imagined
I'd want in a guy.

You're sweet, kind, a doctor.

Look, I was a total jerk.

Please, please,
please let me make it up to you.

I really do want this to work.

You say that, but, Zoe, let's face it...

...you were more excited about your war
with Wade...

...than you were a romantic night
with me.

Doesn't that tell you everything
you need to know?

Hey, Brick.

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah. Lemon finally told me
about Alice living in Daphne.

- Wait, Alice?
- You two didn't have to protect me.

- I could have handled it.
- Brick, I didn't-

What? You knew, didn't you?

Oh, good Lord.

- When did she find out?
- Christmas. I-

That explains the anxiety medication
and the mood swings.

- Oh, my poor baby-
- I'm here anytime you need to talk.

- I hope you know that. But right now, I-
- Thanks, son, you go.


Go away, George.

I don't need you or your doubts
here right now, okay?

Lemon, I ran into your dad.

Why on earth would you not tell me
about this?

I mean, baby, I can only imagine...

I sat in the car...

...looking at her
with her new little girl.

And I-

I thought that I might crumble.

Break into a million little parts.

Of course you did.

That's why you've been so distant,
but why would you not tell me?

Because honestly, I don't like you
to see me this way, okay?

Lemon, why not?

Because she taught me...

...to hide my weakness.

And I tried to be
the perfect Southern belle for you...

...and for this town,
but mostly for her.

Like it would bring her back
or something.

What an idiot I am.

My life has been a complete
and utter waste of time.

- No, Lemon, don't you ever say that.
- I don't know who I am anymore.

I am just a total mess.

Baby, you're not a mess.

You maybe could use a tissue or two, huh?


...I love you.

Okay? And I wanna get to know
every part of you.

The vulnerable side, the crazy side.

I don't care if it's perfect,
I just want you to be you.

Okay? Because without you,
there can't be us.

And I want us back.

Me too.

So much.


Don't you ever knock?

Rose left her sweater
over at my house.

And don't worry.
I peeked in the window...

...to make sure you and Doc Collie-wood
weren't doing the nasty...

- ... before I came in.
- Oh, thanks.

- Um, but he broke up with me.
- Yeah, I heard.

I'm sorry about that.

Wade, let's face it.

I have a certain amount of charm.
You and I have had some chemistry...

Why don't you just admit it?
You like me.

You know what?

You're right. I do.

I like you, Zoe.

And, uh, it kills me to see you with Judson.
I can't stand it.

All day I write "Mr. Wade Hart"
in my notebooks.

Or there was a town pool
about when y'all would break up...

...and I had a hundred bucks
on tonight.

Yeah. I'm gonna go smooth things out
with my girl...

...but, uh, this should buy
a lot of malt liquor. Night now.

- Oh, that was- Oh, my.
- Ha-ha-ha.

Now I understand
how you have so many trophies.


- I'd love some water.
- Water.

I'll be right back.

Don't move.

Get ready for the second quarter.