Harry's Law (2011–2012): Season 1, Episode 9 - The Fragile Beast - full transcript

When a war veteran locks his wife in their basement to keep her from cheating, her lover Miguel, approaches Harry to help -- but asks that she not involve the police due to their immigrant status. Meanwhile, Adam takes on his first divorce case where he represents Lynette Zales after a romantic affair she orchestrated for her husband to spice up their marriage develops into something more. Elsewhere, Jenna and Malcolm confront each other about their kiss.

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Previously on "Harry's Law..."

- Go... go... go!
- Help!!

My job is to make clear that crap
don't fly in my neighborhood.

That crap is flying in
every neighborhood.

Not mine.

I don't like what this
neighborhood is doing to us.

Adam got shot at,
Chunhua almost got raped.

Damien almost killed somebody.

I didn't hire you
to work for Tommy Jefferson.

The idea of Malcolm emulating
you in any way...

You're out of line.

- He's kind of sweet.
- Sweet?

- I owe you a big apology.
- No, you don't.

I break up with you,
and you commit...

I don't even know what this is
you're committing.

I switched jobs.

Are you seeing anybody?

Well, actually, I'm between
therapists right now.

That's not what I meant.
Are you seeing anybody?

Actually, I've-I've met someone.

- I should go.
- Hey...


- I didn't see that coming.
- Me, neither. I'm sorry.

- No. No, I'm sorry.
- You don't have to say sorry.

This neighborhood,

despite all its faults--
it's in my blood now.

♪ Wise men say... ♪

Wise men say,

only fools rush in.

Are you a fool?

Do you need a wise man to
get you out of a legal problem?

Would he be the fool,
or the wise man?

Like a river flows,
surely to the sea...

My God. And I'm supposed
to meet with him tomorrow, too.

Some things are meant to be.

Please tell me
we're not seeing this.

Okay, I'm gonna head out.
Do you need anything else?

No. Go.

Let's conquer the world


Take my hand, take my whole

life, too. Put your life...

We were representing
a cop-killer, now we're not.

Li'l D hired somebody else.

Somebody with maybe
more experience.

Defending cop-killers.


Thanks for walking me.
Thank you for dinner.

And for listening, mainly.

It helps.

Adam, you know
I'm happy to listen,

but I really think you should
be talking to a professional.

If you're about to pimp out
your psychiatrist boyfriend...

Somebody else, then?

Did you talk to
Chunhua about it?

Some, but she's still reeling
from her own trauma.

And you don't want
to burden her with it?

I'll be calling
a therapist tomorrow.

- You promise?
- Lawyer's honor.

Thanks, Rachel,
for everything.

You know I care about you,
yeah? You do know that.

I do.

Sorry. Sorry.

Adam, I'm...
I'm with someone.

I know. I know.

- And I thought so were you.
- I am. I am.

I just... Sorry.

- Good night.
- Good night.

That... Oh!

- How could you?
- I don't know. I guess...

Adam, can I ask you
a question?

Are you in this for real
with Chunhua or not?


Adam kissed his ex-girlfriend
last night. - Jenna!

- We're all family.
- You kissed Rachel?

I don't want to talk about it.

Great, 'cause
I don't really care.

You got an appointment
with a woman this morning.

Lynette Zales.

She's what we haven't had
here before.

Something called
a paying client.

- What's the case?
- She wants to divorce her husband.

What? Can't you take it?

I could,
but I hate divorce cases,

and since I'm the boss...

Try not to kiss her. See
if you can get me out of

that thing with Tommy.

He already called to confirm.

Ugh! Of course he did.

Yes, sir.

My name is Miguel Martínez.

Good for you.
What do you want?

This is $400.

It's all that
I have liquid.

I would like you to
find my girlfriend.

- She's missing?
- No.

Her husband has her
locked in the basement.

It's not like her not
to call me or text me.

And he has locked her
in the basement before.

I know that
he's got her.

Look, Mr...

Mr. Martínez,

this sounds more
like a police matter.

No. I can't go to the police.
I am undocumented,

and so is Sofia.

This has to be handled
another way.

And if I go over there,

he won't be
too receptive.

You see, we used to
be best of friends.

That would explain
you sleeping with his wife.

Please, Ms. Korn.

I love her very much,

and she loves me, and we
would like to be married.

But right now,
that can't happen,

because her husband

has her locked
in the basement.

♪ Ooh... Ah... ♪


- you have to call the police.
- I can't. You heard him.

The client's undocumented.
If we call the police...

It doesn't matter.

If we have the knowledge
that a person's life

is in jeopardy,
we have a duty...

We don't have
that knowledge.

Do you have that knowledge?
I don't have that knowledge.

- We're lawyers, not hostage negotiators.
- Yeah.

Thanks for the update.

Ah, just in time.
We got to go get

- a woman out of a basement.
- Come again?

A bad husband's
got his wife

locked in a basement.

We got to get her out.

Okay, but there's gonna be
a charge on that, Harry.

My deal with you is
for defensive services.

You want to play me on offense,

that's cool, but
there's a charge.

No, there's not. Let's go.

Only 'cause I got
a crush on you, baby.

- And you will not beat anybody up.
- So what are you gonna do?

- - Do you hear me?

- Rachel, Chunhua.
- Look, Jenna, it...

Why were you even
with her last night?

I needed somebody
to talk to about,

you know, the
shooting and...

So why didn't you talk
to your girlfriend?

The current one?

I don't know.

You don't know?

I suppose, I'm...

I'm not ready to be weak
in front of Chunhua.

With Rachel, I have
such a long history, that...

With her, you can cry.

I certainly appreciate
your concern,

but this is a private
family matter.

I'm afraid it's more
than that, Mr. Stewart.

Oh, please, call me Chester.

Chester. Kidnapping,

false imprisonment... those
are very serious crimes.

Oh, I'm not really
doing that. No.

This is just, uh,
more like an intervention.

- An intervention?
- Yes, ma'am.

My wife is suffering
a fidelity lapse.

These things happen from time
to time in marriages, they pass.

I feel it's best
to keep her in the basement

until she comes to her senses,
which I know she will.

Again, I thank you
for your concern.

I must say, you're one
of the more polite kidnappers.

I don't really appreciate
being called that, ma'am.

But that's what you are, sir.

You're committing a felony.

One for which
you could face prison.

Well, that might be the case

if this was turned over
to the authorities,

but I don't think it will
because that would result

with your client and my wife
being returned to El Salvador.

I think this is where
I offer my input, Harry.

Chester, release the girl,
or I gut you like a hog.

That's not something a guest
in my home should say.

Well, I said it.
Damage done, more to come.

I'll tell you what.

If you'd like to settle this
with physicality...

We don't want that.

I'm talking to your
associate right now,

Ms. Korn. If you'd like
to right this with might,

have Mr. Martinez
come down here.

He can wrestle
me for the girl.

Either Greco-Roman or Freestyle,
whichever he chooses.

You're twice his size.

Yes, well,
he could have committed adultery

with another person's wife.

He chose mine.

I'm not going to go back
to my client

and recommend he wrestle you.

Okay, well,

then, I guess you're just gonna
have to call the police.

Or I just go down
now and get her.

- That wouldn't go well.
- No.

It wouldn't.

It was a good marriage,

but it seemed
to lose, um... heat.

- Heat? - He-He didn't want
to have sex with me.

But that's-that's not why
I'm leaving him.


It's that he's having it
with someone else.


I should back up a bit.

We tried therapy to address
the lack-of-heat problem

to no avail, so,
you know, I suggested...

you know, a three-way,
because I know

that men fantasize
about that sort of thing.

Do you?


Oh, um...

I'm still trying to master,
you know, the two-way.

Well, I procured a woman
off of Craigslist,

and we attempted
to spice up the marriage.

And did you... spice it up?

Very much so.

As long as she was in bed.

I see.

So I began
to get uncomfortable

because it seemed like
he was more

into her than me,
so we stopped.

Six weeks later, yesterday,

I found them
in bed together.

They're having an affair.

I'm sorry.

Well, I want a divorce,

and I don't want to give
him any of my money.

I'm sort of
a trust-fund baby.

Before we got married,
he signed a prenup

that if he cheated,
he would get nothing.

Well, he cheated, so,
I want him to get nothing.

So what's your end game here?

- Do you have one?
- Well, statistically,

most women who leave their
husbands eventually regret it.

I'll just wait
for that to happen,

and then I'll release her.

The irony being,
she won't want to go.

And then you'll just resume
living happily ever after?

Ms. Korn, marriage takes work.

Yes, but part of the process
does not involve kidnapping.

Let me point out something to
you I think you're overlooking.

You're a whacko.



I don't think he liked that.

This thing ends
with you either in prison,

or a rubber room, preferably

a padded prison.
Do they make them?

- Yeah. - You've come into my
home, and you've insulted me.

Which means what?
We need to wrestle now?

Come on, Chester.
You're obviously a smart guy.

Albeit a whacko. Look into
your crystal ball here.

Do you see any
good ending for you?

It's not too late for a do-over.

Let her out.
We won't go to the police.

I think you should leave now,

before I get upset.

It is not good when I'm upset.

I'm not good upset.

Right now...
I'm feeling upset.

Wrestle him?

I'm certainly
not recommending this.

The man is twice my size.

Look, Miguel.
Clearly, the man is crazy.

Look, I say I just go

bust down the door
with my team.

I can't allow for that.

I paid you 400 bucks.

We need to figure
this out, Miguel.

First off, let me ask,
has he ever hurt her?


Not to my knowledge.

He just locks her up
from time to time.

You know, but this time,

it was her plan to tell
him last night

that she was leaving him.

Okay? So I am getting worried.

All right.

I do think the man
is open to dialogue.

Against some of my
better judgment,

I'm going to go back there

and try to talk to him again.

Maybe some of what

I said before has sunk in.

Hey, how are we doing?

I've got a
conference set up.

You, him, and his lawyer

will be here.

You don't have to be
here, Lynette, if...

No, I-I-I want to be here.

Are you sure?

Yes. Yes.

He's got to be in crisis...

I mean, the worst thing
that could happen to him

would be to lose Chunhua,
which he's going to do

if he keeps on running around,
kissing ex-girlfriends.


Malcolm, why don't you

ever give me any opinions?

I know that you have them.

Well, actually...

- I think it's a little funny.
- Funny?

Funny that you and I are
discussing Adam's kiss,

and we haven't talked
about ours.


I... I explained ours.

At least from my...

It just happened.

And it shouldn't have.

We're co-workers.
It's improper.


Jenna, I'm sorry,
you know?

That it happened...

You are? Oh.


Look, I didn't
mean it...

It's just, you seem upset
about it, and I don't...

I never said that
I was upset that it happened.

I just said
that it shouldn't have.

I never said it upset me.


One second?

I just...

Could you close the door,

I am so sorry.

I think...
I think I just...

I guess...

Do you not think my relationship
with Thomas is real?

- Is that it?
- I know it's real.

I don't know why I did it.
I shouldn't have done it, and...

Maybe it's just too soon
for us to resume being friends.

Is that what you want?

We should stop being friends?
Is that what you want?

No, of course
that's not what I want.

But if I can't have a
dinner or a drink with you

and have to worry
all the while,

"Are you going to
try to kiss me after?"

You won't have
to worry about that.

It'll never happen again.

I promise.








If the man is married

to the woman, don't
she get citizenship?

It evidently
hasn't come through yet.

You just let me do
the talking here.

Ms. Korn.
You've come back.

I thought you might.

I actually
just made some cookies.

They're still warm.

I was wondering,

now that you've had time
to reflect,

have you perhaps
reconsidered the wisdom

of all this?

I'm sorry, was I being
ambiguous before?

I do apologize for
the confusion.

No, I remain firm

on my position here.

So sorry that you had
to trek all the way back.

Chester, I can't allow you
to keep a woman locked up.

If I have to, I will
go to the police.

Okay, then, I guess
I'll just be going to prison.

I'm just gonna get her out.

It's a safe room.

He won't get in.


I've totally struck out.
I don't know what to tell you.

They said that you was good.

Well, they lied. Look,

I'm afraid the news for
you gets even worse.

I'm becoming
increasingly concerned

Chester could jeopardize
the safety of his wife.

I have to go
to the police.

No, you can't.
I will be deported.

I'm sorry.

What a person tells
his lawyer...

it's supposed
to be a secret.

Well, there
are exceptions.

And you've stumbled
onto one of them.


Did somebody
steal your car again?

And into storage
she goes.

Chester isn't right
in the head, Miguel.

Ever since he came back...

He never used to be like this.

He used to be

so happy and gentle.

Came back from what?

From the war.

He was in Iraq.

But ever since
he-he came back...

Harry, if this guy's
fresh from Iraq

and shell-shocked,
he's a time bomb,

and dangerous.

I could try
talking to him.

Oh, no thank you, Tommy.

I'm not so sure you
and time bombs should mingle.

I'm a combat vet.


I could maybe speak
his language.

You were in Vietnam?

I was just 18. Wounded
first week of action.

I can relate.

Where were you wounded?

The foot.

You shot yourself
in the foot.

Cleaning my weapon.

Let me tell you...

it hurts more coming
from your own gun. I promise.

Harry, look,

it's worth a try.

If I strike out,
you can go to the police.

What's to lose?

I'm a people person.

Let's not forget that.

Yes, let's not.

You see the new commercial?

I did.

It's terrific.


No, Tommy.

Look, uh,

much to my dismay,
if not shock,

I've grown rather
fond of you.

It hurts to see you...

We should sit down

and have a talk about
your public persona.

Can we do that at some point?



You're kidding, right?

You really want
to enforce this prenup?

The language is clear.
You cheat, you lose.

No wiggle room. He wiggled.

They walked down
this path together.

- In fact, it was her idea.
- That's true.

And the encounters Mr. and
Mrs. Zales engaged in together

as a couple with
a third party,

that wasn't sex
outside of marriage.

That was sex
inside of marriage.

That was European.

But once he started having
sex behind her back...

Oh, come on.

What? You don't think
this is cheating,

just because at one time...

Certainly an estoppel theory
would bar her...

- No, it wouldn't. - Yes, it would.
No, it wouldn't. - Yes, it would.

Were you not having sex
behind your wife's back?

Don't answer that.

Wasn't this whole
thing your idea?

Don't answer that.

How about we talk
to the third party?

Get her take on it.

- Fine.
- Fine.

Lynette, this wasn't supposed
to happen.

But it did happen,
Dennis, it did.

You brought a new friend.

May we come in?

I'm sorry. I no longer feel
hospitable towards you.


I recognize you.
I've seen you on TV.

You're that, uh, you're
that lawyer-clown.

Not a good start.

Just give us
five minutes, Chester. Please.

You likely suffer from

post-traumatic stress disorder.

Almost 30% of soldiers returning
from Iraq do.

I don't have that.

Sure, you do.

Tommy. Chester.

I don't have that.
You're mistaken.

You killed people over there?

We all killed people in Iraq.

It's called being a soldier.


you have your wife locked
in a basement.

This isn't the behavior
of a sane person.

I told you why
I locked her up.

She's suffering from
a lapse of fidelity.

- Oh, boy.
- Chester, listen to me.

You came back wounded.

Maybe it isn't an
injury you can see,

but you were wounded
just the same,

and it's potentially fatal.

I was just being
a good soldier.

I did what all soldiers do.

You're not being a good soldier
now, are you, Chester?

You don't get
to say that to me.

I'm a Vietnam vet.

Did I do two tours like you?


Did I experience
all that you have?

No. But I think I do have
some perspective.

You fought for our country,
because you believe in America,

the greatest nation
in the world.

Holding your wife
in a basement...

that's not American, Chester.

That might happen
in Pakistan

or Iran or Afghanistan.
Our enemies do that.

Not us.

We're the country
that stands for freedom,

civil liberties, human rights.

Adlai Stevenson said that
it's a lot easier to fight

for principles than
live up to them.

Was he right, Chester?

Can you not live up
to the very principles

that you were willing
to sacrifice your life for?

Like a river



It's time to let her go,

It's time.


I had it built
as a safe room,

mainly 'cause, you know,
I wanted to protect her.

So nothing bad
could ever happen to her.

I see.

I must warn you.
She doesn't look

quite herself.

Hey, hon.

Mrs. Stewart,

I'm Harry Korn.

You're safe now.

I've come to take
you out of here.

Or not.

Hey! Hey!

Hey! Okay.

This isn't good.

No reception.

The walls are
lined with lead.

I can't believe this.
I cannot believe this.

All right,
the main thing is not to panic.

These things happen.

These things happen?!

Did you just say that?

We're locked
in some whacko's basement.

These things do not happen.

Harry, we're all familiar
with the saying,

"whatever doesn't kill you
makes you stronger."

Think he'll kill us?

I don't know.

The Chester
I married would never.

But this Chester...

I don't know
this Chester at all.

I wasn't unhappy
as a patent attorney.

It wasn't exciting, but...

what I wouldn't give
to get my unexciting life back.

Come on.
Look at the bright side.

Tommy, there is no bright side

to being locked
in a room with you.

We're not sleeping together.

The tension
is confusing, I know,

but we're just platonic friends.

Oh, my God!

Okay, first, I have to ask.

What the hell were you thinking?

I thought she would add spice.

You brought that home
to play with your husband? Her?

Can we start
this, please?

- Are we on the record?
- We are.

I'm sorry. Uh,

I'm very nervous.

Should I get a lawyer, or...?

This isn't about
prosecuting you.

And by the way,
this would probably qualify

as sexual therapeutic services,

and not prostitution,

- so I think you're okay.
- Okay.

I needed
to supplement my income.

I'm a school teacher.

I have a mortgage, so

I placed the ad.

And you were contacted by...?

- Mrs. Zales.
- So, you eventually

made an arrangement
with Mr. and Mrs. Zales,

and it was
for therapeutical services.

Am I correct?

Yes. They were interested
in a menage-a-trois

to rekindle their sexual energy.

So you three began having...




And then?

After about four weeks,

Mrs. Zales
wanted to stop.

But you and Mr. Zales
didn't stop?


We did not.

You began having sex,
unbeknownst to Lynette.

Well, I did not know

it was unbeknownst.

I-I thought...

Marilyn, you are under oath.

If you commit perjury for that,
you could be criminally liable.

Is it your testimony
that you thought

Lynette knew that you
and her husband

were continuing to have sex?

No. She did not know.

- You're sure?
- Yes. Lynette,

I am so very sorry. I...

Marilyn, this is the woman
who initially hired you.

Is it that
you felt more

of a loyalty
to her husband?

- Marilyn? - I don't know how
it happened, but Dennis and I...

You and Dennis what?

We fell in love.

- You fell in love?
- Yes.

It wasn't supposed to happen.

- But...
- Are you still in love?


He just started

to become more and more erratic.

At a certain point,
I didn't recognize him anymore.

Miguel and me...
we first started

bonding, I suppose, over

our concern for Chester.

He was worried, too.

The more

Chester and I became...

Miguel and me...

No talking! No talking!


how crazy is this man?

I don't know.

My first wife used to lock me

in the bathroom
from time to time.

She could only take so much,

so every now and again,
she'd give me a time-out.

Anybody hear
from Harry yet?



No, I haven't heard.

Maybe she's making progress.

I haven't heard anything.

Talk to you a second?

Talk to you a second?

Okay, what did I do?

I don't know
what you mean.

Jenna, you're obviously
mad at me.

Why would I be mad
at you? It's not as if

you did anything.
You did absolutely nothing.

All right. I have no idea
what the hell's going on,

but what I think it could be is
when you said you weren't upset

that we kissed, that was
some sort of signal

I was supposed to pick up on,
and I didn't, and you're mad.

So if for some reason you meant
like you wouldn't mind if we...

I'd love to hang out
with you sometime.

If that's what you...

Sure, I'd love to. Maybe we
could go down to the mall,

hang out, grab a cheesesteak
or something.

I was asking you out.

On a date.

If you think I'm about to go on

some kind of mercy date or
something... - Jenna.

I'm barely 20. I don't
read women good, okay?

If you're interested,

what I'm trying to say is,

so am I.

A lot.

Last week a kid

got shot.

My associate almost got shot.

His girlfriend was nearly raped.

Why I continue to work
in this neighborhood...

Harry? Can I stop you a second?

What you're experiencing
right now

is very similar to what happened
with the Chilean miners.

Your brain starts to
wreak havoc with you.

I've been here an hour.

The feeling of being locked up...

by a crazy man, no less,

where there's a very
good possibility

that he may kill us...
these feelings

are natural.

Don't beat yourself up.

I've reconsidered
my position.

You're all free to go.

Sofia, when I was in Iraq,

I made up this photo album
for you, in case...

you know, something
were to happen to me.

I would like you to take it,

so you can at
least remember...


I apologize for
the inconvenience.

We did win.

We established your
husband was cheating,

we'll probably be able to
enforce the prenup.

It was a victory.

Part of me was hoping,
when the truth came out,

that somehow it
was for therapy.

That he, he wasn't cheating.

- That he was still in love with me.
- Lynnette?

You get to walk out of this
with your head high.

Do you know why?
Because you were faithful.

You honored your vows.

You did everything that you
could to save your marriage.

How many people can
say that these days?

- You're very sweet, Jenna.
- I know.

The head high might be
a good place to start.

My father used to
always tell me that

you'll never get anywhere
in life as a victim.

Maybe he's right.

I'm just not comfortable
leaving it like this.

There's nothing else we can do.
How you doing, rude?

Jenna? Unless you still want
to call the police, which...

Tommy, the situation
is just as precarious.

Probably just as dangerous.

- Did he release the wife?
- Eventually.

Not before locking
me and Tommy up.

- What?
- She went total Chilean.

I did not.

Look, let's call Chester,
also Miguel and Sophia.

Let's see if we can
get them all in a room.

Chester and Miguel?
Are you nuts?

Chilean. These two
might kill each other.

Somehow I doubt it.

Oh, sorry, Adam,

I see here that you have an
early dinner with Chunhua today.

Shall I blow that off for you?

- You know what, Jenna?
- Never mind.

If I want to tune
into a soap opera,

I'll watch Dynasty.

We need to prevail
on Chester to get treatment.

This is his wife
and his best friend.

I mean, they'll have influence.

Perhaps more if they weren't
sleeping together.

Do we know a therapist
who deals with PTSD?

Someone who can get here
on short notice?

I can see.

I might know of one.

You want Thomas?

Harry does.

Rachel, this is not
some pretext, I swear.

We have a combustible situation.
We need somebody fast.

You keep telling me

Thomas is the best for PTSD.

I was hoping to call in a favor,
which I know I'm not due.

Oh, right. It's some
evil conspiracy where

I kiss you again.
It's a bit of an emergency.

You think I want to seek
a favor from your boyfriend?

What's going on?


you made that remark about Adam

and soap opera, and

in the spirit of full
disclosure, not to mention

our relationship,
which, personally...

Just, tell me what's going on,
Jenna. My feet hurt.

Malcolm and I...

are going on a date.

- Why?
- Why?

Because we're young people,
attracted to each other.

Oh, give me a break.

I was really hoping to get
your support on this.

Well, you don't get it.

The kid's 20.
Storage room's that way.

Going on a date.

I'm pretty much fine.

I mean, I still can
close my eyes sometimes

and see that gun...

and Lewis getting shot.

You really should see
a therapist.

Yes, that's what...

people say.

It's helping me.

It really is.


I've been given
a few names.

I plan to...

Don't look now, but that
beautiful French school teacher,

the three-way girl,
she's sitting right over...

What the...?

Oh, my God.

What's going on?

Excuse me one second.

Oh, yeah, absolutely.

How we doin', Lynette?

Feeling a little better?

Adam. Uh... we were,
we were just...

Just what?

Here I am wondering what would
possibly possess you to bring

a woman
this beautiful

to be intimate
with your husband.

Can I see what's in
the envelope, Marilyn?

Just checks from, uh,
past therapeutic services.

Uh-huh. You're really good,

I will say that.

But you, you're even better.

You orchestrated
this whole thing.

You hired this woman to have
an affair with your husband

so you can enforce
the prenup.

- That's absurd.
- Is it?

Your father would certainly be
proud, wouldn't he, Lynette?

You're nobody's victim.

By the way,

my bill is $15,000.

A little steep
for two days' work,

but you'll pay it
because if not,

well, not paying legal fees
is grounds

for a lawyer to blow privilege.

What do you know?

Dad would have been proud of me,
too, wouldn't he?

Enjoy your dinner.

I owe you an

What my father said about not
being a victim,

the marriage wasn't just
loveless. It was fairly cruel.

My husband could be
cold, punishing.

The idea of him diminishing me,
financially profiting.

Sometimes, the compulsion
to save face can...

Got it. You're good to go.

Hey, I get it;
you made a mistake.

You probably married young,
right? It happens.

No, the tragedy was
I didn't marry young.

I was very much in love in my
youth, but I let it slip away

because I had places to go,
things to do.

I was sure love would
come along again. How stupid.

I mean, the odds
of finding love once are...

No, the tragedy is
I didn't marry young.

You have a war injury.

It's just as real as a physical
wound and just as

if left untreated.

Chester, Cincinnati has one
of the best programs for this.

You can get
your life back.

Honey... you, you used to laugh.

You used to be funny.

Don't you think I know when you
lock yourself in your room

that you are
crying all day?

I realize I'm not...
it's not normal

to lock you up.

It is normal
to want to kill you.


Don't talk to me.

You don't talk.

you have a serious problem

which could possibly be fatal.

We could go down
there right now,

get you checked in

and begin getting
your life back.

Do it, Chester.

You sacrificed so much
for this country.

Do this for yourself.

I'll go with you.

- You don't have to do that.
- Chester, look at me.

I'll go with you.

I didn't realize
you were so sick.

I just thought
you had changed.

Miguel, you've been a great
source of comfort

to me in a very
difficult time.



the Chester before the war...

the truth is,
I-I could never love

anybody as much as I loved him.

And... and if I could
get him back,

if I could help him get back...

We should go.

I realize this may not be what
you were looking for

when you gave me the $400,

but, Miguel,

it's probably the right result.

I'll tell you, Harry.

I know I keep
saying this,

but we lead
damn exciting lives.

Yes. Thank you
for your help, Tommy.

Hey, we're like family, right?

Mmm! Hey, hey, hey,
there it is.

I look awesome
in high def.

Tommy, these commercials,

they're a little

But they track, Harry.
People remember them.

Did I ever tell you...?

No, I'm sure I didn't.

When I was in
seventh grade

I had the biggest crush
on this girl...

Stephanie Miles.

I think I even loved her.

And this is before
I even met her.

She was one of the pretty girls
that hung out

with a crowd that...

One day, we, just by a fluke,
we find ourselves

seated next
to each other in the cafeteria.

We talked for an hour

about anything
and everything.

It was pure magic.

That night, when I went to bed,
I could still smell her perfume.

I remember
taking my hand...


...and smelling her scent
where we'd touched.

Two days later,
by another coincidence,

I ran into her
at the supermarket.

And she says,
"You look familiar."

She didn't remember me.

I still think that was
the most hurt I've ever...

These commercials, Harry?

People won't forget
my name when...

I'm Tommy Jefferson.

Men are really fragile
beasts, aren't they?

You have no idea.


What's... going on?

Are you busy?
Is Thomas here or...?

He's upstairs.


First, thanks for helping out
with that today.

It really...

Second, I just...

When the shots started firing...

in that split second that,
I don't know,

maybe I thought
I was gonna die,

I saw you.

I thought of dying alone
and, well...

You know, when we're young,

we don't realize,
I think...

I'm sorry. Oh! I know this isn't
making much sense.

I promise you I haven't been

though I have plans to later.

This is just a half-assed way
of saying...

I take back my apology
for kissing you.

I kissed you because I wanted to,
more nthan anything.

I'm still in love
with you.

I will quite likely not know
love with anybody else

the way...
And as wrong as it is

for me to show up here

and drop that on you,

the thought that those bullets
could have found me

and I hadn't said
this to you...

that would've been
more wrong.

Good night.

♪ Lord, I'm just a poor man ♪

♪ Gave up my possessions ♪

♪ Just this bag on my back
full of confessions ♪

♪ I'm searching,
I'm searching... ♪