Harrow (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 8 - Sub Silentio - full transcript

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Previously on Harrow...

Fern Harrow,
you're under arrest for arson,

resulting in the death of
Timothy Markides.

Our house-fire victim fell asleep
while smoking a cigarette,

so the police won't be pursuing
an arson charge

against the theoretical suspect.

When Fern is released from prison, I
need you to take her somewhere safe.

Is there any way that body
was not Francis Chester?

The burnt body
came from the prison.

If it wasn't Chester,
then who the hell was it?

You want to dig up Francis's body?
My son is dead.

And he's gonna stay that way.

Maxine signed this?
Turns out Chester's mother is dead

and Maxine's been convinced
by other arguments.

Looks to me like
you've got your exhumation.

No-one's digging up anything.
You are suspended.

I've got to prove
that Chester is still alive.



...this all looks in order.

Put it through.

You must be happy to see this
going home to Egypt after so long.

He is 4,000 years old.

120 years in this country is nothing.

But we are grateful to Mr Hobson
for arranging his return.

Mr Hobson will also be pleased
with outcome.

What is it?

Call the police.

What... seems to be the problem?

The problem is
that dead ancient Egyptians

shouldn't have titanium hip joints.

Ooh. It's so early.

My coffee needs a coffee to wake up.



Well, what have we here, then?

Ooh. That's no prince of Egypt.

No, but it is the golden king.

Howard Hobson.

Mining magnate?

Didn't know he was dead.

Yeah, well, no-one does. Yet.

So, until we find out
why he was found

in this Cairo-bound casket
this morning,

we're gonna keep it under wraps.

Hilarious pun intended.

So, this coffin,
and the body that WAS in it,

is part of a collection accumulated
by Hobson's grandfather.

Hobson here was sending it
back to Egypt.

Someone decided he should go with.

Looks to me
like Middle Kingdom period.

Faint Nubian influences,
around 1800 BCE.

You sound like Harrow.

Oh... No!

Eugh! Sorry. I'll just...

So, the mummy that was in here...

Uh, yes, well...

...that's something these two
seem very keen to find out about.

They are not happy
that it's missing.

He's from the Egyptian Office

of Antiquities.

She's his translator.

They've been helping Mr Hobson

prepare his private
Egyptian collection for transport.

Someone helped Mr Hobson.

He didn't put himself
in these bandages.

No. Hey, where's Harrow?

I thought he'd be keen as mustard to
check out an old coffin like this.


What the f...?



Harrow's suspended? Why?

He forged my signature.

Yeah, well, I forged your signature
with the postman

when I signed for your lingerie
the other day.

A work document.

Yeah, but why?

Does it matter?!

He went over my head to the Coroner

with a signature I didn't sign.

But what did he want to authorise?

It's irrelevant.

We tell each other stuff, Max.


And sometimes, we have to trust that
the other is doing the right thing.

Dr Pavich?



Come with me.

You've reached Daniel Harrow.

Leave a message
and I'll return your...

So, where is Dr Harrow?

"DOCTOR Harrow" now, is it?

Hmm? Trouble in paradise?

Not paradise, Uncle Lyle.

We had sex. Once.

Before I started work here.

I find Harrow interesting...
and attractive.

But he's very irritating.

I'm not sure if it's because he has
a gift for finding flaws in my work

or because I keep finding
a billion flaws in him

but still can't fault his work.

So, where is he?
I think he's been suspended.


Ooh, hello.

Fancy seeing you here.

Edwina Gharam, this is Dr Fairley.

I've met Dr Fez.
Oh, of course.

And Dr Molyneux.

Edwina is a registered nurse who's
joining us for probationary period

as a forensic assistant.

OK, so, suit up
and you can get to work.

Daniel's been suspended.

Yes, I heard.
So, what will happen to him now?

Just do your job today.

Daniel's problems
are of his own making.

Hello? Help!



Hello to you too, Dr Harrow.

What do you want?

It's "What did YOU want?"

You wanted proof
that I wasn't dead, right?

Now you've got it.

Only... I'm afraid
you can't really share it.

I'm sure you've discovered the phone
doesn't make outgoing calls.

That is just for you and me
to while away the time.

And I know you tried to get
an exhumation order,

and I know you failed.

So, I know it's gonna be some time
before they find you.

Maybe... weeks. Maybe months.

Or maybe never.

Why are you doing this?

Because you ruined my life.

There was no way I was going to jail

until you miraculously found the
evidence that changed everything,

So, that's what this is?

Shitty, cheap revenge?

The same motive
as your patsy, Brendan Skene?

Oh... I left
that little breadcrumb trail for you

and you did find it.

Or, rather, Simon van Reyk found it.

You... bastard.

It was me you wanted to hurt.

You didn't have to kill him.

I did warn you.

"Everything you hold dear," hmm?

I'm gonna kill you.

Oh, Dr Harrow, I do admire
your optimism.

So, you left Euralla.

I did.

I'm not the only one.

And you're from Euralla too?

I heard you were a great neurosurgeon
until something went wrong.

It is fun, poking around
in people's pasts, Ms Gharam.

Should I autopsy yours?

Nah. Everyone's got a story, right?

What's this guy's?
Mr Howard Hobson.

The mining magnate.

How appropriate.


Embalming was the purview
of the wealthy in ancient Egypt.

Now, did you know that
the embalming process took 70 days.

Firstly, they would remove
all the organs.

Then they would pack the body
in a lake-bed salt called natron.

Uh... What?

You're sounding like Harrow.

Let's just get the bandages off,
shall we?

Wait a second. Is this how he was
found - with his face uncovered?

Why go to all the trouble
of wrapping him like this,

but not his mouth?

Unless he was still alive
when he was put in there.



Possibly he did suffocate in there.

Hobson didn't wrap himself up.

If he was alive
when he was put in the coffin

and cause of death
was asphyxiation, then...

It's manslaughter.
Or murder.

If he was still alive
when he was locked in that coffin,

how long would he have lasted?

Well, if he was unconscious and
breathing shallowly, several hours.

But if he was panicking
and hyperventilating...

If he couldn't control
his breathing...

...less than three.

Oh, God...

What do you want, Chester?

I just want to chat.

Don't you think we have
lots to chat about?

How are you?

Great. Wish you were here.

How does that smell?

Whose body was it?

...it wasn't mine.

Despite your drunken friend,
Laurie Badcoe, signing that it was.

I AM gonna get out of here.

The mathematics of oxygen depletion
say otherwise.

So, why don't you save breaking
your nails on coffin-maker pine,

sit back, relax,

and enjoy the movies?


Fish, baby?

You're out!


Cal, get back.

She's a cop.
She wants to arrest me again.


Arrest her.

Arrest her. Put her back inside.

Fish, what's going on?

Get in!

Suspended? Why?

I imagine it's got something to do
with this latest crazy theory

that this is all
supposed to be about.

You still don't believe it?

I've never met a man who's so right
about things as Daniel.

And so wrong about people.

He can see the tiniest detail
in a millimetre of flesh...

...and miss a mile of loneliness
right in front of him.

And now it's got to the point
where I don't know what to believe.


...you do.

Anyway, I have to go to work.

So, stay here, OK?

Just in case your father is right.


He looks 3,000 years old already.

I heard he's had,
like, two or three wives.

And about 100 mistresses.


How much is he worth?

Well, his grandfather was

a contemporary of Cecil Rhodes.

So, billions.

Skin damage consistent with age
of the deceased. It's very thin.

Explains why there were
so many bandages to hand.

No contusions around his neck
to suggest strangulation.


Does his tongue look dry to you?

Yes. It does look quite dehydrated.

Almost damaged.

Let's get all the fluids we can,
see what they tell us.

Mm. And a full tox.

Shall we check posterior first?

Be aware, the dead can
often flatulate when they move.


Three, two, one...



What the hell caused those?

That's what I'm here to find out.


Well, there's plenty
to look through.

Uh, Dr Grace Molyneux
from the morgue.

Ufa Sabry, Nenet Botro,

from Egypt's Office of Antiquities.

And Clayton Pike,
Mr Hobson's lawyer.

And professional staller

on providing a copy
of Mr Hobson's will.

Well, you'll see it for yourself
once you produce a warrant.

I'm simply protecting
my client's interests.

We don't understand
why you are stalling.

We also need to see the will.

There is a great deal of publicity
in our country

concerning the return
of these artefacts

and the missing mummy.

It will be hugely embarrassing
for our government

if they do not arrive in Cairo.

We're doing all we can.

Um, so, is this where
the sarcophagus sat?

Yeah. SOCOs found fibres
on the floor,

presumably where the old mummy
was removed.

No security cameras?

They were switched off.

Do you see anything that might have
caused those marks on his back?

Let's keep looking.

We'll be back presently.

Hey, Scotty.

I don't think he just slept in here.

I don't think I'll sleep
for a while, having seen those.

There's more down here.

How does that bloody work?

What's the story with Hobson's wife?

The current one
that's trying to divorce him

or the former one that succeeded?

They're both proving
a bit slippery today.


Grab that side.


What in blue blazes is that?

Well, that is an 18th-century
wheat-threshing sled.

Wasn't wheat being threshed up here.

That explains the marks
on Hobson's back.

And the need for all the bandages.


Getting old's something
to look forward to, eh?

Has Scenes of Crime
inspected this room yet?

Not fully. Why?


I don't think so.


Who's this?
Who's that?

It's me. Grace.

What...? I'm... Grace.

No, me, Edwina.

Oh, gotcha.

Is, uh, Dr Fairley there?

- Tell her I'm here.
- I can hear him.

She can hear you.
Tell her I've got my hands full.

He's got his hands full.
I can hear him.

Um, can you ask
if he has blood results?

Oh, tell her I've got
the blood results back.

I'm not enjoying this.

Look, can't you just put him on.

What...? No, I'm busy here.

Just tell her...

I can hear you.

Oh, good. Now... now, listen.

I've got the blood results back.

Hmm. Anything to suggest
he didn't suffocate?

No, but... here's
the interesting thing.

The bloods reveal HS troponin.

You know what troponins are?

Proteins released
when a patient has a heart attack.

So, maybe whoever wrapped Hobson up
thought he was already dead,

but he was only unconscious
after the heart attack.

I want you to look for
one more thing.

What - apart from
cause of death? What?

What's sildenafil?



Oh, quite a lot.

What is sildenafil?


That's one brand name for it.

How much did he have?

Four times more than
his doctor's recommended maximum.


So, Hobson took a stiffener,
hoping for kinky sex,

and instead...

Had a heart attack
and appeared to have died.

And someone wrapped him up,

put him in a coffin
that was going far, far away.

I think we'd better
speak to Hobson's wives.

You want to explain

what you and the former Mrs Hobson
were fighting about?

Well, I'd hardly call THAT a fight.

We were just having
a friendly discussion.

We're great friends, Alice and I.

Arguing the day before
your husband was found dead.

I was shocked to learn of
Howard's death.

So, you don't know
what he was up to in his bedroom?

No, I don't.

But I can imagine.

We sleep in separate bedrooms.

So, you don't sleep together,
you don't have sex,

you put up with his infidelity.

What, are you just marking time
until he dies

so you get his fortune?

Have you seen his will?
Not yet.

I only get half of Howard's estate.

Who gets the other half?

Oh, I had no idea.

Well, his current wife doesn't seem
too happy about it.

Well, Isabella, of all people,
should understand.

I imagine it's compensation,

for the indignity
Howard's behaviour caused.

I, of course, coped a lot better
than poor Isabella.

She wanted to leave him

but she was afraid he'd find out
and he'd write her out of the will.

I imagine that's why she killed him.

She told you that?

Were you planning on leaving Howard?
So what if I was?

Can you imagine what it's like
to be married to a man who cheats,

and everybody knows?

It's embarrassing.

And it's heartless.

Speaking of heart,

you would have been aware of

how much sildenafil
would stop that heart.

Well, that would require me
to care about Howard's health.

Well, you cared about
being written out of his will.

The only person who knew that

was the woman
who was so pathetically broke,

she would do anything
to get her hands on that money.

Oh! How gauche!

Isabella should know
that a woman's finances

are as personal as her age.

Yeah, well, we've checked
your finances

and you're all but bankrupt.

And that's why I went there -
to ask for a 'tide me over'.

Hmm. But Isabella
stopped you coming in.

Maybe you knew she was a heavy
sleeper and you came back later.

Where were you last night?

I don't recall.

Sometimes, I have a drink... or two,

to forget the joys of matrimony.

Joys that include bondage bars?

Well, you've seen Howard's body.

It's like an overbaked radish

that rolled under the fridge
for a month.

There are pills
to pump up those radishes.

It's sad that you should
know that, dear.

I haven't heard that many lies
since my ex-wife's wedding vows.

So, we'll get a DNA swab
on both of them

and see if we can find traces
on those bandages.

That's the thing -

I don't get why either of them would
want to hide the fact Hobson died.

His death means
they're each worth a fortune.

Well, they're both lying.

They were both there.
They both had a motive.

One of them did it.

Who's that?

Hobson's grandson.

All this talk of sex
and money and betrayal

makes me think I should have
gone to seminary college.

Oh! But think of Maxine.

Speaking of, do you know why
Harrow was suspended?

Maxine doesn't do anything
without good reason.

Part of why I love her.

You've reached Daniel
Harrow. Leave a message and...

You'd almost look cute
with a dog.

I'd like to have a dog.

One day.

I'd like everything
to be normal one day.

I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

Have you packed?

I'm not going.

Your father told me to take you
to my uncle's.

I'm not going.

Your dad is so sure
that you're in danger, Fish.

I'm here. I'm not in jail, am I?

If that was the guy's plan,
then it failed.

Yeah, and if that's true,
then this guy's a killer, Fish!

And if your dad can't find him,
I don't know how WE can.

Well, maybe Dad and I can together.

With what we know
and what Dad knows,

I really think we could find him.

Plus... he needs me.

I need you too.

Do you know where he is?
He's not answering his phone.

Cal, I have to find him.

What do you want, Chester?

Just want to hear
how you're doing, Daniel.

No need to be hostile.

Well, then, don't bullshit me!


I wanted to hear
the fear in your voice.

Well... you're out of luck.

Uh-huh. Hey, are you curious
how your daughter's doing?

You leave her alone, you...

What the f...?


You're gonna put that
in a bin, aren't you?

Who are you, the litter police?

Well, I'd be doing a better job
than the actual police.

I can't talk to you about the
Markides case. It's current, so...

It's not about me. It's about Dad.

OK, I'm gonna put it out there.

Dad told me that he doesn't think

that the guy who died in custody
shot him.

He thinks someone else set him up,

and that same person set me up

and that same person killed Simon

and Moran, the guy Simon visited.

Moran knew the chemist
whose drugs got me arrested.

And now the chemist's dead too.

So, either the world took
one giant coincidence pill

or... Dad was right.

I don't expect you to do anything,

but I do want to know
who Dad thought was behind all this.

I'm not saying he is.

But if your dad's right about this
and he didn't tell you...

...he had reason not to tell you.

So, you're not gonna tell me?


Well, I don't know where Dad is.

Do you know where he is?

Make a choice.

Port Astor Morgue.

Uh, yeah, g'day, Rhonda.

It's Bryan Nichols, Brisbane CIB.

I'm just wondering
if Dr Badcoe is there.

I'm sorry, Sergeant. No.

Laurie's having a personal day.

Can I take a message?

No, look, uh, just tell him I called

and, uh, maybe give us a tingle
when he gets back on deck.

I will. Bye, then.

Thanks, Rhonda.

It's already a disaster
that the mummy is missing.

Has Mr Hobson's will been released?

Um, I'm afraid I don't know. Why?

Having a man like Mr Hobson

supporting our government
by returning these objects

is very important,

especially with elections coming.

We need to make sure that his will
does not affect that.

I'm sorry, but the police have put
the casket in our care

until my pathologists have
had a chance to finish their work.

Have you... finished your work?

We've determined cause of death.

Great, well, maybe...

I would like to keep a hold of
everything just a little bit longer.


I'm not sure... yet.

How'd you go?

He's every bit as attractive
on the inside.

Well done on finding
that wheat-thresher thing.


The cops have provided DNA
of the two exes,

the bandages are at the lab.


...you're not sure a missus did it.

He did die of oxygen starvation.

I have seen a few choking victims.

Can you pull up
the first photo of him?


Someone had him naked, restrained

and dosed with enough sildenafil
to stop his fragile heart.

So... promise of sex but no intention.

Well, promise of sex
but intention of death.

When his heart stopped...


...he looked dead, but he wasn't.

And he was unconscious long enough

to be wrapped up
and put in this casket.

But he wasn't dead.

Then he regained consciousness
and he worked his mouth free.

You saw this last time.

I know.

But I just thought
he'd freed his mouth to breathe.

But, actually...

...look at that damage pattern.

It's distinctively up, down.

Can you turn the lights down,

What are you looking for?

I'll tell you when I find it.

Oh, wow!



He'd freed his mouth not to breathe
but to leave a message.

What is that?

I think... it's lipstick.

Why are you smiling?

Because I know whose it is.

And she's been asking
all about Hobson's will.

Because I convinced him
to change it.

What were the changes
that you convinced Mr Hobson

to make to his will?

That his fortune would go entirely
to the Youth for Democracy Movement.

The Egyptian opposition party?

My mother is from Egypt.

You have no idea how women
still struggle for rights there.

So, I wanted to humiliate
my government.

I wanted Hobson's antiquities
to arrive

and, on the same day,
the press to hear

how almost all his money would help
topple the rats in charge.

Almost all?

He wanted some to go
to his grandson.

So, once he told me he would change
his will, I said I would reward him.

So, I did.

And once he was dead...

...I left.

If you wanted the money
for your political party,

why did you put Mr Hobson
in the casket?

Because she didn't.

But I think I know who did.

I was actually on my way over to...

...tell Howard I couldn't work
for him anymore.

Then I found him... like that.

Trussed up like a pig.

It's true what they say.

There are some things in life
you just can't unsee.

And that's how
he could have been found.

You had other ideas?

Yes, so...

...I got busy.

I knew where to find the bandages.

I prepared him.

Made space for him.

And set things to unfold.

So, you didn't know Mr Hobson
was still alive?


You must have known you couldn't
have got him through Customs.

Of course.

And I knew she'd be there.

And I couldn't wait to see
the look on her face.

I knew that with the mummy missing
and Hobson being in there

that she wasn't gonna slip away
so easily.

There would have to be
an investigation.

She said that Hobson
changed the will

so that the opposition party
in her country

inherited pretty much everything.

Such a will would leave
Isabella penniless.

Isabella Hobson?

The only happiness I've felt
in the last 10 years

is being near Isabella.

Now, I don't know
if she'll ever love me,

but at least now...
she's knows I love her.

How long is he away for?

At least eight years.

Oh, thank God.

I thought I might have to
take him to dinner.

That wasn't about money at all.

It was politics.

And love.

Yeah, well, that's a big chunk
of the day gone. Time flies, eh?


disoriented, thirsty?

Unpleasantly disposed.

You know, it's a shame
you couldn't apply your brain

to being an anaesthetist

instead of to being

a psychotic menace.

Forget about the analysis.

Nobody's got it right.

I got it right.

I put you in jail.

Yes, but you don't know why.

Why you made the mistakes I found?

Why I deserved to be put in jail.

You killed those young people.

I did.

But are we born to kill,
Daniel, and suppress the instinct

or are we born to protect
and learn to be killers?

What do you think?

I think you learnt it.

Now, I don't know from where.

Learnt lessons.

Yes, that's what happens
in the malleable brain, isn't it?

The wiring is changed
by circumstance,

but then it becomes fixed
and... that's that.

What happened, Francis?

What did you see?

It's not what I saw, Daniel.

It's what you're going to see
before you die -

before your air runs out.

My phone...


Shit... Shit!

♪ I wanna buy me
a pistol... ♪

Hey, it's me.

♪ Wants me 40 rounds of ball

♪ Shoot Crow Jane
just to see her fall

♪ She gotta fall... ♪

Hey, Dad.


Oh, yes, you bastard.

♪ She got to fall, she gotta

♪ That's the reason
I begged Crow Jane

♪ Not to hold her head so high... ♪


♪ Some day, baby,
you know you got to die

♪ You got to lay down... ♪

Oh, no...


...God, no.

♪ That's the reason
I begged Crow Jane

♪ Not to hold her head too high

♪ Some day, baby,
you know you got to die... ♪

Hi, Fern.


Don't do it... Fern!

Oh, well done, Bub.

Well done.

How did he die?

No-one will tell me.


As one ages, one's heart
tends to enlarge slightly,

and the artery walls and arterials
become thicker,

and then the elastic tissue within
those walls and arterials is lost.

So, a condition that appears
regularly in the elderly

is something called isolated
systolic hypertension and...

Your Pop was old.

He had a lot to live for.

Especially you.

But his heart just gave out.

What's your name, hon?



Listen, we think it was you
your Pop was thinking about

before he passed on.

So, let's just sit with him a while?

You've reached
Daniel Harrow.

Leave a message
and I'll return your call.

Yeah, get me the Deputy Coroner.

Hinton speaking.

Doug, Bryan Nichols.

Bryan, how are you?
Yeah, good, mate. Good.

Look, mate, sorry to put you
on the spot

but I was just speaking to Maxine
about Harrow

and, uh, I need to know
why he forged her signature.

What exactly was he trying to do?

Well, he's been trying to
get permission

to... dig up Francis Chester.


I guess we'll never know.


What was that?

What was what?

The worst bedside manner
I've ever seen.

I used to be a neurosurgeon.

Brain tumours,
they were my specialty.

I didn't talk much to the patients.
I talked to the radiologists.

Till a boy came in.

A boy about his age.

He had a...

...a tumour entangled
in blood vessels.

Inoperable, everyone thought.

And this boy...

...his name was Christopher,

he had three months to live.

I didn't talk to patients,

but something...
made me talk to Christopher.

He was scared.

He didn't want to die.

So, I thought...

..."No. I'm good.

"He doesn't have to die."

So, against everyone's advice,

I convinced his parents
to let me operate.

11 hours - every hour,
new blood vessels to navigate

and more tumour to find and remove.

About eight hours in...

...I realised there was healthy brain
tissue that I had to remove.

So, I did.

Did he die?

No. He lived.

But Christopher was gone.

The boy who woke up,
he had lost speech,

he'd lost movement,
he couldn't feed himself,

he couldn't recognise a soul.

So, I saved his life

but the three months he could have
had with his family... I stole.

After that...

...I found it really hard to go
with confidence into a brain.

So, here I am.

I didn't think
I'd have to care here.

But apparently, I still do.


I'll go tidy up.

You've reached
Daniel Harrow.

Leave a message
and I'll return your call.

- What did he look like?
- I don't know!

Big. I didn't see him.
Well, if you saw him again...

Mum, I don't know!

But we're still going to the police.
What if they don't believe me?!

Yeah, well, they're gonna
believe me. I'm calling Nichols.

He's not answering.

What are you doing?
I'm checking Dad's files.

I think I know who it is.

Jesus Christ, Harrow.

What the hell has gone on here?

We are not leaving
the police station

until Bryan Nichols tells me,
to my face, that we are safe, OK?

I think that could be him.

What? The guy who attacked you?

Cal, where are you?

I'm at work.
Don't go to the Bettie.

It's not safe.
The Bettie, why?

There was a man on there and...

Listen, I'm gonna send you
a photo of him, OK?

Fish, what's going on?

Cal, I think he wanted to kill me.


Hey, mate.

Sorry I'm late. I had a thing.

That's alright.

What's wrong?

Ah, just...

Nothing, just... worries at home,
you know?

Nothing serious, I hope.


Oh, my God.

Next on Harrow...

Is he gonna be OK?

The next 48 hours
will be critical.

He buried me alive, Bryan.
He wanted me dead.

Why would Chester
go to all the trouble

of digging you up after burying you?

He thinks Dad's on drugs.

Either I've lost my mind
or I'm right.

Why won't you let this go?

You are too good
to throw away a career like this.

Chester's alive and I will end this.

I'm afraid
you're too late, Daniel.

You can either try and stop me

or you can try and save the boy.

Captions by Red Bee Media

Copyright Australian
Broadcasting Corporation