Harrow (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Ab Initio - full transcript

To distract him, Harrow is assigned a death by electrocution. He's not convinced it was an accident when he seems to find a link to Simon.

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Previously on Harrow...

I found these. A betting slip
from the racecourse.

He claimed 30K for that 20K
of fentanyl the police seized.

I thought the dead would be easier
to work with.

So, you think, coming to pathology,
you've made an error of judgement?

I don't know.
But I've met a good dancer.

Do you really believe
Brendan Skene shot you?

Could I ask you a couple of
questions about your ex-husband?

Brendan Skene
sent a lot of letters home.

He had someone write them for him.

You wrote those letters.

But you didn't write all of them,
did you?

Which means Skene had
a new cellmate. Francis Chester.

I know you told me
to mind my own business,

but I've found something out
and it's important.

Call me back, yeah?

♪ Mad world

♪ Mad world

♪ Mad world

♪ Mad world

♪ All around me are familiar faces

♪ Worn-out places, worn-out faces

♪ Bright and early
for the daily races

♪ Goin' nowhere

♪ Goin' nowhere

♪ And their tears
are filling up their glasses

♪ No expression, no expression

♪ Hide my head,
I want to drown my sorrow

♪ No tomorrow

♪ No tomorrow

♪ Mad world... ♪

What are you doing here?
Getting a coffee.

The only takeaway coffee
in the entire city

happens to be exactly
where I do my morning Tai Chi.

The point of my morning Tai Chi,

is to provide solitude and repose,

to prepare me for a day
of annoyance and grievance.

Why wouldn't you ever tell me
you had a niece?

You came all this way
to ask me that?

And to see your 'snake creeps down'.

That alone was worth
a trip across town.


You and I have known each other
for how long?

Too long.

So, why wouldn't you
ever mention a niece

who's a top neurosurgeon?

Well, the same reason
I haven't told you about

my 17th-century ceramics collection.

Because unless it's work,
you're not interested.

The real question...

...is why do want to know?

Look, she's smart, really smart.

She was on her way to becoming
the top in her field.

Why would she leave?

Uh, what's the big secret?
You'll have to ask her.

Well, I'm asking you.
Well, I'm not telling you.

Ah... Couldn't have been
professional misconduct.



I'm not even sure
why you're even interested.

But I hope it's just idle curiosity

and nothing more than that.


What's going on?

It's, uh... it's very bad news,
I'm afraid.

You need to prepare yourselves.

Looks like he drowned.

He had his phone
and his wallet with him.

We checked his travel card

and he boarded a ferry
at 7:50 last night.

He never got off.

Now, the tides...

...and the fact the body
washed up here...

...we think he must have fallen off
around 8:00.

Well, how does someone
fall off a ferry?

What was he even doing on a ferry?

OK, when was the last time
anyone saw him?

He, uh... he went home sick

but that was two days ago.



I, uh...

I just got back
from Port Astor last night.

I meant to call him, but...

...my phone went flat on the flight.

There's a message from him.

Eight o'clock.

That's the time he was on the ferry.

You have
one new voicemail.

New message, 8:01pm.

Hey, it's me.

I know you told me
to mind my own business but...

...I've found something out
and it is really important.

So... call me back, yeah?

What's that about? What did he
want to talk to you about?

I don't know.

You must have some idea.

I don't know!

We'll look into it from our end.

We'll check security cameras
on the ferry.

But right now,

it looks like accidental drowning -

unless the post-mortem tells us
something different.

Are you sure
it was an accident?

That's what it looks like.

I'm on my way to the morgue now.

Yeah, but, Dad, what if it wasn't?

The police are pretty sure
he drowned.

Well... the police are pretty sure
that I stole that fentanyl.


...let's just find out how he died.

Then we'll see
what we're dealing with.

And take care.

Promise me you'll be careful.

And if you see anything wrong,
anything that doesn't make sense,

call me.

I will.


It's Simon.

Simon's sister - Karina.

He has a sister?

Didn't you know?

Their parents are, uh, flying in

but they won't be here
till tomorrow.

What about David?

Not here...

...under the circumstances.

They split up. Three months ago.

Didn't he tell you?

Simon spoke
so much about you.

I wondered... his death...

...could it be anything
to do with his epilepsy?

Was he recently diagnosed?

No, he had it since he was a kid.

Did you know about this?
Yeah, of course.

Can I see him now?
I'm sorry. Not yet.

We need to complete
the autopsy first.

I saw him.

It was only three days ago.

How can he be...?

We WILL find out what happened.

I don't need to tell you
how important this is.

We miss nothing.

I'd like to do it.

Grace will conduct the autopsy.

Lyle, I'd like you to supervise.

Can we have a word?

Carry on.

Do you think Simon's death
was an accident?

I'm just concerned that...

...given your completely
understandable distress right now,

that you might try and link
Simon's death

to other events in your life.

Are you suggesting that
my post-mortem would be biased?

No. No, no, no. I just don't want
anyone else suggesting it.

Simon's autopsy needs to be
completely impartial.

No perceived conflicts of interest.

We owe him that.

Dr Fairley?

Can you get the CT scan up
for me, please?

Yes, of course.

Are you OK?

I'm more worried about him.

He needs a distraction.

Have you got something?

We had an electrocution
this morning.


We're not sure yet.

Can you tell me again what happened?

I had no idea he was dead.

I just thought it was a blown fuse.

You said all the lights went out
around 9:00?

Dr Harrow.

Turua Parata. Crime scene.

I, uh... I heard about
your colleague.

I'm sorry.
Thank you.

What do we have?

Ross Moran. Unemployed.

Seems a pretty straightforward
accidental death.

We're trying to locate family,
but fingerprints will confirm.

Been in and out all his life.

Assault, theft, petty crime.

Mostly around racing and gambling.

The neighbour said
the fuse in her flat blew.

At 9:00, so that gives us
the time of death.

Listening to the races in the bath,

radio falls in - race over.

Hmm. The perils of gambling.

Was there anyone else
in the bathroom?

This dust mark here.

That radio's been sitting there
for months, if not years.

Why would it suddenly
fall off the ledge last night?

Well, maybe he had a winner.

Got excited, kicked his legs
in the air.

And why did he grab the curtain?

Electrocution is instant.

There's no time to grab for anything.

Well, there's no sign
of forced entry.

The doors are locked
from the inside.

The neighbour lives through
that wall

and all she heard
was his radio, so...

Can you dust for prints anyway?

I heard you were like this.

Like what?

Like you get a hunch and, suddenly,
everyone has to do overtime.

Hmm. I'm not sure I'd trust
my hunches right now,

but let's get it dusted anyway.

Burn marks?

Yeah, it's from the rings
he was wearing.

What about that bruising?
That's not from electrocution.

No, that's pre-mortem.

So, he could have had
a fight with someone.

Yes, but not in the bathroom.

For swelling to occur,

this would have happened
some time before he died.

No injuries to the face.

Maybe he's the better fighter.

And the other person
has the facial injuries.

Fingerprints Bureau.
They've run the prints.

OK, all the prints in the bathroom
belong to Mr Moran.


There was a smudge.
What sort of smudge?

When I took the radio
out of the water and dried it off,

there was a smudge on the back.

Hmm. And you ran lab tests.
What did you find?

Small amounts of talcum,

which could be baby powder or...

From latex gloves.

I'm gonna have to talk to my boss,
see where he wants to take this.

The man was a gambler.

I'd start by trying to find out
who he owes money to.


Taking off the fence
now, Red Fever starting to go

and they're followed further back
by Lord Shabby, Gold Eagle.

As they turn for home and
Lloyd's Luck advances to the lead,

about 400 metres left to go, by
a length and a half, Marobbin Bay.

Fair Dinkum coming home well
down the outside,

followed by Crown Silver.

And Velveeta is starting finish well
at the sprint now.

Lloyd's Luck is tackled
by Marobbin Bay.

Velveeta enjoying another good run.

Lloyd's Luck tackled by Marobbin Bay
down the outside.

Go! Go!

Get up!
Go! Go!

Yes! Go!

Yes! Yes!

Marobbin Bay by a long head
to Lloyd's Luck,

Gold Eagle would be
just behind them,

followed by Velveeta.

And back behind them,
a further gap in the field,

the others were Red Fever,

they were followed by Marine Girl.

Back behind them, Lord Shabby,
Fair Dinkum and Your Highness.

And a long way back...

Nice sutures, Dr Molyneux.

His family will be...

Would you like me to finish up,
Dr Fairley?


Anything to contradict drowning?

Do you know how he fell off?

There were flakes of paint
under his fingernails.

We're getting it tested but
it's the same colour as the ferry.


Probably hit the side
on his way over.

And all these other marks
on his body...

They're all consistent with
floating in the river overnight

and getting caught on things.

Is there any suggestion or
possibility anyone else was involved?

Not from what I've found.

We'll wait for tox
to come back, of course,

but the preliminary finding
is death by drowning.

What were you doing on that ferry?

You don't even like boats.

His sister's ready for him.

You should talk to her.

You did the autopsy.

You knew him better.
It should come from you.

May I touch him?

Of course.


Simon Says.

It was our game when we were kids.

Simon always won.

Thank you for looking after him.

It's so nice he's with the people
he loved the best.


Hey, it's me.

I know you told me
to mind my own business, but...

...I've found something out
and it is really important.

So... call me back, yeah?

To replay, press 5.

Hey, it's me. I know you
told me to mind my own business...

What are you doing?

You've accessed my autopsy report.

Are you trying to see
if I made a mistake?

I'm trying to understand

how a perfectly healthy 27-year-old
who hates boats falls off a ferry.

Only he wasn't perfectly healthy.

The epilepsy?

It's possible he had a seizure.

Well, that would cause him to fall
to the deck, not out over the rail.

What if he was sitting on the rail?

Anyway, I didn't even know
he had epilepsy.

I find it hard to believe
he'd have an episode

serious enough to kill him.

That's what SUDEP is -
sudden unexpected death...

In epilepsy. Yes, I know.

It just feels wrong somehow.

there's no way of knowing

what his brain was doing
in those crucial moments.


But we might be able to find out
what his heart was doing.

The smart watch.
Has anybody checked it?

That's when he died.


Now, if he'd had a seizure,

we'd be seeing
a little tachycardia right here.

No sign of
elevated heart rate at all.

And there's also no decrease
in heartbeat beforehand.

If he'd had a dizzy spell
caused by low blood pressure,

we should be seeing
the heartbeat slow.

What's this, though - at 8:02?

That's when he called me.


Hey, it's me. I know you told
me to mind my own business, but...

...I've found something out
and it is really important.

So... call me back, yeah?

He sounds excited. Do you know
what he was talking about?

The police said he boarded the ferry

at 7:50.


What's that?

Elevated heart rate
for three minutes,

at 7:30.

We need to find out where he was

right there.

Well, all we know is he got off
at Duralong Point at 6:30

and reboarded at 7:50.

Do we have anything from the ferry?
Uh, security footage?

No cameras on the boat.
Only the entries and exits.


That's him getting off.

And that's him
boarding the return ferry.

Um, did you find his bag?

It must have
gone overboard with him.

It'll be somewhere in the river.

So, something happened
in that hour and 20 minutes

while he was off the ferry.

What's at Duralong Point?
It's an old wharfie suburb.


It's pretty run-down there.

Why would Simon be there?

And do we have his phone records?

Do we know where he was
at Duralong Point?

There's only one tower in the area,

so he could be anywhere here.

It's a pretty big footprint.

But, uh, what is the connection
between where he went and his death?

We are still talking
accidental drowning, right?


Do you disagree?

It's not my autopsy.

Thanks for backing me up in there.

Are you disputing my findings?

I'm not disputing cause of death.

But don't you want to know
why Simon was on that ferry

and what caused him to fall off?

Did you pinch the phone records?

I need to know what he was doing
at that ferry stop.

How is that relevant to how he died?

Well, we won't know
until we get there.

Whatever you're looking for,
you think

that if you'd have done the autopsy
yourself, you'd have found it.

I just need to know what he was doing

all the way out at a place
that I've never heard him mention.

Well, it seems pretty clear

you didn't hear him mention
lots of things.

And it's only now -
now he's on my autopsy table -

that you're starting to
pay attention.

Well, newsflash -
he's not your patient.

So, whatever it is you find,
it's not gonna bring him back.

I hope you find what you need.

Alright. Thanks.

I'm from the Coroner's Office.

Were you working here last night?

I'm looking for a friend
who was here.

Yeah, well, it was busy last night.


Can I have one of those, please?

Five bucks.

I see it's Ross Moran's turn
this weekend.

I'm afraid he won't be
laying any bets.

He died last night.

What? How?

Still trying to work that out.


That kid was here.

He came in looking for Ross,
they went out the back

and they had a bit of a fight.

Do you know what about?

Is there any footage,
security cameras?

No. But it wasn't a big thing.

Ross just told him to piss off,
I think, and... he did.

What about Ross?

He came back in
and had another beer.

Look, we can't find a single thing
to connect Simon with Ross Moran.

There's no evidence
of any previous contact.

There's no phone records of
the two of them calling each other.

None of the neighbours
have ever even seen Simon.

And, yet, Simon turns up to the bar,
asks for Moran.

They have a fight, Simon leaves.

Moran finishes his beer - he leaves.

And within 90 minutes,
they're both dead.

They can't possibly
have killed each other.

What are you saying?

I don't know.

Grace's report
said accidental drowning.

Your preliminary report on Moran
said accidental electrocution.

Yes, but what about
that talcum smudge on the radio?

If that came from a latex glove, that
puts someone else in the bathroom.

It's not enough to pursue
a homicide investigation -

not with no other evidence
to support it.

Their deaths
have to be coincidental.


What do you think's going on here?

I don't know.

Look, Maxine is probably right.

They died miles apart,
at different times.

Both look like accidents.

But why was Simon even there?

What was he looking for?

What was he trying to tell me
when he rang?

Do you think Simon's death is
somehow connected to your shooting?

And Fern?

And the Fiat and the rest of it?

If I said that,

you'd accuse me of being crazy.

Well, I'm hoping you are, mate.

Because otherwise,
what are we dealing with here?

I don't think Brendan Skene shot me.

Who did?

A man called Francis Chester.

But, unfortunately, he couldn't have.

'Cause he's inconveniently dead.

You have
one saved message.

Message received 8:01pm.

Hey, it's me. I know you told
me to mind my own business but...

...I've found something out
and it is really important.

So... call me back, yeah?

To replay, press 5.

To transfer, press 4.

To do...

Hey, it's me. I know you told
me to mind my own business but...


...I've found something out
and it is really important...

You OK?


I'm surprised...
you're here, actually.

I thought you'd be at work or...

...trying to prove that Simon's death
wasn't an accident.

Fern told me you think
there might be more to it.

I don't know.

He was out there, doing something.
I have no idea what.

How is Fern?

I don't know.

She's been out all day,
doing something.

I have no idea what.

To be honest,

I'm worried about both of you.

I'm fine.
No, you're not.

You haven't been fine
since you got shot.

I know you.

When bad stuff happens,
you chase answers,

but sometimes, you get
so obsessed with the dead,

you forget about the living.

Your daughter needs you.

She doesn't need you chasing ghosts.

Hey. What's taken so long?

What are you doing here?

What are you talking about?
We're going to work.

Uh... jeez.

You'd think I'd died or something.


Why are you being so weird?

Oh, my God...

Oh, my God! I...

I had this crazy dream where
you'd drowned and I didn't know why.

I don't even like water.
I know! Right?

Does this mean you actually cared?

Of course I cared.
Everyone was devastated.

So, so glad to see you.

Maybe I should capitalise
on this brief moment

of whatever's going on
inside your head.


Whatever you want. Anything.

Great! You can let ME drive.

What happened?!

What happened to you?!

It's not about 'what', Harrow.
It's about 'why'.


The watch. We looked at the watch -
where it peaked.

You're missing the point.

It's not about where it peaked.

I'm sorry about this, Simon,
but you know I need to know.

Oh, God... What's so
important at this time of night?

What on earth?!

The heart rate data.

It's not about the peak.
It's about the flatline.

Why didn't it jump
when he was drowning?

Because he was unconscious.

I know this is your autopsy,

but did you check for
unusual chemicals?

Like what?
Like succinylcholine.

Why on earth would I do that?

Can you do that for me?

Can you tell me why?

15 years ago,

Jonathan Scalera was immobilised
with succinylcholine.

A paralytic drug.
I've seen it used in theatre.

His killer was an anaesthetist.

He used to strangle
his female victims

while their boyfriends watched.


I think the same guy killed Simon.

I think he injected him with succs,
then pushed him overboard.

It explains everything
about Simon's heart rate -

the sudden spike, the steady beat,
then the flatline.

Look at his neck.

I noted that puncture in my report.

There's a half-dozen similar ones

from the current dragging him
through stuff on the riverbank.

You don't know
this isn't an injection site.

And you don't know it is.
It's all guesswork.

Unless we find succs.

Succs breaks down in minutes.

But the by-products
are still traceable.

If you're lucky.
Well, then, let's try our luck!

Let's take another sample,
run another test.

It's the only way to be sure!

I AM sure.

I stand by my autopsy

and I'm not reopening Simon's body
at 3:00 in the morning

to send of more tissue
on some crazy hunch.

What - don't you care?!
I CAN'T care!

If I care, then I can't focus
on my job and I make bad choices!

I did my job and I did it well.

If you want to re-examine
Simon's body,

then you get clearance from Maxine
or my other supervisor.

A second autopsy?

That's a good idea.

I should have recused myself
from that post-mortem.

I thought I'd be OK, but...

When you speak to someone
for the last time,

you expect to say something nicer

than, "Get back to work
unless you're ill."

He wasn't ill, though.

Well, not with anything obvious
that we found in the PM.

So, uh...

I thought he was
just trying to skive off.

You know, chasing YOUR tail.

What do you mean?

You know, the shooting business.

That's what he was doing
before he went home.

He was looking at
the body of your shooter.

Skene? Why?

I don't know.

But he logged on to Skene's file
after he left work as well.

Looking for what?
Skene's next of kin.

That's him.

He wanted to know why
I never claimed Brendan's body

Why didn't you?

Look, I did nothing wrong.
The insurance bloke came to ME.

I didn't even know
Brendan had insurance.

Life insurance?

Like I told your mate,
he just turned up with a cheque.

What did he look like?

Like an accountant.

Was it him?

Are you sure?

I don't want any trouble.

If this messes with my benefits...

If you want to keep them,
I suggest you tell me

exactly what you told my friend.

Why can't you ask him?


From Brendan to your son?

Your mate seemed very excited about

the fact that
someone else wrote them.

Someone else?

'Cause of the fact
Brendan couldn't write.

He was... he was, um...

...you know, dys... dys...


Stupid is what he was.
So, who wrote these?

Whoever he was sharing a cell with.

Mostly a guy called Ross.

Ross Moran?

This handwriting's different.
Who wrote these?

He never said.

I know what Simon was doing.
I know what he found.

A link between Brendan Skene,
who claimed he shot me,

and Francis Chester.

They shared a cell together.

Someone called me
after Skene was dead.

It has to have been Chester.

The handwriting is identical.

Look, I... I know you say
that he's dead

but somehow,
Francis Chester is alive.


I'm convinced he killed Simon
and Moran. He is covering his tracks.

Daniel, we know exactly
what killed Simon.

I did what you asked.

I sent more samples away
for testing.

Tox came back.

You found succinylcholine?


along with increased levels
of dopamine.


It's one of the smart drugs. It's
supposed to enhance concentration.

And increased resistance to fatigue,
but why was he taking that?

His sister said
he was doing 12-hour days here,

plus his casual hospital work
on the weekends.

And he was also studying for exams.

She said he really
wanted to impress you.

The Modafinil Simon was taking
to stay awake longer

had a negative interaction
with his epilepsy medication.

It seems like that this
brought about a dizzy spell,

which caused him
to fall off the ferry.

I don't believe it.

He wouldn't make a mistake like that.
I know Simon.

You didn't even know
he had epilepsy.

Or a sister.

Listen, I'm really sorry
but Simon died

because he was burning
the candle at both ends.


Because he was trying
to be like you!

Dr Harrow?

I found this.

From his locker at work.

I think he'd want you to have it.

"Day one, met my boss,

"Dr Daniel Harrow.

"What a jerk.

"But brilliant."

Every day, there's
an entry in there, all about you.

It's all my fault.

I worked him too hard. I'm so sorry.

No-one is to blame for his choices.

He had a job he loved
and... a boss he adored.

Who can ask for more than that?


"Assigned to
Dr Fairley today. Very smart.

"Not as much of a prick
as Dr Harrow."

Oh, thank you VERY much.

"Today, Dr Harrow realised I'm gay.

"It's only taken him two months."

I knew from the start!

"Dr Harrow doesn't understand
the point of a wardrobe.

"He dresses badly.

"His choice of shirts is appalling

"and he's obsessed with
old people's music."

"Old people"?!


What are we gonna do?

I was wrong.

There is no conspiracy.

No-one is out to get me.

Simon's dead
and I think it's my fault.

Your mum was right.

I need to spend my time
with the living.

With you.

No more chasing ghosts.


Come here.

How was it?

Sad. Awful. It's not fair.

I need the bike.

Wait. Where you going?

Dad thinks he's wrong,
but... I don't.

Wait, Fish. Just...



You in there?


Next on Harrow...

How many people
have you told about Chester?

Let it go, Daniel,
before somebody else gets hurt.

You and Moran
are both involved.

You have to get out of here.
The less you know, the better!

Pack a bag.
I'm sending you west.

Beautiful country,
isn't it?

You're FROM here?

So, there are SOME secrets
in the country.

Not a busy stretch of road.

And, yet, they ran
straight into each other.

But if there was another person
in the vehicle,

they're still out there somewhere.

Captions by Red Bee Media

Copyright Australian
Broadcasting Corporation