Harem (2018): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

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Stop it!


-Stay away from there,

Or something bad will happen to you

Crazy Yana lives there.

Love isn't...

a bolt of lightening.

True love

doesn't come out of nowhere.

You learn to love
someone worth loving.

What did I tell you?

And what did I tell you?

That if he knows what he wants
you'll learn to love him.

We'll throw you a beautiful wedding.

The canopy is a gentile custom,
did you know that?

The Jews accidentally adopted it.

We'll do it under the open sky,

I'll sanctify you two
on the rooftop.

In Kabbalah the sky is where
there are no divisions,

no prohibitions, only light.

No one is more thrilled

than a man who marries off
his firstborn son.


I want a Jewish wedding.

With a rabbi.

What? You've become religious?

No, but I... want a wedding

like everyone else.

Do you agree?


I respect Ariel's wishes.

We'll do it like everone else. Traditional

All right.

Traditional it is.

Have you found an apartment?

Mom said you might help us out
at first.

Of course, why not?

Did you see the dress the women
made for your sister?

Of course, I helped them.

We'll make one for you, too.

But not all white. Cream.

White is for virgins.

But cream is elegant, too,

with gold threads.

What? You didn't even ask her?
-Ask her what?

If there was anyone before you.

See... what a gentleman.

How many were there?


Three. Not so bad.

You're getting him brand-new.
so what's that face for?

Can't you show your beloved
you're happy?

Ready, honey?

Are you mad at me?
-Don't be silly.

Why would I be mad?
-I thought you were.


I'll come visit, okay?

Let's go.

Bye, have a nice day.

Wait a sec, Maya.

Hey. -Mom.

I can't bring them back today.

We're being punished.
-What did you do?

It wasn't me.

The whole class has to stay
until 3:00 and clean up.

What kind of punishment is that?

We made trouble and got punished.

Elinor, I'll pick the kids up.

I finish work at 1:00,
I'll leave early.

See? You messed up
Maya's schedule.

It's fine.

Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

What's that?

Perfume? -No.

No? -No.

Hagar gave me skin cream.
I was itchy.

Watch yourself. Be modest.

"A princess' pride is her modesty"
you know

Okay, Mom. What's the big deal?


My boy!

How you've grown.

How's it going?


I missed you.

My darling.

That's it?

Not even a hello?
-She's not allowed to talk to men.

I know.

Look at you, so big and smart.

Remember, Mommy
will always love you.

What for, Noa?

Can't we act like normal people?

My name is Tehila now.


Tell Daddy your ointment
is in your toilet kit, okay?

Say goodbye to Mommy.


Everything's in his bag.



Your room is just as you left it.

Daddy kept all your things.

Daddy thought about you
every day.

I knew you'd come back.

Right? Right, my love?

She went ballistic,
but I'm taking care of it

so what can she say?

He lives in the yard,
I paid for his vaccinations.

I wanted a Doberman
but they didn't have any.

Want to adopt one?

They'll never let me.

Too bad. Don't you have a garden
where it won't bother anyone?

I can help you build a doghouse.

No, we have a garden,

but my mom will never let me.

I like animals.

Where do you live?
-North Side.

In a villa?


A fancy house, with a yard?


Are your parents rich?

Not really.

My dad was wounded in the army

He's in a wheelchair.

He was in Lebanon

and some soldiers were wounded

so he left the tank to rescue them

and he was shot.

He's disabled.

When was this?
-I don't remember, exactly.

I was little.

I have to go back soon.

Can I walk you there?

My mom's coming to pick me up.
I don't want her to see you.


So when...

So we'll be in touch?

People think I'm...

too abstract.

I'll come down to earth.


I come home one day,

late at night,
the stairwell is pitch dark.

A ghost.

I feel it next to me.

I turn on the light - a junkie.

She's 25, looks 70,
thin as a rail.

She says: Shabtai, help me.

The drugs are killing me.

I said: You want to quit?

She said yes.

I said: look, I believe you,

but your will is nothing.

Because the soul is a weakling.

What should I do? she asked.

So I told her.

True freedom isn't
doing as you please.

Set you free and
you'll fall right back into drugs.

True freedom exists only
where there are rules

to hold you upright.

What was the junkie's problem?

She was too free,

nothing was forbidden anymore.

She didn't care about
"Thou shall not steal"

or "Honor thy father and thy mother"
or "Do not bear false witness."

She recognized no authority.
A slave.

She'd already stolen all her elderly
mother's appliances

and sold them for drugs,

she'd already lied,

already sold her body for a shekel,

because she recognized
no authority.

And without the yoke of authority

there's no freedom.

Only when she realized that,
did the healing begin.

She now has a husband,
two kids, she dresses modestly,

because she accepted
the yoke of prohibition,

and once she accepted
the yoke of prohibition

the process of liberation began.

The journey.

And only at the end of the journey,

when one reaches
a very high spiritual level,

only then are there
no prohibitions.

Can I ask a question?

Have you reached
a high enough spiritual level

that you have no prohibitions?

After many years of spiritual work
and Kabbalah study,


My soul knows what's permitted.

And your wives
haven't reached that level?

They're learning.

Some will get there eventually.

Your spiritual advantage over them
must be very convenient.

Whoever wants to ascend spiritually
has to work hard,

just like me,

and to accept authority.

Do they support you?

I'll answer that question.

What would you say?


She knows the family.
Don't sit down yet.

Stand up.

Nobody's being forced to stay.

They choose to study
his doctrine.

Very good. See?

If a woman chooses
the yoke of prohibition,

who are you to stop her?

What if they aren't really
free to choose?

So you know better what's right for them?

She's right.

How do you know
what's best for them?

Would you let one of your wives

take 20 husbands?

Heaven forbid.

But if 20 men want to live
with one woman,

who am I to say no?

It isn't me who thinks
everyone should live like us,

it's you who thinks
everyone should live like you.

What makes you think
you know better?

Thank you, thank you so much.

Well? How is she?

So far she's only defending you.

Kids are always enthusiastic.

I want her to absorb more from you.

Her sister isn't good enough,

she's angry and this girl
is enlightened,

we don't want her light to go out.


I'm crazy about you.

Imagine growing up this way.

I envy them.

How many siblings do you have?
-We're three sisters.

They have 43 siblings.

It's a different world.

It gives them strength.

Imagine the whole world
was like this.

It's what nature intended,
we just screwed it up.

Her hormones are going wild,

that's what's going on.

People think...

When boys' hormones

go wild, how do they act?


That, too.

But girls think they want boys,

they don't understand.

It's their womb waking up.

They think they want
what boys want.

They don't.

Look at her,
surrounded by kids.

You think she could stand them
a year ago?

That's ridiculous.

You think she could be a mother?

She's still a kid herself.

Oh, so nature got it wrong?

Why did she get her period?

Jesus, Hodaya.

I'm older than her.
You think I could be a mother?


Yeah, fine.

I'm glad you think so.

But I don't...

don't feel I want to be.

At all.

You were born into a man's world
that made women masculine, too,

that's how they mess with our minds.

What about falling in love?

Is that only hormones too?
-Of course.

Nature stops at nothing,

it has no shame.

Even a dirty trick like falling in love.


Go on,

go help her bring in the flock.

Come down.

Do you shave your underarms?

Of course.

But it's unnatural.

So what?

It looks nicer, doesn't it?



With a razor.

Don't you?

Of course not.

But it looks nicer.

I have a razor... if you want.

Thank you.

What's your name?

-Right, Shabbat.

What did you draw?
-A whale.

What blessing should I give you?

That I grow up to be worthy.

What do we say?
-Thank you.

You're welcome.
-Father, can you come here?

Can't you see I'm busy?

What did you draw?
-It's important.

If Maya leaves
we lose all the houses she cleans.

It's a big loss for the fund, Father.

I'm not saying this
because I'm his mother,

but they'll need to make a living.

They aren't her houses,
it's everyone's income.

Let her find new houses.

It's hard enough to find houses
where there are no men.

Why everyone's? She cleans them.

Don't we fill in
when she's sick?

That makes them yours?

All right, all right...

Let Maya find new houses.
-And you can clean hers.

No, we all will.

No. Osher will clean them.

-Don't you have to pitch in?

Does everybody owe you?

But I'm pregnant.

-Thank you.

So? Everyone works
when they're pregnant.

You didn't?
-No? I stopped bookkeeping?

Isn't that work?

Want to swap - have everyone
hassling you?

Be my guest.

You know what your problem is?

Your jealousy.

If you don't learn, you'll end up
with a deaf-mute baby.

Look at me when I'm talking to you.

You know why deaf-mute?

So he can't pit one person
against another.

That's how Heaven teaches lessons,

so take a good look inside

and uproot the jealousy from
your heart, otherwise... you'll have trouble.



Come here a sec.

Do they have an appointment
at the Rabbinate? -Yes.

What about money for Ariel?
-Let him support himself.

But they need...
-Both of them.

But they need to move out,

how will they afford it? -They can
move when they have the money.

Why are you spoiling the boy?


Your father's angry with me
for no reason.

Not for no reason.

He wants you to pitch in
like everyone else.

Okay, not for no reason.

Anyway, I need an advance.

What for?

A present, okay?
-For who?

What do you care?
I'll pay you back.

For who, my father?

Give it to her.
She said she'd pay it back.

Elinor? Come here.

What's going on?
-They've been here over an hour.


Excuse me.

What do you think you're doing?
-Who are you?

None of your business.

Get that out of my face.
-Are you one of Shabtai's wives?

None of your business.

Get that out of my face!
-What did we do?

Watch yourself.

Come here, Elinor.
-Watch out,

you don't know
who you're up against.

What are you doing?

Come here.

Excuse me. Am I interrupting?
-No, it's okay.

Just tidying up.

This is for you.
-What is it?

For your birthday.


Thanks. I...

Nice of you to remember.

I figured

if he's seeing you...
for the first time

you should look pretty.

What? Who?


That's what she said?
-Yes, that's what she said.

You have to understand.

Osher is a simple woman.

She doesn't know what
a spiritual bond is.

To her, a strong bond
is a sexual bond.

She doesn't realize that I can't be
tempted by slutty underwear.

So you didn't know?

She didn't tell you that...

Look at you.
What are you so upset about?

Don't you see where
your place is?

What do you mean?

You're three miles above her,

she doesn't know what
spirituality is.

Be kind to her,
don't offend her.

Thank her kindly,

don't show off the fact
that she's beneath you.

She may be crude

but that doesn't mean
she's heartless.

She tried.

She isn't rich.

She spared her food money
for you .

Give her a kind word.

It'll mean a lot to her.

Especially from you.

Has your sister found an apartment?

We're going to look.

She's excited.

You can have her room.

It's more comfortable.

Thank you. Really. I...

I don't know, if she leaves...
I don't know

You should stay together
a little longer,

but I'll talk to her.

She'll come here.

I thought I'd ask
to stay with them a while,

until... maybe it's not cool
as they're just starting out,

with their new apartment and everything,

but... maybe just till I find a place.

Can I come for treatments?

Come here.

Show me.

Let's see.

Here... here... no?

sshhh... quiet

Tuli !

Stop! Stop it!!

Sorry... I'm sorry.



Can't sleep?

I can't see you like this any more.

Do you want me to talk to Avishag

It's hopeless.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.



What are you...?

I'm sorry.
-Are you out of your mind?

Tehila, I'm sorry.

Sorry, sorry.

Please, I didn't mean it.

Sorry, I didn't mean to..

Don't tell anyone, okay?

Avishag. Avishag!

What is it?
-There's screaming from Yana's basement.

-Yes, she's really screaming.

God help us...

Tehila, run to the foster home

and wake Arianna.

When do you think?
- She freaks me out...

I'll go.

Maybe she'll be the one.

What one?

That gives birth to the Liberator.
-Are you crazy?

A cursed woman
can give birth to a holy son?

Could be.

But Shabtai once taught that the Liberator
would come from the prohibited

and liberate us from prohibition,
like King David.

Nothing holy can come from a woman

who did to herself what she did.

She scares me.

-No, Arianna.

Hefzibah once told me

she did an abortion for some girl

when she was only 14.

Some skank in a boarding school.
-I wouldn't be surprised.

What were you told about gossip?

Do you have to listen to everything?

It's a girl.

A female.

I'll wake Shabtai.

For a girl?

It can wait until morning.

But bring the mother something
sweet, dates or sugar water.

I'll get it.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.


Are you crazy?

They'll see us.

Why did you lie to me?
Don't you trust me?


You think I care

where you live?

What do you mean?
-"North Side."

You can tell me the truth,

you don't have to pretend...
-I can't, okay?

You don't get it.



What do you think?

I wish it were mine.

A bit rundown, isn't it?

Sis. -What?
-Excited, huh?

Yeah, I guess I am.

Can I stay in the living room?


I'll always have room for you.

No, really.
-It'd be my pleasure.

How much is it?

Plus we'll... I'll have to pay
to fix it up.


I want to tell you something
and I won't say it again.

-Don't say it.

There's no need.

I'm not saying this for you, but for me.

I know this isn't what you wanted,

but I'll do my best.

It'll be fun here.

-Hello, is this Maya Levine?

Who's this?

My name is Orly Nul-Asulin,

I'm a feature reporter
for the Channel 2 News,

we're doing an item on...

What do you want from me?
-I'm tring to tell you-

It's a reporter. -Reporter?

I'm doing an item
on Shabtai Zaddik's wives

and I was wondering if you'd...

and please don't call again.

What? What was that?

Again, another item about the commune...

I'll call your father.

And you didn't look at her.

I don't understand -from outside??
-She's not normal! -But why?

People are jealous,
get it through your heads.

Why are you so surprised?

You weren't born yesterday.
Don't you know what they want?

What do I always tell you?

Look down, walk away,
don't talk to anyone.


What were you thinking?

Is that how you want us
to appear on TV?

Father, she had a camera in my face.

And what did she say, exactly?

I didn't let her talk me into anything.

I hung up on her.

You hung up or you said something
and then hung up?

I think I said something.

"Thank you, but I'm not interested."

It's all your father,

who should've been in jail long ago, the devil.

She called you of all the women?
Where'd she get the number?

No idea.
- I'm telling you,

he tried using force,
it didn't work, so he...

went around.

Give me her number.

The reporter's.

Because I said so.

She thinks she's so smart?

We'll see who's smart.

Why aren't you answering my calls?

What are you doing here?

Waiting for the bus.
You mind?

Who's he?

Can't you see I can't talk to you?

But I miss you.
-Who's he?

What's your problem?

Who's he?
-None of your business.

Come here. What's your name?

-Dori, stop it.

Shabbat, do you like magic tricks?

I can make a coin disappear.

Show me.

Can you see anything in my eye?

-That's strange,

because when I rub it...

sometimes a coin comes out.

Do it again.
-Not now, Shabbat.

Sit down.

Are you crazy?

Then will you take my calls?

No, and...

stop calling,
my mom'll kill me.

Okay, then tomorrow after school.

I can't.

Okay, I can show them
some more tricks...

Okay, okay.
-What? I didn't catch that.

Okay! Geez...

Here she comes.

What are you looking at?

Who are you to decide for them?

You think it's a feminist act
to ignore what they want?

Would you want to grow up
like that?

What's wrong with it?

Stop. Go back to
"Who are you to decide?"

Who are you to decide for them?

You think it's a feminist act
to ignore what they want?


I don't know your name
but you know mine,

so maybe you should
introduce yourself.

Hello, hello.

Oh, I've been looking for you.

Can you hold on a sec?

I'm putting on earphones.

No need to record.

There's no point.

Why not?
-You'll see.

People say things about us,


You want to give these rumours a

It's called evil-gossip.

Believe me, I know my job,

it won't be rumors.

Why don't you come through the front
door instead of breaking a window?

Know what I mean?

That you'd do an interview?

You misunderstood me.
Come to our house.

We're a welcoming family.
We have nothing to hide.

Can I film there?
-Why not?

Just one small favour,
if you don't mind.

-Bring a camerawoman, not a man.

Honor us and our customs
and we'll honor you.

Think about it,

and now you have my number.

I'll call you back.

I know. Talk to you then.


How will it work?

What, she'll step on our toes
and spy on us?

Why, what have got to hide?

So whose are all those kids?

My aunts.

There are 43 kids.

Sounds kind of wacko.

What do I care?

You're the same you.

People don't like it when...



Stop, I can't...



I love you.

Then respect me.

I'm sorry.

Going to the Mikveh (ritual bath)?

Now? There's no rush.

Go help Hefzibah
with the tables.

No, I need to go, Shabtai told me...

to go to him,
he wants to bless me.

Don't let your sister down,

tell him to make it short, okay?
-Yeah, sure.

I want you to be certain
before I bless you.

Yeah, I can feel it now...
just like you said.

How's the apartment?
-It'll be nice. He's fixing it up.

What about your sister?

She's moving in with you?

She's always welcome.

She should do what's best for her.

Now concentrate only on me,

feel whole,

so you have no doubts
when you immerse.

Now? You're staying here?


Not clean.


Your thoughts.

Your shoulders are tense.

You haven't killed it yet, the doubt.

Isn't that natural?

Did you think you might be
the one who'd give birth

to the Liberator?

I hoped so, but...

Isn't that only with you?

I had a dream about it.

About what?

That it might be you.


No thoughts.




Come on, girls.

Anyone still there?

Hurry up.



Why are you two still here?

Help Rachella in the kitchen.


Came out really nice.
-Happy birthday.


It's all your work.

Thank you.

Were you waiting for us?

That's wonderful.

Did you see her dress?


Where were you?

Not now.

You look beautiful.

Doesn't she look beautiful?

A week ago, when...

He'll get over it.

Maya brought little Hagar
under our roof to enjoy the light,

and now...
Hagar isn't little anymore.

From a girl to a woman.

What's with you?

-Then bring everyone grape juice.

Two sisters,

two souls.

They bring light into our home.

Light. Light.

Light, light, light.
Happy birthday.

Happy birthday.
-Happy birthday.

That's my girl.