Hannibal (2013–2015): Season 1, Episode 11 - Rôti - full transcript

Dr. Abel Gideon escapes from custody and begins targeting the psychiatrists who attempted to treat him, displaying their bodies with a Colombian necktie. While Alana Bloom is put under ...

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'Previously on "Hannibal"...'

You're quite the topic of conversation
in psychiatric circles.

The reason you failed to capture
the Chesapeake Ripper is I had him.

I did it.

Miriam Lass is dead.

The Chesapeake Ripper is making it
clear someone is plagiarizing his work.

Is it possible you inadvertently planted
the suggestion in Gideon's mind

that he was the Ripper?

Psychic driving is unethical.

I have feelings for you.

- I can't just have an affair.
- Why?

I think you're unstable.

You're the subject of a lot
of speculation at the bureau.

Jack pushed you right up to the edge
and now you're pushing yourself over.

What happened in there?
I saw the look on your face.

You must overcome these delusions
that are disguising your reality.

It's anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.

Now that we have confirmed what it is,
it'll be easier to hide from him.

Someone who already doubts
their own identity

can be more susceptible to manipulation.

Dr Gideon is a psychopath.

Psychopaths are narcissists.
They rarely doubt who they are.

I tried to appeal to his narcissism.

By convincing him
he was the Chesapeake Ripper.

If only I had been more curious
about the common mind.

I have no interest
in understanding sheep.

Only eating them.


A South Indian curry.

Made from sheep, of course.

Bathed in a coconut-coriander
chili sauce.

It feels like a last supper.

You're not the only psychiatrist accused
by a patient of making them kill.

Poke around a psychopath's mind...
bound to get poked back.

- What would you do in my position?
- Deny everything.

I thought psychic driving
would've been more effective

in breaking down his personality.

Psychic driving fails because
its methods are too obvious.

You were trying too hard,

If force is used, the subject will
only surrender temporarily.

Once a patient is exposed
to the method of manipulation,

it becomes much less effective.

When Dr Gideon began
to suspect he was being pushed...

He pushed back.

The subject mustn't be aware
of any influence.

So you get to dress up and I don't?

This might affect how well my testimony
goes over with the judge.

Testimony speaks for itself.

Frederick, don't look so worried.
I forgive you your trespasses.

- What trespasses are those?
- You made me kill the nurse.

I take responsibility for killing my wife
and her family. The nurse is your fault.

I cannot accept responsibility
for your actions, Abel.

Au contraire
It's why I'm suing you.

You made me think
I was somebody else

and now... who knows what I'm thinking?

Dr Gideon, you told me
you were the Chesapeake Ripper.

Dr Chilton, you told me
I was the Chesapeake Ripper,

and that's what
I'm going to tell everyone.

See you in court.

You married?

You married?

You're married.

How long you married?

That long?

Regarding divorce,
not that you're getting one,

just I can see
the clock in your eyes.

Word of advice.

It's easier just to kill 'em.

Kill 'em. Kill everyone at the table.
Less paperwork.

Worked for me. I'm doing OK.

Your wife is probably fantastic.

My wife? Horrible.

Maybe I'm not supposed to be in
a relationship. There's people like that.

How do you keep those whites
so clean?

That's... Always amazes me.

All I need is one hand free.

So does Abel Gideon still believe
he's the Chesapeake Ripper?

Abel Gideon is having a difference
of opinion about who he is.

The man who escaped
from that van

was not in the same state of mind
when he did this.

He took a uniform,
police radio,

two 9mm handguns, pepper spray,
Taser and handcuffs.

It's what he didn't take.

He hung the organs from
the branches with vein from the victims.

- He even tied little bows with some.
- Yeah, it's pretty impressive.

The Chesapeake Ripper would
not have left the organs behind.

Well, if Gideon isn't
the Chesapeake Ripper,

he's certainly trying to get his attention.

Local PD picked up a foot trail
leading out of the woods.

Boot soles were consistent with
the ones we found at the crime scene.

- How fresh are the tracks?
- Two, three hours old.

- Which direction they headed?
- Back to Baltimore.

I suppose this is my fault, too.

You did dodge a bullet.

Gideon's escape foregoes a trial
and a very public humiliation for you.

And now you are hosting a private one.

Next you'll be accusing me
of arranging his escape.

No one's making that accusation.

If we're tossing around the blame,
Dr Bloom, you're due your fair share.

You planted the idea that
I was unethically manipulating Gideon.

Well, according to Gideon,
you were.

After you told him I was.

You thought I was manipulating him?

He was manipulating you.

You were pushing him.

He gave me informed consent
to treat him.

Said that he was grateful for my help
in understanding who he is.

What did you help him understand?

He was not insane
when he killed his wife.

Killing her drove him insane.

I did not convince him
that he was a serial killer.

I just reminded him of the fact.

Gideon is not the Chesapeake Ripper,

although he might have thought
he was under your care, Doctor.

Whether he is or he isn't
doesn't really matter right now.

If he thinks he is or if he's confused
on that issue, he will kill again.

I hope he does not,
I mean, for your sake.

Cannot imagine how you would sleep
with that on your shoulders.

Cannot imagine how you would
sleep with that on your shoulders.

How did you sleep
when Gideon killed your nurse?

What does Gideon want?

The last thing Abel Gideon said to me
is that he intends to tell everyone

that he is the Chesapeake Ripper.

Our fugitive is Abel Gideon.
Transplant surgeon.

Convicted in the first degree
in the murders of his wife and her family.

Institutionalized at the Baltimore
State Hospital for the Criminally insane

where he killed a nurse and claimed
to be the Chesapeake Ripper.

Dr Gideon escaped this morning
after killing three people.

He is armed and dangerous.

He is believed to be at large.

...In the murders
of his wife and her family.

at the Baltimore State Hospital

for the Criminally Insane.

'He is armed. He is dangerous.
He escaped this morning.

'You are armed
and you are extremely dangerous.

'Institutionalized at the Baltimore State
Hospital for the Criminally insane.'

What kind of crazy are you?

You kill! You will kill again.

What did you see?

A thicket of antlers.

All I heard was my heart.

Dim, but, but... fast.

Like... footsteps fleeing into silence.

I don't know how to gauge
who I am any more.

I don't feel like myself.

I feel like I have been gradually
becoming different for a while.

I just feel like somebody else.

What do you feel like?

I feel crazy.

And that is
what you fear most?

I fear not knowing who I am.

It's what Abel Gideon's afraid of,
isn't it?

He's like a blind man.

Somebody got inside his head and...

...moved all the furniture around.

I imagine Abel Gideon would want
to find the Chesapeake Ripper

to gauge who he is.

And who he isn't.


...you have me as your gauge.

Gideon didn't leave a manifesto.

We confiscated all correspondence
from outside admirers.

- We're going through everything.
- Good.

Any secret communiqu?s or coded
messages written in bodily fluids,

or anything else, we'll find them.

You won't find anything. Whatever's
going on with Gideon, it's in his head.

There's not much left in these heads.

All organ removal was done post-mortem,
including the transorbital lobotomies.

It wasn't technically a lobotomy.

He didn't remove any of the brain.
He just scrambled them.

Went in through the top
of the eye socket.

It wasn't a lobotomy...

Why remove all of the other organs
from the bodies

and leave them intact,

and just scramble the brains?

- It's what they did to him.
- It's what who did to him?

Dr Chilton, every psychiatrist
and PhD candidate,

who attempted any kind of therapy,
pushed and prodded, gave him tests,

told him who he was,
who he wasn't.

All right, I want a list
of every therapist, every doctor,

any kind of psychiatric professional,

that worked with or talked to Dr Gideon.

Alana Bloom will be on that list.

Are you my protective custody?

You heard.

I heard I get an armed escort
until Gideon's apprehended.

You'll have a real FBI agent,
not a teacher with a temporary badge.

Too bad.

Would've been fun to cozy up with
your dogs in front of a space heater.

You don't need protective custody
to cozy up with my dogs.

Or me, for that matter.

I just need a little more...
stability on my part.

You're really warm.

Yeah, I tend to run hot.

You know they say stress
raises body temperature.

Maybe you should take an aspirin.

Way ahead of you.

They're gonna kill Gideon,
aren't they?

Whatever happens to him
has nothing to do with you.

Gideon can't be completely
responsible for his actions

if he was subjected
to an outside influence.

What, like Chilton telling him
he's the Chesapeake Ripper?

Like me... telling him he's not
in a state of mind to know who he is.

Well, he's gonna want somebody
to tell him who he is,

and I think he'll be looking
for the Ripper to do that.

What do you think will happen
if Gideon finds the Chesapeake Ripper?

The Chesapeake Ripper will kill him.

He took credit for his work.

The Ripper would consider that... rude.

Freddie Lounds.

'My name is Paul Carruthers.
I'm a psychiatrist.

'I read your article on Abel Gideon.'

And I yours, Dr Carruthers.

'So you're aware of my work?'

I found your paper on narcissistic
personality disorder insightful,

especially as it pertains
to your opinions of Abel Gideon.

'Well, thank you.
That's very kind of you.'

You calling about his escape?

'Well, yes.

'I'd like to collaborate on an article for
the "Journal of Abnormal Psychology".'

You want a writing partner?

'Could we meet?'


Dr Carruthers?

Ms Lounds, come on in.

You wrote in your "Tattler" archive
that the Chesapeake Ripper

once removed a man's tongue
and used it as a bookmark for his Bible.

They call this the Colombian Neck Tie.

'What do you think?


Dr Paul Carruthers wrote an article for
the "Journal of Criminal Psychology"

in which he described Dr Gideon
as being a pathological narcissist

who suffers from psychotic episodes.

Let's hope he got some satisfaction
from being proved right.

I think this is about more than getting
the Chesapeake Ripper's attention.

Gideon's mind was dissected
by psychiatrists

and, as a surgeon,
he is applying his own skill set.

He gave you something better to do
with your tongue than wag it.

No, that's not how he died.
Drained him till his heart stopped.

Got a little on his collar.
Other than that, didn't spill a drop.

That's because it's all in here.
4.5 litres all packed in ice.

"Please deliver to the Red Cross."

- That's considerate.
- He's peacocking for the Ripper.

This is like flowers and chocolate
before a first date.

How is this news already?

Somebody from the Baltimore PD

must've taken a picture
and sold it to "Tattlecrime".

The photo was taken
before the blood was put on ice.

- Dr Gideon was still here.
- He has Freddie Lounds.

You might be working out
the emergency exits

or at least considering them.

Let me just tell you there are three.

They're all terribly locked down.

Now this relationship
between you and me,

this can do us both some good.

I could write a big story on you.

Anything you wanna say.

I did enjoy the article you wrote
about the poor nurse I killed,

but it didn't really seem
like genuine Freddie Lounds.

- Jack Crawford told me to write it.
- Of course he did.

- To flush out the Chesapeake Ripper.
- And flushed out he was.

That's why he waved
Jack Crawford's dead trainee's arm

around his head right here
like a flag in this very room.

Aren't you the Chesapeake Ripper?

Ms Lounds, I might be
slightly fuzzy in this area,

but there's no need to patronize me.

I'm sorry.

It's like remembering
something from your childhood...

...and you're not sure if it's your memory
or a friend's memory...

...and then you realize sadly
it's just some photo in an old book.

You're waiting for the Chesapeake Ripper
to come back here.

Let's hope he gets the invitation.

There's one thing
we know about your writing,

he is an avid fan.

Dr Carson Nahn. He's the
psychiatric attending at Western General.

He interviewed Dr Gideon
for the same psychopathy survey

I participated in two years ago.

Total frenectomy.

Webbing under the tongue, the connective
tissue into the throat is cut free

and pulled through
for the... desired effect.

Still no word from Dr Chilton?

He hasn't answered his phone since
yesterday. Didn't show up to work today.

Gideon wants to lure the Ripper.

He's going to offer up the man
who disrespected both their identities.

Every detail of Dr Carruthers' murder,

as described meticulously
in Freddie Lounds' article,

has been faithfully reproduced
except... for one.

What's different about Carson?
Why amputate his arm?

Freddie write anything about this?

Not that I'm know of, no.

Abel Gideon didn't kill this man.
The Chesapeake Ripper did.

You said the Chesapeake Ripper
would wanna kill Gideon

for taking credit for his work.

But Gideon isn't alone any more,

and the Ripper isn't going
to risk exposure,

so, no, he's, he's...

He's telling us where to catch him.

- Actually, he's telling you.
- Me?

Where's the last place
you saw a severed arm, Jack?

With experience, I have found
surgeries are best performed

under local anaesthetic
or epidural with the patient awake.

Reminds me there's a real person here
entrusting me with their life,

rather than a lump of meat
that I'm about to reorganize.

And in this instance,
I would like to see the look on your face.

You're not the Chesapeake Ripper.

You got inside my mind, Frederick.

It's only fair I get inside your belly.

This is of course Freddie Lounds,
who you know.

She will be assisting me today,
or assisting you,

by manually pumping the ventilator,
should you stop breathing.

Oh, my God.

The real Chesapeake Ripper is
a collector of surgical trophies

and I'm gonna leave him a little gift.

In fact, I'm gonna leave him
a gift basket.

You know, it is truly amazing
how many organs the body can offer up

before it really begins to suffer.

All right, stay awake now!
Come on, Frederick.

I'm gonna ask you to hold
a few things.

Hmm... What next?

I want you to wait outside.

That's probably best.

You look like hell, Will.

I feel like hell.

Actually, no. I feel... fluid.

Like I'm spilling.

Must've come down with something.
I hope it's not contagious.

Look, this work that we do,

it will compromise
your immune system, if you allow it.

You gotta keep things in perspective,
gotta keep yourself in perspective.

My self is a little hazy at the moment.

You've gotta start
taking better care of yourself.

Build my resistance.

You just can't take it all in.

You've got to let go
of as much of it as you can.

You just gotta let go.

It's hard to shake off something
that's already under your skin.



Clear. Clear.

No sign of Gideon.

Gideon's gone. He's still alive.

I need medical in here now!

I was expecting
the Chesapeake Ripper.

Or are you he?

Turn around. Don't look at me.

You are looking a little peaky,
Mr. Graham,

if you don't mind my saying.

I may be crazy, but you look ill.


Who is your doctor?

I'm having a hard time thinking.

I feel like I'm losing my mind.
I-I-I don't know what's real.

It's 7:27pm.

You're in Baltimore, Maryland,
and your name is Will Graham.

No, I don't care who I am!
Just tell me... if he's real.

Who do you see, Will?

Garret Jacob Hobbs.

Who do you see?

- I don't see anyone.
- No? He's right there.

- There's no one there.
- You're lying.

We're alone. You came here alone.
Do you remember coming here?

- Please don't lie to me!
- Garret Jacob Hobbs is dead.

You killed him. You watched him die.

What's happening to me?

Will, Will, you're having an episode.

I want you to hand me the gun.

Will, I want you
to hand me your... Will?


He's had a mild seizure.

That doesn't seem to bother you.

I said it was mild.

Are you the man who claimed
to be the Chesapeake Ripper?

Why do you say "claimed"?

Because you're not.
You know you're not.

And you don't know much more
about who you are beyond that.

Are you the Ripper?

A terrible thing...

...to have your identity
taken from you.

Well, I'm taking it back
one piece at a time.

You should see the pieces
I got out of my psychiatrist.

Alana Bloom was
one of your psychiatrists, too.

Is that right?

Yes, Dr Bloom.

I can tell you where to find her.

Will, can you hear me?

Repeat after me.

My name is Will Graham.

My name is Will Graham.

Raise both of your arms.

More... More.


Although you may not feel like it,
I need you to smile.


It wasn't a stroke.

You may have had a seizure.
Tell me the last thing you remember.


I was with Garret Jacob Hobbs.

You have a fever.

You were hallucinating.
You thought he was alive.

Here, in the room with you.

I saw him.

He's a delusion disguising reality.

Don't let that let you slip away.

You killed Garret Jacob Hobbs once.
You can find a way to kill him again.

Where are you going?

Abel Gideon is still at large.
He mutilated Dr Chilton.

They found him clinging to life.

I'm worried about Alana.

- Alana...
- No, no, no. Will.

You're in no state to go anywhere
but the hospital.

I'll call Jack,
tell him where you are.

I don't know
if I will ever be myself again.

I don't know
if I've got any self left over.

I spent so long thinking I was him,

it's got really hard to remember
who I was when I wasn't him.

Who are you now?

Now I'm you.

We're both here looking at her.

Just those kind of people
that shouldn't be in a relationship.

You and I are already committed.

It's hard to be with another person
when you can't get out of your own head.

I want to get out.

Yeah, well, we all want things
that we can't have.

But if I kill her,

like he would kill her,

maybe I could understand him better.

I wonder if then you would finally
understand what you've become.

They will be sewing up Dr Chilton
until the morning,

that is if he makes it through the night.

At least Will remains
in one piece.

For now.


His temperature is 105.

White blood cell count
is twice normal

and they still can't identify
the source of his infection.

They will.

You seem confident.

I am.

Even with a temperature
of 105 degrees,

Will was able to bring Gideon down.
I told you, he'll be fine.

Jack... I would recommend you suspend
his license to carry firearms.

You and I are just gonna have to have
a difference of opinion about who Will is.

I know who Will is.

Will knows who he is.


But our experiences shape us, Jack.

How is this experience
going to shape Will?

Will Graham is troubled.

And that troubles you?

Beyond a professional concern
for a patient?

I see his madness
and I want to contain it.

Like an oil spill.

Oil is valuable.

What value does Will Graham's
madness have for you?

You're suggesting I'm more fascinated
with the madness than the man?

- Are you?
- No.

He realized early on that he saw things
differently than other people.

Felt things differently.

So did you.

I see myself in Will.

Do you see yourself in his madness?

Madness can be a medicine
for the modern world.

You take it in moderation,
it's beneficial.

You overdose and it can have
unfortunate side effects.

Well, side effects can be temporary.

They can be a boost
to our psychological immune systems

to help fight the existential crises
of normal life.

Will Graham does not present you
with problems from normal life.

No, he doesn't.

What does he present you with?

The opportunity for friendship.

He is still your patient, Hannibal.

Where Will Graham is concerned,
if you feel the impulse to step forward,

you must force yourself
to take a step back.

And just watch him lose his mind?

Sometimes all we can do is watch.