Hand of God (2014–2017): Season 1, Episode 4 - Hand of God - full transcript

Pernell is torn when a vision convinces him to betray someone close to him to get answers about who hurt Jocelyn. Crystal is frustrated when Pernell refuses to take a prescription, and ...

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Dr. Greenwald says you need to take these

first thing in the morning.

Drowsiness, hives, yellowing of skin,

abnormal gait, nosebleeds.

Possible side effects.

I'll pass.

You've been hearing
voices and seeing things.

That doesn't make me crazy.

Nobody says you're crazy.

But I need antipsychotics?

You just need a little
help with everything.

Erectile dysfunction,
seizures, swollen mou...

What are you trying to do to me?

If any of those things
happen, stop taking them.


- Please, Pernell.
- No!

- Why not?
- Because I'm not crazy.

You want proof?

Only a lunatic would take this shit.

♪ If I'm getting there ♪

♪ With you ♪

The search for missing
San Vicente police officer

Shane Caldwell is now officially
a murder investigation.

His body was discovered yesterday

at a home in the North Oaks neighborhood.

- What, I cut you?
- Mayor Boston's office

could not be reached for comment, but...

Son of a bitch.

Can we at least not do this here?

We got to do it now.

We got places to go, people to meet.

Toby, take it away.

Shane Caldwell's body was found yesterday.

Get to the good part.

Julio Farkas was arrested this morning

and charged with first degree murder.

Farkas is an ex-cop. You believe that shit?


Wait, you...

You have Julio Farkas? In custody?

U.S. Marshals picked him up in Fairfield

at 1:00 in the morning.

That's fantastic.

That's fucking fantastic!

That's not all.

Come on, Toby.

I'm sorry I tagged you as a
person of interest in Shane...

Oh, yeah. Okay, okay.

That's Pernell's way of
saying "Apology accepted."

Then my work here is done.

- Not a bad start to the day, right?
- Wow.

Now I get to have at
least one press conference

where the questions don't start with,

"Why are you kicking poor
people out of their houses?"

Did Toby mention where
they're holding Julio?

You're not gonna stop till
I have an aneurysm, are you?

Do me a favor, will you?

- Oh, my God.
- Just a little favor.

Lord, we thank You for making
the police stop watching me,

but most of all, Lord, we
thank You for the messages

You're sending Judge Harris
so that we know what You want.

We can carry out Your will,

and we ask that You to
keep talking to him, Lord,

so that You can guide him

and he can find out a way to get to Julio.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

- Amen.
- Amen.


That part about getting to
Julio, it's already handled.

They're gonna have him in holding

before the arraignment.

I'll have plenty of time to talk to him.

Well, praise God. It's all unfolding.

Now, do you want some more good news,

or is all this just too much for you?


Remember when I told
you I was gonna help you

find some place to live?

I appreciate you doing this.

Oh, you're doing me the favor.

My failed flip is now income property.

Tessie Grant,

San Vicente's Donald Trump
without the comb-over.


I haven't seen this in a while...

Pernell Harris happy.

Even cracking bad jokes again.

I miss you.

You see me every week.

I miss touching you.

Just say the word.

I can't.

Says who? God?

I been talking to Him, and it's working.

I don't want to mess that up.

How do you know him?

From church. He does odd jobs for me.

I'm helping him get back on his feet.

That's nice of you.

So? Does it work for you?

Yeah, it's perfect.

Welcome to your new home.

May it always be a shelter from the storm.

Thank you, Miss.

She never said how much.

Oh, that's all taken care of.

You can finally get the hell
out of that halfway house, huh?

Well, technically my PO
has to verify the address

or it's a parole violation.

Nah, nobody's paying any attention to that.

Let's get you moved in.

Hey, I got a couple hours.

Anything you can think of that you need?

Well, this yard would look
real nice with some grass.

Hey, if we're gonna walk this fast,

we might as well be jogging.

Jogging isn't number two on WebMD's

natural ways to fight high blood pressure.

Have a bite of number four.

Yeah, well, this is not gonna help.

I couldn't get Pernell to take his meds

from Dr. Greenwald this morning.

He's not taking his pills?

He doesn't think he needs them.

He knows he's on the
verge of getting suspended.

He knows he's... he's
fucking with my concrete pour.

We can't have any more coffee
visions and fish dreams.

Well, he's not gonna listen to me.

Maybe he needs to hear
it from his best friend.

I'll talk to him.

Pranayama breathing. Two minutes.

You need it too. Come on.

If I'm gonna breathe that deeply,

I want a joint in my mouth.


So you start with the weeds,
and you can't just pull 'em.

You got to spray, and
make sure they're dead.

Then the seed. Then fertilizer.

If you don't have fertilizer,
you will not have a lawn.

You don't have fertilizer.


We're gonna have to wrap this up

so I can go talk to Julio.

All right.

All right, this'll make
the seeds grow faster,

and it'll keep the birds out.

Birds don't like shit.

What about irrigation?

Oh, we don't have anything yet, sir.

All right, I'm gonna say this twice

because people don't listen.

Water twice a day for the first two weeks.

Water twice a day for the
first two weeks. You got that?

- Yes.
- Because you can do

everything else right,
and if you don't water

like I just said, you will not have a lawn.

I got it. Thank you, sir.

All right, they can
ring you out over there.

All right. Appreciate it.


You raised a good one there.

Oh, he's not my son.


Well, he's got a good heart.

I can tell.


Good news.

We found emesis on Shane's body.

What's "emesis?"

It's a medical term for vomit.

You're showing me a bag of vomit?

Emesis. We can extract DNA from it.

It's not as fast or
reliable as blood or saliva,

but it can be done, and
I'm betting this belongs

to Keith Dennison and not Julio Farkas.

How long?

Two weeks.

We still have eyes on Dennison?

Judge McKnight knows we have
a body and suspect in custody.

She won't approve any more surveillance.

So you're holding a bag of vomit

which may or may not be Keith Dennison's,

which may or may not be Keith Dennison's,
and it might not matter if it is

and it might not matter if it is

because thanks to Pernell Harris,

Dennison is a free man doing
God knows what to God knows who.

You have a very loose
definition of good news.

Where are they taking Farkas?

Room eight.

Is he alone?

Yes, sir. He's in restraints.

He's up second, though, so better be quick.

Thanks, Andrews.


Sorry, Pernell, can't
pretend you don't see me.

Gilbert, hey. How are you?

Oh, so we're playing
like everything's fine?

I'm great, and how are you, Judge Harris?

Gilbert, can we just bury the hatchet?

It never should have got to this point.

I'm sorry.

And now the blanket apology.

Am I just some schmuck to you?

Gilbert, look, I can't do this now.

How about at the hearing I give you

a full performance from the heart.

It's gonna be too late at the hearing.

I'll come see you at your
office this afternoon.

What's wrong with right here, right now?

Gilbert, I'm having bladder issues,

and I really don't want
to piss all over myself.

If you want to, you can
come with me to the bathroom.

Uh, the bathroom's that way.

See? You do still care.

Just got the list of attendees
for the eminent domain powwow.

Okay, who's on the firing squad?

Councilmen Sacks and
Hughes, Councilwoman Wells,

some dude from ACLU, a HUD rep,

Lorraine... what's her name, from ARC?

- Frankel.
- Yeah, and the President

of the East San Vicente
Neighborhood Association.

That's it? Nobody from Greenpeace?

You kicking everybody out their houses.

Relocate. Relocate.

Fucking get the nomenclature right, Asa.

- Hi, Robert.
- Hold on.

Where's your team?

I'm here. Who else do you need?

Oh, I don't know, Guy? Mr. Brooks?

We're about to sit down with the
community activist all-star team

and try to convince them it's okay

to kick people out their houses.


Relocate people.

Because Brooks is the best thing to happen

to San Vicente since me,

and all your bosses can do
is trot out a pretty face

from the PR department.

Mayor Boston, I have a PPE degree

from Balliol College, Oxford.

Yeah, I don't care
where you went to school.

Well, I'm Senior VP of Communications

for Brooks Innovations.
You're in good hands.

I'm in second-string hands.

Folks are gonna doubt just how committed

Brooks is to this city.

Look, when they hear from me,

they'll be hearing from someone

who's lived in San Vicente for a year now.

I shop here. I take spin classes here.

I eat at your three decent restaurants.

This is my home, and I promise you

I'm a bigger cheerleader for San Vicente

than Nathan Brooks.

If you want anyone at
this meeting, it is me.

They're here, Mr. Mayor. Send them in?

Yes. Rah, rah, sis boom bah.

We gave it to live there with him

and the husband in turn to receive her.

You know he's still trying
to see me every week.

Sometimes twice.

He's still paying full price.

Sounds like hooker alimony to me.

Mm-mm. He's not going anywhere.

He loves being with somebody

who doesn't have expectations on him.

- Yes, I do.
- But you haven't had sex

with him in, like, what, a month?

I know how this goes.

Remember my guy who owned
the Ford dealerships?

Barry with the sad, little moustache.

He had this little mini-stroke,

and he freaked out,
became a total health nut.

Started training for a marathon

and decides that fucking
me is sapping his strength.

What, was he trying to
make the Olympic team?

Right, but he still saw me every Friday.

Only now he's paying me to
listen to his split times

and talk about how he can't
piss for two days after a race.

I wasn't mad. I was like, "Mm, easy money."

- Mm-hmm.
- Right?

But then two months
later, he's all talked out.

Well, maybe you need to improve
your conversation skills.

Bitch, you need to get back on that

and remind him why you're so special.

He's gonna find someone cheaper to talk to

like a shrink or his wife.

He's taking this Christian
trip very seriously.

That's a red flag.

I'm giving him time and space to do that.

That's a red fucking flag, Tessie.


Do you know what you sound like right now?

You sound like a good friend.

You do not want to be

his friend. He is your customer,

your best customer, and you're a provider.

You know, you got to
think like a businesswoman.

Who's that?

My brother.

The receipt cannot be allowed into evidence

because it's a copy.

We never stipulated to its use,

and the defense never served us

with notice to produce the original.

Your Honor, this is a copy
they made during discovery.

Try not to let this guy drag things out.

I got a chiro in 30.

Mr. Redlich, would you
approach the bench, please?

Judge Harris, she's just trying to buy time

to shore up her case.

By the letter of the law, she's right,

but it could be argued

that stipulation was implied
when she sent the Xerox.

Then that's what I'll argue.

You know what would be
even more persuasive to me?

There's a murder suspect I'd
like you to take on pro bono.

So... wait, you want me to what?

Julio Farkas.

I want you to take him on as a client.

Nothing nefarious, just a chin-wag.

Pro bono? My specialty's torts.

I don't even do criminal.

I'm not asking you to go to trial.

Just say you're his attorney,
get visitor's rights,

I'll take care of the rest.


Um... Deal.

Anything else?

Yeah, go over your evidence notes 101.

This was an amateur mistake.

I am allowing the receipt into evidence.

Since prosecution made the copy,

stipulation to its
authenticity is inferred.

You may proceed, Mr. Redlich.

What do you mean they're kicking you out?

They kicking everybody
in East San Vicente out

to make way for this Brooks project.

But they have to pay fair
market value for the houses.

They threw a couple bucks at us,

and they expect us to take the chump change

and buy something in a neighborhood

that costs three times as much.



I'm still trying to figure out

when my little brother
turned into a grown ass man,

and you talk like you know something too.

Ma's talking about moving us
to San Jose with Aunt Lotte.

I'm not trying to move in
the middle of my senior year.

You think you could help us out?

Now, you know good and
well Mom would rather

live on the streets than let me help her.

It's been a couple years.
Things could have changed.

She know you here?

'Cause ain't shit changed.

So you're not even gonna try?

For what? So she can spit in my face?

There's nothing I can do, Khalil.


You know, 'cause you tried.

Come on, now. Don't be like that.

Look, let's get something to eat.

I know you hungry. It must take, like,

four steaks a day to
keep those legs growing.

I'm buying. We could catch up.

I'm all caught up.

Okay, I have something to show you.

I think it might cheer you up,

but it could also be a complete disaster.

Is it the "Linda Listen" video?
'cause that'll cheer me up.

Just watch,

and if it's too much,
just tell me, I'll stop it.

- Okay.
- Okay.

You ready?

Try to get me and not
the bush this time, okay?

Dude, it's hard to hide
and film, all right?

Quit your whining and let's get on with it.

My God.

I'm sorry. Too soon.

- No, no, no, no, just...
- It's my bad.

Please, just keep it going. Please.

You sure?

Do you have any idea

how much I miss just hearing his voice?


Stop bitching, please,

and just see if you can get the ring.

All right.

All right.

Uh, Yeah, I think I got it.

I mean, I can barely see it.

Couldn't have done better than that?

Come on, man, you're rich.

Yeah, my family is rich. This is from me.

All right, do... do your whole spiel

so I know exactly when to pan down.

I love you. Marry me. Blah, blah, blah.

Come on, for real.

Dude, you want this to be perfect, man.

He's so silly.

If she says no,

it's the only shot you got.


Freshman week you showed
me the way to Gilman Hall,

and that was the last time I felt lost.

Um, we knew each other before we met.

I was walking towards you
before I took my first steps.

I was calling your name
before I knew how to speak.

I was loving you before
my heart could beat.

And I can't imagine a better friend, lover,

and Scrabble opponent to share
the adventure of life with, so...

Look at that.

Will you marry me?

What do you think?

Shit, dude, I don't want to marry you.



You want more?


Got a little more.


I talked to Collette.

Oh, that reminds me.

I thought of a precedent
for a judge releasing a felon

after a plea deal's been struck.

Baxter v. California, 1997, Madera County.

Collette says there's no scenario

where you don't get suspended.

It's just a question of how long.

She's a worrywart. She always has been.

We'll pull this out.

Not if you keep having episodes.

I'm holding it together.

Hmm, the last time I heard that

was right before you left me hanging

at that meeting with McCauley.

Maybe you need a little help.

I'm not seeing a shrink.

Did I say "shrink"? No, I don't think

I said "shrink." I'm not
talking about a shrink.

I'm talking about the
miracle of modern medicine.

I take a blue pill, I'm hard in a second.

Then I take a yellow one just to make sure

I don't have a stroke while fucking.

It's a wondrous thing.

She just won't take no
for an answer, will she?

Crystal cares about you, so do I.

Yeah, but neither of
you are willing to accept

what I'm going through.

Going through.

Talking about the church thing.

Yeah, "that church thing."

Hey, man,

I can't tell you not to find Jesus,

but let me ask you a question.

Didn't God make medicine?

Just a thought.

Think about it.

No, you can't say she was hospitalized

because of exhaustion.

Everybody knows that means drugs.

Same thing for dehydration.

Denise, I got to go. Say
it was... female problems.

I'll see you.

You need to relax.

And you need to back the fuck off.

I'm not taking that poison.

You can sic Randy on me in the morning.

I'll tell her the same fucking thing.

- We're just trying to help.
- No, you're not.

You're trying to sedate
me so you can trot me out

to Brooks like some fucking show pony.

This way Bobo gets his concrete pour

and you don't lose an account.

Don't be so cynical.

30 years, Crys. I know how we work.

You use me to get all your big dreams.

Today it's Brooks. Yesterday
it was your PR firm.

I used my own money and found
my own investors to start CHPR.

You got all your clients
off of my coattails.


I'm fucking good at what I do.

You don't even know half my client list.

I'm not talking about your
mom and pop flower shop.

I'm talking about your
bread and butter accounts.

You think you would have
landed St. Joseph's Hospital

if the Harris Estate hadn't
donated to the pediatrics wing?

You closed the Chauncey Hotel account

after I guaranteed 'em that
the California Bar Convention

would meet there every fucking year.

You better be fucking crazy,

'cause otherwise, you're just an asshole.

Is this part of being born again,

pissing on everybody around you?

No, but telling the truth is.


Well, since we're being honest,

we shouldn't leave out
the part about when we met.

How people didn't even know your name.

You were just Joseph Harris's
slightly disappointing son,

a trust fund baby, a member
of the lucky sperm club.

Your daddy wouldn't even
give you reins to his company.

And now...

you wear the ring that everybody
in San Vicente has to kiss.

You think you did that all by yourself?

Is that how you want
to rewrite that chapter?

I don't care about any of that.

All I care about's our son.

Yeah, now you care about PJ.

Yeah. Now I do.

Yeah, Parks Department
gave these kids the okay

to have the tournament there.

That's not the point.

There's a noise ordinance rule in effect.

There has to be some sort

of agreement we can reach
that would satisfy...

You can see almost all
of San Vicente from there.

From where?

Nothing. Just keep it moving.

You can't really see East San Vicente,

but I hear it's not gonna be
around for much longer anyway.

It'll be there, just...
just different, better.

With Brooks coming in, there's gonna be

a gaggle of techies coming to town.

They need a place to
live, shop, go to cafes.

East San Vicente is that place.

And the folks who live there
now, they're just in the way?

What are you, an undercover activist now?

My mom and kid brother got
an eminent domain notice,

and the money they're getting
won't pay for a storage unit.

Any way to up that?

Two months ago maybe

we could have played
with the appraisal value,

but now it's on the record. I'm sorry.

Four neighborhoods around Brooks.

You pick the poorest one to level?

Look at the big picture.
Once Brooks comes to town

with their tax dollars I
can start fixing things.

Top of my list, low income housing.

Not projects.

Real neighborhoods that we can be proud of.


Hey, you have to tell
yourself something, right?

Come on now, Tessie. Truth is,

we're in the same line of work.

We both get screwed by San
Vicente's rich and powerful

to see if we can have
something to show for it.

No, there's a difference between us.

I get paid up front.

You suck a dick and hope for the best.

Now, that's not...

Your mama ain't crippled, is she?

- Excuse me?
- Well, if she was,

we could put her on
the extreme duress list.

You know, like when they kick a cripple out

when everything's set up for handicaps,

ramps and whatnot. City
pays extra for that.

My mom's got a bad hip.


Ohh. Man, this feels good.

You want to talk about it?

It's the last thing I want to do.


We should probably pick those up for her.

That's a long walk,

and if you really think about it,

we're doing her a favor.

She'll get more exercise

if she has to run back and get them.


Hey, do you ever go to church?

When I had to, growing up.

- Me too.
- Yeah.

Christmas, Easter,

but you know... did you ever believe?

You ever get moved by the spirit?

Mm. My folks made me go to "Ignition."

That was our church's teen ministry.

My friends and I would
sneak out of the sermon,

hang in the basement.

That was the first time
I hooked up with a girl.

First time I came too.

Well, that was kind of
a religious experience.

You came in a church basement?

I can come pretty much anywhere.

It's... It's a gift.

I don't own it, you know.

Yeah, the first time I
ever came was with Pernell.

It was after a Stanford/Cal game.

We were driving back to Palo Alto,

and there was a lot of
traffic on the freeway,

so we got off at San Leandro,

and next thing you know, we're
in the backseat of the car.

Mm. And I just...

got caught up in the moment.

Or else we just found the perfect angle

in the backseat of the car.

You married the first man
who gave you an orgasm.

No, that's not why.

It's a good thing your
high school boyfriend

didn't know what he was doing

or you'd be hanging laundry

outside a mobile home in Stockton.

No, he could've gone down
on me like an oboe player.

I still would've gotten out of that dump.

That a thing, oboe players
being good at giving head?

- Is it?
- I don't know.

Well, they use their lips and their mouths.

- Eh, musicians are overrated.
- Mm.

- God, I miss him.
- Mm.

The old Pernell.

Before all this shit with
PJ and being born again.

I think I lost that man.

You think you lost him or
are you giving up on him?

Ever think about going back to church?

You're not coming into this house.

That's fine.

I heard you're getting kicked out.

From who, your brother?

You don't stick to anything
you promise, do you?

He came looking for me.

I'm just here to give you this.

I already got a check from the city.

This one's for another $75,000

so you don't have to move to San Jose.

And what did you do for that money?

I asked.

Judging by that fancy
car and all that jewelry,

you've been doing a lot of asking.

Why can't you just say thank you?

Oh, you think it's something,
you walking up here,

waving money in my face.

All it does is remind me of what you are.

You don't get that,
because you never listened.

All you cared about was getting out.

"I'm going to Los Angeles.
I'm going to New York."

I wasn't supposed to have dreams?

You wanted me to end up like you,

check to check, mad at everything?

I'd rather see you standing here in rags

with some self-respect.

I didn't ask you to come,

and I don't want your money.

It's not mine. It's the city's.

Take it for Khalil's sake, then.

Can I at least say good-bye to my brother?

Did that a long time ago
when you chose the life.

You put a 16-year-old
girl out on the street.

I had a choice.

You know who I am?

You know why I'm here?

I didn't kill Shane.

But you were working with him.

Now I want to know who hired you.


Fuck with me and I'll fuck with you.

Help me and I'll show you what
a decent human being I can be.

Now, I want to know about Shane.

I want to know about that night,

and I want to know who
were you working for.

Visiting hour's over, fellas.

Get him out of here.

You signed in as Ted Redlich.

What happened to "thou shalt
not lie," Mr. Born Again?

Toby, please, I just wanted...

What? What do you want?

I'm trying... I'm trying
to ask some questions!

Okay, what kind of questions?

I want to know who he was working for.

You mean with. You think he was

working with Shane, right?

I know he was working with Shane,

but somebody hired him. I
want to know who that was.

Right. Okay.

I'll be sure to ask him.

Fuck you.

Anything else before you go?


Escort Judge Harris to the exit, please.

Get your fucking hand off me.

You're pissing on the wrong tree.

Two weeks ago that would've been true.

Now you're just a crazy judge,

and from what I understand,
after your hearing tomorrow,

you'll just be fucking crazy.

You leave now, I don't
press charges, Mr. Redlich.

Get him out of here.

I was this close to getting
the answers that I needed.

Baby, I can only imagine.

Everybody wants me to just flip a switch,

go back to being who I was, but I can't.

I learned a long time ago not to look back.

Come here.

Are you sure?

You're right.

You tell me when.




probably when.

So I shouldn't be doing this?

I shouldn't.

From what I've heard, God
is pretty big on forgiveness.

I got to do everything the right way.

I need God right now more than ever.


I just want you to know I'm here for you.


- Whatever you need.
- Mmm.


I get it.



Keep going.


- Mmm.
- You like that?


Miss me?

You miss me?

You miss me?

No. No. No. No!



I shouldn't be doing this.

Baby, let it happen. It's fine.

No. No, it isn't.

You got to go, Tess.


I come in peace.

I actually even made us dinner.

It's my way of saying I'm sorry.

- Crys.
- No, wait, wait, wait.

Let me finish.

I need to respect what you're going through

and not try to manage it.

What is this really about?

I just want us

to have dinner together.

Look, I... I even made spaghetti.

Me. It's the first meal

that we ever had at my apartment.

And I did not burn the sauce.

Well, at least I hope I didn't.

You cooked.


Well, before all this,
we used to be a team.

When the shit hit the
fan, we came together.

Like, remember when your
dad had that heart attack?

We took shifts at the hospital.

We kept the trust afloat.

We even walked that stupid
dog of his every day.

I don't know, I just...

I'd like to get back to that, you know.

Thought we could start with
a family dinner together.

We can't really be a
family right now because...

Oh, Jesus Christ, Pernell.

Do not make me beg.

It is my son that's lying in a coma too,

and while you were off praying
or doing God knows what else,

I have been here alone,

wondering what... I could have done,

what... I shouldn't have done,

trying to understand how I...

didn't know he was in that much pain.

And I don't want to be alone anymore.

I need you.


You want to say grace?



Hey, kiddo.

Miss your old man?

I was hoping to have some
good news for you, but...

didn't work out the way I thought.

Sacrifice your son.

PJ, I'm not letting you go.

Sacrifice him.

Don't ask me to do that.

Aw, that's it?

Okay, one more before I have to go in.

- There.
- No, you don't want to

watch this one.

I want to watch all of 'em.

All right.

First run of the new Bath Water software.

Next stop, Mountain View.

Nice try, dude. We're not...

we're not selling this to Google.

We're not selling it to anybody.

I'm not talking about selling it.

I'm saying license it, put
parameters on it, whatever.


Dude, for every rule
there are two loopholes.

Yeah, well, for every excuse

there are two reasons why it's bullshit.

I'm not doing this with you again, okay?

This isn't our decision. It's mine.

Hold up, hold up, Captain Queeg.

This is our company, and don't talk to me

like I'm some afterthought, all right?

It's my program, man. I created it.

Yeah, and... and Einstein
discovered relativity

with, like, a hundred other math geniuses.

Yeah, but if push comes
to shove and we disagree,

who has final say?

Well... yeah.

No, if you... if you want
to be a dick about it,

which you clearly do,
then you have final say.

Yeah, exactly.

Forget it, okay? We'll...
We'll do this later.

Oh, my God.


It got that nasty for a minute,

but you knew it wasn't pretty.

I need to talk to you.

Save it for the hearing.

What do you want even more
than seeing me off the bench?

Seeing you disbarred.

I think there's something you want

even more than that.

Your Honor, my client just
moved into his new home

a couple of days ago.

He was planning to tell his parole officer

at their next meeting, which is scheduled.

Well, this is not Mr.
Dennison's first rodeo.

Surely he was aware that
any change of address

without prior approval
from his PO is a violation.

But he is making great strides.

He secured a job.

Even with this house,
he's paying rent on it.

It shows that he's becoming a
productive member of society.

I won't deny that I'm very impressed

with those developments.

Isn't that the whole point

of the criminal justice system?

No, the point is

keeping violent criminals off the street.

Wouldn't you agree, Your Honor?

Mr. Dennison, I've thought long and hard,

and I have consulted with
my most trusted advisors,

so I do not make this decision lightly,

but it is clear to me
that the only solution

to the current circumstance
is for you to be locked up.

You need to spend time
with the rapists, murderers,

and cop killers that are housed
in the San Vicente City Jail.

Now, I can only hope

while you are incarcerated

that you will use your time wisely,

that you will ask relevant questions,

gather insights, information
from all those around you,

even the inmates,

and I'm convinced that
if you do these things,

that you will learn
everything you need to know

in order to complete the
journey that you are on.

You understand?

I do, but... oh. Oh.

- This court orders...
- Wait.

- Hold on.
- Oh, Keith, wait.

Just wait.

- Wait. Wait.
- Keith, sit down.

He can talk.

I... I guess I thought I wouldn't...
I would never go back there,

but if you say I made a mistake
and I have to pay, I'm willing.

But could we wait just a couple weeks?

Well, that's not how this works.

I got grass growing in.


I killed all the weeds.
I prepared the ground.

The seeds are laid down,
but they need water.

If you send me back now,
all that grass is gonna die.

But our citizens will be safer.


I get it.

To most people this doesn't make sense,

but it makes sense to me.

This grass matters to me.

So if...

if I could...

if I could have just a
little more time, Your Honor?

Just a little more time
to water it, please.

Your Honor, can we wrap this up?

Mr. Dennison,

you're a believer, aren't you?

You know I am.

Well, then pray for rain.

14 days, San Vicente City Jail.

What the hell?

Watsonville-McCoy number four.

What's a McWho number what?

Magic earthquake rocks.

You heard about Pernell getting off.

We start mixing in three weeks.

So I'm getting my concrete pour?

Sis boom fucking bah.

Hey, praise God.

Hi, all.

I'll make this quick because I just love

what's going on here, the
talking and the sharing.

I don't want to interrupt that,

but I do want to say thank you for coming.

We're thrilled to have
you here at Hand of God,

and well, we thank Jesus for that blessing,

and I know that Reverend
Paul feels the same way.

It's such a blessing that you would even

consider making Hand
of God your church home.

We welcome you with open arms.

We don't care who you
are, where you're from.

All we ask is that you come
with open hearts and open minds,

and we'll let Jesus take care of the rest.




- Hey, Joe.
- Hello, Miss Graham.


I'm not going to Aunt Lotte's.

You know Ma won't let you stay.

I... I'm 18. I don't need her permission.

Just yours.

You two in there.

KD. Good to see you, brother.

Hey, keep it moving.

You're in cell C-19.

Keep walking, boy.

Yo, what's up, CO?

Eyes forward.

- Yeah, man.
- Keep walking.