Gymnastics Academy: A Second Chance! (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Family Expectations - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Hey, y'all.

We are still absorbing Kylie quitting.

But it was just so unexpected, though,

because she is such a strong gymnast,

and she's actually really nice too.

But I do get it though.

It's pretty intense training
on a full elite schedule,

and there is no slacking
on any of the schoolwork either.

So we're all just hanging on.

But I actually have to go, though,

but I love you all and make sure
you send me heaps of videos.

Such a shame.

Guess she couldn't cut it.

Who's next, girls?

Ugh! Hopefully, she is next to leave.

Do you think Maddy will let me tackle her
during the next beam routine?

You need to be sneakier than that.

Maybe place a yoga ball
on the landing mat behind the vault.

Some chalk and a well-placed fan
while she's on the bar.

What about you, Li?


Is she dead?

Hey, Li! Wake up!

Welcome back to the land of the living.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay.

I just stayed up later
than I intended last night.


Oh, Jaimi.

I'm... I'm so sorry, but I have a lot
of schoolwork to catch up on,

and I was wondering
if I could leave early today.

All right, since it's schoolwork.

But do your strength training
before you go.


Li, are you at least coming
to the movies with us tonight?

Probably not.

I have a lot of stuff to catch up on, so...


Bye, guys.

A weekend home. I'm not missing that.

I'm so excited to go home.

- Movies.
- Yes.

- What's for dinner?
- I think pizza. I hope pizza.

Yum, that's good.


I heard you've been causing trouble again.

It was a minor disagreement.

Minor? According to Maddy,
you disrupted the entire competition.

- Hey, girls.
- Hey.

Where's... where's Kyra?

- Oh, she'll be right out.
- Okay.

I hope.

Lili, why aren't you coming home?
I was expecting you.

I'm so sorry, Mom.

I just needed some extra time
to finish off my homework.

Okay, but I saw
your violin marks come through.


How did that happen?
You know this is not acceptable.

I know, I just ran out
of time to practice.

Too much time in the gym.

I was reading that the school
offers chemical sciences

and I want you to enroll in that too.

You will need it to study medicine.

But, Mom, I need time to be in the gym

and that's why I'm even here
in the first place.

But, Lili, to get into medicine,

you must be getting 90s
in all your subjects.

Remember your goals?

Yes, Mom.

You mean your goals.

Lili, my goals are your goals.

I just want you to be successful
and get a steady career.

Gymnastics is not a career.

It's a hobby.

Now, when do I get
to hug my daughter again?

- So you're looking forward to the weekend?
- Definitely.

Oh. Here she is.

Hi, Kyra. It's nice to finally
meet you in person.

Yes, you too.

Thanks for letting us stay
at your place for the weekend.

Excited to see
something outside of school.

Ah, well, we're happy to have
all you girls. Come on. Let's go.

- You gonna kiss?
- No!

- How's soccer?
- Yeah.

- It's fine.
- It's going good? How're you going?

What was your...?

Hey, Kyra, you made it.

Yeah, it's good to get away
from the school.

I definitely need a bit of a brain break.

You know, if you ever want to come
and chill one weekend,

we have a pretty big pool
on a country property.

Uh, yeah, sure. Sounds like fun.

Does your dad know you're inviting
a dozen girls over for a pool party?


Oi! Are we picking a film or not?

Oh my gosh, guys.

They're screening the Taxi Driver
and The Terminator.

"Are you talking
to me? Are you talking to me?"

"I'll be back."

So, what movie do you wanna watch?

Hmm? I guess, maybe a rom-com.

Ooh. I love a good romance.

Not that keen. What about a horror?

Yeah, cool. Okay, a horror.

I love horror too.

- That was a scary movie.
- Yeah, that was too bad.

Who does she think she is?

Getting special attention from Maddy,

stealing Bradley,
and taking our scholarships?

I don't know
what you're complaining about.

It's not your scholarship that's at risk.

You don't even need a scholarship.

Your parents can afford
to pay for you to be here.

It's not about the money.

It's about being number one.

And my parents expect me to be number one

and I don't want anyone to think

I'm only here
because of my parents' bank account.

Besides, they can't even get home
the rare weekend that I can get away.

Forget it. You wouldn't understand.

Wait. Shh.

I don't know,
it just doesn't feel right.

Training this morning
without Kylie felt weird.

- Yeah.
- Did any of you see her before gym?

I did, I saw her mom

helping her pack her bags.

I mean, I know I haven't known
all of you guys that long,

but it even makes me sad.

Kind of strange,
how quick it was.

I mean, one minute she was here
and the next she was gone.

- Yeah.
- I don't know. I kind of get it.

You do?

Oh, well, I know it's long hours
and hard work,

but it's basically
just like full-time gymnastics.

That's the dream.

Guess so, but I've just got
so much homework to do,

and I don't even know where to start.

I'm barely getting any sleep at the moment

and my gymnastics scores
are starting to drop.

I just feel like a big mess.

Your mom does know you need
the gymnastics scholarship to stay here?

I mean, she does,

but she's just so hyper-focused
on my future,

and she doesn't think that gymnastics
can lead to a steady career.

Girls, pizza's ready.

Uh, Li, I feel for you, I really do.

But you know how my heart feels
about pizza too.

Hang in there,
and I'll see you Monday morning.

Yeah, I'll see you guys on Monday.

- Bye.
- Bye, guys.

- I think I kind of get it too.
- Really?

Yeah. I got the results back
from my math test today.


I totally flunked it.

Hey, that was one math test.


Why don't we all go over it after

and see if we can help you
with some bits you messed up on?

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- It's getting cold.
- Guys, quick.

Hi, Li.

Hi. What are you guys doing here?

Shouldn't you be at home or something?

My parents are on a vacation in Fiji.

Anyways, Maya and I were thinking

with Kylie gone and the rest
of your friends having a sleepover,

it must be really lonely
for you this weekend.

So, we wanted
to invite you to hang with us.

Yeah, thanks, but I can't.

I'm busy.

Come on. It'll be so fun.

Watch some movies. Talk about boys.

Oh! Maya has these sweets from Mexico.

They are amazing.

Sure, why not?
Just for a little bit.

Yay! This is gonna be so much fun.

Have you seen
Caitlin's new routine? It's awesome.

Oh no.

Over the next three weeks,
we'll begin a major group assignment.

You'll be grouped into teams of four,

where you'll work together to find out
the best solution for the problems

that you're each given.

Homework. Li.

I'm sorry, Ms. Claver, I was...


I ran out of time. I don't have it.

You ran out of time?

That's unlike you.

In my classroom straight after school, Li.

But I'll miss gym!

That's too bad. Schoolwork comes first.

Did anyone else hear
those dying cats last night?

Okay. This has been going on
for way too long.

We need to do something.



Hey, Li, you got a moment?

Um, I really need to start
warming up, but...


Tess and I've noticed that
you've been struggling lately.

Is there any way that
we could help you out?

Thanks, but I'm not sure you can.

Unless you can tell me the difference

between nitrogen triiodide
and diethyl zinc.


Never mind.

My mom wasn't a gymnast,
so she just doesn't understand

that it's not just
a cartwheel here and there,

and she's already enrolled me
in a new class.

I'm already so far behind.

Why don't you tell her?

I tried. She won't listen.

There must be something I can do.

Uh, Jaimi, Li needs your help.

Kyra. No, no, no.
Please don't involve anyone else.

What can I do for you girls?

You need to speak with Li's mother.

She's overloading her
with classes and homework.

You have to tell her
Li needs to prioritize her gymnastics

or she won't get
one of the scholarship spots.

No. No, no, no.
This really isn't necessary.

Yes, it is.

You can't keep staying up all night

and skipping training just to catch up.

This isn't healthy for her.

It's fine. Really.

I'll find a way to make it work.


Li, come see me in my office.

Kyra, go finish your warm-up.

I wanna see your bar routine
when I get back. Okay?

- Okay.
- Come on.

You know, it is possible that
Li's just super disorganized,

and maybe she's just sat at home
watching online videos and movies

instead of actually
doing her homework like the rest of us.

Tighten the core.

Nice. How's that feel?

- Yeah. Better.
- Good.


Hi. I was told I might find you up here.

You were trying to find me?

Well, I thought we could hang out.

Li, what happened?

Jaimi spoke to my mom. He told her
that I had to prioritize gymnastics

if I was gonna stay here.

She's pulling me out!

Sending me back to club gymnastics
so that it won't impact my schoolwork.

- No, but she can't.
- She's already called the school.

She's picking me up tomorrow morning.

Oh, Li...

Li, I'm so sorry.

I had no idea that...

I told you that I would find a way
to make it work!

This is all your fault, Kyra.
Why did you have to meddle in my business?


Are you okay?

Not exactly.

Ah, yes.


I'm so sorry about today.

I was only trying to help.

I know.

Okay, so I've been doing some research.

I may have found something
to help convince your mom to let you stay.

Wanna hear it?

I don't know.

After your last efforts?

But I guess it can't get any worse.


Check this out.

And then there were ten.

Ugh! You know, we're getting a little bit
sick of your constant attitude.

What attitude?

I didn't do anything.

But, hey, I see a theme emerging here.

My friends are still here,

but yours seem to be dropping like flies.

Seems like the common denominator
here is you.

So, girls? Are you gonna follow the trend?


You know what, Scarlett?

When I first came here,
we were all down the bottom

and now we're looking at
taking your top spots.

Do you really want to give
us five girls even more motivation?

- I think you mean four not five.
- We'll see.

Hey, I've got a sneak out for a sec.

Could you cover for me?

- Uh, yeah, sure.
- Cool, thank you.

Amazing. Great job.

- Hi.
- Hi. Mom, this is Kyra.

Pleasure to meet you.

Li has spoken very highly of you.

Thank you. Nice to meet you as well.

She just wanted to help out.

That's very generous of you, Kyra.

Come on. This way.

Where's Kyra?

Uh, she was definitely here a second ago.

Right, Ems?

So we've lost Li
and now Kyra is nowhere to be seen?

What are we doing here?

I just wanted to show you something first.

Do you recognize any of these gymnasts?


Simone Biles, I think.
The rest I don't know.

Well, Li and I
were doing some research.

Did you know that every single one
of these gymnasts' net worth

is over one million dollars?

Are you trying to talk me into
letting you stay?

These girls are champions, I presume.

Lili, I love you.

But are you really
going to win Olympic medals?

She's actually really good.

When she has the energy to train, that is.

Mom. Do you recognize
any of these girls over here?


They're all doctors now.

This one, Amy Chow
from the US gymnastics team,

she's a pediatrician.

These other girls over here,
all graduates of Coreega

and were in the gymnastics program here.

Each have said that
they would have never gotten into medicine

without the discipline of the gymnastics
training and the scholarship.

They are all doctors
and gymnasts from here?



You make a very persuasive argument.


But you are struggling
to stay on top of your schoolwork

and gymnastic commitments.

About that.

Do you know that Chinese proverb
that Yeye would always tell us.

"A man who chases two rabbits
catches neither."

Do I have you chasing
too many rabbits, Li?

I've tried calling Kyra.

She just won't pick up.

Looks like she finally decided
to scurry off home.

Another one of your friends gone, Tess.

There she is.

So does this mean you're back, Li?

- Yeah.
- Great.

Come have a quick chat in my office.

Sylvia? I thought I already added you.

Oh well.