Gunsmoke (1955–1975): Season 9, Episode 10 - Gunsmoke - full transcript

When fast-talking killer Charlie Hacker escapes from Matt in Texas, Matt follows him right into Mexico without extradition papers and has to deal with corrupt officials there.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.


Mr. Dillon?

Hey, I thought you
were gonna fix this chair.

Oh, well, I was...
I mean I will.

Yeah, well, I just about busted
my back here a while ago.

Oh, well, gracious... I'm
awful sorry to hear that.

But I tell you, Mr. Dillon, I
got a piece of news for you.

Uh, there's a feller
over at the Longbranch.

Well, he's drunk
enough to rust his boiler,

but he-he can sure do
some interesting talking.

You know what he said?

He said he'd seen
Charlie Hacker.

That's right, Mr. Dillon...
Charlie Hacker.


Well, I couldn't
rightly make that out.

He said that he'd seen
him about three months ago.

Tell you, it's kind of hard to
keep him on the same subject.

What's this fella's name?

Calls hisself Willie Kearns.

He's a real old timer.

Look, you stay and
fix that chair, will you?

Well, don't you want
me to go with you?

No, I want to talk to him alone.


I'll... fix the chair,
I guess, um...

Afternoon, Marshal.

- Hello, Sam.
- Beer?

Yeah, sounds good.

Oh, how are you?

Can I buy you a drink, mister?

Oh, no thanks...
I got a beer here.


Ooh, you're wearing a badge.

Man of the law.

Oh, I got to buy you a drink.

Here, here.

Buy the... buy
the badge a drink.

You're, uh, you're
new in town here.

Passing through, Marshal,
just passing through.

Stopped for a
little scamper juice.

Ain't-ain't nothing
like it... No, sir.

Cured me a case of boils once.

Grandma's remedy.

Yes, sir.

I just spent two years in
Mexico looking for gold.

On my way home to die now.

I tell you... if it hadn't
been for Charlie...

Charlie Hacker?


I tell you, I liked to
be fried Willie Kearns

in that sun in the desert.

Almost a hundred miles I
must've walked or crawled

before I come up
on Charlie's place.

He found me.

Took care of me like...

like I was his own kin.

You ever hear of
a friend like that?

I don't believe I ever have.

Me, either.

Never will again.

I'd sure like to
see old Charlie.

Was he, uh, alone?

Now, you tell him hello.

Tell him Willie
Kearns says hello.

Well, where was
it he lives again?

Oh, you can't miss it.

He's got a garden.

Only green spot
in a hundred miles.

Must be two days
out of Cedar Tank.

- Cedar Tank?
- Yeah.

It-it's a relay station

on a... on a road to El Paso.

- Texas?
- Mm-hmm.

That's right.

Uh-huh, and he lives near there?

About two days ride

due south of Cedar Tank.

You still fixed all right

for money to get home?

Where's home?

Once there was the smell

of wild strawberries.


I'll never get home.

I've never seen him
before, Matt... who is he?

Ah, his name's Willie Kearns.

I wondered.

Chester went out
of here on a dead run

and told me to
keep an eye on him.


I heard you mention
Charlie Hacker.

I've heard that name
before, haven't I?

Yeah, you've heard it, Sam.

Remember that big mail
robbery about five years back?

Oh, yeah.

That's when Johnny
Willis was killed.

That was Charlie
Hacker and his boys.

Johnny was a real
good friend, wasn't he?

He's one of the best, Kitty.

You know I, um, I saw
his wife the other day.


Don't you want to
finish your beer?

Aw, no thanks, Kitty.

I got to get going.

Is there anything I can do?

No, thanks.

I'll see you later.

Well, Mr. Dillon.

You're up kind
of early, ain't you?

Well, stage leaves
at 8:00, Chester.


Yeah, there's a note
back there on the desk.

It'll explain everything to you.

Well, Mr. Dillon,
you can't do this.

I know how you
feel about Hacker,

but heavens, uh,
Texas ain't your territory.

Well, Chester, you're gonna
be in charge here till I get back.

Well, well, Mr. Dillon,
all you got to do is

to wire the sheriff
down in El Paso.

He'll arrest Hacker for you.

Chester, I'm going.

Well, doggone it, Mr. Dillon.

Texas just ain't your territory.

Yeah, I know...
you've said that.

Well, I'll say it again.

Let me put it to you
this way, Chester.

A lot of years ago, Johnny
Willis helped me out.

Let's just say I
wouldn't be alive today

if it wasn't for him.

Now, there's a $2,000
reward out for Hacker.

That's not a whole lot of
money, but it'll help Johnny's wife.

That means a lot to me.

Mr. Dillon, I...

I sure wish you all the
luck in the world, I sure do.

Chester, I'll see
you when I get back.



I'll attend to that...!

Welcome to Cedar Tank.

- How do.
- Can I help you?

No, thanks.

Ah, I see you got some
horses for sale here, huh?

Sure have... real nice ones,
right over the corral there.




- Afternoon.
- Afternoon.

Your name Hacker?

That's right.

My name's Matt Dillon.

I'm the United States
Marshal from Dodge City.


Got a warrant here
for your arrest, Hacker.

Mail robbery and the
murder of John Willis.

He died, then.

I'm sorry about that.

You ever see the like?

You give a weed a drop of water,

and right away it starts
thinking like a corn stalk.

You had a long ride, Marshal.

It appears like, uh, you and
your horse are a little weary.

You live here alone, do you?

Yeah, that's the way I'm
best at peace with myself.

Well, I'll tell you, my horse
could use some of your graze.

I wouldn't mind
a little rest myself.

Well, then, we'll
just feed your horse

and then you can get
yourself cooled off some.


Hacker, I won't ask
you to give me your word

that you won't try anything.

I'll just say that if you're
of a mind to escape,

I'll shoot you.

Well, I can see
you're a man of trust.

Well, I won't strain
my hospitality.

Come on in.

You got a good eye, Marshal.

Yes, sir, a good eye.

You sure don't
miss much, do you?

Oh, there ain't any
guns in here, Marshal.

I hung them up when I moved in.

These-these old eyes
are getting too puny

to trade lead with
the young fellas.

Hey, how about a shot of this?

The stuff you get
around these parts

would draw a blood
blister on a rawhide boot.

I put this up myself.

It's called tequila.

No, no, thanks.

I'll take some
water, if you got any.

Well, sure.

You know, uh, I know I'm
on my way to a hanging,

but, uh, would
you mind telling me

how it took you
these last five years

to catch up with me?

Well, some old-timer
came through Dodge,

started talking about you.


Oh, yeah.

Oh, Willie Kearns,
that alkalide old devil.

Well, I-I should've known better

than to keep my
real name, I guess.

But that-that's what
a man's born with,

and it's little enough
to remind a man

of who or what he
might have been.

Name doesn't prove much
about a man, anyway, does it?

What's in a name, huh, Marshal?

Do you read?



Well, when you reach my age,

you-you're either
like Willie Kearns...

Who ain't got any place
to die and no want to live

except in the booze-blind dreams

that he finds in
a whiskey bottle...

Or you find
something for yourself

like this, like a book.

All the words in the
world in there, mister,

and then some.

Of course, of course, I
don't understand half of them,

but I-I sure admire
the way they say them.

That's Shakespeare.

"All the world's a stage,

"and all the men and
women merely players.

"They have their exits

"and their entrances.

"And one man, in his time,

plays many parts."

You believe that, Dillon?

Makes sense.

You ain't much of a
talking man, are you?



What do you figure I ought
to do with this place, huh?

Oh, I don't know.

You got any kin?

None worth remembering.

You know, there's a lot of
toil in that earth out there.

Right man could grow
most anything here,

if he had the yearning.

Hacker, I want to get started
for Cedar Tank before dark.

Now, we can either turn
your stock loose on the prairie,

we can bring them with
us, or you can sell them.


I'd just as soon let them go.

Money don't mean
that much to me.

Yeah, I've heard different.

You mean what I did in the past?

Well, sure.

I spent most of
my life, as I recall,

grabbing things that
wasn't rightfully mine,

and I suppose you could
stretch my neck a dozen times

for the men I've killed,

but that's all over
and done with now.

There was $20,000
taken in that mail robbery.

Now, is there any of it left?

When we split up,
we all took our share,

and mine's almost all gone.

Oh, there might
be $200, $300 left.

If you've got a worthy
cause, I'd be glad to provide.

Well, thanks, but it's
not yours to provide.

Where is it?

Well, they do say

that a bank is the safest
refuge for a man's money,

and, uh,

and a Bible for his soul.

Well, sir, there's
the last of my soul.

Put it in your pocket.

May it rest in peace.

Seems to me a
man in your position

ought to treat that
Bible a little better.

It's a Bible to you.

It's just a bank
gone bust to me.


Hyah! Hyah!




My back's a hundred years old.

You know...

for a lawman's horse,

I have to say you're all right.



Good morning.


You want to cross the border?

That's right.

Let me see your papers, please.

U.S. Marshal.

Marshal Dillon.


What's this?

A warrant?

Yeah, this man is wanted
for murder and robbery.



Living in Mexico?

Well, no, as a matter of fact,

he passed through here
two, three hours ago.

About a hundred yards down.

Two, three hours ago?

Through my post?

No... I don't think so.

Well, now I've been
trailing him from Cedar Tank.

That's about 40 miles north.

You can go take a look
at the tracks, if you want to.

My sentry,

he has eyes like a hawk,

ears like a fox.

Nobody went
through here, mister.

I see.

Well, uh, if it's all
the same to you,

I'd still like to
pass on through.

It's all the same
to me, but, uh,

your warrant is useless.

You need extradition papers.

Well, I know that,
but I'd have to go

all the way back
to El Paso for them.

By that time, this man
would be long gone.

Now, he's a dangerous
man, a murderer.

A murderer, huh?

Well, uh...

an eye can be winked
under extreme circumstances.

I see no reason why the
regulations would forbid me

to grant you a temporary
pass into Mexico.

Well, I'd be mighty
obliged to you.

There will be a
charge of, uh, $20.

$20, huh?


And, uh, under
military regulations, uh...

Military regulations?

Uh, the regulations require
that you be accompanied

by a uniformed escort.

Well, now, look,

couldn't we maybe wink
an eye on that regulation?

We have already winked.

I cannot keep my eyes
closed completely, can I?

Uh, there will be a charge
of, uh, two dollars a day.

Uh, two days,
payable in advance.

You got some mighty expensive
regulations, here Mister...

Uh, Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Julio Chavez
of the Border Command.

I command this whole
border here... I'm the boss.

Uh, he's going to get
the necessary things.

Uh, he won't be long.

Will you have a
little drink with me?

Come on.

I'm explaining the
seriousness of the responsibility.

Well, I thought he was the
one who's coming along.

No, this is a
mission for an officer,

not a common soldier.

Let's go.

How are you?

You, uh, you live hereabouts?

Someplace I can get
some food, some water?

No comprendo, señor.

Uh, water, you know?

How about some food?

Eats, you know?

It's money.

American dollar.

It's good. Here.

Hey, Dillon...

you wait here.

I'm gonna see a
friend for a moment.

You go on ahead.

I'm gonna keep
following these tracks.

I don't want Hacker to get any
more start on me than he has.

I'll catch up with you.


so long, boy.

And I thank you.

Adios, señor.

If I didn't know better,

I'd think you was make-believing
with that leg of yours

just to help your lawman friend.


well, you're no good to
me now, and that's a...

and that's a fact.

Whoa. Whoa.

Whoa, whoa.

Hyah! Go on! Get
out of here! Hyah!


So long, crow bait.

Leave a nice trail for me.

¡Oye, hombre!

Señor, may I present Señorita

Marguerita Ana
Delia de Asunción.

Mr. Dillon.

I am pleased to greet you.

Are we still on the right track?

You're not planning
to take her along?

Oh, yes.

I may be gone for days.

Well, that's your problem.

I'm riding on alone.

You forget the regulations.

Chavez, these
regulations of yours got

a little too much
stretch for me.

If you want to go on
a hayride, go ahead,

but do it on your own time.

This is Mexico.

You are here at my invitation.

Yeah, and I've paid
enough for the privilege, too.

Up to you, Marshal.

We all go and catch
this terrible killer of yours

or, uh, we go
back to the border.

This way!

He's gone this way!

He crossed the
stream and rode south.

- I don't think so.
- Look at the prints.


Well, I tell ya...

when this horse
came out of the water,

I don't think Hacker was on it.

You're absolutely right.

You don't sound very surprised.

I knew it.

I just wanted to see if you did.

And what if I hadn't?

Then we would be following
a horse without a rider.

Chavez, let me
tell you something:

You start playing games
with me, and regulations or not,

I'll hang up your hide.

Is that a threat?

You heard me.

Ah, you take life too seriously.

You don't know
how to enjoy a joke.

Yeah, stay around
with you very long,

I'm liable to die laughing.

I want to see where
Hacker came out of the water

before it gets too dark.

We'll camp here for the night.

Hey, Dillon.

This man Hacker
you say is so wicked,

I like him.

I never met him,
but, uh, I like him.

He's an old fox.

He can't be as bad
as you say he is.

It all depends on
how you look at it.

I look at it and I wonder.

I wonder why a man of the
law travels hundreds of miles

without the necessary
extradition papers.

I told you why.

Maybe there's a
reward for this man.

How much?

Lieutenant, I wouldn't want
to put temptation in your way.

Why don't you get some sleep?

Ay, chihuahua, chihuahua.



now that's a nice
way to spook a man.

Now, boys, I'm, uh...

I'm an old man

and I travelled this
way peaceable-like.

And I'd sure like to
leave the same way.


You, uh...

you boys interested
in that rifle?

Maybe we can make
some kind of a trade.

You don't happen to have a
horse between you, do you?

Nice and friendly, huh?

Well, I come along
on a lot of years,

and I'm not just about
ready to let you boys

blow these old lamps out now.


Hyah! Hyah!

¡Hey, señor!

I don't know what you're saying,

but you try walking for a while.








Yes, uh... some water.

You savvy?

A lot of water.

And, uh, and the
same amount of food.

And some tequila.

Ah, tequila...



Food, tortillas.

Ah, sí.

And, uh...

and tell that fella to, uh...

to, uh, play happy.

You know... dee-dum-dum-dum,

- Ah.
- Dee-dum-dum-dum...

Oh, yes, that's good.


Yes, uh... that's very good.

And you're very pretty.

That always makes a
man feel mighty fine.

Now, don't you
forget my tequila.


And water...


I got a thirst in me like
an old dry mud hole.

Maybe he stopped here.

Been a long ride
for the old man.

Might be.

This reward you spoke of...

You spoke of.

Is it for, uh, dead?

Or alive?

I'd like to bring him
back alive, if I could.


I'm glad to hear that.

I will help you in
every way I can.

I am very tired.

I need to rest.

Pretty soon you'll
rest, chaparrita.

Pretty soon you will rest.

This is my cousin, Captain Diaz.

He's in command of
the Chupadero garrison.

How do?

My cousin wants to
help us capture Hacker.

Well, uh...

tell him thanks anyway,
but we want to get going.


What do you think?

Could be.

There's one way to find out.

You stay here.

I don't want you to get hurt.

Come on, come on!

You want to try for it?

Well, now, when you say that,

I-I think maybe I won't.

We surprise you, huh?

You old fox.

Now you are finish...

Now he and I, we
split the reward.

I'm disappointed in you, Dillon.

I thought you were
telling the truth

about that widow and
kids back in Dodge.

I was telling the truth, mister.

Uh, let's put him in jail,

and you and I enjoy
ourselves for a while, eh?

Lieutenant, I'm starting
back for the border

- with him right now.
- Now?

You can't go without me.

Sorry, Chavez, the fun's over.


He wants to start for
the border right away.

Julio, I am too tired.

I have to go with him.

The reward.

You go. I'll stay.

You ready, Chavez?

Just a moment.

Chaparrita, you come with me.

We ride slow and easy. Come on.

Julie, I am very tired.

You go.

Two days more.

What difference does it make?

Then she will be rested.

Chavez, I'm leaving right now.

Nice to have met you, miss.

Ah, just a moment.

I, uh... I want to talk to her.

Well, you sure travel in style.

Oh, why, thank you.

I thank you.

Yeah. Yeah, I, uh...

I know, I know.

You, uh... speak
any of that lingo?

Let's go.

Ah, well...

see you later.

I'm sorry, Dillon.

I cannot let you
leave right now.

The captain says it
would be dangerous.


bandits all over.

Much trouble.

Just like that, huh?

The captain says in two
or three days it will be safe.

My cousin offers you
the hospitality of his jail,

for your own good,

and, uh, and the
protection of the prisoner.

Well, that's very nice of him.

But I think we'll just
have to chance it.

Go on, Hacker.


that fella handles
himself pretty good.


That was a good fight.

You looked like a bronc
they was tryin' to shoe.

¡Ándale, ándale!

"Warm friendship,
like the setting sun,

sheds its kindly
light on everyone."

Ever read that motto, Marshal?

Hacker, why don't
you shut up for once?

When I was a
young 'un back home,

we had it framed on the wall.

My old man used to beat me
under it every chance he got.

Too bad some of those
beatings didn't do you some good.

Well, that's the living truth.

How's it feel, huh?

Everything crowding in on you?

Walls getting kind of close?

Well, you'll get over it.

After a while,
you'll get over to it.

You better hope I don't,

'cause if I don't, maybe
I'll start thinking like you do.

And if that happens, you're
not gonna live long enough

to go to a hanging in Dodge.