Gunsmoke (1955–1975): Season 19, Episode 12 - Susan Was Evil - full transcript

As Nellie and her niece Susan are moving to St. Louis permanently, Matt Dillon brings in a wounded prisoner, Norman Boswell, for Nellie to patch up, thus delaying the move. Susan highly resents the intrusion in her plans. Nellie and Norman develop feelings for one another and plan to be married, while Susan schemes to turn Norman in for the reward.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

And starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

Lordy, Marshal, you
half scared me to death.

If I'd known it was you,
I wouldn't have fired.

I was afraid you might
hit me with a wild shot.

You were pretty jumpy.

Let me take a look at that.

A man can't be too careful.

There's a lot of ruffians
and outlaws around.

Speaking of outlaws,
where's that bank money?

In my saddlebags.

Never really figured being
lucky enough to spend it no how.

Three hundred dollars
wouldn't get you far anyway.

Would've in Mexico.

No, sir, being born lazy and
unlucky is a curse, sure enough.

Have you ever
tried working steady?

I used to, didn't like it much.

Somehow robbing that bank

seemed like a good
idea at the time.

It sure beats workin'.

If you don't mind going to jail.

Oh, can't be all bad,
free room and board.

What's that hole look like?

Looks like the bullet's
in there pretty deep.

There's a way station
a few miles from here.

We'd better head for it.

That bad, huh?

Well, you're gonna need
more help than I can give ya.

It's too far back
to Dodge. Let's go.

Come in.

Did you want me, Miss Susan?

Yes, a half hour ago.

Yessum, I've been down
to the barn trying to...

Take my trunk
downstairs, Dudley.


Any sign of the stage?

No'am, sure sorry to see
you and Miss Nellie go.

Well, I'm not.

In a few days
we'll be in St. Louis,

and the last few years will
just seem like a bad dream.

Be careful with
my trunk, Dudley.

I don't want it scratched.


Sorry to be leaving ya, Adam,

but I promised Susan I'd
take her to St. Louis to live.

Goodbye, Adam.

Won't be long now, Miss Nellie.

No, I guess not,
Dudley, not long.

I was just tellin' Miss Susan,

it sure pains me to see ya go.

Thank you, Dudley.

I sure hate to go.

You know, I spent more
than half my life here.

It's the only home I ever had.

Maybe you'll come back someday.

I don't think so.

You've been a great help,
Dudley, and a real good friend.

I just done what I could.

When I talked to the
new buyer in Wichita,

he promised to keep you on
just as long as you wanna stay.

I'm obliged, but it ain't
gonna be the same no more.

No, you won't have
Susan always telling ya

to do this and do that...

Well, I don't mind, Miss Nellie.

She ain't no bother at all.

I best be gettin' her bags.

Dudley, you take real good
care of yourself now, you hear?

I'll do it, sure, ma'am.

Dudley, I told you to come
straight back to my room.

The stagecoach will be here

and my bags will
still be upstairs.


Aunt Nellie, I was looking
for you a few minutes ago.

I was just saying
goodbye to Adam.

I'm sure he'd understand.

Of course, the
most important thing

is I want you to be happy.

Well, I want us both
to be happy and we will.

I mean think of
all those fine things

we'll be doing in St. Louis.

There will be
plenty to do, all right.

Here she comes a foggin'.


Two rider's coming, Miss Nellie.

Well, if they need food,
Dudley, you know where it's at.

Howdy, Nellie, Miss Susan.

Howdy, Murph.

Nellie, you really leaving?

That's right, Dudley will
be looking after the place

till the new owner arrives.

Ah, well, I sure hope he's

half a good a cook as you are.

Oh, is that so?

Then how come all the complaint.

Now, Nellie,

you always knew
I was just funnin'.

You're the best
dang cook anywhere.

Mrs. Stuart.


Mrs. Stuart, I've got
a wounded man here.

Do you think you could help him?

Is it one of your deputies?

- No, ma'am, he's a prisoner.
- Ma'am.

Dudley, give a hand!

Take him in the spare room!

Aunt Nellie.

Honey, that man's in a bad way.

He's an outlaw
and he's not dying.

Let the Marshal
take care of him.

Susan, he needs our help.

Nellie, I gotta be
leavin' in a few minutes.

I'm runnin' late already.

Aunt Nellie, please.

Murph, take the bags out.

Oh, no!

If he were to die, I'd never
be able to live with myself.

You said nothing would
keep us from leaving.

And it won't,

but two or three days
doesn't make any difference.


Go ahead, Murph, we'll
catch you on the next run.

Now, why don't you put
some kettles on to boil.

Susan, the quicker we
get that man fit to travel,

the quicker we can leave.

Too bad the bullet
didn't go straight through.

You reckon it'll leave a scar?

If I can't get that bullet out,

you're not gonna be
worrying much about anything.

There's nothing like
an honest woman.

Well, you got humor, Mister.

I sure hope you've got
sand to go along with it.

More sand than the desert,
unless of course it hurts.

Thank you, honey.

You ah, best wait outside.

This isn't gonna be pretty.

I'll be in my room.

Thank you kindly, Miss.

Here, take as much
as you can hold.

Marshal, you may
have to hold him down.

Mm, if it's all the same to you,

I'd rather try it alone.

Whatever you
say, it's your wound.

Oh, Marshal, there's ah, hot
food and coffee on the stove.

Your welcome to it.

All right, I'll be right
out there if you need me.

All right?

I guess so.

You, um, you best
hold on to that bedstead.

Yes, ma'am.

You got sand, Mister,

more than most men
I've seen in awhile.

How'd I do?

Fine, I figured that you were
gonna jump for the rafters,

but you didn't.

Thanks, ma'am, I'm kinda glad

you didn't take that stage out.

Now, don't pay that any mind.

Where was you headed?

St. Louis.

I've been there.

Folks runnin' up
and down like ants.

Was you gonna stay there long?

For good, I'm ah,
selling this place.

Oh, your husband figure
it'll be better in St. Louis?

My husband's been
dead for eight years.

Oh, that there's a
real shame, ma'am.

Now, you just rest.

Marshal, when are you
gonna take that man away?

As soon as your
aunt says he can ride.

What did he do?

Robbed a bank.

He'll probably try to
murder us all in our beds.

No, you don't have
to worry about that.

He's not that kind of man.

Then why did you shoot him?

Well, at the time I
didn't have any choice.

Marshal, I want that man
outta here as soon as possible.

My aunt and I have to leave.

We were on our way to St.
Louis when you showed up.

I know that, Miss,
and I'm sorry,

but the man was hurt.

He needed help.

I knew I could
count on your aunt.

You know something, Marshal?

It seems to me
that trash like that,

men who rob banks and take
advantage of innocent people,

get more attention than
decent, hardworking citizens.

Mrs. Stuart, I wanna
thank you for your help.

Marshal, Mr. Boswell's
not out of it yet,

but he's a lot better
than he was this morning.

Marshal, how long does a
man go to jail for robbing a bank?

I, I mean he seems
like such a nice man.

Well, depends. In his case,
he didn't take much money,

and nobody was hurt,

so I'd say he probably won't get

more than a couple of years.

- But that's not all the trouble he's in.
- Oh?

Well, he's wanted for
horse stealing in Arkansas.

But that's a hanging offense.

With a $500 reward out for him.

But there was some
strange circumstances

surrounding this
horse stealing charge.

Well, can you tell
me what happened?

Well, he bought a horse
from some farmer down there,

and then he lost
the bill of sale,

and the farmer claimed
that he stole the horse.

Now, if he'd stayed
around for trial,

he probably would've
gotten off, but he ran.

But he is innocent?

This man's wife was
involved in it somehow.

That's why the farmer swore

he was gonna
have Boswell's head.

That's why he put
up the $500 reward.

Then you have to take him back?

No, as far as I'm concerned,

his debt is to the
state of Kansas.

When Boswell gets out of jail,

if he stays out of trouble
and out of Arkansas,

I think he's gonna be all right.

I'm glad he didn't hurt anyone.

So am I.

Well, I guess I'll turn in.

I'll be out in the
barn if you need me.

- Goodnight, Marshal.
- Goodnight, Marshal.


There now, you see, Susan.

Mr. Boswell's not
such a bad sort after all.

Mr. Boswell is an outlaw
anyway you look at it.

I better go fix him that tray.

Aunt Nellie, are you
taking a liking to that man?

Well, he's a likable man.

We are leaving
on the next stage?

Well, of course we are, honey.

I mean if I never see
another corral or drifter again,

I'm gonna be happy.

What are you boys wantin'?

You own this place?

Nope, belongs to Mrs. Stuart.

Well, then what we want

ain't your concern, it's hers.

It be my concern.

Ain't this a way station?

It is that.

Well, we're hungrier than
a she-wolf with 12 pups.

Food's all we want.

Well, best check
with Mrs. Stuart, then.

Much obliged.


Evening, ma'am, one
of our horses went lame.

We had to camp
down by the crick.

We seen your lamp, figured
maybe we can get some food.

Do you have any money?

Ah, no, ma'am, but my
cousin, Sam, here, ah,

he'll work it out
for our supper.

Well, our man, Dudley,
does all the work we need,

and we don't give food away.

But the good books says

it's better to give
than to receive.

Well, you'll receive
nothing here.

Oh, well, ma'am, you think maybe

you could spare
us some leftovers?

We throw our
leftovers to the dogs.

And now, you
listen here, you little,

- I'm gonna tell you something...
- What is it?

They want food and they don't
have any money to pay for it.

We offered to
work for it, ma'am.

Well, we do have food to spare.

Maybe tomorrow
morning you can help

the handyman mend
the fence out back.

Yessum, we'll do that sure.

It's real kind of ya.

There's hot food on the stove.

The kitchen's in there.

You men help yourself.

- Well, thank you, ma'am.
- Thank you, ma'am.

You sure can cook, Mrs. Stuart.

I won't be tastin' the likes
of this for a spell, I reckon.

I know, the Marshal told me.

He also told me that you
were not such a bad sort.

Oh, did he now?

That's what he said.

Why, I'm the most feared
desperado you've ever seen.

I robbed 16
banks... four trains,

I've been around
the world twiced,

and to a goat ropin' once.

Is that a fact, Mr. Boswell?

It's a gold-plated fact, ma'am.

You know I would think
there are better things to do

than watching your back trail.

Did you ever think
of giving it all up?

Oh, I've been thinking
of the bullet in the side,

and maybe the
next one the brisket.

Ain't hardly worth
all that tribulation.

That makes good sense.

You know when
you get outta jail,

you oughta find yourself a
good woman and settle down.

I'm afraid it's
too late for that.

It's never too late,

if the right one comes
along, Mr. Boswell.

No, it's not that.

It's just that it's
too late for me.

I know this don't matter to you,

but you'd be one
of the finest women

I ever met, Mrs. Stuart.

You best eat your food,
Mr. Boswell, before it gets cold.

Woo, I feel likely now.

Me too.

Wonder if they got any
whiskey around here.

Now, we best let that ride.

We done got all we gonna get.

Oh, I sure could do
with some whiskey.

I could do with something else.

Me too.

Maybe I'm gonna git it too.

The fella outside
is gonna stick you.

Now, you don't think I'm feared

of the idiot with a
pitchfork, do ya?

Missy, we've ate and ah...

Then move your arm and get out.

You got beds to let?

Not to you.

Maybe your Ma
would say different.

My aunt, now move
your arm, trash!

Hear that, Sam, her aunt?

Prissy, I've seen
your kind before.

Now, set and talk
a spell with me.

I'm gonna learn you
some of them manners!


I'm gonna teach ya some now!

What happened,
are you all right?

Just get 'em outta here!

I don't think they'll bother
you anymore, goodnight.

Thank you, Marshal, goodnight.

Get outta here both of
ya and don't come back!

You sure you're all right?

I don't wanna talk about
it, they're disgusting!

But do you see what happens
in this God forsaken place?

We'll be leaving
here soon, honey.

Oh, are we, are we really?

Susan, Marshal, Susan!

Bring some cold
water and make it quick!

Marshal, I need your help!

He's burning up with fever!


As soon as we break the
fever and he calms down a bit,

I'm gonna have to open
up that wound and drain it.

Over here, quick!

Don't you go and die
on me, Mr. Boswell.

Don't you die on me.

Good morning.

- What happened?
- You were delirious.

I thought for awhile there
you weren't gonna make it,

but you are a strong man.

You must've fought hard for me.

I fought hard with you.

So did the Marshal.

I'm in debt to you both.

It's a long time since
anyone cared about me.

I wish things was different.


I wish I'd met up
with ya sooner.

There is more to
life than just the past.

For some people, not me.

For everyone will take it.

I'll go get you some broth.

You know if I'm ever down
this way with a bullet in me,

I'm gonna have
them bring me to you.

I'm afraid you're
gonna be outta luck.

I won't be here.

Susan and I are
moving to St. Louis.

You don't seem
too pleased with it.

I've been happy here.

I know it's kind of out in
the middle of nowhere,

and there's nothing really
much for a young girl to do,

and I guess in a
way I feel sort of guilty

about keeping her here so long.

I don't know.

It seems to me you've
done pretty well by her.

Hmm, I suppose so in some ways.

Some other ways I'm not so sure.

You know, when I was a
child, my daddy was well to do,

and he used to take my
mother and I so many places,

and when Susan
was a little girl,

and her parents died of the
pox and she came here to stay,

I used to tell her stories
about how much fun it was.

Exciting things about the big
cities, Memphis, New Orleans...

Guess it kinda stuck.

I suppose maybe I
shouldn't have told her.

Well, that's all past now.

How is he?

Oh, he's much better.

How soon do you think
he'll be able to ride?

Mm, I don't think he'll
be able to mount a horse

for another three or four days.

Three or four days?

Well, he's still weak, honey.

You know, I've gotta
ride over to Meade

and get a wire
off to my deputies,

or they're gonna
come looking for me.

When will you be back?

I should be back by
the end of the week.

Are you gonna handcuff that man?

No, there's no need for that.

He's not going
anywhere in his condition.

You gonna be all
right here, Mrs. Stuart?

Don't worry about me.

I keep that shotgun handy.


Aunt Nellie, you
said he was better.

Why can't the Marshal
just put him on the wagon,

and take him on to Dodge City?

Well, he is better,
honey, but he is weak,

and he wouldn't last five
miles in a bumpy wagon.

Honey, what else can I do?

Aunt Nellie, I love
you very much,

and I don't wanna sound
mean or cruel or anything,

but I've planned
this for a long time.

I know you have
and it'll only be

another three or four days.

Oh, three or four days
seems like an eternity.

I'm just afraid that after
Boswell and the Marshal leave,

you're gonna find some
other excuse to stay.

I promised, didn't I?

You've promised
before, how many times?

And there's always
been something.

Aunt Nellie, you've always
given me anything I wanted,

a new dress that I can
only wear out to the barn,

and you've given me
books that have shown me

that there are other things,
other places, besides here.

You've given me
anything I wanted,

except what I want most.

I wanna meet some young people.

Maybe even get
married before I'm gray.

And you will.

If we don't leave this
time, I'll never forgive you.


That owl gonna get
tougher than a razor strop.

Sure could've had it
different if you let that girl be.

Ain't that thing ready yet?

About ready as it'll ever be.

Better than nothing.

That's your failing, Sam,

you always settling
for scrappings.

I ain't got no choice.

Of course, you could go up there

and ask the Marshal for vittles.

Wonder why he's up there?

Don't know, don't care none.

He must be after someone.

I'm glad it ain't us.

Of course we ain't done
nothing but steal a few pigs.

Well, he best
not cross my trail.

The more I chew this
thing, the bigger it gets.

It liked to choke me.

There, how's that?

Just fine.

When's the Marshal gettin' back?

Mm, sometime
tomorrow night he said.

A man could ride a far
piece in two days, can't he?

I suppose so.

You ah, been mighty good to me.

Better than I deserve,
but just supposin',

supposin' you was to
saddle my horse for me.

Mr. Boswell.

I was just supposin'.

Yesterday you figured to
be through with running.

Well, I did, but I didn't
tell ya all there was to it.

After I finish my stretch,

I reckon I'll be sent
back to Arkansas.

I'm facing a rope there.

The Marshal told me.

He said you got a raw deal.

He's not sending you back.

He's not?

That's what he said.

Well, if he said
it, he means it.

He don't say what he don't mean.

There now, you see,
things aren't so bad.

You got a future now.

That's a fact.

You know, just
for a second there

it kinda sounded like you
cared what happened to me.

Well, I do care.

You're a kind man.

You got a lot of good in you
if you'd just let it come out.

Man rides alone so long,
there ain't much call for it.

Weren't you ever married?

No, I never found a woman
who'd put up with me.

What about that
woman in Arkansas?

Her, the farmer's wife?

She wanted to run away.

She asked if she could
ride with me up to Fort Smith.

I said yes, though I
hardly knowed her.

Farmer caught us
10 miles outta town,

and later on I got a
chance to run and took it.

That's about it.

But you're through running now.

Next couple of years I ain't
gonna worry none about that.

What then?

Maybe like you said,

if the right woman just
happens to be around,

I'll settle down.

Maybe she will be.

Well, that's dreamin'.

Most women don't
cotton to jailbirds.

If a man's paid his debt,
it's over and done with.

Leastwise, that's
the way I look at it.

Your niece don't
see it that way.

I am not Susan.

Aunt Nellie!

Well, I best go see
what she wants.

I'm coming, dear.

No, sir, you sure ain't Susan.

Look at this, a rat chewed
into my bag last night,

and ate right through it.

Oh, that's a shame, honey.

Well, I'll have Dudley
put out some more poison

first thing tomorrow.

It's my best dress.

Don't you fret.

When we get to St. Louis,
I'll buy you a brand new one.

Please, promise me we'll
take that next stage tomorrow.

Well, I can't
promise that, Susan.

Mr. Boswell isn't
well enough yet.

Mr. Boswell, Mr. Boswell.

I am sick and tired
of hearing about him.

That's all you talk about.

Every waking minute since
he arrived, it's "Mr. Boswell."

That stage arrives
tomorrow at 10:00.

Are we gonna be on it or not?

Susan, I'd like to, but I can't.

I have, no, not yet.

Well, thank you.

Thank you very much.

There you see,
you're getting stronger.

Walking around a bit will
keep you from stiffening up.

I reckon I've
been a real bother.

No, in fact, it's
been kinda nice

to have a man
around to take care of.

Nobody's worn that
robe for over eight years.

I've been doin'
a lot of thinkin',

and there's something
I've got to say.

Now, I ain't very
good with words,

and maybe this ain't so proper,

but time is short for me.

Well, I figure when a
person has something to say,

any time's the right time.

It's something I never
said to no one else.

Oh, when I get outta jail,

I ain't gonna break the
law again, I promise that,

and I was wondering if,

now I don't mean
this as no insult,

if ah, well, I ain't
much of a bargain,

but you'd make me the proudest
man alive if you'd marry me.

I'd work with you
and I'd stand by you,

and I'd never let you down.

Why, Mr. Boswell?

Well, I, I guess I love you.

And I guess that's
what I needed to hear.

You know, when my husband died,

I figured I'd never care
for another man ever again.

I would be proud
to be your wife.

Oh, I can't believe it.

When I get outta jail,

I'll come as quick as I
can to St. Louis, and we'll...

Do you like this place?

Oh, yeah, it's a nice place.

Well, when you come out,

how would you like
to come down here.

I, um, I haven't signed the
final paper with the buyer.

Maybe we could run it together.

I'd like that fine.

But what about Susan?

Well, I'll take
her on a long trip.

I will show her everything.

Maybe by then, she'll
wanna come back here.

Well, you do whatever
you think is best.

Well, I best go tell her,

and that is gonna be a chore.

No, no, I absolutely forbid
you to marry that man.

Susan, I understand how
you feel and I am sorry,

but Mr. Boswell and I
care about each other,

and we do want to
come back here to live.

You have lost your senses.

Now, that'll be enough.

This is the way
it's going to be.

You can't do this to me.

After all these years,

doesn't my happiness
mean anything to you?

Mine doesn't seem to
mean anything to you.

Evening, Miss Susan.

Is something wrong?

My aunt is going
to marry that outlaw,

and come back to this to live.

I'm never gonna
get outta here, never.

Marshal don't seem to
think he's such a bad fella.

Miss Susan, I've always
felt mighty strongly for you.

I saved some money.

If you'd be inclined, I'll
take you away to the city.

I'd be proud.

Do you honestly believe
I'd go anywhere with you?

I was just tryin' to help.

Hey, Sam...

we got company.

You here on business, Missy?

That's right.

I brought you some food.

I am here on business.

What kind of business?

Do you wanna earn $500?

Doin' what?

There's an outlaw
up at the house.

His name is Walter Boswell.

He's wanted in Waldron,
Arkansas for horse stealing.

There's a $500 reward on him.

You take him there
and the reward is yours.

Sure, all we gotta
do is take him out

from under that Marshal's nose.

The Marshal is in Meade.

By the time he gets
back, you'll be gone.

Horse stealings
a hangin' affair.

That's Boswell's concern.

Well, now what's
in this for you?

That's my concern.

Now, we need money
to get to Arkansas.

I'll give you $30.

What about your aunt?

When it's dark and
my aunt's asleep,

I'll lock her in her room.

You just come and take him.

We can't.

My horse is played out.

Then take my sorrel mare.

When you have Boswell,

I'll give you the money and
a bill of sale for the horse.

Ma'am, you just
made yourself a deal.

You come up just
two hours after dark.

She's a hard one, Newt.

You know something, Sam?

Our ship just come in.

Hey, where you
going with that horse?

You got the money?

He's in there.

Don't make a peep, Boswell.


Newt, he ain't got on
nothing but drawers.

We can't take a naked
man to Arkansas.

Well, look around.

His clothes must
be here someplace.

Look in that chest yonder.

Don't open your mouth.


Here's your bill of sale.

Much obliged, ma'am.

Now, just get him outta here.

Goodbye, Mr. Boswell.

Nellie, Nellie, Nellie!

Come on, get him outta here!

Marshal, them drifters,
they're in the house.


- Come on, come on!
- Let go of him!


Hold it!

Put your hands up!

Newt, Newt, you all right?

You done this, you done it!

That's not true!

She said it was easy.

Take him to Arkansas
and get the reward!

That's a lie!

Here's the money.

She gave us the money.

Here, see, you know
we had no money before.

It was only you
and I and your aunt

that knew about that reward.

Aunt Nellie, I...
I did it for you!

Go to your room.

Aunt Nellie, please.

Go to your room.

Mr. Boswell.

Wish everybody around
here'd quit picking on me.

Glad you came
back early, Marshal.

We didn't expect
you till tomorrow night.

I ran into a
friend on the trail.

He delivered that wire for me.

Thank the good Lord for that.

Susan, I'm going
with him to the trial.

And you're gonna marry him.

Yes, I am, he's a good man.

What about me?

Mr. Boswell and I
have talked it over.

It was a terrible
thing that you did,

but we're both willing
to forgive and forget.

I'm not.

Maybe I was wrong
always giving in to you.

Some folks said I should've
treated you stronger,

but I, I did what
I thought best.

But I didn't betray you.

You did that by
thinking only of yourself.

Won't you come with us?

Us? Boswell?

If it hadn't been for him,

none of this would've happened.

I never wanna see
him again, never.

So be it.

- Take it away, Murph.
- All right, Marshal.

Hoo, ha, hoo, ha!


Where are you going?


Remember yesterday you
said you had some money,

and that you'd
take me to the city?

I'll go with you.

Well, that was
yesterday, Miss Susan.

Today I wouldn't have
you on a whiskey bet.

Goodbye, Miss Susan.

Stayed tuned for exciting scenes

from our next Gunsmoke!