Gun-dou Musashi (2006–…): Season 1, Episode 16 - Castle of Illusion - full transcript

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The seventh month of 1600 AD, or Keicho 5.

Charging Tokugawa Ieyasu with thirteen articles of impeachment,

Ishida Mitsunari sent messengers to various daimyo in the name of the Toyotomi clan,

telling them to raise armies.

At the same time, beings seeking to end the period of turbulence

and build a kingdom to last a thousand years

were about to awaken from a thousand-year sleep.

And then...

On the fifteenth day of the ninth month, at Sekigahara,

the Eastern Army of Tokugawa Ieyasu clashed with

the Western Army of the Toyotomi clan and Ishida Mitsunari.

As a result of the performance of Kobayakawa Hideaki's troops,

the Western Army of the Toyotomi clan and
Ishida Mitsunari achieved a sweeping victory,

bringing what should have been
three hundred years of peace to the world.

You should all be quite familiar with this story...


Are you a me from the past?

We look alike, right?

I'm only slightly shorter than you.

I'm still growing up.

So we see illusions in this room?

There is no door, it is indeed an illusion.

It's not.

Too slow!

You have made progress.

I'm proud of my alter ego from the future.

From the future?
You claim to be me from the past?


Is this you from the past?

Yes, for sure.

That's me back in England.

You look alright.

You look okay.

Is Father okay?

What's the matter?

Father is dead.

What? Father is dead?

What happened?

He was killed.

Help me!

Well, well?

I am ashamed of my future self!

You mean...

you're my past self?

Can't you see we are identical?

They say there are three people
in the world with the same face.

You could be the third.

Third? Have you met the second one?

Yes, a great ninja
named Sasuke Sarutobi!

What are you saying?

We are Sasuke Sarutobi!

What? I am Ninjataro, first
disciple of Musashi Miyamoto.


Aren't you me?

You're not Sasuke Sarutobi from the future?

I told you, I am Ninjataro!

Sasuke Sarutobi is at
Princess Kaguya's side.

Past or future, I am Ninjataro!

Stop joking around!

I am Sasuke Sarutobi!

So you must be the
Sasuke from the future!

I don't understand
what you're saying!

Did Musashi manage
to get the artifact?

Probably, but...


Even if we are wary of
Yasha and the ayakashi,

we also must not forget the
traps set by the Yin-Yang monks.

The traps?

To protect the ayakashi artifacts...

from falling into the hands of evil men...

they have placed many traps and spells...

in each of the seven castles.

Is that true?


And we're going to one of those castles now.


What if we don't go?

You can stay in Osaka if you want.

I was joking, of course!

I, Danjo, will follow Princess
Kaguya anywhere to protect you!

Thanks, I'm counting on you.



I am reassured because you are
always with me, you have my thanks.

That's normal...

Anyway, Sasuke Sarutobi is late.

I hope he was able to
lose Mitsunari Ishida.

Sasuke Sarutobi is already here.



But where?

In front of you, Danjo.

A monkey sound?
In front of me?

Princess Kaguya?

Sasuke Sarutobi?

Princess Kaguya?

When were you replaced?

A long time ago!


We've pushed the joke too far.

You got me.

Lord Ryogen, what's wrong?

He's not here yet?

What are you waiting for?

The second artifact, of course!

Right now, Musashi and his
companions are facing Yin-Yang spells.

They probably haven't
gotten their hands on it yet.

How can you be so sure?

Musashi will manage to
overcome these traps easily.

He may not.

Why are you so sure?

Because these traps are made
to disturb the hearts of men.

To disturb the hearts of men?

What do you mean?

These traps pit you
against your own past self.

An alter ego from the past?

It is a secret art of Yin-Yang that alters
space-time and summons your past self.

I'm not interested in how it works!

I'm very interested!

Here you are, Mr. Leonardo da Vinci.

If he is able to alter space-time
and summon your past self,

whoever sealed the artifact
must have been very powerful.


Isn't there a risk of a time paradox?

What on earth are you talking about?

It is this very time paradox
that disturbs the hearts of men.

I see.

Are you hiding something from me?
Yes or no?

Answer me!


That makes me feel better.

I really wouldn't have put up with
you scheming behind my back.

Why are you looking at me like that?

I've had enough.

I always stay at a distance.

I am Tokugawa, the one who should
have been the ruler of the country...

if history had not gone off the rails!

Who did that?

Shingen! Forgive me!
I didn't do it on purpose!

I swear!

So it was you, the shadow of Tokugawa.

The shadow?
So you can talk.


You've become quite
proud to talk like that.

Many things have changed since you died.

I apologize.


Just tell me when I'm needed.

I ate a lot of rice cakes and got fat.
I would like to move around a bit.

I can't really tell that you got fatter.

I miss the old days!
I was not as fat and had my youth!

I wish I could go back in time!

That's impossible.

Excuse me?

I have an idea!


You can't go back in time,
but you can meet your old self.

What do you say?

Are you interested?

Meet my old self?

Then let's go together!

Are you coming with me?

You don't want me to?

Whatever you want.

You've changed a lot, too.

Let's go see each other younger!

That's a nice gun!

Isn't it?
It was a pain to get it!

Come on, let me hold it for a bit!

No! You can never hold it!

You don't like sharing!

When did I become so selfish?

It's not selfishness!

This is a terrible gun, the demon inside
controls the minds of malicious people!

Yet you seem fine.

Yes, my heart is transparent,
like the water of a lake.

Then I'm safe!


See? Let me hold it!

No! Never!


If you touch it, you go to another world
and you could be killed by a demon there.

You are still alive.

I won't let you hold it!

Yeah, you're pretty selfish!
I feel sorry for myself.

Anyway, wait a few years and you
will get it from Master Takuan.

For now, it's no!

Got it.

In that case, I'll take it from
you after you bite the dust!

By the way, have you ever
met Musashi, the castle thief?


- Did you shoot him?
- No.

What do you mean?

You haven't forgotten that you were
assigned to kill Musashi Miyamoto?

I forgot.


I see. You're me just after
I got that assassination order.


The shogunate promised me a job for
the head of the thief Musashi Miyamoto.

I am looking for him.

I hope to stop living in misery.

That's why I have to find
Musashi at all costs!

I applaud your efforts.

Very soon you will find
Musashi and confront him.

- Nevertheless...
- No, I will be defeated?


Did you win and let him get away?

- No.
- Then what?

Musashi is now a valuable companion.


And we rob castles together.

Of course, a lot has happened in between.

You'll figure it out eventually.

Bastard, you're making fun of me!

Oh my!

You forgot your mission,
and rob castles with Musashi.

You're a disgrace to your
samurai rank! I will kill you!

Father was killed?

What happened?

A lot happened after I came here.

Did you find the name of the murderer?


It's Musashi Miyamoto!

Miss Desperado!

You killed him, right?

- Not yet.
- Why not?

Because Musashi is very strong!

I knew I was no match for him.

This is ridiculous!

Musashi and his companions
keep claiming he's innocent.

At first I didn't believe it, of course.

But lately, I've been having doubts.

Indeed, Miss Desperado, there is
no way Musashi killed your father.

Please tell Musashi about your doubts.

You can then become a full-fledged friend.

Wait a second! What did you just say?

A full-fledged friend?

Yes, right now, Musashi is in this castle.

Desperado is also accompanying Musashi.

I'm not officially accompanying him!

I see. If I understand correctly, you're going
to become friends with our father's killer.

I said no...

- Miss Desperado!
- Yes?

I was not talking to you,
but to the one from the past.

This is too complicated!

Soon everything will be easier,
because I'm going to kill you.

The future me should be in front of me.

Yet you claim to not be Sasuke
Sarutobi, but Ninjataro.

I am Ninjataro!
I have always been!

I will always be!

Have you lost your memory?
But your ninja art is terrible.

All I can think of is that you assassinated
Sasuke Sarutobi and took his place.

Not at all!

Sasuke Sarutobi is alive and well!

Even if he was temporarily
transformed into a monkey.

But he is alive, no doubt about it!

Why would I believe you?


If you are a real ninja, fight like one!

Impossible, you are
much stronger than me!

Then die!

You are strong!

Of course!
I've been training hard!

I expected no less.

You've made progress!

Nothing beats daily practice!

If you live long enough,
you can do it too!

Why are you so weak?


You're doing well.
You must have practiced.

I haven't practiced!

I had to learn how to survive!

Miss Desperado!

Do your best!


This is too complicated...

We're here.

Yes, this is it.

There is no anti-ayakashi
device. Let's go.


Don't walk so close to me,
you're getting in the way!

But I'm afraid...

Your face makes me afraid.

You are strong!
I got defeated!

I'd love to chat about the past
with you, but I have to leave.

Tell me how to get out of this room.

Very simple.

Just kill me.

Then the door will open.


Killing my past self?

It seems that this is the only way out.

But I'm your past.
In other words, if you kill me...

you will probably disappear
from this world.

This is insane!

This is a time paradox.

A logical contradiction.

But you and I are not subject
to this logic, apparently.

Because I am not your past self.

I see.

Killing your past self erases everything
that happened up to the present.

By exploiting this time paradox...

you disturb the hearts of those who have
entered that room until they go mad.

The Yin-Yang monks who designed
that room must have been powerful.


I must leave now.

To get the second artifact?

Of course.

But before that, I want to see how
Musashi will get out of this trap.

I look forward to your report.

That is me, but younger!

I recognize myself too!

To get out of here,
I have to kill my old self?

But if I do that,
it will mean killing myself!

What should I do?

There must be a way!

But I don't know it!

I'm in a panic!

But what should I do?

Hey, Yin-Yang monk,
you built this castle!

This little game has
gone on for long enough!

The next chapter: Riddle Sorcerer!