Gun-dou Musashi (2006–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - Castle Stealing Game - full transcript

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The seventh month of 1600 AD, or Keicho 5.

Charging Tokugawa Ieyasu with thirteen articles of impeachment,

Ishida Mitsunari sent messengers to various daimyo in the name of the Toyotomi clan,

telling them to raise armies.

At the same time, beings seeking to end the period of turbulence

and build a kingdom to last a thousand years

were about to awaken from a thousand-year sleep.

And then...

On the fifteenth day of the ninth month, at Sekigahara,

the Eastern Army of Tokugawa Ieyasu clashed with

the Western Army of the Toyotomi clan and Ishida Mitsunari.

As a result of the performance of Kobayakawa Hideaki's troops,

the Western Army of the Toyotomi clan and
Ishida Mitsunari achieved a sweeping victory,

bringing what should have been
three hundred years of peace to the world.

You should all be quite familiar with this story...

We finally meet again, guys!

It's me, Ieyasu Tokugawa aka Ryogen!

While I'm bored in my Edo castle...

all kinds of things are
happening in the west!

I am disgusted that I have been sidelined!

What angers me the most is that the beautiful Yume
arrived and Yasha didn't even introduce her to me.

If I have to marry a sorceress of the Moon,

I'd prefer the sweet Yume
instead of the rowdy Kaguya.

I heard that Yume has been kidnapped
by that dirty traitor Kobayakawa.

He holds her hostage to force
Musashi and Sanada to compete.

Whoever wins is none of my business!

What is going to happen?

What is going to happen?

Battle For The Castle

The castle is a little run down,
but it is not bad at all.

Apparently it is designed to repel intruders.

It will be hard.

The harder the castle is to conquer,
the more it deserves to be conquered.

How awful, I've sunk as low
as having to conquer a castle.

Lord Yukimura, you shouldn't!

Don't stoop to the level of a thief!

Let us subordinates take
care of situations like that!

He is right.

The three of us will be more
than enough to beat them.

Please stay on the sidelines.

You fool!

Our opponent is Musashi,
a professional thief!

In any case, we must bring Princess Kaguya
and Yume to Lord Ishida Mitsunari.


But I wonder why this inept Kobayakawa
is using the princesses to make us fight.


Yume, hang in there!

She's fine.

She will wake up soon.

Hideaki Kobayakawa.

What kind of game is this?

Princess Kaguya, Yume,
please forgive me!

I won't be easy but hold on for a little longer!

Hold on for what?

Let that man come!

What man?

Musashi Miyamoto will save you!

Please wait!

So you kidnapped us knowing that
Musashi would come to our rescue?

That's correct.

But why?

You will know soon enough.


Princess Kaguya!

This is Ishida Mitsunari's castle.

This is where I was held captive.

I'm back to square one.

Don't worry.

I'm not worried.

Musashi will save us, right?

Like your dream.

Musashi is already in this castle.

Moonlight and Ruko told me.

Ronin, don't lift your foot.

Go ahead!

That was close.

Be careful!

I let my guard down, but this castle...

It's full of traps for ninjas.

It seems very fun!

I'm not so easy to catch!

That's too easy!

Lord Yukimura!

Hurry, now!


Don't worry about me,
go on ahead, Lord Yukimura!

Go ahead!

Lord Yukimura!

Don't worry about Miyoshi!

Jimpachi, I'm counting on you!




Forgive me.
What is it?

Do you have anything good to propose?

I'm bored out of my mind!

You should enjoy the rest of the events.

What do you mean?

I don't know exactly...

but I will have to see
the results for myself.


- Are you leaving?
- Yes.

Yasha, don't leave on your own, it's not fair!

I want to have fun too!

May I?

Forgive me, I'd like for you to come,
but if anything bad were to happen...

All right, I understand!

But bring me back a gift, okay?

Very well.

It's just a decoration, it scared me.


Wood and mechanisms?
Is it a mechanical puppet?

Flammable bullets!

The demon gun...
The supreme legendary gun.

What was that thing?

Only one person in the country knows
how to build these mechanical puppets.

I know.

Old Dabinoji must have
made that for the shogunate.

Makes sense, this is Ishida Mitsunari's castle.

The old man really has no principles.

Come on, let's move.


- I have a bad feeling about this.
- So do I!

- I was right.
- Yes!

I have no time to waste on wooden people!


Damn, there are still more of them!


Lord Yukimura, leave them to me!

- Go ahead!
- But...

Jimpachi Nezu and Seikai Miyoshi...

are already trapped by the castle!

We must win this
competition for them as well!

Lord Yukimura, hurry!
Go ahead!

Thank you, Saizo!

Musashi, there is no time to waste!

I'm not losing this!

Damn, if we keep fighting them...

Yukimura Sanada is gonna get there first!

Musashi Miyamoto?

That's me!

This is the shortest way to the top!

What are you doing?
Do you want Yukimura Sanada to win?

No, never!

Wait, Musashi!


We don't even know who he is!

We don't have time for that!

Ronin, jump up too!

How shameful...

What is the meaning of this?

Ronin is downstairs!

Yume asked Musashi Miyamoto for help.


The top is above us, go save Yume!

Who are you?

Hideaki Kobayakawa, lord of Bizen Castle.

Is it normal for the organizer of a
competition to favor one of the participants?

Yukimura Sanada is just a
dog of the shogunate now!

He must not prevail.

What a bizarre story.

We can talk about it after you save Yume.

Now, hurry up!

The top is right there!

Are you coming?

How many times do I have to repeat?

It's you, Musashi Miyamoto,
who should save Yume!

I got it!

- By the way, Musashi.
- What is it?

Do you have the legendary demon gun with you?

You know a lot...

Yume is the one who told me that.

She saw in her dreams...

all of your feats...

and she told me everything.

No anti-ayakashi weapon worked.

That ayakashi spider was really powerful.

But Musashi...

he got the legendary demon gun from Master Takuan.

The demon gun?


What a strange story...

Where is this demon gun?

Right here.


I got you, Musashi!


Thank you.

Forgive me, but I'm borrowing you gun!

So the demon gun is what you were after.

Exactly! But don't worry, I'll return it
to you as soon as I beat those guys!

What guys?

The shogunate guys, Ishida and his henchmen!

Stop! Whoever uses the
gun becomes a demon!

Drop it right now!

Why are you not a demon?


I agree to become a demon if I can take
revenge on those who betrayed me!

I warned you!

Where am I?

Who's there?

Is that you, the demon?

Are you after the gun, too?

Try to kill me then!

Become a demon!


Such is the power of the gun!

Bullets tear open human skin,

bite deep into the flesh,

and shred through the organs.

The terror of what it
means to pull the trigger...

People use guns without knowing that.

Such people will all become demons.

Are you ok?

How do you feel?

That's not possible, you have become...

Musashi Miyamoto, I'm borrowing the gun!

With this, I will slaughter all of
the members of the shogunate!


I will start with Yukimura Sanada,
the dog of the shogunate!

Lord Kobayakawa!

I doubt he can be trusted.

Look at his shadow.


Kobayakawa has succumbed to the gun demon.

That can't be!

Don't be afraid, I will not kill you.

Kobayakawa, Musashi is not here?

Congratulations, Yukimura Sanada.

You are the first.

Then honor your promise and
release Kaguya and Yume.

It's impossible.


You were supposed to hand
them over to whoever won!

It's impossible, because you will die here.

Is that the demon gun?

Stop it, Lord Kobayakawa!
I beg of you!

Hideaki Kobayakawa,
don't do anything crazy!

Watch out!


How is that possible?

Did Yume do that?


Been a while!

But why are you being friendly with Yasha?

What? Sasuke Sarutobi,
he's a monkey, right?

The next chapter: Sasuke Sarutobi!