Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (2016–2017): Season 1, Episode 11 - Episode #1.11 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Sunny's face in her previous life

matches the face of that woman

in the scroll you have.

Are you sure?

What did you see?

The woman I saw

was standing in the middle of a palace.

She was dressed in white and looked noble.

She took an arrow to her heart

and collapsed as she bled.

I told you those things.

Maybe not about her clothes

or about the arrow...

which I don't seem
to have mentioned either.

What else? Did you see anything else?

She was on a palanquin
and she smiled at someone

through a small window.

Smiling, she asked,

-"Do I..."
-Do I look pretty today?

I heard a voice that answered
her question.

-"You look--"
-You look ugly.

Is she

really your sister?


Then what happens now?


Eun-tak went out...

on a delivery.


What are you calling my name for?


Oh my gosh. Have you gone crazy?

Are you just going to
stand there and watch?

We don't know for sure yet.
Keep your hands to yourself.

Are you really Sun?

What if I am?

-What's wrong with him?
-It's a long story.

Why would there be a long story
between this man and me?

Please, it's me.

I'm your brother.

I missed you, Sun.

It's Sunny.

And I thought I told you
we shouldn't see each other.

Why would you still hang out with him
after being called a fried egg?

The thing is,

this person was your older brother
in your past life.

What did you say? What life?

This is ridiculous.

Did you make up some ridiculous
story so you could see me?

You must've missed me bad.

Whom am I talking to, Sun?

Do you really not remember anything?

Aren't you too well-dressed
and good-looking to be like this?

Fine. I'll hear you out.

What was I in my previous life?

You were the Queen of Goryeo.

I was a warrior.

Oh, Goryeo?

Do you remember now?

I remember perfectly.

Five thousand won for the sweet potatoes.
Pay up right now.

Past life? Queen?

Are you kidding me?

-Get out. Get out now.

-You get out too.

When did you two get here?

What's wrong?

Is there something wrong?

Eun-tak, throw salt on them.

-There should be some in the back.

I don't know how I should explain this.

-Don't even try.


What's going on?

Let's exchange information.

Kim Shin and Ms. Sunny.
What's going on between them?

I don't think she's...

his ex-girlfriend.

If she was, you wouldn't be like this.

You'd be all gloomy.

You're right.

She's not anything like that.

-My question is--
-It's a secret.

I didn't even ask yet.

"Are there any other men who come
looking for Ms. Sunny?"

It was something like that, right?

But why is it a secret?

I told you everything.
Why are you being secretive?

For loyalty.

This is your favorite fruit, persimmon.

These are the floral print shoes
you've always wanted.

These were your favorite colors.

I don't like these colors.

I don't wear floral print shoes.

And I don't eat persimmons.

As you can see,
this is the only table available.

Business is going well.

That's because I was here.

I bring fortune to people.

Why don't you move in while you're at it?

I was on my way out.

Don't come home late.


Is he the only one for you?

Must you see him?

-If you must, go tell him this.

"Don't bring persimmon,
floral print shoes, or silk.

I'd rather you come empty-handed

and buy some chicken instead
of buying me those things.

That'll be for your own good."

Right. I don't know what's
gotten into him.


It really makes me feel guilty

that I'm having these thoughts
about Ms. Sunny,

but your uncle is practically
living at the restaurant.

I feel bad for the Grim Reaper.

That's because she was
his sister in their past lives.


In her past life? No way.

And how would you know that?

Do you want to know a secret?


Grim Reapers can see one's previous life

when they touch their hands.

-Are you serious?
-They must've held hands.

He must've told my uncle about it.

You're right. I saw them holding hands.

My gosh.

Are you sure that woman is my sister?

Did you see anything else?


I gave it another try,

but she said, "Let's say you dumped me."

So I failed.

Don't let it get to you.

She doesn't have any memory
of her past life.


Even if she was Sun in her previous life,

I'm nothing to her but a stranger
saying strange things.

She has her own life now.

I wonder if I should let
the past be of the past.

I wish I did everything for her then

when we were living at the same time.

She was such a calm, graceful,
and elegant girl.

How did her personality change so much?

What's wrong with Sunny's personality?

You were all nice to her, calling her Sun.

Now you want to forget it?
Or wish she isn't whom you think?

I thought you two broke up.
Why are you getting upset?

If you're thinking about getting
back together, you can forget it.

How dare a mere Grim Reaper
try to make a move on my sister?

I agree with what you said before.

"Let the past be of the past."

Over my dead body will you see her.

Stay away from my sister.

I'd splash water on you if I had some.

This feels like a familiar drama.

I've seen it often in the morning.


Do you, by any chance,

believe in a past life?

-You do?

They say humans are given four lives.

A life of planting seeds,
a life of watering those seeds,

a life of harvesting,

and a life of using the harvest.

Don't you think this means

there are previous lives
and reincarnations as well?

Although I'm not sure which life
this is for you and me both.

That sounds convincing.

Where did you hear that from?

I've heard this and that.

What else have you heard?

I knew I would never reach him.

I knew that,

but all I could do was keep going.

That was my last war.

I had to die there.


I came back after breaking
the royal command.

I overlooked the jealousy
and fear of the young King.

I couldn't forget the late King's request
to protect Yeo.

I had to save the lives of the innocent.

Above all,

my sister was protecting that fool
with her life.

That person named Kim Sun

was very brave

in the face of love.

Eun-tak, show me the way

to the house of the man
who calls himself my brother.


I'm home.

I brought a guest with me.

Do you two live together?

It's the three of us.

What brings you here?

"Take a seat" should be first.

Take a seat.
Would you like something to drink?

Do you have alcohol? I'll have soju.

-We have beer.

That's all we drink here.

I didn't say you could talk to me.

I'm sorry.

How did your personality change like that?

You said I'm your little sister.

-You said it sounded like a joke.
-Show me proof.

I feel pathetic to be swayed by this,

but I thought two grown-ups
wouldn't team up just to tease me.

Is this the proof?

Where did you buy this from?


Is this person

the Queen?

Your sister?

What a coincidence.

You have always been waiting
for your king to appear.

Does it remind you of anything?

She just looks


and pretty.

When I was her age, I was ugly.

So what happened to her?

Did she live a long and happy life?

You two should talk.

Let's leave them alone.

This Queen...

Was she miserable?

I talked to her through letters

more often than I saw her.

Reading the letters she sent me

was the only thing that kept me sane

when I was struggling to survive.

You have hit the target!

General Kim Shin sent the news
of victory from the frontier.

General Kim Shin sent the news
of victory from the border.

General Kim Shin sent the news
of victory from Liaodong.

Kim Shin's news of victory

is being intentionally spread through
the streets.

Foolish people get tricked every time,

and civil officials are
extremely resentful about it.

Don't praise him.

Tell him you are worried
about his sister's safety

as the Royal Family's reputation

has fallen to the ground.

He doesn't have a talent for archery.

He's been reading the same page
for half an hour.

He must have no talent for studies either.

That's not true.
He must be bothered about something.

By the way, why has he not
visited me for so long time?

He makes a woman become lovesick.

His Majesty is here.

You are quite heavy.

Someone heartless was just on my mind,
that's why.

Where are you rushing to?

To see you, Your Majesty.

I would have come to you.

I thought it would be nicer
for us to meet in the middle.

One must not put too much strength

in the hand that is holding
something lowly.

If you clench it too hard
because it is precious,

that lowly and precious thing

is bound to die.

By that very hand.

No. Never.

Do not serve her any medicine.

This is the King's order.

The Queen shall never drink any medicine.

No matter who sends it,

never drink it.

Why is he doing this?

It makes Your Highness sad.

Open the gate.

General Kim Shin returned in triumph.

Your brother has returned
in triumph again.

Between the two of us,

who do you wish to keep alive?

-Your Majesty.
-Answer me.

Or have you already made your decision?

Of course, whether I live
or your brother lives,

you have nothing to lose.

You are a fool, Your Majesty.

Do you want to die?

Why are you dressed like that?

You are already mourning

in your mind.

I can't tell any more.

I don't know if my enemies are
the barbarians or your brother.

Park Joong-heon is your enemy.

You have to make a choice.

Will you live as my Queen

or will you die

as the traitor's sister?

She didn't live long,

but I think she had her happy moments.

Even at the moment of her death,

she was looking at that fool.


how about the King?

Has he been reincarnated too?

I don't know that.

I want to know

how he looks like.

Was he handsome?

If you really are my sister,

you are very consistent in one thing.

By the way,

why do you sound so heartrending and sad

as if you remember everything?

It's as if you've been living

all this time since then.

I know you won't believe it,

but I've been living my life
with all of those memories.

I'm saying this since you
know that I don't believe it.

I didn't come because
I believe in reincarnation.

I came because of the persimmons,
floral print shoes, and silk.

Perhaps you deeply resent
not giving her those things.

I'm certain that you're insane,

but you're insane in a nice way.

I feel a little touched.

It's times like this

when you are just like Sun.

Don't talk to me so casually

just because you were
my brother in my past life.

Even siblings who live apart
get awkward when they meet.

How can I suddenly welcome
someone who claims

to be my brother from my past life?


don't be too disappointed either.

Excuse me. I will get going now.

That fool won't even come out to say bye.

Why are you looking at me
when you're not even going to stop me?

Can I stop you?

What if you stop me?

What will happen to us next?

You're a fool.

Is it you

or is it not?

Did she leave well?

She always seems to leave

without looking back.

Are you okay?

What do you mean?

I have a question.

The painting of your sister...

Who drew it?

King Wang.

It's my sister,

but it's how he saw her.

The painting contains his grudges,

guilt, and yearnings.

I believe

it is the last thing he drew.

After killing all those people?

Yes, after killing all those people.


Yes, it's me.

I thought you'd be like this.

I didn't care much about previous lives.

I don't even believe in them.

But my body started to ache
as soon as I left that house.

If you're not well,
let's go to the hospital.

No, take me home.

There's nothing here,

but my chest keeps hurting.

No. It hurts far deeper in.

It feels as if someone

is walking all over my heart.

It feels like my heart
is falling to pieces.

Let's go home. It's cold outside.


He rents the rooftop room.

I see.

Watch the steps.

The woman who lives beneath me
knows the Goblin's bride?

The world is just way too small.

I saw something on his phone.

What did you see?

"The Goblin couple."

Is it you and the man
who claims to be my brother?

Are you two the Goblin couple?

You won't tell me

who they are, will you?

I'm sorry.

He won't tell me

who or what he is,

will he?

I'm sorry.

We should break up, shouldn't we?

Are you a normal person?



What are you doing?

Waiting for you.

Since when?

I walked in all the footsteps you took.

What a sweet thing to say.

I feel sorry for Ms. Sunny.

I lived my whole life
like "Eun-tak in Wonderland."

Seeing ghosts, meeting the Goblin,

and crossing paths with a Grim Reaper
wasn't that much of a shock.

But her life suddenly
crossed over into a weird genre.

Her brother from her previous life
is the Goblin,

the man she likes is the Grim Reaper,

and her part-timer sees ghosts.

There are times when we have more ghosts
than customers at the store.

What is past life all about?

It's just a life that has passed by.

At a certain time in a life
that I don't remember,

do you think I was ever

a part of your life?

I don't know.

I really hope Ms. Sunny is your sister.

She's really nice.

She isn't.

I guess siblings fight whether or not

they're in the past or present.

I wish I had a brother like you.

I do have someone like a brother, Tae-hee.

You two might actually

end up going to that restaurant in Canada
to have some steak.

My regular hangout?

Going there twice
doesn't make you a regular.

I've been going there for 50 years.

I won't go there with anyone else.

-I'll only go with you.
-As if.

You did go there.

I did?

Really? When?

How do you know that?

-I shouldn't have waited for you.
-How do you know?

-Move in closer.
-Don't take a step back.

-In one, two, three.

-I'm too close to the camera.
-Take another one.

-One more.
-One more.

-Let's take a photo.
-Come on.

Pose like a model.

-It's my number.

How do you know my number?

When a new semester starts,
the class president receives

a list of emergency contacts.

You've never gotten it

since I was the class president
for all three years.

Happy graduation.

Let's keep in touch.



Okay, everyone to your seats!

You guys seem mature
without your uniforms.

Good work for the past three years.

The uniforms that you handed down
will be given to the new students.

I won't bore you by talking too long.

That's all. Congratulations.

The parents waiting outside may come in

and give your child a hug.




My sweetie.


-Thank you.


-How have you been?

-Thank you.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.


Good job.

I'm sure your mother
would've been very proud.

Go home and eat it with your family, okay?


did you hug me?

Because you're lovely.

When I blessed your mom with you,

I was happy.

I was happy.



Couldn't you have been a better teacher?

A teacher that cared
for her students more?

What's wrong with me?

I'm sorry.

Here we go.


Here you are.


Thank you.

One or two out of a hundred

are born with the same face
as in their previous life.


What is it, sir?

Do you not feel well?


Now, I can even see

into a person's future life too.

Future life?

How far into the future?

They speak Joseon's language,

but there is much foreign language
mixed in.

Has the world become one?

It is difficult to comprehend.

That is not all.

They stroke a tiny scrap of metal

as if it were a new-born baby

and held it dearly to them
as if it were a loved one.

I do not understand...

This black and blue item

shall be used widely in the future.


It looks like this.



If you wish to invest,

invest big.

Yes, sir.

You look pretty.

Mom, take these.

You had stopped by my life...

without even knowing.

What are you doing?

It's incredible.

How did I see you back then?

When? In the classroom?


From much farther away.

It was

a strange and beautiful occurrence.

Can you be more


In late Joseon, 12th year
of King Cheol-jong's reign,

I met her.


My first love.

Why this man.

I didn't ask, so shut it.

Where did you get such an attitude?

It sounds very rude.

I was born this way, okay?

I didn't ask, and I don't want to know.

I do want to know.

Where did you get these flowers?

Was it that punk, Tae-hee?

Tae-hee didn't come.

If he did, I'd be with him now,
don't you think?

I also have someone who gives me
a bundle of grass, you know.

Don't bum around.

Take pictures for me.

Here. If you press this,

-it will make a click--
-I know.

I'm surprised.

I don't have any pictures from graduation.

I'll cherish this for life.

Why must you be so melodramatic
over one photo?

How can I take your picture like this?

Don't move.

You should count first.

You can't just take the picture.

You look pretty regardless.

Isn't our school nice?

It is.

There were some things

-I really didn't like about it.
-How could we not take a picture?

Can you smile more?

But there were also things I really liked.

All right.

Good things must come late.

Like you.

I came early but I didn't know
which class you were in.

I'm not talking about that.

Don't be disappointed that I came alone.

Deok-hwa's at work,

and the Grim Reaper
is in a very bad mood right now.

They told me to congratulate you.

Then who are those two?

Those two aren't here for you.

They're here to see someone
whom they thought would be here.

My gosh.

That means...

Mister. The door! Open it.

You must be here to congratulate
her graduation.

That's my excuse.

I'm here to see someone else.

Luckily, that person is standing
in front of me.

I thought I would be able to
make up my mind if I saw your face.

Now that I'm looking at you,

I'm just happy.

How is your research going?
Is it finished?

Why won't you tell me what it's about?

I'm going to tell you
that is what I'm here for.

It's not finished yet.

Then next time, after you're finished
with your research,

we'll run into each other
so you can give back my ring.

This is for Eun-tak.

I bought them for her.

Why are you giving these to me?

I bought them for you.

Regardless of who I am,

I wanted to give you flowers
at least once.

Who are you, Woo-bin?

You won't believe me,

but I don't really know either.

I don't know who I am.

The people in that house
must all have unbelievable stories

and must all be untrustworthy.

Our relationship is
really not going to work.

I hoped it wouldn't come to this,

but it continues to look
like a tragic ending.

It's a gift.

Now that you've graduated
and became an adult,

use this as you wish.

I can't use this yet.

Legally, I need my aunt's consent.

That's why it's been handed over to you

It's yours now.


But how?

Thank you.

It's from your mother, not me.

I'm just a messenger.

Still, thank you.

Gosh, I don't think I'll be able
to spend any of this.

It's such a precious gift from my mom.

I don't think I'll be able
to spend any of it.

Use it as you wish.

That's what she probably wants.

This is her sincere wish
that she left behind

for her nine-year-old daughter

who has to live without her mother
for the rest of her life.

By the way, what about my aunt
and her family?

Are they doing well?

Gosh, it's so cold.

My skin is so dry

from the cheap lotion.

How could I forget about Eun-tak
at that moment?

Where should I look for her?

You won't be able to find her now.
She probably graduated.

She probably got admitted to a university.

I bet it's somewhere around Seoul.

She was a good student.

A university. All that prison food you ate

must've put some sense in you.

I guess she was born to eat prison food.

You should eat more of it. Let's go.

You don't think she used
that money already, do you?

She doesn't know how to spend money.

She'll never be able to spend that money
because it's from her mom.

We just have to find her now.

Mom, I'm hungry. Let's eat something.

Do you want a beer?

I should go to bed.

Judging by the look on your face,
I guess it didn't go well.

So much for giving you two privacy.

I'm in trouble myself, but so are you.

What are you talking about?

A name card came.

President Yoo's?


It's for the missing soul.

Death from a fall two weeks from now.

You wouldn't be able to foresee it.

Thanks for letting me know.

Is that all? Aren't you going to be mad?

Aren't you going to swear at the Almighty?

There will be dozens more of these
to come.

I can't get surprised
every single time that happens.

That's true.

You must remove the sword
and cease to exist.

Or she will continue to face death.

Do you think you can stop it
every single time?

Will I be able to stop it?

A time will come when
you won't be able to.

Then Eun-tak will die

and you will lose the chance
to return to ashes.

You will have to live another
1,000 years, or worse,

you'll live eternally
until the end of time.

It'll be a foolish choice.

So pull out the sword

and return to ashes.

It's unfortunate, but it's for the best.

I'm not going to try my best.

It is a bit sad, though.

Is there something wrong?

What is this?

It's a name card.

Whose? Yours?




Am I...

going to die?

Listen to me carefully.

I've been keeping this from you until now.

You told me not to keep anything from you,

but I hid this from you.


I don't think I should keep it
from you anymore.

You will die

if you don't pull out my sword.

That was your destiny

ever since the moment you were born
as the Goblin's bride.

If you don't pull out the sword,

you will keep facing death.

Like this.

So if I don't pull out your sword,

I will keep facing death

until I die? Continuously?

Does that mean

those accidents...


When you got abducted...

Gosh, you startled me.

At the ski resort...

An accident that would've taken
place on the day of your interview...


When I almost killed you...

The Almighty

is so cruel...

to you and me both.

What kind of destiny is this?


I'll just die.

You'll keep on living,

so I'll come and see you in my next life.

Stay right here.

I'll come looking for you.

I promise.

-Shall we do that?
-Mister, why don't I

just pull out your sword?

If I die, you have
to live all alone forever.

You might not find another bride.

I'll just pull out your sword.

Wouldn't that be best?

-Shall we do that?

We should both die together.
That would be best.

At the same time.

So no one has to suffer alone
with a broken heart.

Look at me, Eun-tak.

You won't die.

I won't let you die. I'll stop it.

I'll always stop it.

I'm sorry

for putting you in this predicament.

But we have to get through this.

I don't know what door will open,

but I'll never let go of you.
I promise that.

So trust me.

I might be a greater person
than you take me for.

Where are you going? It's dangerous.

I'm going to work, of course.

-Didn't you hear what I said?
-I heard and understood everything.

But I can't spend my life

locked up at home like this.

Spending the rest of my days
trembling in fear

wouldn't be living at all.

Even if I were to die tomorrow,
I must live today.

I will go to work
and prepare to go to college.

I'll walk along the road I always took
and come home as usual.

That is...

what life is.

So you better protect me
with everything you have.

I'll do my best to stay alive
with everything I have as well.

I trust you.

You know how much
my mom went through to have me.

And I worked hard to go to college.

I have so many reasons to live.

An exceptionally big one
happens to be you.

Fine, I understand.

If you feel like you're in danger,
summon me.

Don't go anywhere high up, okay?

You said I'd fall from a height, right?

Okay, don't worry. See you later.

It's just, the streetlamp was flickering
and it seemed so dangerous.

It's just, that man is handsome.

Handsome men are very dangerous.

It's just, that outfit looks so pretty.

Pretty clothes threaten my bank balance.

It's just...

I missed you so much that
I couldn't breathe.

My life was in danger.

I missed you too.

I'm seeing all sorts of things now.

Am I actually seeing flowers
in the middle of winter?

Hey. You're going to freeze to death.

He's approximately 184cm tall.

The heels of his shoes are about 2cm,

so he should be about this tall.

So this is

who you were.


I still don't get it.


are you?

I'm about to lose my mind.

How is this possible?

It makes absolutely no sense...

but everything seems clearer now.

How you knew my name...

Why you didn't have a name...

Why all of your answers were so awkward...

You did something to me before,
didn't you?

Whatever it was, don't do it this time.

I won't.

I'll just

let you find out.

Just what are you? What are you?

I am...

a Grim Reaper.


I knew it was impossible,

but I dreamed of a happy ending.

However, as expected,

it is a tragedy.

Should we...

break up?

Orientation ended earlier.

I just finished registering for classes.

Now, I'm touring the campus.

Say, "I miss you." Add some hearts.

"I love you." Add a heart. Go on.

How romantic.

I also had romantics days like you.

But now, the world I wander in
is endlessly dark and deep,

and every day for me is like
a dark, winter night.

I wish you'd meet that jerk just once.

I wish you'd ask him
just one question for me.

A question? What?

"Did you even love me?"

Something like that?

How romantic.

Fine. Let's put an end
to your winter nights.

Let's get revenge.
What should I do to that jerk?

Will you start a fire?

Better safe than sorry, right?

May I help you?

I need to tell you something

about your late wife.

Ms. Lee Jeong-hwa.

Do you have time to talk?

How do you know my wife?

I'll get right to it.

She wanted me to relay a message.

I see. Go ahead.

How have you been?

"How have you been?"

You look happy with Hee-jin.

"You look happy with Hee-jin."

That's what she says.

-Who said that?
-Your wife.

How do you know Hee-jin?

You brought her home.

"You brought her home."

-On your 200th day anniversary,
-"On your 200th day anniversary,"

-you even bought her a pretty bag...
-"you even bought her a pretty bag..."

-using my life insurance.
-"using my life insurance."

Are you serious?
I'm getting really angry now.

That day on the rooftop, is that why...

"That day on the rooftop, is that why..."

-you pushed me?
-"you pushed..."

MARCH 2, 2017

FEBRUARY 17, 2017

What did you

just make me do?

This is too big of a twist.

What are you?

I recorded you planning my murder
with Hee-jin on my phone

and hid it in the shoe shelf
near the front door.


If you hid the recording of their
planning the crime,

you should've taken it to the police
and asked for help.

This isn't how you do it.


How did you know?

Who are you talking to right now?

That's right.

This should've been a sitcom.

Why did you turn it into a thriller?

Your husband is so scary.

You can't be this reckless,
or you'll kill us all.

I'm already dead.

What? Hey.

You're so selfish.

What about me?

Are you

mentally ill?

Who do you keep talking to?

Your wife. Your wife whom you killed.

So you want to die, too.

I can't believe how reckless
young women are these days.

Climbing onto the edge
of a building like this.

Don't you agree?

Falling to death...

I really didn't want to bring
my boyfriend into this.

I'm worried how badly my boyfriend

will punish you.

I'm sorry.

Turn yourself in
and receive punishment from humans.

If you receive mine, you shall die.

I killed someone.

I killed my wife.

I'm sorry.

I just wanted to tell him

that I was angry,

that it hurt,

and ask for help.

I wanted to say all the things

that I couldn't say back then.

She says she's sorry.

Are you kidding me?
You almost died just now.

I know.

I'm sorry.

You should cross over now
to a better place.

I think I need to go
receive my punishment.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks for hearing me out.

Goodbye, Eun-tak.

Are you still mad?

You must be. You're going to be.

I'm not mad. I was just worried.

Then why do I feel like
I'm being scolded at?

My heart stings.

Not as much as mine does.

You have no idea what I went through
during the last hour.


We're so pathetic.



Are we unfortunate then?



do you think you're done

scolding me?


When I go to college,

I'll go on lots of blind dates

and only wear short skirts.


You seem worn out lately.

Have you been working out?

Is that funny to you?

I wanted to tell a joke
since you looked so down.

It wasn't funny.

Why did you want to see me?

Oh, right. You were supposed to
report two cases of missing souls.

But they only got one.

They want you to hand in
a statement of reasons.

And you should also check
your office mail more often.

I don't know what to report.

What do you mean by that, sir?

I think it's been about 20 years.

I came across a deceased soul

and I had no information on it.

Which deceased soul was it?

It seemed like it had been
roaming about for a long time.

It seemed fearless.

I never saw a deceased soul
who didn't fear a Grim Reaper.

I thought it was strange.

It escaped, of course.

I reported it and got myself
into more trouble.

The remaining report
is about that deceased soul.

He's new here.

He's the one who has been roaming
about for a long time.

Oh, that one.

Yes, 20 years ago,

he even escaped from a Grim Reaper
after confronting one.

Really? I had a similar experience
when I was nine...

Nice to meet you.

So you are the Goblin's bride.

Aren't you curious about who you are?

Was what he gave me an answer?

Or a question?

Forget about me.

You must have been very lonely.

Please forgive me.

I asked you if he really is Wang Yeo.

They are finally here.

I'm going to do that now.