Grimm (2011–2017): Season 5, Episode 8 - Grimm - full transcript

The legend of the Lake Monster comes back to life as Nick and Hank investigate a mysterious sighting linked to a tourist's death at a local lake. Rosalee's past comes back to haunt her. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard continues to support a candidate for mayor. Meanwhile, Nick is shown the scope of the Wesen uprising as the secret government agency takes him into the heart of their Portland operations center.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Grimm...

A number of Wesen shop owners
were attacked by Wesen last night.

And they're
leaving behind a mark.

Look familiar?
Black Claw?

And the same people
tried to kill Nick and Monroe.

She just took out
20 Wesen who tried to kill me.


She's alive, and you know it!

I didn't know if she
was going to survive

what they were
going to do to her.

The woman you
knew doesn't exist anymore.

What am I supposed to call you?

They call me Eve.

Why did you even
agree to meet me here?

What the hell is this,
some kind of test?

I'll be in touch.

Ripped & Corrected By mstoll

Honey, if you grab the fishing
gear, I'll go rent the boat.

Hey, have fun.

Good luck with the fishing.

Remember to put on sunscreen.

You gonna take
pictures all afternoon?

Got to share the fun, honey.

Besides, you look cute in
that life jacket.

I'm so excited!


I was only in the restaurant
for about five minutes.

Juliette did this?
No. Eve.

Who the hell is Eve?

She used to be Juliette.

Used to be?
She's definitely not the woman I knew.

This was a planned hit.

Turns out, I was her backup.

- And you didn't know this?
- No.

It was a test.
I found that out later.

A test of what?
To see if I could survive.

Or if I'd protect her.

You survived and she's alive,
so I guess you passed.

I hope she thanked you.

She didn't stick around.
When I got out, she was gone.

We know who her target was?

The guy in the suit.

Haven't been able to ID him
yet, or his bodyguards.

They weren't
carrying identification.

All I know is his
name was Samuel Rankin.

He was
an organizer for Black Claw.

If he didn't have ID,
how do you know all this?

The guy Eve works for, he told me.
His name's Meisner.


You know him?
Yeah, I know him.

He's an independent agent
working out of Europe.

He was working
with the Resistance.

Well, he's here now. And
he's running Eve and Trubel.

And he was working with Chavez.


So, Meisner's
a part of this group?

He's in charge now.

So, how do we
explain Rankin's death?

Well, his bodyguards
were closest to him.

So my feeling is we blame them.

If you're gonna lay
it on the bodyguards,

you better find
out who they are.

So, Juliette... I mean, Eve,
she's not tied to this at all?


She never touched them.
Never even came close.

Looks like they
planned this pretty well.

- Do we know why Rankin was here?
- Not yet.

All right, make this report
as logical as possible.

At least your suspects can't
object to a murder charge.

Don't you think he should
have called us by now?



Oh, you mean after
the Juliette reunion?

Maybe it didn't go so well.

I'm sure it
wasn't without drama.

Maybe we should call him.

You should see this.


Postmarked Seattle, just
like the other one you got.

God, now what?

Look, I really think we
got to deal with this.

I mean, if you want me to
handle it, I'm happy to.

Let's do it together.

"Dear R,

"I thought you
might write me back

"after I told you
about Carlos dying.

"Maybe you don't
want to hear from me.

"But I don't know what you think

"about what we
used to have together.

"I'm thinking about
coming to Portland..."

My God, I don't
want to deal with this!

Hang on a second. This guy is obviously
contacting you for a reason.

Don't you think we
got to figure out why?

I mean, he just said he's
thinking of coming to Portland.

What does this
guy want from you?

After all this time?

I don't know.

He thinks we had a relationship.

We didn't.

Except the drug part.

This is, you know...
This is just...

So stupid.

Honey, I got one.


definitely going on Facebook.

Oh, please, Elizabeth. No.

Just kidding.
It's going on Instagram.

Allan, what's that?


Something's moving underwater.

It's probably just a catfish.

Pretty big for a catfish.

Oh, my God.
It's swimming around us.

What the hell is it?

Oh, my God,
shoot a picture of that.

Oh, my God!

Did you see what it was?

I think it's time
to go back to shore.



It's coming back!

Allan? Allan!

Oh, my God!
It's coming out of the water!


Honey, it's right behind you!

Help me!


Oh, my... Allan!


Allan, Allan. Allan!





Allan! Oh, my God!

Oh! No, no, no.

Help! Allan!

Help me! Allan! Help me!

What the hell did you do?

Guy started shooting at me,
so I had to take care of him.

What do you mean,
"take care of him"?

I had to put him down.

You killed somebody?

He had a gun!
He was trying to kill me!


What was I supposed to do?

It was sort of
like self-defense.

Oh, my God, Wayne.

Where's my money?


We'll sort this out later.


She's making a hell of a racket.


Lucky I didn't kill her, too.

Get out of here.


This wasn't supposed to happen.
That guy is an idiot!

Calm down.

Calm down?
What are we gonna do now?

Shut up.

They're never gonna
connect us to anything.

She'll never be able to identify him,
anyway. He was Woged the whole time.

Oh, my God!
So what do we do?

Help me!

Call 911.

I got nothing on
any of the victims.

Fingerprints don't
match anything we've got.

Located a rental car that
we matched to the victims,

but the ID used to
rent the car was stolen.

So was the credit card.

What do we do next?

Always dental records.

Hey, Nick.

I've been thinking about what
happened to you last night.

Hey, Hank. Hey, Wu.

Are you pissed?

I'd be pissed.

I am pissed.
They should've told you.

It would've been nice to know
who I had to kill.

That would be Samuel Rankin's
two Schakal bodyguards.

Sig Ganz.

Czech national, 32.

I mean, not that he
was using that name.

Born in Tuchomerice, recruited
by Black Claw three years ago.

And Otto Gruenwaldt.

Thirty-six, born
in Woltersdorf, East Germany.

His father was Stasi.

Black Claw enforcer,
recruited four years ago.

You know anything
about Samuel Rankin?


Real name Rolf Kleinager.

One of the founders of
Black Claw.

I mean, we're pretty sure he met
with Alva Zajic and Arnaud Dubois

10 years ago at the thermal
baths outside of Bad Zurzach.

It's a small Swiss town on the
edge of the Black Forest.

I mean, Kleinager
was a big kill for us.

Oh, and, um, Meisner called.
That's why I'm here.

He wants to talk to you.


Obviously, we're not alone.


You're not.

There was no other way.

But you proved yourself.

To who?


This is my room.

This is where they put you?

This is where
they put all of us.

Who is "they"?

Branch of
the federal government.

Don't try to find it.
It doesn't exist.

So, I suppose I've
never seen any of this?

Where's Eve?

I'll be here, Nick.

So, Renard told me
you worked for the Resistance.

I did.

But this is much
bigger than that.

How high up does this go?

I don't know.

But as you can tell,
we're not without funding.

And don't ask me
where that comes from, either.

'Cause I don't know.

She's inside.

I'll give you a few minutes.


You wanted me to prove myself?

You did.

You should've told me.

We had to know
how you would react.

If you let your emotions get in
the way, you'd be no good to us.

You really
believe in all of this?

Not at first.
I didn't believe in anything.

What about now?

I found a reason to live.

Do you feel remorse
for anything you've done?

You mean, what she did.

What you did.

You still think
you're talking to Juliette.

I don't know who I'm talking to.

Yes, you do.
You just won't accept it.

Maybe I can't.

If we're gonna work together, you
have to stop living in your past.

What do you mean,
"work together"?

You're here for a reason.

My only regret
is that you didn't

have a chance to bury Juliette.

There's more for you to see.

This is one of
HW's command centers.

There are more?
Oh, yeah.

This is a war. It's happening
all over the world.

And we're fighting it.

Take a look at this.

The hotspots are
Wesen uprisings.

Brazil, Northern Ireland, Turkey,
Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Ukraine.

That's all Wesen-related?
All of it.

There are people displaced all over the
world because of what they're doing.

No one understands the real
reason behind any of it.

Which is what?

A world run by Wesen.

Hitler tried once. Now Black
Claw is trying again.

Let me show you something.

What is this?

It's our graveyard.

Chavez is here.

The ones you were supposed
to meet are here, too.

So you cleaned it up.

We had to.

Why bring me here?

Three days after
we took Juliette,

we found where Kenneth
had dumped your mother's body.

We recovered it,

and what we took
from your house, and...

And buried her here.

Just in case you
don't believe me.

We want your help.

We need it for what's coming.

Is he okay?

He will be.

It was swimming all around us.

We were gonna go back to shore.

What stopped you?

It hit our boat.

Dragged my husband under.

Something knocked
him into the water?

You don't
understand. It attacked us.

What attacked you?


This is getting
so out of control.

Calm down.
It's your fault.

You're overreacting.

A man is dead, Wayne,
and we're responsible.

We're not responsible.
Logan is.

Yeah, we hired Logan to scare
people, not to kill them.

The whole thing backfired.

You know what, we need to
close and get out of here.

Be quiet.

You guys rent the boats, right?
We sure do.

Great. We need to get out
on that water right away.

Just need you to
fill out these forms.

No problem.

You guys reporters?

Guess you guys have heard
of the Diamond Lake Monster.

Kind of a legend
around these parts.

Word is that it killed somebody.

You here to cover it?

"If it bleeds, it leads."

Not that I believe in
monsters, but whatever.

Hey, how much for the cap?

It's $12.95...
15 bucks.

I'll take one of
these shirts, too.

You know, wouldn't it be great
if it was a monster,

and not the usual
homicidal maniac?

Rebecca, you want one of these?

Sure, why not? I'm a believer.

I really hope
we get a chance to see this thing.

You okay?

I don't even know
how to answer that.

You talk to Meisner?


So, it's bad?

We're at war,
and nobody knows it.

In my office.
You need to see this.

The Diamond Lake Monster,
fact or fiction?

Early this
morning, Allan Eiger and his wife

were out fishing on Diamond Lake

when he was confronted
by that very question.

The answer cost him his life.

Some locals claim
this gruesome attack

is the work of the mysterious
Diamond Lake Monster.

Could this be a local
legend come to life?

The victim's wife took this
startling image during the attack.

- Are you kidding me?
- No.

I got a call from
Sheriff Percell.

He knows you've had luck with
some of these strange cases.

He requested your help on this.

Thinking this lake
monster is Wesen?

I don't believe in monsters
unless they're people.

And this one is
guilty of murder.

We'll check it out.

This is what we're looking for?

This is what
they're all looking for.

Thanks for coming.

So, this is a cluster...
It is.

I know you guys have dealt
with some pretty odd cases,

and I thought
maybe you might be able

to help us figure this one out.

What do we know?

Allan and Elizabeth Eiger were on
the lake when something attacked.

Allan had a gun
in his tackle box.

He fired a few shots at it,
it rammed their boat.

He got knocked overboard, and
this thing, whatever it was,

pulled him under,
ripped the hell out of him.

Wife saw the whole thing.

And she took the photo?

Yeah. She's over there.

Do you think it was a monster?

I don't know what to think.

This lake monster's
just a local big fish story,

like the Loch Ness
Monster or Ogopogo.

Somebody shot a blurry photo
back in the '60s,

started the whole legend.

Has this legend
ever attacked anybody before?

I checked the records.

There were a half dozen sightings
over the last 40 years,

but nobody was ever hurt.

Working theory is that somebody

dumped a pet gator
that got too big.

Fish and Game's out on the lake
looking for it with sonar.

We'll talk to the victim's wife.

Mrs. Eiger?

I'm Detective Griffin,
this is Detective Burkhardt.

We'd like to ask
you a few questions

about what
happened to your husband.

I'm not sure what happened.

We were out on the lake, and I saw
something swimming around us.

We didn't know what it was.

Then it came out of the water.

It was awful.

We were both scared.

Allan grabbed his gun
and shot at it, and...

And it hit the boat and knocked
Allan into the water, and...

Did you see anybody else on the
water before you saw what you saw?


Were there any
other boats around?

No, we were out there all alone.

I can't believe he's gone.

You rented the boat from there?


Thank you for your time.

I've got a theory.

She's Wesen.

Kills her husband,
dumps the body overboard,

blasts off a couple of rounds, blames
it on the Diamond Lake Monster.

That doesn't explain
the photo she took.

Well, somebody's Wesen.

Don't mean to intrude.
I heard what happened.

Just wanted to
say that I'm sorry.

Thank you.

The Lake Monster
sure isn't hurting business.

All right, take care.

Hey. I'm Detective Burkhardt,
this is Detective Griffin.

We need to talk to you.


We're sort of a little busy.

Well, you rented
the boat to the victim.

We just have a few questions.

Okay, okay, hold on.

Just take over.


What's your name?
Wayne Dunbar. That's my brother, Oliver.

Look, we heard what happened. And
it's terrible. And we called 911.

Did you or your
brother see anything

unusual on
the lake this morning?

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Well, the Eigers took
the boat out about 7:30.

About an hour later,

we heard gunshots,
then we heard her screaming.

We ran down to the water,
called 911.

Our first thought was she shot her husband.

So you don't believe
in this lake monster?

Well, we do sell a few items that
suggests that it does exist.

But have I ever seen it? No.

You have a pretty
brisk business here.

A lot of gawkers
showed up after the attack,

folks looking to get
a glimpse of the monster.

It's pretty macabre,
but we appreciate the traffic.

How long have you
owned the business?

Parents opened it
about 50 years ago.

Me and my brother took over
about five years ago,

after they passed away.

Your parents ever
see the monster?

My dad swore that he did.

Yeah, he's the one that started
the whole hat and T-shirt thing.

This is a picture that
he took of it right here.

All my life,
I wanted to see this thing.

Oh! I'm sorry.


Excuse me,
I got to help my brother.

The brother's Wesen.


The one who dropped the mug. He Woged
when he bent over to pick it up.

Look anything like
the Lake Monster?


I think he's
a Luisant-Pecheur,

looks sort of like an Eisbiber.

You think they're involved?
I don't know.

I mean, they sure are
benefitting from it.

Better check them out.

The turmeric should
help with your arthritis.

If it doesn't make a difference,
you can bring it back.

I'll try it.

That'll be $17.25.
Let me get you some change.


You're welcome.


Oh, my God, Trubel!

Oh! Nick told us you were back.


got to make this a group hug.

How are you?

Pretty good.

How are you guys?
I missed you.

We're just glad you're okay.

So, you got a motorcycle.

I did.

Look, I need to talk to
you guys about something.

Oh! That kind of talk.

You guys know about
Black Claw, right?

We do.

There's a lot more
you need to know.

Neither of the Dunbar
brothers has a record.

they're pretty deep in debt.

Have some trouble with the IRS.

Owe some taxes,
a lien on their property.

Good thing that monster
showed up when he did.

But they couldn't have done it.

Whatever that is, it's
not what the brothers are.

Maybe it was a Wesen for hire.

We've got to figure out what kind
of Wesen we're dealing with.

9 grand in one day. That's
got to be a record, right?

Yeah, it's a record.

I mean,
we've never sold out before.

Everything's gone.
Hats, mugs, T-shirts.

Even the triple
extra-large ones.

I'm bursting with joy.

That's blood money, Wayne.

Oh, come on.

Dad would be proud.
That we got a man killed?

It wasn't our fault.

I just don't
think this is right.

Then stop thinking.

You know, Mom and Dad worked their
fingers to the bone for this place.

If it was up to you,
we'd be out on the street.

Yeah? Well, what about if the
cops find out about Logan?

How are they gonna
find out about Logan?

He was Woged. The witness
can't even connect him to it!

You worry too much, brother.

No, the only thing
you got to worry about

is restocking these shelves.

Where are you going?
Laughing, all the way to the bank.

- Bring him another.
- You got it.

Me, too.

What do you want?

I want you

to do it again.


Wait. You remember?

No? Come on.

Do you want to
come swim with me?

Oh, my gosh.

We should ask him.

Swim to me.

No way.

Are you afraid of
the Lake Monster?

No, I'm not.
Yeah, you are.

I dare you.

What, don't you want
to be alone with me?

Then get your butt out here.

There's something in the water.

Too late.
I'm coming to get you.

No, no! No, no, no. No.

I'm not kidding, Kevin!

What? Are you afraid the Lake
Monster's gonna get you?

Oh, my God!
It's right in front of you!

Come on in. The water's great.

Get out of the water!

Kevin, I'm serious.

Kevin! Come on, please.

Come here! Swim! Now!


Rosalee's downstairs. We think we
found what you're looking for.

We think it's a Wasser Zahne. It's like
a Skalengeck-y water-loving Wesen.

Did you see it face-to-face?

No, but we did see
a lot of T-shirts and hats.

I got a couple of
Luisant-Pecheur brothers

who might be working
with a Wasser Zahne.

Killed a boater out on the lake.
Yeah, we saw the news.

Looks like someone's rebooting the
old Diamond Lake Monster legend.

And whoever he is,
that's probably our killer.

Nick, when you went to see Juliette...

Eve? What?

That's what she
calls herself now.

Or it's what they call her,
I'm not really sure.


Did you guys have
a chance to talk this time?

She didn't seem that interested in talking.
She's not really Juliette.

Whatever they did to her,
she's somebody else.

God, this is terrible.

I think... I mean,
if it was the old Juliette.

Not the Juliette
that was responsible

for killing your mother
and tried to kill you.

Oh, my God, this so confusing.

I'm just gonna...
I'm gonna stop talking.

And also,
by the way, Trubel came by.

She wanted to tell us where she's
been and what she's been doing,

and she told us about these
people that she's working for.

She said they'd
be contacting us.

Are you going to help them?

I don't know yet.

Yeah, we're feeling
a little tentative ourselves.

I think whatever we decide,
we all decide the same thing.

We are in this together.


"This city
deserves safe streets,

"and Andrew Dixon is committed
to supporting

"the hardworking police officers

"that keep our
neighborhoods secure.

"That's why I'm here to endorse
Andrew Dixon for Mayor."

How's that?

Can I make a suggestion?

Of course.

Instead of saying "this
city" try saying "we."

"We deserve safe streets."

It'll be easier for
the voters to get behind you

if you make it clear you're
part of their community.


Want to run it
again from the top?


I think we're gonna need
to run it more than once.

This is getting out of hand. My
lakeshore's turning into a circus.

I've got nuts out on boats
threatening to shoot this thing.

According to the kids with him,

he was swimming when the thing
came right out of the water,

grabbed him, dragged him under.

I wouldn't
let them move the body

till you guys had
a chance to see it.

As far as I know, there
are no freshwater sharks.

I'm hoping you
guys have some ideas

'cause I'm at
a loss on this one.

we're working on something.

Hey, Sheriff. I
got something I want to show you.

We need to squeeze
the Dunbar brothers.


Until we know who the Wasser Zahne
is, we can't make a connection.

And we can't take a Wesen to court.
It's the perfect scam.

We need to scare them.

By letting them
know you're a Grimm?

Not me.

They need to think
they're getting away with it.

Here you go.

Thank you. Come again.


$24 for a T-shirt,
15 bucks for a mug?

We need to talk.

Wayne? Wayne.

All right, I'll handle it.
Let's talk in the office.

Keep going.

You shouldn't be
coming around here...

I want half, of everything,
starting yesterday.


You wouldn't have any of this
if it wasn't for me.

I can pay you more. I can give
you a couple hundred right now.

You don't get it. You've
been taking advantage of me.

I do all the work,
you two make all the money.

Well, sure, yeah,
we can work something out.

I'll be back at
midnight to collect the rest.

If I don't get it, they'll be pulling
your bodies out of the lake.

What's for dinner?

Not sure.

I don't think he's ready.

He's still too emotional.

He doesn't understand how important
you are to us, the way you are now.

Maybe you should
have changed my face.

Or do to him what you did to me.

He'll come around once he
realizes what we're up against.

It's chicken.

I don't like it. I mean,
I don't trust this guy.

He's already killed two people.

And what would make him go out
and kill that poor kid?

I don't know. I mean, he's
obviously out of his mind.

But if he keeps giving us
trouble, we gotta deal with it.

Okay, okay.

Wait, Wayne.
Wayne. No. No. No!

here's what we're gonna do.

When he comes back tonight,
he's gonna ask for his money.

And we're gonna give it to him.

And just let him walk out?

No. As soon as you give him the
money, I'm gonna shoot him.


It's obvious.
He came here to rob us.

He had the gun, we struggled
over it and he got shot.

Okay. This whole
thing is out of control.

I think we should
just give him the money.

Sorry, we're closed!

Open the door.

It's a girl.

I'm not here to
buy any of your crap.

I'm looking for
the Wasser Zahne.


Open the door!
Okay, okay.

We don't know what you're talking about.
Can you just go away?

Yeah, that's him.

Doesn't look much
like that, does he?

I guess people
just buy anything.

Stop being stupid.

I'm not looking for
any Luisant-Pecheur,

I'm looking for
the Wasser Zahne.

There's a contract on his head,
and I'm going to collect.

Oh, my God, she's a Grimm.

What do you think
you're gonna do with this?

Nothing, I mean, nothing.

Thank God you're here.

The Wasser Zahne's
name is Logan Cobb.

He set us up.

He came up with the idea of
bringing back the Lake Monster.

He attacked those innocent
people on his own.

If we don't sell this stuff,
he's gonna kill us.

We're just patsies selling trinkets.
He's taking all the money.

Where do I find him?

He's coming back here at
midnight to pick up his money.

But if you get rid of him,
we'll give it to you.

And you can still
collect on his head.

It's a win-win.

He's an old drunk. Should
be no problem for a Grimm.

Yeah. Yeah.
Midnight, huh?

Yeah, but you got
to be here earlier.

I'll come back at 11:30.

Logan better show.

This is perfect.

She's a freaking Grimm!

Yeah, just what we need.

Well, you were right.

The brothers are working with a
Wasser Zahne named Logan Cobb.

He's been doing the killing,
they've been collecting the profits.

But they claim Logan's
taking all the money.

He's coming back at
midnight to collect.

How do you want to do this?


This guy's got a violent record
and lot of assault charges.

Now he's killed two people.

What time do they
expect you to be there?

Told them 11:30.

So I guess we'll have to crash
the party a little early.

How far do you
want me to take this?

Well, he's murdered two people,

and we can't arrest him for it.

That's all I need to know.

You bring me my money?

No. It's not midnight.

Look, you're coming to my place.

I'm not gonna walk around
with that much cash.

Then what are you doing here?

I'm here to warn you.

About what?

My brother, Oliver.

He's gonna double-cross you.


He said he wanted
to keep your share,

so he hired somebody to kill
you when you show up tonight.

That little bastard.

I'll kill him.
No. No, no, no.

I got a plan.

Yeah? What?

You kill Oliver.

You want me to
kill your brother?

Oliver never believed
in you, not like I do.

I can't just stand by,
after everything you've done,

and let him get away with it.

So, what's this plan of yours?

Oliver doesn't
expect you until midnight.

But the person he hired comes at
11:30, so you come at 11:00.

First, you take care of Oliver.

And then, we take care of
his assassin, together.

who'd Oliver hire to kill me?

Some girl.

A girl?

Yeah, yeah.

He thinks you'd never expect it.

Well, this'll be easy.

What do we do with the bodies?

We dump them in the lake.

We blame everything
on the Diamond Lake Monster.

- You mean, me?
- No!

Come on, keep your voice down.

Look, this one.

Yeah, that one.

I see Logan.

I guess he couldn't
wait till midnight.

Something else is going on here.

Could be he doesn't trust them.

You ready?

What if she's late, okay?

What if she shows
up after he does?

What if she
doesn't show up at all?


Who what?
Who you were talking about.

Oh, uh...

No. That was
something else altogether.

Hey, look at all
the money we got for you.

I know all about your plan.

Plan? What plan?

To backstab me.

And take my share.

Hey, I don't know what
you're talking about.

The little girl
you hired to kill me.

I didn't hire
a little girl to kill you.

Well, that's not
what your brother said.


I told him the truth, Oliver.
I had to.

What truth is that, Wayne?

I couldn't let you betray him.

Betray Logan? I didn't betray...
I didn't betray...


Okay, Logan, I...
I didn't do anything.

You're gonna taste good.

No, no, no!
Wayne, tell him! No! Wayne!

- Wayne! Wayne!
- Hey!

You're early.

So, you're the little
girl he hired to kill me?

I didn't hire her, Wayne did.

Wayne did everything. I didn't
even want to do any of this.


You didn't tell
me she was a Grimm.



You're really good.

Here you go.

I'll double it if
you kill my brother.

Oh, come on, Wayne!

The killing's over.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We saw it all.
She killed him.

Didn't really have a choice.

He killed two people.
We couldn't arrest him.

Yeah, I guess you should know.
He's a Grimm, just like her.

It's locked.
He's just gonna go out the back door.

You should go around.

Stay with him.

There's no way I'm
going in there after him.

He's got to come
out sooner or later.

- I see him!
- Yeah, it's right there!

- You see him yet?
- It's the monster.

How are we gonna
explain this one?

Why was this idiot
swimming in the lake at night

with all that's going on?

No wonder he got himself shot.

Maybe he wanted to make people
think he was the monster.

Drum up a little
business for the shop?

Maybe that's what he and his
brother were doing all along.

Yeah. Maybe.

But how'd this local drunk wind up
in the water with a broken neck?

I don't know.

I'm starting to think this
Diamond Lake Monster is real.

Is he serious?

You never know.

Guess it's better to believe in
a monster than know the truth.

Yeah, 'cause you can always convince
yourself a monster's not real.

Reality is definitely
not what it used to be.

Ripped & Corrected By mstoll