Grimm (2011–2017): Season 4, Episode 18 - Mishipeshu - full transcript

An investigation leads Nick and Hank to the path of a Native American power quest.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Grimm...

If that kind of lock has been cast upon it,

then only Hexenbiest blood can open it.

No, no, no, no, no!


I need to get some of my stuff.

What, so you're just moving out?

Okay, I was normal before I met all of you.

I want my life back.

And if I don't get it...


You better watch out.



Hank, no!

Hank, it's me.

They're here.

Okay, let's not talk about Juliette, okay?

I'm sure he'd like to keep
his mind off her for a while.

I know.

- Hey.
- Guys, come on in.

Oh, Nick, come here.

I'm so happy you could come over.

Hey, Hank.

Rosalee. Monroe.

Got a nice bottle of wine

breathing over here all by its lonesome.

You have anything a little stronger?



Smells good.

It's gonna be nice

to have a home-cooked meal for a change.

Then here's to a home-cooked meal.


how are things?

Look, I don't want anybody to feel...

awkward about me and Juliette.

Yeah, no, why would we?

Not at all.

I know she tried to blame all of you.

We know that's not her talking.

No, it's not.

I mean, I wish she was talking.

She's not answering the phone.

She's not showing up to work.

She... I don't even know where she is.

You know, when something like this happens,

it takes time to figure it out.

Yeah, well, I feel like
I'm running out of time.

I'm afraid of what she might do out there.

There must be something we can do.

Like what?

Tell me, am I missing something?

'Cause I'm out there every night,

driving the streets trying to find her,

hoping that there's some
way that I can help her

or talk some sense into her.

Dude, we totally get it.

I'm sorry; I can't...

be here, pretending that
she's not out there somewhere.

I'm gonna have to take a rain check.

I'm just...

I'm really sorry.

Who's hungry?

You know, just because this Henrietta,

whom I've never met, says it's irreversible

doesn't mean it is.

We need to talk to Sean Renard.

He's still got the book that Adalind used,

and there might be something in there

that could help Juliette.

Then we're gonna have to get that hat too.

We're gonna go through that book,

through every spell backwards and forwards

till we find something that works.

You're forgetting the main ingredient.

What's that?


What can I get you?

Vodka, rocks. You pick it.

You meeting someone?


Why don't you let me buy you that drink?

Why don't I let you
buy me the next one too?

Bring her another.

I'm Rick.

You look like a Rick.

What's your name?

What do I look like?

What, is this a game?


You look like...

A Jackie.


You are really good.

Really? That's... that's your name.

It is now.

Who's your friend?

Hey, this is... between you and me.


You think you can handle
me all by yourself?

You're kind of a... A wild girl?

You really don't want to know.


I do.

Trust me. You don't.

Jackie, I just bought you two drinks.

What do you expect for two drinks?

A little conversation,

get to know each other.

I... I want to find out who you are.

You really mean that?


I do. I find you very attractive.

You like my eyes?


Do you like my lips?

Yeah, I do.

I like everything about you.


How about now?


Did you see that?

Did you see that? Hey!

I'm calling the cops.

Who's there?

Anybody in here?

I'm giving you clear warning.

Anyone in here's gonna be sorry.

Damn it.

Let's see how funny you find this.

Grimm 4x18 Mishipeshu

School custodian, Lawrence Killburn, 34,

was working late last
night polishing floors.

Principal found him when
she arrived around 6:00 a.m.

Said the floor polisher was still running.

She called 911.

Good morning.

And that too.

County sheriff was the first to respond.

We've worked with her before.

Deputy Farris?

Yup, she secured the scene.

Thank you so much.



Good to see you.

Good to see you.

I'm afraid this case is about as weird

as the last one we did together.

Looks like he's been mauled.

I'd say it was an animal attack,

but we're inside the school, which is odd

unless someone's pit bull got in.

M.E. will tell us if it's an animal.

What about the kids?
Has class been canceled?

First thing.

So what do we know about Larry?

I haven't done any background yet,

but the principal said he did his job,

wasn't very sociable, and
he worked here seven years.

Where's the principal?

In her office.

- Let's let CSU have it.
- Yeah.

- Thanks for coming.
- Yeah.

You brought them.

I did.

I probably don't need to warn you,

but I'm going to anyway.

Be very careful with these.

Right, and we can't close the book.


Nick know you're doing this?


We don't want to give him false hope.

Well, you realize there
may not be any hope.

Yeah, well, we still got to try.

I mean, we were all part

of what happened to Juliette, so...

Have you talked to Juliette?

Does that hurt?


So will this.


Yeah, she's... not the same.

We know.

Well, be careful.

You may do more harm than good.

Been there.

I don't understand how
something like this could happen.

Did Mr. Killburn have

any problems with anybody that you know of?

Look, I... I don't get into
people's personal lives much.

He wasn't exactly popular.

Didn't engage much.

Married? Family?

I believe he was married once,

and I think it ended in divorce.

What about problems here at school?

Well, we did have an incident
at the beginning of the year.

We have several minorities
here at the school,

and there's been some bullying.

One of our seniors, a Native American boy,

found some racial slurs on his locker.

It was reported to janitorial staff,

and it was cleaned up,
but it appeared again

two more times.

We never did figure out who did it,

but one morning I came in especially early

and discovered the same graffiti

on the boy's locker again.

What's the graffiti?

Stuff like, "Buffalo jockey,"

"watch your red-skinned
back," "white pride, bitch,"

and some crude drawings.

Who had access to the school?

Just the custodial staff and myself.

Were students involved?

If they were, somebody
had to have left them in.

What was the name of the student

this was directed at?

Simon George.

Unfortunately, when he turned 18,

he dropped out

just weeks before he
was supposed to graduate.

Do you have an address on him?

He was living with his foster parent,

but last I heard, he left home.

I felt we had failed him,

but I had no proof who had done this.

If this kid Simon thinks
the janitor was involved,

it could be revenge.

Let's go the precinct

and run a background on the janitor.

Do you guys mind if I tag along with you?

I think I know this kid Simon's story.


My ex-husband's Native American.

Same tribe.

Looks like our victim, Lawrence Killburn,

has a bit of a history.

Drunk and disorderly,
couple of assault charges,

nothing too outrageous,
at least not on his record.

Last few years, he's been pretty clean.

Anything on the kid?

Simon George, entered
foster care at age five

when his father was murdered.

Mother died in childbirth.

He was in the system for a lot of years.

I remember hearing something
about his father's murder.

His father's name was Gus George...

Very formidable man,

did a lot for the tribe.

What happened?

Some kind of road rage.

Gus was in his trunk with his son,

driving down Highway 26.

He was pulled from the
truck and beaten to death.

His son Simon was five,

witnessed the whole thing.

He was so traumatized

that he was never able to talk about it.

Did they ever catch who did it?


They figure it was more than one man.

It was a real tragedy.

And this is the same kid who
had graffiti on his locker?

I think it is.

So we need to find Simon George.

You got a last known on him?

Not on the record.

Maybe the tribe knows where he is.

We have no jurisdiction with the tribes.

I know you don't. They know me over there.

I'll make a call.


Just got a call from central precinct.

They've got a Juliette
Silverton in custody.


I didn't want to get into it

without letting you know.

Well, has she been charged?

They're holding her on assault.

I got to go.

Yeah, don't worry.

Farris and I can handle this.

At least now I know where she is.

No, no, we'll come to you.

Simon George moved out to the reservation

six months ago.

All right, so they know
where we can find him?

Not exactly. We need to go out there.

All right.

Somebody there?

Hold on. I'll be out in a minute.

I'm almost done.

Thank you.

What happened?

Didn't you read my arrest report?

I did.

I want to hear it from you.

What do you want to hear, Nick?

That I didn't do it?

That it was all a mistake?

That I'm still the same sweet gal

you fell in love with?

Why are you doing this?

I guess I'm just trying to
be the best Hexenbiest I can.

You don't have to prove to
me that this is my fault.

That's what you think I'm doing?

Juliette, you're not
even giving us a chance

to figure this out.

What do you want to figure out, Nick?

How a Grimm and a Hexenbiest

are just gonna live happily ever after?

You don't scare me.

And I'm not letting go.

Aren't you scared of
what you might do to me?

I could never hurt you, Juliette.

I wish I could say the same.

But I just don't know anymore,

because deep down,

I do blame you for what's happened to me,

and part of me loves you for it,

because I have never felt like this before.

It's ironic, isn't it?

You've been the special one for so long.

You're connected to a world

that most people will
never know or understand.

And now I know and I understand,

and I don't want to give it up,

just like you didn't want to give it up.

And know I know why.

Once you're in it and you've...

seen it and tasted it and...

lived it,

you can't go back.

Everyone else just seems blind.

I like this power, Nick,

and I know you do too.

Stop it!

I can't.

You really think that you can just...

take off your clothes

and crawl into bed with me again?

And close your eyes?

You know, I didn't mean
to let them arrest me.

I just wanted to see
if you'd come rescue me.

I'm not letting you out,

if that's what you mean by rescue you.

It's safer for you in here.

And safer for you.

You know what this is?

Bear mother.

Bears are believed to be men

that had taken on animal shape.


Hector. Thank you so much for seeing us.

This is Detective Hank Griffin.

Nice to meet you.

You too.

Right this way.

Can you tell me why you're
looking for Simon George?

Uh, we're investigating the murder

of a high school maintenance man,

Larry Killburn.

Happened sometime last night.

I know the name.

This have anything to do
with the racist graffiti

they left on Simon's locker?

Uh, we don't know yet,

but we're hoping to talk to Simon about it.

Might have a little difficulty finding him.

He's on a power quest.

That like a vision quest?


Simon had not been,
really, a part of the tribe

since he was five.

After the incidents at the school,

he wanted to become more
involved with his heritage.

This kid had a hard time growing up,

and he wanted to come to terms with it.

He came to live with a family here,

and he came looking for me

when he was ready to
find his guardian spirit.

I'm one of the tribe's spiritual guides.

I helped Simon prepare for his journey.

Hector is a dream reader,
just like his father

and his grandfather.

Then Simon should be
somewhere in the woods.

I left Simon on Spirit Mountain.

He's on his third day.

He might be back any time,

but he could be gone
for another couple days.

He's been fasting and without sleep

since he left.

So he'd be pretty out of it by now.

Hopefully, he's connecting
with his guardian spirit.

Which is usually an animal of some kind.

But we believe spirit
can inhabit all nature...

Animals, trees, rocks, mountains, lakes.

The search for one's spirit guide

can be the source of a
person's special power,

spiritual and physical.

So Simon could be
anywhere on that mountain,

and he didn't take a cell phone with him.

That would kind of defeat the purpose.

But it doesn't mean we
can't try finding him.

Do you know anything about
the death of his father?

I know a lot about it.

Gus was a friend of mine.

He was beat to death
on the side of the road

right in front of Simon.

What they did was an act of hatred.

No money was taken.

And they never identified any suspects.

They never even tried.

Gus was an activist.

He pushed a lot of tribal issues.

They weren't too sad when he walked on.

That's why I'm glad that Simon came back

and is on a quest.

I think it'll help him
come to some sort of peace

with his past.

Oh, excuse me.

Nick, you saw Juliette?

- Yeah.
- How'd it go?

Well, she's definitely
pushing me to the limit.

She doesn't give a damn what I think.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna keep her locked
up as long as I can.

That way, at least I know where she is

and I can keep talking to her.

Well, that's sort of a plan.

Anyway, got another victim.

Same M.O., Highway 26.

Declan's Auto Repair Shop.

All right, we'll meet you there.

Declan Henry Burke.

Sole owner and employee
of Declan's Auto Repair.

Mailman found him.

Pretty much the same as our first Vic.


Did a background on him,

and he did have a record.

Arrested for assault, drunk and disorderly,

but he's been pretty clean
for the last several years.

We need to see if there's a connection

between the other two vics.

Well, he's got a computer over there.

I'll run Killburn's name through,

see if he knows him.

Do you think whoever's doing this

is using dogs?


It is hard to trace a bullet
if he's not using a gun.

It's a nasty way to go.

Found it! Killburn's in his contacts.

So they know each other.

Yup, he's even got
Killburn's birthday on here.

They have similar records.

All right, let's run every
name on these contacts

and every name on Killburn's contacts,

see if we get a match.

And run background checks on them.

Yup, on it.

Anybody got a Hodge, Frederick Hodge?

- No.
- No.

How about a Brad Scott?

Eh... no.

And no.

Max McClay?

- Nope.
- Yeah.

Got one.

- McClay with two Cs?
- Right.

Think it's Maximilian, Maximus, or Maxwell?

Why don't we go with Maxwell?

How about William Colvig?

- No.
- No.

Got a match on Maxwell McClay,

best one yet.

He's about the same age as
both Killburn and Declan,

and get this: Killburn was
arrested once with Declan,

and Declan was arrested once with McClay.

They're running in the same crowd.

So McClay could have killed the other two,

or he's the next victim.

Got a last known in Troutdale.





- I'm going in.
- I'll cover the back.

You stay with McClay.


I'm a Grimm. I know you're Wesen.

Get down on the ground.

Put your hands behind your head.

Hank, I got him!

He's Wesen, I think.

He looked at me; he didn't react.

I can see it, but...

What the hell?

Did you see where he went?

Yeah, that way, into the woods.

Whatever that was, it's gone now.

How's McClay?

He's passed out.

I called the paramedics.

Something jumped off the roof.

What did you see?

I'm not sure.

Looked like something I'd
only heard about in stories.

I don't want to sound crazy.

You won't.

We saw it too.

I think we should talk to Hector again.


Sean, Monroe and I are at the shop.

We need a little help.

What kind?

We need to know the percentage

of gypsum extract your mother used

in relation to the ferula
tingitana and combprecta.

Have you got something?

Yeah, altering the
percentages of the potion

in a retrograde inversion

may cause a betaubende wirkung.

Which translates to "numbing effect."

I know what it means.

And there's nothing in
the book on how to do that.

You were with my mother when
she mixed the first batch.

Don't you remember what she did?

She didn't tell us how much she used.

Yeah, she just... she just kind of did it.

That's why this could be so dangerous.

Only a skilled Hexenbiest
should be attempting it.

I can't get a hold of
my mother; I've tried.

But there is somebody who
might be able to help us.

Don't do anything until I get back to you.


What would you like, sir?


I must say I never expected to hear this

from any of you.

But from what you're describing,

it sounds like this is what you saw.


Me too.


Wow, this isn't something I hear every day.

What you're saying you saw is a Mishipeshu,

also known as a

or horned water serpent-panther.

How is it possible

that we all think we saw something

that doesn't exist?

Really hard to believe.


Reality is open to interpretation.

A Mishipeshu is a being
that supposedly lives

in the depths of the
Gitchigumi or Lake Superior.

The stories are related to
the Anishinaabe tribes...

the Odawa, Potawatomi, and Ojibwe.

McClay was attacked last night.

He's still alive.

We were able to connect him

to Declan and Killburn.

All three victims knew each other

and had criminal records.

And we can connect Killburn

to Simon.

Is this something

that could have happened
to Simon on his quest?

You're suggesting Simon has been possessed.

We all saw the same thing.

Can you explain that?

If the Mishipeshu originated

in Lake Superior,

how does that connect to Simon?

Because the legend is
related to his mother.

She was Ojibwe.

So you think this is possible?

It's a power quest.

He's entering another world.

Anything is possible.

If you want to find him,

you have to know where he's going.

How do we do that?

By understanding where he's been.

To do that,

you must enter the dream world.


I just want to bring you up to speed, sir.

We were able to connect the three victims.

All had records, all knew it each other,

and it looks to me like

we've got ourselves a Wesen crime.

Mm-hmm. That's good.

Um, this isn't mine.

I just found it in my coat.


Yeah, I'm not sure how it got there.

Uh, well, maybe someone
thought your coat was their coat

and put it in.

Yeah, that's probably how it happened.

Um, do me a favor.

Make sure the owner gets that back.

You just made somebody's day.

Let's keep it anonymous, please.

- Captain?
- Yeah.

Can I ask you something?


What percentage of crime in Portland

do you think is Wesen-related?

Like, 20%, 30%?

Well, one way or another,
most crime in most places

is Wesen-related.





thank you for this good
red road that we travel.

Don't worry; it won't kill you.

We ask that you grant us the strength

to enter the dream world

that we may find our brother
that has been lost there.


Something about you.

I didn't see it before, but I feel it now.

You're different.

This could be dangerous for you.

Probably better that one of us
keeps his feet on the ground.

This belongs to Simon.

It was given to him by his father.

This belonged to Simon's mother.

These possessions will help you find Simon.

Where are you?

I'm in a truck.

My dad's truck.

How old are you?

I'm 5 1/2.

You shouldn't have come off the res, chief.

Now pow wows here.

Stop it!

You need a haircut.


No, Dad!


Is that your daddy?

Stop it!

They're killing my dad!

They're killing my dad!
There's three of them!

He's entered into Simon's past.

Three men killed Simon's father.

That's the connection

between Declan, Killburn, and McClay.

I don't feel so good.

She's getting too hot. Take her out.

It's all right.

I want you to come out.

They killed him.

They killed my dad!

They killed my dad!


What happened?

He's still with Simon.

We need to find him.

Stop it!

Did you find him?


But I think I know where he's going.

This is all about Simon's father.

There's only one place Simon could be:

where his father is buried.

It's on the mountain.

You can't drive there.

We got to go after him.

Is he gonna get out of this?

- Eventually.
- I'm coming with you.

- No, you should stay...
- I'm coming with you.

Stop it!

Stop hurting my dad!

No pow wows here.

That's a dead Indian, boys.

Simon is here!

Where's Hank?

Simon, it's me.

Hector, what happened?

I... my leg.

I... I hurt it somehow.

If it was in him, it's gone now.

So where is Hank?

Look at the totem.


Simon is injured.

If Hank got here before we
did, it must be using him.

To do what?

Sometimes Mishipeshu can
be a protective creature.

And sometimes it can be a vengeful beast,

and it won't stop until they're all dead.

McClay's still alive.

He helped murder Simon's father.

It's gonna go finish what it started.

You're no longer needed here.

We know who killed Simon's father.

What the hell's going on in there?

Shut up.

Hey, it's my house.


It's okay.

We need to get you home.

No, Hank! It's me!


Hank, no!


It's me.

Nick, what happened?

The Mishipeshu sort of borrowed you.


It's okay. You're all right now.


I saw it.

It's hard to explain.

It... it's like I was
Simon when he was five.

I saw the three men that
murdered Simon's father:


Declan, McClay, they beat him to death.

It'll be okay.

What happened?

It's gone.

You okay?


I know what you did.

You and your two buddies
Declan and Killburn

beat Simon George's father to death.

How the hell would you know that?

'Cause I saw it.

Sure, you did.

Good luck proving it.

I don't know what you
think you're doing here.

Get the hell out.

All of you, get the hell out.

Is that one of the men
that killed your father?


Let's get you out of here.

We should arrest that son of a bitch.

We have no physical evidence
tying him to the crime.

No jury's gonna believe the testimony

of an 18-year-old who witnessed
the murder when he was 5.

If you take this to court,

they could connect Simon
to the other two murders.

It's not fair.

I'm just trying to be the
best Hexenbiest I can be.

I could never hurt you, Juliette.

I do blame you for what's happened to me.

I don't want to give it
up. You can't go back.

I like this power, Nick,
and I know you do too.

Stop it!

I can't.

It's safer for you in here.

And safer for you.