Grimm (2011–2017): Season 1, Episode 8 - Grimm - full transcript

Highly respected judge Logan Patterson is murdered, and shortly after several other people who played some part in the conviction and incarceration of an escaped giant of unnatural strength. Nick is badly wounded, out of action. Monroe however shows unusual enthusiasm to help out while Hank follows the paper trail.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We are on the premises.

We need an alarm reset
from the security company.

We are going to check
the perimeter of the house.

I'm gonna find the alarm company now.

Dispatch, we have a break-in.

We don't know if
there are suspects inside.

We are entering the premises.

Advise if you need additional.

Oh, man.
I recognize that name.

He's a state judge.

Not anymore.

Dispatch, we have
an aggravated homicide,

special circumstance.

Victim is a state official,
judge Logan Patterson.

- Copy that, sergeant.
- Looks like a b&e

gone very wrong.

Damn shame for him to die like this.

He was a great judge.

What time did you enter the house?

10:22 P.M.

Alarm went off at 10:13.

Gives us a good estimate
on time of death.

- Any witnesses?
- Nobody's come forward.

We talked to neighbors on both sides,

and across the street.
Nobody heard anything.

What about wife, children.
Anybody live with him?

Judge lived alone.
His wife died three years ago.

No kids.

Found a gun on the floor over here.

We haven't touched it.

Walther .32.
We ran the serial number,

registered to the judge.

He purchased it in 1995,
had a license to carry it.

We find any casings?

One. Under the chair.

Well, at least he got off one shot.

You find the bullet?

Nothing in the walls or the ceiling.

Windows are intact,
so unless it went out the door...

Our killer might have been hit.

- Any blood trail?
- Plenty of blood.

Let's get an APB out
to all the hospitals, clinics...

Also, tap the snitches
for any surgeons

- working off the grid.
- On it.


It's gonna make a lot
of people angry.

I think it was more than just
a random act of violence.

Yeah. There's a lot
easier way to kill somebody

than to shove a gavel
down his throat.

Patterson was one
of the best judges we had.

Worked a lot of cases
that wound up in his court.

He had, uh, over 30 years
on the bench.

We requested all
of the judge's case files.

Start with the most recent,

see if there were
any registered threats.

Sure he made a lot of enemies
in all those years.

Sir, we have a print off the gavel.

Let's find out who it belongs to.

{pub}- Any luck?
- Yeah.

Nothing to write home about yet.

We've been doing a cross-check
on the judge's cases

against any recent parolees.

So far, we've got three released
in the last six months.

Lester Cambridge,
paroled from powder river,

Scott Teller, released
from Santiam six weeks ago,

and Jamal shutter...
He just got out of eastern.

Any of them back here in Portland?

All three of them.
Nick's checking alibis.


I'm at my computer.
Send it through.


Got an I.D. On the print
from the judge's house.

Got a match from the Navy.

One of your parolees?

Nope. Name's Vince Chilton.
Got no record at all.

See if we can get a match
on a driver's license.

Renewed it two months ago.

Got an address here in Portland.

All right, let's go.

Go, go, go.

Portland police.
Go, go, go!

Go, go, go, go!

Kitchen clear.

Bedroom clear.

We're clear.

We're clear.
We secured the premises,

but you got a body in there.

Whew, man.

Vince Chilton?

Looks like.

Which hand did
the fingerprint come from?

The one he doesn't have.

So our killer needed a helping hand,

and got it from Chilton.

Yeah, he wanted us to find him.

Means our killer's
connected to both of them.

Woman's watch?
Wearing it backside out.

Looks pretty old.
Antique maybe.

Doesn't seem like Chilton
would be the kind of guy

interested in women's
antique watches, huh?

It's engraved.
"To Mary, love mom."

It's definitely not Chilton's.

Yeah, we gotta find Mary.

- Let's hope Mary's not connected to this.
- Maybe we can trace the watch.

You know, Nick knows a watch guy.

This is awful early.

Can you trace an antique watch?

Wow. You're actually
calling me for what I do?

Might have to charge you for this.

Yeah, we found one
on a murder victim.

I'm with my partner.
We're coming over.

I get it.

Be cool, wear pants.

Good morning.

Well, not that good
if somebody died, I guess.

But, uh, yeah.
Come on in.

- Thanks for helping us out.
- Not a problem.

I like to help the...
The police whenever I can.

This is the watch we need to trace.

Vintage Lusina.
Very nice.

I'm gonna have to get in there
and check a few details.

- You mind if I...
- Forensics cleared it.

Go ahead.


Valjoux movement.

72 c, to be exact.

Triple calendar.


Just pure beauty.

Here, check it out.

Triple complications.

That's day, date, month
to the layman.

Probably made in the '30s.

- What about the engraving?
- Professional.

Could've been done by any engraver,

anytime, anywhere.

Oh, this is tragic.


Some jerk put glue in the movement.

This watch is destroyed.
I wanna weep.

- Why would somebody do that?
- To stop it from working.

Maybe they wanted to stop it
on a specific time and date.

Glue would certainly guarantee that.

10:15, march 11th.

Any way you can tell us
who the owner is?

Original movement number
maybe... or a service mark.

I'll make some calls.
Whoever serviced this

- will definitely remember it.
- How long will that take?

Couple of minutes,
if they've got the paperwork.

There's coffee in the kitchen,
help yourselves.

Nick, you know where it is.

From the time you guys
both searched my house.

Remember? I mean,
I-if you don't remember,

it's right down that hall there.

Yeah, I think I remember.

Just right in the kitchen there.

He's a little weird, isn't he?

Spends his life fixing clocks.

Wonder where he keeps
his coffee cups.

You think march 11th
has something to do

- with Vince Chilton?
- Maybe. Or the judge.

What about Mary,
the name on the watch?

Maybe march 11th connects all
three of them together somehow.

Maybe all four of them,
killer included.

But march 11th of what year?

Maybe we're looking at
some kind of zodiac killer here.

Hey, I got something, actually.

Turns out the watch
was first purchased in 1933

by a Steven Armstrong...
He gave it to his wife

as a wedding present.

Who owns it now?

Yeah, but I got the whole history.

And that's great, really,
but we just need to know

- who owns it now.
- Oh.

I get it. Okay.

Just the facts, right?

Let's see, the watch
was serviced last

here in Portland, actually.
Two months ago.

For a Mary Robinson.

- Mary Robinson?
- You know her?

If it's the same Mary Robinson, I do.

Assistant d.A.,
retired about a year ago.

I worked a lot of cases with her.

I got a bad feeling about this.



You find her?

Found her body.

Killer cut out her tongue...

And put it on the scale.

What's the message this time?

Scales of justice?


She's the message.

Mary Robinson herself.

I know who the killer is.

{pub}It was a triple homicide
five years ago.

Jack Lambert, his wife,
and seven-year-old daughter

were abducted from their home

and taken to an abandoned
quarry near Tigard

and tortured for two days.

I'll never forget the crime scene.

Yeah, I remember the case.

Oleg Stark was a contract killer.

He was suspected of murders in
Illinois, Kansas, and Colorado.

But this time, it was personal.

Jack Lambert was a business
associate of Stark's

who knew that Stark demanded
to be paid in gold.

Apparently, Jack found out

where Stark stashed his gold
and stole it.

It was a revenge killing.

That's why he got sloppy.
He was angry.

All the other people he killed,
he didn't give a damn about.

Stark left a gold coin behind...

That's how I knew it was him.
He was tried here in Portland

but sentenced to a California
ADX facility in Pelican Bay.

How'd he get out?

24 hours ago, Stark escaped.

He was on medical transfer
when he got his chance.

Broke the doctor's legs
and beat two guards into a coma.

Why didn't we know
that Stark escaped?

Bulletin hit California
state agency first.

They thought they had him trapped,

so they didn't go wide with it
until he was long gone.

Now this is from Stark's
medical records:

"Convict displays signs
of congenital analgesia,

"a rare genetic disorder
which deadens the nerve endings,

"making it difficult
to process pain. In addition,

Stark's bone structure
appears abnormally dense."

Which basically makes this guy
very unpleasant to deal with.

So what's Stark's connection
to judge Patterson,

Vince Chilton, and Mary Robinson?

The judge presided over the trial,

Mary Robinson prosecuted the case.

Vince Chilton was the jury foreman

who handed the verdict to the judge.

Remember the time
and date on the watch?

10:15, march 11th.

That was the moment
Stark was sentenced

to 300 years in prison.
I knew it was something,

but I didn't put it together
till I saw Mary Robinson's body.

Then that would mean,
as the arresting officer,

he's coming after you next.

I'm gonna take this bastard down.

No, no. No, you're going
into protective custody.

- I'm not running.
- He's already killed

three people...
I'm not about to lose a cop.

He's killed a lot more than that.

I'm not gonna risk it,
and neither are you.

I understand why you wanna get him.

I'd feel the same way.

But protective custody,
that's my call, not yours.

Once Stark escaped,
he had to move fast.

We need to check for stolen vehicles,

assaults, and b&es
from here to the state line.

Well, get on it.

You know this guy's
been shot three times

and stabbed twice, right?

Yeah. I know.


The captain's just doing
what he thinks is right.

What's right for him
is not right for me.

Give us 24 hours,

see if we can't get it done.

I think I got
what you're looking for.

68-year-old man
reported his car stolen

from a rest stop on I-5
near the California border.

Perp fitting Stark's
description drove off

in his blue '92
Cadillac coupe de ville,

license plate 807 IHO.

If that caddy's in Portland,
we'll find it.

♪ I got the world on a string ♪

♪ sittin' on a rainbow

♪ got the string around my finger ♪

♪ what a world, what a life ♪

Hey, lady.

What are you doing?

Helping you cross the street.

Oh. Thank you, young man.
You're very kind.

You're driving.
Let's go.


- What do you know about Stark?
- What do you mean?

Where's he from?
Does he have any family?

Maybe we can get ahead of this guy.

You know, that was one
of the weird things about him.

He didn't seem to be from anyplace.

No record of where he was born,
no record of a family.

It's like this guy
just fell out of the sky.

Found the caddy.
Or what's left of it.

Blown up in a parking lot across
from a city rec facility.

- 20th and Belmont.
- Wait a minute.

Isn't that near your old place?

I lived a block away
when I worked Stark's case.

I guess this is my wake-up call.

Hank, you're not going anywhere.

- Captain!
- Right now,

the safest place for you
is here at the precinct.

Let's go.

Any witnesses?

We had some people
on scene when we got here.

Quite a few of them in the park.

Nobody said anything to us.

You make any determination
on the cause?

It's obvious somebody
meant to do this.

No attempt to hide it.

Open gas tank,
stuffed something inside,

- lit a match, walked away.
- Plates on the caddy

are a match for the one
that was stolen.

Then it's Stark.

Thank you.

Need anything else, let us know.

Congenital analgesia.

Abnormally dense bones.



- Hey, where are you?
- Hey, on my way home

with fresh ravioli.
Where are you?

I'm in the kitchen.

Good. Boil the water on the stove.

- I'll be right there.
- Will do.

Damn raccoons.

Where is he?

Where is he?

{pub}Where is he?



Run, run!



Call Hank.
You have to call Hank.

He has three bruised ribs
and a dislocated shoulder

to go along with a mild concussion.

Nothing broken, however.
He's very lucky.

Thank you.

I've got units posted
here at the hospital

and outside your house,
'round the clock.

And I'll have
an escort take you home.

This guy won't get
anywhere near you, I promise.

- You know who did this?
- Yeah.

I've got every cop
in the city looking for him.

Trust me, he'll pay
for what he's done.




Where's my ravioli?

I spilled the water.

Yeah, you did.

You probably saved my life.

I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

I'm so sorry, Juliette, it is.

It happened in our house...

With you.

I'll be fine.
So will the house.

Nick, you need to rest.

I love you so much.

I love you too.

Go to sleep.

I'll be back in the morning.

Hey, I'm actually glad you called.

I found out a whole bunch
more information

about that watch.
Yeah, it was...



Would you like me
to stay inside with you?

No, no.
I'm... I'm...

I'm fine.
I have a lot to do.

Well, we'll be right outside.

We'll have two cars,
one on each street,

with all entrances covered.

Good night.



Stark went after Nick at his house.

Must've followed him home

sometime after he blew up the car.

He was probably watching
the whole thing,

waiting for me.
When I didn't show,

- he took my partner.
- Yeah.

That's kind of what we were thinking.

Was Juliette there?

Yeah, for part of it.
A good thing too.

If she hadn't come home, who knows?

- She okay?
- She didn't get hurt.

That son of a bitch.

- Hank.
- I'm going to see Nick.

Hank, he's gonna be fine.

You can't do him any good right now.

I'm not staying here.

This is my responsibility.

And the safety of my men
is my responsibility.

Look, I wanna get Stark
as much as you do,

but I'm not gonna lose
another man doing it.

He won't stop until he gets me.

The only way nobody else gets hurt

is if I do this alone.

What if he just thinks you're alone?

What are you talking about?

Set a trap...

- With you as bait.
- How?

Roadblock, spike strips,

SWAT units all around,
pick a place we can control.

Ridge crest pass.
Two Lane road.

One way in, one way out.
Could work.

But I'll have to get him there.

Stark attacked Nick for a reason.

Not to kill him, but to draw you out.

He knows you're gonna go see him.

Okay. Then we'll let him
think it's worked.

Like I said, I'm going to see Nick.

{pub}Where is he?

I don't know what you
were just dreaming about,

but it couldn't have been good.

Who did this to you?

He was big.
And he...

Has a rare genetic disorder.

It would deaden the nerves,
and, uh...

- Abnormally dense bones.
- Siegbarste.

Your basic ogre.

You're saying you saw one
here in Portland?

- Yeah.
- Aw, man.

Just got a knot in my stomach.

Siegbarste are the worst.

I mean, fortunately,
they're very rare,

but if you ever run across one...

Well, I guess you have.

You've dealt with one before?

Yeah. When I was a kid.

I mean, I didn't
deal with him directly.

He came after a neighbor
of mine, two doors down.

Their son Freddy was a buddy of mine.

This guy beat Freddy's dad
to death in his own garage,

and then used his tools to...

You know.
Trust me...

You're lucky to be alive.

- He's after Hank.
- Hank? Why?

He put him in prison.

Ooh, yeah.
That'll do it.

These guys carry grudges
to the grave.

And usually it's your grave.

- I have to stop him.
- Good luck with that.

Look at you, he already
put you in the hospital, man.

Siegbarste are hard to kill.

Not only do they
have really dense bones,

they have thick skin, and body odor

that could stop a train.

- They're not immortal.
- No, they're not immortal,

but in order to take one down,

you gotta get close enough to do it

before they knock your block off.

Unless, of course, you have
some Siegbarste gift.

- What?
- Gift.

German word for poison,

which I always found kind of
weird at Christmas, but...

That stuff is so rare.

I mean, you could search
your entire life

and never find any.

It literally grows
on the north side of trees

just below the timber line

- in Romania or something.
- I think I have some.

What kind of meds
they got you on, man?

- From my aunt.
- Oh.

What's it do?

Calcifies their bones.

So you sort of shatter the ogre
from the inside out.

The trick is getting
the poison in them.

I think I know how to do that.

There's a rifle.
It's made for it.

I need you to get it for me.


Okay... he said, somewhat tenuously.

All right, there's a trailer.

Oh, man.


I swear to God,
I'm doing the right thing.


Where is this?

Siegbarste, Siegbarste...

No, that's not it.


There you are.

Ooh! Yeah...

That's gonna stick
with me for a while.

Okay, big cabinet...

This is...


This is a total freak show.

That is a big rifle.

Big rifle, big bullets.


I don't even know where to start.

You can start by telling me
what the hell you're doing here.

You're supposed to be on lockdown.

Didn't work out.

How you doing?

It would make me feel
a hell of a lot better

if you were back at the precinct.

It's all right.
We're bringing Stark in.


Just throwing out a little bait.

I think I know how we
can bring this guy down.

Captain's already got a plan.

I'm supposed to lead Stark

to a road block out on Ridge crest.

Everyone will be there waiting
for him, and it's done.

- Simple.
- Hank, listen to me.

This guy...

He's not normal.

I know what I'm doing.

And there's something you don't know.

During Stark's trial,
I did something.

He had a good lawyer.

All the jury needed
was reasonable doubt,

and that monster was gonna walk.

I followed through on a lead,

a surveillance tape from
a fast food joint across town.

Guy looked just enough like Stark

to maybe give him an alibi.

It was bogus.

Stark planted the guy himself.

If one juror
had decided it was Stark,

the whole case would've been tossed.

I couldn't let that happen.

And neither could Mary Robinson.

You lost the tape?

It somehow got misplaced
on the way to the D.A.'s office.

Neither of us ever spoke
anything about it.

But now you know too.

I'm the last one Stark blames,

so I'm gonna end it where it started.

You're going to the quarry
instead of Ridge crest.

At least no one else will get hurt.

So if anyone asks, you can say
you tried to stop me.

No, Hank. Hank!

Hey, Nick.

Whoa, whoa, man.
Slow down.

Yeah, I'm bringing you
the gun right now.

What do you mean Hank's
leaving the hospital?

Oh, yeah. Hank's leaving
the hospital.

Looks like he's going to his car.

Want me to give him the gun?

Does he even know about the gun?

If he doesn't know
about the gun, I'm not...

He's already leaving,
how am I supposed

to give him the gun now?

All right, okay,
all right, I'll do my best.

What am I supposed to do now?


You are under arrest.

Place your hands behind your head,

face down on the ground.

Really like the place you picked.

Lot of fond memories here.

Shut up and get down!

Do you hear me?

Oh, man.

You owe me five years.

I'm gonna say this one last time...

Get down on the ground.

Let's get this over with.

Stay where you are.

Stay where you are!

Oh, wow.

Okay, time to go.

Time to go.

This is Detective Griffin.

I wanna report...

A shooting.

It's done.

Hank is okay.

Me? Eh... I'll live.

Yeah, I'll see you.

Stark is dead.

You killed him?

Somebody did, but it wasn't me.


I wish I knew.

I owe him one.

I'm glad you're okay.

You too.

You're lucky to be alive.

Pulling a stunt like that,
I should have your badge.

You want it, you can have it.

Well, I'd rather have you
alive and wearing it.

Look, don't get me wrong,
I wanted Stark dead too.

But that's not the way
this department works.

You insulted every cop in this city,

and we had just as much right
to be there as you did.

Okay. I get it.

You're a good Detective, Hank.

But you're a lot better
when we're all working together.


Are the bullets pulled out
of Stark's body.

According to ballistics,

one .577 and two .600 caliber
nitro-express rifle bullets

made in England over 100 years ago.

What kind of rifle is that?

Triple barrel, very rare.

Made mostly for royalty
for their African safaris.

Commonly known as an elephant gun.

Who the hell would have
a gun like that?

That is something
I'd very much like to know.