Grimm (2011–2017): Season 1, Episode 15 - Grimm - full transcript

Nick investigates the robbery of a spice shop, that is owned by wesen, discovering that the thieves were after a dangerous drug.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Do you think
she's prettier than me?

I do.

That may just be
a family bias. We owned this
in the 17th century,

then lost it,
along with a lot of heads,
during the revolution.

So, how are things
going with our detective?

They're not.
He's not interested in me.

Maybe you need
to try a little harder.
He did save your life.

Apparently, he doesn't
feel right taking
advantage of that.

You know how to make
yourself irresistible.

I do. But it's going to
require a little effort.

Well, the sooner the better.

Lucky for you,
he had a physical recently.

Why is this
so important to you?

It's important to you, too.

A Grimm on the other
side isn't good for
either one of us.

So, why am I not
going after him?

Because the way
to a man's soul

is through his friends.

Now, go fall in love.

I think she's fat.

Nick, I want
to ask you something.

That sounds important.
Well, it sort of is.

I think it's time...

Juliette, if you have
something to say,
just say it.

I know it's been
a little tough lately.

No. No. I want to
learn to shoot.

What, a gun?
No, a bow and arrow.
Yes, a gun.

I thought you
didn't like guns.
I don't.

But you know what
I like even less?

Feeling unsafe in my own home.

Are you expecting anyone?
No. You?

I thought I told you
never to come back here.

No, please, don't take
this wrong. Don't jump
to any conclusions.

It's just that I feel so bad.

We've all felt so bad
about what happened here
at your house

you share with your not wife.

Who is lovely, by the way.

Oh, and here she is.
Hello, ma'am.

We made you both
a little something.

If you ever decide to
get married and have
a family. Or not.

Uh, well, here it is.

Oh, and by the way,
we're making sure no one
else bothers you again.

And one more thing.
I notice that your door
needs a little work.

Maybe you hadn't noticed.

Oh, I've been a little busy.

Right. Right, of course
you have. Well, anyway, uh,
I didn't mean to interrupt.

Uh, thanks again so much
for everything.

Uh, enjoy. Uh, go back
to whatever. Uh, bye.


The refrigerator repairman
is going to keep people
from bothering us?

I don't understand.

Yeah. Uh, remember
that license plate
you wrote down?

Those people who
were watching us?

Well, I went to their house
and he was there.

The refrigerator repairman?

And I told them to
stop bothering us.

Did they say anything?
Did they explain why they
were watching our house?

Well, apparently, they'd had
some trouble with some guy,

and they thought I was
that guy, and they just
wanted to see if I was.

Well, who is the guy
they thought you were?

You know what?
I didn't actually get
the details on that.

But I guess they felt really
bad about their mistake.

Why don't we open this up?

Oh, it's really beautiful.

Yeah, it is.

They must have
felt really bad.

This is going to be
a big score for us.

Yeah, big.

I'm feeling good.

I'm real good.
Let's do this.

Come on. Come on. Come on!

Hi. Remember me?

Of course.

What can I do for you?
I made a list.

Coeur diable, rot inguen,

Hmm. Let me get it for you.


Yes, ma'am.


Let's do this.

Come on.

How much do I owe you?
It's on the house.

That is so sweet.

Thank you, Freddy.


Can I help you?

Where's the J?

Idiot. Where is it?

And I want the pharmaceutical
grade stuff, not the crap
you've got on the shelf.

In the basement.

Let's go.

Where is it?
Well, it's got to be
here somewhere.

Got some. I got some!

The mother Iode.
Come on.

We've got to get out of here.
Forget about it.

The cops are going
to be here. Let's go!
There's boxes over here.

Thanks for the J, man.


Come on! We've got
to get out of here!
Let's go!

Clint, come on!

Let's go.
Oh, my leg.

Let's go. We've got to move.
He bit my legs.

Well, he was shot
at close range.

There's some powder burns
on his clothing.

He's got some
blood in his mouth.
Internal bleeding, maybe.

Looks kind of human.
He took a bite out
of his killer?

Looks like it.
Makes for some good DNA.

Why kill the owner of
a tea and spice shop?

How much money could
there be in a place like this?

Maybe he was dealing
under the table.

I've checked this guy
out once before.

Fuchsbau, right?
Oh, my God.

There's a basement.

Awful lot
of herbs and spices.

Yeah, who knows
what all this stuff is.

We better get it all tested.

We've got to check
phone records
and find next of kin.

I got a Rosalee Calvert.
Victim's sister.

Uh, listed as beneficiary.
Lives in Seattle.

You want me to make the call?
No. It's my turn.

Is this Rosalee Calvert?


This is Detective Burkhardt
from the Portland
Police Department.

Uh, you have a brother,
Frederick Calvert.


Okay. Let's see.

Time for blood
of the deceived.

And blood of
the deceiver.

Detectives Burkhardt, Griffin.
This is Rosalee Calvert.

I'm sorry you had to
come down here under
these circumstances.

Please. Sit down.

Who killed him?
We don't know yet.

What do you know?

He was killed in
an apparent robbery.

Since no money was taken,
we assume they were after
something in the shop.

He was able to set off
the emergency alarm,

so we don't know if they
got what they were after.

What do you know about
your brother's business?

He sold tea,
spices and herbs.
Not very complicated.

My brother didn't have
any enemies that I know of.

Is that your next question?

Do you know if your
brother was dealing
in anything illegal?

No. I saw him once a year
and I spoke to him
mostly on the phone.

I want to bury him.

Yeah, got it, thanks.

I want to close up his shop
and I want to go home.

So, what do I have to do
to get that done?

Lab reports are in.

I'd like to go to the shop.
Can I do that?

Well, we are done
with our investigation.

But one of us will have to
go with you until we know
Forensics are done.

We don't know if that's
all your brother's blood.

He might have taken
a bite out of the killer.

I didn't hurt your brother.
I'm not going to hurt you.

Do you know anything
about gallenblase?

Human gallbladder.
I know what it is.

Did you know your brother
was dealing?


He was being
supplied by Geiers.

Is that who killed him?
That was my first thought.

But I think whoever killed
him was after something else.


I was hoping
you could tell me.

I have no idea what
he has in here.

But I'll look.

Went over the lab reports.

We've got a big fat nothing.

Just like the sign says,
herbs, spices and teas.

A few are poisonous,
but none are illegal.

You get anything?
Not yet.

I think the sister is clean.
I'm coming back.

If you can think of anything

or if you need
anything, just...
Just call me.

You're not at all
what I expected.


You find out anything...
I'll call you.

Doesn't it hurt?

What do you think?

Well, you shouldn't
have shot him.

He wasn't chomping
on your leg.

Aw, police are going to be
all over this thing now.

We're going back.

We left a fortune in there.
Cops don't know
what we're after.

And they'll be done
going over the place by now.

Give me the needle.
Give it to me!

Hey. How are you doing?

Hi. This is embarrassing.

I just stopped by
to leave you some cookies.

I was doing some baking,

and I thought I wouldn't be
here if it wasn't for you.
So, here I am.

You know, you already
bought me dinner.

I know I didn't
have to do this.
But you saved my life.

And believe it or not,
that meant something to me.

It's hard to know how
to repay that. This is more
for me than it is for you.

You might not even
like chocolate chip cookies.

Well, in fact, I do.

And that was very nice of you.

Maybe I should have a bite.

Maybe you should wait
until I'm gone in case
you don't like them.

I'm a brave soul.


Do we have a verdict?

We do. They're incredible.

Don't go giving those away.

I made them just for you.

Uh, nothing in
the spice shop
was illegal.

It's really a shame.
He was a nice guy.

Is there anything in
these reports that
someone would kill for?

I'm sure there is.

But I don't know what
any of these words mean.

Beramethyl silacybanate?

Hornisolic fullmanoxin?

I mean, what the heck
is this stuff?

I have no idea.
Could you tell
by looking at it?


Another partner?

Sort of. Um...
This is Monroe.

Monroe, this is
Rosalee Calvert.

I knew your brother.
I'm sorry.

We need to get
into the basement.

Do you need me
to go with you?

No, just a little follow-up.

Okay, this box was open,
and it looks like some of
the vials were taken.

I can't be certain,
but it looks a little
bit like J.

It's derived from Jansene.
It's a kind of mold.

It's lethal to most
of humanity,

but it has an opiate-like
effect on us.

Used correctly, it's an
incredible painkiller.

But if it's used for
recreational purposes,

it's like meth mixed with
rat poison and helium.

It's highly addictive.

It's terrible for your liver,
and it's not so good for
your brain, either.

Of course, if you had a brain,
you wouldn't be using
the stuff in the first place.

Did you find something?

Do you know of
a drug called J?


Do you know if your brother
was selling it?

Even if he was,
it's not illegal.

She's right. That's why you,
you know, the cop you,
has never heard of it.

I need to know everything
in this basement that
a Wesen would kill for.

Will it help you find
the men who killed
my brother?

I hope so.
Then I'll do it now.

Okay. I'll call you later.

You said you knew my brother?


I just wanted to make sure.

So, they don't know,
do they?

The cops you work with.
They don't know who you are.


Does it matter?

I'm just trying
to understand
how this works.

It's, um...
It's a little complicated.

Yeah, I can see that.

Just find the men
who killed my brother.

Oh, my gosh.
You scared me.

Sorry. What are you doing?

Oh, the door. When I was
here before, I noticed
that it needed work.

And, well, Nick is so busy,

and I thought maybe
I'd come over and
help out a little bit.

I'm really good at this stuff.
I can fix just about anything.

Oh, before I forget...

My wife baked you folks
a little something.

Uh, I hope you like cherry.

That's really nice,
but you do not have
to keep doing...

No, no, no, really.
We want to.
My wife insisted.

And she makes incredible pies.
Believe me.

So, your door
should be fine now.
So, uh, enjoy.

What about your basket?

Oh, uh...
That's for you, too.
My kids made it.

Come on. Let's go.

The lights are on.

Why are the lights on?
Because somebody forgot
to turn them off.

Let's just get the stuff
and get the hell out of here.

These are open.
Why are they open?

Must be yours.

No. Mine's in the car.

She cut me.
Shut up and help me.

Don't you think
it's going a little overboard?

Maybe they're just
generous people.

You know? Did he really
fix the door?

And he did a good job.


Yeah, Burkhardt.
It's Rosalee.

I was at the shop
and two men broke in
while I was there.

Well, are you okay?
Yes. I'm fine.

I'm fine. I'm scared.

I'm fine. I got away.
I'm at my brother's house.

Are you safe there?
I think so.

Okay. Can you identify
the men who broke in?

If I saw them again, yes.

All right, give me
your address. I'm sending
officers to pick you up.

Are you sure?

How do you do this?

Well, we start with
last known addresses,

see if we can find them
or somebody who knows them.

I mean you, as a cop.

And the people you work
with have no idea?

Well, I do what I can do.

I don't envy you.

It's not easy
living two lives.

I suppose you
checked into mine.

Next of kin are usually
the first suspects.

You were arrested
a couple of times for
breaking and entering?

A long time ago.

You want to talk about it?
Not really.
I cleaned up my act.

So, what am I supposed
to do now?

Be careful.

I'm going to have
some officers

take you back to
your brother's house
and stay outside.

What about your partner?

No, the other one.

I want someone that I have
something in common with.

Hi. Um... Nick called.

He thought it would be
a good idea if I came over
and, you know, kept an eye...

Thanks for coming.

You can't be too careful.

That's why I wanted a Blutbad
instead of a cop.

The guys who came
to the shop were Skalengecks.

You'll be able to smell
them a mile away.

There's food in the fridge.
You get the couch.

Good night.
Good night.

Take it easy.

It's just me.
Yeah. Sorry.
I can see that now.

I really appreciate
what you did. I'm going
to go to the shop.

Excuse me? You think
that's a good idea?

I have no intention of
staying here any longer
than I have to.

I've got a lot
to take care of.

Okay. Can we just
slow down a second?

Why would these guys
kill a shopkeeper

for some herbs and spices
that aren't even illegal?

That just doesn't
make any sense.

Well, there are plenty of
legal substances that will
still fry your brain.

Rosalee says
she's going to the shop.

Where are you?
I'm still at her
brother's place.

What do you want me to do?

Were there any
problems last night?

Did you bring enough
for everyone?


My mother made the best
cookies on the block.

She shared them with everyone
and they loved her for it.

Well, do you think
you can talk her out of it?

All right, I'll go

Just stay with her.
I'll send someone over there.

See you.
Hang on. Hang on.

What have we got?

Looks like we've got a
vehicle ID for Clint Vickers.
One of our perps.

We've got a patrol car
on the street watching
the car. So far, no sightings.

Okay, I need you to go back
to the spice shop,
keep an eye on things.

We'll check out the car.
Yeah. You got it.

Okay. That's the car.
And I'm guessing
they're in that building.

Any contact?
No movement.

All right.
You go around back.
We'll take the front.



Hank. Hank.

I saw someone.


I don't know.

It's going to be sad
to see this place close.

There's not that
many places we can
go anymore.

It's not an easy business.
You were in it?

My parents were.
They were apothecaries.

I gave it a shot.

And what happened?

Hey. I'm supposed to, uh...

Uh, come down here and,
uh, make sure everything's...

You don't look so good.

Are you all right?

Yeah, never better.

Oh, my God.

Oh, God.

Hmm. What the hell is this?

My guess is they use it
to smoke whatever
they want to smoke.

They got away.
Want to tell me
what happened?

They made us when we
got here, Captain.
We lost them.

Captain, it was my fault.

I thought I saw somebody.

And I didn't want them
to get hurt. I got distracted
and they got away.


This cop you sent down here
is in really bad shape.

I mean, he just walked in
and collapsed,

and his whole face looks
like a volcano that's
about to explode.

Rosalee says there's only
one way to deal with this,
and it is definitely not,

you know, standard
medical practice.

So, you've got to get
down here, and fast.

Uh, I sent Sergeant Wu
to the spice shop, and
I think he has something.

So, if you cover this,
I'll see what he has?


We all make
mistakes, Hank.

Luckily, no one got hurt.

I can't find the keim extract.
Are you sure it's here?

Top shelf, corner right.
I saw some yesterday.

Got it.

All of it?
He'll need it.

We need to get him
to a hospital.

They won't know what to do.
They'll read it as one of
those mystery infections

they can't identify
and he'll die.
I've seen this before.

Hold him down.
Hold him down. Hold him down.


Hold him down.

Here we go. Here we go.


Hurry up.
This is not going well.
Open his mouth.

What, you want him
to drink it?

Yeah, he better.

Come on.
Get his mouth.




It's me, Hank.

I've been calling
and you haven't been
picking up. I got worried.

About what?

I just wanted to make sure
you were okay.

That's very sweet,
but I'm fine.


Is everything okay with you?


Just a lot going on.

Listen. I was thinking
maybe we should get
together for dinner.

Oh. I'm really busy this week.


But why don't you give me
a call at the end of the week
and we'll see? Okay?

Bye, Hank.

How much longer?

His pulse has calmed down.
We might as well have a look.

I think it worked.

He's going to sleep
for quite a while.

Is there some place
we can take him?

I think it would be best
if he woke up in
familiar surroundings.

Well, his apartment
is not far.

I'll get his feet.

You said you've
seen this before?

Yeah. At my parents' shop.

I was probably 17.
A friend of my father's came
in with the same symptoms.

My father said he had
ingested a zaubertrank
meant for somebody else.

They can be nasty.

Does somebody want to tell me
what a zaubertrank is?

Primitive, antediluvian,

concoctions meant
to mess with your head.

It causes
obsessive behaviors.

If the right person
takes it. It creates
a deep emotional response.

But if the wrong person
takes it, this happens.
I think we caught it in time.

Can we leave him alone?
Yeah, he should be good
for a few hours.

All right. We almost
caught the men

who killed your brother,
but they got away.

In their apartment, we found
the boxes of J that they stole
from the shop.

And we also found this pipe.
It kind of looked like a horn.

A saugendampf.
Oh, man. Addicts.

And you got their stash.
They will be needing more.

And I am telling you,
addicts with guns
is just a bad combo.

Where would they go for more?

Don't look at me.

I'm not.

I have a feeling you know.


I was hooked for seven years.

My brother finally helped me
to get clean. That's why
I went to Seattle.

If they're looking
to score, it will be
an Island of Dreams.

A trauminsel? Here?
They're everywhere.

Are we talking about some kind
of Wesen crack house?

Well, how do we find it?

We find a dealer.
They'll know.

You're kidding me. Rosalee?

You're looking good.

I thought you went
straight, baby.

What are you doing around
these parts again?

Oh, you know why I'm here.

It's a shame.
How much trauminsel
time you want?

Enough for two.

Sweet dreams.

It's my brother.
I should be the one
that goes in.

You've done enough.

Let me handle this. Okay?
Just don't act like a cop.

We're just a couple of
Blutbaden out on the town,
having a good time.

What up, bro?

I can't smell
anyone in here, man.
This is brutal.

You take those.
But be careful.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I got him, Nick! I got him!

Are you sure you're okay?
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Don't remember much.
I went to that shop
like you wanted.

Woke up here.

Had some weird-ass dreams.

Clearly, I'm going to need
a facial. And I'm just
kind of hungry.

You got something
to eat here?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm good.
I'm good.

Listen. You take it easy
for the next couple of days.

And if you need anything,
you call me.

Yes. Will do. Thanks.

All right.

Oh. Hey.

Now, I know it's not

Equal trade for my life,

but I just wanted to say
I'm glad you know how to
clock a dude with a brick.

Nobody's given me flowers
for a long time.

So, what's going on?
I thought you were packing up.

Sort of changed my mind.

I had to stick around for
the trial, so I thought
I'd keep the shop open

until I had to sell it.

And I'd forgotten Portland
is a pretty nice place.

Yeah. It kind of
grows on you.


Well, I've got the rest
of the day off if, you know,
you need any help.

Sure. I'll put these in water.

Are you sure you've
never done this before?