Grey's Anatomy (2005–…): Season 7, Episode 20 - Grey's Anatomy - full transcript

As Callie and Arizona's wedding approaches, the couple quickly realize that the day they've been looking forward to is not turning out the way they'd envisioned. Meanwhile Alex continues to make the other residents jealous as he appears to be the top contender for Chief Resident, Meredith and Derek make a decision that will change their lives forever, and Dr. Perkins presents Teddy with a very tempting proposition.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Up-tempo music]

[Meredith] After a trauma,

your body is at its most vulnerable.

Response time is critical.

So you're suddenly surrounded by people.

- Doctors, nurses...
- [Cristina] Focus, focus.

...specialists, technicians.
- You got it, you got it!

- Go!
- Surgery is a team sport.

- A little more! A little bit more!
- Everyone pushing for the finish line.

- [All] Yes!
- Yay, fingers!

- Yeah. Yeah.
- [Cristina, Arizona cheering]

Putting you back together again.

It's OK, you're retraining your brain.

Getting your fingers straight
was the goal for today.

Little goals, remember? All right,
let me in there to check her incision.

Morning. Baby report.

- Boom!
- I'm gonna go see her.

- Hey. You're awesome.
- Gimme, gimme, gimme.

[Mark] See? She's moving her arm
like she's waving.

She still hasn't opened her eyes,
but she only stopped breathing once

last night and, get this,
her brain bleed's still grade one.

[Inales deeply]

Good girl! She looks bigger.

Is she bigger?

All right, some of us are still working.

- Let me get in there, please.
- OK. I have a consult. I have to go.

How are you?

I... almost got my hand straight.

- That's great!
- [Callie] Yeah.

But surgery is a trauma
in and of itself.

So today? I can see her today?

And once it's over,
the real healing begins.

- We call it recovery.
- I'm sorry...

- No. No!
- But until you can be mobilized

and your infections are completely gone,
you cannot see her.

And she cannot leave the NICU.

Now, you know I would if I could.
You know that. Right...

Recovery is not a team sport.

- Yang, tell her I would.
- Mm-hm? Mm-hm.

She would, if she could.

It's a solitary distance run.

- Are you giving me the finger?
- Yes, I am.

Good job.

It's long, it's exhausting...

... and it's lonely as hell.


- [Machine beeping]
- [Owen] Mrs. Pulcher,

you're gonna
have to stop the smoking.

- Your infections are getting worse.
- Your infections, you mean.

I didn't have them
before you two idiots operated,

- and you didn't even do that right.
- Again, I'm sorry, but your lung cancer

- had spread to the point...
- Please. Useless.

I can afford any hospital in the world,

and I come to this third-rate crap
factory. When am I getting out of here?

I've been here for three weeks.
This is not Guantanamo.

Discharge her. Please. I'll pay you.

There's not much more that we can do
unless you're willing to help yourself.

- Now, the smoking...
- If I wanted a lecture on smoking,

I'd dig up my dead husband. Now, get me
outta here before I sue your balls off.

Well, we'll run some tests.
And if your white blood cell count

- is up to an acceptable level...
- How high does it have to be?

- Give me a number.
- It's at a point-eight now.

- I'd like it to be above a two.
- One.

- This is not a negotiation.
- Everything is. One-point-five.

One-point-five and you
let me outta here.

Now, get me a wheelchair. 'Cause
if I have to wait around this hellhole,

- I'm gonna smoke.
- OK.

[Owen groans]

Oh! I smoothed out some bumps in the
NICU surgery protocol if you want to...

...stop acting like a child.

You crushed his heart, April,
and none of us thought he had one.

- So that's impressive.
- It's inconvenient.

I need him to sign this.

- Uh... morning.
- Oh. Good morning.

- Another Alzheimer's trial patient?
- Yes, sir.

Good, good.

How's your islet cell trial going?
Have you found a resident to assist you?

- Yeah. Avery's gonna help me out today.
- Great. Good.

And Mrs. Webber? How is she feeling?

She's doing all right. Thank you.

Oh, sir...



Wow, that kid looks screwed.

He is. He has five different cardiac
and abdominal defects.

I'm supposed to operate
on him next week.

- That's awesome. Can I scrub in?
- Yeah, if you can get us to Africa.

I was supposed
to go back there next week, but

now I have a very sick
little girl of my own

- and a fianc?e in the ICU.
- Fly him out here.

Yeah, I've tried. But you can't
imagine the red tape and the money.

And there's a dozen more like him
that I want to do the same thing for.

I'm trying to find someone
to help him out over there.

I just... [sighs]
...I made a promise, that's all.

It's healing pretty well.

Maybe in a couple of days
you can try sitting up by yourself.

- Let's try now.
- You can't rush it.

Why did I get you? Why aren't you
cutting out hearts somewhere?

Well, Altman and I had a falling out,

over your ventricular septal defect,

I'm just giving her some space.
OK, you're good.

- You need anything?
- I need to see my baby.


She's mostly tubes and wires.

And she looks more
like a chicken than a baby.

Like a featherless, beakless chicken.
You want to wait...

...until she's cuter.
- You are the worst godmother ever.

You picked me.

She opened her eyes. Sofia!

She looked right at me!
I saw her sweet, little eyes!

They're beautiful.
They look just like yours!

Oh, my God,
I should have taken pictures!

Why didn't I do that?!

Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, God, no!
I'm so sorry...

Go, go, go, go! Go get the pictures!
Go get the pictures!

- Callie. Callie.
- [Sobbing]

No, don't. Callie! Callie, stop it.
Stop it, stop it, stop it! Callie!

- You'll rupture your sutures.
- I'm missing her! I am missing her.

- I know, honey. I know.
- She could die and I'll never...

- I could miss her whole life!
- OK, OK.

Easy, easy, relax.

- Lie back down.
- [Groans]

[Machines beeping]

- Pulse is 102.
- Are you nervous, Ed?

Yeah, it's kinda like
going to the dentist, only worse.

This is gonna be over
before you even know it starts.

Dr. Grey is gonna do the drill now.
You're not gonna feel anything, though.

- [Drill whirring]
- [Grunting]

[Machine beeping rapidly]

- Ed. Try and relax, OK?
- I can't.

All right, stop. Stop.
Just pull back.

Let's get the halo off,
he's having an MI.

OK. Flatline!

What the hell happened?!


- His EKG was fine?
- He never complained of chest pain.

I did the work-up,
there was nothing in his history.

It wasrt your fault.
It was a massive MI.

After we inform Mr. Beckert's family,

I will call the FDA
and file a formal report.

Is there a chance
they could shut down the trial?

It doesn't matter. I'm gonna
shut it down, pending the autopsy.

I want to know
why we didn't see it coming.

I thought Dr. Bailey said Torres
can't be moved yet.

Yes, sir, but since she has had
no contact with the baby,

- I was wondering how soon we might...
- Bring the baby to Torres?

I think it'll do the both of them good.

- If I could at least tell Dr. Torres...
- When the baby is off the vent.

When she has an immune system
and can withstand the onslaught

of deadly infections Dr. Torres
would threaten her with. That's when.

I mean, come on!
I'm all for mother-baby bonding,

but not when it'll kill the baby.

Why do you even ask me these things?
I thought you were a doctor.


I need your help with something.

Oh, wait!
I have patient 122's trial packet.

It was never opened,
so it needs to go back into the lot.

OK, one sec.


I heard about your patient.

- I'm sorry.
- Thank you.

- Have a good night.
- You, too.

[Knocking on door]

[Teddy] Henry,
will you just open the door?

I'm sorry, the place is...

You were just supposed to tell me
if this is normal or if I need to...

...if I need to go to the hospital.
- Will you just sit down and be quiet?

- Did you check your blood sugar?
- Fifty-six. But I don't have any juice.

- I just have half a can of diet soda.
- OK, OK.

- Damn it. Look at you.
- What?

You look amazing.
You were on a date, werert you?

I made you come here
in the middle of a date.

[Teddy] No, you know what?
Actually, you saved me

from the longest date
with the most tedious man.

The only good thing that came out
of the date were these cannolis.

Which, as it turns out,
is exactly what someone needs

when they're having
a hypoglycemic episode.

- You still shouldn't have come.
- You know what? You'll stop saying that

once you try this.


- Yeah. OK.
- Good.

- Tell me about this date.
- Well...

Mm. His name is Erwin.

- Ooh.
- Mm.

- [Both laugh]
- OK, so strike one.


Give me that.

So am I leaving? What's my number?

- It's not good.
- Not your opinion, stupid. Number.


It's gone down.


I'm sorry the results werert better.

You should be, you won'thless bastard.
It's all your fault.

Get out of my sight. I can't stand
looking at your stupid face! Go!

[Continues coughing]

- How'd she take it, Karev?
- Bitchy. 'Cause she's a bitch.

She's also dying. She's alone.
She hasn't had any family or visitors

- since she got here.
- Well, maybe that's 'cause...

Let's keep our assessments to ourselves.

Karev, what's your plan
for chief resident?

- My plan?
- Mm. Besides badmouthing patients.

All your colleagues are showing
some kind of leadership potential.

Grey and Avery,
they're on clinical trials,

Kepner's overhauling the surgical
checklists. They have a plan.

- I was just wondering if you...
- African kids!

- Sorry?
- I'm gonna bring over about

a dozen kids from Africa
and get them surgeries.

Badly needed surgeries.

- Hm. Sounds pretty ambitious.
- I'm an ambitious guy.

It also sounds like you
just pulled that outta your butt.

Oh, no, sir. It's a... It's a plan

that I've been... planning.

OK. Well, good.
Let me know if I can help.

- Right outta your butt.
- Shut up.

Are you guys ready? Let's do this.

[Low-tempo music]

Wake up.

Just lay still and relax.
Let us do everything. Can you do that?

Tell him that cholie
moved to 8:30 tomorrow.

Back, back, back.

- OK.
- [Pager beeping]

Dr. Bailey.

- Can I ask you something?
- What is it?

- [Stammers] How's your day going?
- How's my day going?

My day should have
ended three hours ago.

I'm tired, it's late,

and I still have six more things to do
before it's over,

and now I have you in my face
asking me how my day is going.


[Music continues]

[Callie laughs softly]

We'll give you some privacy.

[Sighs] Oh.

[Whispers] Hi.

Hi, baby.

Don't worry.

See? I'm...

I'm a little messed up, too.

But we're gonna be fine, OK?

We're gonna be just fine.

- Hey.
- Hey. How is Mr. Beckert's wife?

Her kids took her home.
I can't believe they lied to us.

They didn't lie. They just left out
the history of his heart problems

because they needed this trial.

While we're waiting for the FDA
to respond, I wanna re-screen

all the applicants
with a fine-tooth comb.

- Is that what you're doing now?
- No. As morbid as it sounds,

I'm trying to find
a replacement for Mr. Beckert.

- A new Patient 122?
- We'll need to have one ready.

- OK. So, what about Adele Webber?
- Meredith. You know I want to,

but she's just not far enough along.
Her disease has not progressed enough

for her to be eligible for this trial.
You know that.

Well, this fell off
of Richard's sweater this morning.

[Music continues]

[Music ends]

[Labored breathing]

[Arizona] Breathe.

- Breathe.
- [Man] No!

She can't talk to me like that!
I'm a trained professional.

- She's an uncooperative, insulting...
- Fianc?e of mine.

- So let's just... let's watch it.
- He's a wuss! Let him go!

Good luck.

[Arizona] That's the third one
this month.

- They don't push me hard enough.
- It's a traumatic brain injury.

- It's not boot camp.
- We're getting married.

You want me walking down the aisle,
not rolling, right?

I want you healed.

- It's OK. The wedding can...
- [frustrated grunting]

[Screams] Sorry! I'm sorry.

[Callie exhales]

The baby won't wait.
You can pick her up.

You can hold the baby. Mark can
hold the baby. I can't hold my baby!

Don't tell me it's OK!

I'm sorry.

Then bring me those balls, please.

I've got eight patients lined up
from three African countries,

all through the Namboze Clinic.
There's a... Wait.

Here. A cardiac defect, a brain tumor,
an idiopathic gangrene case.

When do we get to see that, right?
What else?

Oh, and Hunt, he got me in touch with
a military guy about ground transport.

And he also volunteered
to operate, pro bono.

So I've got him and Robbins,
Bailey, Sloan, Shepherd...


- How are you gonna pay for all this?
- Well, that's why I'm talking to you.

You're the chief of Peds surgery.
I mean, they're incredible surgeries.

- On kids.
- OK. This is coming out of my budget?

I'm saying,
if I do all the logistical crap,

it's a project
the hospital should fund, right?

- It's won'th...
- Nothing. That's what it's won'th. No.

[Sarcastic laugh] I'm sorry.

I should have known what you'd say.

No. You don't get to do that.

You don't get to ask me
to fund a plan this half-assed,

and then paint me as somebody who wants
to deny health care to Third World kids.

- [Pager beeping]
- Come on.

I mean, there are people
that can do this sort of thing,

but you're not one of 'em.

- Mrs. Pulcher.
- Ooh.

Is it two hours already? Ow.

Seems like I saw your
slack jaw a minute ago.

I feel like I just
saw your blistery old butt.

Don't... You can't speak
to me like that.

You can't speak to me like that.

I should sue you ten grand
for every bedsore on my ass.

I'll die before I ever see
any of that money, but I'll...

- But you'll die rich.
- Richer, thanks to you dumbasses.

Or you could do something good
with the money.

Donate it to a good cause.
Help someone out.

Or put it to getting you
a medical degree?

Mrs. Pulcher, I have a plan
to bring some African kids over here

- for some really cool...
- [groans]

I mean, desperately needed surgeries.

You asking me for money?

I need at least a hundred grand

- to get things started.
- Oh, my God!

Take it somewhere else, Sally Struthers.
And get out of my face!


Overall, Adele scored a 23,
which is a marked decline

from the last time we tested her,
which was 27.

So she's definitely
a lot worse than we thought.

Well, the upside is
she gets in the trial.

- But she's declining so fast.
- I know.

Why can't we just give her the medicine
on the side, outside of the trial?

- Who would know?
- No.

The FDA is going to be on us
harder than ever.

Anything we do that taints
the results would ruin the trial,

and not to mention
our careers along with it.

Don't think I haven't thought about it.

[Stark] She's in heart failure.
She's gotta go back on the vent.

- She needs surgery now?
- [Stark] As soon as possible.

Her ductus arteriosus hasn't closed.

Fletcher's a no-go. I'm gonna
try Terry Lennox at Seattle Pres.

I know I'm not high on your list,
but your baby's out of time.

You know it can't be you.
I've performed the procedure before.

- So... you're stuck with me.
- I understand.

Although you're not
technically related to the baby...

- I'm sorry, what?
...the hospital would have no

ethical objection
if I let you be in the OR with me.

[Low-tempo music]

If you'd like to look over my shoulder.
You know, make you feel any better.

- Thank you.
- [Stark] OK.

We'll page you when we're ready.

- [Mark] Thanks.
- I'll go tell Callie.

- So should I get her prepped?
- Looks like I'm stuck with you, too.

- You ready to go back?
- Mm-mm. One more lap.

- Did you lose a bet?
- She's my new physical therapist.

- Because she does what I tell her to.
- Whose charts are those?

Altmars. She's being ridiculous.

I haven't seen a cardio surgery
in a month.

- So you stole her charts?
- Yes, I stole her charts

so I will be prepared when
she comes crawling back.

Grey, sit, I need the resistance.

So I re-tested Adele Webber.
She's worse than we thought.

But at least she's
gonna get in the trial.

OK, see? See, I should be on this!

How do I even have a shot at chief
resident if I can't do what I'm good at?

Alex, you didn't!
You're gonna be fired!

- I'm gonna be chief resident.
- Not if you don't work here anymore.

- He solicited a patient for money.
- You're hooking now?

- For my African kid thing.
- It's against so many rules!

Who cares?! The old hag
could die leaving her money

to save dying children, but instead
she'll probably leave it to her cats,

who probably hate her, too.
Are you going to Radiology?

- Hey, everybody off now.
- [Callie breathing heavily]

- Callie.
- I did four laps today.

Sofia needs surgery.

- What?
- Today. Now. She has weakness

in her left ventricle,
she needs a PDA ligation.

- Oh, God.
- She's gonna be fine.

I'm gonna be there.

- Ow!
- What?


- Callie!
- Oh, God.


Oh, my... Help!

- Somebody help!
- [Music ends]

Abdominal wound dehiscence
with a small evisceration.

- She's worked herself into a rupture.
- I should have seen this coming.

I should have forced her
to stop walking.

I checked that wound three times a day.

- She never complained of pain.
- Yang, I've been telling Torres

to slow down for weeks.
The woman doesn't listen.

So stop kicking yourself
and just help me fix it.

- Bovie.
- How bad does it look?

[Cell phone rings]

- How is she?
- They're just starting now.

- BP's 39 over 20.
- That's way too low.

- No. For a kid this small, it's fine.
- The talking is a little distracting.

[Stammers] I'm sorry.
I have to hang up.

I didn't say hang up.
Just keep it down, please. Potts?

You're dumber than you look!

I'm gonna have your job.


- "Help me, Mrs. Pulcher."
- Nurse!

- I'm gonna call your supervisors!
- "You're my only hope."

- I'm gonna have you fired.
- "I need your help."

- Then I'm gonna sue this hospital.
- "Please."

- Then I'm gonna sue you!
- "Please!"

Get out!

I don't ever wanna
see your face here again!

He's just getting ready to clip the PDA.

- Three-0 Vicryl.
- She's closing now.

No leaks, no bleeders,
no sepsis, BP's good.

So we're home.

[Machine beeping rapidly]

- What's happening?
- The PDA ripped.

Suction! Six-0 Prolene!
Now, damn it, now!

What's happening?
What's going on, Robbins?

- What happened?!
- I'm sorry.

If she...

I'm sorry.

You need to be in here.

You missed the good part, Dr. Robbins.

She tried to bleed out,
but I wouldn't let her.

And the lung is up.

And it is beautiful.

All right. Five-0 Vicryl, please?

And everybody's fine.

- [Lexie] OK.
- Don't touch me!

- She's been asking for you.
- Get in here!

This ham-fisted twit
doesn't know how to roll me.

- You asked me not to come back.
- Just shut your hole and get in here

before this idiot breaks my spine.

One hundred grand.

- What?
- Alex! Don't.

Give me a hundred grand,
and I'll come in.

Mrs. Pulcher, he's joking.
He doesn't mean that.

- Fifty.
- One hundred.

- Seventy-five.
- One hundred grand. Final offer.

- You don't know how to negotiate.
- I'm not negotiating.

Don't pretend to be smart,
you crooked little bastard.

Don't pretend you're poor,
you evil old bitch.

One hundred grand!


Done. One hundred grand,

and get in here and roll me over.

Wait. He made you pay for parking, too?

Yeah, and that was all before dinner.

You gotta try this pasta,
it's ridiculous.

I'm in.

Did I tell you that his hair
was longer than mine?

No. No...

It's funny, I don't know why

his online photo didn't feature
his very, very long ponytail.

- [Laughs] I love this guy.
- Mm!

- Mm!
- So good.

- Meet us at Joe's. I'm buying.
- What's up?

A hundred thousand dollars is what's up,

courtesy of the dragon lady
in room 1022.

- Alex!
- You know what happens

when you break the rules, Mer?
You get a hundred thousand bucks.

Drinks are on me.

- [Pager beeping]
- [Meredith] I can't, I'm on call.

No. No, no!

- No!
- Time of death, 21:44.

- No! Shut up! No!
- She had an arrhythmia.

- Get her back! I need her! I had it!
- Alex!

- I had it! No!
- I'm sorry!

I had it! I had it!


You bitch.

Mrs. Webber?
What are you doing here so late?

You know, Richard is finishing up,
and I'm just waiting.

He doesn't like
to see me go home alone.

May I sit with you?

I'm surprised to see you here.

- You're on call tonight?
- Mm-hm.

- So how are you feeling?
- You really want to ask me that?

It's hard, I know.

- You think so?
- I only know from my side of it,

- from my experience.
- Excuse me,

but I have no use for your side of it.

I thought I could handle it, thought

I could live with it, it was only
temporary, that it was gonna go away.

But clearly I was wrong.
It's just getting worse.

- I'm sorry.
- Are you?

Are you really?

Then stop. Please, just stop.

Are you in love with him?

If you're in love with him,
I don't know what you should do,

but I think...

God help me, Ellis,
I think he's in love with you.

And if you're not, please,

give him back.

Adele, it's Meredith.

Not Ellis.

It's Meredith. I'm her daughter.

Ellis is gone. She died.

Please give me back my husband.

Please, give me back my husband.

He's... He's yours. He's all yours.

[Up-tempo music]

[Baby cooing]

[Callie] Good morning!

Oh, yeah! Look at you!

Look at how big you are!

Hey, I was just coming to see you.

Not you, her.
Good morning, beautiful.

Are you gonna tell me to get back
in bed, 'cause I just got here.

I am not. I was coming
to tell you to go home.

- Don't drop that baby.
- To what? To what?

- Go home.
- When?


Look, your vitals are stable.
Your balance is good,

and you obviously are strong enough
to carry this one around. So go.

Get out!

- [Laughs]
- [Baby making noises]

[Whispers] Did you hear that?

We're going home.


I'm going home.

It's 500 bucks to get it out of impound.

- Come on!
- Should have paid the tickets.

Have a nice day.

I will see you as soon as you are done.

Meredith, make him stop fussing over me.

[Richard] I'll be right there.

So she's going into surgery
right after the MRI, so don't worry.


- Thank you for everything you've done.
- I didn't really do anything.

- The circumstances changed.
- You did. You caught it first.

And the minute you did,
you looked after her,

you did everything
you could to take care of her.

I've made a lot of mistakes,
and it's taken me a lot of years

to finally realize
that all I want to do is be with her.

You've given us
the best chance that we can get.

You've done everything.

[Inales, exhales deeply]

- What's this?
- What's this? It's your kid.

- Your African kid.
- That's happening?

- Today?
- Tonight!

The first group gets here tonight.
I've been telling you this all week!

Look, each of you gets your own kid.

Some of them will
be traveling with family,

a few of them are orphans, so you
are in charge of your kid, right?

You're like their ambassador. Wait. You
can't have her. You'd be awful to her.

[Lexie laughs]

Him. No. Yes, him.

- He's melting down.
- Train wreck.

Evil Spawn is now Mother Teresa.

Don't forget, they get here tonight!

[Gasps] Karev! They're here!
They just touched down in D.C.

And they're gonna change planes and
have dinner and then they'll be here!

[Arizona laughs]

You did it! You know,
I never thought you would,

I didn't think you could, but you did.

- Hm.
- Well done, Karev.



I am in so much trouble.

Oh, my... Oh, my God! How...

- How did you let this happen?
- It just happened.

I asked for things,
and people started saying yes

and I paid for it myself at first,
but then I maxed out my cards.

But the ball was rolling
and planes were reserved

and a freaking military transport!
What am I supposed to say?

"Sorry! Never mind! Lack of funds!
Keep your dying kids where they are!"

- Well, yeah.
- No!

You say, "I'll pay you
when you get here.

Keep the receipts! Send me the bill!"

And now, I'm... Oh, God.

Right now they're eating eight-dollar
airport hamburgers I can't pay for!

Alex, this... I mean, this is fraud.

- You've actually grifted people!
- I can't do this.

You have to now.
I mean, you already did it!

You could go to jail for th... this!


Ah! There you are. Here's your kid.
They're coming tonight.

- OK. Hold it for me.
- Just take it.

He's a five-year-old with optic glioma.
What are you doing?

I'm working.

No. What are you doing?

- Alex, this is from a lawyer.
- Ah!

- No, take it!
- No, I don't wanna see it.

Look, they're gonna get here tonight,
Lexie. They'll get their surgeries,

I'll go to jail.
I don't even care anymore!

No, no, don't! It's a check.

It's a check for $200,000
from the Estate of Gladys Pulcher.

It's from the dragon lady.


That bitch.

OK, Adele, I need you to take
a couple deep breaths for me, OK?

- [Breathing deeply]
- [Drill whirring]

- Are you OK?
- I'm fine.


All right.

OK, I'm gonna make the injection.

And you shouldn't feel this.

There it is.

- [Callie] Hi.
- [Baby cooing]

I really don't want to go home
until she goes, you know?

And clearly, she's not ready to go,

- so...
- Shh, shh!

- She can go.
- What?

- What?
- [Stark] With most parents, I'd say no.

But she has three doctors at home. So
if she passes the infant carrier test...

- What test?
- She has to sit in an infant carrier

for an hour with no
apnea or bradycardia.

[Scoffs] She'll nail that.
I'll go get it.

- Thank you.
- Oh. Yeah, it's OK.

I mean, if she passes the test, it's OK.

People are talking about you.

Kindly. They're saying you're kind.

Funny. Compassionate.

And Dr. Robbins has a lot
of nice things to say about you.

I'm just glad, you know?

I'm glad that people are getting
to know the Robert that I got to know,

and like.

You deserve for people to like you.

It's Dr. Stark.

[Knocking on door]

- How did it go?
- Actually, it's still kind of going.

- What? What do you mean?
- Well, it's this guy that I met before

and now he's back in town
and it's kind of great.

Oh, and they had that pasta
that you love, and I didn't want to...

- So... here.
- You didn't have to... Thank you.


So... I'm sorry I can't stay.

No, no, this is great! You should go!

- Yeah?
- Yeah, go.

OK, all right. I'll call you.

- All right.
- OK, good.



- How's your friend?
- Good.

Thanks. It was good that we stopped.

Glad to do it. So... what's next?

Am I taking you home?

Or I might be taking you home.

[Starts engine]

[Meredith] The length
of your recovery is determined

- by the extent of your injuries.
- Five more seconds.

[All counting] Five, four,
three, two, one!

- That's one hour.
- [All cheering]

You did it, big girl!

- I can't believe she's leaving.
- Yeah.

Yeah, she's cute, isn't she?

No, Callie.
She was my last cardio patient.

- Does Teddy even talk about me?
- It's a cute baby, right?

Lts small features and oversized eyes
trigger a hormonal response in humans.

It's autonomic.
It's what keeps us from eating them.

And it's not always successful.

For the grad wall!

- Yay!
- OK, let's roll.

- Wait, wait, wait, put her down.
- I have got the apnea monitor, the O2.

Callie, steal some of those
NICU blankets,

- they're the best.
- OK, everybody stop! Stop, stop!

No matter how hard we work at it...

She's not ready. No, she can't leave.

She's been watched by doctors
24 hours a day.

- She still will.
- Well, her lungs. She could get RSV.

- Any kid can get RSV.
- She's not getting in a car!

- It's not safe!
- Some wounds might never fully heal.

- Callie.
- It's not safe!

The last time she was in a car,
she nearly died! We both nearly died!

Get her out of that thing!
Give her to me, Mark! I'm not kidding!

Get her out of that thing!

[Bailey] Callie. Callie.

OK, OK. You're right,
you are absolutely right.

Cars are not safe for children.

Neither are bookcases or squirrels

or strong winds or people who sneeze.
They're all gonna get your baby.

But honey, you don't feel this way
because you were in an accident.

You feel this way
because you are a parent.

[Deep breath] Mm.

It'll pass, mostly.

Some of it never will.

You might have to adjust
to a whole new way of living.

Things may have changed too radically...

I wish I could tell him.

- What?
- Richard.

I wish I could tell him
his Adele got the medicine.

I just hate keeping it from him.

... to ever go back to what they were.

Me, too.

[Low-tempo music]

I need a wheelchair.

- Lexie. Avery.
- [Child crying]

[Inaudible chatter]

You might not even recognize yourself.

It's like you haven't
recovered anything at all.

You're a whole new person...

... with a whole new life.

[Music continues]

[Music ends]