Greek (2007–2011): Season 2, Episode 7 - Formally Yours - full transcript

Rusty is tickled pink to be appointed to organize Kappa's formal ball, which he sees as a chance to catch up with his missed high school prom. He's devastated when it's canceled while he prepares for it. His last hope is attending the Zeta's ball, where three are three girls left without a fancy Omega date. Max is stressed no less, trying to do best for Casey, who needs to concentrate on electoral repercussions facing a challenge from Rebecca.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Greek...

What the hell are you doing?

Evan isn't capable
of being a decent friend.

He is sneaky and manipulative

and you cannot trust him.

I need something more
than just fun.

- So, are we...
- Broken up?

Yeah. I guess so.

I move to overturn Rule 16A,

which states
that removal from office

precludes the removed party
from ever seeking that office again.

The only vote I care about
is for president,

and I'm happy to have you
challenge me for that fair and square,

because I cannot wait
to kick your ass.

Due to limited storage space,

we will now be deleting
our season pass

of Days of Our Lives.

- I'm very, very sorry, Beaver.
- I'll miss you, Marlena.

On to the next item
on the agenda.

I think we're at the elbow.

You know you need to moisturize,
Pickle. This is just disgusting.

Oh, right. OK.

Dust off your tuxes, gentlemen,

it's spring formal season.
Which means next week

we'll be having
what we call at Kappa Tau...

The prom.

As president, appointing the chairman
of the prom committee

is one of my special duties.

Yeah. Duties.

I take this responsibility
very seriously.

Now, this chosen one must
possess organizational prowess,

an acute attention to detail

and the ability to tie balloons
without popping them.

Now, this year
one lone Kappa Tau stood out.

Shiningg like a lighthouse, guiding
our prom safely into the harbor.

Now, that one Kappa Tau is,
of course, none other than...

Excuse me.
My shoe's untied.

Let's give it up
for Rusty Cartwright.

Thanks, guys.

I'm gonna throw
the best prom ever.

So, we'll probably have,

- like, three subcommittees.
- All right! Meeting adjourned.

I can't believe I own
this many formal dresses.

- Who knew I was so fancy?
- Have you finalized the menu?

Maybe I should just
wear the white strapless.

But if I do, I can only
drink clear liquids.

- Did you confirm with the hotel?
- Yeah.

See, I would wear the silver halter,

but I don't have time
to shape my shoulders.

- Damn my credit crunch.
- You booked the DJ, right?

Oh, my God. Music!

- I knew I forgot something!
- What? Really?

No, not really!

This is not my first time
at the spring formal rodeo.

What's with all the micromanaging?

It's like I'm on
The Apprentice: Sorority Edition.

I just want everything
to be perfect.

Our formal is the last social
event before the election.

If it goes off without a hitch,
the sisterhood

will want to continue my reign
of terror-bly awesome parties.

Parties that won't be planned by me.

'Cause after this formal
I am done,

so next year I can actually
bring a date and enjoy it.

- Let's head down for dinner.
- You're definitely flying solo?

I'm juggling so many
logistical issues,

bringing a date would just
complicate matters.

Besides, I don't have a Max.

I know, but Max's

first ZBZ function is Spring Formal.
It's like he's just picked up

a ping-pong paddle and
I'm throwing him into Wimbledon.

Case, he's socially awkward.

Not "special."

And finally ladies,
allow me to introduce...

Hunter. He is a 6'1" junior
from Columbus

who plays lacrosse,
speaks conversational German,

and for the past three summers
worked as a greeter at Abercrombie.

Please list your top three

Omega Chi bachelors
in numerical order.

Evan and I will do
everything we can

to match you up with
one of your favorites.

Remember, ladies,

we are the top sorority on campus.

We deserve to be on the arms
of the finest men.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

I can vouch for that.

Greek 207
Formally Yours

Benj! & Kasius

Can I have
your attention, ladies?

I have your Omega Chi
formal dates.

Oh, wait, wait, whoa.

I'm afraid I have some bad news.

There were more sisters
than Omega Chis,

so three girls
didn't get matched.

Holly, Greta, and Reagan.

I'm so sorry, girls.

But the good news is,
Evan is throwing

this after-party at the Omega Chi
house for all of us.

Get ready to party till dawn!

So, Big Sis, what's the plan?

I don't know. I thought
I'd start with a bana,

- then move on to the yogurt.
- Come on.

I know you've got a scheme
to counter Frannie's boy bribery.

Not at all. I think it's political
pandering at its worst.

- It's shameless.
- Right? Thank you.

Rebecca, I got you
that soccer player you wanted.

Thanks, Frannie.

Anything for our little R-Lo.

You don't think this stunt will help you
in the election, do you?

Oh, my little, um, pit bull,

this will win the election for me.

Because you got
a few girls a date?

No, because Evan did.

I'm showing our sisters

that, when they vote for me,
they get a little extra bonus gift of...

of manly macho goodness.

This election is between us,
Frannie, not our boyfriends.

You really are a natural blonde.

No, it's OK. Thank you.

Hey, Dale, do you know
where I can rent a disco ball?

Try the Party Palace
over on Fourth.

Ask for Marvin.
Tell him old D-Dawg sent you.

He helped me trim
my last U-SAG ball.

- What are you planning?
- The K-T Spring Formal,

which means crepe paper,

- Sounds like a prom.
- So I've heard.

- I didn't get to go to the prom.
- Dateless?

No, I had this Boy Scout
Jamboree that weekend.

Anyway, this formal's gonna be
my chance to make up for missing it.

I mean, there has to be a reason

why every teen movie
ends at the prom.

Usually because
that's when they decide to

give into temptation
and have premarital sex.

I don't think there will be
any of that.

It's a blind date.

Beaver set me up
with his cousin's...

sister's girlfriend.
He says she's cute.

Here. This is the picture
he sent me.

She's a cow.

No, she's the one
milking the cow.

Very impressive.

I've got the tux,

I've got the date.

The stage is set for a night

of epic romance, and I need some.

I mean, I started off this year
making out with a girl

while it rained beer,
and all I've gotten lately is crabs.

What did you say?


Rock-hard abs.

From the sit-ups I've been doing
because of no dating.

Nice weather, huh?

Very low humidity.

Well, I shouldn't let
my heart rate drop.

Yeah, I'd hate to stand between you
and physical fitness.

Is that my shirt?

Well, can I have it back?


It's kind of my lucky shirt.

Having trouble getting lucky?

- Cute.
- Tell you what.

You can have this back when
you return my travel toothbrush.

I hope I haven't stood
in the way of any overnight visits.

My itinerary's no longer
your concern.

How about we set up
a hostage exchange?

How do I know you haven't
thrown my toothbrush away?

How do I know you haven't
stretched my lucky shirt?


- Lorelei?
- Correct.

Personal information.

She is from Ta...

... ahassee. Tallahassee!
She's from Tallahassee, of course.

And she wants to be a...

Porn star?

- A plastic surgeon!

You can do this.
You memorized the Periodic Table.

I know you can handle
50 sority girls.

Tell me again
why we're doing this.

This formal won't be
all fun and games.

With the election next week,
we're in the middle of campaign season,

so we're gonna have
to work the room a little bit.

Think of these as handy helpers.

And if you get stuck, just bring up
current events or something.

Hey, there, Case.

You must be Max.
Evan Chambers.

Yes. Hi, I'm Max.

Well, you already knew that.


Well, Evan,
thanks for dropping by.

- You might want to get
a reusable water bottle.

Excuse me?

Your water bottle? They say
the average person uses

166 disposable plastic bottles
of water per year,

and that only about 20 percent of them
actually end up being recycled.

That's fascinating.

It's like, it's an environment thing.

A current event, you might say.

Hey, you know, here I was,
just trying to stay hydrated.

I'll see both you guys
at the formal.

- Max, awesome meeting you.
- You... Yeah.

That was bad, wasn't it?

- Look, the thing with Evan...
- Maybe I should just skip the formal.


I'm just so worried
we're gonna go to the formal,

and I'm just gonna
embarrass myself.

Would you hate me if I didn't go?

Not if you promise to make it up
to me after the formal.

Please tell me
this is not your prom theme.

It is simple and romantic.

This is more tired than
my grandma after bingo.

You need something
more fresh and hip.

You need

"A Moment Like This."

It's more immediate.

Come here.

I need your objective opinion.

What do you think
of this formal theme?

I'm not even going
to ZBZ's formal, so...

- I'm probably the wrong person to ask.
- You're not going?

That means Casey needs a date.

Probably somebody that conveniently
owns their own tuxedo.

With tails.

It just... didn't sound
like that much fun.

Politics, small talk...

But there's so much more
than that.

You're both dressed
in your finest,

you take your date's hand,

you slowly lead her out

on the dance floor,
where under the twinkling

of the disco ball,

her head rests gently
on your shoulder.

It's supposed to be the most
romantic night of the year.

Or you can just stay home
and groom those sideburns.

The most romantic night
of the year and I told Casey

I didn't want to go?

After she went to all that trouble to
make everything so much easier for me.

- I'm such a jerk!
- Yeah, you really are.

The truth hurts.

But sometimes
it can set you free.

She deserves the most
romantic night of the year.

- I'm gonna give it to her.
- No, that's not what I'm...

I wanted to give it to her.

I would love to have a romantic
evening with Max. But...

Frannie's turning the formal
into a campaign event,

so maybe it's better
if he doesn't go.

At least I won't have to worry about
him. Am I a terrible person{\for even saying that}?

No, not at all.
It sounds like the formal

is gonna be work for both of us.

You manage formal
while I manage Frannie.

She's going big
with mass bribery, so...

I'm gonna go small.

You know, one-on-one.

I can beat her without
Evan Chambers on my arm.

Max, hi.

I just... ran.

Just one sec.

I want to go to the formal.

I'm sorry if it seemed
like I didn't. I do.

I want to give you the romantic night
that you deserve.

There you go. I...

I want...

I'm just talking right now.
I don't...

I'd rather do this.

I gotta go.
I gotta get my tux cleaned.

So I will see you tomorrow night.

All right. Bye.

- Bye.
- See you.

He can go.

Can I get those flashcards?

What's going on?

- Didn't you get my text?
- Text?

We sorta cancelled our formal.

- We definitely cancelled.
- What?

But the upside is, we used the money

- to do our first informal, huh?
- But I rented my tux.

I'm sorry, but you know,
this is really more our style. Cheer up.

We're about to start the bouncing
man-boob competition, all right?

Let's bounce!

Is my date still coming?

I've been reading up
on prize-winning livestock.

My cousin's girlfriend said
her sister eloped with a butcher.

The whole family is shocked.
Come on, Spitter, bounce with me.

Come on, bounce!

Casey's at the salon,
getting her hair did.

Can I help you with something?

I need to borrow her car

so I can return my tux.
If I can get it back today

- they won't charge me.
- {\But i}Isn't your formal next weekend?

It was until Cappie cancelled,
and threw an informal,

complete with bouncy castle
and man-boob contest.

- Don't ask.
- I'm good.

I was looking forward to it, especially
since I missed my high school prom.

You missed your prom?

I had this Boy Scout Jamboree...

That is so sad. You missed
the most romantic night of the year?

There is a reason
that every teen movie

- ends at the prom.
- That's what I thought.

You could go to the ZBZ formal.

- With whom?
- I know for a fact

that there are three girls upstairs
without dates.

And blind dates are so exciting.

I love this! It's like
I'm the host of a new reality show.

I'm gonna make your prom dreams
come true, Rusty Cartwright.

Be here in tux tonight at seven.

Tonight at seven.

Your head is way too fancy
for your body. It's weird.

Like when they make
babies talk on TV.

Don't touch.

- The formal is tonight.
- Big date?

I'm taking Max.

Rusty's RA,

Mr. Super Science Smarty Pants.

He's a great guy.
I love it when he walks.

He turns his left foot
slightly outward.

- You {\guys }are still together?
- Are you jealous?

I can be jealous of your boyfriends.
It's in the ex-boyfriend bill of rights.

- I've read it.
- I think you two could be friends.

I'll admit, when you first meet him
he comes across as a little...

Aloof? Weird?

- Defective?
- Distracted, but...

once you get tuned in to his frequency,
he's a great guy.

I am a little stressed
about the formal, though,

since it's one ginormous
first impression.

He's not a circus freak.
Or is he?

Does he have webbed feet and a tail
or a giant twin growing out of his back?

You know what formals are like.
It's all small talk and schmoozing.

- Nobody's better at that than...
- Me?

I was gonna say Evan,
but you were a close second.

Care to explain the toothbrush?

I'm just returning this to its rightful
owner. At your house, actually.

This is Rebecca's?

I heard about the break-up. If you
wanna avoid her, I can take it to her.

No, that's OK.
I have to go home and make it look used.

she and I have things to discuss.

You're sleeping together.

No, we're not.

Sleeping together?

- Cap, bad idea.
- Come on. It doesn't mean anything.

You and I slept together
after we broke up.

Once you'd been cleansed.

I don't remember that.
Did I enjoy it?

I had to cleanse you from my system.
It took time.

Well, how much time?

Generally speaking, whatever amount
of time you were in the relationship

for that's how long it takes
to get over it.

Our case... six months.

So you're over me?

I'm under the gun.
I've got to go.

He's really smart,
like Bill Gates smart.

But with a much better face.

He's got this really soothing voice,

kind of lulls you to sleep.

He's got great dental hygiene.
Not a single cavity.

- Who is it?
- Rusty Cartwright.

Casey's little brother?

I can't decide
if that's sad or gross.

He's a pledge from Kappa Tau
named Spitter.

Well, I failed.
Your hair looks nice.

What did you fail at?

Finding your brother a date
to our formal.

- Why on Earth would you do that?
- 'Cause the KT's cancelled their formal

and when he told me,
he just looked so sad.

Like one of those puppies
at the mall pet store.

Just the thought is icky
and nasty and...


If Max gets uncomfortable,
he can just talk to Rusty.

Just hang out with him.

Then they could sit at a table
and talk about lasers and jet packs.

Well, I didn't find him a date, so...

Really? You don't know
anyone else without a date?

What, me?

I mean...
It's not like he's a real date.

Plus, he can hold your lipstick and cash
so you don't have to carry a purse.

I don't know.

See? Mall pet store!

Fine, I'll do it.

- Cab's waiting.
- Can you hold my keys and my lipliner

- and my credit card?
- All righty.

See you there, guys.

- Let's go.
- My public awaits.

- You look stunning.
- Thanks.

You clean up pretty well yourself.

May I?


Right back at you.

- Where's my date?
- Right here.

What about the three girls?

My date cancelled so there was no way
I was giving you up.

Isn't this weird?
You're Casey's best friend.

You're going to the formal,
not having a baby.

- Well, then I guess this is yours.
- I'm not wearing that.

- So, is the cab out front?
- We're not taking a cab tonight.

- A limo?
- Even better.

Can you guys move your carriage?

All right, that's great. Bye.
Some good news.

Calvin's booked the best DJ
on campus for the after-party.

- Thanks.
- For what?

For everything.

You know,
just consider it a campaign event

for the "Friends
of Frannie Morgan Committee."

You know you're gonna win.

It's not in the bag yet.

What about your campaign
for OC president?

It's a lot less interesting.

I'm running unopposed and
everyone thinks I'm president anyway.

We make a pretty good team,
Evan Chambers.

- We missed the dinner.
- Sorry.

I didn't realize
the formal was eight miles off campus.

And I didn't think my camera flash
would spook the horses.

We're here now.
That's all that matters.

They didn't use the chair backs.
God, the whole decor is off.

You got the four-tier
chocolate fountain.

I did.

I struggled with the decision,
but the two-tiered just looked cheap.

Come look at the ice sculpture.

Would you mind if we made,
like, a quick round?

- I should make an appearance.
- Sure.

This is Beth W.

Have you met Max?

Casey tells me
you spent last semester in Italy.

Oh, my God. I did.

It was buenisimo.

The shopping in Milan is sick.

But it was really hard, too.

Being away from home?

No, being near all that pasta!

I don't know
how they're not all fatties!

Max, this is my boyfriend, Brad.

Beth and Brad.

You're not...
You're not going to the formal?

I cancelled my date.

I need a break from sorority events.
We have one, like, every week.

Here's your toothbrush back.

About the other day...

That was a huge mistake.

Right, yeah. Huge.

- Never to be repeated.
- Never ever.


What kind of ice cream
are you eating?

Cookies and cream.

- That was fun.
- Fun.

Then really fun.

Then never done that before fun.

We're broken up.
We're not supposed to be doing this.

Why not?
It's sort of how we started.

Secret sex spies, remember?

That's true.

Maybe the reason we don't work out is:
we try to make it more than what it is.

Yeah, maybe we should just be friends

occasionally hang out naked.

Let's give it a shot.


Freaky fun buddies forever.

I've always wanted to have sex
in this house.

Me, too.

Though I've always imagined it
in the kitchen.

Where's the kitchen?

So, the centerpieces were
my most controversial decision.

Why? They're cherubs.

Which some people think injects
religious symbolism into the decor.

But I just say little babies
with wings are cute.

Yeah, they are.

Come dance.

Rusty, come join us!

Well, that was fun.

So, how did you and Betsy meet?

Well, that's a... long story.

Did you meet in AA?

Did you tell him?

- Supposed to be Alcoholics Anonymous!
- No, I did not tell him.

Vic, do not go near that bar!

I knew I was doing too well.

Well, don't worry about it.

Let's take a break and have a dance.

One more, please.
You having fun?

- Thanks.
- No problem.

I'm just trying to enjoy the prom.

I mean, formal.

- And I'm stopping that how?
- I'm just saying,

I don't want to throw down with you.

OK. Well,
we won't throw down.

- What does that even mean?
- You don't remember?

Maybe I hit you too hard
with the pledge paddle.

Yeah, I do remember.

I remember you came at me
from behind and ambushed me.

It was pretty pathetic, really.

But of course,
you've topped that tonight.

- What are you talking about?
- Come on, you're on a pity date.

There's nothing pitiful
about Ashleigh.

No, you're right. There's...

I'm not talking about Ashleigh.
It's you.

You're Exhibit A.

Ashleigh's your sister's
best friend.

Exhibit B, look at her.
She's insanely hot.

Exhibit C, there's you.

Excuse me.

I'm just gonna return
to my lady.

Venice was pretty and all,
but it kind of smells.

- Really?
- Yeah, it was weird.

But I loved riding
in the gondolas.

They're these little canoes
with these men that pushed

with these long sticks.

And you know what they do
while they're pushing?


- My gosh, you've been there?
- Rusty!

Are you having any fun?


I mean, I guess. No.
It's good to get out of my comfort zone.

Dance circle!

- It's dance circle time.
- Dance circle?

Yeah, at formal we stand around in
a circle and dance.

I can't really explain it.

I'll take a breather.

Go, Evan.

Come dance. Right now.

Go, Max.

- I got her.
- What are you doing?

- I can get it unstuck.
- What's hurting me?

You trying to untangle it
or rip it out?

I'm sorry.
It's really in there.

You know what, girls,
go and dance.

Don't worry about little old me.
I've been to many formals.

It's OK that Casey's boyfriend
ruined this one.

I think we need scissors.

You know what?
Will you do it, Heather?

Because you always trim your own bangs.
They look great.

We've got it from here.

I'm really sorry.

I don't know what got into me.

No, that's not true.

Evan got into me.

What did he say?

He said I was on a pity date.

I need help with damage control.
Can you hang with Max?

Fine. Whatever.

What's wrong with him?

Prom isn't living up
to his expectations.

The prom?

That's why I wanted
to find him a date.

He missed his prom.
He had to go to

Gymboree with some Boy Scouts.

Rusty didn't go to prom because
he couldn't find a date.

He asked multiple girls
and they all said no.

That must be why what Evan said
upset him so much.

What did Evan say?

I think that guy Evan wants you.

He's such an ass.

I can't believe Casey dated him.

- They dated?
- For almost two years.

Look, leave Rusty alone.
If you want to pick on somebody,

pick on me.
This is about us, not him.

Well, I beg to differ.

My issues with Rusty
are very much about Rusty.

- Don't be an ass, Evan.
- If I'm such an ass,

then why on Earth did you date me
for so long?

I mean, could it be that I'm the heir
to a media conglomerate?

Well, it's quite apparent
Frannie's only dating you

- for your winning personality.
- At least she's being honest about it.

You're better than this.
What happened to you?

You're right.

You are absolutely right.

I don't know.

I miss you, Case.

And I don't know what to do.

Losing you will be
my biggest regret.

That's what you want to hear, right?

I get it now.


I now get your issues
with Rusty.

I thought I knew you best.

But Rusty's the one person
who knew exactly who you are.

I can't believe
I defended you.

That's my
greatest regret.

You know, actually...

Actually my greatest regret
is not being there

to see Rusty kick your ass
with the pledge paddle.

If Laura knew what we just
did in there, she would die.

What was with all those Precious Moments
figurines, anyway?

Who knows. I felt like
we were being watched.

I know.
I kind of liked that.

- Bed or floor?
- Bed.

I'm getting a little rug burn.

Is this Casey's room?

Care to dance?

I don't think so, Ash.

Come on. Everyone has
to slow dance at the prom.

You're pretty light
on your feet.

I've been
practicing in my room.

- It seems really stupid right now.
- Why?

I always expected prom
to be this big,

romantic rite of passage.

But none of this seems romantic.

I beg to differ.
Did you see the napkin rings?

What's romantic about it is

being able to share it with someone
who's excited to be with you.

Which, apparently, is why
every stupid teen movie

ends at the prom.

Did I step on your toe?

I'm sorry about that, Max.
I had

to take care of some things.

Here's your key
and your credit card

and your make-up.

I'm gonna go.

I'm sorry. I haven't been
the best date tonight.

- With the election...
- Why didn't you tell me

that Evan Chambers
was your ex-boyfriend?

I didn't?

I thought I did.

No. I'd remember
if you did.

My memory's
borderline photographic.

Apparently, sorority girls
are the border.

I should have told you.

You dated for almost two years.

- a pretty big detail to leave out.
- It's just...

Evan is the big man
in the Greek system.

And I knew how nervous
you were about the formal

and I didn't want
to make you feel more insecure.

So, you were worried about me

feeling insecure?

Or were you insecure

about being with me?

I'm sorry.

I'm gonna go.

Even though I hate to admit it,
part of me dated Evan

because of who he was.
But I'm determined

to not make that mistake again.
I love that you're a nobody.

That came out wrong.

I promise.

I have all the right feelings for you.

I'm just saying
all the wrong things.

Just tell me that
you want to be with me.

I want to be with you.

Come on. Let's go.

Don't forget your watch.

I'll be right back.

- Thank you.
- Casey told me you two used to date.

That's right.

I gotta ask.

How on Earth could you
ever let her go?

So, what did you think
of your prom?

It was definitely full of surprises.

That's the thing about prom.
You never know what's gonna happen.

Someone's always getting
too drunk


breaking up,

making a fool of themselves
on the dance floor.

We're just lucky nobody
spilled pig's blood on us.


I had a great time.

- I did too, Rusty.
- And I've been thinking

about us.

It would never work.

I mean,
you're Casey's best friend.

We're just gonna have
to let this go.

You are going to make
some girl

very happy.

You too, Ashleigh...

- I don't know your last name.
- Howard.

- Good night.
- Good night.

You know you're still
hung up on her.

And I'm still
hung up on you.

You are?

Which is why we can't
do this anymore.

The sex or the friends?

The sex.

Maybe the friends.

Well, for the record, I'd like to find
a way to be friends.


What's the point?

Life is just more interesting
with you in it.

I need to get over you, Cap.

I'll see you in four months.

Four months?

- Good night, Betsy.
- Out the back!

The back?


- Rebecca, what are you doing in here?
- Looking for Laura's robe.

Found it.