Greek (2007–2011): Season 2, Episode 21 - Tailgate Expectations - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Ever since I took my trust,
I've become this person.

- I buy my way out of everything.
- You'll get used to it.

- Look at Dad.
- I don't want to be like Dad.

Vesuvius is a homecoming legend.

It's the party against
which all other parties are judged.

- They killed her, Cap. Vesuvius.
- No.

I'm with Max.

Why can't you find
someone else perfect for you?

No other girl in the world
compares to you.

- It's old habits, Cap.
- Old habits? Like having a great time?

- What does that tell you?
- That we can't be friends.

I'll see you around.

I love blue. I love alumni.

Hi alumna? Alumnus?


Most of all, I love my first homecoming
with my boyfriend.

Yay, homecoming.

But most of all I love having
a best friend who won't hate me

for forgetting that her boyfriend
is far away doing sciencey stuff.

I don't need you to be sad for me, Ash.
I'm happy for you, but...

All this focus on homecoming
definitely makes me miss Max.

Well, you two will have
your own homecoming in less than a week.

Trident fishermen stay up late.

Ties the flies and masters the bait.

Stay up late.

I do not love blue that much.

- Nice suit. Who died?
- A dear friend.

- Really?
- No.

Now. Get out of here,
Evan Rachel Wooden.

Just keeping up appearances.

- What the hell?
- It's okay, Ash.

No, not Cappie, Frannie.

OK, if everybody could please
take their seats.

We'll get started.

I'll hand things over
to our float contest chair,

Gamma Psi President Natalie Martin,
and her co-chair,

Frannie Morgan,
president of the Iota Kappas,

the newest member to Panhellenic.

I've got it, Nat.

First, let me say how awesome it is
to be back with you guys.


I was supposed to say this part.

And I'm thrilled to announce
our theme

for this year's all-Greek
float building contest

"Love through the ages."

Love through the cages?
Which reminds me, Evan,

the petting zoo called.
You're still banned. Sorry.

This year's winning team
will split a $2000 prize

which was donated
by one of our most illustrious alumni:

Jonathan Chambers.

Maybe we should have taken back
those Icky defectors after all.

- I still feel a little sorry for her.
- I've...

We've randomly paired the houses
by drawing names out of a hat.

Your partners' names are
in your envelopes.

The Ikapps are with the Omega Chis.

Okay, I officially don't feel sorry
for her anymore.

Feel sorry for us, instead.

Kappa Tau?

Okay. Good luck everyone.

So everyone should pair up

with your partners homecoming
float chairs if you brought them.

And start building your floats.

He lived and died for parties.

Like Clarence Thomas once said:

"Do not go gentle
into that good night.


rage against the dying
of the light."

All things must come
to an end, Pickle.

The important now is to find a way
to move on with our lives.

And the only way to do that
is to let go of the past.

Goodbye Vesuvius.

Never have the words "ashes to ashes"
been more appropriate.

Why don't we just rebuild Vesuvius?
All we need is some money,

a Remington Herzog Atmospheric
Destabilizer, Scotch tape...

We've gone through this.

It takes serious bank to rebuild
the 8th wonder of the world

and we don't have it.

But we would
if we won the float contest.

KTs do not do floats.

I say we put it up to a vote.


All in favor of spending
countless hours

building a ridiculous
homecoming float with the ZBZs...

So we can resurrect Vesuvius.

- ... say "Aye."
- Aye.

Sorry Cap,

it's for Vesuvius.

Then I guess we're building a float.

So now,
before our new float chair, Rusty

leads us to a likely defeat,

Pickle has organized a wake
with plenty of beer,

extra crispy chicken
and a screening of Joe vs. The Volcano.

- That's my favorite movie.
- I know, Pickle. We all know. Come on.

- I can't...
- Come on.

Yeah, I'll just go ahead.
I'll get started then.

Can I help, Spitter?

Yeah, sure.

-=Greek 221=-
"Tailgate Expectations"

Timing: Kappa Team

I don't know what to do with...

I know that the KTs aren't bad guys.

It's just hard to do a project
with people who can't focus.

And still need afternoon naps.

Ash, I think maybe
I should sit this one out.

What're you talking about? No.

Your float design looks great.

Well, except,

are you sure there was a giant broccoli
in the Garden of Eden?

It's a tree, not a broccoli.

I shouldn't be in charge
of getting it built.

Maybe Betsy could do it.
She's social chair.

The only float she's ever built
involved ice cream and vodka.

Look, I know things between you
and Cappie are a little weird.

They aren't weird.

They just... aren't.

We're not really talking
to each other.

It's just too awkward
to be around him.

We can't let Frannie and the Ickies
win their first contest

out of the Panhellenic box.
It would set a very bad precedent.

Ash. "Precedent."

- You sound so presidential.
- I know, right?

I wanna be a great president
and not lose.

So, you need to do this
not just for me

and for ZBZ, but for yourself.

If you really want Cappie to move on,
you're going to have to be OK with this.

A new kind of Cappie and Casey.

Or maybe
we could just go 90210 Classic

and burn down
Frannie's float Emily Valentine style.

- Seriously?
- No.

Let's build a float.

I'll take care
of running the truck and

I figured you'd love to be
in charge of the float.

- Don't gay guys love floats?
- That's show tunes, jackass,

you're mixing your stereotypes.
But even if I did love floats,

I do not love Frannie.


- Sweetheart.
- It's so good to see you.

- Hi, son.
- Hi, Dad.

- You remember Calvin.
- Of course.

I hope our little president's
handling the house well.

So much so, he just delegated
the float to me. Awesome.

So we could win
and keep the prize money in the family.

Spoken like a true Chambers.

OK, well, since I don't speak Chambers,
I'll let you get on with it.

and the homecoming float awaits.

Doesn't get much better than that.

I don't suppose there's any chance
you and Frannie...

Mim, leave your son alone.

- You two are in a good mood.
- We're just glad to see you, son.

And we are so proud of you.
Your grades are good.

You're president of Omega Chi.
And I'm assuming that

that truly impressive vehicle
parked in the driveway is yours.

Do they let guys my age
drive things like that?

I know things were a bumpy
when we first handed over the trust.

We're just happy
to see you doing so well.

And I'm starving. Ready for lunch?

Yeah, yeah. Let's go.

You sure you're not dying
or something, Dad?

Trust me, Evan, when I'm dying,
I will not be in a good mood.

We could build a huge castle
over a running stream.

It could be like Romeo and Juliet.

That is the best example
of "Love Through the Ages."

What about Jennifer Love Hewitt?

We could start at Party of Five,
move on toTime of Your Life,

which wasn't very good.
Can't Hardly Wait, Ghost Whisperer...

- Ghosts are pretty cool.
- You can't see ghosts.

Yeah, but she can.

We don't even have to make them.
We could just be like:

"There's a ghost."
And people will be like: "Where?"

We'll be like, "J.L.H. can see them."
And they'll be like.


Star Wars? Princess Leia
and Han Solo.

Hey guys.

Casey, hey.
We were just discussing our float theme.

I have it right here.

We were thinking something
more along the lines of

Death Stars and moats.

And Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Neither of you have ever built
a float before?

No, but I did make
a volcano rain beer.

- Is that a giant broccoli?
- That is a tree.

Casey's trees
always look like broccoli.

This is the Garden of Eden.

Beautiful, romantic and achievable
with paper-mache and chicken wire.

Hey, Cap.
Come here and check this out.

We were discussing our theme.
Do you want in? I'm thinking Star Wars.

Casey wants the Garden of Eden.

Bert & Ernie?

No? That's all I got.
Guess I'll just head down to Dobler's.

OK for the Garden of Eden,
but only if we can put in

a running stream and thunder clouds.

And Eve as a ghost.

Every flower has to be perfect
if we're gonna beat Frannie.

I don't think anyone's going to notice
incorrectly wrinkled tissue paper.

Tailgate supplies complete.

My work here's done.

And your fun begins.

So how are you showing
your school spirit this weekend?

You know, I guess I'm more
of an internal spirit kind of guy.

You haven't found the right thing.
You just have to keep an open mind

and jump in.

Maybe you could be
in the card section, or...

- Pick fights with the other team.
- Or...

Maybe one of those crazy blue guys
who runs around campus?

No. They're just embarrassing.

And they almost ruined
my new white jacket last night.

Between work and school I don't have
much time for that stuff anyway.

How about I catch up with you after
the game? We'll do something then, OK?

Cute, apathetic,

and a good shopper.

My kind of guy.

- If he wasn't already yours.
- Which he is.

And I saw you put
that snotty tissue in there.

I called ahead
and rented the biggest truck they have.

I appreciate your help.

I gotta say,
I was kinda surprised when you offered.

Well, Vesuvius was a big deal
for you, right?

Vesuvius was gonna be my legacy.

How I would be rembered

long after I'm gone.

I was thinking the new Vesuvius
could be my legacy also.

Three years in this house
and I'm only known for

is liking foosball and guys.

No... not really.

You ever notice that I'm the only guy
without a nickname?

- What about Wade?
- Freshman year, couldn't swim?

Then let's leave our mark.


So what's Wade's real name?


- Pleasure doing business with you.
- Thanks, man. Appreciate it.

- You sure you don't mind?
- Yeah, don't worry about it. It's fine.

No way.
The KTs are going through with this?

The way Cappie left that meeting,
I thought for sure you guys would...

- ... back out.
- We're backing in.

Yeah, I don't know what that means.

Give Casey my condolences.

That's what he said, Frannie.

Good one, Spitter.

We're here
for the twenty foot stakebed.

- Homecoming, right?
- Yeah.

I love you guys.

The float thing
has been great for business.

I'd love to help you,
but I just rented it out.

What do you mean "just"?

Guy before you
paid me double the rental rate.

Evan stole our truck.

Come on, guys.
Let's get started on the float.

- I'm gonna...
- Yeah, me too.

No, even if you throw in a bike rack,
a Winnebago doesn't work.

I need a twenty-foot flat bed.

Thank you.

- You still don't have a truck?
- Not exactly.

Rus, we need something
with wheels, now.

At this point, I'd settle
for a trailer or a donkey cart.

In order to do the stream,
we need a truck.

And we have to do the stream

because we have to guarantee
that we win this thing.

- Eden must be biblical.
- Eden must travel to the stadium.


I'll go get a truck. A huge truck.

You just start building the float
on those pallets

and leave room for a stream.


Hey Ashleigh.

Oh, my God.

What are you doing in there?

Let me in.

Why not?

Ashleigh, look, no offense.
Just go away. Please.

What are you doing?
You're starting to scare me.

I can explain. I didn't think anyone
was going to be here.

Oh my God.

The reason I didn't tell you
about this, is because

I saw how you and Casey reacted
to the Cru on the quad...

You almost ruined
my new white jacket.

Yeah, and then

- how you said the Cru was embarrassing.
- Yeah, but I...

But, Ash look...

I have wanted to be a Trident Cru
ever since I was a kid.

I always thought it was so cool.
You know?

Total anarchy, dressing crazy,
yelling whatever you want.

Ash, it's like all the things
I'm not in real life...

... and...

... it feels great.

Look, Adam's light saber.

I don't think Adam
had a light saber.

Look I'm Eve. Who wants
to help me find a snake?

OK, Case.

- The KTs have gone native.
- And some girls have gone with them.

- Where's Rusty? He could help.
- He's still getting the stupid truck.

We need to think like Kappa Taus. What
could we say to get their attention?

- What about Cappie?
- No.

This is the new kind of Cappie and Casey
where we do things, without him.

What "new kind of Cappie and Casey"?

Never mind. You're a genius, Ash.

Come on.

Who wants to see Rebecca's boobs?

That's your plan?

- Seen those.
- I'll pass.

My boobs are awesome.

I'm dating your brother.
That'd be really creepy.

Who wants to see Ashleigh's boobs?

All right.
Now that I have your attention.

Who gives the most
kick ass parties at Cru?

We do.

And what is the most kick ass party
the KTs have ever given?

- Vesuvius.
- What do we need to get Vesuvius back?

- Money.
- And where are we gonna get that money?

Charge people to look
at Ashleigh's boobs?

No. Build the float.

Build the float.

Build the float.

You are gonna be fine
without Cappie.


Two of whatever you got on tap.

- Sound good?
- Yeah, it's fine.

This may sound corny,

but I can't tell you
how much I've looked forward to this.

Having a beer with my son.

Who is truly following
in my footsteps.

- I'm really proud of you.
- Dad, come on.

Let me enjoy this. You should, too.

- Here's to you.
- All right.

Is it ever weird for you though?


The money?

I mean
it does change things, doesn't it?

You know, do you ever worry
that people only like you because of it?

But then you felt weird

if you don't pick up the tab
or share it

because you've got
so much more than they do?

You talking about anyone
in particular?

And yes.

Frannie, a little.

Some of the guys from the house.

And Patrick.

Your brother?

Yeah, I gave him a small loan

maybe a month or so ago.

It's really hard
to say no sometimes.

It's a skill that comes
with maturity.

You'll get there.

- Where have you guys been?
- Getting a truck.

From where? Wyoming?

The rental company
didn't have anything left,

so we had to go to five places
just to get something that moved.

It's in the front.

- We had to come in and open the gate.
- So, what do you think?


No. Don't even think about it.

- What?
- I know that look.

It's great. It's finished.
This float will win.

Do not change anything. Promise me.

All right. I promise.

Thank you.

No one gets everything exactly
the way they want it, Rus.

- You really think this can win?
- Nope.

But we did promise
not to change anything.

That is true.

But we did not say anything
about improving it.

A cheerleader. That's funny.
I never would have guessed that.

Why don't you show me
some of your cheers?

- What... What happened to our float?
- Rusty. What have you done?

Wait for it.

I'll be Eve.

I'm Adam. Tempted?

What a beautiful baby.


One, I'm really pissed at you
for not listening to me.

And two, this is amazing.
I can't believe you pulled it off.

It's out?

We used the truck alternator
as generator.

Without a regulator switch,
it's problematic.

You think?

Which is why Heath and I
are going to pick one up now.

Meet us at the stadium parking lot
for judging. The keys are in the truck.


Hey, I thought we were meeting
at the stadium.

No, we wanted to talk to you.

What's going on?

Your father told me
about your discussion at the bar.

And we're concerned.

- This is about Patrick?
- No.

It's about you.

I thought a lot about what you said
about your feelings,

about having more money
than your friends,

your sense of obligation
to share it.

And that's a bad thing?
We were just talking.

It made us realize

that we might have overestimated
your ability to handle this.

- It's a lot of money.
- Yeah, but it's my money.

I've been keeping my end
of the arrangement.

I've applied for law school.
I haven't gotten married.

Been keeping my grades up.

I can't believe this.

We just want to help.

Hey Rebecca? Would you mind helping me
get the food in Casey's car?

I keep telling you,
you're asking me all wrong.

Yes, I mind.

Thank you.

You're not cheating on Fisher
with one of the blue freaks, are you?

Because if you are, I'll take him.

Fisher is one of the blue freaks.

Never mind, all yours.

What can I do?
I finally find the right guy

and he turns out to be
the wrong color.

- Does that make me prejudiced?
- No, it just makes you sane.

And now he wants me to share it
with him. He wants me to dress up,

and paint my face, and be a Crupie.

Cheerleader for a cheerleader?

How redundant.

Welcome CRU students,
faculty and alumni

to our homecoming football game

against the A&M Farm Hands.

Cyprus-Rhodes University thanks
all of you for attending.

So let's show our spirit
and help send our seniors off

with a victory
in their final home game.

Nice barbecue, Pickle.

If you stare at the fire long enough,
it starts to look like magma.

So where are you?

I'm on my way, Rus.
I had to get gas.

Someone forgot to check the level of the
tank when they picked up the truck.

- What?
- Hello? Hey...

- Is there a problem?
- Casey's on her way.

Come on.
It's only a couple miles to the...

No, you're fine.

Hey, Jordan, come here.

This fig leaf is really working
its mojo with the ladies.

Why are you hugging me?

I lost my fig leaf.
The front one.

I got it. Spitter, I got it.

I got it, Spitter.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Heath, it's to your right.

The Omega Chi IKAP float
is now on display.

Featuring Antony and Cleopatra.

- Checking out the winning float?
- Yeah,

if there was a "Most Likely
to be Yawned At" category.

So where's the KT/ZBZ entry?

You did know it had to be here
to be in the contest?

It's coming. It just took
a little longer than expected

because Rusty added a few extras.

You mean, like this?

Look. Antony and Cleopatra
are kissing.

Pretty cool, Rus?

- You did not build this.
- Actually, we did.

But the hydraulics it would take
to power this...

Were designed by Dr. Robert Dimano.

So you hired a mechanical
engineering professor?

- That's against the rules.
- I thought some girl in your house

- designed this?
- I never said that.

As long as the float is built
by the students,

and isn't lewd or offensive,

it's totally legal.

I so want to hit her.

- Me too.
- Yeah, me three.

Look, Rus, I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Where's my phone?

Pick up, pick up, pick up.

Hey, this is Rusty. Leave a message.

I'm sorry. The voice mailbox of
the subscriber you are calling is full.

Please try your call another time.
Thank you.

It's me.

Come on out and see
who's going to win the $2000 prize.

For best float.

Rusty, the Omega Chi float
is pretty good.

- You think we can beat it?
- As long as Casey gets here.

- Where the hell is she?
- Hey Spitter,

almost forgot.

I found your cell.

Yeah, you left it on the table.

I used it for a cover
when you looked for my fig leaf.

Good thing for me,
it was a flip phone.

It's Casey.

The truck broke down.
She's not going to make it.

We're going to lose.
The Omega Chis are going to win.

It's over.

Vesuvius doesn't have to be our legacy,
we'll think of something better.

I know you will.

It's too late for me.

What are you talking about?

I just...

I wanted to do something awesome
before I graduated.

Heath, you're a junior, right?
You have a lot of time.

No, I don't.

I'm graduating at the end
of the semester.

Wait. You're graduating early?

I took a lot of AP classes
in high school.

I started CRU as a sophomore.
I start medical school in the fall.

You're kidding, right?

I saw the Iki float, and it's
really good. Where's Casey?

The truck broke down.
She's not going to make it.

But we can't let the Ikis win.

Ash, they're not going to win.

You're going to have your legacy
before you graduate.

All right. Come on.


I know I technically violated
our agreement to... You know,

keep each others lives separate.


Is that the carburetor?

Yes, that's the carburetor.

I don't think it's the carburetor.

Right. Sorry.

I want you to know,
it was a true emergency.

You were the only person I could get
who wasn't too drunk to drive.

What did the Auto Club say?


... forgot to call the Auto Club.

Your car breaks down,
you have an Auto Club membership,

and instead of calling them,
you call me,

who you know knows next
to nothing about cars.

Give me the card. I'll call them.

- Thank you.
- Yeah!

Heath? The beer? Genius.

It just seemed right.
And it was my idea.

The floats are that way.
It's a good thing your pretty.

So they're going to freeze
my trust for six months,

and they want me to see a therapist.

"Hey, Doc,

"I'm having trouble
being a greedy bastard.

"Can you help me out?
And do I have to pay you?"

My dad sent me to a therapist

because he was convinced
I was a shopaholic.

- Really?
- It was great.

The therapist helped me see
that I was buying expensive crap,

which i was,
to get back at my father

for treating me like some kind
of prop in his political career.

- Did you stop?
- No.

But now when I do it, I know why.

It makes it a lot more gratifying.

Not as gratifying as if he treated me
like I was someone special in his life.

Think you'll ever stop
waiting for that moment?

God, I hope so.

And in the meantime,
I guess you take what you can get.

Unless they change,
what other choice is there?

Do you want some gum?

Why are you so pissed at me?
It was an honest mistake.

It's like there's
this tractor beam that

seems to pull me toward you
no matter what I do,

and I am trying to shut it down.
I'm trying to make it go away.

- It's nearly...
- You think I planned this?

You think I rigged the contest?
So the KTs and ZBZs worked together,

sabotaged the truck, then told Rusty
not to answer his phone,

got the girls drunk at the tailgate
so they couldn't get me

and forgot to call the Auto Club,
so you could rescue me.

I don't want to wonder anymore
about what you're thinking,

what you're doing
or who you're doing it with.

You were right. I need to move on,
but I don't know if I can if...

Unless you stop.

- Stop what?
- I'm sorry I called.

I'm sorry I keep talking to you.

I'm trying to do better.
What else can I do?

I don't know.
Just, stop making me so crazy.

- Stop being so paranoid.
- Stop telling me what to do.

Stop wasting your life
on stupid things.

Stop making me want your approval.

Stop always being there
when I need you.

Stop yelling at each other and tell me
what's wrong with the damn truck.

- It's the alternator.
- It's the carburetor.

Right. How about I just tow it?

But, you're not...

- You're not blue.
- I know. I just...

I can't do it.
It's not me.

- Wha... What do you mean?
- I mean, that I thought about it and

I know you love doing this,

but, I just, I don't think
I can go that far...

... be that crazy and...

... wear what you're not wearing.

Of all people, I thought
that you would understand.

This is my way
of showing my spirit, OK?

- I just wanted to share that with you.
- I know, Fisher.

But there's a fine line
between spirit

and spectacle.

You wear giant flowers and

pom-poms and leg warmers
on your arms.

These are not leg warmers.

And what? You think my clothes
are as extreme as this?

No. But I think your clothes say
you're open and adventurous.

Which are two things
that make me so crazy about you.

I want to say "aw"

but it's hard to take you seriously
when your face is blue.

You said that I should keep
an open mind, right?

Well, that's all I'm asking of you.

May I have your attention, please?

Float judging is about to begin
outside Tunnel 2.

We chose Antony and Cleopatra,

because what she did for Antony
has inspired women through the ages.

Their legendary romance
has captured the imagination...

Poor Calvin.
Caught in the cross-fire.

What ever happened
between you two anyway?

You know how in baseball

there's a pitcher and a catcher?


Well, I didn't.

I'm not too big of a sports fan.
Calvin is, so...

It didn't work out.

Frannie, I think we might want
to stop the float.

- What?
- This isn't good.

You're not dressed?
We're already late

- for the Dean's reception.
- I'm not going.

- Excuse me?
- Dad?

It's alright.

We'll talk tomorrow
when you've had some time to

think about our discussion,
and cool down.

Like I did after you laid out
the strings attached to my trust fund?

It's not going to happen, Mom.
I've decided I don't want my trust fund.

- For Pete's sake.
- I'm serious.

It's no good to me if it can't buy
what I want. Which is actual parents,

not two business associates
who happen to share my last name.

Do you think I could buy that,
with all the millions in my trust fund?

See? I didn't think so, either.
So, it's not really much good to me.

It hasn't really brought me much
but suspicion and grief.

And a very nice car.
I would like to keep the car.

Don't play this game with us.
You'll lose.

I've already lost, Dad.

- I'm looking for a new game.
- Evan, please.

No. If that's the way he wants it.

- Let's go home.
- That's the way it is.

- When you change your mind...
- Dad. Goodbye.

You guys have a safe trip home.

Baby, Vesuvius!

Your daddy would be so proud.

That float prank.

- I love happy endings.
- Too tight!

- It's too tight, Beav!
- OK. I'm sorry.

The CRU football team actually won.

Andy had two interceptions,

but all anyone is talking about
is yours and Heath's float prank.

There was no big volcano,

but that pyramid definitely blew
a boatload of beer.

Look like you got
your legacy after all.

Wasn't the legacy I was expecting.

It still bums me out that Natalie
and the Gamma Psis won.

Heidi and Spencer's Fake Wedding?

- How lame is that?
- Totally. But look on the bright side.

Maybe next year
you can blow up their float too.

Trident Slow-Mo Machine!








From skeptic to Blue Man groupie
in two short days.

Ash sure is unpredictable.

She's also very lucky.

You know, I'm going to go home.

You think they're blue all over?

Good night Becks.


You don't seem too shook up
about the volcano.

My legacy is going to be about something
different than volcanoes and floats.

Whatever it is,
try not to waste so much beer.

- Have you considered whipped cream?
- No, I'm talking about brotherhood.

I helped Heath make his mark
at Kappa Tau.

Yep. He's going to medical school.

I hear he wants to be
a heart surgeon.

I was thinking, we could give him
a nickname. Something like Doc.



Something fitting.

I hope you're not stressing
about the float contest.

So we didn't whip Frannie's Icky ass
like we wanted to.

But at least she didn't win.
We'll get them next time.

I'm actually not thinking
about Frannie

or her Icky ass.

I'm thinking
about the Garden of Eden.

The strip club on Highway 90?

Adam and Eve.

You know, I never would've expected
my "Adam" would

turn out to be a blue guy
in a fork hat.

I never expected
to miss him so much.

Max'll be back in less than a week.
You're almost there.

I'm not talking about Max.