Graceland (2013–2015): Season 2, Episode 5 - H-A-Double-P-Y - full transcript

As Mike's 'supervisor' and lover Jessica Foster could only get a week before the deputy director shuts down his operation, a raid on Carlito's drug cartel buses must be finalized urgently. Jake burns his cover by getting fired as relapse drunk just to get to the charts in the boss's office. Johnny must get Carlito to take him along on the next bus trip, even if that means braving his uncontrollable anger (nearly choking his beloved sister) and catering to the ever-horny crazy boss's gay craving. Paige is so obsessed with the human traffic sideline that she urges Mike to mellow her rival in bed, bed ends up taking a fatally slowed-cocaine-poisoned mule's place when the wire is out, so she's no longer watched.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Graceland.

- What's your name?
- Johnny.

Go home Johnny. I'll call you.

Friday night,
me and the boys are hitting up some clubs.

My place, 10:00.

Those aren't drug mules.

You don't use ass like
that to haul the product.

Ass like that is the product.

I'm starting to think that Jakes was right.

Sex trade?

If you can give me a team,
I can go up to Sylmar.

- I can kick some doors in.
- Connect this thing to Solano.

We have to save these girls, Mike.

We will. Promise.

We've got a restraining order, Mr. Jakes.

I'm your father! Get off me.

Who's that man?

Looking for some company?

There's gonna be a lot
of bus-related questions

in this interview. You ready?

Bus 118 drops all its passengers
off and ends up here.

Take all these barrels of waste.

Load 'em into the back of that rig.


[Foreboding music]

♪ ♪

[Grunting] [Glass shatters]

Hey, you know you're cleaning this up,

[Glass shatters]

[Glass shatters] [Overlapping shouting]

Ooh, ah, otra vez. Come on.

[Both speaking Spanish] [Glass shatters]

I hate you!

[Speaking Spanish]

Give me a good one.

- [Grunts]
- Oh!

Oh, wait, no, no,
that was the one with the little...

[yelling in Spanish]

Whoo! The crowd yells his name!

What the hell are you guys doing?

Johnny, my hero, has come to save me.

Lucia, put it down, okay?

Like, what if the cops come, okay?

Come on. Lucia, listen to reason.

- Carlito, shh.
- He ruins everything!

Okay, what did he do?

What did he do? Every guy I meet...

he scares them off because he's jealous.

She's just mad because her boyfriend
talk pussy.

Carlito, look,
just let her slide on this one, man.

- Come on, just...
- Get over here, bitch.


Hey, hey. Hey, come on, guys, stop.

Say you're sorry.

- Carlito.
- Pudrete!

This is a family matter.

Say you're sorry!

Say it. Carlito, okay.

Let's just let her slide on this one,
bro, come on.

[Speaking Spanish], bitch.
Tell me, huh? Huh?

Mm, you like that?

All right, Carlito,
you're gonna kill her, man.

Just stop. Just stop.

Say you're sorry!

- Are you okay?
- You shouldn't have done that.

- Go.
- Carlito, my man.

Look, I just... leave.


What you doing?

Sending D.C. a report on
the contraband we found.

Mm, must feel good,
a little "I told you so."

A foregone conclusion.

Oh, come on. A win's a win.

♪ You've got to ♪

♪ s-m-I-l-e ♪

♪ to be h-a-double p-y ♪

- What was that?
- Shirley Temple.

You've never heard that song before?

- Nope.
- Seriously?

[Laughing] No.

My mom used to make me watch old movies.

Don't laugh at me. [Laughing]

Don't you laugh at me.
You're... you know what?

You're the one who's supposed
to be cheering me up right now.

Do you know what I would give to find out

where my girls are at, hmm?
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

You know, the first time I saw you,

you were singing karaoke.

That's right. I was.

Didn't I pee in front of you too?


Well, a lady doesn't dwell.


You're gonna catch these guys.

I know it.

And when I do and this bus case is over,

you gonna go back to D.C.?


I don't know.

- Pen.
- Hmm.

[Faint buzzing]

[Buzzing continues]

- Hey.
- Hey.

You know, babe, some people just get snacks

in the middle of the night.


- So... Ring of fire.
- It's not finished yet.

Never pegged you for a closet cash fan.

There's no such thing as a closet cash fan.

Through the flames into the light...

But I'd still be in the
darkness if it weren't for you.

- [Sighs]
- No, it's true.

I know it sounds crazy, but I love you.

I do. I love you.

Hey, what are you doing out here?

Oh, it's you.

Don't give refunds. No, I-are you okay?

Long night. What time is it?

9:00 in the morning.

Come on, let's get you something to eat.

Look, do you have a place
where I can clean up or...

are you married? I can't remember.

No, not married, and, yes, I have a place.

- There a shower?
- There is a shower.

I even got towels.

Wow, that's fancy.


Good morning, Agent Warren.

Jess, what...

what are...

how'd you get in?

- Briggs.
- Briggs.

It's been too long, Agent Warren.



Special Agent Paige Arkin,

this is assistant deputy director foster.

- You're with DEA?
- Yeah.

Yeah, you're Mike's champion on the hill.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Well, if by champion

you mean bureaucratic slave driver,
then yes.

Well, crack away. We love the attention,

but not before breakfast.

- Are you hungry?
- Famished.


Well, Mike here makes a mean frittata.

- Oh, is that right?
- I've been known to dabble.

Well, then I'll take your meanest frittata,

[Electronic music]

♪ ♪

- What are you doing, sneak?
- What?

- What?
- Nothing.

You never make breakfast
unless you did something

or you're about to do something,
and I smell...

cheddar and farm fresh eggs.

Charlie, come meet the beautiful Jessica.

Hello. I've heard so much about you.

- Nice to meet you.
- You too.

- You need some help, Mike?
- No, I got it.

So, Jessica, why are you here?

I came to celebrate.
I wanted to congratulate you.

Getting eyes on the contraband,
that's a huge win.

That's what I keep telling him.


- Yo, Mikey.
- What's up?

So, man, hey,
can I talk to you real quick in private?

Can it wait, actually?
We have a special guest.

- Our A.D. Foster is here.
- Oh, hey.

How you doing?

It's really nice to meet you.

I love your... Pantsuit.

- I like your boxers.
- Right.

Okay, now that we're all acquainted

and we're all best friends, what's going on?

I'm here to shut down the buses.

You can't do that.

We're this close to
nailing it all to Carlito,

and when we do,
his whole operation comes down.

And we haven't found the girls yet,

and the buses are our only link in.

I'm well aware of that.

And listen, Johnny's right there.

What do you need, a week?

Yes, that's what I was trying
to tell you earlier is that, um,

I might have punched Carlito in the face,

no matter the situation,
the director is shutting down

our phony Caza war by the end of the week.

Then the Solanos are gonna
know the FBI was playing 'em.

Exactly, and I don't know about you,

but I'd like to walk away with
a couple tons of contraband

before they do.

The next bus will be your last,

so whatever we can do
by the end of the week.

it's been a while since I've been here,

so I don't... oh, you smell that?

- It's the trash.
- I'm sorry.

Let me just get this out of here.

[Door closes]

Kind of had a bad day.

Yeah, we got that in common.

[Cell phone vibrating]

Hold on a second.

Just give me a...

yeah, what?

Dale, why aren't you fixing buses?

Come on, man. I need you here.

Okay, fine.

Hey, sorry.

[Water running]

Hey, uh, I got to head out.


Morning, sunshine.

Did you seriously take the
405 on the way over here?

Is it gonna be one of
those role reversal days

where I cheer you up
and you play curmudgeon?

When do I cheer anyone up?

Listen, DJ,
we need to know about the next shipment, man.

Lawrence has to have something,
an unpublished schedule

or somebody he talks to about the shipments.

I'll get to it as the cover develops,
no sooner.

The next shipment's gonna be the last,

so we need to know how much time we have,

and you'd already know all this
if you weren't out all night.

Get your piss out of my ear.

I'd be happy to if I didn't
have to keep dragging you

into these conversations.

I'm glad this bus thing
is finally wrapping up.

- Give me $20.
- Why?

You want the schedule,
or you want the schedule?

I want the schedule.


I can handle Dale. Heavy is the crown.


[Tools whirring]

To my best friend, Mike Warren.

Here to babysit?

No. Zero maternal instinct.

I just thought you could use the company.


- Hey.
- Hey!

What was that?

What was what?


- You're shit faced.
- I'm not.

Yeah, you are, and you're done here.

- I want you gone, okay?
- Hold on, hold on.

You listen to me for one second.


Jesus Christ!

I got to clean this off.

I didn't remember eating that.

Yeah, right!

The crew that worked the last
bus is working in two days.


You can wait outside.

Took the last bit of charity I had.

Interesting tactic.


- Two days.
- Yeah.

It's not much time.

Look, I've been going over our resources,

and we need everyone we can
get taking down this bus line.

We're getting additional
support already from LAPD,

so I'm going to pull the cover team

from the sex trafficking op to work with us.

Jess, you can't do that.

We're expecting one of these
tinker bells on the next bus.

We need that team to follow them.

We need the team. The buses are priority.

You and I have a lot riding on this.

You have two days.

And with that in mind...
[Indistinct chatter]

I still got the other nine.

[Woman laughs]

- Hi.
- Hey.

You're standing in lava.

- The floor... it's lava, so...
- Oh.


How'd you find me?

Your address was on this lawyer stuff.

You're quite the Detective.

Guess I got it from you then.

You're a cop, right?

Immigration and customs enforcement.

I'm a fed. You ever heard of the feds?

Daniel, listen, I really
appreciate you coming to find me.

I do.

It means a lot, but that piece of paper...

that prevents us from being
able to see one another,

so maybe if you talk to your mom...

- you're in the lava now.
- Excuse us

for a second, but keep playing.

No cheating. I am watching you.

- What are you doing?
- What?

Do you know what it took
for him to get here?

That kid probably rode 10 Miles
on his little huffy to see you.

There's a restraining order.

You're not keeping him,

but you don't have to take
him back right away either.

I don't know what the hell
I would do with the kid.

The park, ice cream, a drive.

Just be with him.

I'm gonna go, okay?

- Will you come with us?
- No.

- Please.
- No.

He likes you, and you're right.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

I have to get to work.

I don't need this. I'll pay you.

This can be your little... John for the day.

Name your fricking price.

You have to call me your friend, okay?

I don't want him thinking that we're a...

A thing.

- Great.
- Good.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Something wrong?

I just found out we won't have a team

for your trafficking arrest.


This is my only shot. I know.

Look, it's just...

we're pulling three different agencies

in two countries, of this whole thing.

Okay, that's what this is about... Jessica.

How long have you been screwing her?

Paige, she's my boss.

No, how long?

- I don't think you...
- Am I wrong?


That's not why she pulled your team.

How long?

Look, it was a passing office romance,

a-a fling between coworkers.

You seem to be good at those.

You're more than just a passing fling.

Get me my team back, Mike.

I already tried.

Then you need to convince her.

What do you mean "convince her"?

I mean...

You need to do whatever you have to do.


Okay, okay.

I want you to think about
what you just said to me.

I have.

You know how much these girls mean to me.

You've done it once. You can do it again.

[Cheering and chatter in the background]

Listen, Daniel, um, I really
didn't mean for things

to turn out the way they
did with you and your mom.

I thought I was doing the right
thing by leaving,

protecting you from the job, and...

That was a mistake.

It was probably the biggest mistake...

no! I hate bumper cars.

Come on!

[Bright rock music]

All right, all right.

♪ ♪

[Knock at door]

[Dramatic music]

[Glass clinking]

♪ ♪

- Carlito.
- Johnny.

What are you doing here, Johnny?

I came to apologize.


Did you enjoy hitting me, Johnny?

- Carlito, man, I...
- did you like it?

Be honest with me.

A little, yeah.

Thank you.

You know, people are rarely honest with me.

I am.

Are you, or are you terrified?

There's a difference.

I'd be lying to myself if I didn't think

you might try to kill me right now, man.

My father used to make us kiss his fist

every night before bed,

the same fist he used to hit us with.

When I was a little boy,

I stole a box of bullets
from his closet one time.

Lucia and I ran out into the night,

and we made this suicide pact.

I had this vision of my
father finding our bodies.

Lucia couldn't do it,

so we walked back,

you know, feeling silly, like kids again.

It wasn't until later on
in life that I realized

why she couldn't do it.

- Why?
- Lucia could never hurt me.

My sister means everything to me, Johnny,

but the only reason
she's even here right now

is because my father doesn't trust me.

Nobody trusts me.

You see, I'm not pretty

on the inside like you,

but I deserve some things:

Trust, loyalty,

a chance to prove myself.

I will run this family, Johnny.

Do you believe in me?


Yeah, I b... I believe in you.

Of course you do.

Of course you do.

I'm gonna go to sleep now.

Good night, Johnny.

Well... Look who's still alive.

- How'd it go?
- Better than expected.

You still under or what?

It would appear that Carlito
has feelings for Johnny.

- Feelings, feelings?
- Feelings, feelings.

Man, we don't know that for sure.

So you're still under?

Maybe we can use this.

Do you think you can get Carlito
to pick up tomorrow's shipment?

He's too smart for that.
He never does his own pickups.

I know that he's normally too smart,

but do you think that he could be...

I don't know, man.

Leveraging affection to get what you want?

Female agents do it all the time.

Look, we trade in relationships.

This is the business.

We have 24 hours to get this done.

I just... I don't see another way.

I'll do it. I'll do it.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

All right, we're here.

- Bye.
- Bye.


- That was fun, huh?
- Yeah, it was.

- Will I see you again?
- Yeah, I hope so.


Just hold on for a second.

Okay, you go on now.



[Door closes]


It's 200. What?

Give me 200.

I know we didn't decide on a number,

but that's lower than my usual.


[Sighs] Look, all I got is 80.

But, I mean, I could hit up an ATM.

That's fine.

You're gonna be fine.

[Knock at door]

May I come in?

- Thirsty?
- Sure.

[Liquid pours]

- Spit it.
- You're right.

You need to shut down this corridor.

It's wins like this that
allow us to keep fighting.


You'll get all the credit.

You did what you set out to do:

You shut down the corridor.



- Is there something else?
- Yeah.

This human trafficking thing...

letting these guys walk... I can't.

Is there any way that you could push

for some additional resources?

I'll call the deputy first
thing tomorrow morning.

Thank you.



What's wrong?

I'm sorry.

I-I can't.


You care about her.

That's why you're here.

Human trafficking case is off.

So you didn't go see her?

No, I went.


She made me a drink.

She kissed me. I kissed her back.

We got into bed.

Why didn't she approve my team?

Because she knew that my
heart was somewhere else.

- May I help you?
- What are you doing tonight?

You're looking at it.

Want to help me follow
some human traffickers?

I need backup.

I thought that whole thing was kiboshed.

It is... was.

Come on,
don't you want to pull a Mike on Mike?

Mike on Mike.

Candy crush can wait.

Mike on Mike... it sounds hot.

[Electronic music]

♪ ♪

- Johnny.
- Yo, yo.

- Should be ready in an hour.
- Fantastic.

You guys talking about the pickup?

Come on, man. I'm not an idiot.

- Oh.
- Oh, shit.

Hey, don't worry about it, okay?

I want to go... On the pickup.

Ay-yi-yi-yi, Johnny.

All in good time, okay?

For now, stick to what you know, huh?



I don't think you know what I know, Carlito.

- Easy.
- Oh, what's wrong, man?

You don't... you don't believe in me?

Andale. Let's go. Come with me.

You see me all sad and shit,

and then you spit it back in my face?

I thought you were smart, Johnny.

See, now I have to mess that
pretty face of yours up.

See, you have to slow your roll, son, mm?

Earn your place. I've killed men.

Maricon sucio.



It's okay. It's okay.

Man, you...

- [groans]
- Hmm?

You want people to be honest with you?

- You be honest with you.
- Shut up.

I know who I am.

I'm not afraid of you.

I'm not afraid of you.

- You're crazy.
- Coming from you?

You gonna give me what I want?

Yeah, I'm gonna give you what you want.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

The pickup, a chance to
be a part of all this.

No, no, no, see, I think...

I think suddenly you're busy tonight.

You come with me.

Then it'll just be me and you, right?

- Just me and you?
- Yeah.

How can I say no to that pretty face?

- Hi.
- That seat smells funny.

Why I put backpack there.

Yeah, I don't mind.

- What's your name?
- Anica.

Anica, I know what you're doing here.

I don't know what you talk about.

I'm just passenger on way to Sylmar.

How much heroin have you swallowed?

You know nothing.

These people are gonna sell you.

They're gonna use you for sex.

No, they will help me become American.

Work with me, Anica, okay?

You can have a better life than this.

It is lies.

Are you okay?

What do you need me to do?

I need you to wear this.

Hey, can I have one of those?

Thank you.

You know, I never said thank you

for punching my brother in the face.

Thought you said I shouldn't have done that.

You shouldn't have.
That's why I'm thanking you.

You're welcome.

Your family as messed up as ours?

Never mind. Don't answer that.


You know, I didn't think you
were gay when I first met you.

[Coughs] I'm sorry, what?

I saw you and my brother
go in the back room.

Oh, no, no, no, baby, you know,

see, Carlito was mad at me, right?

It's no secret that Carlito's gay.

I mean, it's a secret everyone knows,

but he's the only one that
doesn't talk about it.

Right, but it's just that...

honestly, nothing happened.


But honestly... but I'm not...
I'm not gay at all.

Maybe you're not.

[Horn honks]

Hey, Mike, it worked.

Johnny pulled it off. We're on our way.

Let's go over this again.
What did they tell you?

Just "take the backpack."

The man in the cowboy hat will look for me.

- That is all.
- Okay, listen to me.

All you have to do is do whatever they say,

and this...
this wire is gonna do the rest of it.

Okay, okay.

My partner and I are gonna be
right behind you the whole time.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Whoa, it's okay. It's okay.

Come on, gonna take you to the washroom.

It's in the back. Come on.

We're about five minutes out from the shop.


All right, listen up,
Carlito Solano is five out.

Hold your positions until
he's inside the building.

I repeat, no one moves until Carlito Solano

is inside the building.

Here we go, boys. Look alive.

Hang with me, okay?

Good. Good, let it out. [Retches]

You're gonna be okay. Just let it out.

- [Coughs]
- How many are there?

It's fine. It's fine.

Everything's gonna be fine.
Evening, officer.

Is this your vehicle?

- Yes, it is.
- Got your weapon on you?

- Absolutely.
- All right, man.

Come out nice and slow for me, all right?

- What's this about, sir?
- Excuse me... I'm an I.C.E. agent.

I know who you are.
Step out nice and slow, brother.

Listen, guys,
you guys are making a big mistake.



Is there any more?

I thought you said there was ten.


one of the balloons ruptured in her stomach!

She's seizing. Anica, breathe, breathe.

Look at me. Look at me! Breathe!

[Cell phone ringing]

Si. Digame.


How did...

[tires screeching]


[Tires screech]

What's wrong? What happened?

Pickup is off.

Mike, Johnny and Carlito just turned around.

I have no idea why.


All right, let's go. Everyone, move now.

Go! Move! Carlito's not coming.

We need to lock down the evidence.

The reason why we're stopping you is...

I understand.
I'm an officer of the law as well.

We got an open warrant for you...

- a warrant for what?
- Violating a restraining order.

♪ You've got to ♪

♪ s-m-I-l-e ♪

♪ to be h-a-double p-y ♪

♪ keep it in mind when you're blue ♪

♪ it's easy to spell
and just as easy to do ♪

♪ you've got to s-m-i-l-e ♪

♪ it's gonna help considerably ♪

♪ just keep your chin up ♪

♪ and give it a try ♪

♪ and you'll find silver-lined
clouds in the... ♪


She's dead.

Jakes, she's dead.

I'm gonna need you to roll with me with this,

I'm gonna take Anica's place.
I'm gonna wear the wire, okay?

I need you to follow me in.


[Knock at door]


[Indistinct chatter]

No one knew Carlito was even coming here

until I announced it on the radio.

This leak is all ours.

You're jumping to conclusions, all right?

[Police radio chatter]


We can't trust anyone
until I know who it is.

[Louder knocking]

How was the trip?

[With accent] It was long.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[Door closes]

♪ ♪