Gotham Knights (2023): Season 1, Episode 12 - City of Owls - full transcript

Duela goes off with her mother, while the Knights goes after the Court of Owls.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
on "Gotham Knights"...

Now that
my strings are cut,

I don't even know
what I want.

Don't think
before you answer.

What does
Stephanie Brown want?

Harvey Dent,
have you met my wife Rebecca?

No. I don't
believe I have.

I know what it
feels like to be conflicted.

So do I.

This will record
everything you see.

we will have Electrum.

It offers
humans immortality.

Giving the bad guys
the means to live forever,

it's not exactly out
of the bat-manual.

I found this video, too.

I think my dad killed
Cressida Clarke.

I need to tell you
the truth about who
your dad really is.

Your father's not
the one people should fear.

I am.

I want you to
take your place
among the Court.

What, you stalked
Harvey Dent?

I fell for him,
a two-faced liar

as a city savior.

He took your childhood,
he took my motherhood!

You showed me
you're exactly

who I raised
you to be.

I should be dead.

EMTs found it
in your pocket.

The coin saved me?

Whoo, whoo, whoo!

Isn't it nice
when the good guy wins?

Because today in this election,

the people of Gotham
have spoken.

In a journey riddled
with the lies and corruption

of our rivals,

we found a way to persevere...

and to honor
our forefathers' intent

when they built
this great city of Gotham.

When we improve
upon their foundation,

we look forward to a tomorrow

of limitless potential.

And what better way
to start our bright future...

united in the promise
of tradition and ancestry...

than to resurrect the virtues
of our past?

Ha ha ha!

-Oh, hey.
-Good morning.

I--I didn't know
if you took cream
or sugar, so...

Thank you.
I'm sure it's perfect.

Uh, judging by your
belfry bedhead,

you were able to get
some sleep.

Heh. Yeah. Not much.

I don't know if it's
the, uh, broken couch

or...both my parents
disowning me in
one fell swoop,


Last night was rough.

Well, if it
means anything,

I spent half
of my childhood wishing

I could stand up
to my parents
the way you did.

It does.

Mean something.

It's I'm not
sure what's left, you know?

Sober light of day
and all.

I mean--wait. No.

That's not what I meant.

Wait. Do you hear
that sound?

Oh. Yep.
Funny how much easier

it is to sleep in
when Duela's not slamming

an energy drink
and cursing the sun
for rising.

-You talk to Harvey?
-And what, ask him

if he knew Duela
was his kid?

I'm gonna let
that one marinate

a few more days.

I really wonder how
Duela's taking this.

Wait. That's right.
I--I don't care.

How are you after,
you know?

Do you hear that?

What, the sound of you
changing the subject

when I asked how you're
dealing with being betrayed?

-No. Why?
-Does the smoke detector

need a new battery
or something?

I'm pretty sure we don't
have a smoke detector, dude.

Stop avoiding
the question.

Duela used you,
sold you out,

and almost put you
in jail.

What the hell
is that sound?

You need a new name
to go with your
new look.

What about Ruth?

Nah. That's too plain.

Um, mmm. Siobhan. Ha!

No. That's too fancy,

but shiv
on the other hand--

you want to name me
after a DIY prison weapon?

Why not? Sharp
and dangerous

just like
my baby girl.

Ha ha!

So you're not mad
at me?

For what, getting
more gorgeous
by the hour?

Are you kidding?
I fricking hate you.

No, no. For not killing

Look at me, baby girl.

You pulled that trigger.

That is all that
matters to me.

You showed me
where you stood.

Yeah. I guess we did
kind of ruin his life, huh?

Ha ha ha! You kidding?

He's not even gonna be
able to get elected

to his HOA after this.

-Ha ha ha!
-And when some money comes in

from my last job,
we are out of here.

Wait. When'd you have time
for a job?

Ha! Just a little
something I had
in the works.


Which reminds me

I'm taking you out
to dinner tonight,

so, uh, start thinking
about what kind of car

you want to drive up
to the valet in

and, um, pick
a new name.

We got a whole new
story ahead of us,
baby girl. Tch.

Are we sure Duela
didn't leave us
a farewell time bomb?

Are we under the impression
that we're not looking
for a time bomb?

Guys, her mom's
the one who
screwed me over.

Duela's still
our friend.

No. She's your fugitive
with benefits,

who nearly got you killed.

Everyone, shut up!

I don't think
it's a bomb.

Then what is it?

Low battery warning.


That's the lapel camera.

Wait. Wait. The one that
Turner wore

to the Court of Owls gala?

Hey, guys.
What's up?

Talk to me about the receiver
in your gear bag.

It's the dock linked
to the lapel camera. Why?

Because it's receiving
a low battery warning.

That's weird. I thought
Brody said his dad
destroyed the camera.

- So did I...
- But if it was destroyed,

there'd be no
battery signal, right?

So Brody lied?

Or Lincoln faked
the text,

which means...
where's Brody?

Guys, if the camera
still exists,

then the SIM card
with all the footage

could still
exist, too.

Of Lincoln killing
Cressida Clarke?

Why would he hang
onto that?

Maybe as a message
to the other Owls.

Betray the Court
like she did, get skewered

and left for pigeon food
in the park.

are you ready?

Yeah. Just I'll be
right there, OK?

Look. If you're still
getting any signal at all,

that means the camera's
still functional.

You need to find it
and get the evidence.

- Carrie!
- Yeah.

I got to go.

Well, Brody told me
that he was hiding

the camera
and the SIM card

with his weed
in his penthouse.

So assuming that
we take it back

without getting our
heads chopped off,

we can all share
a victory blunt.

Clearly, some
of you already smoked

if you think we could
pull off a heist like this.

We would need building plans
and schematics.

We already
have them.

Lincoln lives in
a building designed
by Alan Wayne.

Wait. Yeah. He's right.
Oh, my God. Yeah, yeah.

And--and we grabbed all
of his designs when we
researched him.

Crime has instilled fear
in this city,

and the good people of Gotham
deserve better,

which is why
as my first order of business,

I'm doubling the reward to find
Bruce Wayne's killers.

I want a cop on every corner

ready to apprehend
these ruthless fugitives.

I really hate that guy.

Stay with us
for continuing live coverage

of Mayor March's
inaugural celebration.

Did she just say
that was live?

If there were ever
a good time

for a lamb to walk
into a lion's den.

Do it when the lion's
not home.

Ha ha ha!

-Appreciate you.
-Anytime, Mr. Mayor.

You're having
way too much fun

dancing on Gotham's grave.

Not my fault you
had a secret kid,
you dirty dog.

I'm just glad it
wasn't with my wife.

You killed my best friend,
so I'm gonna throw

every resource
at my disposal

to put you behind bars.

As the D.A.? Ha ha ha!

Oh, I'm sorry
this is awkward.

I thought my office
took care of this.

No one wants
a two-faced womanizer

protecting this city.

You're fired, counselor.

If you think for one second
that that's gonna stop me--

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
Mr. Mayor.

Please. Back up.
I will take care of this.

-Thank you, officer.
-No problem.

Mr. Dent, come with me.

No. Come on.

You get what you
were after?


And do I want to know what
you intend to use that for?

Absolutely not.

Then apparently I have
a office to clean out.

Thank you, Mr. Mayor.

Please select floor.

Security camera's
at 732 megahertz.

Copy that.
732 megahertz.

3 minutes of empty
elevator coming up.

So OK. Now I see you.

Now I don't.

Going up.

OK. Turning off
the floor sensors

to the 40th floor.

You're good.

One day, you got to
teach me how to do that.

Hopefully, that's not
a skill you're gonna need
that much longer.

- We're inside.
- Great,

because Lincoln
just left City Hall.

Clock's ticking.

Was Brody
raised in a museum?

Pfft. Essentially.

Everything in here
is either famous

or priceless,

as Brody reminded me
every time we--

-Made out?

Oh, thank God.

Lincoln never
destroyed it.

So the good news is
that we have the camera
and the SIM card,

and the bad news is that
Brody didn't send that text.

He could be
in serious trouble.

That makes 3 of you.

There--there's a security alert
on your floor.

I thought you disabled
the motion sensors.

-I--I--I did!
-Security's headed your way now.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Look. We're just
Brody's friends, OK?

We're just looking
for him.

Hold it!
Do not move.

At least let me
call him and let him know
that we're here, OK?

I'm just gonna go
for my phone.

I said don't move.

Agh! Unh!

Gaah! Agh!

Steph, you OK?


Been practicing.

Uh, GCPD just
pulled up. Lobby's fried.

If you guys don't
find another exit,
we're all screwed.

What about the garage?

Nope. Crawling with cops.

-What about the roof?
-What, you want to jump?

What about floor N?

What's floor N?

Let's find out.

Or not.

Try the key card.

Access authorized.

Good call.

OK. Where are we?

As long as there aren't
any cops around,
I'll take it.

There's nothing around.

It's deserted.

What is this place?

It looks like
you've stopped

between floors 12 and 14.

So N is
the 13th floor.

N. It's Nu.

It's the 13th letter
of the Greek alphabet.

Builders back in the day
often skipped

the 13th floor
in their high-rises

because renters thought
it was bad luck.

Yeah, that tracks.
I remember reading

Alan Wayne was
incredibly superstitious.

OK, but even if you
skip the number,

doesn't the 14th floor
just become the 13th floor?

What if Alan Wayne built
a secret 13th floor
to trap all that bad luck?

It would explain
why the motion sensors
weren't deactivated.

We were off by one,
didn't account for
a bonus floor.

Stephanie, signal breaking up:
Hopefully the cops won't either.

Guys? Guys? Guys, sorry.
You're breaking up.

Ohh. Of course, now
the signal cuts out.

Great timing.

Me and timing are not
exactly besties
at the moment.

What do you mean?


No. Nothing you
ever say means nothing.


I know how good it felt
for you to tell off
your parents,

but now I don't know
if you kissed me

because you wanted to
or because

I just happened to be
the last person

your parents would
ever want you to be with.

I kissed you because
I wanted to.

Kind of like I want to
right now.

Which was clearly
a mistake.

No, no, but I think
coming to this floor was.

-Oh, my God!
-What the?

Help! Help!

Oh, my God!

Is somebody out there?

I'm in here!

-Help! Get me out of here!


the actual hell?

- Thank God!
- Are you OK?

How did you get
in there?

Run now. Go. Run.

Damn it to hell! Ugh!

- Mom?
- Agh!

Hey. What's going on?

Ahh! The money's gone.

Job fell through.

OK. All right.
That, um--

that sucks,
but, uh, I can
hit the train

and get us
some cash.

No. Plucking wallets
is chump change

compared to the payday
I just lost.

OK. Um...what about
the ring scam?

No, baby girl. We're not
doing the ring scam.

Um, Double Roses?

What about Matchsticks?
I mean, that one makes
at least a grand, right?

Ugh! Stop being so
naive, Due, OK?

Look. We're skipping town
because you are

a wanted fugitive, right,

which means you need
a new name and I.D.

and clothes and a car
and a condo,

so just face it, kid.

You cost a pretty penny
right now.

I know. Sorry.

Wait. Didn't you say
something about, um,

like, a stash
of high-end watches?

Yeah, but they're
too hot to sell.

Maybe in Gotham.

Once we get out
of the city,
no one's looking.

Mom, they're
really tacky.

No. Like, hideous

I'm not even sure
if they tell time.

Heh. OK. So since when
does my baby girl

say no to easy money?

Look. If you're afraid
of going back there

and facing judgment
from your little
runaway pals,

you're getting soft.

I mean, who cares
about them?

They're stuck.
You are getting out,

so screw them.

-Screw them!
-Yeah, yeah.

Yeah. You're right.

OK. I'll go get
the watches.


Aw, crap. I can't
get them back.

I tried
every frequency.

Yeah. It's probably
interference from
that gap floor,

and given how superstitious
Alan Wayne was,

I'm guessing all
his buildings have
secret 13th floors.

Wouldn't that mean
Wayne Tower has one?


You're interrupting
my rock bottom.

You know how we
always wondered

how my dad's killer was
able to move

through Wayne Tower

I'm listening.

Alan Wayne was
famously superstitious.

In every building
he designed, there was

no 13th floor.

Well, that's not uncommon
in those old buildings.

But what is uncommon
is putting

a secret gap floor
in all your designs

just like he did
with the March Building

and I'm betting
Wayne Tower.

Would this have anything
to do with a wallet

that I allegedly
helped procure?

Lincoln March knows
about the gap floor
in his building.

What if he knew about
the one in Wayne Tower

and my dad didn't?

Well, then he would have
told his Talon

that that's how to move
through Wayne

without tripping
security alarms.

Bruce would have
never seen him coming.

"The owls are
in the house."

Alan Wayne's dying words
were literal.

If there's any evidence
on that floor

that could clear
our names...

I'll go check it out.
You sit tight.

Cullen, Cullen,
do you copy?


Harper, breaking up:
I think we
could use some help.

-Harper, I read you. Are you OK?
-Brody's here.

We're trying to stay
out of sight
so we don't get...caught.






Oh, my god.

How are you alive?

Heh. Apparently
I can't die.

So your mom
put Electrum in your tooth,

stabbed you,

and then locked you
in a coffin for the past week?

Pretty much.

Phew. I thought you dad
was bad.

No, he is,

but my mom's worse.

She's the one that's
behind everything,

the Court,
Cressida's murder,

Bruce Wayne's, too.

Just say it, man.

Say what?

I gave you so much
crap about you not knowing

your dad was Batman,

and this whole time
my mom's just--

I don't know.

I don't even know
who she is anymore.

Sometimes, parents
keep secrets.

The trick is what we
do once we know them.

So how do we stop them?

Where are we with
the video evidence?

Well, the video's intact.

Shows the party,
Cressida's murder,

but everyone's
wearing masks.

You can hear
Lincoln's voice,

but he could always
say it's faked.

It's the same as all
the other evidence
we've gotten--

I mean, Eunice's pictures,
the McKillen ledger,

Dr. Leviticus,
and Electrum.

It's all circumstantial.

It proves that
the Court is real

and what they've
done, but--

But it doesn't prove
who they are.

Well, I can tell you
who two of them are.

Yeah, but who are they
more likely to believe,

Gotham's new mayor and his
philanthropist wife...

Or--no offense--
their screw-up son?

So we've
uncovered all
the evidence.

Now all we need to do
is rip off the masks

and expose them
once and for all.

Well, maybe
the screw-up son

can help with that.

I heard them talking.

It's their big
celebration tonight.

I know where the Court's
gonna be.

Wouldn't be the first
Owl party we crashed.

What is it?

Madame, there's been
a break-in.

What would you
like us to do?


I'll handle this

We're gonna
unmask the Court. You in?

Bring my gear,
and I'll meet you guys
at the drop-off point.


Carrie...I know what
you're doing, baby.

This isn't who I
raised you to be.

This is exactly who
you raised me to be.

-Excuse me?
-Mom, I've watched you pull

doubles at the hospital
until you can barely stand

because you believe
every life in Gotham

is worth saving, Mom,
and I believe that, too.

Do you know how many
mothers I have to tell

on the daily that
their babies

are no longer
on this earth?

Why do you think
I'm doing this?

If I can prevent
one less grieving mother

or father or daughter--

What about me, Carrie?

What about my grief?

Have you thought
for one moment

about what
happens to me

if I lose the most
precious thing in my life?

I'm not gonna let
that happen.

Your youth is
showing, baby.

Nobody is bulletproof.

Just ask your friend

If I could, I think
he'd say the good guys

aren't the ones you
should be fighting, Mom.


Here at Wayne Tower,

we pride ourselves
on a centuries-old tradition

of excellence,

and in honor
of the late Bruce Wayne,

charitable contributions
will be doubled

this quarter and the next.

To that end,
the observation deck

will now be open
to the public every weekday

and free of charge
compliments of
Wayne Enterprises.

By reaching out to meet
the citizens of Gotham

where they live,
we will together

forge the future
that Bruce...

wanted to make a reality.

How do we get
past security?

It's gonna be guarded
like Fort Knox.

If Carrie secures
the perimeter, we can bypass

most of the guards by slipping
in through the mausoleum.

OK, but what
about outside here--

So, we
planning a mission?

I'm pretty sure
you're not a part of "we."

We are gonna unmask
the Court.

Throwing a big
celebration tonight,

so we figured we'd
drop in uninvited.

Hence the heist
couture. Hmm.

Let's see.
50 Court members

and their security
divided by 1, 2,
3, 4 of you

plus Little Bird

you guys dead.

What are you
doing here, Duela?

I'm just pointing out
that you guys are


We'll be fine.

You replaced me
with a jock?


Just gonna...
get my stuff

so I can ditch
this attic.

Sweet homecoming.

You really know how
to make a girl
feel missed.

What do you expect?
Your mom drugged me.

What--what are you
talking about?

At the club,
she slipped me something,

and when you bounced,
the cops showed up
to arrest me.

My mom would never
do that.

For $10 million, Duela?

You're the payday
that fell through.

If it weren't for the others,
I'd be in jail right now.

Look, Turner.
If--if that's true,

then my mom was
just looking for
an easy score, OK?

She doesn't know
what you mean to me.

What do I mean to you?

Turner, she's my mom.

We're your family, too.

In a few hours,
we'll have cleared our names.

You can stay if you want.

You don't have to run

Seems like you guys
are doing just fine
without me.

It's not often
that I step out

from the shadows
to address you,

but tonight, there's
so much I want to celebrate,

starting with congratulating
my dear husband

on his new role
as mayor of Gotham.

But that is only
the beginning.

After this feast,

each of you

will be imbued
with Electrum...

and you will know
life everlasting.

I'd like to propose a toast.

Beware the Court of Owls...

that watches all the time...

ruling Gotham
from a shadowed perch...

behind granite and lime.

We watch you
at your hearth.

We watch you in your bed.

Speak not a whispered word
of us...

or we'll send the Talon
for your head.

Ha ha ha!

But, Madame, we
no longer have a Talon.

Ah...but why just
have one Talon...

when we can have many?

Through the ages,

these Talons of old
protected the Court,

dodging death,
enduring fatal wounds

until their Electrum
was depleted,

their vitality exhausted,

but thanks to our
rediscovered Electrum,

I've been able
to revitalize them,

restore them
to their former greatness,

and once again,
they will protect our secret

for ages to come.

Perimeter's secure.
You're clear.

Security's down.

The schematics have us
3 chambers from the main hall.

We'll rendezvous there.

Copy that. Harper and I
are on our way.

I didn't get to
do that earlier.

Ready to spoil dinner?

the Talons?

You didn't even think
to run that by me?

Heh heh. Ha ha ha!

And trust you
with another secret?

You've already proven
how careless you are

with matters
of the Court.

There was a break-in,

The camera was taken
and footage of the murder,

footage of the Court.

-If you have to ask,

then you're even more
stupid than I thought.

-For once, in the Court's

long history,
we have a surplus
of Electrum.

I'd resurrected
the Talons to take care

of Stephanie Brown
and her friends,

but them stealing
your morbid, little

means the Talons
will first have to

a contingency.

What's our contingency?

Not ours. Mine.

What are you
talking about?

Well, it won't be long
until the Court

is dragged
from the shadows.

I need to erase
my involvement

with the organization

What did you do to me?

What I always do,

what needs to be done.

Once we came
into possession
of the Electrum,

the stakes
were too high,

and I prepared myself
to change course.

Frankly, I don't know
why I assumed

you could control a city
when you couldn't even

control your own son.

You poisoned me?

I have Electrum in me.
I can't die.

-Well, you can...

but my extensive
research assures me

that in its potent state
the Electrum will allow you

to regain consciousness
only after the authorities

have determined
that you're the
Head of the Court.


Give or take
a few days,
but don't worry.

You won't see the inside
of a jail cell.

By that time, you'll
be 6 feet in the ground.

I don't anticipate
anyone hearing
your pleas

to correct the record.

You're pure evil.

And you're just
another man
taking credit

for a woman's work.

Oh, my God.

They're all dead.

Who did this?

Half the city council
is here.

Oh, my God.
Mr. Millicheck,

of Gotham Academy.

That completely

Nothing else does.

I thought this whole thing
was about them

taking over the world,
not saying good-bye to it.

Maybe dying's
part of the ritual.

I mean--I mean if they
have Electrum in them,

they're gonna
come back, right?

I don't think
the ceremony ever happened.

They would have
healed by now.

I am so sorry.

We need to find
my mother.

"Dr. Leviticus. Rebekah."

Go. That way.

Weapons down!
Hands in the air!


Let's see
those hands!

Hands in the air!

"Dr. Rebekah Leviticus has
discovered a rare new mineral

that she believes holds
the secret to immortality"?

"Alan Wayne engaged
to Rebekah Leviticus"?

I see you
discovered my secret.

Which one?


Here, I thought
Lincoln was
the other man.

Turns out it was
Bruce Wayne's, um--

what is it,

I guess that explains
why you knew

about the 13th floors.

The owls really were
in the house.

Owls never build
their own nests.

Instead, they seek out
the nests of their rivals

and take them over.

They invade their
enemy's territory.

And the Waynes were
your enemy.

I know what you're

I don't look a day
over 200.

How is any
of this possible?

Over a century ago,
I discovered

a medical marvel capable
of extending life into infinity.

It took a good decade
to refine,

but in time and against
incredible friction,

I developed
a true miracle drug.

How many
innocent people
had to die

so that you could
live forever?

What do a few lives matter
when in success

I could have
saved millions?

Oh, please, Rebecca.
This was never

about anyone
other than yourself.

This was about power.

This was one long con
after the next...

ending with me.

-You're half right, Harvey.

The Court was setting
you up to take the fall
for its misdeeds...

but then I fell in love,

so I did what I always do.


I set up Lincoln instead.

You made me believe
I was crazy

when I was
in love with you.

And I am in love
with you.

That part hasn't changed.

I've started over
dozens of times--

a new name, persona,
career, family...

but always alone.

I don't want it to be
that way anymore.

Start over with me, Harvey.

Start over and wield
the power you deserve.

The Rebecca I loved
was a mirage.

There's no part of me

that could ever love
someone as cruel

and twisted as you.

Are you sure about that?


Now for
a developing story.

In a horrific turn
of events,

Gotham's most wanted
have been apprehended

at the scene of what appears
to be a grisly mass murder.

Add this grim tally to the
growing numbers of murders

the fugitives are wanted
in connection with,

including billionaire
Bruce Wayne

and 6 GCPD detectives.

Move it!

That one's been impersonating
a badge for weeks.

Turner Hayes,

Cullen Row,
and Harper Row were arrested

along with accomplices
Stephanie Brown,

Carrie Kelley,
and Brody March.

Mayor-elect Lincoln March
is rumored to be

among dozens found dead
at the scene.

Bring them in.

Get in there.

Lock it up.

Duela was right.

We should have run
when we had the chance.

are already calling

for the death penalty
for the alleged murderers.

Keep it right here
for continuing coverage

of this developing story.

Even Little Bird.


I can't go with you.

What's wrong?

These watches are gonna
rake in 20K easy.

I've dreamt
of this moment

ever since I was
a little girl,
you know,

just being with you...

touching you without
a partition between us...

hearing your voice

our conversations
being recorded.

You got me, Due.

What's going on?

My friends got
themselves into a mess,

and I need to get
them out.

Look at you.

My baby all grown up.

I love you.


I love you, Duela.
I always will.

Money's just too good.

You've served
me well tonight,

but I trust your bloodlust
has not yet been sated.

Your targets are currently
locked in a jail cell downtown.

Kill them all.

Greg, move your head!