Gotham (2014–…): Season 2, Episode 8 - Rise of the Villains: Tonight's the Night - full transcript

Galavan sends Barbara after Jim Gordon, while he tries to make a business deal with Bruce Wayne. Barnes and Bullock are hot on Barbara's trail, and Nygma has a run-in with a familiar face.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
ED: Previously on Gotham...

GABE: Cops aren't gonna let you
within 100 feet of Galavan.

Let us whack him for you.


He's mine.

Shoot him, Detective.

He killed my mother, Jim.



Do you have the Wayne boy?

Not yet. There are some practical matters
that have to be resolved first.

See this finger?

I've got little Bruce
wrapped tight around it.

I had to kill him. Because he hit you.

I love you.

Kristen. (GASPS)
Kristen? No!

Within a year,
Jim and I will be back together.

(CHUCKLES) Wanna know why?

Because we're both the same.

We both have a dark side.


Ready for the practice run?

I'm ready to skip this and get married.

- Me, too.

Let us rehearse the vows.

- Barbara Kean...
- Mmm.

Do you take James Gordon

to be your unlawfully wedded husband,
to have and to hold--

I'm sorry.
Father, you said "unlawfully" wedded.


(WHISPERS) Barbara,
just answer him, for God's sake!


I'm waiting.



Barbara, what's wrong?



HOW did you do that? (LAUGHING)






Bad dream.

Doesn't being mayor mean you can sleep in?

Jim Gordon has forced us
to accelerate our plans.

About time.

I meet with Bruce Wayne this morning.

If all goes well, I'll have his company
by the end of the day.

I still don't see how you can get Bruce
Wayne to turn over his family's legacy.

You're not that charming.

I'm going to offer him the thing
he wants most in the world.


It will be delicate.

Jim Gordon
must not be allowed to interfere.

But his sudden death would upset Bruce.

So we need him distracted, occupied.

- And then...
- Have you told her?

Told me what?

(WHISPERS) I love my present.


Does it mean what I think it does?

Yes, my dear.

Today is the day
you get to kill Jim Gordon.


JIM: The breakout at Arkham.

The massacre at the G.C.P.D.

The gala. The arsons.

It was Galavan. He's behind everything.

And you have proof of this?

I have Penguin and I have Gilzean.

Both criminals. Both in the wind.

Given the circumstances
under which I obtained the information,

I think it's safe to say
they were telling the truth.

Maybe they are.

But you have no legal evidence, no proof,
not a single, hard lead to go on.

You bring in Galavan with what you
have now, and he'll just laugh at you.

He won't laugh long.

What, are you gonna rough him up a little?

A little lawless thuggery?
ls that your plan?

You want to arrest Galavan?

You do the police work
and you bring me back some real proof.

DR. THOMPKINS: Can you blame him?

You're going after a man
who was elected mayor yesterday.

The most popular figure in Gotham.

Galavan is dirty. I'd bet my life on it.

- Well, don't.
- Don't what?

- Don't bet your life on it.
- Oh.

I know that look in your eye, Jim.
Be cool. Do not make this personal.

Well, it is personal, isn't it?

Only if you make it that way.

MALE OFFICER: Suspect! Put your hands
where I can see 'em! Right there!

Hi, Jim.

Long time no see.

You said you'd only talk to rne.

I'm listening.


Here it is...

ls there any chance I could get
a latte or something?

- This is not a game, Barbara.
- Oh...

Of course it is.

It's a game you've been losing.

Big time.

- It is not a game.

It must be killing you.

All that righteous indignation
with no place to go.

Why are you here?

Don't act all calm and businesslike.

Rough me up a little.

If you want.

I don't wanna do that.

I don't want to hurt you.

I want to help you.

I know you want to hurt me.

Just a little.

- I've been a very bad girl.
- No.

You're a good woman.

You're just sick, is all.




I knew it.

I knew you still had feelings for me.

- Of course I have feelings.

Talk to me.

I will.

But first, I want to show you something.

It's not far away, it won't take long.

What is it? What do you want to show me?

It's a surprise.

Don't worry, it's a good one.

And then, after that,
I will tell you everything.

Everything about what?

Is it about the breakout at Arkham?

- Was it Galavan?

Wouldn't you like to know?


Detective Gordon!


Okay, that's someone telling you
that my lawyer is here.

Why don't you take five minutes
and think about it?


Detective Gordon! Time is up!

What is she playing at?

JIM: Not sure, sir.

I suggest we play along and find out.

I'll go see this thing
she wants to show me.

Jim, she's mentally ill.

Like hell! She's sharp as a nail.
This is a trap.

Yeah. Either way, it's too risky.

What choice do we have, huh?
She won't talk.

And kissing her didn't work out, did it?

That was a judgment call, sir.

- Judgment? Really?
- Let's focus on the issue at hand.

It's my official opinion
as Chief Medical Examiner

that Miss Kean is seriously mentally ill

and should be in a hospital
getting treatment.

Yes. Tomorrow.


I suggest we play along,
let her think she's in control.

I can still work on her inside the car.
Maybe I can find out something useful.

She's our only link to Galavan.

It's worth the risk.

All right. Do it.




Whoa, sorry, Miss Kringle.


You have a visitor, Miss St. Cloud.

- Hi.
- BRUCE: Hello.


My uncle will be just a moment.

He wanted me to apologize
for keeping you waiting.

It's fine.

Do you have any idea
why he wanted to see me?

He told me he had something for you.

He seemed excited.
lt was (CHUCKLES) totally goofy.

I can't picture him goofy.

I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.

I'll see you later.



BARNES: Meet the new crop
of Strike Force members.

We're throwing them in the deep end,
but they're ready.

They'll be shadowing you in a TAC SUV.

I'll be monitoring from here.

Now, the second I don't like something,
I'm pulling the plug. Agreed?

MAN 1: Yes, sir.
MAN 2: Yes, sir.

BARN ES: Gordon?

Ag reed.

He's too wrapped up
in this thing emotionally.

I need to know that one of you isn't gonna
get sucked into all these mind games

that Miss Kean is gonna
be pulling out there.

Not to worry. No one's ever accused me
of getting sucked into mind games.

Just follow my orders. Understood?

Understood, Captain.
I'm glad we had this chance to talk.

Lee, look, I don't like this
any more than you do.

But it is the only way.

No. This is you, Jim. This is all you.

She sucked you right back in, didn't she?

Because she still has a hold on you.

Her sickness and yours
feed off each other.

What do you mean, "my sickness"?
I'm not sick.

You see an abyss, and you run toward it.

That's not healthy.

I'm just doing my job.

BULLOCK: We're moving out!

Hey, Lee. You don't mind if I borrow him
for a little while, do ya?


I want to ask you a question.

If you could have one dream come true,
what would that be?

I would find the man
who killed my parents.

What would you do if you found him?

I would kill him.

What a young tiger you are.

My dream?

I would save this city.

I would rid Gotham of corruption,
crime and poverty.

Sounds good.

How would you do that?

Oh, I have plans, schemes, ideas aplenty.

But I need help.

I need your help.

Of course.

And perhaps, in return,
I could help you with your dream.

How so?


Get those vehicles out of the way!

You good?

Anything that makes Captain Barnes'
tight ass nervous, I'm all for.

Watch your head!



So, you want to tell us where we're going?

Head downtown.

Bruce, your family helped build this city.

The Wayne name is synonymous with growth,
strength and prosperity.

It's also a lie.

Please explain what you mean.

I've been investigating Wayne Enterprises
for quite some time.

You know what I found?

Toxic waste dumps,

illegal weapons contracts,
use of banned chemicals,

nightmarish experiments.

It can't continue. Please understand,
this isn't about corruption.

It's about saving innocent lives.

You have my word,
I will look into all of it.

And I will stop whoever's responsible.

No, Bruce. You won't.

You can't.

People often underestimate me.

Wayne Enterprises
is a multibillion-dollar conglomerate

with a board that will kill
to protect its secrets.

Who's underestimating who?

Why are you telling me this?

You obviously have a solution
you want to propose.


You control 51%
of the voting shares of Wayne Enterprises.

If you sell me your shares,
I could take control.

Do what needs to be done.

You would be a cash billionaire
with freedom.

You want my company?

I want to clean up Gotham.

Protect its citizens.

Return this city to what it was.
But I can't do it without your help.

Wayne Enterprises is my responsibility.

It's all I have left of them.

I'm not just offering you money, Bruce.

The night your parents were killed,

you weren't supposed to be there,
were you?


Your parents were headed for the theater.

Your father changed his mind,
suggested a movie.

Invited you along.

You got there late.


I've never told anybody that.

He was following your father that night.

Before the alleyway.

I'm a man of considerable resources and,
even then, it took some doing.

That's why I didn't want
to say anything last night.

I couldn't confirm it until today.

If you sell me your company,

I will give you this as a signing gift.

This is the name of the man
who killed your parents.

With documentary proof.

Accomplices, motives, why, how, and who.

I will fix your company,
protect your legacy, and give you closure.

It's what your father would have wanted.

And what Gotham desperately needs.

I need your answer by the end of the day.

BARBARA: Hey, Jim. Cheer up!

Where's your spirit of adventure?

Next right.


I know it's a trap.

And Galavan's using you like a puppet.

It is Galavan
who's behind all this, right?

Mmm, mmm, mmm!

- He's a psychopath, Barbara.

He's using you.

He's laughing at you.

And when he's done with you,
you're just a loose end. He'll kill you.

You really don't like
this Galavan guy, do you?

She's not talking, Jim.
We need to turn this car around. Now.

Just give me a little more time.





Well, I'm afraid this is
as proper a burial as circumstances allow.

But I thought we could have
one last meal together.


I was a broken man, Miss Kringle.

Two halves at war with each other.

But thanks to you, I am whole.

I will not forget you.

I take you by night, by day take you back.

None suffer to have me,
but do from my lack.

What am I?

That some sort of riddle?

You know, you really shouldn't sneak up
on people. That's not polite.

Not usually any people out here.

ED: Can I interest you in a tea sandwich?


What the heck is in there?





Now I've got to improvise.

Don't go anywhere.

Barbara, listen to me.

Are you listening?

You have a lifetime ahead of you.
Don't throw it away on madness.

BARNES: Gordon. Bullock. Come in.

Go ahead, Captain.

I don't like this. You're boxed in.
There's lots of cover.

High vantage points all around.

Perfect spot for an ambush.

BARNES: Yeah, I gotta pull you out.

You turn around, you get nothing.

JIM: Not yet.

BARNES: You hear me?
I'm pulling you out.

What was that, Captain?
You're breaking up.

- Bullock! I swear to God, if you disobey--

Barbara, think hard.
Don't throw away your life.

What life?

You and me, we had a life.

We had real love.

You asked me to marry you.

I booked a church.
I bought a damn wedding dress.

Jim, fool that I am,

I still love you, even now.

And I know you still have feelings for me,
'cause you said so.

We can talk about our feelings later.
There's more at stake here.

I love you, Jim.

And I think, deep down, you still love me.

Oh, for God's sakes, Barbara,
I don't give a--






(ECHOING) You gonna shoot me, Jim?


I want a 20-block perimeter

with hard-target searches
of every building, business, and bodega.

We kick down everything
with four walls and a roof.

Nobody sleeps until our boy gets home.

Hey! I told you to get out of here.

You did? There's still a lot of ringing
in my head. I must have missed it.

This is a direct order.

You don't belong here anymore. Go home.




Oh, okay.

Well, let's see.

If I can't make the hole bigger,

then I'll make you smaller.

Who has eaten my sandwich?



For a secluded forest,
this place sure has a lot of foot traffic.


Looks like it's gonna get
a tad crowded in there.


I'll be back.

Oh, there you are, Master Bruce.
Been looking all over the gaff for you.

Bit dreary down here, isn't it?

Fancy something to eat?

What's up?

I need to ask you a question.

And I need your word
that you're gonna be honest with me.

I always am.

All right, you have my word.

My training.

The skills that I need to take down
the corruption at Wayne Enterprises.

How long will it take?

Well, there's no set timeline.
Doesn't really work like that, does it?

Alfred, a year? Two years? Five?

Well, a lot longer than that,
for you to be the man that you need to be.

But you will get there.
I promise you that.

Yeah, well, how many will suffer
in the meantime?

How many will die because of the crimes
committed by my family's company?


Where is all this coming from,
Master Bruce? Eh?

I spoke to

Mayor Galavan this morning.


He wants me to sell him my shares
of Wayne Enterprises so he can

fix the company, clean up Gotham.

I see.

And what aren't you telling me?

He says...

That he knows the identity of the man
who killed my parents.

Which he's offering in return
for the company, right?


Yeah, well, that's not an offer, is it?

That's bloody extortion.

Yeah, well, I can't help
but consider it, Alfred.

Well, you shouldn't.

There's a fine line
between extortion and negotiation.

Yes, there is, Master Bruce.
But there's still a line.

My parents were killed

because of the corruption
that my father was trying to stop.

As of now, their deaths have been in vain.

But if Mayor Galavan can truly...

lf he can truly fix Wayne Enterprises,

isn't it my moral duty
to allow him to do so?

For my father's legacy?

Wayne Enterprises isn't
Thomas and Martha Wayne's legacy.

That legacy is standing right here.

With me.

(SOBBING) Alfred, am I wrong
if I just want it all to be over?

I just want... l just want it to be over.

No, no. No, you're not wrong.

Come here.

You're not wrong.




I know.

Can you believe it still fits?

Do you remember
when we first visited this place?

How excited I was to get married here?

How long do you think you have
before the G.C.P.D. finds us?

So typical.

I'm talking about us,
and your head is in work.

There is no "us."

What is all this?

Well, this is my wedding dress.
The tailor still had it in storage.

I mean, can you believe the luck? Or fate.

- That's Father Callahan.

You remember him, of course.

- And these bozos...


Who knows? But you can't have
a wedding without witnesses.

That's the law.



please don't act all surprised
and aggrieved.

You knew from the start
that this was a trap.

But you thought, "Hey, let the bad guys
take their best shot.

"I'm Jim Gordon.

"I'll find a way to win." (CHUCKLES)

"Or die."

It's option B, baby.

Your fondest wish come true.

I don't want to die.



Sure you do.

Aren't you tired of hiding your true self?

Tired of lying to yourself?

To Lee?

I don't lie to Lee.


Let's ask her.




Savor every moment.

Hey, girlfriend.

We really need to talk about this bad boy.


BARBARA: We had real love.

You asked me to marry you.

I booked a church.
I bought a damn wedding dress.

Jim, fool that I am,

I still love you, even now.

I booked a church.
I bought a damn wedding dress.

I want updates every 15 minutes.

Hang on. Turn around
and get the hell out of here!

She's taking him to church.

Church? What church?

She talked about the wedding
they never had.

She wants a do-over.

Gotham Cathedral is nearest
to the snatch site. That's where they are.

- That's thin.
- I know I am right.

I'll call you back.

Let's go.



So, Lee, how do you think
your relationship with Jim is going?

This doesn't concern Lee. Let her go.
This is between you and me.


This is about all of us.

She deserves to know exactly who you are.

I know who he is.

Oh, how could you,
when he doesn't even know?

He is incapable
of being honest with himself.

Let alone anyone else.

What about you?

This entire day has been a lie.

You were never gonna
give up proof on Galavan.



You want some honesty?


Mayor James

is alive and well

at a stash house on China Docks.

Hmm. See?


- Now, you.
- Who put him there?

Who put him there?

Boring, Jim!

The Jim Gordon you know is an act.

He's like an addict who thinks
he can dabble in darkness

as long as nobody sees the needle marks.

Everyone has an act.

Did he tell you
how he got reinstated at the G.C.P.D.?

He killed a man for Penguin.

Wow! Very good, Jim.

You did tell her.

- We don't have secrets between us.
- Mmm-hmm.

He's done a lot of things
that he's not proud of. Everyone has.

But you love him anyway? ls that right?

Despite all his faults.

Yes, I do.

Cute little do-gooder Dr. Lee. Hmm?

In love with a cruel, cold,
death-obsessed sadist.

- That's not Jim.

Do you think you know him
better than I do? Hmm?

I love him, too, you know.

- I know him better than you do.

Okay, Barbara, I hear you.

You love him, we both love him.
That's okay--

But I love him more!

Okay, listen, Barbara.
I know that now. Please...

I'm gonna prove that I love him more.

I am going to carve
your pretty face off your skull.

And then you will both understand
what true love is.

Okay, there's just one more thing!

- What?
- Your dress!

I love your dress.

I just want to know where you got it.

Hmm. Oh, um...

Drop the knife!

There he is. My little monster.

Don't make me kill you.

Make you?

Jim, you long to kill me.

Do it, Jim.

Do me.

Don't take another step!



BARBARA: Kill him!

Go get her!

OFFICER: Don't move!


It's over.

Not yet.


Hold on. Hold on.


Sorry, baby.

I've been kind of a bad date, huh?

I love you, baby.




Some hedges and bushes broke her fall.

She's got half a dozen broken bones
and a concussion.

She's critical.

Are you okay?


Not now, but when this is over,
we need to talk.

I know.

Tell me you got something from her.

She didn't give up Galavan,
but she did say Mayor James is alive,

stashed in a safe house on China Docks.

All mobile units, China Docks, right now!

MALE OFFICER: 10-4, Captain.



What is wrong with these people?


Mayor James?

MAYOR JAMES: Help me, please!

Oh, thank God!

- Who did this to you?
- Who do you think?

All the papers seem to be in order.

You're making the right decision.

Sign, and the file is yours.


I changed my mind.

I can't sell you my company.

Not for any price.

Alfred, get Bruce away from him, now!

BRUCE: Detective Gordon?
JIM: You're under arrest!


Surprised to see me?

May I ask what the charge is?

The kidnapping
and torture of Aubrey James.

- Cuff him.

JIM: Get him out of here.


No! No!

Tell me who killed them!


Please! I'll do anything.

ED: Finally.





Oh, my-

Mr. Penguin?

Help me. Please.

English - SDH