Gossip Girl (2007–2012): Season 3, Episode 21 - Ex-Husbands and Wives - full transcript

When things get tense between Rufus and Will, Serena chooses to stand behind her father, while at the Rufus is made to feel like an outsider in his own family. Meanwhile, Jenny deliberately...

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GOSSIP GIRL: Gossip Girl here,
your one and only source...

...into the scandalous lives
of Manhattan's elite.

I made the biggest mistake of my life
walking out.

I promise to make it up to you.
Because I love you.

GIRL: Told me you were selling Oxy.
Those were antibiotics.

Dad, look, I can explain.

Come with me. We're going home.
To Brooklyn.

If Dr. Van der Woodsen
loves your mother...

...there's something
she should know about.

I wanted to talk to you about Lily.
Obviously, I'm not a doctor.

Something's weird
about her medicine.

- Name's Cameron.
- Blair.

Do you wanna make that guy
who showed up jealous or what?

- I'm game if you are.
- I'm game.

Where has she been?

And who am I?

That's one secret I'll never tell.

You know you love me. XOXO...

...Gossip Girl.

New day, new designer.

Whether it's love or war
you're outfitting for...

... thank God for friends and fashion.

That one looks good.

Chuck and I played
Wuthering Heights in it.

I mean, who starts a courtship
during the day anyway?

Humans who venture out in light,
and aren't named Bass.

- Serena, I have to tell you something.
- What's wrong?

I've never been on a date.

What about Chuck? And Nate.

And Chuck. And then Nate again.

No, I mean on a real date.
With someone I didn't know already.

Who wasn't a British lord
masquerading as college student.

B, obviously Cameron liked you
when he met you at the party.

Just be yourself and have fun.

- And try the Marc Jacobs. I have to go.
- What's going on?

You haven't lusted after a Louboutin
all morning.

- I just have to get home.
- Is it Lily?

I think Rufus cheated on her.

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

I didn't know
they even had groupies that old.

They met
at the rooftop-garden committee.

- Well, how's your mom taking it?
- She doesn't know.

I told my dad and he thought it would be
best if we waited to tell her.

- Stress isn't good for her condition.
- Well, is there anything I can do?

Dorota's family
has Polish mob connections.

No. Thank you, though.

I'm just hoping Rufus will stay away
until she gets stronger.

And B, I don't know if handcuffs
are a good idea for a first date.

CHUCK: Good thing you're not
a drug dealer anymore.

That girl you sold Lily's fake Oxy to...

...wanted double what she paid
to give me the bottle.

What did you find out?

My personal pharmacist's looking into it.

You trust him to know if they're bad?

He appreciates a fine pharmaceutical.

Why are you whispering?

If it's a seduction technique,
don't bother.

You wish. No, I'm grounded again.
Shocker, I know.

- But I'm not supposed to use the phone.
- Fine.

Well, I'll let you know when I hear
something about the antibiotics.

Okay, cool.


You give someone something?

Hmm. Only hours and hours
of enjoyment.

Thank you for that visual.
I'm gonna go see Serena.

This mean she's out
from under her father's spell?

Serena is in a good place.

I mean, after Palm Beach she stopped
running away or keeping secrets.

I'm glad.
Oh, um, say hello to Blair for me.

I hope she has a great day.

Hey, do not do anything
to mess with her date, please.

Her date?

With whom?


You serious?

All your spies
and you had to get it out of me?

You finally stopped
defiling the pool table...

...with the cast of Cirque du Soleil.

You got Blair into Columbia.


- Why not let things end on a good note?
- I need to take this.

Don't worry, I have more important
concerns than Blair's social life.

Hey. So, what can you tell me
about the pills?

We went over this.
The only exception is school.

Chuck is not giving
you homework assignments.

You can't take it.
I didn't even do anything wrong.

Nice to know I can spend my last night
with Vanessa and come home to family.

Your sister's a drug dealer.

Was. And you already
grounded me for it.

Wait, grounded to the loft?

Lily needed time.
It was easier to bring Jenny here.

Jenny would much rather
be here anyway.

Jenny's dad thinks it's time
for her to stop arguing.

Talking about yourselves
is helping how?

- I can't do homework without books.
- I'll go to Lily's and bring them back.

- Come with me?
- Sure.

Yeah, because Dan loves being
in the middle of these things.



Special delivery.

I'm getting spoiled
having a doctor in the house.

Although, I am looking forward
to drinking my apple juice straight.

I'm surprised you can stand the smell
of that...

...after being pregnant with Serena.

I did drink an awful lot of it
during those months, didn't I?

Not just apple juice.

That green apple juice from that place
in the Village. What's it called?

I used to make you go all the way
downtown to get it for me.

You didn't make me. I'd go down there
right now if the juice craze wasn't over.

About that speech.

Don't even say it.

I'm sorry.

I just got caught up in the moment
and it came out all wrong.

- I was hoping that's what had happened.
- I'm just thrilled to get to know the kids.

You've just done such an amazing job,

- Really, you know, you and Rufus.
- Thank you.

I honestly don't know how we'd be
getting through all of this without you.

Which reminds me, those homeopathic
remedies are clogging up my humidifier.

- Want me to check it out?
- Yeah.


- Hello?
- You didn't answer your cell.

You mean my dad didn't. He took it.

Lily's pills are lvermectin.

They're great at battling parasites
and African river blindness.

But lymphoma, not so much.

Is it dangerous?
Does she know what she's taking?

We need to find out
who prescribed them and when.

The label,
I don't remember what it said.

Date and drug store were still legible.

Enough to track down
the prescribing doctor.

Luckily pharmacists don't make enough
to turn down bribes.

Okay, so what's next?

The mission requires an expert.

Someone highly trained
in the art of extorting information.

You're not gonna use this
to try to get back with Blair.

My priority is the truth.
If she's the one who can expose it...

You'll take advantage of that
to make sure she doesn't move on. I get it.

Let's just hope she's willing
to make herself available.

- Meet me at the Waldorf's.
- Wait, I'm...


Hey, Lil?

Rufus, I didn't know
you were coming over.

Yeah, we're picking up
Jenny's books.

They're in her old room.

I thought my mom told you
she needed some time.

I just wanna check in.
Make sure we're still on for tonight.

I'm sorry, but if she wanted to talk to you
then she would call you back.

You should leave.

Serena, does she have a problem seeing me
or is it you?

Holland told me what happened.

The sublet? I told you,
I didn't want your dad living in the building.

- You know it's not about that.
LILY: Rufus?

- What's going on?
- I honestly don't know.

Serena, what did Holland tell you?

Why don't you just leave?

You know what? Why don't we call
Holland and have her tell us herself.

I don't know
what you want me to say.

Serena's under the impression you
know something about something I did.

- I shouldn't be here.

I have nothing to hide from my family.
Please, tell them the truth.

I have nothing to hide from my family.
Please, tell them the truth.

Rufus and I slept together.

Talk about love thy neighbor.

RUFUS: What?
- I'm sorry.

GOSSIP GIRL: Next time, Rufus, choose
one who knows how to keep a secret.

This is absurd.

Mom, I didn't want you
to find out like this.

LILY: This is not your fault.
WILL: Why don't you head upstairs.

- Let me handle this.
- Thank you. I'll take you up on that.

RUFUS: Lily.
- Rufus.


I'm sorry,
I never meant to hurt anyone.

- It's probably best the truth is out.
- Except this isn't the truth.

- Why say that?
SERENA: We don't need to hear.

You can't expect me
to lie to their faces.

- You just did.
- You asked me to come up.

- Had to know what was going to happen.
- Excuse me. Holland, right?

- This kind of stress is not good for Lily.
- Please tell her I'm sorry. Again.

There's nothing to be sorry about.

- Nothing happened.
- You should leave too, Rufus.

You'd love that, wouldn't you? The
only place I'm going is to see my wife.

What'd I miss?

Lil, I'm sorry.
I had no idea she was an insane person.

Look, I don't want
to discuss this with you.

- Wait, you actually believe her?
- What does she have to gain...

...standing here humiliating herself
in front of our family?

- I just know she's lying.
- It'd be a lot easier to believe...

...if you hadn't left your scarf
in her apartment.

We've been over this.
I told you nothing happened that night.

You, of all people, could understand
why I might have a doubt.

You didn't talk to me for weeks
after you found that letter from William.

Lily, maybe you would do that.
But I wouldn't. And I didn't.

When you're ready to hear that
and talk about it, give me a call.

So crazy day
at the van der Woodsens, huh?

I just wanted to keep Rufus away
until my mom got stronger.

You don't really think he did this?

Why would Holland lie about it?

I don't know. I don't know who she is.
But I do know Rufus.

He took me in when my dad left us.
He's a good guy.

They all are until they aren't anymore.

I'm just trying to protect my mom.

Yeah, and I get it, okay,
but just give him a chance.

He gave you one
when you bailed on Brown.

- You really taking his side right now?
- I'm not taking sides. We're just talking.

Well, maybe that's not such a good idea.

I have to go be with my family.

I don't see why we need Blair.
I mean, don't you read Gossip Girl?

Extortion is what I do all day.

This is more than headbands
and high school.

You here together.

Tell me there's an explanation
that doesn't involve apocalypse.

We come in peace. And with a purpose.

Something's going on
with Lily's medication.

We need your mind-game mastery
to find out what.

Who are you, House?

Dr. Van der Woodsen
knows what he's doing.

It's not van der Woodsen,
it's a psychiatrist. I have an address.

It's weird, right? Lily so does not seem
like she's in therapy.

And you so should be.

I admire the attempt to lure me back
with subversive sleuthing...

...and appreciative as I am
of your help with Columbia...

...the answer's no.
CHUCK: Blair.

I need to find out why someone
doesn't want Lily getting better.

A heartfelt plea as well.

And much more effective
than a fatwa.

But you obviously know
I have a date today.

And nothing you can dangle
will make me miss it.

Next time
don't bring Jenny Humphrey.

I'm sorry you had to find out
about Rufus like that.

I know you two have become close.

I'm only concerned
with how you're doing.

- I'm not sure. Is that too honest?
- No. No, it makes sense.

Well, you know, after five marriages,
the last thing I want to do...

...is put you and Serena
through another divorce.

It might sound cold,
but they do get easier.

Rufus is different, you know?
He's been like a father to you.

And I love him.

But if you think he cheated on you,
you can't stay because of me.

You stay because you still love him
and you think you can work through this.

It doesn't matter who you end up with
as long as you're still here.

Thanks for coming with me, man.
It means a lot, you getting involved.

Hey, my dad would have done this
and worse.

No matter what Serena wants to believe,
no way Rufus would hurt Lily like that.

Serena know you're doing this?

- See what we find out before I tell her.
- You're on dangerous ground there.

The only way to clean up this mess
for everyone is to find out the truth.

Yeah, well, I know, that's why
we need the help of an expert.

Philosophy of war?
Hmm. I'm finally home.

Nate? Humphrey?

Please don't tell me my mother
rehired you as a cater waiter.

- I'm Dan.
- Cameron.

- Nate. Great game last week.
NATE: Thanks.

Sorry to interrupt, we need Blair's help.

People often drop by with their problems
because they know how supportive I am.

Supportive, i.e., scheming.

Did Chuck send you?

His pill plan didn't work
so he sent Frick and Frack?

No, Blair, this is about my dad
and Lily.

This woman, Holland,
has accused him of cheating.

Wait a minute.
An artist or a hippie activist maybe.

But rooftop-garden committee?

I knew that something wasn't right
when Serena told me.

No way would another Upper East Sider
shtup Rufus.

- My stepfather's Jewish.
- Oh.

Blair, we can't let Lily leave Rufus.

Will you help us?

Exposing scandal
on the Upper East Side?

Show me your world, Blair Waldorf.

They'd be lost without me.

Tell me everything you know
about this Holland person.

Trust me, I live with the van der Woodsens,
I learned how to lie.

- Can I help you?
- We're here to see Dr. Kemble.

- Did you have an appointment?
- I work for a troubled-teen hotline.

- Did you have an appointment?
- I work for a troubled-teen hotline.

I'm worried I said wrong things
about drugs, depression.

- Dr. Kemble could give me some advice.

- The doctor will be back next week.
- Next week...?

Will be fine. Thank you.

What brings you
and your mid-level entourage?

Nothing personal.

Looking for Holland,
who claims she slept with Rufus.

Let me guess. Dr. Holland Kemble.

GOSSIP GIRL: You better hope
this doctor gets healed...

... before someone else gets hurt.

So, what exactly am I looking for?

Bottle of pills like the one with
the Oxy. Hopefully with the label on it.

Or something else
that can link them to Holland.

Okay, I will rummage and report.

Holland is obviously trying to poison Lily
so she can have Rufus all to herself.

- So Shakespearean.
- Yeah, it's also Fatal Attraction.

- I just can't handle dead bunnies.
- Maybe I'm stating the obvious here...

...but shouldn't we tell Lily?
CHUCK: Tell her what?

"Jenny tried to sell
your mislabeled meds...

...which came from the woman
who said she slept with your husband?"

We have to get to Holland first.

She can connect all the dots,
then we go to Lily.

Holland will be at the library benefit

- I saw it on the calendar.
- Perfect.

Public humiliation helps
when trying to elicit a confession.

We don't expect you to keep up.
It's beyond basic rugby strategy.

Hopefully Jenny will find something
we can use.

Exactly, Humphrey.

Glad to have you aboard this time.

All right, rendezvous at my place?

Dress is black tie. I'll have tickets.

So you guys do this kind of thing
a lot?

Oh, yeah, a lot more than you'd think.

Georgina pretended to be
this rich Canadian to get Poppy.

But things got all messed up
when she turned her back on Jesus.

Yeah, but Dan
doesn't normally participate.

So that's your "sorry your husband
was cheating on you" present? A juicer?

Trust me,
it'll make your mother smile.

Sometimes I wish she'd have let you
take us away when you wanted to.

Tibet sounds pretty good right now.

Only if you don't get typhoid.

Besides, wherever you run,
things still happen.

All you can do
is try to learn from them.

Well, as awful as it's been,
maybe Mom needed this...

...to see that
she wasn't with the right man.

I'm not gonna take advantage
of this...

...to try to get closer to your mother.

Well, you have been there
throughout her entire sickness.

And this whole thing
could have happened...

...so that you could finally
stop hiding how you really feel.

I feel happy to shop
with my daughter.

And to be able to spend some time
with the people that I love.

- Including Mom.
- Serena.


Hey, why don't you do something
tonight to cheer her up.

There's the library benefit.
You could invite her.

Only if you come too.

What are you doing here?
No pills to steal in Brooklyn?

I actually came by to get a dress.

If you haven't destroyed them.

I have no interest
in your wannabe Watanabe.

I'm sure you saw your stuff
by the front.

And last I checked, dresses weren't in
the kitchen near my mom's medicine.

Do you even know
what your dad's prescribing her?

Something with high street value
or you wouldn't be interested.

If you could stop hating me
for one second...

...you'd see I was trying to help you.

Yeah, you and your dad
have done wonderful things...

...for us van der Woodsens.

Like it's been such a banner year
for the Humphreys?

I'd give it back, the clothes, parties, limo
rides just for one day that felt normal.

Then why are you still here?

You're right.

Nothing would make me happier
than to go back to Brooklyn forever.



Was that Jenny leaving?
Were you two fighting over Rufus?

- I don't want you kids in the middle.
- It was just Jenny.

You know her. All angst all the time.

- Oh, God.
- You okay?

- Do you want me to call Dad?
- No, I'm fine.

Fine. Physically.

Sitting here
is only gonna make you worse.

Dad invited us
to the library benefit tonight.

- Why don't we go with him?
- Oh, my God.

A juicer? Don't tell me...

A night out with your father
is exactly what the doctor ordered.

I'm sorry your new beau
had to abandon our mission.

- He had a dinner with his rugby team.
- How homoerotic.

You know how I love that.

We have plans
to continue our date later.

We have plans
to continue our date later.

So are you all ready
to make the fat lady sing?

I'll settle for making
the lying doctor lady confess.

- Here's Nancy Drew now.
- Did you get our proof?

Come on, the future of our family
is riding on your sleuthing.

I'm sorry. I looked everywhere,
but there was nothing.

If we don't have evidence
she has no reason to tell us anything.

Luckily, like every great general,
I have contingency plans.

Archibald, it's time to make use
of those family connections.

Watch out, Lonely Boy.

Seems your little sister has her own
ideas about your family's planning.


Serena is here. This complicates things.
We have to avoid them seeing us.

S won't be on board and we can't have
a blond bombshell blowing up our plan.

We wait for Dan and Nate to arrive...

...with some AMA guy
who's friends with Nate's family?

The plan is you wait with his ticket.

His name is Dr. Tabb, so pretend
you're well-bred and be polite.

It'll pay off if you need
orthopedic surgery at Mt. Sinai.

Like when you stab me.

Blair and I'll keep our eye on Holland.

Once our leverage arrives,
she'll either tell us the truth...

...or we tell Dr. Tabb
and he revokes her license.

I need a phone too.
My dad took mine.

Don't worry, Little J, you'll be back
on Park Avenue in no time.

- What are you doing?
- Playing the part.



Hi, Mt. Sinai Orthopedic?

Please let Dr. Tabb know
that there's no need to wait.

Nate Archibald had a change of plans
and won't be coming in tonight.


You know, I have to say
it's really nice to be here...

...with someone
who doesn't hate these sort of things.

- I have an idea.
- I already had it.

BLAIR: Dr. Kemble.
I've been dying to get a hold of you.

I've wanted to get him
to come to therapy for weeks.

- What are you doing here?
- Serena called, but I was on my way.

If my grounded daughter goes missing,
I wait for the next big party to find her.

You have no reason to believe me, but
this time I'm actually trying to help you.

- Jenny, is Holland here? Oh, Dad.
RUFUS: What did you say about Holland?

AMA guy wasn't at the hospital.
Blair's not picking up.

If Holland's here, I need to talk to her.

- Not a good idea.
DAN: And you don't have a ticket.

Dad, you're not even dressed.



I know a scheme when I see one.

I assume Chuck and Blair
are here somewhere?

Yeah, looking for Holland.
What was I supposed to do?

I know Rufus did not do this
and you won't even give him a chance.

Why should I?
He wouldn't give my dad a chance.

Oh, so that's it?

Anyone who might not like your dad
has to go?

All I asked you to do was support me
and instead you went behind my back.

It's not like that.

I get why everyone else did this.
Dan and Jenny don't wanna believe...

...their dad cheated. Chuck'll
do anything to get close to Blair.

And Blair, as much as she wants to,
can't run away from a game.

But you were supposed to be
on my side.

CHUCK: Watching Audrey Hepburn
movies isn't manhood-shriveling enough.

- I have to talk about my feelings.
- Movies are the only romance I have.

He loves his work
more than he loves me.

I prefer to see couples in my office. Why
don't you call and make an appointment.

Please. Please.

He traded me to his uncle
for his hotel.

- Traded you?
- For sex.

Is it any worse than tricking me into
kissing a guy so you can give a speech?

- Not the same. He's kissed guys before.
- She slept with Jack. My uncle.

Clearly you both have hurt each other.

- And now neither of you feels safe.
- How can we rebuild?


HOLLAND: It's going to take
a lot of hard work and a lot of time.

Are there any trust games involved?

HOLLAND: I'm sorry, I do have to go.
- Did I hear talk of games?

- Please just make an appointment.
CHUCK: Just one more thing.

That man over there
is on the AMA disciplinary committee.

Last time I checked it was illegal
to prescribe mislabeled medication...

...to those who aren't your patients.

What? You two really are sick.

The person with him
is waiting for my signal...

...to show him proof
of what you did to Lily Humphrey.

BLAIR: Just tell us why.
Are you in love with Rufus?

They say psychiatrists
are the craziest ones.

Blair? What the hell's going on?

Would you like to tell him or
would you like Dr. Disciplinary to do it?

I only wrote those prescriptions
because I owed someone a favor.

Who told you to say you slept with me?

The person you really need to talk to
is William van der Woodsen.

Where's Will?

What's so important, Jenny?

Holland's about to tell them everything
if she hasn't already.

Holland's about to tell them everything
if she hasn't already.

- Tell who, what?
- Everyone.

The truth about you and Holland working
together to split up my dad and Lily.

I'm sorry, I know
that you love your father very much.

Which is why I understand why you did
it. And I don't blame you for it, either.

It's just if you're gonna get out of here,
you gotta go now.

Why are you telling me this?

So you can get your family back.

And I can get mine.

Thanks for your help. I'll call if I hear
about any cater waiter positions.

Have you seen Lily?

She just left with Serena and Will.

GOSSIP GIRL: In this family feud, that's
van der Woodsen, one, Humphrey, zero.


You guys are home early.
It was that boring?

- Action-packed, actually.
- Your father got a call.

- He's gotta get back to Palm Beach.
- My patient has taken a turn.

- I've gotta get there right way.
- We're going with him.

You guys get packed. I'll arrange
for a helicopter to take us to Teterboro.

Eric, Mom needs us right now.
This is our chance to finally be a family.

I'll, uh... I'll go get my stuff.



Nate already tried calling.
There's no reason to defend your dad.

We're packing for Palm Beach.

I want my mom
to be able to put this behind her.

I'm not calling about my dad.
I'm calling about yours. Don't hang up.

I know how happy you are
to have him.

But he's the one who got Holland
to lie about the affair.

He had her prescribe pills for Lily too.

My dad is a doctor. Why would
he need Holland to give her pills?

The pills aren't helping her. And he
didn't want them traced back to him.

Okay, what you're saying
is just crazy.

Any crazier than your whole family
leaving town with him tonight?

- I'm gonna go. Goodbye.
- Serena, wait...

You all set? My bags are downstairs.

Yeah, you know, I was thinking maybe
we could just wait and fly out tomorrow.

I wish we could. I've got
to get to my patient immediately.

Are you sure that's what it's about?

People are saying
you're behind this Holland thing.


Um, let me go check on Mom.


- Rufus, what're you doing here?
- I'd like to talk to your mother.

- She doesn't want...
- Rufus, what is it?

The truth. Finally.

You want to tell her or should I?

So Serena's father sends her this letter
saying he and Lily were together.

Hoping it would cause problems between
Lily and my dad, maybe split them up.

When that failed, he went to Plan B.

Getting Holland to befriend Rufus.

Holland's husband was leaving,
desperate for a friend.

But once again,
Rufus and Lily proved too solid.

- So on to Plan C.
- There's a Plan C?

Oh, I always have a Plan C.

Put yourself
in the good doctor's loafers.

Lily comes to him over the summer.
She's actually sick.

He cures her. Falls in love.
Decides to win her back.

Only Holland tells him
Lily and Rufus are copper bottom.

He thinks, "What can I do
to get her to love me?

The family to accept me?"

Save her life.
So the pills he gets from Holland...

The ones you stole.

Antibiotics, the side-effects of which
mimic her symptoms.

He cures her again, gets to be the hero
and they live happily ever after.

No wonder you admire it.
It's almost like something you would do.

Thank you. It does have the fingerprints
of my genius.

- The only question now is...
- Will Lily believe my dad?

Lily, this is absurd.
You cannot believe his lies.

Should I call Holland?
She'll tell the truth.

- Get your mistress to change her story...
ERIC: Hey.

Was my mom really sick?
Now that's all I wanna know.

Of course she was sick.

To imagine that I would prescribe your
mother medication that she didn't need?

It's preposterous.

I've got the files in my bag.
Do you wanna see them?

You don't have to prove yourself.

Apparently, I do.

- Excuse me.
- William.

I didn't cheat on you, Lil.
I would never cheat on you.

- Rufus.
- So she's not sick.

- I just want to be clear.
- She's not sick anymore.

He's been lying
since he got to New York. To all of us.

- Do you think he's even coming back?
- Of course.

You heard what he said.

And I'm sorry, Mom. I don't want you
to be sick. But Dad is not lying to us.


Where's William?

Where's William?

- He's in the lobby, getting his bags.
NATE: There's no one in the lobby.

- He's down there.
- Serena, the lobby's empty.

You just must not have seen him.
He wouldn't leave.

- Hey, hey.
- He wouldn't leave me.

- Let her go.
- Oh, God.


We should call the police.

Let's just give him a minute.

No, if we wait, he'll be gone for good.

Yes, Captain Lewis?
This is Nate Archibald.

We met at my grandfather's
this summer. Listen, I need a favor.

How did William know
to get out of town?

Someone must have tipped him off.

It had to be one of us.

It was me.

What happened?

It's true. He left.

I need you to tell me the truth.

When your mother
came to me last summer she was sick.

I cured her.

Then I fell in love with her again.

When I came here and saw you and Eric
I realized how badly I had messed up.

I never wanted to hurt any of you.

I just wanted my family back.

All you needed to do was be here.

I'm sorry, Serena.

I just thought,
unless your mother needed me...

...you weren't
gonna give me a chance.

Well, the police are on their way now
so you should probably go.

Why don't you come with me?

I don't forgive you.

I also don't need to punish you...

...so if you just go now
I'll make sure they don't come after you.

- I love you, Serena.
- I love you too, Dad.

Go now.



Rufus, I'm sorry I didn't believe you.
I was just so overwhelmed.

The only thing that matters
is I'm not losing you.

To cancer, or to Will, or anything else.

Really? That's it?

Dad, she believed you cheated.

- She was leaving with her ex-husband.
- And you helped make that happen.

You know, you think
that William's the only problem?

He's not, Dad.
You and Lily fight all the time.

One of you thinks the other's cheating,
you both keep secrets.

- Jenny, that's between me and Lily.
- You know, I wish it was.

But we all get dragged into it.
Just like we did today.

In Brooklyn, I might
have had to take the subway to school...

...and make my own clothes,
but at least our family was happy.

I don't see what's so wrong about
wanting my life to go back to normal.

This is where we live. What needs
to get back to normal is you.

If you don't wanna be a part of this
family, no one is forcing you to stay.

You don't have to wait with me.

Lily is fine and the sting is over.

You're not really going to keep up
this rugby player facade.

It's not a facade, it's a date.

And he's on his way.

I know you felt it.

We were caught up in a scheme.

And it was role-play.

It was real.
I know you feel it right now.

Doesn't change anything.

Holland may be crazy,
but she was right.

No matter what I feel or don't,
we're not safe.

I did the most dangerous thing I could
when I said I love you.

It was worth it.

If I got through my fear for you,
you can get through yours for me.

You have until tomorrow to decide.

- What?
- We're never going to be safe.

So are you brave enough
or aren't you?

I'll wait at the top
of the Empire State Building.

You can't Affair to Remember me.

If you're not there tomorrow at 7:01
I'm closing my heart to you forever.

Well, I won't be there.

How'd the sting go?


I'd much rather hear about rugby.

Fair enough. Rugby is a real sport.
Football's for sissies.


- Hello.
- Hey, I've been calling you.

There's nothing more to say.
I got to my dad before the cops did.

There's nothing more to say.
I got to my dad before the cops did.

So I guess now you know
why I don't talk to you about things.


Thanks for coming with me.

I know this was a complicated one
for you.

When are things not complicated
with Serena van der Woodsen?

You want to talk about it?


When the family tree falls...

... we all need a friend to lead us
out of the woods.

Or into them.

- I didn't know you'd be here.
- I live here.

I know. I just thought
you'd be with Serena or something.


But careful, once darkness descends...

... true natures emerge
and everything is fair game.

Until morning.

XOXO, Gossip Girl.