Gossip Girl (2007–2012): Season 3, Episode 2 - The Freshmen - full transcript

Blair, who is determined to maintain her Queen status in college, embarks on her first day at NYU, along with Dan and Vanessa. Unfortunately, Georgina turns up as Blair's roommate in the ...

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Gossip Girl here,
your one and only source...

...into the scandalous lives
of Manhattan's elite.

You got into Brown. The letter came
while you were away. Congratulations.

You said you could call in a favor
at NYU?

I can only get you an interview.
It's up to you to wow him.

You got your money.
Now you can go to Yale.

- Well, I'm going to NYU now.
- Great. Then I'll see you next year.

You're Nate Archibald.

You're Bree Buckley.
It's good to see you again.

I made new friends.
One in particular.

So you are dating someone.

His name's Scott.
I think you would like each other.

Yeah, everything's great. I've been
waiting all summer for Reed to start.

Tomorrow's the day
that I came here for.

I know secrecy is a lot to ask for...

...but I can't risk making
my family more upset right now.

Don't worry.
I'm good at secret relationships.

What if your dad
didn't wanna see you?

Who the hell is he not to want you?
I would've stayed all summer with you.

Vanessa, I'm not changing.

I don't care if you're rich.
You are, by the way.

If you're gonna be in this world,
be yourself.

- Anything else?
- I'd like a roommate.

Blair Waldorf. She's my best friend
and I just can't wait to live with her.

Where has she been?

And who am I?

That's one secret I'll never tell.

You know you love me. XOXO...

...Gossip Girl.

Every fall, confident high school seniors...

...transform into nervous
college freshmen.

They leave their parents' homes for
the hallowed halls of higher education.

And like any new venture...

...starting college holds the promise
of limitless opportunity.

The opportunity
to conquer a new territory.

Or to try and be a little less lonely.

But just because
the opportunity presents itself...

...doesn't mean everybody
is ready to take it.

You're so sweet to see me off.

I can't believe NYU orientation week
is finally here.

I have to object to you living
in the dorms. Florescent lighting...

...communal showers,
public school girls?

There's a place for that and it belongs
in the back of a video store.

It's not for long.

I can't rule the NYU masses
from the Upper East Side.

I need time in the dorm
to establish myself as queen.

It's not Constance, Blair.

The only queens at NYU are the ones
with tickets to see Liza at Carnegie Hall.

Chuck, I trust that when you say "never
drink absinthe with Daniel Baldwin"...

...you know
what you're talking about.

But when I say the first week of college
means scared, vulnerable freshmen...

...needing someone to guide them,
I know what I'm talking about.

And I'm very excited for you.

You haven't called Vanessa?

- She's gotta call me.
- You could get over it.

After all these years,
you guys'll be at the same school.

It's probably not the best idea
to avoid my only friend at NYU.

I don't think you're gonna have
any trouble making friends there.

World of Greenwich Village intelligentsia
is Dan Humphrey's natural habitat.

You're so lucky.
NYU is exactly the right place for you.

Like Brown is for you?

- Serena?
- Um...

Sorry. Yeah, you know what, I should
finish packing. But good luck, Dan.

- Hey, I'm sorry, are you Dan Humphrey?
- Uh, yeah.

The Dan Humphrey who was published
in the issue of The New Yorker?

Uh, yeah.

Large coffee, please. I'm Katie.

And I'm not usually
an eavesdropping stalker.

It's just that I read your piece.
It was amazing.

What? Really? Wow, that's...
Thank you.

Yeah, well, at first I hated you
because I also submitted.

But then I read it and I was like:

"Okay, fine. I accept defeat
at your hands, Dan Humphrey."

Anyway, I have a writers' group.
We meet every week.

We're meeting here at noon tomorrow.
You should come.

- Car's downstairs. You ready?
- As I'll ever be.

Today's a big day.
You and Dan both off to college.

Yeah, no, I know. I should get going.

Your mom's so proud of you.

So am I.

- Hey.
- Scott, you remember Dan. Dan, Scott.

Yeah, it's good to finally
officially meet you.

You dating now?
I heard you were friends.

- You actually have to call to find out.
- Okay, I didn't realize we were speaking.

- Oh, God.
- Of course she's in a limo.


We don't know each other here.

- Works for me.
- Me too.

Well, hello, sis.

I assume you need a few ounces
of study aid for Brown.

No. I need a place to stay.

I'm not going to Brown.

We may all be freshmen
and new to NYU and the dorms...

...but that doesn't mean
we embarrass ourselves.

I can tell looking around
none of you are from New York City.

- Actually, I'm from...
- Riverdale doesn't count.

I won't be holding the sad truths
of your hometowns against you.

In fact, I want to help you.
For example:

Who can tell me which is the only club
to be seen at on a Saturday night?

- I read Marquee.
- Wrong.

You should never be seen at a club
on Saturday night.

It's strictly bridge and tunnel
on the weekends.

Dorota and I
have put together gift bags...

...filled with essentials for everyone.

I think you don't need week
to run school, you do it in one day.

I know. This is going even better
than I had hoped.

The best part is
I seem to have a single.

Sorry I'm late.

Blair? Blair Waldorf? Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh. I can't believe it.
We're roommates.

Rah, rah, sis boom bah,
Georgina's pulled a coup d'?tat.

Welcome to college, B.
This is gonna be a blast.

Following me to NYU?
Becoming my roommate?

I'm gonna have Dorota
file a restraining order.

I mean, you're overreacting.
The roommate thing is a coincidence.

My parents said it was
either Bible camp or college. So...

...go Bobcats!
- So you're not in love with Jesus?

I still hold him in my heart. Jesus
and I have redefined our relationship.

He dumped you.
He found you were Satan.

This could actually be a good thing,

Look. Manolos.
Size seven just like you.

- Let me know if you wanna borrow.
- I'll win, you know.

I will rule here.
You can't stand in my way.

- Are we still playing this game?
- Oh, please. Like you're not.

- I'm not. I'm here for a fresh start.
- Oh, no.

Vanessa? You're in our dorm too?

Your dorm? Yeah,
my room's just down the hall, so...

That's awesome.

Oh! Isn't this so pretty?

I'm gonna hang it up.

Oh, Miss Blair.
What are we going to do?

- Call police?
- No.

- We're going to throw a party.
- I go to Masa. See if they will cater.

Pardon me.

I was packing and talking to Blair
about her classes, and then it hit me.

I wasn't excited about any of it.

I don't know what I wanna do yet.

And going off to a new place
to figure that out? L...

I don't know, I'm just...
I'm not ready for that.

Look, sis, for people like us,
a college degree is just an accessory.

Like a Malawi baby or a poodle.

An accessory my mother
really wants me to have.

You wanna hide out at the Bass cave
till you figure it out.

Yeah, if that's okay with you.
Nobody knows about this, not even Blair.

Blair would be more upset
than my mother.

I couldn't help but notice you and Carter
Baizen at the Vanderbilt polo party.

- This doesn't have to do with him?
- No, absolutely not.

- I haven't seen him since then.
- Good.

One favor. I'm having a meeting here
so if you can clear out for a few hours.

I don't mind if your dealer comes by.

Jesse is in St. Barts this week.
This is something more legitimate.

You know the old art-deco bank
on 72nd between Madison and Park?

The one that went under last month.
I wanna make it into a speakeasy.

In the front, an elegant restaurant.

But down in the vault, an after-hours
locale devoted to indecency...

...disreputable behavior
and all manner of debauchery.

A kind of homage
to the last time the market crashed.

The harder the times, the harder
people wanna party and forget about it.

Chuck, this is really a great idea.

I can't believe Blair
hasn't told me about this yet.

She doesn't know. Nobody does.

I just wanted to wait
till I was sure it was going through.

You know, my father turned
his first profit by the time he was 22.

I hope to do it by the time I'm 21.

Let me guess. Women in Literature,
Professor Schweik?

I'm a sucker for stories
about scorned women.

I got the same. I think the universe
is trying to tell us something.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I should've called you.

No, it's okay. I wouldn't
have wanted to call me either...

...after the way I came down
on you at the party.


- So Scott.
- Yeah. He's so great.

He really wants to get to know you.
My God, I have so much to tell you.

- Guess who lives in my dorm.
- Hey, guys.

Ohh! Ho, ho. Oh.

Sorry to interrupt.
I just saw you and I thought...

So I really just wanna apologize
for everything that happened in the past.

I got my meds straightened out and
I'm really in a much better place now.

So I come to NYU hoping for a fresh
start and who do I get as my roommate?

- Blair Waldorf.
- What?

We have so much to catch up on.

I mean, I wish I had
some other friends here, you know?

You guys are really lucky
to have each other.

Anyway, I should go.

Okay, this is probably too much...

...but would you guys
wanna have a coffee with me?

Uh... Look, Georgina, I appreciate
that you want a clean slate...

...but I think it would kind of
be too much. I'm sorry.

No, of course.
I mean, I totally understand.

I'd feel the same way.
I'll see you around.

- Maybe we were a little bit too harsh.
- What? It's Georgina.

- You're Dan.
- You're Vanessa. This is a fun game.

Sorry. I thought you were
more forgiving than that.

Are you trying to make me
the bad guy here?

No, it's just, we want a fresh start
and so does she.

Okay, I know you're new
to the whole school thing...

...but you don't want Georgina
as your friend.

I mean, she's gonna
scare everyone away.

Georgina. Hey.

What's gonna happen
when we start classes?

That's why we have
my family's apartment.

And plus, you know
all this sneaking around?

Making sure the doorman
doesn't see.

Not answering the phone
when my mother calls.

I mean, you know it adds
a layer of hotness.

What are you saying? That
our hotness is purely circumstantial?

And that if we were out in the real
world, we'd like each other less?


You know
that if we really started dating...

...after a few months, you'd realize
that you hate the way that I laugh...

...I couldn't stand the way
that you chew and we'd break up.

That's a very romantic story.
No, but it doesn't have to be like that.

Care to make a bet?

I got an idea.

I will hole up with you for 24 hours...

...we fast-forward
through the entire relationship.

Leave the seat up,
sing Timberlake in the shower.

Watch shows you like,
not ones you're supposed to.

What do you say?
You, me, this apartment.

Let's get sick of each other.


As you can see,
the restaurant would be elegant.

Seasonal menu, extensive wine list.

Now, the space is big, but I want it
to have a more intimate feel.

And how would you be using
the vault space?

It's perfect for storage.

I have to be honest.

Given your reputation, when you made
your bid, the board was very concerned.

I completely understand.

The neighbors don't want some raucous
club coming in and disrupting the quiet.

And believe me, I wouldn't wanna
bring that element to the area.

I'll be right down.

Sorry. I'm not here. My heel broke.

Stepsister. I apologize.

My lawyer. Excuse me.

Get out.

Sorry for interrupting your meeting.

Not at all. We were finishing up,

Are you leasing Chuck
the bank space?

- Mm-hm. He has a real vision.
- I know.

Turning the vault into a club?
It's genius.


Excuse me?

Thank you.

Cool party. I'm Amalia.

I'm glad people understand the concept
of fashionably late, but this is ridiculous.

I think everybody's down the hall
watching a movie or something.


Please, ease up on the toro.

He has to answer to a board, Serena.

And board members
tend not to approve of clubs...

...with coat-check girls
who give happy endings.

It was an honest mistake.
When he was talking about your...

Look, why do you think I asked you
to go out tonight?

Because I knew something like this
would happen.

Fine. Then I'll go.

Train wreck.

- All right.
- Yeah.

Oh! Hey, Blair.

Oh, my God, we just finished watching
Vanessa's documentary...

...about this community garden
in her neighborhood.

- It was amazing.
- No, it wasn't.

Yes, it was. I mean, Vanessa, tears.
Actual tears.

When that gang member
picked up his carrot...

Okay, screening is over.

The cocktail party has officially begun
in the common room. Sake-tinis.

And is that my invitation
being used as a coaster?

Thanks so much, Blair.

But we actually just scarfed, like, four
pizzas. Vanessa's about to show us...

...her bootleg Michel Gondry videos.
- Georgina, please.

Nobody wants greasy pizza
and Vanessa's home movies...

...when there's a sushi-and-sake party
in the other room.

Did I mention wasabi facials?

- Okay, then.
- And shut the door.

Blair Waldorf going from VIP to VD.

Poor Blair.
How are you gonna cure this one?


Hey. Thanks for letting me
crash here last night.

Harboring an lvy League fugitive?
I'm your man. I made you breakfast.

I have to go, but remember
we don't have servants here.

So if you see anybody else in the loft,
call the police. It's not the chef.

Good to know.

- So did classes start already?
- No, just orientation stuff.

But I did join a literary group.

More people talked to me in one day
than my entire four years at St. Jude's.

I'm not surprised. I can totally see
why people would love you there.

About Brown... You should
think about talking to my dad.

He might ramble a lot,
might nervously strum his guitar...

...but when it comes to fatherly advice,
he's pretty much the best there is.

Do you want one?
Thanks. Come to the party.

- Come to the party.
- Oh, great.


- It's gonna be really fun. Fantastic.
- We'll be there.


So if you're not trying to sabotage me,
then what is this?

You ruin my sushi party
and now you're making your move.

- This paranoia has got to stop, Blair.
- I'm not paranoid, I'm right.

Why would you form an alliance
with Vanessa, the person I hate more?

Not an alliance, it's a friendship.
Unlike you, Vanessa's cool.

People like her. More than the weird girl
who threw the fish party.

Sushi. There was toro.

Face it, Blair. Once upon a time
in a far-off land, you were a queen.

Here you're just a loser
who will never fit in.

So you won't be needing that.

Hey, guys, do you wanna come
to my party? You can have one too.

- You're really pretty.
- Thank you.



- What are you doing here?
- Rufus and I were just catching up.

But I have to prepare for a meeting
tonight. Thank you for the waffles.

Look, I don't know what kind of
twisted spin Chuck put on things...

...but I actually wanted to
talk to you about this.

Rufus, I'm having doubts
about going to Brown.

Well, I'm sorry,
but to lie about leaving for college?

Between the show you put on
for the paparazzi...

...and the craziness
at the party last week and this...

...I don't know what's going on.
- I'm sorry I lied.

- I didn't wanna upset Mom.
- At least we agree about that.

You can repack your things
and go to Brown today.

I'll have a car here within an hour.
There's no reason Lily has to know.

Or what, you'll tell on me?

Wow, I feel really emotionally supported
in making this life-changing decision.

It's not a decision, it's a mistake...

...which is why I'm trying to
get you not to make it.

By threatening me.

Do you know you're more afraid
of my mother than I am?

You know what, Rufus?
Go ahead, call her.

You can let her know
I'm not going to Brown.

Thanks for the talk.

- What do you want?
- Hey.

I was wondering
if you wanna go out tonight.

- I thought you were at Brown.
- No, I'm not.

In fact, after I hang up with you,
I will be withdrawing my admission.

There's nobody
I'd rather celebrate with.

So are you in or out?

See you tonight.

No, I learned everything I know
about women...

...from Judy Blume's Forever.

Can I talk to you?

Yeah. Yeah, what's up?

I was wondering...

...do you have a date
to Georgina's party?

Forget the Four Horsemen.

The real evidence our world
is coming to an end?

Blair Waldorf needing Dan Humphrey
to rescue her from social extinction.

- You got it?
- Yup.

You okay?

I feel like I got off on the wrong foot
here and I wanna start again...

...so thanks for bringing me,

Oh. Yeah. I would like to think
that if I needed it...

...somebody would do the same for me.
Though, we know it wouldn't be you.

Oh. No headbands in college. Okay?

- Katie.
- Hey, guys.

- Blair. You... You remember Katie.
- Yeah. Cute necklace.

Thank you. I love your...

How about I get us all drinks,
and you two talk?

Just not about high school. Please.

What's up, Dan?

So was everyone at your school
totally jealous of Dan...

...for being such a great writer?

Dan's a writer?

Oh. Hey, Dan.

Hey. Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday.
I was out of line.

Please, don't even worry about it.
I mean, you have every right to be upset.

- I'm just really glad you're here.
- Thanks.

Okay. So am I really drunk or
did I just see you walk in with Blair?

Hey, there.

You wanted me to give you a chance.

Don't you think you should
give one to Blair?

She's not looking for a second chance,
she's looking for a way in.

People like you here, Dan,
and Blair sees that.

I've been the person
not welcome at parties...

...and if I'm now on the other side...

...l'm not gonna treat people
the way I was treated.

- Even if it's Blair.
- I'm just trying to look out for you.

Trust me, you're being used.

Have fun.

Gross. With your mother's
L.L. Bean catalog?

A cargo-short fetish definitely goes
in the minus column.

What? I was 12 years old.

Speaking of pants,
pass yours over here.

- What do you need my pants for?
- I wanna see what's in them.

- Show me your secrets.
- Have a look. It's just normal stuff.

Normal stuff, huh? All right.


Keys, cell phone, yeah.

A boarding pass...

...from London.

Don't tell me you've been wearing
these pants since we met.

No, l...

Look, if you must know, I kept it.

And he has a sentimental streak.

I thought your theory was that if we
got to know each other, we'd break up.

Maybe I'm revising my theory.

To you. Brown's loss is my gain.

Thank you. Heh, heh, heh.

You know, when you called,
I tried not to answer.

Great. Chuck Bass.
Let's get out of here.

No. Come on. Since when
do you run away from Chuck Bass?

It looks like he's having
a business meeting. This could be fun.

- No way.
- Serena. Carter. This isn't a good time.

Well, then, let's make it one.

What's wrong?
Aren't you happy to see us?

Carter and I were just
sharing Chuck Bass stories.

We had to break them into categories.
What were we up to?

- International affairs?
- There was the time when Chuck...

...and the Italian ambassador's son were
asked to leave an Amsterdam brothel.

- That's an accomplishment.
- Neither of us spoke any Dutch.

Oh, my gosh, is this...?
Is this a business meeting?

I'm sorry if you sense any tension.
These two don't like each other much.

They share the same taste in women.
Sometimes they share the actual women.

- That's enough.
- What's this meeting about?

- Still trying to fill your daddy's shoes?
- Yeah, Chuck, come on.

- Tell him your idea.
- I'm opening a restaurant.

Yeah, that's what he's telling people,
but downstairs in the vault...

...he's creating a club.

What did you say?
You wanted to redefine decadence?

You wanted to ruin my deal...

...so you came here and brought
Carter Baizen as your wingman.

I told Rufus about Brown...

...because I was actually concerned
for you.

I'm sorry to have wasted your time.

Are you insane?
Battlestar kicks TNG's ass.

What other show in history
has been asked to speak at the UN?

An organization that condemns terrorism
while secretly funding it...

...hosts a panel for a show
that glorifies terrorists. Dude.

- I can't even look at you right now.
- Don't look.

What do you think?

- Trust me, you don't wanna know.
- I do. I do wanna know.

Oh, thank God.

Man, I'm really glad you decided
to come to the party.

Thanks, man, that's...

Vanessa cares about you a lot and I
know that she was hoping you'd come.

- You know that.
- Right. Yeah, yeah. I know that.

- There he is.
- Oh, speak of the devil. Hey.

To... To fresh starts.

- I'm happy you're here, Humphrey.
- Me too.

So, Scott, you are in big trouble.
I cannot believe you told Vanessa...

...to take Professor Rifkin
for Art in the World.

- Why? I mean, I liked him.
- Dude, he's totally old school.

Not to mention just plain old.

I mean, his lecture notes
are literally turning yellow with age.

Please, do tell, what other professors
are you recommending?

Let's hear it, because
Katie's gonna have to weigh in.

I'm at a party.
I don't feel like taking a test now.

Excuse me, everyone! Can you please...?
Stop with that noise. Hi, everyone.

What the hell?

Well, most of you don't know me.
My name is Blair Waldorf.

But a lot of you know my roommate
who threw this amazing party, Georgina.

Yeah, I know. Georgina rocks, right?

It's funny, because I never knew
that a Jesus freak...

...could throw such a good party,
but I guess I was wrong.

So everyone raise a glass
or a plastic cup of foam...

...to the coolest Christian I know,
Georgina Sparks.

What do you know?
What do you know?

What do you know about Jesus?
What do you know?

What do you know?
What do you know about the Lord?

What do you know?
What do you know about Jesus

And his love?

Oh, my God. This is a conversion party.
I can't believe it.

Georgina threw this party...

...and invited all her friends here
to convert the vulnerable freshmen.

Seems that Blair Waldorf
has finally found Jesus...

...and invited him
to crash Georgina's party.

- Thank you, sir.
- Carter, wait.

That's the reason you wanted me
to go out with you.

You knew I'd help you
screw over Chuck.

Chuck had screwed me over.
At least I thought he had.

I wanted to get him back.

Listen to you. You're acting out
because Daddy doesn't love you?

Is that why you skipped out on Brown?

- Please.
- No.

I told you how I felt
and you blew me off...

...until you needed someone to do your
work. It's time to find a new bad habit...

...because it's not gonna be me

- VIP.
- Yeah, I know.

VIP room at the Monkey Bar.
Monkey Bar.

- Can't wait.
- Limo's downstairs.

We were worried. We missed you.

I can't tell you how my heart filled with
joy when we got your call inviting us...

...to share his glory with your friends.
- I didn't invite you here.

We thought our lamb
had been lost for good.

- I am lost.
- I'm taking over the VIP room.

Hope I see you there. Monkey Bar.

- Limo's downstairs.
- Blair, what are you doing?

Georgina was turning everyone
against me. You were just a casualty.

Don't worry,
your loyalty's been rewarded.

Your name's on the list. Yours isn't.

Georgina wasn't turning people
against you, Blair.

You tried to bribe people with sushi
parties and gift bags, and nobody liked it.

I don't need these losers to like me
in order to follow me.

Fear works better, anyway.
Dan, you've experienced social Siberia.

If you wanna try something new,
I'll see you at Monkey Bar.

I didn't know there was
a cool crowd at college.

You and I were the only ones
dumb enough to believe that.

Hey. So some of us are wondering
if you're gonna go to Monkey Bar.

You know, just because someone
has to be on top...

...doesn't mean it has to be Blair.

When you get downstairs,
you'll find limos waiting to take you.

And no sticking your head
out the sunroof.

This isn't East Ridge High School

- Bye.
- Hello, hey. Excuse me.

Can I get everybody's attention, please?
Hey, hi. Hello. I'm Dan.

I just wanna let everybody know here
that Blair Waldorf...

...over there invited some people
from Georgina's past...

...just so she could embarrass her.

But we're also in college, and college
is a place where you're not judged...

...about what you believe or friends.

You're here to make new friends.

All right, so last time I checked...
I mean...

I think this party was pretty fun, right?

Yeah, okay.
So who wants to leave with Blair?

All right, and who wants to stay here
and drink cheap beer with me?

It's a no-brainer. Here you go.

Thank you.
You didn't have to do that.

Yeah, I did.

Let's get a beer.

Uh-oh, B, looks like
your new flock was just led astray...

...and by Dan Humphrey no less.

I guess they know a false prophet
when they see one.


- Mind if I join you?
- It's your home.

Dan told you I was here?

I was...

...glad you felt like
you could come here.

That you felt like
this was a safe place.

I'm really sorry, Rufus. I never meant
for it to get this messed up.

- None of it was your fault.
- Well, I didn't help matters.

I shouldn't have blown up at you
the way that I did.

So talk to me.


I called Brown and deferred for a year.

- Okay.
- May have been for the wrong reasons...

...at the time, I think.

Well, no, I know
that it was the right decision.

I would've been going
because my mom wanted me to go.

While that's a good reason,
that's not good enough.

You know, I did the same thing.

Well, it was Rutgers, not Brown.

But I got in and I realized that
if I didn't pursue music, I'd never do it.

I wish I had that same sense
of purpose...

...but I hope that if I take this time
that I'll find it.

Gosh, how am I gonna tell my mom?

Maybe I could help you figure that out.

I know I'm not the first guy
that your mom's brought into your life...

...but if you and Eric will let me...

...l'd really like to be more to you

Than just Lily's most recent husband.

Let me help you with this.

Wow, I...

I would really appreciate that, Rufus.

I'm sorry, Mom. It wasn't my intention
to embarrass you or Daddy.

I wouldn't be doing this
if I didn't feel the way I do.

I really, really like him, and...

Mom, please don't be like that.


I guess we didn't fool the doorman.

So you told your mom the truth?

I didn't wanna risk everything
with my family...

...for some fling
that wasn't gonna last.


Well, if your family can accept us
together, maybe one day mine will too.

And if not?

That's a risk that I'm willing to take.

There's a reason we never
went downtown. It's awful.

The minute you cross Fourteenth Street,
people forget there's a class system.

B, you will find your place.
Just give it time.

No, I found my place,
and it's at the bottom.

It's a point of pride now
that I see who's on top.

Anyway, it's all turned out
for the best.

If I hadn't been distracted,
I would've forced you to go to Brown.

That's sweet,
but, no, you wouldn't have.

I am sorry I pulled a disappearing act
on you.

I'm sure you'll find a way
to make it up to me...

...in the handbag department
at Bendels.

Now, normally I'd be more worried
about Brown...

...but you actually seem a lot better
than you have in a while.

I really am.

It was so much easier when it was just
about where we sat on the Met steps.

Yeah, but we've...

We've been here, done this.

But I was so good at it.

Well, then, it's time for a new challenge
for both of us.

I'm glad you're not going to Brown.

I need you here.


- Bye.
- Bye, you.

I'm sorry I'm late,
but I have a good excuse.

- What is this?
- A review...

...of all the professors I had this
summer. Look, I even gave them grades.

Oh. This is amazing.

Sorry for that weird moment
with Katie last night.

I think I got a little overwhelmed
from meeting all your friends.

That's okay. That was kind of
the least weird part of the whole night.

When Dan got on the mic and
he convinced everyone to stay...

...that was insane.

- Is he usually like that?
- No.

Dan is more of
a corner-of-the party guy.

Should I call him? See if he'll join us?

Call him later. I just wanna be
with you right now.

- What do you want?
- There's a reason I come back to you...

...and it's not because
you're my bad habit.

What, then?

You're the one who understood
why I needed to find my father.

You were there for me during all of that,
and I trust you.

- Anyone would've done the same thing.
- No, they wouldn't have.

And I don't want anyone else.

I want you.

You were right about the dorms.

The lighting is awful.

Are you okay?

I am now.

- Hello?
- Hey.

You wanna meet me and Scott
so we can download about last night?

No, you know what? I'm still a little
wrecked, so I'll call you later.

Okay. Bye.

Apparently higher education
doesn't make for smarter decisions.

So take out your notebooks
and sharpen your pencils, kids.

Gossip Girl's going to college
and this class has a lot to learn.