Good Trouble (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - Torn - full transcript

Mariana's new relationship complicates her work environment; Callie struggles to make decisions that threaten both her career and love life; Malika questions her involvement in activism; Davia juggles the men in her life.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You know, in fact,
I was kinda hoping that,

maybe, you'd want to join my team?

We're just so excited for the
first all-female team at Speckulate!

Don't use me because
you don't want to deal

with whatever's bothering you.

It's not fair.

I love you.

I am not moving back to Wisconsin.

I left Lily.

Promise me that if you
ever feel suicidal again,

you'll just come to me.

The jury finds the defendants

not liable.

You were a good son.

Jamal's life mattered!
Jamal's life mattered!

Jamal's life mattered!

Do you have you federal
court security card on you?

Our goal is to bridge
the access-to-justice gap

for the indigent and under-privileged,

and we're currently suing
the city for not making enough

publicly funded housing accessible
to people with disabilities.

We work with the Innocence Project.

As well as overturning
wrongful convictions of youth.

At the A.C.L.U., you'll have
eight project areas to choose from:

policing, jails,
immigration, education...

Domestic abuse, child
rights and services,

shelters for abused women...

First Amendment, LGBTQ,
reproductive rights...

We're currently appealing
three death row cases.

And that sounds amazing. Amazing.

And exactly... Exactly... Exactly...

... what I want to do.

Now, that's a power suit.

You are going to blow
them away at your new job.

It's my dream to work for the A.C.L.U.

Once you pass the bar,

I don't see why we can't
make that dream come true.

Working on the weekend?

Yeah, so much to do now
that I'm a team leader.

Can I... uh, help?

Um, sure. I'm kind of
just stuck on this code.










Wake up.

- What?
- Wake up.

Wake up.

Your alarm's been going
off for like ten minutes.

♪ Good Trouble 2x02 ♪

You know, it's normal to have
a sex dream about your boss.

It doesn't mean you're attracted to him.

I'm not, at all.

I mean, I just... I feel icky, like,

like I cheated on Raj.

Oh, how's it going
with the hooded warrior?

- Amazing.
- Hmm!

I thought it'd be too much dating
and working together on my app,

but it's been great.

So, everyone at work knows
that you're hitting it?

- Oh, no.
- You know, that's hot.

So, you guys are, like, sneaking around,

- doing it in the supply closet?
- No.

Oh, come on, everyone smashes at work.

- They do?
- No.

Oh, my God.

You hooked up in Wilson's office?

With Jamie or Gael?

I would rather not say.

You know, actually, come to think of it,

I haven't seen a lot
of Jamie around lately.

Okay, after everything
that happened today,

I, I don't know what I'm doing.

I'm not saying that I
don't want to be with you.

I just, I need some time and space to...

to get my shit together.

But I understand if you
can't give that to me.

Is this your way of making
me break up with you

so you don't have to do it?


No, it's not.

I promise.

Then take the time you need.

Yeah, Jamie and
I are on a break.

Okay, Ross.

Oh, oops.

Got your mocks for the app ready.

Great. Can't wait to see them.

How is it working with Gael?

It's great. He super talented.

I'm super happy he's on my team.

Do you guys ever talk about me?

Oh, constantly.

You know, even though we
have a ton of work to do,

we spend almost all of
our time talking about you.

No, I just like wonder
where his head's at.

You mean, if he's waiting around for you

to decide who you want to be with?

I don't expect him to wait for me.

- You don't?
- No.

Why don't you just
make up your mind already?

No, I am not dating
anyone until I get a job,

and I can't get a job
until I've passed the bar.

Which I will hopefully know about soon.

Well, in the meantime,

there's really no temporary
position you can fill?

No. No, there aren't any other
positions I'm qualified for, so...

I guess I could get a retail job.

No, don't be ridiculous.

I'll keep paying the bills until
you find out your bar results.

Oh, speaking of which, um,

I got a notice that I've
almost used up my data plan?

Oh, uh, yeah, I took
you off of unlimited.

With you not working, how
much data do you really need?

Hey, by the way, do you mind
picking up my dry cleaning?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

Oh, and, uh, I need
toothpaste and shampoo.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

You don't think you're,
like, blackballed, do you?

Like in the legal world?

So, it isn't on your resume,

but I did a little
asking around about you

and I found out that you were
clerking for Judge Curtis Wilson

for just a, a few months?

What happened there?

Jamal's life mattered!
Jamal's life mattered!

Jamal's life mattered!

Does this look like a gun to you?

- Objection. Testifying.
- Sustained.

- Objection. Objection.
- Sustained. Sustained.

- Objection, Your Honor.
- Overruled.

In your deliberations,
you may give consideration

to the relevance of comments
made by Chief Kelley,

to determine the state of
mind of Officer Griffin,

as there's no way to know what
impact, if any, they had on him.

Jamal's life mattered!
Jamal's life mattered!

Jamal's life mattered!
Jamal's life mattered!

- Jamal's life mattered!
- Where is he?

- Oh!
- Where's Judge Wilson?

- No, you need to leave. Miss!
- Judge Wilson!

I need to speak to you.

You call yourself a judge?

- Isn't it your job to make sure...
- I need security.

that everyone gets a fair trial?

- That the jury decides and not you!
- The jury did decide.

No, because you let them get
away with seating one black juror!

You sustained every defense objection.

You told the jury that
they didn't have to consider

a Chief of Police telling
officers to let people die!

You are proof that the system
is rigged against people

- who cannot pay for justice!
- Ma'am?

A mother lost her son!

- Ma'am!
- Her only child!

Have you no heart Judge Wilson?

Have you no humanity! Shame on you!

Shame on you!


I'm going to assume

you didn't give your security
card to Malika Williams?

No, Your Honor.

But she doesn't just
live in your building.

She's your friend?

We have become friends,

but I never shared any information
with her about the case

and I was very careful not
to cross any ethical lines.

But you could have easily given her

Officer Griffin's personnel files,

just slipped them under her door?

I already told you, I didn't
give them to her or anyone.

And I know I should
have given them to you.

And yet...

but you didn't.

- Your friend is in a lot of trouble.
- She's a good person.

- Who stole your credentials.
- In the heat of the moment.

Everyone has to be held accountable
for their actions, Callie.

But not your son?

My son is being held accountable, by me!

Well, Malika doesn't have a wealthy,

connected father to
advocate for her, sir.

And what about you?

What should I do about you, Callie?

- How should I hold you accountable?
- You should probably fire me.

I know you'll buy your
parents a beautiful house.

Thank you for everything.

You take good care.


Will you let the U.S. attorney know

I wish to press charges
against Malika Williams?

I have worked for you
going on ten years,

and though I didn't always agree
with some of your decisions,

I kept my mouth shut

because I wasn't hired
to give my opinion.

But today I'm going to.

That young woman

was overcome by a lifetime
of anger and frustration,

of not being seen or heard,

and being treated by some as less than

and there wasn't a damn
thing she could do about it.

I know this is hard
for you to understand.

But I'm not asking you to understand.

I am asking you not to ruin
this young woman's life.

She made a mistake,

and you know the consequences of that

are far greater for her.

I have never asked a favor of you,

but I'm asking you, please

do not punish this woman for just...

living while black in this country.

What's going on?

It's a surprise.

Yeah, my parents'
divorce was a surprise.

So was my appendicitis.


Good morning.

In an effort to show
our female colleagues

how much we appreciate them,
and that we hear your concerns,

today is the first annual
Women's Day at Speckulate.

I had nothing to do with this.

We have donuts,

and balloons.

And manicure and pedicure stations.

So, women, enjoy!

Is this a joke?

Pink lemonade mimosa?

Is there a raise in there?

Oh, hey.


"Facing the death of a child
may be the hardest thing

a person can experience."

Some ways to care for
yourself include exercising.

See? This isn't so bad.

No, no, Dennis. Come
on. Come on. Come on.


What's all this?

Mood enhancing foods.

What is this coconut
oil doing in the trash?

We got this.

Twenty more and we're done.


No. Okay, it's not, it's not funny!

Get off! Dennis! Get off! Dennis!

Mediation or alternative therapies.

- ... article about the President...
- Dennis!

There's nothing more depressing
than political podcasts!

I am trying to help you

every way that I know how,

but if you won't help me
help you, what is the point?

Look, I appreciate
everything you're doing,

- but...
- I know, I, I don't get it.

I never lost a child.

Which is why you need to go to
a grief group support meeting

and talk to people who know
what you're going through.


Okay, I'll go.

If you stop making me eat salmon
and listen to binaural beats.

Fine, and I will just
cancel the cryotherapy.

What's that?

It's where you stand in an
ice-cold chamber for three minutes

and it's supposed to produce endorphins.

What? I got it on Groupon. Thank you.

Mm. You know, I got to admit,
unemployment isn't all bad.

I'm sorry.

- Mm, you already said you're sorry.
- It's not good enough.

- It's my fault you lost your job.
- No, it's not your fault.

I'm happy to be out of there,

and I'm excited to start making
a real difference somewhere.

Is this gonna follow you?

I don't think so.

Okay, so why aren't you spending
your day off in bed with Isaac?

Well, girl, he has his own business.

It's not like he can call in sick.

Are you guys, like, official?

I want you to meet my family.

- Get out.
- I'm serious.

I'm serious.

Uh, both my brothers
and my sister, we...

we go to our parents' house
every Sunday and have dinner.

You sure they're ready
for this hot mess?

I mean, you're hot, for sure,

but you're not a mess.

Although, I wouldn't mind if you
just, just took a little break

from all this activism stuff.

- Oh.
- At least, on the front lines.

So, you don't have to
bail me out of jail again?

I mean, you don't always have
to live in the pain of struggle.

You know, us thriving
is a form of protest.

- I know.
- You do?

Maybe a couple of Sundays from now.

After all, it's not like
we're official, you know?

Are we not official?


Oh, it is so on!

- Okay, that's what he says.
- No, you love it! You're so into him.

What's up with your love life?

You still on a break with Jamie?

I'm just figuring stuff out.

Stuff like Gael?

Jamie told me he loves me.

- Girl.
- Like they're so different.

Jamie is sweet and dependable,

and we have the law in common.

And Gael is, also, sweet
and, like, sensitive,

and an artist, and just the kind
of guy you can lose yourself in.

Well, girl, you are strong
enough to get lost in love

and still keep your
wits about you in life.

You just got to trust your instincts.

I mean, at your most vulnerable moments,

who do you want to call?

Whose arms do you want around you?


Uh, are you looking for someone?

Hey, uh, sorry about that. Uh...

- No, actually.
- This is Malika and Callie.

Hey. I'm Elijah.

Have you ever been in love?


Who was she, or he?

His name is Elijah.

What happened?

Just weren't ready for each other.

- You want to come up?
- Yeah.

Any idea who that might be?

Sorry I missed the show.

I love your work, but I always have.

Not always.

One piece I didn't like.

You said it looked like a
donkey scribbled on a wall

with a crayon in its ass.

I said that? Are you sure?

It's not a critique one easily forgets.

This is sexy.

Sure, would look great in my showroom.

Can I buy it from you, or do
I need to talk to your dealer?

I feel weird making you pay for it.

I don't mind paying for it.

You can have it.

You can't just give your work away.

It's not for sale.

Fair enough.

You'll just have to invite
me to your next show.

That way I can buy from
your gallery anonymously.

Somebody just did that.

- It wasn't...
- No! I wasn't invited, remember?

How's business?


I've just been doing
a lot of red carpet.

I just dressed Emily
Blunt and Emma Stone.

Yeah, I saw that. Congratulations.

I'm sorry.

For what?

For hurting you. I was an asshole.

Everyone in college is an asshole.

You weren't.

But you did have that
man bun thing going on.

Yeah, what about that
poncho you never took off?


are you seeing anyone special?

Have you seen Alice? Is she here?


- Where's Malika?
- She went out.

- Kelly?
- Nope.

Okay, listen, I have to talk to someone,

so you're going to have to do.

I, I haven't exactly
broken up with Jeff yet.

You know, he left his wife
before I could tell him

that I am not moving
back home to be with him,

and now I feel terrible because
he ruined his life for me

and he's having a really tough time

and I just, I don't know what to do.


So, is moving back to Wisconsin
the issue, or is Jeff the issue?


No, I love him. I really do.

But things have changed.

You know, my feelings have changed,

but I feel like a total
shit for dumping him now.

What if you get him to dump you?


Just tell him that you don't
want to move back to Wisconsin,

and that your life is here now.

Make it his choice.

You know, I actually
hadn't thought of that.

He loves his life in Fitchburg.

That might work. Thanks.

Yeah, happy to help.

- Are you drunk?
- Yeah.

I like you better this way.

Thank you?

So, how was Women's Day received?

Um, fine.

I was surprised more women
didn't get manicures or pedicures.

I thought they'd appreciate that.

Uh, look, what they'd
appreciate is a raise.

To get paid what the men are paid.

How's that going?

I'm working on it.

I have to answer to my
Board of Directors...

Who, let me guess, are all men?

I'm working on that too.

Do you know that 93%
of boardroom members

at all private tech firms are men?

That's 7% left for the women.

Even the Fortune 500s are up 17%

of women in the boardroom,
which is still lame.

Hmm. I love that.

You love that women are
left out of the boardroom?

No. No, I love that
you're a statistics person.

- Look, Women's Day was...
- It was lame.

A nice gesture.

Women want more than
pink donuts and manicures.

I'm trying to close
the gender pay gap...

And race pay gap.

Yes, but what can I do in the meantime?

I don't know. Why don't you form
an employee grievance committee

to make suggestions to management?

Yes. Great. Do that.

Who do that?

You do that.

M-me do that? I mean, me?

I think, uh, this is it. Shall we?

Are you, you coming in?

Oh, well, I mean, I thought I would.

You know, for support.

Hmm, that's what the people
in the support group are for.

Look, you got me here.

Okay, but I think I
need to do this alone.

Okay. I'll check in
with you later tonight.

I am so happy to see you.

You didn't have to drive
all the way out here.

I would have come to you.

I know.

Things at the Coterie have
been really hectic lately.

You okay?

I applied for a third
year of Teach For America,

like you told me to do

when you said that I should stay in L.A.

And I don't, I don't
want to move back home.

My life is here. It's...

It's not in Fitchburg.

I'm so sorry,

but I never thought that
you would leave Lily.

It's okay.

I understand.

She lost a lot of stuff

moving around, over the years.

I mean, you can have, you
know, whatever you want.

She never lost this.

You remember her dragging
us to church every Sunday,

no matter what shape she was in?

Hey, at least she gave us something:

God and Jesus.

You took the poster down?

What if they press charges against you?

I know how strongly you feel, but...

all this is not worth
another life destroyed.


I can't fight anymore.

It's time to heal.

Don't live your life in rage.

Focus on...

family and friends,

and love.

So, wherever you can find it...

Yeah, I'm taking a little
break from all that.

I get it.

What's that?

- A letter from our father.
- _

From Folsom?

Did you know he was in prison?

- No.
- Mom never told you?

No, never talked about him.

I mean, why didn't she tell us?

Maybe she was ashamed.

Didn't want us to know.

I mean, I wonder where he is?

If he's still inside?

Yo, who cares?

He didn't ever write us any letters.

That we know of.

No, why you got to be
so suspicious of Mom?

Obviously, he did something wrong.

Okay, not every black man in
prison did something wrong.

Yeah, I thought you was
taking a break from all that?

Bottom line is we don't know him,

and he doesn't want to know us.

We don't need to go looking for
more pain and disappointment.

Let's just deal with what we got to.

She was so helpful.

Do you wanna exchange numbers?

Hi. Excuse me. Um...

I was waiting for a guy who was
supposed to be in this meeting.

He's, uh, tall, gaunt in the face,
but still relatively handsome.

Oh, yeah, he left as soon
as the meeting started.

Is he okay?


I already have this huge job
and now I have another one,

which I'm not getting paid for.

Just say no.

Look, I can't. It's important.

And now that I'm getting
my app developed,

I can't make it look like
I'm out for just myself.

Besides, if I ask the fight
club girls to join the committee,

maybe they won't be so mad that
I asked two men to be on my team.

Nice angle.

Hey, have you ever
had sex at work before?

Apparently, it's a thing.


I think we're the only ones here.

Yeah, and I saw Evan leave.

Dennis? Dennis!

You scared the crap out of me! Again.

I am sorry. I did not
know you were coming back.

Yeah, well, you're an ass!

Davia, I appreciate everything
you are trying to do,

but you are suffocating me.

You can't save me.

I'm not trying to save you.

I'm trying to get you
to want to save yourself!

You know, and you're right.
I, I can't do that either.

But no matter what you think,
you cannot do this all alone.

And it doesn't have to be me,

but you need to find
somebody who will help you.

You know, maybe that's why
your marriage fell apart.

You know, maybe you shut your
wife out? I don't, I don't know,

but it is so messed up to think
your life only matters to you.

You're a shitty husband!
And a shitty father!

You know, maybe that's
why your marriage fell apart.

Daddy, will you come lie down with me?

I can't. I'm working.

Jacob had to get cancer

for you to pay any attention to him.

- Daddy, please.
- Jacob, dammit! I said go back to bed.

It is so messed up

to think that your life
only matters to you.

Hey, did you have a chance to
get that stuff for me today?

Actually, I never made it out.

I'll do it tomorrow. Sorry.

Too busy day-drinking with Malika.

I'm not your personal assistant.

Okay, well, have you been
getting your unemployment checks?

- No.
- Why not?

Because I'm not eligible
for unemployment.

And what about you?

What should I do about you, Callie?

How should I hold you accountable?

You should probably fire me.

I probably should.

I'm not going to.

I believe in your character, Callie.

However, it is well for
the heart to be naive

and for the mind not to be.

You need to learn that, before
you leave this clerkship.

My job is to prepare
you for the real world.

If it's naive to believe
that social justice

is more than an ideal,
that it's attainable,

then I would rather be naive
in heart and mind, Your Honor.

I'm grateful that you hired me

and that you believe in my character,

but this was out of character for me.

To apply for a clerkship with any judge,

cause I am not interested
in interpreting the law,

I want to work to change
it and make it better.

Now. Not nine months from now.

Thank you for this opportunity.

But with all due respect,
Your Honor, I have to quit.

Wait, you quit?

I couldn't work as a clerk anymore.

Not in that environment.

Okay, well, my work environment
isn't great, but I didn't quit.

No, cause you're
passionate about your app,

and you're doing
something you believe in.

Yeah, and because I
thought you were fired,

and someone has to pay the rent.

You don't have to worry.

Okay, I'm going to get a great job

and I will pay you back every penny.

Will anyone hire you if they find
out that you quit your clerkship?

I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth.

But I know I did the right thing.

I believe in myself.

I believe in you too,

and it's okay. You don't
have to pay me back.

We're family and I know that
you would do the same for me.

Yeah, I don't know about that.

Mm-mm, no, no, no...
Truce, truce, truce.

What're you doing?

Paying our bills.

Thank you!

Can I stay with you tonight?


I am so sorry,

but I never thought
you would leave Lily.

It's okay.

I understand.

I'll move to L.A.

I can get work to transfer me here.

But you love Fitchburg.

I... I love you more.

- Angela, can I speak with you?
- Yeah.

- In private?
- Sure.

How about an implicit bias workshop?

Ooh, uh, and sexual harassment.

And an effort to put more
women in leadership positions.

You know, and as to the
sexual harassment concerns,

I think we should implement
a rule that supervisors

cannot date anyone who works under them,

or on their team.


It'd be good for the guys to
know that's not on the table.

Avoid a lot of awkward situations.


Yeah, of course. Agreed.



It's open!

Do I know you?

I think I'm your daughter.



So, it's not on your resume,

but I, I did a little
asking around about you

and I found out that you were
clerking for Judge Curtis Wilson

for just a few months?

What happened there?

I thought I might have
a progressive influence

on a conservative judge,

and when I realized that
wasn't possible, I quit.

See, I want to change the system,

and I didn't see any reason
to waste another nine months

just for the cachet on my resume.

I think that's bad ass.

I think you'd fit in perfectly here.

Now, that is a power suit.

You are going to blow
them away at your new job.

I haven't gotten the job yet,

but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get it.


In those most vulnerable moments,

who do you want to call?

Come in.

I didn't pass the bar.