Good Bones (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - Abandoned Partially Built Home Gets Rescued - full transcript

Mina and Karen see amazing possibilities for an abandoned new build in an up-and-coming neighborhood. Will the girls be able to pull off a successful renovation after issues arise and the trim carpenters quit mid-job?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm Mina,
and this is my mom, Karen,

and we're renovating Indianapolis

one house at a time.

Every rotten,
nasty house that we see...

- Oh!
- Holy moly!

- ...we try and buy.
- Then with a little vision...

...and a lot of hard work...

...we create beautiful homes
for our neighbors.

Oh, my God!
Look at it!

We need to make it awesome!

- Are you crying already?
- It looks amazing!

Every tragic house...

- Ah!
- There's the bathtub!

...deserves a second chance...

This smells awful.

...because underneath
all that mess,

you might find
some really "Good Bones."

I made the mistake
of jogging here once,

and it was miserable.

Like, it wasn't that far.

- I should've been able to do it.
- Yeah.

And I did it,
but it was miserable.

So one of the things
I like to tell people

when they're thinking
about buying a house,

you've heard me say this.
They're like,

"Oh, the yard
isn't big enough."

The whole city
is your backyard!

You have Garfield Park!

It's the backyard. Go...

You have everything you need.

We tried to take Christmas
pictures with the dogs here,

and the park was lovely,
but the dogs were not lovely.

All right, girls, Ted.
This has been fun,

but time to go look
at another house.

- All righty.
- Y'all got to go home.

We should have them
come to the house.

We're on our way
over to check out

the Woodlawn house today.

I've already seen it.
Mom hasn't.

This house is extra exciting

because it's
a little bit different.

It's new construction,
so foundation's there.

Framing's there.
Roof's there.

We're going to take
over this project

at the perfect time
to do everything right.

Have you looked
at it very carefully?

I've walked through it.
It doesn't have doors,

so I've just walked
through it.


We bought the house
on Woodlawn for $45,000,

and it's about
2,300 square feet.

It's a three-bedroom,
2-1/2-bath house,

and it has all the living areas
on the first floor,

and then all the bedrooms are
upstairs on the second floor.

So people tend to think
of this neighborhood

as still Fountain Square,
but technically,

it's east of State.

So even though it's east,
it's like the Wild West.

It's the line that a lot
of investors won't cross.

- What do you think?
- I like it.

- I mean...
- It's just a box.

But the siding is funny.

Put, like, a nice,
charming front porch on.

- Mm-hmm.
- We've got
a long skinny side yard.

My thought is deck
on the first half,

but I was thinking
that you should put in a pond.

A small one.
- Not a pond, water feature.
- A water feature?

- I retract that!
- Does that mean

you'd like a fence here
to make it more private?

- A privacy fence, yeah.
- Okay, then I'm with you.

Come on.


Can you make it?

Do you need help?

I'm not in a wheelchair yet!

So walking in,

I love this,
these openings,

but this wall--

- They don't make any sense to me.
- Got to go, right?

Yeah, exactly.

Somebody has decided
that there needs to be, like,

a bowling alley-long hallway.

It doesn't make any sense,
and it has to go,

or the rooms
- don't make any sense.
- Yeah.

- This is some good framing.
- Don't do that!

- Don't do that?
- No!

Demo is easier.
- That's all it means.
- Demo is easier.

So once this wall
is out, everything's open.

We've got all the light
from what will be French doors

and this nice window
into this space.

This is going to be
the perfect spot

for the living room,

and it's just
going to open directly

into a nice dining room area,

and then the kitchen
will be an "L"

around the dining room area,

and then an actual dining table,

not a built-in island.
All right.

Let's check out the space
behind the staircase.

This room-- This is
your little office area.

So we have a hallway
into our office?

You are not--
I can't-- Yes!

There's so many... Mom hates hallways.

- ...little hallways!
- Okay! I'm just trying

to orient myself
to what you're saying.

Because on this side
is the half bath,

and in this room
the stacked washer and dryer

are right here.

There has to be a way
to get to this space

where there's windows
with egress.

Myself and our former President
Jefferson hate hallways.

I'm in good company
in hating hallways.

But the little hallway
to get to the office

really needs to stay.

This is a little,
itty-bitty room!

- It's an office!
- Okay.

So first floor,

the breakdown is the front
half of the house

is all the public space,

and then all the bedrooms
- will be upstairs.
- Okay.

And it's got this loft area,

which really helps
make it feel open and bright,

and we've got
all the windows.

Do some cool
built-in over there,

maybe with a desk on the end.

This is great space.
This is great.

So two bedrooms
back here, full bath.

This is a huge bathroom.

Yeah, I mean,
for the two bedrooms to share,

I think it's a good-sized
full bath.

- Yeah.
- And then there's this
nice big second bedroom.

- Yeah.
- Wall of closets...


- Nice.

- I think it's good, right?
- Yeah.

We don't need to change
much of anything.

No, this is pretty good.

All right.
- Master is in the front.
- Okay.

Bedroom, bathroom, bedroom...

Yep. Loft space and then
master on the front.

- Do you see that?
- What the heck?

That is wonky!

Mom and I are looking

at a partially built
new-construction house.

It's in a transitional
neighborhood just east of State.

- Master is in the front.
- Okay.

Do you see that?

What the heck?

That is wonky!

Yeah, well,
the wall does this.

- The magic shrinking hallway.
- It's so I feel taller!

Oh, no, it's so I feel fatter.

- Yeah.
- I don't like that.

It's supposed to be
a 36-inch wall

all the way along,

but it's not.
It's not right.

And I'm not sure
how far off we are, but...

Well, we're going
to figure that out.

We're going to use science.

Two feet, 8 inches.

This is 2 feet, 11 inches.

And that's 2-feet-8,
so there's a 3-inch difference.

Three-inch difference.

What that tells me is someone
wasn't paying attention,

so we need to pay attention.

We need to shorten
the walls going this way

and swing the wall out.
- That way, yeah.

Not the end of the world,
- but a pain in the butt.
- Yeah.

So this is master suite
on the front.

This is a good-sized space
- for the master.
- Yep, mm-hmm.

And this is where I think

we should throw in
that fifth window.

Because right now,

this doesn't really make sense.
- Right, no.

It's not centered,
so add another one here

and I think it'll
even out pretty well.

- I agree.
- And use these two spaces

for bathroom and closet.

I'm with you there.

We need to move
some things around,

fix that wonky hallway,

but overall,
I think it's good.

- Good job.
- I was going for the double.

- Oh!
- Spin around.

- Wait, start again!
- Come on, now.

- I didn't know.
- Come on.

I didn't know.
I was already over here.

I didn't know.

I didn't know
there was a protocol.

You don't need
to practice high-fiving.

Like, that's just standard
operating procedure.

You came around the bottom!

High five.
I didn't know
what was happening!

- I didn't know.
- Well, you could do...

You don't have a little finger
wiggle and a little elbow?

I was just-- Here.

- Eee!
- Together.

- Oh, together?
- Yeah. I'll give you that.

All right. Do that again.
All right. So that's it?

That's it? Uhh!

I love that!

One of the things I love

about the existing
print of this house

is it has an attached garage.

Buyers love that,
but it creates an issue

on the lots in Fountain Square

because then there's
no backyard, technically.

All we have is a side yard,
so we need to make it amazing.

I mean, I love this project.
We've got a little bit

of a leg up because
it's new construction.

Really what we need to do here
is rework some of the framing,

remove some of the wonky walls
and open up the floor plan

to make it
a little more functional.

And we definitely
need to create

some kind of
really awesome side yard,

and the other thing
I need to figure out

is water, sewer and gas.

Starting, we're already
in at, like, $45,000.

- Okay.
- We're probably going to have
another $140,000 in it.

- All right.
- But I think we'll end up,

- all-in, under $200,000.
- Okay.

And I think we can sell it for
at least $220,000 to $230,000.

- Okay. All right.
- I think $230,000 is safe-sell.

I think that's good
in this neighborhood.

So our potential profit

could be $35,000
to $45,000,

but we still have

the whole up in the air,

"Do we have sewer?
Do we have water?"

- Ugh.
- I don't know if there's gas,

but gas the city will run.
- But water matters!

But the water-sewer question
is a $12,000 question mark,

so we just need
to figure that out.

- Okay.
- Let's go.

"Da King wuz here."

- That's funny.
- "The king was here."

- That's funny.
- That's perfect.

So although I, like,

really appreciate
the artistic work

that went into that graffiti,

we should probably
- get that off soon.
- You want to take that down?

Could we just change it
to "Da queens iz here"?

- Would that be okay?
- Like, Mom would be like,

"Oh, graffiti?
This is my jam!

I'm moving in."

- Do you have spray paint?
- I don't have any spray paint.

Then, no.
It just has to come off.

- I'm so sorry.
- All right.

The boys should be
around at any minute.

I don't know how we could get

a raggedier-looking
demo crew, right?

What's up, ladies?
You guys ready?

Today is demo day
at Woodlawn,

and I'm extra excited

because there's,
like, no demo.

It's going to take
10 minutes,

and then we're going
to have cocktails.

So this house is going to be
a little bit different.

As you can see,
not as much demo.

There are no toilets,
which is super exciting.

- Bonus!
- So you guys got an easy day.

- Easy one.
- Easy-peasy!

- Y'all ready?
- Well, I'll still go
at it really hard, though.

- Of course you will.
- Because that's the mentality
you got to approach

- an easy day, you know?
- The only speed Tad has.

Tad is my little brother
from another mother.

We got the same dad.
And he runs our demo crew,

and Mom's kind
of his adopted mom.

- Ugh!
- Ah!

There we go.

What the heck? You got the big
pieces! That's not fair!

Tad thinks he's all tough
in the front of the house.

Can Tad start
on the side?

- Yeah!
- So I sent him

and all the demo crew up
along the side

so we can actually
do a really cool wave.

All right. So on my cue,
Tad's going to start. And go!


Entirely underwhelming
because Tad messed it up.

And who's the first one to mess
it up and fall in the dirt hole

and not tear
their siding off?


It almost worked, guys.

So I think Mina wants

to show
you something down here.

Lenny is our contractor.

Out here, the world of dirt
we have... Mm-hmm.

We have to get that out before
we can pull the fence, right?

- Yep.
- He runs all of our jobs,

and he's family in kind of
an extended way.

He's Tad's stepdad.

- Who's operating the excavator?
- Are you operating?

You're good, but you're so slow!
Can you be faster?

- I can't be--
- This is a Uni-loader.

I heard excavator.
I heard excavator.

- Are you--
- I want to use the excavator!

- You're using a Uni-loader.
- I can have no part in this.

Rock-paper-scissors for it?

- Here we go.
- Are you ready for this?

How do we do this?
- One, two, three?
- Three.

Rock, paper,
scissors, shoot.

Rock, paper,
scissors, shoot, okay.

I'm going to go scissors,
by the way.

Get in your head, there.
Get in your head.

- Ready?
- All right.

Look me in the eyes.
Look me in the eyes.

Ready? Ready? Rock!

- Oh, wait!
- Oh, yeah! I'm in your head!
I'm in it!

Here we go! Rock! Paper!
Scissors! Shoot!

It's demo day
at our Woodlawn house,

which is a new construction
that we bought.

We already removed
some of the bad siding,

moved some walls.

So now Mom and Tad
are figuring out

who's going to be able to use
the Uni-loader

in a very grown-up way.

- Rock-paper-scissors for it?
- Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!

Mm! Boom!

Oh, you got beat.

Listen, okay?
If you tear it up, you buy it.

I think it would be better
if Lenny just said, "Hey, Tad,

I think you're going
to do a great job."

Here we go!

Make sure the door's shut.


There's a lot of
buttons in there.

There's a lot of things.
There's a lot of moving parts.

It's hard to know it all.

What are you doing?

It was a lot of pressure.

- Traction-control lock.
- Well, if you
would've shown me that

the first time
- I used this thing.
- You drove it once.

Thank you.

Tad thought he won.

What he doesn't know
is that he lost

because I got to
operate the excavator,

which is way cooler
than the Uni-loader.

This is way better!
This is a win-win for me.

- Hi!
- Hey.

Elese is a girl that I've been
talking to for a while

that's interested
in one of our houses...

Mom, this is Elese.

...but hasn't really been able
to find the right one.

So she's going to see if this
one might fit the bill for her.

She's going to potentially, possibly,

probably buy this house.

- You think?
- Yeah, we'll see.

Yeah, I don't know.
Can't really visualize it yet.

But if you just, like,
close your eyes

for a second and think about it.

My M.O. when dealing
with prospective buyers

is just to behave as
if they have bought the house.

If you come peek in,
you've got, like,

this nice, big kitchen,

dining, living room area.

Mm-hmm. You know,
I just don't know. I can't--

And see those,
I know they look like holes.

- Those are doors.
- Those are French doors.

French doors, okay.

And they'll open up
to a yard on the side?

- A little side yard.
- Nice deck.

- Okay.
- A big side yard.

I really like it.
It's just, you know,

it's the very
beginning stages,

so I'm just not
quite sure yet.

You can't really go through

because it's dangerous
right now, but...

Thanks for letting me come by...
we will bring more to the table,

and then you're going
to have to have it.

She's not getting
the feel of the house.

She doesn't have
that warm fuzzy feeling yet.

- Back to work.
- Thank you.

Good luck with all that.

I think once we get
some siding up

with some paint on it,
I think she'll get the flavor.

I think the front porch is going
to make a big difference,

because right now
it's not charming.

It's just this block
in your face.

Now that the fairly small amount
of demo we had to do is done,

we can finalize our floor plans
and move forward.

- Ready to plan some stuff?
- Okay.

So we definitely need to do
a front porch out here.

That's going to
immediately change

the whole front
look of the house

because right now it
just doesn't look friendly.

Inside was all chopped up,

so get rid of all the interior
walls in this front space,

and just one big, open...
- Sure. room
with an "L" kitchen.

- Okay.
- They don't have a backyard.

They have this long
skinny side yard

that's 11 by, like, 80 feet.

So the French doors
will go off to there,

a nice, big party
deck off here.

- Need a little fountain.
- Fence all around here.

When you get to the back
section of the house...

Yeah...we're going to reconfigure
all those walls

and make space
for a first-floor office

or a bedroom.
Add a half bath.

Add a really nice-sized
laundry room,

coat closet right off
the attached garage.

- Second floor?
- Second floor.

So come up the staircase and,
in the front of the house,

we widen this hallway

because it was just wonky.
- Mm-hmm.

And I think we need to add
another window right here,

nice big bedroom,
nice big bathroom,

and just a huge closet.

And the back of the house,

the layout is actually
pretty good.

You've got two bedrooms,
a full bath.

Both of them
have good closet.

The only thing that
I'm kind of stuck on

is this loft space
when you come up the staircase.

My initial thought is
when you come up the stairs,

you definitely want
something here

to draw your eye
to the end.

I think a built-in
might be a good option,

but I think once we get it
all built out, we'll...

We'll have a better sense...know more what
we want to do.

- You good with this?
- I'm good.

All right.
I will get these updated

and sent to Leonard.

- Thanks.
- So he can start framing.

Now that our fairly minimal
amount of demo is done,

we can move on
to getting the crew in there

to adjust some of the framing.

We're widening the master
hallway to 40 inches.

We'll get the house
all wrapped up.

And the windows
are all coming at noon,

and they're all
getting installed.

So we're ready
for the mechanicals

to all go in tomorrow.

So noon came and went,
still no windows,

and it's going to take
at least half a day

to install them all
because there are so many.

And if we don't
get them in today,

everything else has
to get pushed back.

- This is ridiculous.
- I know.

It's about time
the windows are finally here,

because the guys have
all been standing around

- just waiting to do their jobs.
- There you go.

Yeah, we've been
waiting for you guys,

but you're a ginger.
I can't be mad at you.

Real quick... You want to come
help me carry some?

We probably better
not unload these here.

You guys got somewhere?

Can we stick them in the
backyard over at your place?

No, no, no.
They're getting installed.

There ain't no way by the end
of the day all these get done.

- Ain't no way.
- Problem is, it's 3:30,

but the windows were
supposed to arrive at noon,

so we would have plenty of time
to install them,

and now we don't.

There ain't no way all these
things are going to get done.

So the problem is,
we have all these windows,

and we can't leave them
in the house,

or they'll get stolen.

So we either have
to install them all

or have to haul them
all away.

Let's start installing them
and stop everything else.

- That's got to go upstairs.
- The crew doesn't like it,

but we're going to have
to work overtime

and at least get the first-floor
windows installed,

so it's secure, or it'll
push back our whole schedule.

Can I see that? We're going to
carry them to where they go.

Where's it say
the size on these, Lenny?

Right here on the side.

There are no 36-by-60s.

Oh, not a single 36-by-60?

Fourteen out of the,
oh, 25 windows

- are not the right size.
- Twenty-seven.

So none of the windows,

none of the things...

...nothing's going right.

Oh, they got us
all the wrong windows?

The thing is, we framed
this house

for a certain size windows,
and if the windows don't fit,

we just can't use them.

For more design tips

and behind-the-scenes

You so won!

No, there are no 36-by-60s.


Oh, they got us
all the wrong windows?

So the window company
sent us a bunch of windows

that are the wrong size,

so Lenny now has to call
the window company

and set it right.

Hey, Gwendolyn,
this is Leonard.

I'm getting
my windows delivered,

and they're supposed
to be 30-by-60s,

and I got 36-by-60s.

The reason it's such
a catastrophe is because

all the holes
that people could

creep in and out of
need to be closed,

either with a window
or a sheet of plywood.

And then HVAC,
plumbing and electrical

are coming in,
theoretically tomorrow,

and if there are still
holes people can creep

in and out of,
they will steal things.

So here's the deal.

Windows will be in...
next Tuesday.

So a-week-from-tomorrow Tuesday.

That's the best I can do.

So it'll all be
closed up tomorrow.

All the mechanics
can still roll. Okay?

- All right.
- Okay.

We installed
the windows that fit.

Lenny boarded up
the rest of the openings

that we didn't have
windows that fit.

So it'll put us
back a day.

- Hey.
- Okay. I come carrying...

I'm trying to find...cabinets.

...the turquoise color.
I like that cabinet.

I'm happy
you laughed at that.

Today, Mom and I
are working on figuring out

kind of our whole design plan
for the Woodlawn house.

I like the white shakers.

Simple, clean, very contemporary
without being too modern.

And I want to do this with it,

but obviously that--

That's a lot of white.

Why do you want to do this,
because you like white?

I mean, and I think
it goes with the cabinet.

- It's, like, clean lines.
- Mm-hmm.

It's going to keep it simple.

I think we could mix up
the grout color

if we go with
a warm countertop.

We're going with a nice,
clean white backsplash,

a nice, clean white
floor-to-ceiling cabinets,

and then break it up with some
butcher-block countertops.

It's a pretty blank slate

for anyone to come in
and make their own.

We got a couple
flooring options.

The lighter one is
going to give it

- a little bit softer look.
- Softer, a little friendlier.

And that dark one's
going to be more drama.

And I know Elese,
who we're hoping to convince

to buy the house,
loves the color teal.

I think this with this
is aggressive. Oh.

That looks, like,
fun and playful. Yeah.

Now, it plays pretty well
with the greens.

It does look good
with the green.

So we have outside siding,

outside accent color.

We're going to take
this away for a second.

That's awesome.

Flooring, backsplash,
shelving, countertop.

- It's going to be pretty.
- Yeah.

And we're going to carry that
same look through the bathrooms.

- I think this is good.
- So the loft space

we have upstairs...'s kind of awkward.

It's 5-by-14.

I found this picture,
which is built-ins

- on the side of a fireplace.
- Uh-huh.

We obviously don't
have a fireplace.

- Right.
- But I really like--

- I like the color.
- ...they're geometric.

- Yes. It's fun.
- It's a bright color.

I think we need some color
in the house.

- Yeah, yeah. I'm with you.
- So-- Okay.

I think this is definitely
enough to get started.

I can order the flooring.
I can order the cabinets.

- I can order the tile.
- Okay.

So we've got the rest
of the windows in,

and, yay, they're
the right size.

Now we can finish plumbing, electrical,

have inspection
and get onto siding.

- The windows look good.
- They do look good.

Today we're at the house.

I just wanted to check in
because the windows are now in

after the initial mishap.

I did not believe Lenny

when he said they'd be in
within a week, but...

- But it's a week!
- It was a week.

So we want to check on those

and then everything else
to make sure

there aren't any other problems
that we need to catch now

before we move on
to spray foam and drywall.

Any problems, gimpy things,
things we need to know about?

Well, I guarantee
you can't find them.

- Absolutely.
- No things that are wrong?

How many gimpy things
should I be able to find?

There should be
five gimpy things.

All right.
I'm on the hunt.

I feel like there
are actually more that

he just didn't tell us about.
- Yeah.

Well, that he probably
doesn't know about yet.

And he wanted
to limit the search. Yeah.

Five gimpy things.

First mistake, that's wonky.

Like, I don't know
what's happening here,

but we got
a little bit of this.

- All right. You got one.
- All right.

This isn't supposed
to be framed in.

It's not actually a doorway,

it's all the way up
to the ceiling height.

It's just an opening.

Why isn't there
a wall here?

That's a pocket-door frame.

You got it, pocket doors.
You got two.

Actually, you got three
because you found the door.

So you got three--

You got three out of seven.

The number keeps changing.

It's the ever-growing list
of needed repairs.

So we're in the master bath.

There's a linen closet that's
- supposed to be built here.
- Right.

Which means this rough-in box
would be inside the closet,

so it needs to get popped off.

Building my closet
right to here.

Well, your closet--
Right here.

All the words."All the words."

Right here, 12 inches deep,
only 4 inches of trim,

and then wall
for tappy-tap, move.

That's going to be
tough to move.

Oh, zip it!

I don't even believe
anything you say anymore.

All right.
I'll give you that one.

It's very important
to catch the mistakes,

lay blame appropriately...

- And then out!
- ...and then out.

That's everything
up here, right?


And that's it. Good job.

Crushed it on finding
your mistakes.

I know. You guys did do good.
That's impressive.

I love scavenger hunts!

Thanks, Lenny.

- Ugh!
- You don't have all the things.

- You have some of the things.
- I have most of the things.

All right.
Water feature time!

- We have a reservoir.
- Uh-huh.

So what this is,
is a big urn.

It fills with water,

and it bubbles over the side.
That's what we're going for.

For this water feature,
I want it above ground,

and I'm going to bring dirt
in up around the sides.

Oh, does that mean
we don't have to dig much?

- We don't have to dig a hole.
- Oh, sweet!

We just have
to level the ground.

It'll be easier if we put
the water feature in first,

then I can put all
the plants around it,

and then we can just
put the sod up to it.

- Oh, nice! Look at that!
- Perfect!

Hold it fairly much
in the middle.

Fairly much in the middle?

Yeah, that was
my English for the day.

So this is marine sealant.

It doesn't matter right now
if it moves a little.

That's okay.

Just stand it up.

Lava rock is going
to hold that copper tube up.

And there we go.

So I think one of the things
a water feature says

to a potential buyer is,

"Look at the attention
to detail."

Holy cow!

That's higher
than I had anticipated.

This, like, this never gets old.

I'm feeling it.
But for now, we're done.

For now, we're done.

We're making really
good progress on Woodlawn,

but there's one thing kind of
still hanging out there,

and that's whether or not
we have water and sewer lines

actually hooked up
to the house or not.

So we're going
to meet with Lenny,

and he's going to let us know

how much everything
is going to cost.

- What's going on?
- I got some bad news for you.

- What?
- All right.

So we had the plumber out.

Cammed the sewer line,
it's collapsed.

So we're going to have
to put in a new sewer line.

It's going to cost $18,000.

What the...

- What's going on?
- I got some bad news for you.


We're going to have
to put in a new sewer line.

- It's going to cost $18,000.
- What the...

What is that for?

Street's going to have
to be shut down.

He said crazy numbers.

The water line is $8,000.

You remember what the water
line was last time?

$10,500. The sewage is in
the middle of the street.

The water line's got to be
its own separate trench.

It's got to be
3 foot away.

Might as well have
punched me in the face.

Cut Mina's heart
with crazy numbers.

- Do we have a second bid?
- No, I do not.

I've beat him up
on this for days. This...

So we talked about before,
though... This wasn't the original number.

...going halfsies
- on the water line.
- I know. Yeah.

- Halfsies on the water line?
- Lenny said we could
go halfsies on the water line.

- I mean--
- Which cuts 4 grand off.

Okay. I just want to make sure
we have that number correct.

- Yeah.
- Because I know how you
come in my backdoor.

I thought it was
going to be $12,000.

So that makes it $14,000
instead of $18,000.

I feel fuzzier about that.
Do you?

No, I'm not feeling fuzzy.

That's not what
my breakdown was.

- You're a robber.
- You have to shake.

Do I have a choice?

I actually figured
- the head would spin.
- The spit's drying.

You have to shake.
The spit's drying.

Ew, you really did spit,
didn't you?

You nasty... I spit. You saw me spit.

Mina took it really well.

I think I'm trying to be
more calm in my old age.

Her old age!

And I think because
I kept my cool,

my negotiating stance
was a little better

because I got Lenny
to go halfsies

on the cost of the water line.

And I will take that,
and then I will walk away.

- That counts as a win.
- That's a win.

So today
we're back at Woodlawn,

and there's a bunch of crews
doing all kind of things inside,

and Mom and I are going to get
to work on some stuff outside.

I got my glasses.
You got your glasses.

- Yep.
- Let's go.

Mom's working on
building the deck,

and I'm focusing on
getting the porch roof up

on the front of the house.

You got that?
Don't let it go.

- Got it.
- Down.

That should be it.
It's level.

Larry's marking wrong.

I don't think that screw
went into much of anything.

- That was a pretty--
- What do you mean,

it didn't go
into much of anything?

- Look at all the--
- It was a steep angle.

Is she laughing at me?


Because she's got
the shortest little arms

trying to do
the longest arm job.

There were a lot
of backseat drivers,

a lot of,
"Oh, no, no.

It looks like it'd be easier
if you do it this way."

Well, you're not up here,

and you don't know,
so zip it!

My arms are not
very long, okay?

That's what I just said.

She's got
Tyrannosaurus Rex arms.

- Good God.
- I think she's being a whiner.

Says the lady
on the ground, safely.

I just have shorter
arms than you!

I'm only 5'2"!

There's a ton of stuff
going on at Woodlawn.

We're framing out closets.
We're installing pocket doors.

We've got tile happening.

And we think we've figured
out a really good way

to use the upstairs loft space
that was kind of weird before.

I think we've got
a handle on it.

Hey, hey.

- I didn't want to startle you.
- Hello, ladies. How are you?

We are visiting my buddy, Nick,

because he is
an awesome woodworker

and we have a little project
we want to do.

- So I sent you that picture...
- Yeah, I got the picture.

...of the shelves.
- Okay.

That's kind of, like,
our inspiration idea.

We want to do
something that's linear

but also has some other
geometric shapes in it.

Yeah, make it fun.

This is the sketch
- of what I came up with.
- Ooh!

And we'll run casework along

the whole bottom
where kind of that fire was.

And we'll do
the shallow uppers as lowers?

- Yep.
- I think that looks awesome.

- Yeah.
- Oh, I guess time frame.

- When can you tomorrow?
- Tomorrow?

"When can you tomorrow?""When can you tomorrow?"
is what I would like.

- This isn't a prank, right?
- No, this is not a prank.

So it's not even
really a question.

It's the question
and the answer in one sentence

with all the extra words
taken out. Yes.

- When can you tomorrow?
- Anything for you ladies.

You'll squeeze us
in on the weekend?

- We'll make it happen.
- That's a great answer.

- I like that a lot. Yeah.
- All right.

- Thank you so much.
- Yep.

- She's going to love this.
- My pleasure.
All right. Take care.

Are you so excited?

- I am. I can't wait to see it.
- I'm so excited.

Oh, my God!
Look at it!

Oh, that porch swing.

Things are rocking
and rolling over at Woodlawn.

The water and the sewer lines
are going in.

Cabinets are going in.

And now Mom and I
get to focus on decorating.

I really think
we're going to be able

to find some good stuff
for Woodlawn here. Yeah.

Today we're going
to the coolest

locally owned
furnishing, tchotchke,

just cool-stuff store ever.

You see all this stuff
from the window,

and I just want to go in.

So I'm excited
that we're going in.

It's amazing.

Yeah, we get that.


Oh, look how pretty this is!

- Did you see the feet?
- Huh!

They're little paws.

- Ooh!
- What?

Look at these!
I'd feel way fancier

drinking my beer out of this.

It's hard to stay focused

because what we need
to do right now

is find cool stuff for Woodlawn,
but we're like,

"This would work here,
and this would go here,

and we could put this here,
and we could do this."


Oh! Aw!

Mom just makes a lot of noises
typically that go in the,

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh"
range, really loudly.


Ooh, ooh, ooh!

- Look at this chair!
- I don't know why
you make those noises.

What do you think
about this desk for her office?

Oh, that's pretty.

- The office at Woodlawn is small.
- Right.

And we need to
really deck it out

because Elese works from home.

It needs to be a space where
she can see herself working,

hopefully see herself paying
her mortgage every month.

I think it's beautiful.
My concern is,

it may disappear
- on the floor a little.
- Okay.

- So keep that in mind.
- Okay.

So we liked this
curved wooden desk,

but we're going
to put a pin in it,

and look through
the rest of the store

and see what else
we can find.

What about this desk?

Oh, see, that's perfect.

It has the industrial element
in the legs and a glass top,

so it doesn't take up too much
visual weight in the room.

I like it.

We are moving at
breakneck speed on this house.

There's a lot going on.

We've got backsplash tile,
floors are going down.

Our built-in up in the loft
is getting installed,

and it looks awesome.

And we found some
really funky wallpaper

that's going to look cool
in the bathroom.

The exterior paint has gone on,
and it looks fantastic.

Crunch time.

- It's the end.
- We're landscaping.

Mom's got the plants laid out.

We want 4 inches of mulch.

It's such a fun time

because this is
when it goes from looking

like a construction scene
to a yard

because it's just,
like, magic.

All of a sudden
there's grass.

Sod--It's like putting carpet down.

Yeah. It's beautiful.
After landscaping is furniture.

After landscaping is--
Yeah. The house is done.

After landscaping
it's just jewelry.

The truck is here!

I'm kind of dancing
and snapping my fingers

because we're thinking about the
truck rolling up with furniture.

Hi, guys!

Because when the truck
rolls up with the furniture,

that means our job is done.

Master bedroom.

- Oh!
- It's playful. It's fun.

It's bright.
It's colorful.

And it has wood and metal
sort of to ground it.

It goes right on that
wall where Mom is.

I'm pretty sure Elese
is not going to be able

to walk away from this house
after she sees it.

It's going to be perfect.

- That goes there.
- This goes right here.

It's a very cool hat.

That's fun.

We're picking up Elese today

and bringing her over
to the house on Woodlawn

because it's done.

Are you so excited?

- I am. I can't wait to see it.
- I'm so excited.

Last week leading up to today,
I just have been so anxious.

- Really pretty!
- It is. It's really pretty.

- Time to wow her.
- She's going to buy it.

She's going to move
in tomorrow.

Signed, sealed,
delivered, done.


Okay. Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!
Look at it!

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God! Look at it!

Do you like it?

- Oh, my God!
- Do you like the color?

Oh, my God!
Look at the mailbox!

It's so beautiful.

It's better than I ever
could've pictured.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Come on.

Oh, my God!

No, you have to come in!

Get in. Get in.

Oh, my gosh.
This is beautiful!

It's gorgeous.
It's perfect.

When you first walked in,

there was this weird,
narrow hallway.

It was just studs.
So we got it all opened up,

and it's this beautiful
open concept,

kitchen-dining-living room.

And it's got the really
nice high ceilings.

And the floors,
they're so beautiful.

Let's come into your kitchen.

And it's perfect that it's
- all-in-one, and then-- Ah.
- Yeah.

This seats six people easily.

Oh, my gosh.
I really love the sink.


And we've got
the ceiling-height cabinets.

Oh, my gosh.
And this is beautiful.

One of the things we try to do
in all of the houses

that we renovate is have
the kitchen cabinets

go all the way to the ceiling,

partially because
it's for storage,

but a big part of it
is just the visual impact.

You want your eye to be
able to go all the way up

without stopping because it
makes the room feel bigger.

Come on.
Let's look at the powder room.

- The door slides.
- Pocket door.

- Yes.
- Pocket door.

- Oh, my gosh! Look at the wall!
- You like it?

This is, like, one surprise
after another.

Wow. That is awesome.
That is--

- You like it?
- What is it, even?

- It's wallpaper.
- It's wallpaper.

Very cool.
I love it.

It pulls in some
of the teals and blues,

a little bit of the wood
- from the kitchen.
- It's beautiful.

Oh, there's a fish!


- You have a little fishy friend.
- We wanted to make sure
you had friends.

I'll have to name him
after you all, something.

- Maybe Tad.
- Yeah!

- Name the fish Tad!
- Is that good?

I know you want a study
so you can work at home.

Ooh! I'm all greeted
by the bright yellow.

Oh, and the light fixture--
- so cool. Very industrial.
- Yeah.

Have a seat. Practice.

Tell me if this feels good.

The colors look good
together, though. Yeah.

Yeah, so... Look at you.

I feel like I could really get
some work done in here.

Can you totally imagine yourself

paying your mortgage
for this house at that office?

I don't know about that.
I'm just kidding.

Come on.

- Oh, I see more teal.
- Uh-huh.

Oh, my gosh!

- Okay, I'm buying the house now.
- Do you love it?

- I-- No question.
- Yay!

This is-- I've never seen
anything like this.

It's all custom-built.

It's got the countertop
that matches your kitchen.

I'm just speechless.

You want to see
your guest room?

- Yes. Definitely.
- Okay.

Guest room number one.

It's so welcoming.
It's huge.

- Yeah.
- It's beautiful.

So you want to see
- your guest bath?
- Yeah.

All right.

Ooh! Look at this color!

- Yeah.
- Look at this. Beautiful.

All right, do you want to see
- your last guest bedroom?
- Yeah.

Oh, it's beautiful.

You got the nice, high window.
Got plenty of natural light.

It's so bright,
but just, oh, it's amazing.

So the pièce de résistance,
is that how you say it?

- Pièce de résistance.
- Oh, wow.

She said it way
more French than me.

- The master?
- I'm not even going to try.

I think it's time.


Oh, my gosh. It's like a--It's like a spa.

Oh, my gosh. Ah!

It's beautiful.
It's so, like--

I can already feel myself, like,
wanting to sleep here and relax.

- You want to see your bathroom?
- Ah...

I mean, it's just--
This is amazing.

You got the nice
matching vanity,

the nicest,
biggest soaking tub.

- It's huge.
- So I think the last area

we have to check out
is your side yard.


Oh, my gosh.

- How cute is this?
- Oh, it's beautiful.

The water feature!

Mom built this for you.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I was just the grunt work
for the labor.

- Wow.
- I don't think it could be
any more perfect for parties.

My boyfriend and I
host parties all the time,

so this is just going
to be perfect out here.

What are your thoughts?
Is this house--

Does it have to be yours, or... I'm sort of, like, speechless

to how amazing it is,
how perfect.

I-- Yeah. I mean, I'm--

- Are you saying yes to the house?
- I'm sold. Yes! Yes!

- She's saying yes to the house!
- Yes!

Oh, yeah.
I'm going to buy this house.

All right.

Yeah, after going through
the house

and seeing it all put together
and knowing the kind of work

that Mina and Karen do,

I just-- I can't say
no to buying this.

It felt like something
I would've designed myself

if I had any talent
for designing.

We started with about
$45,000 in this house.

We spent around $135,000
on the renovations,

which puts us all-in
at $180,000.

Elese did end up buying
the house for $230,000,

so after closing costs
and Realtor fees,

we end up with a profit
of around $40,000.

- Congratulations!
- That's it?

Not only is this fulfilling

because we built
a really cool-looking house,

but we also have this
awesome young professional

who's going to move in
and love it

and give back
to the neighborhood

- and maintain the house.
- Right.

And that's the whole goal
is we're rehabilitating

a neighborhood,
one house at a time,

and this is one
more awesome house

with an awesome homeowner
that's going to be perfect.

Good girl! Good girl!

Oh, man!