Gold Rush: Dave Turin's Lost Mine (2019–…): Season 3, Episode 4 - Gold Vault Gamble - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

[dave] I'm headed back to the
mine site.

Had a good week with
the family.

As hard as it is
to talk at your dad's funeral,

I think everything went well.

And, I believe dad
would've said,

"okay, dave, you know,

You've got to go on
with your life."

[dave] jason's got to lead
those guys without me.

It's not easy to take
a guy like me off the crew

And continue to get gold.

I mean, for us to pull
a 100 ounces
out of the bank cut?

That's amazing.

But, right now,
we got nothing.

Unless we find more ground,
could be over.

[theme music playing]

[narrator] at bucks creek,

Operations are at
a standstill.

-[jason] bank cuts done, dude.
-[kc] yep, it's all done.

So, now we gotta find
something else.

[jason] we gotta find another
cut while dave's gone.

I say we take a pan from here,

-I mean, I know there's a lot.

[narrator] site foreman
jason sanchez

And rock truck driver
kc morgan

Search for signs of gold
at 80 feet deep

In the walls of the mined-out
bank cut.

[jason] it's a lot of
overburden, but if it's good,

What else we got?

We're out of pay right now.

Dave left to go to his
dad's funeral.

Now we're out of pay.

There is so much
responsibility on my shoulders

To find ground for us to mine.

-This might be our hope.
-This is it.

You want this here, brother?

Ooh, wee!

[narrator] last week,
as dave left for home,

He gave the crew a target.

It'd be really special
if you guys could get

-Another 50 ounces.
-We'll beat it.

And team turin delivered.

51 and a half ounces.

[cheering loudly]

They lost a main channel
of gold-rich dirt

Beneath the county road.

She's diving back under me,

But it's into the property
we ain't supposed to be on.

Leaving them with no ground
to mine.

Bank is officially closed,

[jason] if this pans well,
what do you think?

Just go after it?

Now, jason and kc believe
they may have found evidence

Of the same gold channel.

It truly is like a river,
and rivers will meander.

They'll go left,
they'll go right.

And yes, we can see
it in this wall right here

At the edge of the bank cut.

But that doesn't mean
it doesn't take a right-hand

And go underneath the road,
or a hard left

And go out
to the dredge tails,

Which the old-timers
already got it.

This genuinely could be
a hit and miss situation.

I just hope it's a hit.

that's a lot of overburden.

But you know what?

It's all we got,
it's all we got.

this maybe our salvation.

It's on the bottom of
this pan, hopefully.

gotta be positive.

That's my blood type, buddy.

[water splashing]

Mixing her up.

[jason] I really need gold
in the bottom of this pan.

This has gotta pay.

this has gotta pay big.

[jason] ah, that's a hell
of a good sign.

look, the particle size!

We can get that
overburden moved,

We're gonna make [bleep]
ton of gold.

That's the money right there!

[narrator] jason believes
the main channel of gold

He chased under the
county road

Could return into
neighboring ground.

But to get it,

He must move a dangerous
and time consuming

80 feet of overburden.

Even if he finds the channel,
there's no guarantee

There will be enough gold
to make it pay.

the problem is,

We don't know how far into
this next cut

This pay is actually gonna go.

And if I'm wrong, I've screwed
the whole operation.

The only way we're gonna know

Is if we move this overburden
and get down to the bottom.

[narrator] before jason
decides to take
this huge gamble,

He wants buy-in from mechanic
nathan clark.

I'm thinking we may have
found the main channel.

[nathan] my main concern is,
that channel does come in here

But we have no idea
exactly how far it goes.

You're absolutely right.

-You like gambling, nate?
-I don't love it.

[jason] that was the bank cut.

This right here?
We're standing on the vault.
Let's crack it open.

Yeah, I'm with you.

[jason] the decision's on my
shoulders and I've made it.

We're going to open this cut.

The old-timers might've
missed out

On the secondary main channel,
kind of leaving us a gift,

And I'll take that gift
every day of the week.

I'm breaking in the vault.
I'm getting the gold!

[narrator] stripping
the vault cut will be
an all new challenge

For the team.

[jason] I don't want a 80-foot
slough of dirt

Coming down all at one time,
and bearings.

It's not just digging down
a sheer wall

And moving dirt
every which way.

You actually wanna down
every 15 to 20 feet

And you wanna put a bench
that sits out.

[narrator] jason's plan?

He and chris dig down
with the excavators,

Throwing overburden into
the path of kc in the 'dozer,

Who pushes it into the
mined out bank cut.

Every 20 feet down,

Jason and chris will leave
a four-foot bench

To catch any collapsing dirt.

[jason] right now, I've got
a crew of guys that

Have never dug this deep
in their life.

But, I think the three of us
between the two excavators
and a dozer,

If they'll listen to
my directions

And follow my lead,
I think we'll do just fine.

-[chris] hey, jason.
-[jason] yeah, go ahead.

It's cool for me to move down
to the left here

And then clear out this bank
that I am sitting on?

Absolutely, chris.

[chris] the plant's shut down.
I'm not feeding it.

It's good to be off
that perch.

[laughs softly]

[narrator] to help clear the
thousands of tons of

Rookie excavator-operator
chris taylor

Must step up.

I don't just wanna be
feeding the plant.

I wanna be able to learn
how to operate this excavator.

Give me the opportunity
and I'll show you I can do it.

They always say
practice makes perfect.

The vault cut's got a lot
of overburden.

Probably the biggest hole
jason's ever opened up.

I mean, dave's not here.

Chris is all new to this.
So is kc.

Jason has to be able
to direct that.

[kc] I'm trying to open this
new cut as fast I can.

Under a lot of pressure.

what is he doing?

He should be pushing dirt
into the bank cut hole.

Kc, you got a copy?

You have an entire
open pit out there,

And right now you're
directing dirt to a wall.

We talked about...

Back in that dozer,
like that,

And push out into the
open hole.

Thank you, captain obvious.

I was just getting it started,

The hell are they
bitching about?

I don't give a [bleep].

[narrator] last season,
jason struggled with his
leadership style.

When you're over there
or standing right here

And the truck's off,
but it's not...

It's a ticket.

[kc] go away, [bleep] idiot.

Maybe, if you parked
your truck.

-Then we're not--
-[kc] what can I do?

Alright, who gives a [bleep].

[narrator] and now, with the
pressure of the dig mounting,

Old habits die hard.

Would you prefer me to
stay down here

And get continue
as far as I can?

Let me think about it. No!

Oh, come on, guys.

[kc] if people don't wanna
treat me with respect

I'll just sit there.

You know what I mean?
Like, jason's not my boss.

Hey, chris, could you move
your excavator?

[chris] yeah, where to?

[kc] he just came
out right here from that
little trench back there.

Just go back in there.

Just start throwing it.
I don't know.

[jason] what the [bleep] are
those guys doing down there?

They're not following the plan
that I laid out.

We're all over the place.

Chris, you copy?

Will you put the excavator
back up on the pile,

Where you were parked before?

I sure can.
I was told to go over here.

-[jason] you wasn't.

Everybody out. Come on, kc.

I just need a plan.

I mean, I'm getting
two different damn things,

Two different places.

I know my plan.
Get rid of [bleep] dirt.

[jason] I know, but
that involves an excavator

And we've got him confused.

well, I just need to know

How we're moving it.
That's all I need to know.

What I'm saying is,
we've given you two different

-And that's not working.

Reach over, grab all of this

And throw it right in front of
his dang blade where it's at,
right there.

[kc] I was gonna have him
sit there

And throw it to me
from that corner,

I was just gonna
reach around--

Just move dirt into the
bank cut hole.

it's getting [bleep] stupid.

[narrator] one day
into the dig, and the team
has only shifted

30 feet of its 80 foot target.

this is the most jumbled up,

Mess of a work-site
I've ever done.

You are only as good as the
person that's leading you.

And right now, I'm leading
these guys in circles.

I am definitely failing.


[nathan] jason's gotta get
a handle on this

Or we're never getting
to vault cut's bottom.

Somebody's gotta step in.


the worst part about it is,

It's not their fault,
it's mine.

-[narrator] coming up.
-Get your asses back to work,

-The boss is back.
-Bring down the pay!

but will vault cut dirt.

-Look at this!
-Ooh! Nuggets.

lead team turin to glory?

Let's weigh it up
and see what we get, boys.


[dramatic music playing]

[narrator] at buck's creek.

It's the morning after
the disastrous dig.

[jason] yesterday was
kind of like playing soccer
with no goals.

It was not pretty.

[narrator] jason must lead
the team to pay.

Another 50 feet down
in the vault cut

Before dave returns tomorrow.

Well, we have a big day
ahead of us.

I just need you guys to
help me,

To become a better leader.

There is a dance
and there is a rhythm

That we can do as a team.

But, there was a lot of points

Where we were not dancing
the way we should.

Yeah, I kept asking,
we need a plan.

I know. Chris, you're learning
and I wanna help you in
any way.

And also,
you gotta stay with it, kc.

The last time I've ever moved
this much dirt,

To be honest with you,

We had a crew of 30 guys
and took a month and a half.

None of us have ever made
this much overburden, okay?

That's just plain and simple.

We can move this dirt,
but we have to do it together.

[jesse] I just wished
you had another machine
I could get in.

I know you do, jesse.

And we'd take in,
in a heartbeat.

yes, we would.

bring me some dirt.

[nathan] gotta be frustrating
for jason over there.

The guys have really never
moved that much overburden,

Including jason.

But he's got to figure a way
to manage these guys,

To get the overburden moved.

-[jason] sup, brother?
-[nathan] 'sup, man?

we gotta get paid on the plan.

There's no ifs-and-buts
about it.

You help these guys.

Sit on the sidelines
and be a coach.

There has to be a coach.
Dave isn't here.

-Let me be on the 480.

Let me throw some dirt.

Guide kc, guide chris.
Teach 'em.

You're kicking me
out the nest, bro.

Yes, I am.

[narrator] with nate in
an excavator,

Jason can oversee
the operation from above.

Oh, that's nate. No!
[making barking noises]

what're you looking at?

Down on the other side of kc.

big responsibility
on the front line.

Jason's doing a hell of a job,

So, just gotta keep it up.

And he's gonna be
a hell of a leader.

now that nate's over here,
I'm thinking,

Putting you about where kc is

And you'll throw into
where he's pushing.

kc, this is your turn.

You're gonna cue the machine

And you're gonna keep
pushing that pile this way.


I've done projects
like this before,

But with multiple dozers.

Under a lot of pressure.

[chris] come on, kc,
I'll stop for a second.

Take a few passes, chris.

A lot of push.

I'm just one-man-show here
right now

Trying to push all
this material.

So much [bleep] dirt,
it's overwhelming.

What the--
oh, my [bleep]

-I can't stay up, you guys.
-Oh, [bleep].

It's a little bit of a dance,
but I believe the guys
can do it.

[jesse] I'd rather be
cleaning material,

But we got a bunch
of overburden to remove.

[narrator] in the gold room
with no gold to process

Jesse goins runs checks
on the jigs.

[jesse] I'm way confident
in this bunch.

You know, they're just
a great bunch of guys

And there's no quit in them.

And if it's out there,
we're going to get it.

You know, this is the
real deal here.

I do a little bit of mining,

But never on a big scale
like this.

I'm lucky where we live

We got gold we can
always find.

And we've got a
piece of property

On the grasshopper,
its patented gold claim,

So we can play on that
and get gold.

It's kind of tough after you
get done with the season.

It's kind of tough to
get a job that time of year

Because it's winter time
where I live and, you know,

So, I'm hoping I can get
enough to cruise through
the winter.

You know, we always struggle
every year till the
last minute.

I think we're going to have
a great season.

I've got her all the way
full throttle.

I'm running as hard as I can.

[narrator] in the vault cut,

And with dave returning

The crew still has 20 feet
of overburden to shift.

Dozer operator, kc,
is under pressure.

They're trying to get to pay
just like I am.

But I'm only a one man show
right now.

Just a lot of dirt to
be moved.

Trying to keep all this going.

Doing it.

[kc] is he serious, or is he

[kc] well, I mean, dude,
it's a lot of dirt to push,

Chris will continue
digging this wall,

[jason on walkie]
throw it over to you,

And you're gonna push it
that way.

And you guys are just
gonna dance back and forth.

10-4, local!

hey, kc, anybody tell you
they love you today?


-[jason on walkie]
love you, brother.
-[kc laughing]

a good leader can figure out
how to get

The best out of
each individual.

I just want these guys to
wanna work right alongside me,

And there's gonna be no more
me and kc problem.

[jason on walkie]
chris, go ahead and just keep
cleaning the dirt.

And then the dozers
take it away and we'll clear
this whole area.

Copy that.

are you good, kc, with chris
coming in behind you

Off this pass,
and drop them in there?

-Have at it, brother.
-10-4, he's on his way.

[narrator] men and machines
work as one
and they reach 70 feet.

The only way I've gotten
through life

With the mistakes that
I've made,

Because I have made,
oh, so many,

And big ones,

Is by admitting to them,

Learning from them
and moving on.

And on top of that,
what kind of person

Leads the team
by just pointing out

Mistakes of everybody else

And never looking at

I'm very proud of what I see.

digging away today.
We had a plan.

We stuck to it. I believe
we've made some pretty good

We're moving dirt
like an assembly line.

You know, everybody knows
their role
and they're doing it.

Every swing from that

Look at that! Did you see
the way they crossed?

That was the dance.

You two squirrels better
hurry up.

I'm ready to start pushing.
Come on, boy!

We're all team turin here.
We're all hands on deck.

We're all one.
We're family, we're friends,

But we gotta get down to the
pay as fast as possible.

No gold means no money.

It's just business.

this overburden deal.

I mean, what a task.

God almighty!

Liking what I see.

Starting to get into
some gravel.

The color of the dirt
has changed.

Couple more buckets,

I believe I'll be hitting
some cobblestone. Oh!

look at them cobbles, boys.

Looks like we're down to pay.

Whoo! Hell, yeah!

-I'm talking about
right there.

hey, chris. That mean you
crack the vault over there?

The vault is cracked.

80 feet deep into the cut

Chris hits a streak of ancient
river rocks and gravel.

A sign of potential gold
bearing pay dirt.

Right on, chris.

nice job, chris.

it's a huge relief.

With one individual, me,

Never running it before.
Quite an accomplishment.


regardless what's in that pan,

Today was a victory.

-Today we danced, boys.
-Yeah, we did.

-[jason] working unit.
-[nathan] exactly.

[water splashing]

-[nathan] holy crap, dude.

What is that? One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight,

Nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18...

There's just too many
to count.

And they're big ass pieces,

-Whoo! Yeah!
-We cracked the vault!

this could be main channel
right here.

Let's go get some gold, boys.

Let's get this to the plant.
Get it running before
dave's back.

[all cheering]

[narrator] after two days of
intense digging,

Team turin is finally
back on the gold.

Only time's going to tell
what the gold's that good,

But I'm proud of jason
for stepping up,

Taking care of the front line
while dave's gone.

There's pay down here.

But our season depends
on this gamble that we took

To open up the vault cut.

I'm just praying that this pay
holds enough gold.

[dramatic music playing]

first vault pay,
here we go.

As I dump this,

It's gold in our pockets.

come on, fire it up. Going!

[narrator] after a 48-hour

And moving a colossal
80 feet of overburden,

All right, fellas, here's the
first bucket of the vault cut.

Good job, guys!

[narrator] team turin has hit
pay and awakens the roach.

Nothing but the sky from here.

Got the vault opened up.

Hope dave is proud of us.

it sure is a nice run
in the vault cut.

We spent days and days
getting on it,

We're down a man.

It's a great feeling.

Come on down. You're good.
Come on back.

There is your vault cut,
buddy. Enjoy it.

Holy crap, is that dave?

[chris] there he is.

beautiful sight we're running.

it's been awesome.

Hey there, dave.

Glad to see you, man.

We're just off running it
and we're running dirt.

Nice job, chris.
Way to go, buddy.

Hey, man! What's up, brother?

Good to see you, man.

-[jason] how are you doing?
-[kc] good, how are you?

I'm so happy you're back,

Son of a gun.

How'd it go for you guys?

51 and change.

And we're sitting at
101 ounces, dave.

There it is. You did it
without me being here.

we've opened a new cut.
We're calling it the vault.

sounds like we got our work
cut out, make up for lost time

So, get your asses
back to work, okay?

-No problem, man.
-Love you, dave.

Clear, dave.

[dave] right now,
I'm a little nervous.

I don't know how good
the vault cut's gonna be.

It's risky.

Jason's got a theory

That the channel that
we've been chasing

Went under the road now
it came back.

If I want to empower my guys

And give them the ability

To make decisions,
I've got to back it.

But, I'm scared.
If there's no gold down there,

We're in trouble.

Ever since we lost
the hummocks,

The whole mining plan
has changed.

[narrator] the hummocks is the
virgin ground

That brought team turin
to colorado,

But two weeks ago,

Dave discovers the permit
to mine the ground

With the best pans he's ever
seen in the lower 48,

Is good for prospecting only.

And now the bank cut's done,

Leaving the vault as the
crew's last hope.

It needs to pay.

[dave] now, we're chasing
this channel.

We're not certain where
it goes, when it comes back.

So, losing the hummocks,

It's tough.

Our future's pretty uncertain.

[folk music playing]

I haven't seen anything

Out of the vault cut
except for a pan.

Right now,
we need to wait for
some more clean ups

Just to get an idea
of what's in the ground.

[narrator] next morning,

Jason's back digging
vault cut pay.

If the dirt's low in gold,
it's all on him.

One of those things--
you sit back,

You blow on it... [blows]
then you roll the dice

Because once you move
all the overburden,
you're committed.


Son of a...

What the...

Dave, nate, one of you guys
got a copy?

[dave on walkie]
yeah, go ahead, jason.
What's up?

My bucket, it won't curl.

It won't-- it won't go out.
It won't go in.

[dave on walkie]
has it broke, you think?
I mean, are you done loading?

Oh, yeah, I have no function.

I mean, I cannot curl
in or out

More than an inch or two,
and then it just swings.

Bring it out of the pit.

Let's see what's going on
with it, man.

if it don't get fixed,
we are screwed.

This is a key piece.

She provides all that pay.

[narrator] if jason's 480
excavator goes down,

The whole operation will grind
to a halt.

Curl it out and try walking
backwards with it.

I gotta get it fixed.

This is our big 480 excavator.

What happened is,
the cylinder itself

Has a rod and a piston
in there

And it came out too far,
and it popped the piston

Out the back of the rod.

[narrator] constantly digging
into heavy ground

Weakens the 480s quick coupler
and bends the dog bones

That attach the cylinder
to the bucket.

So, as the bucket curls in,
the rod over stretches

And the piston pops out.

It's just wear and tear.
It's a lot of [bleep] on it.

But the bit and this piece
right here

That thick a metal,
takes some force.

hey, dave, you got copy?

[dave on walkie]
go ahead.

a cylinder's screwed up.
Can I get parts now?

There's a hotshot service
at denver,

So they'd be here
by tomorrow asap.

[dave on walkie]
jason's gonna have to
take that 220

And dig pay in the vault cut.

So, shut the plant down.

I got no other options.

[nathan on walkie]

[shouting] shut her down!

if it's not one thing,
it's another.

Chris, I might have to take
your machine, brother.

You broke yours, huh?

I broke mine. It couldn't
keep up with me.

I'm gonna take this and I'm
gonna try and get some pay.

But what, with seven buckets
to fill a truck...

-[chris] twenty.
-[jason] is twenty-one plus.

[narrator] team turin must
share the excavator.

First, jason will dig pay
to be piled by the roach,

But the 220's smaller bucket

Means he'll take almost
double the time

To fill each rock truck load.

what a morning.
What a morning.

There's a big picture here

And on the small end
of the aspect,

I'm gonna look like
a good leader to dave

If we get down
and this pay pays out well.

But big picture is,
if this cut pays off?

Well, I kept team turin going
for the part of this season.

[folk music playing]

[narrator] bucks creek.

Team turin is
down an excavator

And forced to shut down
the plant to load pay.

with the 480 down.

Our struggle right now is
we gotta get pay to the plant,

And I'm sitting here swinging
with 'zippy',

The little bucket.

[narrator] despite the 220's
smaller bucket,

Dave wants the largest
pay pile possible

By the end of the day.

Kc, you got a copy?

Yeah. Dave, what's going on?

[dave on walkie]
we got one loader
and we got four hours.

Can you get 25 loads
in less than four hours?

I don't know
if that's possible.

You do 25, I'll buy you and kc
steaks and drinks.

What do you think?

I sure the hell hope you
brought your wallet today,

Bets on.

Better start hauling some pay.

I'm about to throw
the first bucket in,
and time starts now.

Stick with it, brother.
We'll make it.

Clock is ticking,
so we gotta move it.

-[jason] how do you like
your steak?
-Medium well.

Medium well.
Did you get that, dave?

oh, we're on steaks now?

It's nathan.
He's jumping on steaks.

hey, y'all. How do I get in
on this bet for them steaks?

[all laughing]

Been an hour,
and we've done five.

we gotta do over six an hour
just to hit that mark, right?

It's gonna be tough.

anybody can tell somebody
what to do.

But a leader, guides who'd
wanna do it for them.

dave focuses on our strengths.

And he magnifies it.

What load count
are we on, bro?

let's get her done.

[kc] dave is no fool.

He knows what he's doing.

We trust decisions he makes.

It's always for the
better good of the group.

I'll will follow him
into battle anytime.

I know you got a
small bucket, jason.

But you're gonna have
to go faster.

Aye, me and zippy got this,

I just clicked 16.

We got nine more loads to go.

Gotta be quick.

I'm dreaming about
a steak dinner,

But I'm also wondering

How much gold we're getting
out of this, too.

-What load count are we on?
-Twenty-one, right now.

dozer dave turin.

Do you have a copy, dave?

I think dave's up in
his trailer.

He's taking his nap.

[jason on walkie]
you can relay this message
to him.

We're on our last load.

That's pretty impressive.

Seriously. Good job, you guys.

We better go, go, go,
and turn and burn, brother.

I love it. I love it.
I love it!

in less than four hours,

Jason and kc deliver an
incredible 25 loads of pay

For chris to run tomorrow.

as a leader, I can hang on
to these guys,

And keep them together
and be family.

And when all this ends,

I wanna be able to
call them up,

Ask him how the family is,
and remain friends.

Hey, kc, you did
a hell of a job.

[dave] if you had a better

You'd probably hit 30 today.

[all laughing]

[jason] I've got a lot to
learn from dave.

When the chips are down,

He's right there to
pick us up.

He encourages us.

Because of dave,

We got a hell of a
pile of pay at that plant now.

[dramatic music playing]

[chris] feeding the plant.
Didn't ever think I'd miss it.

[narrator] after yesterday's

Chris is back
loading the roach.

we weren't running any pay.

If we're not running
the plant, we're losing money.

I'm glad to be back
in this seat again.

[narrator] for jason's huge
gamble of opening a new cut

To pay off, this pay dirt
must be rich in gold.

It's damn good to
see her running.

it's kinda nice to get up
out of that hole, too.

We're down the 480,
been working on
getting her fixed.

But it's nice to see her go.

Ready to fire her up.

This thing's been sitting

For the first time
in four days,

Jesse has vault cut pay
to process.

need some water going.

Have some concentrates
in my tubs.

They've been sitting empty
for a few days.

That kind of makes me
stir crazy.

Let's see some gold, baby!

I've been waiting for this
for a long time.

I got the first scoop
run through.

Lot of people are anticipating
what's gonna come outta here.

We did a lot of work.

Everybody's busted their ass
to get to this point.

So, I don't want a
little bitty jar of gold.

Lotta pressure right here.

This is jason's
christmas present come early.

The new $4000 cylinder for the
480 excavator

Arrives on site.

[chris] sharing the 220
between the plant and jason.

That's so unproductive,
you know,

We're shutting down
half a day.

Full pay, run pay, half a day.

We need to get going.

First step, is getting one of
the pins lined up.

Here you are, sweetheart.

Get on up in there.

You gotta talk to her.

Should go right on in.

That's how pin goes in.

See how easy was?
Little faith just goes
a long ways.

my role's very important
in this team.

I can operate,

I can run the plant,

I can fix anything.

I've been out doing that
[bleep] for a long time.

Me and machine, making love
all night long.

Something draws me to this.

I mean, this is where
I belong.

I love these guys.

I wanna help these guys along.
Have some knowledge.

We're here to build
each other up.

hey, dave?

Go ahead.

Everybody come down.

-[dave] copy that.

We are installing the
bucket, cylinder, rod,

Into the dog links
all at the same time.

Small pin?

[narrator] the first pin
attaches the new dog links

To the 480 arm.

-No way.
-Okay, ready?

Next, the larger pin
is lined up to the bucket.

[nathan] come on.

Okay, stop right there.
Gonna get the cylinder, now.

You gotta hold the
trigger down

And then push the
button in slowly.

[narrator] finally,
dave winches the cylinder
and rod into position.

little bit, little bit.

Oh! Winch down, dave.

Little more?

Nope! Hit it in.

-[jason] yeah, buddy! Get it!

get it! Get it!

You know, chris was
a professional baseball player
at one time.

There's not many people that
can swing a hammer like that.

-[nathan] both hands, too.
-Both hands!

-Oh! Strike one!

[excited chatter]

Yeah, go ahead!

[shouting] oh, yeah, baby!

I'm almost there.

Yeah, buddy!

before, the link was hitting
right here,

And it bent down.

So, we gotta make sure

That we got clearance here.

If it's touching it,
we gotta do something.

-Start 'er up!

[narrator] if the quick
coupler touches the dog bones,

The fix has failed.

Easy! Easy!

is that all the way under?

Yes, sir. That's it.

[all cheering]

-There you go, nate!
-Good job, buddy!

Yeah, there it is.
Good job, nathan.

we had a hell of a week
so far.

Dave out, you know the 480
took a [bleep].

But, we're on full tilt now.

Everybody's here.
We're gonna get the gold.

Nate's my boy.
He got my girl back online.
I love him.

[dramatic music playing]

I'm loving my new cylinder.

My new dog bones.

I feel like we're in it
to win it.

[narrator] a tough week.

Team turin makes one last push
to capture maximum

Vault cut gold.

I feel like a little kid
right now.

And christmas rolls around.

You finally get that
bigger bike.

Ooh, whee!

It's gotta feel pretty good,

We'll get some pay now.


turn and burn. Here we go.

Good job, guys. Good job.

I owe you a bottle of whiskey.

[narrator] coming up.

[panicked shouting]
turn it off!

- [narrator] a rock jam...
-Belt's stuck!

threatens jason's gamble.

I'll be damned.

[dramatic music playing]

[jason whistling]

[jason vocalizing]

that plays in my head
when I look around

I see all this equipment here.

And when you get it
timed right,

It becomes a beautiful,
beautiful ballet.

["the blue danube waltz"

Hey, guys, y'all wanna
sing with me at the same time?

[jason vocalizing
"the blue danube waltz"]

[kc vocalizing
"the blue danube waltz"]

nathan, are you in?

Uh, nate's looking at me
like I'm crazy.

Nate dog!
Singing and swinging, baby!

I don't know the song at all.

let me try it again.

[jason vocalizing
"the blue danube waltz"]

Did that sound better?
I had some banjo in her.

[nathan laughing]

[dramatic music playing]

so much dirt.

[narrator] one week ago,

Jason took a huge gamble

And opened a new cut.

If I'm wrong, I've screwed
the whole operation.

thank you, captain obvious.

[narrator] he also overcame
a leadership crisis...

love you, brother.

[narrator] on the hunt for
lost main channel gold.

We're down to pay!

And they're big-ass pieces.

Jason made a call.

He said he's gonna mine
the vault cut

And he based that off
of a couple pans.

that's always risky.

I let him make the choice.

Problem is, if there's
no gold, wrong choice.

[narrator] now,

Team turin continues
to roll the dice

On vault cut pay dirt.

Give me some of that
rocky mountain gold!

[chris] pretty stressful
for me right now.

Trying to get it done.

I'm under a gun the whole day.

Come up here.

I cannot take my hands off
the sticks.

[panicked shouting]
turn it off! Belt's stuck!

got a rock jam!

Oh, tell them to
turn the water off!

What's going on, nate?
Did we get some rocks
jammed up?

[nathan on walkie]
yeah, buddy. One last,
and the best slipped.

Hey, nate. Which belt quit?

we got some rocks
to clean out now.

I'll be right there.

A little rock is jammed
in the pulley.

[narrator] a rock jam forced
the tail-pulley
to stop rolling

And has backed up the roach
with hundreds of rocks.

right here on this big
tailing side went rolling.

We had a rock bounce in
the tail pulley.

We got [bleep] of rocks
in here to clear out.

[dave] we've got to tighten
the belt up.

The tail pulley was loose.

we caught it just in time.

If one of us was doing
something else,

And chris in the excavator
couldn't see it,

Guess what? We'd have a big
pile of dookie right now.

After you run these belts,
brand new belts--

See how much sag is in that?

nathan, I think it's time to
turn it on

And see if we can carry
these rocks out.

yeah, let's do it, dave.

[narrator] dave's plan is to
bump the conveyor

By quickly turning it
on and off.

He hopes it will dislodge
the rocks,

But it risks tearing the belt.

-[nathan] ready?
-[dave] bump it.

Hold on, hold on, hold on!

Okay, dave, it's locked down.

Gonna get it out of
the pulley?

-[jason] yes.
-[dave] okay.

I've pulled out about
four already.

[jason] go ahead and bump
that one again.

Let me see what she kicks out.

firing it up!


You couldn't have stopped it
any more perfect, bro.

Okay, fire her up.

-Fire in the hole!

-[jason, shouting] clear!

I heard a pop.

yeah, buddy!

gonna wanna check the track.
Make sure the track's okay.

smooth like butter.

Look at her.

Hell yeah.

-Chris, you in the excavator?
-I am in the excavator.

Rocks in the box, buddy.
Rocks in the box.

pretty stressful. Pretty
high-pressure situation here.

Most important thing
is keeping this hopper fast.

we're up and running.
It's been good.

We got water,
we got materials.

Are back on the gold.

Gold matters.
It's all that matters.

[narrator] a tough week draws
to a close.

let's get these off from here.

[narrator] it's time to pull
the mats from the sluice.

I get a little nervous.

At the end of the day,

Right here tells me
if I did my job [bleep].

fair time of the day.

We get to see all the gold
in the box.

We get to see exactly
how I did.

-[nathan] ooh! Nuggets, jason.
-[dave] look at this.

We're on it.
Great job, you guys.


nate's, uh, getting quite the
nugget-eye, man.

[nathan] it ain't too hard
having a nugget-eye. [bleep].

Well put, bro, well put.

It's great whenever you get
done working all day

And then take a look at the
box and it's glistening
with gold.

Hey, nate. I'm gonna actually
ask you to help me
on this one.

This carpet's long chunk,

And there was a lot of gold

So, I didn't wanna
take the chance

Of dropping this bad boy.

We already got it out of
the ground once.

I really don't want to
go back in after, you know?

[dave] we won't know until
we get it to the gold room.

Figure out how much gold
is in the vault cut.

-That's it. Damn good job
this week, boys!
-Good job, boys!

[all celebrating]

-Good day!
-Hell yeah!

[jesse] guys are out
busting their butts.

Getting me this concentrate.

This is the funnest part
of this whole job right here.

Seeing what's coming
across the tables.

When I hand them a jar gold,
I see smiles.

So, every day if we can get
a really good cleanup,

Everybody's happy.

They're counting on me.

I can't have no
screw ups here.

[dramatic music playing]

with the gold cleaned,

Dave gathers the crew
to see if their gamble

Has paid off.

-All right, guys.

Kc, grab that piece
of plywood.

It was a hell of a week, dave.

real tough week.

I really appreciate
you guys letting me go.

And I know it was rough
on the crew, on the gold,
but I had to go.

family's family.

I appreciate jason taking
the leadership role.

Made a decision about
that channel.

Nate was right there with him.

You did good on that dozer,

Thank you.

he did good in the excavator,

Chris was able to crack
the vault.

He threw dirt right in that
vault cut with the rest of us.

you think we ran half speed
this week?

Little less.

I mean, we've been pulling
50 ounces a week,

And we probably got a
half weeks' worth of run

When we're down like that.

Hopefully, we get at least
25 ounces.

-That'd be nice.
-[chris] I'd be happy with 25.

if we do, I tell you what,

We're back on main channel.

Let's weigh it up.
See what we get, boys!

Here we go.

gosh, this is a pretty
chunky gold.




-[chris] 20 ounces.
-[dave] 20?

-Half week?
-There we go.

-Well, we passed 25!
-Still going.

I'll be damned.

-[dave] 30 ounces.
-[nathan] there you go.
Over 30!

-Thirty point six. Yeah!

jason was right.

That channel cut
underneath the county road.

-We're on the gold.
-All right.

Not bad, you guys.

Today's gold price,
roughly $60,000.

For all those problems?

are you kidding me?

it's a lot of money
sitting there.

I'm shocked.
To be honest, I'm shocked.

It's outstanding.

[narrator] with gold prices
peaking at $2,000 per ounce,

The team is extracted gold
worth over $60,000

In just half a week.

We rally.

I feel like we're closer
as a team.

Yes, we are.

Last week, we were at 101.

With this 30.6,

We're over 131 ounces.

That's over a quarter million
dollars' worth of gold.

-All right!
-Oh, my god!

jason has come a long ways.

I think he could be
a great leader.

Now that we're back at
full strength,

We're going to go after it.

The team,
they really let me in.

They accepted me fully.

And because of that,

We were able to put together
a great ballet of equipment

And we got a [bleep]
ton of overburden moved.

And we got down to the pay.

I can't ask for a better week,
even with all the problems.

-We all in?
-[all together] all in!

Don't care who you are.

A quarter million dollars,
four weeks.

That's what I'm talking about
right there.

That's a lot of gold.

Amen, brother.

[dave] it was difficult
leaving my guys,

But it's something that
I had to do.

And, I'm so proud
of those guys,

And now, I believe dad...
It's like, it's gonna be okay.

Come on! Dig!

on the next episode.

Fire this bad boy up!

as production ramps up...

she's doing what she's
supposed to be.

Damn, she eats that rock up!

the heat begins to rise.

Jason, hey!


[narrator] and rocky mountain
gold continues to flow.

Keep climbing, baby.
Keep climbing.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.