God's Quiz (2010–…): Season 4, Episode 4 - One Warm Day - full transcript

The team investigates the murder of a former surgeon who performed illegal surgeries back in the 80s and 90s.

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Drink up!

This is such a delayed welcoming party.

-Sorry, Si-woo.
-Don't be like that.

I'm seriously so thankful

that you are throwing me
a party like this.


Order everything you want.
Anything you want!

It's not like you're going to pay for it.

The first round was on me, remember?

You're right.

You paid for five cups of iced Americano.

One of those was bought with my coupon.
So technically, you only bought four.

-I did want to pay for that, but...

-But Chief insisted on paying.

I did no such thing.

Thank you for the food, Dr. Han!

Five portions of jeongol , please!

-Five portions are too...
-You're right.

Make that six portions!

Okay, fine. Then...

Chief will pay for karaoke!

Forget it. We are not going!

No way.

Where's your sense of dignity?

It's not like we become peasants
if we go to a karaoke box.

Stop that.

I'll pay for all this,

so let's just stuff our mouths full
and go home, all right?

-Come on...
-Here we go.


So be it then. Let's stuff
our bellies until they explode.

Are you sure you don't want to go?

-Life doesn't end today, my friend.
-But it could.


How much did I drink? Goodness.

-Were you looking for me?

Sorry, I don't feel well.

Drink this.

You didn't have to.

Thank you, Ms. Lim.

Are you all right?

Of course.

By the way,

don't peek at me when I get changed.

You thought I'd let it pass, didn't you?

Ms. Lim, it wasn't intentional.
I just happened to walk in and...

You're getting cuter day by day.

Don't try to do that again.

Let's go to the meeting.

June 5th, 2014.

She came to me and became a flower.

Suk-tae Hong, age 65.

His body was found in the basement
of a building two days ago.

The primary cause of his death is
excessive bleeding from a severed wrist.

Comminuted fracture in his left hand
seem to be caused by a blunt weapon.

Why was this case brought to us?

It's because of the substance detected
in the victim's blood.

-Ms. Lim?


It's a muscle relaxant commonly used
for rare muscular dystrophy.

Since it can paralyze mouth
and vocal cord,

the sale of the substance
has been prohibited since last year.

That's right. Our hospital was the first
to raise the issue.

Was the victim suffering
from any chronic illnesses?

The first autopsy showed no sign
of illness.

The victim was an orthopedic specialist.

He was accused
of performing illegal surgery

and went to prison in 1998,
serving three years and five months.

Of course, his license was suspended.

What kind of illegal surgery?

The police are gathering
more information on it.

So this case came to us
due to the possibility

of the culprit having association
with the medical field or rare diseases.

They reported that he had
hearing aids in both ears.

There's one mark where the chemical
was most likely injected through.

The bruises on his neck

were caused by the person
trying to subdue him.

The culprit hacked the wrist
multiple times with a sharp weapon.

What about the wounds on his ankles?

He cut both his Achilles tendons.

You know why, right, Ms. Lim?

Yes. It's to make sure he couldn't move.

Correct. That is the most likely reason.

He could have screamed for help.

Would no one have heard him?

That's not possible. That's why
they injected him with Aitrosis.

You're right.
Mouth and vocal cord paralysis.


Besides the fact that his esophagus
is damaged due to chronic acid reflux,

there's not much else.

The cause of death is hematogenic shock

due to severe bleeding
from the severed wrist.

Detective Kang.

Please send me the information
on his illegal surgery as soon as you can.

This is some creative murder
you've got going here, isn't it?

No one uses this basement.

It's been empty this whole time.

The neighborhood is sparse,

and the other residents
almost never pass by here.

The only reason the plumber came by
was because of a burst pipe.

That's some brutal stuff, man.

That's strange.

Why is the lock installed the other way?


I think they installed the lock
at a lower point on purpose.

So they can open the door and leave.

Help... Please...

How does that make any sense?

Then why would they install it here?

What if...

What if the culprit was confused
about how to install locks

and it ended up like that?

-Get down.


I can't.

This person is the worst of the worst!

Hand transplants?

It's something even large
established hospitals can't easily do.

If an orthopedist performed
a hand transplant surgery,

is that still considered illegal?

The surgery itself is not the problem,

but the obscure donor
of the hand and fingers is.

So there's a possibility that he might
have acquired the body parts illegally.

Like illegal human organ trafficking.

Would the transplant be successful
if it's performed like this?

Not the way he did it.
It would only make it worse.

Hand transplants are nowhere
near perfect around the world.

The danger of immune system loss
is always present.

Six people were found to be involved
during the last investigation,

but I think there might be more.

They fined the people
who had received the surgeries

as well?

The yet to be known patients
who have gotten illegal surgeries

probably did not step up for fear

of being implicated and fined.

You're the best, Dr. Han.

I'll be off on my own for now.


My back is killing me.


My goodness! You scared me.

Are you going off on your own again?

Here you go again,
nagging the moment you see me.

But hey, we came to the same place
without talking about it.

This needs to be marked with
a long overdue cross, don't you think so?

You actually did it.

I can't believe you actually did it.

When was the last time you saw your dad?

Two weeks ago.

I can't leave the hospital often, you see.

So, you're a doctor?


I'm an intern
at Yoowon University Hospital.

I see. I bet it's really chaotic
right now.

Is there anyone

who was on bad terms
with your dad recently?

No, there's no one like that.

He didn't leave the house for years.
He was wrapped up in research.

He barely went outside,

and didn't meet
with any of his relatives either.

Have any of the victims from his
past illegal surgeries paid him a visit?


My dad atoned for his sins
more than enough.

Compared to what happened to his victims,
three years and five months in prison

pale in comparison, in my opinion.

I admit his methods might have been wrong.

But his research was not worthless!

Aren't the ethics
of the procedure more important

than the value of the result in medicine?

Of course, but

a minimum amount
of sacrifice is necessary.


Sacrifice is done on the will
of the person being sacrificed, all right?

If you go in to get a treatment
and are wronged like that,

that's no sacrifice.

I said the way he did it was wrong!

My goodness. Look at that.

That guy wants to be a doctor? My word.

Like father, like son, seriously.

Good grief.

-Good job.
-I did a good job, didn't I?

His son, Ki-joon's alibi checks out
for the day of the murder.

He was at the hospital all night

with other doctors and staff.

What about Suk-tae Hong's wife?

She committed suicide
when her son was two years old.

She overdosed on sleeping pills.

That whole family is just depressing.

What about the properties?

Completely clean.

He was pretty wealthy growing up

and he owned three buildings.
I'm so jealous.

Everything was willed to his son
way before anything happened.

This is way too clean.


I heard you were the first one
who made a report on Suk-tae Hong.

Yes, I was.

Sixteen years ago,
while working in a factory,

my finger was amputated.

I was crying in pain at the hospital

and he approached me.

He said that he was a doctor
and he could give me a finger transplant.

You did know that it was illegal, right?

I did.

The surgery was done at another place,
not the hospital. It was all very sketchy.

Where was that?

It was in an empty building
way outside of the city.

But it was so late at night
that I couldn't remember much else.

Are you really not going to eat?
Should I cook one more?

No, I'm fine. I'm not hungry.

This mountain of information
is hard to sift through.

Have all those victims
in there been found?

We questioned all six of them,
but didn't find out anything new.

All their alibis are similar too.

I'll leave the investigation files here.
You can look at them later.

Okay. In my opinion,

there's definitely something that
the undiscovered victims are holding.

-You're probably right.

What are you doing?


You said you didn't want any.

You said to only cook one packet.

Yeah, but once the smell hit me,
I started craving for it.

Make one more, will you?

No way. You make your own ramen.

Give me that. Hey!

-Wait, hold on.
-Let go.

It went back in there.

Forget it. I don't want it now.
You can have it.

You can have it all.
That's freaking disgusting.

Eat the whole thing get fat!

I'll finish this then.

Go ahead, I'm not having any.

Kimchi's mine. Don't eat it.

I don't eat kimchi anyway.

I can't believe this.

Hello, my dear.

"My dear"?

My dear...

You always come by without any heads-up.

You know how it is.

Prosecutors never get regular hours.

All the prosecutors I know
seem to have all the time in the world.

They are also smart and well-off.

It seems like you have something
against prosecutors right now.

You should know better.

Fine, I get it.

As a smart and well-off prosecutor,

I apologize on behalf
of all the other prosecutors.

I'll accept that. That felt pretty good.


I came to ask you a favor.

What is it?

Can you take a look at this?

What is this?

It's related to my case.
Take a look at it when you can.

It's not urgent,
so you can take your time.

I just need some advice on it.

I heard you're quite an expert
in this field.

All right, then.

I can't believe this.

She called him "My dear"?

Does she call everyone that?



I can't stop laughing. My goodness.

Illegal surgeries.

He was quite wealthy.

He promised to refund the fee
in case the surgery fails.

Wait, that means he didn't do it
for the money.


There it is.

Look at that. What a pair.

The two doctors with poor ethics.

By the way, about yesterday...

Did you meet up
with that prosecutor yesterday?

Yes, I did.

Whatever his reason was,
he shouldn't have called you at night.

He had a favor to ask.

I wonder what that could be.

Nothing much. It's something personal.

Personal favor?

It's not for work but personal.

What could that possibly be?

It's nothing.

I'm sure it's nothing. Yeah, sure.

I guess nothing can come between you two.


He was working on his thesis
until the day before his death.

His license was suspended.
Why did he continue his research?

Everything on this paper

is about methods of hand nerve transplant.


he didn't perform illegal surgery
to make money.

He said he wouldn't take any money
if the surgery fails.

Does that mean...

He wasn't conducting surgeries.
He was conducting an experiment

on the new method of hand nerve transplant

which is a perfect hand transplant method

without any side effects
or issue with the immune system.

So he continued his research
to recover his honor.

That's most likely the case.

He probably would have wanted
to have his license reinstated.

Would there be any record clearly stating
that he performed illegal surgeries?

I doubt that.

If I were Suk-tae Hong,

I would have put it elsewhere.

Otherwise, people would easily notice

if you do such a thing
at your own hospital.

The surgery was done at another place,
not the hospital. It was all very sketchy.

It was done in an empty building
far outside of the city.

Out of the three buildings he owned,

one of them is empty.

My goodness.

The whole lower floor was empty.

Isn't this like a wild goose chase?

The other buildings under his name
have been rented out.

But this one was left empty.

He didn't sell it either.

It means
he wanted to keep something a secret.

Or he might have held on to it
for future experiments.

Mr. Nam.

There's a locked room over there.

This way.

Let's go.

My goodness.

This looks like a surgery room

in a horror movie.

He did something way worse
compared to what's in horror movies.

Something much worse.

Hold on.


You kick it like that and it opens?

Let's see here.

Hand transplant surgery...

He kept all of the records here.

How could he amputate a baby's arm?

Hand transplants should only
be done on fully grown adults.

But he experimented on a baby.

This baby is the only one without a name.

There's only the surgery date
and blood type.

He couldn't have been
more than a hundred days old.

It was born in 1988.

Why is this baby the only one
without detailed information?

I only focused on this unidentified baby.

There are 17 more victims
excluding this baby.

Why are you only focusing on this baby?

I was just about to give my reason.

Why do you have to cut me off like that?

This baby was suffering from a disease

called Cornelia de Lange Syndrome.

The cleft palate,
the amount of hair, his eyebrows,

it almost matches up.

Now, for those who don't know,

our handsome Si-woo
will explain it for you.

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome.

It's a rare congenital disease
and it's characterized

by growth impairment,
intellectual disability,

hypertrichosis, bone structure
physical disorder and cleft palate.

If we were to predict
the condition of this baby,

he'd probably have a language
and lower body disorder for sure.

During the time of the experiment,

Suk-tae Hong would not have
been aware of the baby's disease.

Hence the lack of information.

This disease was formally
introduced in Korea

in the early 1990s.


to answer Mr. Nam's question,
why this baby?

The similarities between the victims.

Had a left hand but could not use it.

An amputated right hand.

A disabled lower body

and dysphonia via cleft palate
and oral deformation.

In other words, the culprit

made the victim as similar
to this baby as possible.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

A Hammurabi-style revenge.

The culprit added on
a psychological pain for the victim.

I say this

because the culprit installed the lock

at a point only the victim could reach.

So that he would be able to call for help
once he opened it.

A cruel torture of giving false hope.

Even if the lock was accessible
by the victim,

what if he didn't know the code?

He did know. It was 1208.

December 8th, the victim's birthday.

How would he have known
that the code was his birthday?

The culprit probably told him.

-Ms. Min?

After detailed analysis of the door lock,

we found traces of saliva dotted on
and around the numbers 1, 2, 0 and 8.

He tried to press them with his tongue
since he couldn't use his hands.

But with his mouth paralyzed, his tongue

wouldn't have enough strength
to push the buttons.

Si-woo has a point.

So it didn't matter
if he knew the code or not.

But even if it was related to this child,

the principal agent of this revenge
could not have been the child.

That's right. This child
would have reduced mobility,

making everything impossible.

So it's someone near him.

His family or someone close to him.

It won't be that hard to find that person,
considering the rare disease.

Blood type O, 27 years old, male

and suffering from
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome.

We identified the fingerprint
on the cabinet.

There was one more person
besides Suk-tae Hong.

Just trust me. One shot, that's all.

It will make your skin tight
and fresh like Suzy's skin.

One shot and you'll become like Suzy.

Affordable happiness, you know?

Isn't it great?

Stop blabbing and inject already.

Ms. Kyeong-sook Oh?

I worked at Dr. Hong's hospital
for three years

as a nurse.

I'm not talking about that hospital.

I think you worked with him
at that ridiculous

surgery room, right?

You would know what happened there, right?


But I've never seen anything directly.

I prepared the room before surgery
and cleaned it up after, that's all.

I was a victim too!

I lost my nursing license
because of that incident!

Do you, by any chance,

remember this baby?

Yes, I do.

He was from an orphanage,
from what I heard.

But that's all I know.

Yes, Dr. Han.

We found a match in the database.

There are some scratches on your ankle.

Did you fall?


It looks painful.

I'm fine.

How long have you been here?

Since I was a child.

Do you have any friends or people
that you know outside of this place?

Of course, I don't.

Who would want to be friends with me?

Do you know anything about your parents

or any news of that sort?

Why should I?

They abandoned me.

Even if they come to see me,

I won't see them.

Just leave me alone
so I can live like this...

until I die.

In a way, he's a bigger victim
than Suk-tae Hong.

It really breaks my heart.

But it seems like it would be impossible
for him to move around alone.

But if someone helped him,
he could leave...

Wait a second. This floor.

This floor is...

If this floor is this smooth,

it's almost impossible to get
scratched up like that when you fall.

That means he could have gone out...

Hey! Can't you at least tell me
before you leave like that?

So cool.

I need to learn stuff like that.




It was a few days ago.

He went outside for a day
with one of the volunteers.


You're a volunteer at
Sungwoo Welfare Center for the disabled.

To say that this is a coincidence

is too much of a stretch, don't you think?

On the day of the murder
around the estimated time of the murder,


You left the center with Soo-yong Park.

Where did you go that night
with Soo-yong Park?

We were strolling
around the neighborhood park.

Do you have anyone who can vouch for you?

I'm not sure.

You don't have to hide it anymore.

You're Soo-yong's mom.

A mere volunteer doesn't avenge
on someone's behalf

unless they're related by blood.

What are you saying?

We saw a security camera recording
of your conversation with Soo-yong.

We couldn't hear what was said,

but we analyzed Soo-yong's lip movements.

He called you mom 14 times
during the 52-minute-long conversation.

They all call me that over there!

They don't have mothers of their own,
so I tell them to call me...

You gave us some of your hair
before you were arrested, right?

We'll have the DNA test results
any minute now, all right?

You bore a deep grudge
against Suk-tae Hong,

who made your son like that.

After carefully planning it out,
you took your revenge.


Soo-yong and I didn't go there.


Soo-yong was there.

His ankle was scratched up
by the rough cement floor.

Detailed analysis discovered

a trace of Soo-yong's blood
on the cement floor.



You are right. I did it.

I took Soo-yong there,

but he has nothing to do with what I did.

He's innocent!

Don't say that, Mom!

I asked my mom to do it.


told her to kill that bastard.

No! Soo-yong, stop!

Mom, please.

You don't have cover for me.

I told you to kill him.

The DNA test results are in.

It turns out

that they are not biologically related.

Lock them up for now.

Wait a second. It wasn't my mom!

I was the one who planned everything.

Please hear me out.

Can you explain the whole process
to us in detail then?


I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything.


Let me ask you a question.

Why did you inject morphine
into Suk-tae Hong?

Morphine? Well...

That's because...

It wasn't morphine.

He was injected with Aitrosis.

-Take him home.

Wait! Wait a second!

I was confused for a second!

Let me explain!

Please let me explain!

How can you lock them up
based solely on the confession?

First of all,

Soo-yong Park is not even aware of
the actual process of the crime.

Plus, they're not related by blood!

What does that have to do with anything?

They confessed. What else do we need?


Let's forget about what I just said.

But let's think this through logically.

You think a frail lady like her

planned the whole crime by herself?
You seriously think she carried a man

by herself, brutally murdered him,

and cleaned up everything?

I agree with Dr. Han.

Ms. Oh doesn't even have a car.

That means she travelled quite a distance
using public transportation.

But she couldn't explain how it was done
and there is no evidence.

Another person might have
given her a ride.

There may be another accomplice.

Someone might have given her a ride.

I get rides from people too.

Just because someone gave her a ride

doesn't make that person her accomplice.

Then she would have said
who she got a ride from.

Just once.

Can you turn a blind eye, just this once?

You know better than me

how painful our lives have been.

Can you do this for me?

My Soo-yong.

He's a wretched soul.

He was left at an orphanage
and lived his whole life in misery.

I regarded him as my own child.

That's why...

That's why I loathed that guy,

the man who made Soo-yong like that.

Where's Soo-yong?

He's under protective custody
at another institution.

I'll ask you one more time.

Did you really

do everything by yourself?


I planned everything.

I did it all!


How's his condition?

He is brain dead.

If only he were found a little earlier...

Why did you try to die, you fool?

As I investigate these cases,

I realized that they all
have something in common.

The most weak, poor and wretched

are weighed down
by all the pain and suffering.

Then is Soo-yong trying to hide
or protect something?

I'm not sure as to what that is yet,

but I think we need to lighten his burden.

They reported that he
had hearing aids in both ears.


That's all. Thank you.

Excuse me.
Why do you collect blood samples?

It's just a required procedure.

Let's unravel this exhausting
family history, shall we?

Family history?

Yes, family history.

In order to unravel it,
we have to go to the very beginning.

Back to Soo-yong's disease.


Explain, please.

Soo-yong Park's
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome.

As you know by now,
it is a congenital disease.

It's possible for a parent
with this disease to give birth a child

with the same disease,
but it's not common.

So you can't stipulate that
it's a 100 percent genetic disease.

If it is genetic, it can appear
either at every generation

or it would skip generations.
There are tons of possibilities.

But if it does skip generations,
even if you don't have the disease,

due to chromosome abnormalities,
you may have similar symptoms.

Just like Suk-tae Hong.

Suk-tae Hong?

He has symptoms similar to those
of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome?

Chronic acid reflux, and...

a hearing loss from a young age.

These are all symptoms of this syndrome.

Also, just in case,

I performed a detailed analysis
of the victim's chromosomes.

-At the bottom of the third chromosome,

a gene in the shape of
the Cornelia de Lange Syndrome was found.

For the first unexpected twist...

-Ms. Min?

According to the DNA test,

Suk-tae Hong and Soo-yong Park

have been identified as father and son.

What kind of random
and abrupt family tree is this?

It seems random and abrupt,
but it's the truth.

Unexpected twist number two?

Suk-tae Hong and his son Ki-joon Hong

was found to have no DNA matches.

So, biologically,

they're strangers.
Complete and utter strangers.

Unexpected twist number three.

Ki-joon Hong is Kyeong-sook Oh's son.


This is so confusing.

So just to make sense of this,

Suk-tae Hong took his son, Soo-yong Park,

and switched him up
with Kyeong-sook Oh's son, Ki-joon Hong.

Am I right?

Yes, in a nutshell.

By the way, Soo-yong Park
and Ki-joon Hong are the same age.

So you're saying this family history

might be the cause
of Suk-tae Hong's death, right?


This is one complicated family history.

Would they all have known about this?

All three of them
would have probably known about this.

All three just might be accomplices.

I looked up
Ki-joon Hong's car registration.

It was parked at the hospital
three days before the incident

until two days after.

Did you search the car?


There was nothing.

We looked up Suk-tae Hong's car as well,

and there was no record
of it ever being driven. It was clean.

This is driving me nuts.

If they used a car during the crime,

there are no other cars that could
have been used other than their own.

Couldn't they have borrowed a car?

How would we ever find out
who they borrowed a car from?

There are ways!

Don't you know how many
rental car services are out there?

-How long has it been?
-Eighteen days.

Ki-joon Hong is involved in this for sure.

Kyeong-sook is doing
everything she can to hide that fact.

But his alibi checks out.

The entry log for the hospital
is also verified.

Between the time he was at the hospital
and the time of the crime,

there's a gap there.

What if like in those American shows

he used a coagulant

to manipulate the time of the crime
and the time of the victim's death?

That only worked in the past, man.

These days, you can...

detect it right away.


Say that one more time.


Time of the crime.

Time of the victim's death.

Not it?

You! This kid. You!

You're really something, you amazing man!

Was I right?

I got it right.

You saw that, right?



Mom is here.

I'm here.

Say something, Soo-yong!


Wake up.

I'm here now.


When I was young,
I became pregnant by accident.

The father of the baby was a married man.

He told me to get an abortion.

But I had planned on having the baby
and raising it by myself.

When Dr. Hong found out,

he said that he would take my child in.

I accepted it thinking
it was out of his good intentions.

-I gave birth to the baby.
-There you go.

Good job, Kyeong-sook. Here we go.

After the labor, I fell into deep sleep.

Now that I think about it,

it seems Dr. Hong injected something
into the fluids.

I woke up a bit later

and saw the baby.

But the baby was...

Until then,

you thought the disabled baby
was your own.


Then what about the hand transplant?

Did Suk-tae Hong

offer to do that first?


He offered the option to me first.

You knew it was dangerous.

Why did you accept his offer?

It's just because

a person should be able

to eat with his own hands
at the very least.

That was the only reason why.

You couldn't verify my alibi?

I was at the hospital the whole time.



You were there for seven hours

with witnesses vouching for you.

You thought no one
would figure it out, right?

You almost succeeded.

Suk-tae Hong's blood analysis showed

that he had 30 times more platelets
compared to those of a normal person.

That means you can delay
excessive bleeding significantly

without using a coagulant.

Not to mention that platelets

aren't detected as easily as coagulants.

After attacking Suk-tae Hong,

you injected him with Aitrosis

along with the platelets.

Of course, there was
only one injection mark.

After committing the crime,
you headed to the hospital.

You bought time
as the bleeding was slowed down

and you established your alibi.

You knew that they wouldn't check
for platelets

during the autopsy

unless the person had a diathesis.

We checked with the blood center
at your hospital

and it turned out that someone
stole the platelets.

It just happened to match the amount used

for the crime and it matched
Suk-tae Hong's blood type.

You made Soo-yong Park
an accomplice of your crime.

But you left Kyeong-sook Oh out.

You picked Soo-yong Park up on the way.

Before we move on,
there is one thing we have to discuss.

For the crime,

you used a rental car.

This is the record

from the rental car service you used.

We found a sample
of Suk-tae Hong's blood in the trunk!

The manual for the lock
that was installed at the crime scene

was also found in the trunk!

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I will call my lawyer.


Soo-yong is really sick right now.

He hung himself.

He managed to survive,

but he won't be able to wake up.

He won't be able to wake up forever.

What do we do? Our poor Soo-yong.

That stupid fool.

I killed a person who deserved to die.


his death alone could not make up for
all his sins!

When did you find out
that Soo-yong was not your real son?

Last year.

I was looking through Soo-yong's records.

I found out when I saw his blood type.

If you don't know, then who does?

You're the one who helped me
with the labor!

Was I?

You have no proof.

Dr. Hong!

He was so adamant about defending himself.

But then...

a young man

who looked exactly like my lover
walked into the room.

That's when I knew

that he was my son.

I couldn't believe it at first.


I had no choice but to accept the truth.

Biologically, she was

undoubtedly my mother.

So what?

Do you think you would have been able to
enjoy this life

if you had lived as her son?


You must become a great scholar.

That's all you should focus on.

You have to fulfill the dream
that I could not fulfill myself

so that no one can look down on you!

Then, what about your real son?

Your son who's living in a life of pain.

What about my mom,
who spent her whole life

caring for someone else's son?


that's fate, I suppose.

Let me ask you this one thing.

Did you consider your real son

just as a specimen for your experiment?

Are you just using me
to satisfy your unfulfilled desires?

Remember this.

Remember you won't mean anything to me
the moment I find you useless.

Yes, I was just a tool.

Do you know how that man raised me?

What are you doing?

You don't remember this?

-What are you crying for?

The man who I thought was my dad

was a terrible person.

Look carefully.

That's not a part of a dead body.

It's just a specimen for research.

It's meat. It's just a slab of meat.

You must not be intimidated
by that piece of meat

to become a true doctor!

Look at it!

He taught me

as if he was training a hunting dog.

He destroyed my mom and Soo-yong's life!

I wanted to pay him back in kind.

Especially for the pain...

The pain that Soo-yong had to suffer!

You do exactly as I say, okay?

He ruined our lives

and yet, he lives with no guilt.

He ruined you
and threw you away like trash!

He used me all my life

as a tool for his own goals!

I'm actually...

I'm really angry.


I hate my dad.

Then do as I say.

If we don't punish him,

no one else will.


he's still...

our dad.

Our dad.

He's not a father!

Just do as I say.

Then tell me the truth.

Do you just need an accomplice?

Or are you

really doing this for me?

I want to relate to you.

You'd let me do that, right?

Don't be scared.

Think of all the anger and pain
that you have felt all your life.


I can't, this isn't right.

No, I can't!

I can't...

We can't do this.

We can't do this to our dad. We can't!

We can't...

Are you really going to be like this?

If we...

If we kill him,

we'll be just like him.

Just leave him alone.

Let's just live with Mom.
We'll both go and live with Mom.

A peaceful life, okay?

Please, I beg you.
I don't want to do this.

It's just a slab of meat!

Then you just watch.

Don't do it, please.

Don't do it, Ki-joon. Please.

Suk-tae Hong.

You said it yourself.

Humans are nothing but slabs of meat.

You're right.

A man like you is nothing
but a slab of meat.

Disgustingly rotten meat!

The code is your birthday.
All you have to do is press it to leave.

I didn't know anything until then.

Ki-joon said he will
buy Soo-yong dinner and come back.

But he...

Then you should have at least
made him turn himself in!

Can you turn a blind eye, just this once?

You know as well as I do.

You know how painful
Ki-joon's life has been.

I know.

But Ki-joon is not
in the right state of mind.

He just wanted to lash out in anger.

He didn't do that for either one of us.

I know, Soo-yong!

But I'm his mom.

I can't bear to throw Ki-joon
into an unfortunate situation again.


I'm begging you, Soo-yong.

This is not for Ki-joon,

but for me.



We would have been better off
living by ourselves.

You, me and Ki-joon

on a warm day,

in a place with clean and fresh air.

We could have grilled meat.

We could have lived like that,
just the three of us.

Just the three of us.

My poor Soo-yong.

He wanted to protect Ki-joon and me.

That's why he tried to kill himself.

He took that all upon himself.

This is all my fault.

This is my sin.

You're right.

This is your fault.

But it's also Suk-tae Hong's fault.

It's all the adults' fault.

His attempt at suicide...

For Soo-yong

that was his last love for you two.

The best that he could do for you last.

The love of the poorest
and most wretched person

was the biggest of them all.

It was more than enough
to embrace the world.



Don't cry, Mom.

You did nothing wrong.

I'm so sorry.

I am...

so sorry.

Thank you, Mom.

Thank you for feeding me, raising me

and loving me.

I love you.



Soo-yong! No!


They wished for only one thing.

A warm day.

They just wanted to enjoy warm sunlight

without any pain or hatred.

That is the happiness they dreamed of.

It may sound like a simple
and almost boring wish,

but it may be

the one thing we all dream of.


When do you feel happy?

When I eat something delicious!

I'm happy when I turned on the television
and my favorite cartoon happens to be on.

I'm happy when I get presents
on my birthday or on Christmas!

I guess no other thing
can make you happier.

What about you? What makes you happy?


For me...

I don't know.

What makes me happy?

Being able to live again.

There are times when cartoons
keep playing on TV

when I thought it was over.

Those moments make me feel
so overwhelmed and warm inside!

It makes me really happy.

I think it might be the same for you.


you have me by your side.

Pretty Da-mi is by your side.

You're right.

I'm so happy that you're by my side.

The culprit is one hell of a crazy dude.

The culprit made incisions
on the stomach haphazardly

and pulled the organs out.

Was there a red mark
for the previous case?

He broke the rule this time.

That's the key.
Why did he break the pattern?

He dumped the dead body,

and you just hand over the employee?

Logic? I have my own ways, all right?

Is it this person?

He's out right now.

He went to pick up a fridge.

"You don't have to come.
I'll just use it."

I was asked to get rid of her.

Subtitle translation by Grace Kim