God's Quiz (2010–…): Season 4, Episode 2 - Angel's Nails - full transcript

As Jin-woo tries to forgive Kyeong-hee for asking In-gak to operate on him, the team investigates the murder of a policewoman who had reopened a rape case.

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Who told you to make such a decision?

That was the best option then.

What do you know about medicine?

Are you a brain expert or something?

Your condition has improved a lot
after the operation.

Isn't that good enough?

What if something went wrong?

What if something serious happened?


Look around.

-I'll take care of all the problems.

I heard no one is applying
for team manager position here

because the cases are too tough to handle.

Why did you apply for it then?

The job may be a pain in the neck,

but I thought it would be meaningful.

Since when did you seek for meaning
in your job as a police officer?

This is a letter of appointment.

From today onwards,
I'm the team manager here.

If you have a problem with that,
submit an official petition.

Soo-ha Kang, 48 years old.

She was a section chief of investigation
at Changseo police station.

She was found after being stabbed
in a vacant lot.


She was stabbed 17 times.

No valuables were missing,
so it's suspected

that the crime was motivated by grudge.

There are many people
who regard cops as their enemies.

Why are we in charge of this case?

Due to the substance detected
on the murder victim's hand and clothes.

-Ms. Lim.

A trace of bloody pus was found
on the victim's hand,

wrist and clothes.

On top of that,
we also detected traces of ointment.

According to the analysis of bloody pus,
it belongs to a female with blood type AB.

An abnormal autosome was verified.

An abnormal mutation was also found
in collagen,

antigen for bullous pemphigoid and others.

Patrozen, the ingredient of the ointment,
seems to be

a type of medication used to treat
diseases causing development of blisters.

EB simplex.

It's an epidermolysis bullosa simplex.

Why are you here?
Shouldn't you be at the hospital?

Come on, I'm fine.

What type of disease is this?

It's a rare genetic disease
caused by a mutation in the gene

that makes up the protein that constitutes
the upper papillary dermis

and the boundary
between the epidermis and dermal layer.

Even with a slight injury or shock,

the skin and the mucous membrane
will peel off and cause blisters to form.

In serious cases, amyotrophia will develop

and the nails and toe nails

might be deformed.

It's a very painful disease.

It's not easy to cure either.

Let's begin.

The cause of death is
the stabbing in the heart

as proven in the first autopsy.

Even if it was for revenge,

this is still too brutal.

The stabbing is drawn all the way down.

It looks like the shape of lightning.

Can a person of such disease

commit this kind of crime?

It depends on the disease's condition,

but it's not impossible.

Also, if he attacked her unexpectedly,

she would've been completely defenseless.

We should find out if any of her cases

involved a person with that disease then.

If you're done here,

come and see me for a second.

Wrap it up.

Why didn't you stop him?


Why should I stop him?

You know how In-gak is.

He's the cause of Professor Jang's death.

What would you have done?

What would you do if Detective Kang
was hanging between life and death?

She swallowed her pride and all.

She begged him.

She put her job as a detective on the line
to bring In-gak from the prison.

All for you.


Did you...

Did you say something to Detective Kang?



I get that you might not like the method.

But even if you were that mad,

you shouldn't do that to her!



There's no clue.

There's no clue.

Mr. Nam.

There was no one around.
There's no surveillance camera either.

Due to a property dispute,
this land belongs to no one.

Even the people in the neighborhood
treat this place like a dump.

How far is this place
from the murder victim's house?

About five minutes on foot.

-Did you run here?

I walked here.

From the blood splatter,

it seems like he killed her here
instead of just disposing the body.

The fact that the murderer came
all the way here

means that it must be an acquaintance
of the victim or a blackmailer.

The investigation
of Chief Kang's murder case

at Changseo Police Department
is believed to be committed

by someone seeking for revenge.

As a result, those who
were involved in her previous cases

are now being reinvestigated.

Due to the nature of the murder
being so brutal,

the prosecution promises
a meticulous investigation.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

You can go back inside.

-All right.
-All right.

My goodness.


A gift for being discharged.

What is this?

It's a cord?

Don't lose your mind

and get a tight grip on yourself.


See you again in two years.

What's your name?

Da-mi. I'm Da-mi Seo.

You're Jin-woo Han, right?

Yes, I'm Jin-woo Han.


Why were you crying over there yesterday?


You're right, I did cry yesterday.

I heard that my mom is dead.

What have we got so far?

The murder victim was in charge of
so many cases. I'm doomed.

-Any medical history of a rare disease?
-Yes, I'm searching right now.


He's searching for it now.

My goodness.

Sure, go ahead and eat.
You must eat to survive.


A case from two years ago

had a victim with the same rare disease.

-What was that?

A case from two years ago
had a victim with the same rare disease.

Ha-young Park, 23 years old.

Epidermolysis bullosa simplex.

Ha-young Park, 23 years old.
She had epidermolysis bullosa simplex.

-Is that right?

You can understand that?

Can't you?

Of course I can't, you brat.

What should we do now?

-We should go.
-We should go.

Let's go.

It happened in April 2012.

Welcome home.


A suspicious man
broke into Ha-young's house.

After killing her mom,
Kyung-sook Ham hit her head,

and raped Ha-young.

Ha-young was severely injured
and needed 12 weeks of medical treatment.

Soo-ha Kang was in charge of
the investigation.


The culprit is a man who lives
in the neighborhood, Doo-seok Ko.

He was 54 years old at the time
and he had a criminal record for assault.

The police caught him after searching
through the ex-convicts in the area.

What was the deciding factor
that made him the culprit?

Ms. Kang, this jacket...

Ha-young's blood

was on the culprit's jacket.

The culprit insisted that he fell asleep
on the street after being wasted,

and that his jacket was stolen.

But it was ignored.

What about body fluid or hair?

Nothing was detected at the time.


The culprit committed suicide
at the detention center.

His wife did too.

That culprit deserved to die,

but his wife did nothing wrong.


-It should be somewhere here.
-House number 28.

-There it is.

Wake up.


Wake up!

-Get out of my way!

What are you saying? Go after him now.

Excuse me. Wait!


Why did you...

save me?

Please tell me

the exact way you did it.

The logic is simple.


the device that Professor Jang
made for you.

That was a device

to control your brainwave
and turn it into another personality.

Professor Jang knew

that your other brainwave

shifts dramatically
between maximum and minimum.

That's why we prevented
your other personality from appearing

by limiting the maximum
and the minimum point of the device.


it was overloaded
after you wore it for a year.

All of a sudden, the waves were disturbed.

As a result, your brain
was in a state of chaos.

I was involved with only one thing
in the whole operation.

That was to put you into
a state of complete unconsciousness.

It's normal for some people
to have multiple personalities,

but I made your personalities
fight with another one.

The personality that survived
after the fight

became the owner.

You don't need to thank me.


you asked why I saved you?

Detective Kang.

Like a shameless mediocre soap opera star,

she came back to see me.

Instead of being moved,
I found it to be rather entertaining.

I wanted to join in on that.


I could not let the only person
who brings joy

to my boring life.

What? What are you talking about?

The man who was with Ha-young

is the son of the person who raped her?

Yes, it was Kyung-hwan Ko.


How could the two of them be together?

Is Ha-young okay?

She fainted from the severe pain.

She's resting while being treated.

Mr. Ko.

Why were you at Ha-young's house?

I got a missed call from her,
so I called her back.

She didn't answer my calls,
so I went to check on her.

You killed Soo-ha Kang

and now you're trying to do something
to Ha-young, right?

What are you talking about?

Do something to Ha-young?

You were upset because of
what happened to your dad

and you tried to kill both of them.

That makes no sense.

It's true that I want
to clear my dad's name.

It may sound plausible for Soo-ha,

but why would I harm Ha-young?

For now,

Ha-young is the prime suspect
for the murder of Soo-ha Kang.


That's complete nonsense.

There were traces of Ha-young's DNA

on the victim's body.
We also found traces of her ointment.

Are you serious?

Does it make any sense

that you and Ha-young keep in touch
with each other?


Why not?

Are you kidding me?

Your dad raped her.

My dad is not a rapist!

The investigation made no sense.

Somebody must have fabricated it.

Stop that and leave.

Leave right now! Goodness.

Why do you think your dad is innocent?

You won't believe me anyway.

I don't know how you can act
like nothing's wrong.

With everything you've said so far,

you are also a suspect now.

You were upset about the investigation,

and you waited for your chance
to kill Soo-ha.

Seriously, I...

What did you do

the day before yesterday,
the day of the murder?

I went home after work,

and then I slept until the next morning.

Can anybody verify that?


Goodness, no.

I can't believe this.

How could this possibly happen?

-Mom, I'm sorry.

My poor baby.


Did that bitch and that bastard
kill my mom?

Did they?

Nothing has been confirmed yet.
We're still investigating.

Are you sure?

They were always bothering my mom.

They eventually killed her.

How could you come to my house?

Don't take this lightly.
Investigate the case properly!

Go back!

If you keep this up, I'll arrest you both.

If, by any chance, my dad
is found innocent,

I will make sure you pay for your mistake.

You have my word.

I'll kill them all with my bare hands!

I'll kill them.

What's the matter with you?

How can I suppress my anger?

They caught the people who killed my mom.
How can I possibly be calm?

Come on. Come to your senses.

-Take him outside.
-All right.

I'm sorry.

-Calm him down.
-Let's go outside.

Let's go outside.

Hey, Oh Ttang.

Mr. Nam.

What brings you here?

Hey, is everything okay at the station?

The chief is like a Buddhist saint.

She's such a good person.

What about her husband?

He died from a car accident
two years after they got married.

She raised her son alone since then.
She never married again.

She cherished her child so much.

Calm down. Stop it!

Let go. Let go of me.


Let go. Let go of me!


The culprit's bloodstained jacket.

The bloodstain is big and clear.

I don't get why he hung it on the hanger.

Normally, the culprit
would wash it or get rid of it.

He might've forgotten since he was wasted.

But the culprit was meticulous enough

to not leave any trace
of body fluid or hair.


it's weird that the jacket was burned
instead of being stored.

You can't get rid of evidence
that recklessly.

Why are you discussing that case?

It seems like that case is the key

to finding the truth about this case.

It's definitely the most solid
motive of the murder.

Dr. Han, why are you so quiet today?

I'm listening.

In order to do that,
we need indisputable evidence

to prove that the investigation
of the case was entirely wrong.

Also, we need evidence

that Ha-young or Kyung-hwan
found that indisputable evidence.

I think the two of them

were more obsessed with what they believe,
rather than physical evidence.

I agree.

It's possible because they don't want
to acknowledge facts.

The rape victim is also
the first witness of the incident.

We can't just ignore her.

Right, will Soo-ha's son be okay?

He made a big fuss
that he was going to kill everyone.

I don't think he'll carry
his promise into action.

Plus, he looks really sick.

How so?

His eyes were red,

he was coughing,
and he was scratching his body.

Why didn't you pick up my calls yesterday?

Are you still mad at me?

I'm not mad at you.

Let's talk about it later.

Let's just get
the investigation over with.


Is your body feeling all right?

Do you, by any chance,

know about Soo-ha Kang's murder?

She died?



She was brutally murdered by someone.

You're the prime suspect.

That can't be.

Ms. Lee.

Your DNA and ointment

were found on Soo-ha's body.

I did meet her two days ago.

She came to see me.

Have you been well?

Is that why you're here?

I no longer want to see your face.

-Ha-young, wait.
-Let go of my hand.

I'm sorry.

I will...

open your case again.

I'm sorry for taking so long to do so.

I'm sorry.


Why are you doing it now?

I would like to fix it.

Even though it hurts,
it's the right thing to do.


Will you really do that for me?

Did she say anything else?


What about Kyung-hwan?

Kyung-hwan is also a suspect.
He's in custody now.

What are you talking about?

No way. Kyung-hwan is not a suspect.

It can't be.

You must wait for the result
of the criminal investigation.


what's the relationship between you
and Kyung-hwan?

Tell us the truth.

We're lovers.

We're in a romantic relationship.



Can't we be in a romantic relationship?

Kyung-hwan's dad is not the culprit.

I remember exactly what happened.

You actually remember?

-Ms. Lee.

Excuse me,

but can I look at your hands?

I have to check something.

It's okay. You can show me.

I'm a doctor.

The traces that were detected
on Soo-ha Kang's clothes and body...

I think she got it from a dispute.

Ha-young is not the culprit.

If she was stabbed in 17 places,

her hands would have been badly wounded.

Bare hands would've been even worse.

Even if she wore gloves,

all the blisters would've burst
from the pressure.

Ha-young's palms were intact.

But I don't really get...

the relationship between the two.

I don't get Soo-ha Kang's remark.

The conversation sounded
like a declaration of conscience.

I think Soo-ha has been hiding something.

I better ask Ha-young what happened
during the incident in more detail.


Leave her alone for today.

Let her heal first.

Tell me everything you know

that can prove your dad's innocence.

Ha-young remembered the feeling she got
when she was with the culprit.

She remembered his figure,
his body odor and even his voice.

Stay still.

If you move, I'll kill you.

From what she remembered,

the culprit was much skinnier, smaller,

and had a soft voice.

Also, the smell of his cologne

was really strong.


My dad had never used cologne.


the jacket stained with blood.

It wasn't hung on the coatrack
in the morning.

I saw it before I went to work.

Dad, I'm leaving.

I heard that the cops
came right after I left for work.

They discovered that jacket
on the coatrack.

Isn't that weird?

You said all of that to the cops

at the time, right?

At least for a thousand times.

But I was ignored every time.

How exactly do you know Ha-young?

I just got to know her

because of the incident.

Ha-young said

that you two are
in a romantic relationship.


Did she really say that?



As I told you before,
I've only just met her.

Then, how did the two of you

first meet each other?

Do you think this is the end?

Do you think dying this is the end?

Come back to live.

I'll kill you with my own hands!

I know how you feel. Don't do this.

What the hell do you know?

Hit me again.

Hit me until you feel better.


Vent it on me,

not on the deceased!

Let go!

I'm sorry about the other day.

I didn't know that you were sick.

Don't show your face to me ever again.

I cannot stop thinking about killing you

because I abhor you so much.

What if...

Seriously, what if...

it wasn't my dad?

What if there's a tiny bit of chance

that my dad is not the culprit?

What are you talking about?

Maybe you are right.

My dad could be the culprit.

But please listen to the person who thinks
that he can't possibly be the culprit.

I'll find out the truth no matter what.

At first, Ha-young didn't believe me.

However, I kept trying
to make her understand.

There's a video clip
that I recorded before.

Please watch and tell me
if you remember anything.

I know it'll be tough,
but please watch it.

Please listen to the voice too.

-Why are we taking a picture?
-We came all the way here.

-I don't want to.
-Come on.

-My goodness.
-Look over here.


-Wait, why isn't it working?
-Why isn't it working?

I'll show you a picture of him.

Do you remember anything?

How could you even come to my house?

He's not the culprit.

I was delirious,

but now I can remember
what the culprit looked like.

How can you remember
if you were delirious?

I can.



These are the strands of hair
found on my floor that day.

Don't police officers collect these
for their investigations?

-You didn't even search my house.

I'll find out tomorrow,
so you can go back.

Don't take this lightly.
Investigate the case properly!

Go back!

If you keep this up, I'll arrest you both.

If, by any chance, my dad
is found innocent,

I will make sure you pay for your mistake.

Thank you.

You're not even feeling well.

I've decided to believe you.

Isn't it tough for you?


as time goes by,

I realize why I need to clear
my dad's name.

I have my reason too.

What did you say?


Here we go.

I can carry it.

It's not that heavy.

Ha-young, I have good news.

I got a lawyer who will help me.

I'm going to see him tomorrow.


Good for you.

I'm so relieved.


the lawyer ended up giving up after saying

that the situation is too bad.

But Kyung-hwan quickly picked himself up
from disappointment.

He said that the good will win
no matter what happens.

God exists for that reason.

About your feelings for Kyung-hwan...

His dad could still be the culprit.


There's another culprit.

Kyung-hwan's dad is not the culprit.


Kyung-hwan Ko.

He has no alibi, but he has a motive.

If he can't prove his alibi,
Kyung-hwan Ko is the culprit.

Of course, Ha-young is somehow connected.

Was there any evidence found

in Kyung-hwan Ko's house?
Such as lethal weapon or clothes?


Not at all.

However, Kyung-hwan

is not pleading not guilty.

He kept his silence.

Yes, that's because he's guilty
of his crime.


It might be the opposite.

What are you looking at?

Oh, you are here.

It's nothing.

Let's go.

I envy women

who get to have their nails manicured,
more than anything in the world.

It's nothing special.

I'm childish, aren't I?

People won't know

how precious the things

that they take for granted are.

Ha-young, you have nails.

You have an angel's nails.

Angel's nails?


When angels embrace humans,

they need to be careful
in case they scratch them.

I heard they look like yours,

so that nobody would get hurt.

No way.

It's a true story.

It is a true story.

You said you were discharged.
Why are you here again?

Are you here because my mom passed away?

No. I came without a reason.

No way.

You came because you thought
that I was pathetic.

Don't worry.

I don't know her face or her name.

I've never seen her before in my life.


Why have you not seen her?

Forget it.

By the way, is she doing well?

The tall and really pretty girl.

I see.

Yes, she's doing well.

Be nice to her.

At the corner over there,

she cried her eyes out because of you.

The amount of tears she cried could
fill up the huge water tank on my rooftop.

Did you wait for me?

Do you think I would stand here and wait

for a middle-aged man
in this neighborhood?

What about your cane?


I think I'm all better now.

You're not well.

Let's go. I'll take you home.

What are you talking about?

Why are you sending me off right away?
I just got here.


it looks like you don't have
anything to tell me.

Why would I have anything to tell you?


Why did you decide on that color
for your wall? I don't like it.

Then change it to the color you like.

There's no need to change.

We could just enjoy it

since it's already done.

I'm sorry.

There's nothing more foolish

than to not trust the person
who trusts me.

Some people even sacrifice themselves
to get that kind of trust.

I got upset and only thought
about the fact that my pride was hurt.

I was only thinking about myself.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that you were hurt,

and I'm sorry that I hurt you.

I'm sorry.

What an ungrateful man I am.

Says the one who got angry.

That's right. Punch me hard once.

Not a small punch,

but a strong real punch
right in my solar plexus.

Soo-ha Kang's case,

and Ha-young's case.

No clue for both cases.

I know.

The culprit
who sexually assaulted Ha-young,

what was his characteristics again?

He has a small figure

and he wears a very strong cologne.

Strong cologne.

Strong cologne.


Strong smell of cologne.

I smelled a really strong one recently.

It was Soo-ha Kang's son.

At the funeral.


-Detective Kang.


Are you a drug addict? Are you on cocaine?

You were lucky to not be busted
all this while.

Was it because of your mom who was a cop?


I just did it once.

Just once.

Red eyes, cramps and severe itching.

Those are all symptoms
of serious addiction.

Also, the strong smell of cologne.

Someone with a serious drug addiction

will smell strongly of vinegar.

So drug addicts will use
very strong colognes to mask it.

Just like you.

Suspect, please stand up for a while.

Repeat after me.

Stay still.

If you move, I'll kill you.

Stay still.

If you move, I'll kill you.

That's enough.

Take her outside.

At the time of the incident,

your house was ten minutes away by foot
from Ha-young's house.

You raped Ha-young, right?

Your mom, Soo-ha Kang,
let you get away with it.

No, she didn't.

Cut the crap.

You came back to your senses
after you sobered up, didn't you?

Are you out of your mind?
What were you thinking?

Why on earth did you do that?

I wasn't myself.

What should I do, Mom?

Please help me.

Please help me.

I'm your son, Mom.

Search the house from top to bottom.

Over here.

What is it?

Get him up quickly.

Goodness, he reeks of alcohol.

Get out.

What's the matter?

You have the right to remain silent.

You also have the right to a lawyer.

Do you even hear me? You're so drunk.

You got away with it at the time,

but you must have felt guilty.

Except for the fact
that her son is a drug addict,

she would have made
a wonderful policewoman.

What's wrong with you now?

What are you up to these days?

Won't you come to your senses?

My goodness.

Be quiet!

Mind your own business.

That's why Soo-ha Kang decided
to open the case again.

She would have told you about that.

Is that why you killed your mom?

In case something bad happens to you?
You son of a bitch!


Is there proof that I raped that woman?

How do you know just by hearing my voice?

What she's saying is nonsense!

Nonsense, my ass.

Your mom had strands of hair

that Ha-young brought from the scene.

Don't policemen usually collect these
for their investigations?

All right.

We accidentally found those
while searching for drugs at your house.

After analyzing, we found out
they belonged to...

Do I really need to tell you
who they belonged to?

If only we had analyzed
that evidence properly then,

it would've been concluded long ago.

Don't you think so?

But still,

how could you kill your own mother?

I didn't kill my mom!

I mean it.


Do you admit
that you sexually assaulted Ha-young?

Yong-joon Min.

There was one more person
at the crime scene.

Detective Kang, the strands of hair found
at the crime scene

belonged to two people, not one.

If it wasn't you,

somebody else might have killed your mom.

Was it...


At the time,

I wasn't alone.


Come with us, please.

Come here, you brat.

Hey! Stop.

-You killed her.
-Stay still.

You killed my mom, right?

What are you talking about?

I was the one who said

that my mom could open the case again.

My mom died two days after
I told you that!

You bastard.

Are you trying to drag me into this?

You call yourself a friend?

Put him over there.


Stay still, you brat!

My goodness.

You're the son of
Jaedeok Construction's president.

But on top of that,

you also do drugs
and sexually abuse women.

Speak only when you have solid evidence.

The drug test result was positive.

As for Ha-young's sexual assault case,

you were there too, right?

Ha-young was delirious,

so she thought there was
only one criminal.

Right before fainting,
she only saw Yong-joon Min.


You were behind the scene,

and you killed Ha-young's mom.

After that, you did something

that only a piece of trash would do.

After two years,

you figured out that Soo-ha Kang

would open Ha-young's case again.

That's why...

What the hell are you talking about?

That's why...

you killed Soo-ha Kang.


Hyung-seok, it's been a while.
What brings you here?

I need to talk to you.
It's about Yong-joon.

It'll only take a while.


Why did we have to come all the way here?

That's just nonsense
that Yong-joon made up.

I've never been to that neighborhood,

and I've not seen Yong-joon's mom
since high school.

You both know
that a drug addict's testimony

is not all that effective, right?

It's illegal to imprison him

unless you have conclusive evidence.

They have been best friends
since middle school,

but I think they were
taking advantage of each other.

Hyung-seok Kim did everything
that Yong-joon Min wanted to do,

and Yong-joon's mom,
bailed them out when they misbehaved.

They were so easy on them.

That's why they're so spoiled.

Hyung-seok was troublesome
when he studied in the States too.

When he was in Thunder Civic,
a Korean gangster group,

he did a lot of bad things.

But of course, his father
would bail him out every time.

Mr. Nam.

On the night of Soo-ha Kang's murder,

this was captured 3.4km away
from the crime scene, at an intersection.

The car parked here

is under Hyung-seok's name.

He didn't park it near the house.

I'm sure he parked it far away
and drove it there later.

This is not enough.

If he says that he was simply passing by,

what can we do?

We couldn't conclude the evidence,
no matter how hard we tried.

Hyung-seok Kim is definitely a convict.


The stabbing is drawn all the way down.

It looks like the shape of lightning.

When was in Thunder Civic,
a Korean gangster group,

he did a lot of bad things.

Thunder Civic.

Seven years ago,

you were a member
of a gangster group in the States.

Thunder Civic.

All the legal proceedings regarding that
have been instituted.

I know you're a lawyer

and I know that you're a good speaker,

but don't cut her off when she's speaking.
Just listen to what she has to say.

They have a way to revenge those
who betrayed the organization.

They kill the traitor with a knife.

They don't just kill the person though.

They must follow the traditional rules.

These are the stabbing wounds found
on a traitor in the States,

and these are Soo-ha's stabbing wounds.

Isn't the lightning shape the same?

Being intoxicated with drugs,

you killed Soo-ha following your ritual.

It could just be a coincidence.
This is not valid evidence.

My goodness.

Are you a real lawyer?

Do you think we're just saying things
without having any evidence?

Listen up. Let me tell you something.

First, your car.

It looks like
a really expensive imported car.

The steering wheel and the seats
were made of really good leather.

While you were committing the crime,

it would've been stained
with the ointment Ha-young was using.

Then, it was on you
while you were killing Soo-ha.

Soo-ha had Ha-young's DNA
and ointment all over her body

because she saw her that day.

Patrozen is an ointment

made from very special ingredients.

It's absorbed very quickly.

It'll even absorb into leather.

With detergent and chemicals,
you could remove blood.

However, that ingredient was absorbed
so deeply into the leather,

you wouldn't be able
to remove everything perfectly

unless you changed the whole seat cover.

From testing your steering wheel
and seat cover,

we found traces of that ointment.


we did an extensive analysis
on the ingredient.

There was a bit of gap in terms of time.

Some were recent,
and some were a while back.

Interestingly enough, the time overlapped

exactly with this case and the case

from two years ago.


Call my dad.

Goodness, you're calling your dad
for help again?


You trampled over a woman who needed to be
protected more than anyone in the world.


it's your time to be trampled over.


-Great job.
-Thank you.

Are you okay?


I'm okay.

What about you?

You look much worse than before.

What? Well...

I'm fine.

Let's go.


What a relief.

I'm so relieved.

Don't you think so?

Yes, I am relieved.

About us especially.

Kyung-hwan had a plausible alibi.

At that time, he was
at a family gathering of a patient

suffering from epidermolysis bullosa.

There were many witnesses too.

He tried to take the blame
because he thought

that Ha-young committed the crime.


This case has been a gift

for the two of them.

Detective Kang.

Among faith, hope, and love,

what do you think is the most important?



It's "and."

The "and" in between those three words.

What do you mean?

Without "and,"

it becomes love without faith.

Those two...

were able to be in love
because they trusted each other.

That's why their love
won't be destroyed easily.

It's our first date.
Where do you want to go?

Yes, Kyung-hwan.

Follow me to the nail parlor.

Forget it. You're already pretty.

Even angels want to dress up sometimes.

Once in a while.

Does it look good on me?

Yes, I think it's pretty.

The angel's nails.

That's how Kyung-hwan calls
Ha-young's nails.

I thought it would be really nice
if people called others

who are different from them
the way Kyung-hwan calls Ha-young.

Angel's face.

Angel's legs.

Angel's smile.

God sometimes hurts humans,

but he doesn't heal the wound himself.

In the end, humans heal
through other humans.

Humans are the ones

who mend others' broken hearts.

Neck compression asphyxia.

Why did she commit a suicide like that?

She often said

she longs for an opportunity

to perform on a bigger stage
than death itself.

She's Sara from Jade Girls, right?

Tae-gyeong, you're so warm-hearted.

You're a bit corny these days.

No way. She promised me!

Why are you treating me like a murderer?

She has two daughters.
Why doesn't she have any pictures of them?

Whose voice is that?

"Through the forest, go towards hell."

Can't you tell who the murderer is by now?

Subtitle translation by Seu-na Park