God's Quiz (2010–…): Season 3, Episode 3 - CRPS - full transcript

The team tries to hunt down a man who has escaped prison and tries to figure out what his motives are.

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Delicious! So good!

We're all human,
but why are you so smart, Dr. Han?

How many times do I have to tell you?

Let's say Seong-do's brain is a Pentium 3

then I'd be like a Quad Core i7.
It's fundamentally different.

Come on, Pentium 3 is way too harsh,

I am at least a Dual Core...

Dual Core is stretching it, too!

I'm oddly attracted to guys
with intelligence.

Muscular guys are just show-offs.

My brain...

gets all the spotlight but underneath it,

my muscles are pretty good too.

Dr. Han, you're done
with the gimbap, right?

Nope, you should've asked sooner.

Come on, Seong-do!
You're seriously pathetic.

-He is.
-Yeah, I am!

Enough with the chitchat.
Everyone gather, it's urgent.



You look so hungover,
how much did you drink?

It's fatigue from overworking.

Yeah, right,

this room is 98.4 percent filled
with the smell of alcohol...

Then stop breathing.

Please start, Ran Lee.

-They said it's urgent.

Jong-min Park, age 30.

While on his way to a hospital for
a medical examination yesterday afternoon,

he assaulted a prison guard
and a paramedic,

and is on the run now.

What was his illness?

It just says neurological disorder
on the prison medical records.

Neurological disorder?
How's that a chronic disease?

They're not doing their job right.

Why did this end up at our office?

I heard this office was the best
at catching criminals with illnesses.

They wanted a back-up investigation.

You think this is
a vending machine or something?

You press a button
and the criminal shows up?

Why are you complaining at me?
Did I bring this case here?

Is there any other evidence?

Last night, he assaulted
a man called Hyun-tae Seo in Pyeongtaek

and killed him by setting him on fire.

A plastic bottle containing thinner
was found on site,

and Jong-min's fingerprints were on it.

There was an anonymous tip
but by the time the police arrived,

it was too late.

Why anonymous?

What about the victim's identity?

A 32-year-old surgeon.

He was set to leave for America
in two weeks as an exchange professor.

The criminal, is he like a serial killer?

No, he was prosecuted
on a charge of assaulting a person

and was sentenced to two years
which he had six months left to serve.

The victim and the motive?

The boss of the factory he was working at.

The two of them were on bad terms.

They had an argument one day,
and he attacked him,

hospitalizing him for 12 weeks
for serious injury.

Wait a minute.

He only had six months left,
why did he escape?

Because he's crazy.

Sometimes a sergeant
with little time left in the army

does such things too.

Any relation
between the suspect and the victim?

So far, none found.

Hyun-tae Seo's body will arrive
at our office this afternoon.

Hyun-tae Seo


Hi, could you please
put this up here somewhere?


Let's take a look.

The cause of death is cardiogenic shock
of acute myocardial infarction.

And the cause of shock...

was most likely the burn.

He suffered fourth-degree burns.

He had chronic diseases.

Arrhythmia and myocardial infarction.

Does the wound on his forehead
have anything to do with it?

No, any bruises or lacerations
on his forehead

have no relation to the cause of death.

It's more likely that the suspect hit him
in the head to knock him out.

Do people die of shock
from being burnt this much?

No, the chance for it to happen is low.

He wasn’t infected either.

Death was an unforeseen occurrence

for the victim
due to his chronic heart diseases.

If the suspect wanted to kill him,

he would've hit the victim harder
with a blunt weapon

or just burn him entirely.

The body was wrapped

with a thermal insulator
from the elbow up,

and therefore
keeping the top from burning.

Then killing was definitely
not his intention.

Then are you saying he escaped
so he can burn some arms?

Perhaps, it was to inflict
much worse pain.

If his intention wasn't to kill,
then why would he have done it?

Who cares about his intentions?

He's just a criminal
who killed a person, a murderer!

That may be so,
but maybe he had his reason.

Even if he had his reasons,

who burns people like that?

Should we try to understand him?

Then the entire world
should burn to death.

Did I say that it's justifiable?

At least we should figure out

who the bad guy is
based on his reasons for doing so.

Why don't you just write your thoughts
in your personal diary?

It doesn't help
with the investigation at all.


I'll write them down in my diary
while you do your own thing.

Too bad.

Docking your pay wouldn't be
as bad as cleaning up this mess.

But why was he placed
in solitary confinement?

He didn't get along well
with other prisoners.

How so?

He made a scene every night
saying he's so sick and dying.

Of course the other prisoners
didn't leave him alone.

It went on for months.

We had no other choice
but to put him here.

And after his transfer?

It was still the same.

I thought he was faking it at first,

but I didn't know
what to believe after a while.

What about his family?

He lost his parents when he was young
and has no siblings.

Then what about all the letters?

Did the team that arrested him take them?


Anyone came to visit?

No one except a woman.


They seemed to be just friends
from childhood.

May I ask why you only labeled him
under neurological disorder?

I was actually having difficulty
diagnosing his illness.

Please take a closer look.

Causalgia, allodynia,
dysesthesia, muscular weakness,

shudders and straining.

His x-rays and blood test
showed nothing in particular.

Then have you done electromyography
or the DITI testing on him?

That's not possible here.
A bigger facility is needed

but unless a diagnosis is confirmed

examination at another hospital
is not allowed.

But the patient continuously
showed signs of extreme pain

so I requested for an in-depth checkup.

It was finally approved
and he was on his way when it happened.

How severe was his pain?

I feel like...

my entire body is on fire.

It's as if my body is being torn
into pieces by a knife.

Based on his heart rate increase
and blood pressure contractions,

he wasn't telling a lie.

The sympathetic nervous system
can lead to chronic pain.

So I was thinking of...

-That's right.

Have you explained CRPS
to the patient by any chance?


But I told him nothing was certain
until we do an in-depth examination.

CRPS, complex regional pain syndrome.

This affects the peripheral nerves
and the brain of the human body

so the pain suppression system
starts breaking down.

Pain suppression... What do you mean?
Is it very painful?

So basically, when you measure pain
on a scale from one to ten,

the worst is causalgia,
which is pain from burning,

followed by amputation, then birth pain.

But CRPS pain
is on the same level with causalgia.

Beyond anyone's imagination.

There's such a disease?

The problem is
that we don't know the cause of it.

The pain normally starts
with the hands or feet,

and may come with skin discoloration
as well as rashes.

It's possible to control it to a point
during the early stages,

but once you pass a certain stage,
even pain relievers won't work.

About ten years ago,
I've seen a CRPS patient myself.

He was in so much pain

that he injured himself, trying to cut off
his own body parts.

Soon, he lost his mind...

CRPS is truly the worst kind of disease
that makes a person lose his mind,

and take drastic measures
to the point of committing suicide.

Sounds like it hurts a lot
but I can't really grasp it, you know?

It's not hard to feel it for yourself.

You have a lighter, right? Take it out.

Lighter? Why?

Take it out, light it against your skin,
and tolerate it for three seconds.

If you do, I'll buy you an awesome dinner.

I got you now.

My goodness,

it's hot!

It's really hot, right?

Imagine that pain
literally all over your body, non-stop.

Hey! Are you kidding me?

How can one be in this much pain?
That's impossible!

That's why the people around them
think they're faking.

This is a disease that can't be diagnosed
without a thorough examination.

CRPS is not just a simple rare disease.

It's the worst kind of disease
with pain worse than death.

Darn it, I got a blister.

Anything from the arrest team?

No, sir.

Doo-min, get me the friend
who visited him while in prison,

and Ran Lee, do a background check

on the boss at the factory.

Yes, sir.

I wonder...

what his motive was.

Come on, don't act like a newbie.

A prisoner escapes and kills someone
only six months prior to his release.

But he's so sick he can't even get around
like a normal person.

Despite his terrible condition,
he's all over the place.

What's the conclusion?

He hates someone a lot!

Then, revenge?

To whom? Why?


Why don't you ask the Discovery Channel?

Detective Bae!

I just got a call from the arrest team.

He was spotted
at a convenience store in Chuncheon.

His fingerprints were found
on the milk carton he drank from.

Is this guy on a nationwide pilgrimage
or something?

It's early summer but he's all bundled up.

As would any other CRPS patients,

he's probably experiencing chills
from body temperature fluctuations.

They tend to experience
severe chills immediately

following causalgia,
and it worsens the pain.

Just brushing against him
would bring so much pain

so he could be wearing
those for protection.

Inform the police
of the suspect's peculiarities.

So-jung Yoon,

how long have you been friends
with Jong-min Park?

Since we were in high school.

We were neighbors.

If you don't mind me asking,

were you two more than just friends
at one point in time?

We were just friends.

And you still kept in touch
just as friends until now?

No, we lost contact
for about seven, eight years

and I recently found out
about his imprisonment.

And that's why I visited him.

But considering that you're just a friend,
you visited a lot.

I felt bad.

He's not a man to do such a thing.

He was once nice?

Everyone in prison
used to be nice at one point.

No, Jong-min's not like that!

Aside from the visit,
you also wrote to him quite often.

Did he mention anything?

That he wants to kill somebody
or that he hates somebody so much?

Prison visits are all supervised
and the letters are proofread.

There was no mention of such things.

He was whining and complaining

that his hands, feet, and body hurt
at every chance he got.

Don't even get me started.

Are you a doctor?

How would you know
if he was faking or not?

Who doesn't have injuries working
at the manual labor field?

Everyone puts up with it
except jerks like him,

you know?

I don't know, so you fired him
without paying his check?

Of course. It's no work, no pay!

It's written
in the supreme court's precedents!

Excuse me.
You are not supposed to apply it here.

Besides, did you go bankrupt or something?
I heard he worked hard!

Regardless, I was the one
that got beat up.

That jerk.

He beat me like a dog and what'd he say?

"I'm in pain 100 times worse than you."

I'm so speechless.

I guess then I'll have to
shut you up even more.

You'll be getting an inspection
in the near future

for exploitation and unfair dismissal.

Excuse me?

It's even written
in the supreme court's precedents.

-Wait a minute!
-I'm so speechless.

Why are you doing this
after all these years?

You don't have to go this far!


what you think.

I'm sorry! It's all my fault!

Oh my gosh!

Are you watching a scary movie or what?

He used the thermal insulator again
and set the fire.

Tell me about the victim.

Yes, sir.

His name is Byung-in Kim,
one of the company soccer team's player.

His age was 32,

and was found unconscious
at his team's locker room in Chuncheon

with both of his legs up
to his knees burnt.

An anonymous tip as well.

Our prediction was right.

Killing wasn't his intention.

Even if he didn't kill him,

is that tolerable? Is that humane?

But, if it's at a private locker room,
it's not like just anyone can access it.

How could there be an anonymous tip?

Don't you get it? It's Jong-min Park.

With his noble spirit
and sense of morality,

tipped anonymously
after setting them on fire

so that the victims wouldn't die.
Both times.

Then, that makes it clear that

he wasn't aware
of the victim's chronic diseases.


Are there any connections
between the two victims?

They both attended Daesong University
in Chungcheong province at the same time

although they had different majors,
they were both in the same ski club.

Byung-in Kim had no relation
to the killer either.

Here's a tip.

Don't be so sympathetic if you wish
to continue hanging around with me.

It may be your job to understand
a patient's mind as a doctor,

but you'd be a fool
to do that in this field.

We shall see if I end up being a fool
once we solve the case.

Dr. Han.

Don't act like you know everything
just because you have the brain.

Life is all about experiences.

You start to barely understand life

after numerous years of experiences.

I'm not being insolent
because I'm a genius.

Both illness and crime
have a similarity, a cause factor.

That's precisely what I want to know.


You didn't even notice things
since you were too busy

thinking about the petty stuff.

Like what?

The killer's crimes and the flow of it.

Let's just assume
that the escape was planned.

But the pace of his crimes is very fast
as if it's all planned out.

Are you saying...

they were already planned out?

Systematically one after another.

Meaning there's an accomplice.

To think of it,
his escape timing falls right in.

The first victim was set
to leave the country in one week,

so he had to have planned
to get him before his departure?

Not even the police academy
will teach you things like these.

You should think of this as a blessing.

Blessings alright,
you didn't even go to a police academy.


there's no one suspicious on our radar.

I suppose we will get caught something
with the dragnet we placed.

You can pay for my food
in return of my lesson.

I'm not even surprised anymore,
I'm not even mad.

Yes, leave.
I'm going to take my time eating first.


-Can I get some ramen?

Excuse me.


Open the lid.

Put them in!

Get up, you jerk.
Get up, I said get the hell up!


Yes, sir. He threatened a pharmacist
and took painkillers and cooling patches.

Captain, about the suspect's friend,

Yes. Did you get anything on her?

Yes, I found two things odd.

She withdrew eight million won
from her bank account

on the morning of Jong-min's escape,

and after two hours,

she bought 200,000 won
worth of medication with her credit card.

Eight million won in cash
and medications...

Ran Lee,

call the pharmacy and find out
what medications So-jung bought.

What? Yes, sir.

Steroids, anticonvulsants,
painkillers, cooling patches...

These are commonly taken
by other patients as well

but CRPS patients use them for sure.

Even the cooling patches.

These won't be much help, though.

This was probably the best she could do
without a doctor's prescription.

Then the suspect's friend,
So-jung, had the medications ready

for him somewhere?

But he robbed a pharmacy.

You had the money and the medications
prepared for Jong-min, right?

What are you talking about?

Then can you tell me
what you used them for?

I let my brother borrow
the eight million won

and got the medications for home purposes.

My mom has arthritis and muscle aches.

Do you want me to go and check right now?

You surprised me.

Send Doo-min instead.

Yes, sir.

If the money was for your brother,

why didn't you do a wire transfer
and used cash instead?

I had my reasons.
Do I have to tell you that?

I don't really want to know that either.

I just want to know one thing.

If you knew about Jong-min's escape

and had the money
and the meds ready for him.


How could we have known
and planned that while he's in prison?

-In prison...
-In prison,

all letters are proofread and supervised,

and conversations
during visits are recorded, right?

You emphasized
that last time as well, right?

I'm only telling the truth.

I don't know what you are talking about.

Darn it, I can't get any further.

The letters or records all turn up empty.

It means they used a different method.

It's driving me crazy!

There's always a definite hunch
but I always lack the evidence!

It's exactly like your wallet!

You have a bunch of receipts
but absolutely no money!

You punk!


I checked So-jung's house
and everything she testified was true.

Both the money and her mother's arthritis.

The medications she had bought
were in the box as well.

Goodness, Detective Bae's instincts
must be getting old.

Darn it!

I just know they plotted something.

Could they have used codes?

Codes? Yeah, right,
is she a spy or something?

Detective Lee,
can you find out her occupation?

If she's a spy, I want to report her.

Is she? There's no way!

Good, she's not.

She's a freelance game programmer.

Game programmer?

Detective Lee,

I need to take a look at the letters

So-jung sent to Jong-min.

You won't let me get away?

Do as you wish, you creep!

Cut! Good, we got it.


Can I get one more take?


I think I overdid it.

It was fine.

I'm sorry. Please let me go!

You still don't recognize me?

After what you did,

how can you not even remember it?

Please spare me! Please let me go.

I'm not going to kill you.

I won't let you go that easily. Instead,

I'll make sure you live for the rest
of your life in agony like me.

For the rest of your life.

Who the hell are you?
Why are you doing this to me?

Please, spare me!

What's going on here?

You really didn't recognize his face?

I didn't.

I already told
the other detective earlier,

why are you asking again?

Have you been in touch
with the victims, Hyun-tae Seo

and Byung-in Kim?

I haven't seen them...

for over five years.

We weren't even that close
in college either.

I wonder why he tried
to kill the three of you specifically.

How the hell do I know?

Have you three ever done something
to Jong-min to earn his enmity?


What are you trying to say here?

I'm the victim here.

Are you even doing your job?

I'm an actor, you see?

What are you going to do?


I've never seen you before.


Yes, Dr. Han.

Detective Bae.

Can you catch a spy for me?

I tried all your games.

They're pretty neat,
the jigsaw puzzles and such.

But your codes were way too simple.

You did communicate
with him through the letters, right?

I won't mention who specifically.

I don't know about other people,

but it won't work on me.

Want to see it?

All the puzzle pieces
were individually numbered.

For beginners, it's typical
that the numbers be written

in consecutive order... to help them out.

But when I put the piece
with a number one in the top corner,

it didn't fit.

When I looked at the number
of the top corner piece,

it was 17.

Second piece is 26.

All these discontinuous numbers
were a hint.

At a glance, the letters seemed
to be of normal content,

but when you rearrange
the letters following the code,

it has a totally different meaning.

The number 17 means

that the first alphabet
of the letter is the 17th.

Second number 26 means

that the second alphabet is the 26th.

Can you please?


I decoded the letter you sent
to Jong-min on May 29th.

"Money and medications."

"Locker seven at Gupabal subway station."

"The pass code is my birthdate."

You were telling the truth when you said
there were no such conversations before.

That's because
you never had a conversation.

Read my letters following
the puzzle numbers

That visiting room you mentioned,
recently got an installment

of a computerized supervision system
that records automatically.

Enough with your silence.

You were the one who gave Jong-min
the victims' information.


It was probably difficult for you
to get all their information,

so you must've requested
a detective agency for help,

and the money was partly used to pay them.


Tell me now,

and stop adding to Jong-min's sentence.


I know very well
that Jong-min's intentions

in committing the crimes
weren't to kill them.

I don't know the reasons behind it,

but this isn't helping Jong-min.

If you continue with this,
it won't only hurt the victims

but put Jong-min in danger as well.

Are you going to watch
and let him suffer and die like that?

There will be consequences
for the crimes he committed,

but at least I can help him
alleviate his pain.

I'm a pretty decent doctor.

I can promise you that.

Head over to Uijeongbu now.

Wait! Where's the equipment room?

Thank you.

We were planning to get married.

And that morning,
I had found out that I was pregnant.


I was so excited
while waiting to tell Jong-min about it.

But then...

What are you doing?

You guys are pathetic!

Don't touch her! Stop it!

-Where do you think you're going?


I couldn't walk in.

I didn't have the courage to see his face.

He didn't ask me anything either
when we met

after he was discharged from the hospital.

Forget me and be happy...

He kept on apologizing,
saying that it was all his fault.

It was hard to see him like that.

I met him again by chance
about two years ago.

Even then, I had no clue
about his terrifying disease.

Jong-min! Are you alright?

I thought he was just a little sick.

And soon after,

he was imprisoned
for assaulting his boss at work.


One day I received a letter from him.

He was asking to meet me just once.

He said just once would be enough.
He really wanted to see me.

He sounded so sincere
that I couldn't ignore his wishes.

But then,

something was different about him.

He wanted to say something,

but I knew it was something
he couldn't tell me there.

I will kill them all.

Please help me.

And then I made a code for us.

Several things can be the cause factor,

such as an injury
from a surgery, accidents, burns,

or a harsh beating.

The doctor was right.

I got my illness
from being mugged by those creeps.

I felt my body burning
dozens of times a day.

I now realize

that you went through
the same kind of pain...

in your heart.

Why should we be tortured like this?

What have we done to deserve this?

All the pain that we went through,

I will make them feel it too!

Exactly the same way!

Help me, So-jung.
So I can have my revenge.

Long time no see!

Your greeting's informal
now that you've been promoted?

Wouldn't we get caught
with this many people?

It'll be okay if we split up.
What about the plan?

I asked the target to act
as bait on the road.

Right. Don't be too frightened,
do as he says and you'll be okay.


We have a code 41.

What? You idiots, you let him get away?

The suspect is running away 11 o'clock
from the target's house!

Why don't you just announce
that we're here to get him?

Spread out!

-Yes, sir.

I thought you said we won't get caught!

Yu-chan! What's going on? Yu-chan Seo!

If he escapes from that area,
it leads straight to downtown!

Where did that jerk go?

Are you sure he went downtown?

Ask and double check!


There was a tip
that he went behind the arcade!

-Run fast!

Is it here?

-What are you doing? Split up!


I know you're there.

Please come out.



I'm not a cop.

Listen to me.

Get out of my way if you want to live.

I promised So-jung
that I'd bring you back and heal you.


Who are you
to make a promise with So-jung?

Who the hell are you to heal me?

You at least deserve to live
without that pain.

I know what it's like to be in pain.

You're speaking nonsense.


I know very well how you got your illness.

Shouldn't you give it a chance
at trusting somebody

as much as you've hated somebody?

I don't need anything else.

Inflicting the same amount of pain

that I felt to them is my painkiller.

That's not a painkiller,
that's only a hallucinogen.

You feel another type of pain
once you wake up from it.

Jong-min Park!

No, stop!

Are you trying to get yourself killed?
What are you doing?

Stop! Drop to the ground!


Put the knife down.

Put the knife down!

Jong-min Park,

let's stop here.

I'm tired.


Let's stop here.

I can no longer...

Good, isn't it nice when you listen?

Hey, that's Detective Seo's right?

You're about to hurt yourself!


Please listen to what I said before!

I'll plead with you!


Please give her an amicable arrangement.

I'll be responsible for everything...

and leave!

Drop it!

Which creep fired the gun?
He wasn't even aiming!

Call 911 now!

Don't worry, it'll be alright.

Getting shot...

is less painful...

by far...

Don't say anything.

The ambulance is on its way,
it'll be here any minute.


I said don't speak!

When is the ambulance coming?

Why didn't I try to stop him?

I thought that was the least
I could do for him.

I still don't regret it.





And the suspect of this crime,
Kim's son, was arrested.

Eight people were assaulted,
all by similar methods.

Are you saying our suspect
is related to that case's suspect?

I didn't kill him!

How can DNA from two relatives
be found in the same vomit?

Are you saying
Dae-hong Kim may not be the one?

One of the relatives
is the murderer, right?

Who's the one next to him?

This is Hong-nyuh. Kim's niece.

She was a nice and innocent child.

Does that mean the girl in the picture
is the suspect?

Where is she?

What if he ran away because he was scared?

And traces of the same suspect were found.

That sound!

He did what?

I did all of it.

Subtitle translation by Kun-young Park