God Save the King (2018): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

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I know your dad had some admiration towards Virgílio.

Some admiration?


If Virgílio were a woman,

my dad certainly would leave my mom to marry him!

In any case,
I understand Martinho's concern.

He doesn't know me well.

He fears for your future.

But I'd like to prove him
I can make you happy.

One day.

One day l'll give you a pleasant future
in Montemor.



But I'm not sure

if I'd like to live in Montemor.

Couldn't you, hmm

work as blacksmith here in Artena?

Uh... It's complicated.

But in due time,

we'll think about this.

Now I need to go back to Montemor

I have business to take care of.


But I won't take long.

I imagine Montemor is chaotic now.

Chaotic...? Why chaotic?

Ah, because of the rumors...

about the Prince's death.

Excuse me?

The Queen's grandson
who should rise to the throne.

He is dead.

Who said that, Amália?

People... everyone is talking about this.

Those are the news from there.

No, it can't be.

Calm down, Afonso.

Look, I need to go back to Montemor.

- I need to go back...

Amália, I can't wait.

I need to go back to Montemor.

At least wait until tomorrow.

It's almost nightfall.
It isn't safe.

Grandmother, excus-


Grandma, grandma, grandma.
Come, come here...

Come on, let's go inside,
let's go inside,c'mon.

You, ma'am, shouldn't be
so close to the balcony.

Why not?

What is the problem?

Because, because...

it's a little cold out today.
You could fall ill.

Of course... fall ill.

C'mon, let's lay down
so you can rest a bit.

No. No, no.

A letter.

I need to write a letter.

Grandma, a letter?

This late, grandma? I...

I don't understand the urgency.

For whom you wish to write?


Good night, Rodolfo.


Your Highness.

You're forbidden to leave the Queen alone.

I want you always with her.

Of course, your Highness.

Don't do this, Afonso.

I need to.

- I've stayed too long in Artena.
- You aren't fully recovered.

I have to go!

I can't explain it now.

Explain what?

The only thing I ask is for you to thrust me.

Everything will be all right.

Righter than you imagine.

I only wish for you to be well.

I will be.

I promise.

I'll be back as soon as possible.



Take it with you.

It's safer.

Thank you.

Good luck.

Daughter, I'm sorry,
but I need to ask.

Do you really think he'll be back?


Constância, I'm asking for her sake!

She needs to be ready to anything.

After all, we're talking about a stranger.

He was a stranger
the day he arrived.

He still is to me.

After all, what do we know about him
besides the fact he's a blacksmith?

We know he seems like a good man

Decent and polite.

Constância, look what you've said yourself.

He seems to be.

He could also be an adventurer,

one who goes around seducing women

and taking advantage of others' hospitality, right?

Oh, of course!

And for that, he always takes an arrow
and faints in the forest?

That was what he said!

- But we-
- He will come back, father.

I'm sure he will.

There's really no escape from you,
is there, Martinho?

I can't sell such a poor quality fabric
in my in my establishment.

But if you can get something in silk,

we'll have a deal. Or else...

Excuse me.


What is this about?

Doctor's orders.

It's a special tea for the Prince.

And what's the specific purpose of this tea?

It would help his liver,

if that was the part of his body that
caused him more joy.

Or it would provide him a good night of sleep,

if his problem wasn't to be up exactly at the right time.

Or it would help him calm his heart,

if instead of calm inside his heart,

he didn't wish for the opposite
inside his pants.


Don't forget you're talking about the Prince.

He deserves respect.

Despite everything.

So... Here it's Montemor...

No, Your Highness, here it's Artena.
Montemor is here.

Oh, yes, of course...
An-an-and all those kingdoms...

I presume they are all part of Cália?

Hmm.. actually... Only these here.

Ok... yeah, of course, it's evident.
It was what I imagined.

And this is the ocean... Right?

Exactly, Your Highness!

Excuse me! Your tea, Your Highness.

What is this? Which tea?
I did not ask for any tea. Which tea?

Which tea? Which tea?

It's the tea the doctor recommended.

It has marapuama, damiana, schisandra...

This I know! I meant...
Don't know.

Lupércio must have been confused.
He's very crazy. You can leave!

Go, go, go!

Tea, tea...

Let's keep going.
Where were we?

Well... Huh.

Your Highness!

This way it's not possible! Not possible!

I'm trying to acquire some
culture and knowledge, but

with all these interruptions, it's hard!

Your Highness, we have a problem.

The Queen.

What happened to my grandmother?

The Queen commanded the army
to be ready for battle.

The army?

But how-
What's the purpose?

It's unknown, Your Highness.

Can I know the reason

you, ma'am, ordered the army to go into readiness state?

Because I thought it was necessary.

But is there something I don't know?

Something that motivated you, ma'am,
to give such order?

Of course there is.

The army needs to be ready.

We need to be prepared.

Prepared...? Prepared for what?

To defend ourselves
against the enemy.

But which enermy?

They can attack us at any moment.


We are not under threat.

-There's no need to order-
-We need to be ready.

They won't attack Montemor.

- But nobody is planning on taking Monte-
-Those are my orders!

My orders!

No, she didn't say her reasons.
She only insisted that we could be attacked.

Undoubtedly, it's one of her delusions.

And what does Your Highness plan on doing?

For now, waiting,

But I can't revoke it. After all,
my grandmother is still the queen.

I understand, your Highness, but...

It's a delicate situation.

With the Queen's current mental health situation...

An unsuitable order can bring several problems to Montemor.

Yes! I know! But what can be done?

Actually, as the only heir to the throne,

once verified the Queen's incapability to rule,

your Highness could order an interdict.

No, Cássio.
I won't do this to my grandmother.

- But your Highness...
- Enough!

I don't want to talk about this any longer.

But did he tell you why he needed to go back

so suddenly?

It wasn't suddenly.

Since the beginning,
he was planned going back to Montemor.

If it wasn't for his wound,
he would have left even earlier.

Yeah, but you did say he seemed to
have some hurry.

Ah, Diana, he has his work

maybe his friends are worried
with his disappearance, who knows.

I just wonder...

What do you wonder?

No, nothing.

No, please, Diana

Even you are trying to put doubts in my mind?

As if my father wasn't enough.

What is it?

What do you think... That he...

that he might have another woman in Montemor?


I mean...

Amália, you know men!

What if he has another woman?

What if he has kids?


Yes, there're some risks involved, of course.

I can't know for sure if
Afonso has told me the truth. But...

Ultimately, if he's lying...

I'll know soon enough. Of that I'm sure.

There's something else I'd like
to talk about with you.


Virgílio reached me out.


For what reason?

To talk about Afonso, surely.

And you?

Nothing. What do I even know about this?

And even if I knew, I wouldn't say anything.

Virgílio needs to understand it's over.

He has no business in my life.

Or Afonso's.

The sooner he accepts this,
better for everyone.

Including him.

Hold on!

You didn't think you could steal my woman,
and get away with it.

Did you?

Firstly, Amália isn't a property to be stolen.

And secondly, she doesn't belong to you or anyone else.

And finally,

she's free to chose whatever she decides to.


And she had made the right decision.

Before you appeared.

Who do you think you are
to know what's right for Amália?

Who do you think you are
coming to Artena do challenge me?

Virgílio, we don't need to do this.

Believe me.

We really don't need to do this, Virgílio.

I knew nothing about you, Afonso.

But now I started knowing you better.

It surprises me.

Actually, I'm not so surprised.

There's no surprise knowing you're a coward.

I must admit that, despite being only a few,

your soldiers seem to be well prepared.

I like saying that an army
isn't measured by its numbers.

But by the bravery of its soldiers.

Beautiful words, but

that wouldn't be so efficient
in a war against a giant army.

A brave soldier has the same value as two.

But with the right weapon in their hands,

he'd had the same value as three.

Wouldn't a man's best weapon be

his own intelligence?


And by this thinking, I must admit

that won't be any man as well armed
as Your Highness.

If Your Highness allows me...

So many questions about my army
and about weapons...

Why such an interest in this matter?

Because, as the Duke must have realized by now,

Artena's army and security

seem to be my father's last concerns.

Well, for what I could notice through these days

your army seems to be badly prepared
to protect such a prosperous kingdom as Artena.

That's exactly my point.

Artena is at mercy of my father's good will,

who doesn't seem to understand that danger

can come from the least expected place.

And when we least expect it.

Is Your Highness referring to Montemor?

Not only it.

But yes.

Especially Montemor.

What exists for decades

isn't an alliance between both kingdoms.

But a friendship between their monarchs.

Old monarchs.

And who very soon won't be here anymore.

That's whats behind your wish in improving

your army.


In my place, wouldn't the Duke have similar concern?


With your experience, Duke,

what can I do to change

this situation in a relatively short time?

Well, in first place, your soldiers
need to be better prepared.

With more modern, effective weapons.


But how to do this if my father channels off

all iron to what he considers necessary

but the confection of weapons?

It's understandable, since your father believes

that peace can be constituted through words

And not through iron.

Again, the Duke resorts to beautiful words

I'm unsure if I was clear, but I'm not the type w-

How dare you?

I did not give you such liberty.

Next time...

I'll order you to be incarcerated.

Next time...


You battle very well, for a meer blacksmith.

Or maybe you aren't a blacksmith?

Maybe you aren't who you claim to be.

Who are you, after all?

Do you want to know who I am?

I'm the man who spared your life, Virgílio.

God Save the King

He did what, Your Highness?

Kissed me.

Can you believe it?
Against my will.

The audacity!

And he knows I'm committed,
knows that I'm engaged.

That man is a brute.

A type lacking any
kind of education.

Did my lady tell the king?

No. Nor do I intend to.

Unless, of course,
he insults me again.

But did he say anything?

I mean, after the kiss?

Did he apologize?
Or then...

And do you think the Duke is the kind of man
who apologizes for anything he does?

With Your Highness' permission...

I had already noticed how the
Duke looks at you, my lady.


- So, I...
- Lucíola, that's enough.

I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Let's talk about something else.

As you wish, Your Highness.

And the Marquis, any idea of
when he's coming back?

Did he send any news?

That's not really what I wish to discuss, Lucíola.

But, yes, there are many news.

He doesn't tire of writing to me.

I just don't have the stomach
or the patience to read them.

- Burn them.
- As you wish, Your Highness.


She said it clearly,
"We need to prepare for war."

- But that doesn't make sense.
- No, it doesn't!

Lupércio, Lupércio,
you must do something.

Because my grandmother was intercalating
her moments of clarity and craziness.

But now she's not
coming back to reason!

Unfortunately, Your Highness,
this disease's unpredictable.

But you're a doctor!

There must be some medicine,
treatment, sorcery, whatever.

Your Highness?

- This war doesn't need to happen.
- Petrônio is right.

Maybe it's time to take a drastic measure
in relation to the Queen and...

No, no no.

This moment demands caution.

Maybe the best thing to
do now would be to...

To do nothing.

- I don't understand it, Your Highness.
- My grandmother.

I still hope that she can come back,

and suspend this madness, this crazy order.

- If that doesn't happen...
- Your Highness will need

to fight ahead Montemor's army.

Tradition demands it.

I don't know what
idiot invented this.

It goes back centuries.

In case of war, it's the duty of the
king or the Crown Prince

to command the army
and give the men courage.

I know that!

I know that.

Well, that wouldn't be necessary if your Highness
took over and suspended the order.

No. I'm not ready yet.

I said that I'd take over the throne,

but I also said I needed
more time to prepare.

Something I imagined would
take a few weeks. Or months.

Pessimists! That's what you are,
a bunch of pessimists!

But we must think positively.

My grandma'll return to reason and
we'll have peace in Montemor.

Your Highness, it's the Queen.

She ordered an attack against Artena.

Attack Artena?

Attack Artena, attack Artena.

Your Highness?

He's waking up.


What's happening?

Your Highness felt dizzy.

and ended up fainting.

My grandmother. I need to talk to her.
This war cannot h-

What's that?

The Queen ordered they brought your armor.

Your Highness?

Who are you?

Montemor believes
their prince is dead.

But he is alive
and in front of me.

In front of you,
but on the way home.

It might be a bit late.

What do you mean by that?

You're the old sorceress, aren't you?

Everyone says you can
see the future.

- It's what they say.
- It's what they believe in.

Tell me, how can one person
predict the future?

As important as the future,
is the present.

People should care more about
seeing the present than the future.

And in due time, you too
shall see the present.

You shall see the truth in
each person around you.

And you greatest disbelief
shall be about yourself.

- What do you mean?
- A woman.

A woman in your life.

What about her?

She will promise you love,
but bring forth hate.

She will talk about peace,
but bring forth conflicts.

She will celebrate life.

But will bring forth death.

Who's that woman?

Only you could answer that.

The king asks if there's anything else
we can do for your men.

That's not necessary.
My men have everything they need.

In fact, they couldn't
have been better treated.

Then, I imagine that
soon the Duke shall leave.

Certainly, at the right moment,
I shall.

Or should I leave sooner?

I presume a man in your position, ahead of
an army, doesn't want to waste time.

Well, the waiting time isn't
always a wasted time.

And for what does
the Duke waits?

In truth, the one who poses this question,

is it the king
or your curiosity?

It's a pertinent question.
If your men are well fed and rested,

what stops you from leaving?

Perhaps the question
is another, dear sir.

What stops me from staying?

If you'll excuse me.

What's your concern exactly, Demétrio?

That the Duke isn't speaking
the truth, your Majesty.

I believe he has
other intentions.

- And what would be his intention?
- It's hard to say.

But I think he's trying to stall.

Stall? Why would he do that?

No. It doesn't make
any sense.

Your Majesty...

The Duke is not in a hurry,
but neither are we.

Let him leave whenever
is convenient to him.

Your Majesty.

War? But war against whom?

- Artena.
- Army's orders are to prepare to

attack Artena as
soon as possible.

- It doesn't make any sense.
Of course it doesn't!

After all, the Queen is crazy.

I mean, she might be saying something
and meaning something else.

But the Queen is the queen.
Who'll dare to disobey her orders?

Even if they're odd.

Then, why doesn't
Prince Rodolfo do something?

- He doesn't have the guts to take over.
- Betânia.

- But isn't it true?
- Not everything that's true should be said aloud.

It's only us.

Though it's not a secret
for anyone in Montemor.

- You.
- Your Majesty.

You'll command the tropes
attacking from the west side.



You'll command the tropes
attacking from the south.

Your Majesty, with all due respect,

these men are mere soldiers.

Although well-trained, they don't
have the qualifications to command.

So, promote them to generals.

- But Your Majesty, may I say that...
- It's an order.

As you wish, Your Majesty.

But this is very serious.

- What's the reason to attack Artena?
- There's none.

The Queen doesn't know
what she's doing.

- So commit her.
- It's what everyone expects Prince Rodolfo to do.

But he keeps delaying it.

- Why is that?
- But he needs to do it immediately.

- Whether or not he is prepared for it.
- It's not only about that.

He lacks courage for it.

You're not gonna believe this.

The Prince fainted when he found out
about the order to attack Artena.


Blacked out.

See. friends, dark days are
coming to Montemor.

Do you know why certain stars
stay still while others move?

Maybe God changed his mind
and sent them somewhere else.

You can't leave.

Stay, please.

I... I made a decision.

Unfortunately, there's
nothing else to do.

Earlier, I tried talking to the Queen,
but she insists on war.

She insists on attacking
Artena as soon as possible.

So I have no other choice.

But to take over immediately.

- Your Highness.
- Cássio.

I just made a decision.

We need to commit
the Queen immediately.

That won't be necessary,
Your Highness.

Arrange for that at the earliest.

I don't see why waiting.

Yes, Your Highness.

And I still need you
to resolve a few questions...


He isn't who he says.
He's deceiving you, Amália.