Glow Up: Britain's Next Make-Up Star (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Glow Up: Britain's Next Make-Up Star - full transcript

Before the ultimate face-off, the finalists go big with editorial makeup for Hunger magazine and futuristic faces reflecting their fondest hopes.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Stacey] It's time to Glow Up.

Is anybody excited
or terrified that it's the final?

I feel like today is the closing chapter.

[Nikki] I'm excited.

[Val] Our three finalists,

they are all incredible makeup artists.

Working with these guys,

I've really seen them go

from a limited makeup range

to the portfolio that they now hold.

[Dominic] What we're looking
for from that winner is

someone who has been able to take
everything from the last seven weeks.

All the challenges that have been designed

to really push our artists
in different directions,

that person who has brought the best.

There can only be one winner.

-[all] Morning.

What stands between
the MUAs and that title

is today's final professional assignment

and tomorrow's creative brief.

For your brief today, you have been booked
on a fashion editorial

with the incredible Leomie Anderson.

[all gasp]

British supermodel Leomie Anderson

is a runway regular
for the world's top fashion designers.

And, as one of the faces
of Rihanna's beauty brand,

she knows a thing or two about makeup.

[Stacey] She's huge.

And, capturing your looks today

will be a photographer.

He's worked with...



Oh, my God.

And even the Queen!

-No pressure.
-He is none other than Rankin.

-[Nikki] Oh, my God.


I've got goose bumps.

Both a photographer and director,

Rankin became known for his portraiture

of bands, artists, supermodels
and politicians.

He's photographed everyone
from the queen of fashion

to the Queen.

I think to be a good makeup artist,
you have to have a precision.

That, more than anything, you have
to be adaptable and creative.

And then deliver
something that is quality,

but also has a little kind of edge to it

that makes you go,
"Ooh, I haven't seen that before."

Having Rankin shoot your work
is every makeup artist's dream.

And you'll be working for one of the
biggest fashion magazines in the country.


-Oh, my God.

-[Val] Something worth doing.
-[Dominic] You're damn right.

You're all such worthy finalists.

So all of your work will be featured
in the magazine...

only if Rankin thinks it's worthy.

So please do us proud.

Today's shoot is based
at Hunger magazine HQ.

Known for its bold, vivid images,

landing a spot in the magazine
is sought after by designers,

hair stylists and makeup artists alike.

And, with only two issues
published each year,

the magazine is selective about
which fashion editorials they feature.

[Rankin] The thing about fashion editorial
is what you're doing is taking collections

to show this kind of theme or this idea.

We call it page-stopping.
So you create imagery that people go,

"I haven't seen that before."

The garms on show today are part of
a sustainable range by Bethany Williams.

The MUAs' makeup must
complement the clothes,

but be striking enough
to get the shot featured.

[Dominic] Fashion editorial is incredible

because what it does is
it brings everybody together

to create one perfect image.

So, someone from hair,
someone from makeup,

someone from styling, the photographer,
it's about communication.

It's about bringing
a complete vision to life.

After having some time to prepare,

our three finalists arrive at the studios

where they must present to Rankin.

[Val] They are gonna have
to sell their concept.

Because it's not just the makeup,

it's how this makeup sits
with the whole package.

So you're gonna go in one by one.

The first person up...

is Leigh.

The least experienced MUA,

learning and development manager Leigh,

has always felt like something
was holding him back...

[Leigh] I don't have a lot of experience,

so I've got a lot of things to develop.

Have you done bald caps before?

No. I'm struggling to match
my skin tone under this light.

I struggle with it anyway,
being color-blind.

...but has gone from strength to strength
to earn his spot in the final.

[Leigh] Before I came here,

I couldn't get a response from
a counter in a department store...

Never worked with models before.

So to win would
absolutely change everything.

Suddenly, you're beginning to wake up,

and that's exciting.

I kind of love it.

-Thank God.
-[Dominic laughs]

To be given a contract
would be unbelievable.

-Leigh's got it going on.
-[Val] Ding dong, darling.

-Ding, dong!

-Thank God for that.

-Bye, guys.
-Good luck.

-Each MUA must sell their makeup concept

to the photographer, Rankin,
the stylist, Kim, and model, Leomie.

Once agreed, they will have an hour
to produce the look.

I really wanted something that balances...

with the clothes and doesn't take
anything away from it.

-Talk us through the texture of the lip?
-The texture of the lip,

it's just gonna be a gloss mixed
with blue shadow.

-Um, so there's a really nice glint.

It'll just be perfect set on your lips
with the thread hanging.

-Ooh, I really like that.
-Ooh, me too.

-Threads coming from the mouth.
-Threads, yeah.

-I mean, that's a proper statement.

This would look so epic.

Do you feel confident in this one?

Yeah, I left my other ones
I don't like outside.


[Rankin] I love people that are decisive,

I love people that are confident,
and I love people that get on and do it.

And then, what I really, really want
is that little spark of creativity

with absolute makeup precision.

Like, real craft and quality.

[Stacey] Confident in his
bold, blue lip look,

Leigh's main concern is
matching Leomie's skin tone,

a skill he has struggled with
throughout the competition.

-Is that a shade that you normally wear?
-Yeah, this looks nice.

-I'll test it on your cheek.

Yeah, and see which one matches best.

-That's not bad, actually.

[Stacey] How do you think
Leigh's gonna react in there?

He's the least experienced.

I think he may struggle or
second-guess himself on the skin tone.

-I'm color-blind.

-So it put me off for a long, long time.

[Ellis] He can't see,
like, the warm tones in skin,

so he wouldn't be able to see if Leomie
is, you know, like, more yellow based,

because he can't...
like, he wouldn't see it.

-Look in the mirror.


When you laid out your foundation, like,
"What shade do you think works?"

Like, a lot of people would rather,
like, just guess and it look bad,

than to, like, actually communicate
with the model

-and, like, learn as well.

And you've color matched quite well.

-Don't worry!
-I think it's all right.

Leigh's glossy lip
needs to make an impact.

So choosing the right shade
of blue is essential.

[Val] The color of blue
that he's laid down first...

that's not the sort of blue that he wants.

It's very, very pale.

Leomie's skin tone is
so gorgeous and so rich,

to put something quite cool on it,

it needs to be really powerful
and really strong.

That's not saying bold to me.

Also having doubts
about his color choice,

Leigh rethinks his tone of blue.

I'm wondering whether I even need
this base on your lips,

or whether that blue on its own
would be strong enough.

-Mm. How are you feeling?
-I think I'm gonna take the blue off.

-You gonna take the blue lip off?
-Yeah, and just use the gloss on its own.

-The gloss on its own's stronger than...
-Hm. Hmm...

-I don't think it's a good call.
-Me too.

-That's a beautiful color, innit?
-Yeah, it's really nice.

Okay, I'm gonna stop

-before I mess anything.

I'm gonna play with the threads
when she's in the outfit,

so we're gonna decide
what that's gonna look like.

I'm gonna chop it already.

For a fashion editorial,

the makeup must sit perfectly
with the collection.

What I'm expecting
from our finalists today is

making sure that their makeup
is complementing this clothing.

It cannot overbear,
but it cannot be hidden away.

Shall we try it without the threads first

-just to have a look?
-[Kim] That's a good idea.

That's wicked.

You need to study the monitor,

because that's what
your photographer has shot.

That's it, yeah.

Hold that, and really own it there,
like, that way.

-I hate blue lips.
-I love a blue lip.

But he's done it well.
It's a really good color.

-[Leigh] It would be nice with thread.
-Shall we try the thread?

[Kim and Leomie] Yeah.

Tilt your head to the left a little.

-[Rankin] Does it add anything?
-[Va;] Exactly, what's the point?

-It doesn't make sense to me.

-No. Sorry.
-[Val] I don't get it.

No, that's okay.

It's really brave to go with the blue lip.

-It's a good blue lip.

-I think we got it, yeah.
-Without the thread.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Thanks, Leigh, well done.
-Thanks, Leigh. That was amazing.


[Dominic] Good work.

[Nikki] Aaaah!

-[all] Hi.

-How was it?
-Just before I went in I was like, urgh.


-My skin match was spot on.
-Oh, babe!

I know Leomie was like, "That looks good,"
so that's enough approval for me.

I can't do it.

-It will be fine.
-Like, I don't...

-It's all-consuming, isn't it?
-Yeah. Mm.

It's all you've thought about for weeks.


Retail assistant Ellis has always had
confidence in his creations...

People are just saying "Jump."
And I'm just saying "Where to?"

He's enjoying himself,
he's cruising through it.

...and has divided opinion
with his thought-provoking looks.

For those excited!

[Ellis] When I came into this,

I was very much, get as much on as I could

and create this, like,
thing that would shock people.

[whispers] Oh, yes!

I thought the application was good.

I don't get it.
I feel like there's too much going on.

Well I don't care what they think,
I love it.

You've given us something
to really discuss.

I've produced some really good looks
throughout the whole competition.

And, I find strength in being
confident and bold with my makeup,

and that's just the way it is.

I'm ready to fly.

But, in reception,

the pressure of working with Rankin

is taking its toll on Ellis.

I'm talking in this conversation, but,

my real mind is literally being, like,
do I do the glossy lid?

Do I do the glossy lid?

-Like, in my head I'm thinking...

"but Val said this to Brandon
in week one."

Val said this to Mathieu in week two.

Do I do the lid? Like, that's...

-That's really what's happening now.

What our finalists need to do is just
walk in with utter confidence,

knowing exactly what they wanna do
and how they wanna do it.

And then they need to sell that
to the photographer and to the stylist.

Because you have to make them believe
in what you have to say.


-He's a lot quieter than normal.

I think he's quite nervous.


-How are you?
-What you got for us?

Um... Okay.

I have...


-I came up with these.

The red is, like, a really bold shape

with nothing else on the face or skin.

And, the eyes I wanted to be glossy.

The "No", I did this one knowing that

it would be more towards a specific look,
and I wasn't thinking of doing this one,

-but I thought I'd show it anyway.
-[Kim] Mm.

-What do you think? What's your...

-[Kim] You can...
-[Rankin] The no is a no.

-[Kim] Yeah. [laughs]
-[Leomie] The no's a no.

The thing that probably annoys me the most

when I'm working
with new makeup artists is indecision,

because the worst thing
you can be is indecisive.

If you take the brief and you're
umm-ing and ah-ing,

you know immediately that they've
not got conviction in what they wanna do.

Um, and that's when I get nervous.

I'm slightly worried about the... the...

this one here with the red underneath,
because that can look really evil.


It's definitely something
to be careful of.

Have you ever done a red eye?

No, not a red eye.

I mean, I'm...

I can't even remember
the last time I did a red eye.

[laughs] Um...

But again, these can be changed
to any color

if you prefer, like a blue or a yellow or...

I think you've gotta be confident

-in what you're...

-...what you want to do.

Persuade us of the eye.

I wouldn't present something to you

that I didn't feel that I could execute
and execute well.


And I've already taken
into consideration about

knocking the red back with it going
on to a deeper complexion.

-It's finding the balance.

Yeah, I think we really need to look
at it in stages.

Be confident, go with your instinct.

-Just do your thing.
-[Rankin] Good.

Struggling to sell his vision,
Ellis has settled on a red eye,

which demands perfect symmetry.

I hope this just comes together.

I don't know why I get sweaty.

I only get sweaty
in high-pressure situations

-where I'm like, "I'm gonna die."
-[both laugh]

You're not gonna die, don't worry.

Like, look up at the ceiling,
Then I can just pull that in.

Roughly where... Oh, did that get you?

Hm. I'll get you...
Um, do you need a tissue?

Don't worry. It's not your fault.

Yeah. Sorry!

-It was just a hair in my lash.
-That's okay. No worries.

-Did you get it out?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Open your eye.


[Dominic] He's not been consistent
with his symmetry,

so he just needs to make sure that

he's not losing that
gorgeous shape he's created.

It's not just symmetry that Ellis
needs to get right.

He must pick the perfect shade of red.

[Rankin] How's it going?

It's going really well. We managed
to get, like, a really good color down.

-[Kim] Ooh!

The color is really, really nice.

I'm layering up the powder to kind of...

-get like, this velvety finish.

So I'm just layering the product on.

[Rankin] Wow.

-The skin's beautiful.
-I love it. Mm.

I think you've got it.

I just wish I'd have sold it more
in the beginning

so you guys would have had
more confidence in me.

-But do you know what?

-It's all... It's all experience, isn't it?

Time to see if Ellis's makeup
is bold enough

-to make the clothes stand out.
-Oh, you look insane!

-Yeah, this looks sick, innit? With the...
-Oh! Oh, my God.

-[Leomie] This is really, really sick.

What I'm really loving is the symmetry.

And that skin, it looks like butter.

I just wanna lick it. It's amazing.
Don't you think?

-Or is that just me?
-Speak for yourself.

-All right, it's just me.
-He doesn't get out much.

[Ellis chuckles] Oh, my God, look at her.

-[Ellis] Everything just goes so perfect.
-[Val] Love it, wow.

-Honestly, I've got tears in my eyes.
-This is...

-I'm so proud of you.
-[all] Aww!

[woman] You did it!

[Val] That is great makeup.

-Yeah, well done.
-Thank you.

[Rankin] You've made her look iconic.
Well done.

-[Val] Yay!

-Whoo, whoo!
-He's crying!

-I mean it was okay, all right?

It was okay.

-Thanks, guys.



-How was it?
-Um... [chuckles] I cried.

-Did you? Why?
-Oh, did you?


The fact someone was, like,
"Oh, I really like it," I started crying.

I think that kind of sums up
how much it actually means to me

to kind of get this stamp of approval.

Good to go?

You've both got really positive,
really good critique

and, I'm like, "Oh, my God, I'm last."

-[Kim] Let's look.
-[Rankin] Let's see your ideas.

[Nikki] I actually love this one,

-because I feel like it's quite powerful.

And is this like an eyeliner?

It would be using my palette

that's got the metallic dark blue mixed
with a little bit of a lighter blue.

-Are you thinking mascara or anything?
-Yes, I've got a touch of mascara.

-Nothing too crazy.

I wanted to keep the skin
very stripped back, very polished.

Stripped back or polished, which one?

Um, so, stripped back
but just kind of enhancing.

Just giving her a little coverage
where she needs it, but not too much.

With a reputation for daring looks,

Hunger magazine is no place
for playing it safe.

The eye needs to just have, like,
a bit extra,

it just needs... The volume
just needs to go up somehow.

-With the blue?
-So just... Yeah.

[Rankin] Cool.

Vlogger Nikki has strived for precision
in every look.

I wanna perfect everything.

When you're a perfectionist,

and you're, like, "This is
step one, step two, step three,"

and you're so rigid in your head,

that's when time management
becomes an issue for me.

I'm running out of time.

'Cause I spent too long on the brows,

and then didn't spend enough time on

everything else.

And, even when the judges tried to
break down her barrier of perfection,

Nikki has struggled to let go.

I think you could have pushed it further.

[Dominic] You're better than this.

I don't think this is
the time to hold back.

I'm just worried that
it's not enough, Tiff.

We asked for bold and big.

[Val] She hasn't gone big enough.

I just wanna push through
and do my best now.

I'm stressed.

-I will finish.

Nikki needs to complete her look
in just one hour.

When I've got time
and someone gives me an hour,

I'm, like, "Ah, la, la di, dah, dah."

I'm just doing her base.
I want the skin to look stripped back.

Anywhere that you feel like you
would want coverage?

-'Cause I've gone stripped back.

-Here, just more so... just more.
-Around the mouth area?

And then, I would just say,

just, here a little bit.

-Just get rid of my, like, dot mark, yeah.

-My concern right now...

-is you're faffing, you're Faffy McFaffy.
-Get it on.

-I am Faffy McFaffy.
-And you're not focused.

-When you have time pressure...

-I'm good. work really well.

-So, say to yourself,

-"I've got five minutes to do this," okay?
-Okay. Thank you.

-So, go, go, go.

Nikki's concept is a simple blue eye,

but it needs to have impact
to stand out in the magazine.

So, how are we doing here?
How'd you build this?

I think it would look quite punchy
underneath the eye,

then I wanna add
layers of mascara on top to lift...

I would start on top.

You... The...


-Definitely start loading up the lashes.

-[Kim] We just need to push it...
-Yeah. there's a reason for it to be...
-Mm-hm. the mag.

-Have its moment.

-I'll start working on that now.

[Rankin] Okay, great.

I feel like we're pushing her
and she's not...

-Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, coming back with it, yeah. I agree.

I'm a bit worried about time.

I'm very worried about time,
because she's got 50 minutes left.

Why are you holding back?

I didn't think I was.

-Try it this way.
-Make it clunkier?

-Like that?
-That is the word that will save you.


This is Hunger magazine.
It needs to be powerful.

She just needs to go big, and she's not.

-It's time.
-It's time.

Oh, shit, they're calling her on set.
That means she has to be ready.

[Kim] How are you feeling, Nikki?

Feeling all right.

-All right is not maj.
-I'm clunky.

We've gone clunkier with it,
so it's more of a statement.

[Kim] All right, let's go, my love.


Chin up for me.

-[Val] It's very beautiful.
-[Rankin] It's pretty.

-But it's... it's not exciting enough.

You're trying to clean up that,
underneath there, why?

-Hello? Like, just pack it on.

-We don't play safe.

-Like, go in there and...get it.


[Val] Okay, this is great.

Just bring your right... Yes.
That's great, that's really great.

-[Kim] The vibe is fierce.

-That's better, that's much better.

Rankin, that's great.

Ooh! Girl!

-Well done, you got there.
-Thank you.

-Thank you.
-No, and well done, Nikki, like,

-the eye, the color, it proper worked.
-Thank you.


-Whoo, whoo, whoo!
-I'll cry!

-Hello. How was it?

That was stressful, I don't know
what you guys were talking about.

We got there in the end.
We needed to go heavier.

And once I was able to do that,
the look really came together

and I could really see the vision for it,
and how it was working.

How were the judges?

They believe in you.

-I mean, that's what's nice.
-Oh, baby.


[Nikki] They care so much.

And it's nice to have people that...

of their standard and of their level
to genuinely believe in you.

I don't think
I realized that up until today.

The MUAs must wait until tomorrow

to find out whether their looks
made it into the magazine.

It's the final day in Glow Up HQ.

The judges are ready with their feedback.

And, as it's the final, the MUAs
will start this week's creative brief

on an equal footing, with no red chairs.

Thank you so much for
all your incredible efforts yesterday.

The work that you brought to us was
amazing, epic, beyond.

Why don't we take a look
at Leigh's work first?

[Stacey] She looks unbelievable.

[Val] You really sold your idea
to Rankin and Kim.

What you did was one simple idea,

but it was explosive,
it told a great story.

-Very powerful. Amazing.
-Thank you.

Okay, next we have Ellis.

[Ellis] She looks unreal.

Ellis, you were a pleasure to work with.

Leomie loved you.

You definitely did
the best skin on her of the day.

What I also really love was,
you brought ideas to the table,

but, when you were working with her,
you adapted them.

And you can come and do makeup
for me any time.

[Stacey] Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Oh, my God. Thank you.

And then we have Nikki.

[both gasp]

-[Ellis] Those eyes.
-[Leigh] Oh, my God.

[Nikki] They look crazy, don't they?

What was really interesting was
watching you work through your process,

and then we flipped on the pressure,

and you just swam.

-And this eye is to die for.
-Thank you.

Rankin, have they all done enough
to feature in the magazine?

[Rankin] This shoot would
absolutely fit in the magazine,

and I think your makeup was exceptional.

So, judges, MUAs,
it's our final creative brief.

There's no Face Off chairs!


the MUA that impresses us the least

at the end of this

will be going home.

Then the final two will go
head to head in the Face Off.

-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God.

Today, we want to see a futuristic makeup

that tells your story,

that delivers your hopes and ambitions.

So show us something
really groundbreaking.

You have two and a half hours...

to complete the look.

Go for it.

For this brief, the MUAs
have been allowed to prepare,

but there are no models.

They must create a look that throws
forward to their future self

on themselves.

This look is definitely about my past

and how I was brought up with paintings
and drawings, and a reflection on that.

Taking everything that
I've learned so far,

and taking this look into the future,
and almost becoming the piece of art.

Unlike her previous looks, Nikki wants
to let go of precision and perfection,

and is using unconventional materials
to create a living piece of art.

This is a risk today,
being very free-spirited with it.

And I do find that difficult to do,
just because

I want everything to be perfect.

But this look isn't about perfection.
I'm an artist that's still growing,

and that's what I really want the judges
to be able to read today,

so that's really important to me.

[whispers] This is so unlike Nikki,

Nikki has never done anything
like this before.

I'm very excited to see where this goes.

Although starting out as
the least experienced of all the MUAs,

Leigh's look will reflect that he is
still not the finished product.

What's the concept?

[Leigh] This one's a note
to my future self.

Yesterday, I just realized how much
I've changed coming in,

and how much I've learned

to actually feeling like a makeup artist.

And it's just about
not forgetting that, ever.

This one's important to me,

-I've never done an illusion before.

An illusion?

I want it to look like it's
sitting on my skin

as, like, a constant reminder.

As if there's literally a bit of paper

-sort of stuck on your face.

[Val] I'm a little bit concerned

that he's doing something
that he's never done before

-in the final.

[Val] That's a big risk.

I think it's a bold move,
but it doesn't feel like a bold...

-[Val] Statement?
-[Rankin] Yeah.

I think for me, color's the only way
I can express myself.

The more color I have on,
the better I feel.

Ellis hopes to challenge
the way we view colors.

His aim is to create a reaction,

which is how he sees
his future as a makeup artist.

Talk me through your concept.

For the future and going forward,

I wanna challenge what people see.

That's why I started looking,
like, thermal imaging

to kind of capture the color scheme
I wanted to go for,

because thermal imaging
changes on every single person,

like, when you look at them.

-Depending on your skin.
-On, like...

-your body heat and what mood you're in...

That kind of thing, so,

I find it really interesting, and that's
where I wanted to go with it.

-Did they say anything to you?

Oh, God. It makes me so nervous
when they don't say anything.

MUAs, that's an hour gone.
You've got an hour and a half left.

-I'm ahead of schedule.
-Oh, girl, that is music to my ears.

[laughs] Good.

[Val] It's like she's treating her face
as a canvas.

She's taken all the feedback
over the past couple of weeks,

where we've told her to let go,
let go, let go, and she is letting go.

There's still a control in it,

but she's allowing herself
to do something that's not perfect.

Nikki, you okay?

-You okay?
-I can't move.

I'm just waiting to gauge

how my face looks,
and then that will decide

how intense I go with the body, because...

I could get to the body
and I could be like, "Oh, no,

it's too much, I don't wanna do any more."

So I'm still a bit undecided.

What I'm loving most
is the attention to detail.

-Like that bold blue...


It doesn't come from anything,

-it's just there.

-As well...

I'm adding yellow face paint

just to add a little bit

of depth,

with more of a stippling effect
to give more of a painterly feel.

I've also just worked out that
if I use a spoolie,

it's quite cool as well, cause you get
more of a brush stroke feel.

I like the way Nikki's painting herself as
a sculpture, this is my kind of makeup.

She's not working
with conventional tools, like, she's

stippling with a spoolie brush.

-She also used a spatula, I think...
-Yeah. apply the paint into her hairline.

She's freestyling.

What'll be amazing,

-this will photograph really well.
-It will.

I was thinking how well
it will photograph.

MUAs, you have 40 minutes...

till your final looks.

What did she say, 40 minutes left?

I just have to suss out how
to write text backwards in a mirror,

so it shows up the right way
on a photograph.

My God, I didn't even think about that.

It looks like, you know
when you go to the toilet

-and someone hasn't replaced the paper...

-Stop there.
-It's that stringy bit of thing.

Honestly, I've come this close
to divorce because of that.

I think the Nikki eight weeks ago

wouldn't have even done this,
I think she would have been too scared.

MUAs, you have two minutes left.

That's it, down brushes.


please take yourselves next door

to be photographed.

Ding dong.

I'd say that I don't wanna do
another Face Off again,

but, I really wanna do this one,
so, um... we'll see.

With their final looks photographed,

it's time to find out who
has done enough to impress the judges

and keep their place in the competition.


Oh, no.

This piece is about all the ups and downs
that I've had as an artist.

Kind of encapsulating
all the emotions that I've felt,

which is stress, worry, upset, happiness.

What I think you've learned
throughout this competition,

is that finally,

-you've let yourself go.

This work is really interesting,

and I think this is a good example of
you getting out of your comfort zone.

But I'd have loved to see you
go even further.

We asked for something
that was really transformative,

and not to get all gushy,

but I think the one thing that's
been transformed is you.

From when I think about where you were
at week one to where you are now,

you've probably had the biggest leap
forward in your approach to makeup,

how you see makeup.

And to stand now

and show this is tops.

-I love this.
-Thank you.


[Leigh] The first day when I walked in,
I felt like an imposter,

but now I can walk into a room
and I do feel like a makeup artist,

which, for me, is massive.

I wanted to try an illusion today,

and I wanted to try and
show you something different.

Illusion is one of
the most trickiest things,

because the face that they're doing it on

stays in one position,

and they base it around the angles
and what they're seeing.

There are moments where the illusion
aspect really comes alive.

If we look at the forehead,
there is something quite...

peely about it.

And, the technicalities
of trying to write...

backwards, I wouldn't even, I wouldn't...

-Let's not.
-I just wouldn't.

But you figured it out
and you worked it out.

[Rankin] To come in and do something
you've never done before

is really brilliant,
because you're pushing yourself,

and I think it takes guts to do that.

However, I was expecting something
a little bit more dramatic,

a little bit more colorful.

And, I'm not sure it was
the right thing to do.

It's not maj, it's beige.

You've done so much more in the past,

and... it wasn't big enough for me.

-Thank you.
-Thanks, Leigh.

[Val] Ellis.

I wanted this reaction
of being like, "What is it?"

There is not one thing on there
that I look at

that I think doesn't belong there.

The blue here versus the blue there,

versus the light blue,
versus the light blue.

That switch,
it gives it such a digital appeal.

It doesn't look like it's makeup,
it looks like a digital piece of art.

I wish you had done the body.

Ugh! I knew he was gonna say that.

-You know what...
-I wish... Hup-hup. Uh.

-Yuh, yuh...

I wish you had done the body.

Well, all I can say is, you nailed it.

You absolutely nailed it.

Boom shakalaka, that is
exactly what I wanted to see.

[yells] It's major!


-I liked it.
-[Rankin] What I really love about it,

and this is coming from a photographer,

is that you're thinking about
how it was gonna look in an image,

and I would be proud
to have taken that photograph.

I think it works from every single angle,
which is incredible.

-So congratulations.
-Thank you.

-[Val] Thank you.
-[Rankin] Well done.

If you'd like to go next door,

we have a very tough decision to make,
because one of you will be going home.

I think we got some
incredible makeup today.

And I was really worried, because
I was coming in today thinking,

"Who are we going to have to let go?"

But I feel that one person

made that really easy for us.

The judges have reached a decision

in terms of their final two.

You've all pushed yourselves,
both creatively and emotionally.

And we've really seen the incredible
passion in all of your work.

But you can't all win.

The MUA going home is...


I am sad, obviously.

But I'm so proud of myself
for getting this far.

Walking in eight weeks ago
with almost no experience

and making it to the final

is mind-blowing.

I let myself be held back before,

and I was too worried
that I didn't have the experience.

But I think being here has shown me
that it... that doesn't matter.

Just two MUAs remain.

In order to decide the winner,

Val and Dominic will look back
at their portfolio of work

ahead of the final Face Off.

-So, Nikki.
-There's lots of ambition

but just not enough time to execute it.

This is where we started to see
how Nikki was adapting

to the feedback we were giving.

And then she produced what I think's
one of my favorite images from Nikki.

I thought it was so brave

that she used wool.

I thought that was pretty cool.

In week one I sort of said, "I need you
to unleash the beauty beast..."

-and here she is.

I mean, she has gone and exploded
with color,

and I'm really proud of her
for doing that.

I mean, this is a
professional makeup artist.

-I mean, it's just so cool, so simple...


However, in the monochrome week,

he didn't know what he was doing.

Yeah, no, I didn't get this look at all.


-I wasn't too sure about this.
-No, this look totally split us.

-I thought it was marvelous.

And then we end on this.

He came into this workroom today

with a fight.

He has such passion.

We have before us
two very accomplished, very skilled,

very technically excellent
makeup artists.

For their final test of skill,

Nikki and Ellis must compete
in one last Face Off.

[Ellis] The thing this time is,
the Face Offs are different.

Nikki had to win the Face Off to survive.

This Face Off is
about winning the competition.

It's a different mindset.

You're no longer running on adrenaline
of fear of being eliminated,

you're running on confidence
of how good you are.

[Nikki] The other MUAs call me
the Face Off Assassin.

I don't know how I survived
four Face Offs.

They joke about it, "Don't go
into the Face Off with Nikki,

she'll send you home."

But, do you know what?
It's probably true.

But what I've done before has worked.

I mean, I could do it again.

As always, Ellis and Nikki will Face Off

over a pair of identical twins.

Today, what we would like to see is...

a complete makeup look.

Lashes, liner, lipstick.

The texture and the finish

of whatever you choose
to do is entirely up to you.

Just remember,
this is your very last chance.

So, bring it.

You're gonna have 45 minutes
to get your kits and complete a full look.

Your time starts now.

It's what everybody wants.

It's polished skin.

It's a beautiful eye detail.

It's a groomed brow.

Everything's gotta be on this face,

but it's gotta be done
with precision, symmetry and balance.

All within time pressure.

They both took so long
doing the foundation.

[Dominic] They should have got the eyes
done, and they should be then playing

with the precision
of tidying little things.

We need to see a total makeup look.

MUAs, that's us half way through,
half way.

Ellis is sweating.

-Is he scared of the Face Off Assassin?

Nikki is very methodical.

She's laying things out
in a very precise manner.

[Val] Ellis's is a bit freer,
it's a bit louder.

[Dominic] But I'm really loving both.

It's neck and neck.

[Stacey] MUAs,
you've got two minutes left.

One minute.

Five, four...



one, stop what you're doing.

Val, Dominic,
I'm certain you'll want a closer look.


Dom, what do you reckon?

There were issues with symmetry
on both of them.

However, Ellis, I've really loved
the power that you went with this look.

And Nikki, you're precision queen, like,

you got some great points on there.

It's really, really hard to call.

[Stacey] Okay, guys, this is it.

Over the past eight weeks,
it's been so much hard graft.

There have been highs,
there have been lows.

Lots of tears. Incredible work.

What we've seen over the weeks
from you guys has been amazing.

We've seen progression,
we've seen commitment,

and we've seen bag loads of creativity.

But who's gonna be crowned champion,

and bag that prize that money can't buy?

Working with a global agency,

alongside some of the best
makeup artists in the world?

And the winner

of Glow Up



[Nikki] Yes!


-That's amazing, right?
-Oh, babe!

Ellis, congratulations,
you are the winner.

Ding dong, darling.

You did it! You did it!

[Ellis] I was pinching myself, thinking,

"No, she didn't just say my name!
She didn't just say my name!"

I wasn't expecting to win, like it...

I've never won anything before.

Like, I've literally never won anything.

So the fact that, like,
I've come to this competition

and beat out people who are so talented...

It... It just... It doesn't seem real.

I'm so proud of you.

I'm really happy
that I didn't get eliminated

throughout the whole competition.

I definitely feel like,

not only do I leave this competition
as a runner-up, which I'm so proud of,

but I'm a completely different woman.

And also, Dominic did say
that I was the precision queen,

so I'm gonna take that title.

Oh, my God!

I've literally been given
the start of my career.

Like, I literally am going straight
into this with the approval of Val,

who's one of the biggest people
in the industry.

Dom's approval as well.

And it just sets my career up
to the point where...

I just get to... I'll be able
to do what I love every single day.