Girls (2012–2017): Season 5, Episode 9 - Love Stories - full transcript

Hannah bumps into an old frenemy, Marnie encounters more problems with Desi, and Shoshanna offers to help Ray save his business.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Don't you get it, Hannah? I am
not a person who yells, okay?

I am not a person who freaks
out. I'm a chill fucking person,

and you made me go fucking insane.

I'm really sorry.

You're fuckin' sorry?

I've never acted like this before in
a relationship, all right? Not once.

I'm a good fuckin' boyfriend.

And you, you just shit all over that.

You shit all over it, and you
somehow make me the fuckin' bad guy?

Fran, stop, okay?

You're a dick. A secret dick,
to be sure, but you are a dick.

You're very judgmental.
You're very moralistic.

You definitely would've sent
witches to trial in "The Crucible."

And that might work for some,
like, administrative assistant

that you meet in a sports bar,
but it doesn't work for me.

Our relationship didn't
work out. It sucks.

At this point, it really doesn't matter

who the asshole was or
who the asshole wasn't,

so why can't you just
take your stuff and go?

You wouldn't know real love
if it bit your fuckin' tit off.

- I'm sure you're right.
- You said to me, point-blank,

that you had never been in a
healthy relationship before.

So how would you even
know if this was healthy?

- I wouldn't know.
- Maybe, for all you know,

you just said good-bye to the best
thing that ever happened to you.

Probably, I did.

You're gonna regret
this so fuckin' hard.

Fran, I don't know why you
can't just give this up.

You don't even like me.

It does not matter if
I don't like you, okay?

I love you.

I would be happy to pay for an Uber

to transport you and your
things back to your home.

Oh, fuck.

So, what, you had a sex dream about Ray?

You've had actual sex with
Ray, which is way worse.

And I've had sex dreams about
everybody I've known, including you.

You raped me.

No, it wasn't a sex dream,
it wasn't a love dream.

We weren't even having sex
in it. I mean, I still came,

- but it was from something else.
- Ugh! Oh, Marnie,

I don't want to hear about
this. And you can't come.

I was brushing his hair.

Well, that's a fool's
errand if I ever heard one.

He had this long, gorgeous hair.

It was like Khaleesi from "Game of
Thrones" except it was raven black,

and I was just brushing
it slowly and tenderly

and I was getting him ready for school.

So, he was, like, your daughter?

Yeah, in a sense.

God, I just can't get it out of my mind.

It's like the best thing
that's happened to me in months.

That's the most depressing thing
I've heard in my entire life.

And you know what? I wish it was real.

What is wrong with me?

Well, your sandals, for starters.

♪ Ain't no love ♪

♪ And it's sure 'nuff a pity ♪

♪ Ain't no love ♪

♪ 'Cause you ain't around... ♪

- Shosh?
- Ray.

Shosh, is that really you?

- Oh, my God. Oh, Shosh.
- Hey.

Mm, Shosh, look at you.

I can't believe it's you.

You're a full-grown woman now.

Are you guys closed?

No, but I'm about to
shut it down for the day.

I've got a community board
meeting in a little while

and then there's a Dennis Kucinich
live webstream I want to hop onto.

What the fuck happened in here?

Yeah, that. Across
the street over there.

We've been outpaced, outshined,
outmaneuvered, out everything

by those Neo-hippie
gender-neutral monsters.

It's very bleak, Shosh. It's very bleak.

Hermie says that if business
doesn't pick up in here,

he's gonna turn this place
into a billiards store.

- Not bar, store.
- Okay, you have to fight this, Ray.

You have to have a wartime attitude.

Maybe ask for some help, something
I know you're fucking terrible at,

but ask for it anyways.

Who's gonna help me, Shosh? Who?
My last remaining employee's Elijah.

Hermie's consuming heroic
amounts of painkillers.

My coffee truck is a complete bust
for reasons I can't even get into,

although they involve
Hannah trying to suckle

the head of my penis
at 50 miles an hour.

Okay, I'm gonna help you.

Seriously, what do you
think I was doing in Japan?

I mean, other than learning origami

and eating candy that tastes like
other candy. I do marketing, Ray.

It is my area of expertise. I went
to mother effing college for it,

so, you know, at least let
me have a crack at that.

We do make a pretty good team.

The best.

Wait, Hannah?

- Y-yeah.
- Don't tell me.

Can I help you with anything?

I don't fuckin' know.

Um, I guess I'm looking
for items that say...

"I really am the one for you,
despite your misgivings about monogamy

and your penthouse full of whores."

I've been in a very open relationship...

with a very well-known
television personality.

- Okay.
- And, ah, I am really hoping to...

close it.

Say no more. Mm-hmm.


This is really speaking to me for that.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

All right. Why aren't you working in
a more high-end retail establishment?

Now, why aren't you shopping in one?

Ooh, touché.

- Uh...
- D'Emilia.

D'Emilia. Hmm.

Well, let's "Pretty
Woman" this shit, D'Emilia.

You got it.

Wow, good thing school's
not in session or...

or that outfit would definitely not fly.

Oh, you know, I'm kinda
trying to spend less time

in places where my outfit doesn't fly.

You know, my proverbial outfit.

Um, I'm not sure I follow.

Principal Toby,

this has been a really, really
amazing opportunity for me.

You've taken a lot of chances on me,
and I'm sure you've taken a lot of flak,

which is why I'm gonna
seem like a real wench

when I say that I don't think
I'll be coming back next year.

Oh, gosh, I... why?

Did you get... did you get another job?

Is it those bastards from
Fort Greene Montessori?

No, what it is is that I've been trying

to stay more open to
signals from the universe,

and I don't know if I can
be open to those signals

if I'm tuned in to another song.

This job being the song.

Okay, Hannah. I wish you all the best.

I really do. You know, you've
been so, um... eye-opening to me.

- Really?
- Oh, yeah.

I mean, with all your
setbacks and your issues,

you... you live your life with
such a... joie de vivre.

You're right, I do. I do have
a lot of joie de vivre.

You do. You really do, and it's
unusual to see that in a teacher.

I mean, it's unusual
to see it in anybody.

I really hope you find
what you're looking for.

Thank you, Principal Toby.

And for the record, I
think you're a lot funkier

than people give you credit for.

And, by the way, I'm really
sorry I showed you my pussy.

I was in a bad relationship

and I was blasting a lot of
energy in the wrong direction.

Forget about it. Water under the bridge.

Thank you, sir.


Hannah. Hannah Horvath.

Tally, hey.

Oh, my God.

This is so crazy.

I was literally just thinking about you.

Um, why?

I am writing a novel about the tyranny
of political correctness at Oberlin,

so of course I'm including
the sophomore year incident

where you called our R.A. a
Jewish Hitler and then heil'd him.

Yeah, well, you know, that's
sort of my story to tell.

You do remember it, yeah. How are you?

Um, I'm okay. I, ah,
it's a work in progress,

- as it is for everybody, I would say.
- Oh.

- People big and small.
- Mm-hmm, I do know that, girl.

I just got back from a
writing retreat at MacDowell,

so you're, like, the sixth person
I've seen since I left my cabin.

So, I'm just like, I feel so crazy!

Like, I just want to, like,
murder someone in the face!

Where are you headed?
Do you want to hang out?

Um, I'm not really headed anywhere
in particular at the moment.


Well, that's perfect 'cause I'm
literally free until 3:00 AM.

And I guess I'm free till I have to
go home to Michigan for Thanksgiving.

- So, let's do it.
- Let's catch up.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Whoa, this is crazy.

- You look exactly the same.
- Thanks,

- your bike looks really expensive.
- Yeah.

Well, thank you for
agreeing to meet like this.

It's very big of you,

especially considering Tandace.

Thank you for saying that.

That means a lot to me,
praise coming from you.

Okay, don't go overboard.
I just think that

if we're going to keep the
ball rolling post-"Grey's"...


we have to put the past behind us.

I agree.

- This is a big moment for both of us.
- I know.

I just need you to please promise me

that the not-talking-to-me
bullshit is over.

- Okay, well, it's tricky, Marn when the
- No.

aggression train is headed
straight towards me...

- We're collaborators. It's childish.
- Okay. I understand

- we're collaborating so don't
- I doesn't make any sense.

- judge the way that my process works.
- Baby.

- Well, I'm not...
- Oh, hi.

- Hi. It's time to go.
- Okay, my e ku'u.

Um, actually, there's a
couple more bullet points

- we're supposed to go over. Yeah.
- Des, you said eight minutes.

- Any more than that will be...
- Re-immersion, right.

We're done talking.


- I got you that tea.
- Oh, thank you.

How does that make you feel?

You know, grateful and excited.


Okay, Marn, I will, ah,
catch you at rehearsal.

- I got you the hemp...
- I love that stuff.

Hey, what are you drinking?

...gonna move here,
and then just cut it...

- You're gonna cross out the...
- Yeah, exactly.


Elijah, hey. What a surprise.

Uh, can I talk to you
for a... about something?

Well, if it's about the troop
situation in Kandahar, then Alexia's

already beat you to the punch.

Why don't you wait in the wings,
we'll get a drink afterwards. Alexia,

- can you show him where to stand?
- Sure.

Um, no, actually, I... can we talk now?

- Get that in the teleprompter?
- Yes.

All right, is this another one
of your states of the union?

No, it's not.

I'm not happy with
the way we left things.

I was angry and I felt like
you were... embarrassed,

even though that's not an emotion
you claim to be able to feel.

Well, I'm gonna be embarrassed
if I miss this broadcast.

What is it?

Dill, I know you would
never admit this to yourself,

but don't you want to be with
somebody who sees you for you?

- Beyond all of this?
- Elijah.

I'm the only person who's
gonna be honest with you

about your bad jokes and the fact that,

no, you don't look
better with a shaved head.

And i-if you say your
private life is private

and then you go and
see Cher in Las Vegas,

that's not the same thing
as coming out of the closet.

But all those guys you
have around, all those...

fucking guys you just have,

they're only gonna tell
you what you want to hear

and they're gonna cater to you

because of your fame and
the stuff that you have.

I don't want your stuff.

You're gonna end up with nothing.

And you deserve everything.

Dill, don't you want to be with someone

who sees you for you?

Don't you want a... a boyfriend someone?

Who's honest?


- Hold on, hold on.
- I...

You're not wrong.

I've wanted something serious
for a while and... and...

maybe this is the time.

- Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
- That's not what I mean.

I'm looking for someone special.

A special someone.

For me.

And I'm not that someone.

What can I say, Elijah?
Love is so mysterious.

- What does he look like? No, I'm...
- Elijah, please.

I'm just curious. I'm really curious.
What does this person even look like?

I don't know, someone
closer to my own age...

- Well...
- tall...

Tall? We're like the
same height. How much...

how much taller could a person be?

Someone less aimless.

Thank you.

I feel so supported.

God, you've opened up my mind...

and my heart.

I'll think of you every
time I go to Brooklyn.

Can I help you?

Oh, yeah, hey.

I'm, ah, writing a poem...

out of found words,

so I'm, just, like,
looking for some words, man.

That's cool. Do you mind
if we give you a few words?

Yeah, for sure... tot... there
are like... there are no rules.

There are rules.



- "Silenced."
- Beautiful.

- "Champion."
- "Ally."

- "Tunic."
- Loving them.


I don't know if I'm gonna beat
that. That's really powerful.

Yeah, I haven't really, like,
perfected the rhyme scheme yet,

so these are actually perfect.

- Thank you.
- Um...


I dated this guy on and off for a while.
Like, two years. I mean, it was...

- it was pretty serious, I guess.
- Mm-hmm.

Um, but, ah, we broke up because I
went to the Iowa Writers' Workshop,

- which also didn't work out...
- Yeah, of course.

I mean, did you not just feel so
oppressed while you were there?

Or was it that, like, annoying
emphasis on traditional fiction

that just kind of, like...

- I just didn't want to write.
- Yeah, welcome to the club.

No, I mean, like, I don't write anymore.

I don't even write to-do
lists. I just don't do it.

Really? Just, like,
total identity switcheroo.

I think that's very brave. I think
that's very beautiful and brave.

You know, then I got back and
he was dating this girl... woman,

- Mimi-Rose.
- Howard?

- You know her?
- Mm-hmm.

She is such garbage, and if she fucks
with me at one more TEDxWomen's event,

I'm going to kill her
and then I will rejoice.

Her fucking lectures, she's just
like, "Hi, I've got a lot to say

about the feminist approach
to fucking being a bitch."

Oh, oh, for sure. She is like
a pure white blinding evil.

And then I dated this teacher
who was, like, you know,

fine, but he was a square.

- I'm not, obviously, a square.
- Mm-mm.

Plus, I was just using him
to try to get over Adam,

who's probably the only person
I've ever loved, so there's that.

So, why not just go after that?

Oh, I can't.

I couldn't even if I wanted to.

You remember Jessa, right?

Of course. She tried to
cook meth in South Hall

and then all the HazMat people
came and we were all so excited.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. In fairness to
her, she was cooking the meth to sell.

What she was smoking was crack.

- Well, that's good.
- But anyway, he's with her now.


And is that normal for you? I mean,
aren't you guys, like, best friends?

Thought so.

Oh, fuck.

That's so intense. I'm so sorry.

Yeah, I mean from what I remember,
she has really amazing hair.

She has amazing hair,
she's an amazing person.

- Mm-hm.
- She's just not a person

I can have in my life right now.

And the worst part is, like,
I miss them both, you know?

Like, I love them both so much,

I don't know who to
warn about the other one.

And I could do what my instinct is,

which is run around and
destroy things and scream

and try to throw myself in front
of a van to make a point, but...

end of the day, that would just be me
fulfilling all of their expectations

of me, and I would love to
surprise someone sometime.

Ooh, no. Oh, lady, no.

This is so sad.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

No. Oh, God.

That hurt me to hear that.



Poor girl.

I could've eaten seven more
hot dogs. I was just being calm.

Ugh, I feel like seven
hot dogs right now.

Plus, I just can't eat a lot

when someone else is
eating a minimal amount.

I feel like we should've
both just gone for it.

Did you just see this
asshole not lock his bike?

- No.
- Well, I did,

and I hate it when people
are like, "Oh, it was a sign."

But I think this is a sign.

- I'm not gonna steal a bike, Tally.
- That's what I'm saying.

If you know what I'm saying,
then you know you should do it.

Hop a leg over, get your vagina on
that seat, and ride into the future.

You know what? Yes.

People steal things all the
time without consequences.

- It's my time.
- That's right.

- It's my time.
- Inspired by me.

I've never felt more alive!

I have a new bike!

Hey, that's my bike!

- That's my bike!
- Ah! Go, go!

- Come back here!
- Keep riding!

♪ My thumb goes up, a car goes by ♪

♪ It's nearly 1:00 AM and here am I ♪

♪ Hitching a ride... ♪

- Uh-oh.
- ♪ Hitching a ride... ♪

- Hi.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

♪ Gotta get me home ♪

♪ By the morning light ♪

- ♪ I got no fare to ride a plane... ♪
- I wish I wasn't too scared

to look at the view. It's so nice!

Just feel it in your heart.

I can't even believe how fast I'm going!

Don't look back, but I
look exactly like a poodle

with her head sticking out the window.


Be careful. There's a bump.

♪ Hitching a ride... ♪


- Aw.
- This is me.

Okay, bye.

Well, we should smoke a Fatty J, right?


You're fun.

Okay, that place is about to turn into
a Manson Family situation any day now.

I am deeply uncomfortable
with what I have seen.

New York is dead.

The city's no place for
people like us anymore.

Okay, Hermie, I know it
feels that way, but, no.

Those hipsters are a
very specific subculture,

a vocal minority, if you will,
like the Westboro Baptist Church.

But they may all be
related for all we know.

This is what I propose.

Ray's as a destination
for the anti-hipster.

You're talking about rebranding?

Oh, a heavy rebranding.

Like when Kentucky Fried
Chicken just became KFC

so people would forget that they
were, you know, eating Kentucky food?

Gentlemen, it is high time we start
selling coffee to people with jobs.


Good, beautiful. Good job.

Good. Good girl. Good girl.

I've been so fucking jealous of you.


You're... are you kidding?

You're like the bar against which
I've measured everything, you know?

It's like, we graduated
from college four years ago,

and so I calculate, "Oh,
it's been four years.

Tally's published two books
of essays and a novel."

- And I did a book of poetry as well.
- And you did a book of poetry as well.

- Yeah.
- And what have I done?

You know? What have I done with my life

besides get not one
but two strains of HPV

and gain and lose a total of 33 pounds?

Oh, man.

That's so...

- crazy to be jealous of me.
- Oh, my God. Cut the shit, seriously.

Fair enough.


Yeah, I guess everyone is jealous of me.


Do you know I Google myself every day?

It's so gross, but I do,

and I just wanna see if, like,
Gawker or whoever they are

has written some snarky thing
about how much of a hack I am

or if even there's just,
like, a pretty picture of me

in the "Financial Times" roundup
of books of the year.

I need to see how other
people see me because...

it's the only way that I can see myself.

I wake up every morning
and I think, "Well, okay,

what would Tally Schifrin do?

Tally Schifrin is not even me now.

She's just, like, this
thing that I've created.

She's a monster that I've
made and I have to feed,

and she feeds on praise

and controversy.

And it's exhausting and boring at once.


I'm too smart to be exhausted and bored.

And now I have a book of essays due,

and not to be, like, boo-hoo about it,

but it's like what the fuck
am I gonna write an essay on?

All I do is Google myself and smoke weed

and, um, masturbate with
an electric toothbrush.

- You could afford a vibrator.
- I know. I really don't want one

and that makes me feel mentally ill.

Today's, like, the
most fun I've had in...

like 17 months.

I just thought you
woke up in the morning

in, like, a ray of sunshine
and, like, birds dressed you

and you just, like, came in your
pants from all the accolades,

and then people handed you awards
on your way to, like, a fancy dinner.

Yeah. Yeah.

Uh, I guess that's how
you're supposed to feel,

like, by my calculations, but...

Look at you.

You've had all these, like,
boyfriends and jobs and moments.

And you've lived all this truth.

It didn't feel like very
much while it was happening.

But it is much.

And you have so much to say.

And look at your little freckles.

Look at your little freckles
all over your little face.

And you have little tiny teeth.
They're so... little side teeth.

- These teeth?
- Mm-hmm.

- I don't even know if they're real.
- I love them.

- Oh, thank you.
- Yeah, I love them so much.

It's so nice.

Should we have sex?

Should we?

- Like, probably not. No!
- No. Okay.

- ♪ Let's go ♪ - ♪ Feelin' myself ♪

♪ I'm feelin' myself ♪

♪ I'm feelin' my, feelin' myself ♪

♪ I'm feelin' myself, I'm
feelin' my, feelin' my ♪

♪ Feelin' myself, I'm feelin' myself ♪

♪ I'm feelin' my, feelin' myself ♪

♪ I'm feelin' myself, I'm
feelin' my, feelin' my ♪

♪ Feelin' myself, I'm feelin' myself ♪

♪ I'm feelin' my, feelin' myself ♪

♪ I'm feelin' myself, I'm feelin' my ♪

♪ Changed the game with
that digital drop ♪

♪ Know where you was when
that digital popped ♪

♪ I stop the world ♪

♪ Male or female, it
make no difference ♪

♪ I stop the world, the world stop. ♪

- Hey.
- Hi.

You're, uh, at my door.


Yep, this is where I am.


I am having a very
strong feeling about you,

and it's been making
me really uncomfortable.


I am supposed to be alone right now.
You know, I'm spending time with myself.


I'm not supposed to be doing this,

but, um...

I want to brush your hair.

Come again?

I had a love dream about you.

- What the fuck is a love dream?
- I love you.

It can't be you.

It just... it can't. It can't be you.

- I think it might be me, Marn.
- Yeah.

- I really do.
- Yeah.

I just think the next
person I sleep with,

like, I want his ex-wife to be Spanish.

Fuck, Willem Dafoe is your answer.

Oh, my God. I would seriously...

- Hi.
- Hello.

- Hey.
- Yeah.

I'm sorry. Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry.


- No, no, no.
- I don't know. I don't know.

Oh. Please.

I'm in shock.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

♪ I've tried to express it ♪

♪ But I think it's all a bore ♪

♪ It's at the heart of me ♪

♪ A very part of me ♪

♪ Speak slowly, I can't hear you ♪

♪ My mind keeps spinning
closer and closer ♪

♪ To the rain on the roof
and the rain in my head ♪

♪ And the things that you said ♪

♪ It's nowhere in here and it's
everywhere else that I don't wanna be ♪

♪ But I'm stuck here
getting misty over you ♪

♪ I'm alone on a bicycle for two ♪

♪ Speak slowly, I can't hear you ♪

♪ My mind keeps spinning
closer and closer ♪

♪ To the rain on the roof
and the rain in my head ♪

♪ And the things that you said ♪

♪ Keep on sinking further ahead ♪

♪ And it just gets so foggy ♪

♪ It's nowhere in here and it's
everywhere else that I don't wanna be ♪

♪ But I'm stuck here
getting misty over you ♪

♪ I'm alone on a bicycle for two. ♪