Gigantor (1964): Season 1, Episode 16 - Treasure Mountain - full transcript

While exploring an ancient Inca temple, Professor Dig-A-Dug finds gold. But when he's captured by the mysterious Pisarro and his giant gorilla robot, Tiny, Gigantor is his only hope.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(electronic impulses beeping)

(jets whooshing)

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor, the space-aged robot

♪ He's at your command

♪ Gigantor, the space-aged robot

♪ His power is

♪ In your hand

♪ Bigger than big,
taller than tall

♪ Quicker than quick,
stronger than strong

♪ Ready to fight for
right against wrong

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

- [Announcer] Treasure Mountain!

These explorers, led
by Professor Digadig,

are incredible as it may
seem today in the year 2000,

lost somewhere in the mountains
of Peru in South America.

These mountains, the Andes,
are among the most bleak

and dangerous in the world.

- [Inspector Blooper]
You poor men.

- Inspector Blooper, hear
about the explorers being lost?

- Bob, I certainly did, and
I'd like to search for them.

- I would, too, Professor
Digadig is an old friend.

But searching up in those
incredible mountains

is going to make it
difficult to find them.

- Somebody's gotta
look for them,

and we might as well
do that dangerous job.

- Then we'd better
not waste any time.

I heard a report that
located up in those mountains

is a monster robot

under the power of some
kind of secret forces.

- Gol, it's even
worse than I thought.

- Inspector, let me go, too,
and I'll bring Gigantor.

If there really is a
monster robot there,

you'll need Gigantor's help.

- Right, so I'd
like you to join us,

and take him with you, Jim.

("Gigantor Theme" by
Singer and Raskin)

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- [Announcer] The search
party speeds toward

western South America, to the
land of the Andes Mountains,

and the lost ancient
civilization of the Incas.

(dramatic music)

(jets whooshing)

(gunshot firing)
(all shouting at once)

- Look out!
- Hey!

- [Inspector Blooper] Whew!

- What an unfriendly
way to welcome us.

Who did they think we were?

- Who do they think they are?

And where did those
sharp shooters go?

The police can't
seem to find them.

(police whistle tweeting)

- Haven't you found them?

- I never even saw them.

They must have disappeared
the minute they fired, hey!

Keep searching.

- Ah, senores, I am
most happy to see

that whoever shot
at you, missed.

I recognize those two
gentlemen from their pictures

in our newspaper,
but who are you?

- Dr. Bob Brilliant is my name.

- Pleased to meet you, I'm
very glad you've all come.

The vice-president is waiting
to greet you personally.

(bouncy piano music)



- Here we are at the
vice-president's house.

Kindly enter, senores.

- I am very pleased to meet you.

Welcome to our country.

We have been anxiously
waiting for you.

As you know, Professor
Digadig's party is lost

somewhere in the
mountains, I will tell you

as much as I know about
what happened to them.

Look at this map.

This is Atango Mountain,
it rises 14,000 feet.

At the top is a castle, which
was made in ancient times

by the Incas, it is rumored
to be loaded with gold.

- And the explorers
learned about it?

- Yes, one of their luggage
carriers made it back

to civilization and
told us the story.

He told us that
Professor Digadig

found some golden boxes there.

- He found golden boxes?

- Yes, it must have been a part
of the huge fortune in gold

the Incas hid away

when they were invaded
by another country.

(harp chords)

This is what happened when
Professor Digadig and his party

began exploring the
ancient Inca temple.

(suspenseful music)

- Professor Digadig, look
at the pile of boxes.

- They might have
Inca gold in them.

The rumors that we've heard
for years may be true.

We'll soon find out,
open one of them!

- [All] Wow!

- [Professor Digadig]
Millions in gold.

- [Man] You cannot
have that gold!

- [All] Huh?

- It's finders-keepers,
and don't you forget that!

It's ours!

- [Man] Ha ha, it's
going to be mine.

I waited for you to find it.

Now I'll take it from you.

- Don't even try, this
is our expedition,

so we're entitled
to whatever we find.

- [Man] That's what you think.

Whoever has that gold
will have more power

than anyone else in the world.

Your guns will do you no good.

They cannot hurt
me, put them away.

Ah, you refuse, very well.

Then I'll convince you that
you haven't got a chance.

Hey Tiny!

- [All] Oh!

(Tiny roaring)


- [Vice-President] And
that is as much as I know.

- [Jimmy] Wow!

- [Inspector Blooper]
Yeah, sounds bad.

- But Peru doesn't have any
gorillas, so far as I know.

- That is right, but
this was a robot gorilla,

operated by a schemer
who's name is Bizarro.

- Who is this Bizarro?

You'd better tell us about
him, in case we run across him.

- He is head of a secret
army called the Double-Os

that has been causing trouble.

Nobody has ever seen his face.

We have no idea
what he looks like.

And as for his headquarters,
he moves it from place to place

so we don't even know
where to find him.

- [Inspector Blooper]
Oh, this is terrible.

- Does Bizarro take
all that gold with him

when he changes the location
of his headquarters?

- I don't think so, Jimmy.

Bizarro's men guard the Atango
Mountain very carefully.

I think the gold is still there,

but frankly, I am very
worried about what Bizarro

might have done with Professor
Digadig and the others.

- We're worried, too,
we've got to find them.

And I think we should
begin our search right now.

- Yes, immediately, and I
hope we won't be too late.

- Gentlemen, keep a
sharp lookout for Bizarro

or his robot called Tiny.

I am sending our two best
mountain guides along,

Pablo and Pedro.

Any times you need help,
contact me by radio.

- Thank you, sir.

That's just what we're
going to be needing.

(bouncy piano music)

- Hey, Pedro, are my
eyes playing tricks,

or is that really a
horse coming this way?

- It is not a trick,
it is a horse.

And there is someone on it.

- Giddyap!

(sad music)

- Ah!

- [Bob] This must be
some of Bizarro's work.

- He's is one of the men
who helped the explorers.

(Pedro whimpering)

- Look, something's there.

- Ah, the note's from Bizarro,
demanding we stay away.

- How do you like that.

But we're not turning
back because of him.

- That's right, let's
ride on, men, giddyap!

(suspenseful music)

- They wouldn't go back.

I mustn't cry, but I
feel sorry for them.

- Well, here we are at the
foot of Atango Mountain.

Look how high it is.

Say, Inspector, can
you make it to the top?

- I can climb any
mountain in the world.

I'm just as spry
as you are, Jimmy.

Look up there, does this
look like a mountain

that I'd have any
trouble at all climbing?

Whew, it sure does.

- Let's go, then, Inspector,
it's really very simple.

(Inspector whimpering)

(hammer clanking)

(dramatic music)

- [Pedro] We are stuck, Pablo.

How can we go up any
higher, it is impossible.

- There has to be a way up
to the top of this mountain.

Bizarro climbed it.

- You are the chief
mountain guide.

Why don't you
think of something?

We can't stay here forever.

- Wait a minute, I just
got an inspiration.

Get down on your
hands and knees.

- You think climbing
on my back will help?

- Maybe then I can
reach that ledge.


- Maybe we'd better try
to do something else.

I'm going to signal
for Gigantor.

("Gigantor Theme")


(electronic impulses beeping)

- (laughing) Climbing this way
is easy, thanks to Gigantor.

(bass drum beating)

- [All] Help!


(Bizarro laughing)

- [Inspector Blooper]
Up here, it's real high.

- [All] Whoa!

- He saved them, I've got
to figure out some way

to get rid of that robot, hm.

Get ready, when I
fire this pistol,

hide behind the rocks.

- [Guide] What are you
going to do, Bizarro?

- You'll see.

(gunshot firing)

That'll make the snow slide
down the mountain, run!


- Hey, here comes a snowslide!

Look out!

- Aagh!

- Yah!

- Aack!

You are the chief mountain
guide, think of something!

- I'm not the chief
guide, I just quit.

(dramatic music)

- Gigantor has
saved us once again.

- Inspector, before the
snowslide, there was a gunshot.

I suspect it was
fired by Bizarro,

and he's trying to wipe us out.

("Gigantor Theme")

(moaning and groaning)

- [Pablo] Look,
up ahead, a cave!

- [Pedro] That robot is a better
guide than you are, Pablo.

- Inspector, this
storm is getting worse.

We'd better take
shelter in the cave.

- Right, Jim, it can't
be any more dangerous

than climbing up this
mountain in a storm.

(suspenseful music)

- [Pedro] What is that?

- What does it look like?

(both shouting)

Listen, you bag of bones,
try to go back to sleep.

- [Bizarro] Ah ha,
now they are just

where I want them to be.

(wind howling)

(Bizarro laughing)

I make them all into skeletons,
give me the TNT, Jose.

- [Jose] Here you are, a
nice going away present.

(dramatic music)

(explosives booming)

(rocks clattering)

- Landslide, a real big one!

- The cave entrance is blocked!

- This means we are trapped,
we may never get out!

- You know what to do, Jimmy.

Gigantor better hurry up.

- Yes, sir.

(electronic impulses beeping)

(bass drum beating)

- There are too many boulders
there, he will never make it.

And there's not much
air left to breathe.

- [All] Hurray, Gigantor!

- One blow, and he
could open it up, wow!


The worst sound I have
ever heard, what is it?

- [Jimmy] Something's out there.

(all shouting)

- [Inspector Blooper]
What is that?

- It's a robot, it
must belong to Bizarro.

I've been expecting it.

It's time somebody
put a stop to him.

(bass drum beating)

(Tiny yells)

(dramatic music)

(all shouting)

(dramatic music)

(Tiny yelling)

(dramatic music)

- My robot Tiny is the
strongest, I know he could win.

- Yes, me too, but now he
seems to be in some trouble.

Just look.

(dramatic music)

(all yelling)

- He lost the fight,
now he's melting.

- I thought he was pretty
hot, but not that hot.

I've got to think
of something else.

Come on, let's get out of here.

(dramatic music)

(wind howling)

- The ancient Inca
castle is up ahead.

- [Bob] Just think, Jimmy,
this is part of the ruins

of one of the greatest
ancient civilizations.

And no one knows what
happened to the people.

They just disappeared forever.

- We'd better try to find
Bizarro and his forces.

Pablo and Pedro,
lead us to them.

- Yes, Inspector, we'll try.

- Bizarro must be somewhere
up in that castle.

- Ah ha, Sparks, Blooper
and brilliant group

is about 300 meters
down the mountainside.

We've got everything read,
Bizarro, just give the word.

- The word, it's time to attack.

Battle formations, everyone.

(dramatic music)

(gunshots firing)

- [Jimmy] Look out!

(all yelling at once)

(dramatic music)
(gunshots firing)

- From the looks of those guns,

Bizarro must have a
whole army up there.

You'd better call Gigantor.

I'm going to radio the
Vice-President for help.

- Pedro and I will
go around in back

to see if we can find a way in.

- Good, careful
you're not spotted.

(electronic impulses beeping)

(bass drum beating)

(wind howling)

- [Announcer] Inside the
castle, Bizarro's men

are starting to move the Inca
gold to a new hiding place.

- You can't take that
gold, it belongs to us now.

Bring that treasure back here!

You have no right to it.

- [Bizarro] Silence, Digadig!

("Gigantor Theme")

(gunshots firing)

- [Announcer] In answer to
Inspector Blooper's call

for help, the
Vice-President sends troops.

(dramatic music)

(all yelling at once)

- I've got to stop Gigantor,
I use my supreme weapon.

Get ready!

("Gigantor Theme")

- They throw some
plastic over him.

- He can't move,
he's wrapped up.

(bass drum beating)

- Jimmy, they're digging a
big hole in the mountain,

and they're taking the boxes
of Inca gold away with them.

- They are, I'd better
send Gigantor after them.

(dramatic music)

- Look out, men,
here comes Gigantor.

(dramatic music)

(all cheering)

(gunshots firing)

- Fire!

(marching drums beating)
(gunshots firing)


(marching drums beating)
(gunshots firing)

- Into the castle!
- Right!

- Fall in!

(suspenseful music)

- [Jimmy] It's Bizarro!

- [Inspector Blooper]
Oh, drop that gun!

- Oh yeah, you think you've
got me, Inspector Blooper.

But you're wrong about that.

I wouldn't pull that trigger.

If you do, it'll be the
end of the explorers.

- [Jimmy] Look,
there's Professor
Digadig and the others.

- Professor, are you all right?

- [Bizarro] He
won't be all right

if you don't drop your
guns, drop them, I said!

- Never mind about me, get
Bizarro, before he gets you!

- [Bizarro] Silence, Digadig.

- [Pedro] No, you don't!


- Now you've had
enough fun, Bizarro.

Professor Digadig has every
right to the Inca gold,

because he found it,
and before you plug him,

you'll have to plug me
first, so go ahead and shoot.

- [Jimmy] Look out,
Pablo, he will!

- You bet I will.

- [Pablo] What are
you waiting for?

- I can't!

- Hey, come back
here, come back!

After him!


Gigantor must catch up to him!

- Right!

(electronic impulses beeping)

("Gigantor Theme")

Hurry, Gigantor, get this open!

(jets whooshing)

(rocks clattering)

(Bizarro screaming)

- [Inspector Blooper] Well, Jim,

I guess that's the
end of Bizarro.

(gunshot firing)

- Oh, Bob, thanks for getting
us out of a tight spot!

- [Bob] It isn't just me you
should thank, Diggy old friend.

I had a lot of help, you know.

- Hey, Pedro, come on, cheer up.

(Pedro moaning)

- That bullet smarted,
but I'm all right.

- You're very brave, I owe
my life to both of you men.

I'm more than grateful.

- We're glad that we could
be of such real help.


(trumpet fanfare)

- [Announcer] Later, at the
home of the Vice-President.

- I propose a toast
to you, Jimmy Sparks,

and Gigantor, without your
help and your powerful robot,

we would never see
Professor Digadig again.

And thank you, Inspector
Blooper and Dr. Brilliant.

- We couldn't have
rescued the Professor

without the help of your
army, they came just in time.

- By the way, gentlemen,

I have one more important
favor to ask of you.

- What is that,
Mr. Vice-President?

What else can we do?

- Professor Digadig
wants to bring the gold

to the World International
Bank, and there's some danger

of being robbed along the
way, so I would appreciate it

if Gigantor could guard
the gold on the trip.

Will you permit him?

- Certainly, it's a great honor.

- Peru will never forget
what you have done for us

by ridding us of Bizarro.

Let us drink another
toast to Gigantor.

To Gigantor!

- [All] To Gigantor!

(cheerful brass band music)

- [All] Bye-bye!

(shouting at once)

- Gigantor will watch
over the gold, so long!

- [Announcer] As they take
off, Jimmy does not suspect

that he and Gigantor
are headed straight

for another exciting adventure!

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor, the space-aged robot

♪ He's at your command

♪ Gigantor, the space-aged robot

♪ His power is

♪ In your hand

♪ Bigger than big,
taller than tall

♪ Quicker than quick,
stronger than strong

♪ Ready to fight for
right against wrong

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

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