Gigantor (1964): Season 1, Episode 12 - The Smoke Robots! - full transcript

Dr. Birdbrain's secret plans for a new spaceship are stolen by a mysterious smoke robot made of super-strength metal that even Gigantor can't stop.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor the space aged robot

♪ He is at your command

♪ Gigantor the space aged robot

♪ His power is in your hand

♪ Bigger than big
taller than tall

♪ Quicker than quick
stronger than strong

♪ Ready to fight for
right against wrong

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

The Smoke Robots!

And here's the news.

Final plans have been
drawn up of the rocket ship

that's going to take man
to the distant planet Mars

and beyond that to
the planet Jupiter.

The plans are now at Space
Laboratories where Dr Birdbrain

and the staff of geniuses
are studying the final draft.

Special parts are being
brought to these labs for

assembly of the rocket ship.

Here in the year 2000
this is expected to be

the greatest adventure into
space since we first went up.

We hope that the ship
will soon be finished.

Just imagine, they've got
all the plans for building

a ship that will take man all
the way to the planet Jupiter.

Hmm, I say that means
I haven't much time left.

What's all this
about having no time?

Yeah I'm going to space
pilot school and learn about

flying on of those
rocket ships Jimmy.

You want to pilot
one of those ships?

Why not?

I'm in perfect
condition, watch this,

I can touch the floor
when I bend my knees

and my reflexes are
in top condition.

You see how well I can balance?

That's great Inspector,
I didn't know you were able

to do all that.

I can even walk
on my hands, look.

Wow, you're pretty
good at it Inspector.

Inspector Blooper!

Hey you had a crash
landing, are you alright?

Jim am I going to make
a good space pilot or not?

Hmm, I don't think you are

but you make a good police
officer, so stay on Earth.

Jimmy's right Inspector,
now let's go with our cameras

to the Birdbrain house and
speak with Dr Birdbrain

concerning his space
ship, please stand by.

Oh we'll see
him now Inspector.

Thank you for allowing
our camera in here,

Dr Birdbrain tell our audience
about your new space ship.

Will it carry only one man?

No there will be
a crew of three,

a pilot, a second
pilot and a geologist.

I see, and are these
men already chosen?

Not yet and I'll be
extremely careful to pick

just the right type,
no police inspectors.

Will you kindly show the
plans for your rocket ship

to our TV audience?

They're top secret,
I'm very sorry.

Well I, what's that?

What's that Jimmy?

It's a robot, it's smashing
the Birdbrain house apart.

Are you sure this isn't

part of the TV show?

No, something's
really wrong, look.

I see what you mean.

Inspector we'd better
go see if we can help.

You're right, hurry!

Come on!

The robot is after the safe!

Robot, you're
wasting your time!

You've come here
for the secret plans

but the plans aren't here!

We got here as fast as we
could, where's the robot Doctor?

He disappeared
into some smoke.

It did, but how's
that possible?

Is it gone?

Careful, do you see it?

I guess it's safe then.

Yes sir, I was standing
right here when that

robot attacked,
a horrible sight.

And then the robot
disappeared into smoke you say?

Well I figure it's got
some mysterious power.

It's a spooky robot.

Isn't this mysterious enough
without you being spooky?

You're absolutely right.

The robot was looking
for the plans for my rocket

but they're not here
and so when it couldn't

find them it disappeared.

Yeah I wonder who owns
the mysterious robot,

we'll have to make
an investigation.

Tell me, where are the
plans really kept Doctor?

The plans are all
safely within a bank vault

where they can't get them.

They'll need extra protection
now, we'll throw a special

police corden around the bank.

Hmm, good I appreciate it.

The plans are in a bank
vault and it's guarded.

Let's go.

The police hide everywhere.

Hours pass and all is calm.

Everything okay?

Nothing to report sir.

But then.

If those fools think that
a thousand guards are gonna

stop us they're wrong.

You are right, so let
us get on with the job.

Ah here we go.

smoke pours from the car

and moves past unsuspecting
guards toward the bank.


A bank guard
sees it ring for the elevator.

Wait smoke, wait for me!

Then incredibly it emerges where

Inspector Bloopers'
men guard the vault.

What's that smoke from?

The bank vault was
so well guarded,

how did the robot get in there?

Quick get the secret plans
back from that robot!

Help help, help get us out!

Help us!

This is a great emergency,
that robot has stolen the plans

for the rocket, you'd
better send Gigantor!

Okay sir!

Get the plans, Gigantor!

Attack that robot!

Something wrong sir?

That robot's made of
something very strong,

some kind of metal
I've never seen before.

Gigantor better be careful!

After him, don't let
him get away Gigantor!

Not far away
the men who control the smoke

robot can scarcely
believe their eyes.

Somethings wrong with him!

They decide to turn it
back into smoke.

But Gigantor recovers the
plans from the robot's arm!

Well Gigantor's
done another good job,

we got your plans back.

How can I thank you?

The whole world
should be grateful,

this arm is made of
SS Brace Steel 51,

the dream of steel makers.

I didn't know it had
been developed already.

The robot'll be after the
plans again, take care of 'em.

I'll try my best for the
sake of the whole world

but who knows what kind
of schemers we're facing.

Obviously they'll
stop at nothing.

Doctor maybe
there's some other way

to hide the rocket plans?

If there were some way you
could reduce them in size,

the robot might not notice them.

You've given me an idea,
I'll put them on a slide film.

Shh, even the walls
have ears Doctor,

the enemy might be listening.

The mysterious men

return to their headquarters.

Well boys?


Did you bring me the plans
for Birdbrain's rocket ship?

Sorry Mr Dubble Trubble
but smoke robot was beaten

up by Gigantor, the
strongest robot on Earth.

How dare you say that?

Our smoke robots
are more powerful

and no robot on
Earth can beat it!

You see Mr Dubble Trubble we
used smoke robot number three

so next time I am
going to use number six

and Gigantor won't
be able to beat him.

Nincompoop, why didn't
you use number six right

from the beginning?

Well because I am a nincompoop

and I did not know
Gigantor was so strong.

Another blunder like
this and Dubble Trubble's

gonna make double
trouble for you!

Yes Mr. Dubble Trubble.

We've been sent
on this mission by

President Can And
Cannot of our country to

get the plans for
that rocket ship.

We'd better succeed or
all of us are gonna be in

the soup with Can and Cannot.

From now on you must
make an all out effort to

get those plans!

- But!
- But me no buts!

Our country of swamp and
dank must be the first

to land on Mars, it's the
only way we could achieve

world leadership.

I know, I
know M.r Dubble Trubble.

Then stop being a
nincompoop nincompoop

and get those rocket plans!

Birdbrain has the
ship almost completed

so we don't have much more time!

Okay we will try harder
to get those plans!

We'll get 'em!

Use number six robot
and see that you do!

In a secret
laboratory Dr. Birdbrain's

rocket is nearly ready.

Hiya Dr. Birdbrain.

Hello Doctor.

How's the ship?

With all the trouble we
thought we should check up.

It's coming along.

Coming along?

It looks great!

By the way Doctor,
have you decided whose

going to fly the ship?

They're already
being trained for it.

Too bad.

Inspector Blooper
you see would like to

act as one pilot.

The Inspector?

Let's step into the laboratory
and I'll try you out for it.

Here we are.

This is called our
Merry-Go-Round of Space.


I'll tell you.

As soon as the rocket ship
blasts off whoever's in

it will feel a tremendous increase
to the force of gravity.

This special unit will test
the pilot's strength against

the forces of gravity.

I have a feeling I'm
not going to like this.

Now this is the rotation
table, get on it, go ahead.

It's easy!

Now Inspector we'll test
you for weightlessness.

Oh please no more testing,
I've had enough testing.

Are you giving up already?

A good rocket ship pilot
will go through everything.

Well then I'll go
through everything too.

Now the weightlessness test,

I don't know if I'll
be able to pass it.

I say, I'm floating as if I
didn't weight anything at all.

Is this what flying
in space will be like?

Hey, that's no way for a
future space pilot to act.

Can you get up?

I don't now how those pilots

are going to be able to do it.

I sure am not going to.

I could let you
go up in the ship

just as a passenger Inspector.

No thank you, I'll
stay on the ground,

I'd rather be a coward.

It's that robot!

It's not the same one Jim,

this robot's
bigger, much bigger!

Call for Giagantor Jim, hurry!

I will!

Look out!

Try again Jim, Giagantor's
our only chance!

Outside the
men who control smoke robot

number six are growing worried.

What's wrong?

You better do something.

Giagantor's beating him.

Use the smoke!
I am trying!

But nothing's working!
Use the auxiliary power!

I'm using everything
the robot's got left.

Smoke robot's finished
and I'm certain that all of

the trouble's over too.

Oh really hope so Inspector,

but as long as we build wonderful
ships like this to explore

space our enemies will
try to steal them from us

to use for their own
selfish purposes.

But thanks to you and Jim
and Gigantor this ship has

been saved and can be
launched toward Jupiter

in the near future.

I feel however we haven't
heard the last of the men

who control those smoke robots.

Someday we'll again
hear from them.

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor the space aged robot

♪ He is at your command

♪ Gigantor the space aged robot

♪ His power is in your hand

♪ Bigger than big
taller than tall

♪ Quicker than quick
stronger than strong

♪ Ready to fight for
right against wrong

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor

♪ Gigantor