Ghost Adventures (2008–…): Season 14, Episode 7 - Skinwalker Canyon - full transcript

Zak and the crew are given special permission from the Navajo Nation to investigate Skinwalker Canyon, a place where many residents refuse to enter in fear of encountering shape-shifting creatures.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Do you think that
we are going to be safe

going past the point
that you say don't go?

ZAK: Aaron?

What's the gun for?

Zak, come in. Whoa!

I'm freaking out, man.

-ZAK: You can die?
-You can die.

-Do you feel it now?
-[ Laughs ]

[ Whispers ]
I don't know what to do.


ZAK: There are things
in this world

that we will never
fully understand.

We want answers.

We have worked years
to build our credibility,

our reputation,

working alongside

the most renowned professionals
in the field,

capturing groundbreaking proof
of the paranormal.

-It's working!
-Whoa! What was that?

I can't give you
an explanation.

ZAK: This is our evidence,

our "Ghost Adventures."


We are in the Four Corners
region of America,

and the Four Corners region

is a very mysterious,
superstitious region

that is kind of like
our own version

of The Bermuda Triangle.

Lots of weird stuff
happens around this area.

We have gotten
very special permission

from the, uh,
Navajo Reservation

to investigate
Skinwalker Canyon.

They never go there.
It's, like, off-limits.

Total off-limits. They will not
enter the canyon.


So I think that's why
they invited us.

They probably think
we're nuts.

So here on the reservation,
practitioners of Adejgesh,

or, uh, witchcraft here,
is a very real thing.

ZAK: This dark magic practiced
within the canyon

calls forth a shape-shifting
being seldom spoke of

outside of Navajo culture --
the skinwalker.

The owner of a trading post
on the Reservation

has requested to give us
some warnings

about the choice that
we have made

to investigate
Skinwalker Canyon.

We soon realize that even
speaking about Skinwalkers

on Navajo Nation
is extremely forbidden.

We are on
the Navajo Reservation.

There's a whole different
culture here,

and there's
whole different beliefs.

There are creatures here
called skinwalkers.

They strongly believe
that these entities,

creatures, exist here
in the reservation

where we're at right now.
They do.

It's a very,
very strong belief.

They, for the most part,
fear the Skinwalker.

Is it true there was a man
that was beheaded

because he was
a skinwalker?

I can't talk about that.

-You can't talk about that?

ZAK: Tom cannot speak
of this story

for fear of being cursed
by a skinwalker.

But according to accounts,
there was a Navajo man

who was known
on the reservation

for conjuring skinwalker
entities through witchcraft.

His wife said this created
a darkness inside of him

that kept growing
until, one day,

she put an end to it

by cutting off his head.


So your advice to me,
to us,

is to find Navajo people

and ask them
about the skinwalkers,

the Navajo witches,

and they will tell us
more in detail about them?

Some of 'em will.

Why -- why wouldn't others

If they talk about
the skinwalker to you,

uh, or a non-Indian,

something could happen
to them.

Something could happen?
Like what?

They could get sick.
They could die or go blind.

-They could die?

So something very serious
could -- could happen to us?

-Not to you. No.
-Not to me? Why?

You don't believe
in the skinwalker.

-I do, though.
-No, you don't.

-I do.
-You think you do,

but if you really believed
in the skinwalker,

you wouldn't be going to
Skinwalker Canyon.


ZAK: Tom's words chill me
to the very bone.

In all my years of exploring
the paranormal,

this is something
I know very little about.

I feel uncertain
for the first time in years

about what lies ahead

and how wise it is
to look for it.

Members of the tribe have
come out to welcome us

and offer us safe passage
into the canyon.

I can only hope
that we won't need it.

-What's up, guys?
-MAN: Zak and Aaron!

-How you doing?

What is it? Yah'eh-teh'?
-MAN: Yah'eh-teh'.

Yah'eh-teh'. Hello.

Take care of yourselves
in your endeavors

and what you're here
to look for, the skinwalkers.

Blessings to you
and your crew as well.

This means a lot to us.

We thank you, and we are ready
to do this investigation

while the goodness of all
your hearts will protect us.

Thank you.

Despite this blessing,
it is hard to feel at ease

knowing we are heading deeper
into the skinwalker's territory.

These roads are
very well-known for...

You drive at night.
You see a coyote.

Then all of a sudden,
you're doing 60 miles per hour,

and the coyote is running
with you.

You can see it out the side
of your window.

The coyote then
turns into a man,

and the man has
glowing yellow eyes.

Skinwalker Canyon,
or Ojo Amarillo Canyon,

means "yellow eyes."

As we approach Skinwalker Canyon
for the first time,

we see a huge dirt barrier
and barbed wire fence

blocking the entrance.

My nerves begin to tense up.

We meet a man named Randy,
who refuses to enter

and is reluctant to even be here
speaking to us.

Have you -- have you been
in here?

I don't venture in here

because, uh, there's --
there's beings out here

that are unexplainable.

-Have you seen them?
-I have seen them.

There's areas where
the skinwalker would be,

and it'll just come out
real fast,

turn, look at me,

and I get nauseated.

There's two parts to it.

There's the -- the actual person
that's doing the singing...

...and the conjuring
right here.

This is what you see
in the dark, the conjuring part.

ZAK: The Navajo witch creates
the skinwalker entity

through a sacrificial ritual

where it has control
of what acts of terror

it does on the living.

But where in Skinwalker Canyon
are these rituals done?

Why this particular canyon?

Why do you think
the skinwalkers are here?

Is this their home?

There's a cave back there.

You believe that the cave
in Skinwalker Canyon

is where these Navajo witches

will -- will do
the conjuring?

They will, what we call
bad medicine.

All right,
we just got here.

Uh, we're at the entrance
of Ojo Amarillo Canyon,

Skinwalker Canyon.

Uh...what's the gun for?

There may be
a Skinwalker out there.

Um, during the day,
it's highly unlikely,

but at night, usually, it will
get pretty, uh, dangerous.

Okay, so let me
get this straight.

If you see a Skinwalker,

you will shoot at it?

If they keep their distance,
then I won't fire.

Okay. Okay. Very good.

I feel more comfortable
around you now...
Okay. [ Chuckles ]

...that you've explained
the use of your gun.

Yes, sir.

We are at the entrance
of Skinwalker Canyon, right?

-Yes, sir.

Vincent's got a gun,
and I got a machete.

[ Vincent chuckles ]

This won't do nothing
against a skinwalker.

Yeah, if they're that close,

they have other means
of dealing with you.

There's even belief that

they can cause paralysis
with their sight.

ZAK: We find a path around
the barricade using our 4x4s.

Vincent has agreed to lead us
further into the canyon

to a dangerous underworld
the Navajo call Witchcraft Cave,

where the skinwalkers
have been summoned.

Do you think that we are
going to be safe

going in here past the point
that you say don't go?

That's your life.
[ Chuckles ]

-I would say...
-What does that mean?

That's your life.
That's your risk.

You go beyond that,
and if you don't come out,

then...then that's it.


This is a very real thing.

It's a very real thing.

You guys don't mind if I chamber
my pistol just in case, right?

That's fine.

-And then...Are you good now?
-JAY: No, it's still there.

ZAK: We're getting, like,
a mirror image on the bottom.

We've never seen this before.

And it just happened right when
we got out of the car.

It is not uncommon
for manifestations

within the magnetic field
to disrupt our equipment,

but we have never
seen this happen

to any of our cameras before.

I am now in a panic to see that
Vincent has chambered his rife

and wonder what will happen

if we stumble upon
a Navajo witch inside the cave,

a living person trying
to conjure a skinwalker.

That little ledge is right
where we're gonna

have to go across
right there.

ZAK: As we approach
the Navajo witches' cave,

a place no one will enter
and rarely speak of...

...I feel as though
an impending doom

is our immediate fate,

And yet, for some reason,

something seems to draw me

There's actually
fresh shoe tracks right here,

but there was no fresh tracks
coming up here.

That ground hasn't
been broken.

[ Walking Thunder
playing notes ]

ZAK: You can die?

You can die.



ZAK: We are following
mysterious footprints

inside of
the Navajo Witchcraft Cave,

led by our
skinwalker tracker, Vincent.

Does that look like a -- Hey,
does that look like a-a phoenix?

See that rock right there?

It looks like a phoenix
with wings.
Oh, wow.

ZAK: Is this a warning to
keep outsiders away

or perhaps a sign of a ritual
that was conducted here?

A phoenix obtains new life
by arising

from the ashes
of its predecessor,

changing from one state
of being to another,

much like the skinwalker,

which is raised through
the ashes of a ritual

and animal sacrifice.

AARON: Dude,
this is incredible, man.

We're in the Skinwalker Canyon
inside the cave.


Are you guys seeing
those tracks back there?



Where'd they go? They just left.

How are they not
answering me?

They just turned
this corner.


-How does that make sense?
-BILLY: Doesn't make any sense.

They just went around
this corner.

I don't know.
You can't even hear 'em.

-They're off our audio, too.



When I first called for Aaron
and Vincent only moments ago,

you could faintly see
their flashlights.

And they, without a doubt,

should have easily heard
my voice

reverberate off the stone walls
of this cave.

Look at this.

Look at this. It's an archway.

Should we go under this archway?

BILLY: Uh...

Crossing under here could mean
crossing into another dimension.

Right, like a portal.

ZAK: A gateway.

Natural stone arches
across the world

are commonly believed
to be doorways

crossing into
other dimensional worlds.

This would be about the spot
where we last saw

Aaron and Vincent's flashlights,

and they would have
had to go under this arch.

Could they have entered
into another realm,

affecting time and space?

We find them an hour later,

both confused and trance-like,

causing us to end
our exploration of the cave.

Something seems very wrong.

As night falls, a medicine woman
approaches us out of nowhere

and tells us
that we need to undergo

a Navajo warrior's ceremony,

to be performed
the following day.

Her name is Walking Thunder.

She feels that we are
already in danger

from entering the cave,

and this ceremony
will prepare us

for the canyon at night.


Okay, this is
what warrior paint is.


It's, uh, one of the things

that they won't be trying
to get you with it.

-The skinwalkers?


While he's doing it,
I wanna go ahead and sing.


[ Singing in native language ]


ZAK: Before we came to
the reservation,

we could not anticipate how much
our own understanding

of the skinwalker would
begin to change,

how much we ourselves
would change.

Becoming honorary warriors
of the Navajo nation

is a responsibility
bestowed on us

that we will not take lightly.

We will honor this protection
and the legacy of its people.

Now, this one is
called the ghostbuster.

-The ghostbuster?

-Right up our alley.

ZAK: At this moment,
none of us are aware

that this ghostbuster herb

we are consuming
and breathing in

in is actually a very powerful
hallucinogenic plant

used in sacred Navajo ceremonies

to commune with deities
through visions.

[ Walking Thunder
playing notes ]

-You're the leader, right?

I want you to say...Ha!

-Right there.



-How do you feel?


[ Walking Thunder
playing notes ]

ZAK: My senses feel heightened
by a growing connection

to the canyon and its people.

Well, when you're searching
out there,

make sure you go...Ha!

Go like that as hard
as you can.

Or just go within yourself
and just kind of yank your body.

What can happen
if one of us shows fear

tonight to a skinwalker?

[ Clears throat ] Once they know
you're scared, that's it.

-What does that mean?
-You're gonna either die

or you're gonna either
passed out.

-You can die?
-You can die.

Remember that that warrior paint

is gonna be with you
the rest of your life.

Even though you wash your face,
it's gonna be there,

and people will see it.

ZAK: But before we can begin
final preparations

for our investigation,

we must first contend

with the ritual's
extreme physical impact

on our bodies.

We are not at all prepared
for the effect

the hallucinogenic has on us.

About ready to investigate

at the Skinwalker Canyon.

So we just got done
doing this ceremony

and it was the...

I mean, I-I feel amazing.

I feel absolutely incredible.
Like, just superpowers.

-This is some deep stuff.
-BILLY: Yeah, I know.

[ Voice warped ] I had visions
I was twitching...

[ Voice warped ] Mm-hmm.

I feel amazing.

[ Slo-mo voice ] Amazing.

[ Normal voice ]
For the next few hours,

we are unable
to concentrate on filming.

We decide to get into one car

because we do not want
to be separated.

[ Voice warped ] Right now,
we're in the spirit world.

God, I even look weird.

[ Laughter ]
[ Howls ]

[ Laughing ]

Something's not right.

Do you feel that?


I I feel like we can't
get out of this car.

The car feels safe.

How long is it gonna last?

You all right, Jay?

All I know is that
we're warriors.

We're Navajo warriors.

[ Howls ]

ZAK: [ Normal voice ]
After about 4 intense hours,

the hallucinogenic plant,

known as devil's weed,
begins to subside.

And again, we had no idea

Walking Thunder
was going to give this to us,

as we thought it was just some
type of sage or cleansing herb.

ALL: Ha!
Dude, I just heard some lady go,

"There you are."

Guys, this is
an animal head skull.



All right,
it's about that time.

We're gonna jump in our
off-road vehicles right now.

We've got our war paint on,

done by a Navajo medicine woman

by the name of Walking Thunder.

It was an absolutely
incredible ceremony.

But we also know
very serious risks ahead of us,

because it's so strong
in the Navajo culture

that skinwalkers
are in this canyon.

These skinwalkers were conjured,
created by, uh, Navajo witches

that did their rituals in a cave
that we're gonna go to.

-It's time. You guys ready?

-Let's go.
-Aaron, good luck to you.

-Good luck.
-One, two, three...Ha!

ZAK: We begin
this terrifying journey

by heading to
the witchcraft cave

where we were told
Navajo witches do their rituals

to create and conjure
skinwalker entities.

Here we go, man.


ZAK: As we arrive at the caves,
we make a dangerous ascent

to the entrance
along a very loose slope.

Be careful, guys.

You can look right here.

We're walking along
this ridgeline right here.

-ZAK: One little fall,

and you're falling
100 feet straight down,

and your head's gonna crack
on that rock.

Baby step along this
ridgeline, you hear me?

ZAK: As you will notice,

Aaron is carrying
several animal pelts

that were given to us
by a Navajo man.

They are meant
to attract skinwalkers.

-Hey, guys?

-Whoa. What the hell?


This wasn't here yesterday,

-What is that?

ZAK: It's the, uh,
remnants of a fire.

AARON: So last night.

I bet you it had to be --
This had to have been
last night.

This was not here.

Hang on, there's something
in the fire.

What is this?

What is... [ Exhales sharply ]

Guys, this is
an animal head skull.
AARON: Shut up.

This is an animal head skull.
Do you see this?

-An animal was burned there.

That is an animal. That's
the bottom of a skull. Look.

That's the bottom
of the skull.

That's the head.
That's the back of the skull.

-That was the front.

Wouldn't you say
that's sacrificial?

-Why am I touching it?
-I don't know.

Yeah, you're not supposed to
touch that stuff, Zak, at all.

Okay, so we just got
to the entrance of
the witchcraft cave,

and we just discovered
an animal head skull

has been burnt in a fire
at the entrance of the cave.

We fear that a Navajo witch
came here last night

to put a curse on us
by sacrificing an animal

to summon a skinwalker.

-Oh, my gosh.
-That is...

I notice there's something
burnt on the wall over there.

-Did you see that?
-What? Ohh. Come here, Zak.

-That was not there either.
-That definitely was not there.

ZAK: Are you kidding me
right now?

AARON: Nope.

There's three --
three marks.

Look, they would've been
holding the flame

against the wall,
it would've burned the wall.

-Why would they do that?
-And lookit, this is fresh.

-That's super fresh.
-Do you see this? Look at this.

That's fresh ash on my hands.
And yet again, I'm touching it.

-Why is it right there?
-Don't keep touching that.

BILLY: Especially
if it's ceremonial, man.

Okay, so we've got one, two,
three...three marks.

Definitely demonic
in nature.

-Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
-Wait. Wait.

Aaron, what is that right there?
A feather.

-Yeah, that is a feather.
-Oh, yeah.

Guys, this happened last night.

-Another thing?
-AARON: What?

It's a shell casing.
That's, uh, that's new.

That's a big bullet, guys.
It's a .45.

And that, uh, that's...
not good.

Look for bloodstains.

Look at this, it looks
like a bullet hole.



Going to the night vision.

ZAK: All right.
Let's go night vision.

There's a couple more
burn marks.



ZAK: As we climb deeper
and deeper into the cave,

we all sense that
something isn't right.

And I don't mean
any psychosomatic feelings

due to the objects
we just discovered.

It's like Aaron says,

there is some type
of threatening energy

that keeps growing
stronger and stronger.

Aaron, this is when we're
gonna leave you alone.

Like, that's serious.

I understand that's serious.

We gotta take things up
one level from the last.

There's the rest of the cave.
The archway is down there.

I believe that the remnants
over here that we just saw,

I believe that the Navajo witch
does the ritual there,

and I believe
what the Navajo witch creates,

the skinwalker, comes through
that gateway up here.

I keep feeling something,
like, passing by us.

-Me, too.
-Are you feeling that?

ZAK: With Aaron
getting ready to take

the ultimate
Navajo warrior challenge,

we now leave him by himself

with multiple X cameras
recording his every move.

Jay will remain at the entrance
of the cave for safety reasons

while also trying
to call upon the skinwalker

by playing
Native American drum chants.

Billy and I decide to head
deeper into the canyon

to conduct visual surveillance
with night vision binoculars.


Oh, my god. [ Panting ]

Dude, I just heard
some lady go,

"There you are."

[ Whispers ] It was so weird.

I swear the whole energy
of this cave just got so scary.

BILLY: It smells like
a dead body right here.

I'm freaking out, man.



ZAK: Billy and I are driving

deep into
the Ojo Amarillo Canyon

in search of skinwalkers.

Think we could
drive up that, or no?

No, dude. But I don't know
where the road goes.

-You know what?
-Stop right here for a second.

-Wait. Hold on.

I thought I saw eyes
in the bushes over there.

Pan back over.

-Pan back over it.

What'd you see?

Billy, be careful, dude.
Let me see the camera.
Let me see the camera.


-BILLY: Hey, smell this.
-[ Sniffs ]

Do you remember what she said?
Do you smell that?

It smells dead.

It smells like a dead
body right here.

When you approach it,

he's gonna smell
the ugly stink, rotten.

-He will smell of rotten flesh?

All right. Now Billy and I

found this spot on this ridge,

and Billy thought he saw
some -- some eyes out here.

So we're just gonna scan
this whole ridgeline here.


[ Exhales deeply ]

Right now, behind me
is the archway.

We believe this is where
the spirits can come in and out.

I have two motion sensors.

One is back behind this,

so if anything comes through
there and at me, I'll know.

And another one is behind here,

and there's also a game cam
sitting there.

Not only that, I also have
a thermal camera set up

shooting me in case
something comes around.

[ Breathing deeply ]

I'm nervous.
I'm really, really nervous.

JAY: All right, I'm ready.
[ Radio beeps ]


I'm sitting here
at the front of the cave,

playing this drum chant.

I'm sitting right next to
the ritual we found

with the burned up skull.

Markings over there on the wall.

The energy, you can feel it.
It's livening up.

I don't even know what's going
on with Aaron in there,

but I hope he's all right.


The vibe in here
just got really bad.

You can hear the drums
coming from back there

all the way through here,

straight through there.

Do you like the chants that
you're hearing from the drums?

Does this bother you?

Witch, come through this cave.

Skinwalker, come in here
and talk to me, please.


[ Low growl ]

[ Gasps ] What was that?
I just heard, like... [ Pants ]

[ Button clicks ]

[ Exhales deeply ]

I just asked the skinwalker

or the witch
to come and talk to me,

and I swear the whole energy
of this cave just got so scary.

I'm at another dilemma where
I just wanna walk away so bad.

[ Inhales and exhales deeply ]

I'd like to see your face.
Is that okay?

Would you come over to me?

Would you talk to me?
Would you come next to me?

[ Low growl ]

[ Whispers indistinctly ]

[ Whispers ] What was that?

[ Wind whistling ]

[ Inhales deeply ]

What was that?

Head light time.
[ Breathing heavily ]

Oh, my god. What was that?

What was that? What was that?
What was that?

Zak? Zak, come in right now.
[ Radio beeps ]

Aaron, are you okay?

Billy and I faintly hear Aaron
calling for me on the walkie.

We try to respond but receive
no further communication,

so we decide to continue
our investigation.

Zak, come in right now, dude.

I think I just heard a bobcat
or something, dude.

[ Gasps ] What was that?

Something just screamed like...
[ Growls ] at me, bro.

I'd like to see your face.
Is that okay?

Would you come over to me?

Would you talk to me?
Would you come next to me?

[ Breathing shakily ]

I just heard something
that sounded like a bobcat

or even like a witch
mixed with a bobcat.

I'm freaking out, man.
[ Radio beeps ]

I don't know what to do.
I... [ Exhales sharply ]

[ Radio beeps ]

[ Whispers ]
I don't know what to do.

I-I know they said
don't show fear.

[ Breathing deeply ]

I feel like I'm gonna black out.

I feel like I'm gonna black out
and just wake up in my bed.


[ Camera thuds ]





She said if you get scared
or something, you gotta...

do that.



[ Howling in distance ]

[ Howling stops ]

[ Whispers ] Oh, my God.
That was a whole pack of 'em.

ZAK: Earlier, we were told

skinwalkers can shape-shift
into coyotes.

I just heard a whole pack
of wild coyotes.

And they sounded like they were
coming straight this way

when I made that noise.

ZAK: You can use it as a portal
to travel as you like.

I saw a dark shadow
come up right here.

AARON: Dude, something just
touched my shoulder.



ZAK: Aaron is all alone

at the back of New Mexico's
witchcraft cave

when he hears what sounds like
a pack of coyotes,

or perhaps a skinwalker
that has transformed.

[ Howling in distance ]

[ Whispers ] That was
a whole pack of 'em.

Right now, I called the witch,

or I called the...

I just thought of something
I shouldn't have.

There's a whole pack
of wild wolves comin'.

I'm gonna back out of this cave
a bit just for my safety.

I'm gonna go around
the other side.


ZAK: As I continue scanning
this ridgeline,

I do see a strange pair of eyes

staring back at me
in the distance.

Yes, this could be
easily explained

as some type of animal,

but out here
in Skinwalker Canyon,

these animals could also be
shape-shifting skinwalkers.


[ Screech in distance ]

-ZAK: Did you hear that?
-BILLY: Yeah, I heard that.

-It was definitely a screech.
-Hey, you know what's weird?

When we got out the car,
and this foul smell,

it was there,
and then it was gone.

Yeah, you're right, Billy.

-BILLY: It's completely gone.
-You're absolutely right.

You smelled it, right?
It's not just me.

I smelled it.
I swear to it 100%.

-I smelt it with you.

-And what did it smell like?
-100%, rotten flesh.

-A dead body.
-A dead body.

-But it's gone now.

-It's gone.
-It was here and then left.

-[ Gasps ] Oh! Oh!

-Don't you ever do that again.
-ZAK: Oh, my God.

What? What'd you --
Did you see something?

Bill, I just saw
a black, dark shadow.

A shadow was
right over you, Bill.

-I'm sorry.
-Oh, my God.

I swear to God, I saw
a dark, dark, dark shadow

come up right here, Billy.

It was right over you.

How far does
this camera go over?

Man, I am unner-- I'm...

Hold on, Billy. Hold on.

And not it's over there!

-ZAK: It's back over there.
-[ Exhales sharply ]

The screeching
is over there now.

ZAK: Here's a quick recap of
this sequence of events.

Medicine woman Walking Thunder
told us

we would smell rotting flesh
when a skinwalker is nearby.

I then see a pair of eyes
staring back at us.

And as the eyes disappear,

we hear a screeching sound
above us.

Next, I look over at Billy

and see a tall, dark figure
quickly pass by behind him.

This figure then vanishes
only a moment before

this same screeching sound
comes again,

only now it's on
the other side of us.

Could we be in the presence
of a skinwalker

that quickly transformed into
a human shape from an animal?

[ Rustling ]

-[ Jay speaks indistinctly ]

ZAK: As Aaron
is in a state of panic

from hearing a loud growl inside
of the cave with him,

he makes his way back
to the entrance of the cave

where he meets up with Jay,
who has a new idea

for using mysticism
to peek inside

the interdimensional veils
of this cave.

I'm gonna attempt
some scrying.

It's a form of communicating
with the spirit world

through the use of mirrors.

A lot of mystics,
a lot of sorcerers

and witch doctors
would use mirrors

and they would stare into them

and they would ask for messages
or signs of something,

and things would appear

from the spiritual world
in the mirror.

Part of -- One of the ceremonies
of the skinwalker

is to scry in a mirror

and actually morph
their own face into...

-You know what I mean?

[ Howling in distance ]

[ Gasps ]

What -- what was that?

What was that?

That was a flash.
I saw that earlier.

We just heard coyotes
right down in the --

right down hill, man.

ZAK: Aaron and Jay both see
a strange flash of light

inside the cave
at the same exact moment

that they hear the sound of
coyotes howling again.

Could this flash of light
be a charge of energy

caused by a skinwalker entering
or leaving our dimension?

If there's any kind of ancient
spirits here, ancient creatures,

ancient deities

or even modern spirits
or newer spirits, ghosts...

Whatever you may be,
whatever you are,

I'm here for answers.

What is it that resides
in this cave?


AARON: I'm gonna try another
little piece of equipment.

We're going to try
the Mel Meter.

I'm gonna see if I can't
get any readings from that

while he's doing this,

the changes,
in the atmosphere at all.

[ Beep ]
Can you come join us here
in front of this mirror?

You can use it as a portal
to travel as you like.

You can come to our world,

or you can even bring us
into your world.

If you don't like us
being in your cave,

now's the time to do something.

We know you're here.
I can feel it, Aaron.

I just got chills...

really crazy, all through
my body right now.

Are we awakening you?

Are you finally coming out?

Temperature is dropping.

What is this?

Dude, the temperature
is just dropping, dude.

It just dropped, like,
3 degrees.


What is this?

Dude, something just
touched my shoulder.

Dude, something just
touched my shoulder, bro.

So far deep in this canyon.

Miles from anything.

AARON: This thing is
just going nuts.

-Do you feel it now?
-BILLY: Yes.



ZAK: We are in the Four Corners
region of New Mexico,

and Aaron and Jay are
using scrying

to invoke the skinwalker.

Dude, something just
touched my shoulder.

Dude, something just
touched my shoulder, bro.

Now it's saying it's 84 degrees?
No way.

-That's not right.
-The camera's not focusing.

AARON: 88.1 degrees?
88.6. 88 --

Look, this thing
is just going nuts.

-What? Dude, it's freezing.
-74. 76. 69.

Look at this. 78.
It just said 80.

It just was at 50 degrees.

-ZAK: Aaron begins documenting

an astounding 40-degree
temperature fluctuation

something we have never
documented before.

AARON: What?

ZAK: Billy and I are
back on the move

as we travel about 3 miles
deeper into Skinwalker Canyon

on the Navajo Reservation.

We have no cellphone service.

We are out
of walkie-talkie range,

and there isn't a single light
of civilization in the distance.

If something goes wrong,
we are in serious trouble.


Wow. Look at that out there.

Holy cow.

Hey, let's get
the U.V. camera out.

We'll blast this whole canyon
with U.V.

and maybe
we'll capture something.

We pull up on this canyon,
and for some reason,

this particular spot just feels
like a whole other planet,

not only from how it looks
but from how it feels.

Billy grabs the ultraviolet
camera and begins rolling video.


ZAK: We're so far deep
in this canyon,

miles from anything.


I'm out here all by myself.

[ Low growl ]

Whoa. What the hell was that?

I hear a very deep,
guttural growl in the distance.

And, at this point,
I have no idea

that Aaron had this same
experience miles away.

Whoa. What the hell was that?

Whoa. Bill?

[ Running footsteps ]


ZAK: Right now, I feel that
my life may be in danger,

but instead of having
the typical panic and fear,

I just feel frozen.


BILLY: What's up?

Whoa. Do you...

do you feel that?

It's just, like, coming
right through us right now.

-Yes, Billy.

-I didn't even tell you that.
-It's a high-pitched... [ Hums ]

-Do you feel it now?
It's a vibration.

-Do you feel it now?

It just tr-- It came
right around this corner.

ZAK: At this exact moment,

we capture something incredible
on the X camera

that's shooting into the canyon.

As we zoom in, watch
this strange light anomaly

as it appears at the top
of the mountain,

then begins to rapidly move down

while also growing larger
and brighter

until it suddenly disappears.


BILLY: The second I came
up here, I felt that.

ZAK: Little do we know

that Billy and I end up
spending 3 hours

standing in this canyon

while Aaron and Jay have been
frantically searching for us.

Aaron to Zak,
you guys doing okay?

[ Radio beeps ]
Aaron for Zak. Aaron for Zak.

[ Radio beeps ]
ZAK: The guys finally
flag us down

after seeing our headlights.

And as soon as they arrive,

Aaron says something
that connects back

to an experience Billy and I
will never forget

as this detail was
the first clue

that we would be in the presence
of something otherworldly

that lives in this canyon.

It smells like rotten flesh
right here.

What are the odds
that Aaron would say that?

BILLY: Yeah, what are
the odds of that?

That happened up there,
and we just both went...

That's what we smelled.
It's been following us.
...rotten flesh.

ZAK: We came here in search

of something ancient
and mysterious.

This is what you see
in the dark.

ZAK: What we found was evidence
of dark magic and violence.

-Look, a bullet hole.

What'd you see? Billy?

ZAK: Ojo Amarillo,
"yellow eyes,"

the same ones that watched us
in the dark.