Fringe (2008–2013): Season 2, Episode 22 - Over There: Part 1 - full transcript

Olivia and William Bell rescue Walter from the hospital. Then Olivia meets her double, who is a dangerous woman, trying to find Peter; however they fight but Olivia subdues her. Olivia poses of her double to lure Charlie and convinces Peter to return. Meanwhile Walter and William bring a piece of equipment from Walter's laboratory in Harvard to the theater to let them return to their universe. However, the FBI and the Fringe Division also arrive and there is a shootout. Will Olivia, Walter, Peter and William Bell return to their universe?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Fringe:

OLIVIA: In Jacksonville,
there was a height chart with names.

Other kids from Walter and Bell's
Coretexiphan trials.

OLIVIA: I made a list.
Nick Lane and James Heath.

They were both part of Walter's tests.

Of all the children that Walter and I
prepared, you were the strongest.

A storm is coming,

and when it is over, I fear there
will be little left of our world.

I'm not from here, am I?

You didn't just open up a hole to
the other side, you brought me back.

It's why I can't remember
my childhood.

- You were dying...
- Why my mother committed suicide.

She knew.

Peter checked himself out of
the hospital three hours ago. He's gone.

Mr. Secretary.

Hello, son.


TECH: Anomalous energy signature
detected. Local. Brooklyn.


- Confirmed. We've got a breach.
MAN 1: Lock it down.

I was thinking, "Hey, maybe a slow day.
It being Saturday and all."

- No rest for the wicked.
- You're not wicked, Charlie.

You just pretend really, really well.

- Somebody playing my song?
TECH: Class one event, sir.

I can see that.

- You?
- Yes, I can.

- Clear as day.
BROYLES: Okay, people.

Nap time's over. Let's go to work.

So exactly how big would the worms get
if you stopped dosing yourself?

They're not worms...

- They're arachnids.
- They're arachnids.

Sit rep as follows.
Class one molecular dissolution.

Numbers show severe
molecular cohesion failure.

This isn't just a little tear.
We got a full-fledged hole.

Anything come through?

No data yet. On site
in less than 60 seconds.

- As long as it's not bugs.
- Oh, it's probably bugs.

What? Bugs like you.

On my six.


MAN 1: Go, go, go!
MAN 2: Move, move, move!

I want science and risk reports
in three minutes.

Site's secure, boss.



Chief, this is bad.

I'M showing stage-three degradation.

I need data that tells me
this event is contained.

I'M trying here.


Damn it. We're in potential
quarantine range here, sir.

- Send up a looker. Stat.
TECH: A looker's being dispatched now, sir.

Hi. I'm Agent Dunham, Fringe Division.
Can I see your show-me, please?

Yeah, sure. You ain't gonna quarantine
the place, right?

There's nothing to worry about.
But if you could tell me what you saw?

Even small things could be important.

I'm getting decreased
gravity measurements.


Activating quarantine potentiator.

Agent Farnsworth.

Broyles. Phillip. Colonel.

Risk assessment.
I need to know if this thing is spreading.

- We can't have another Boston.
- I know that.

You think I don't know that?

Quarantine device unlocked.

Recommendation, agent?

Quarantine will result in excess
of 10,000 casualties.

Warning. One minute to quarantine.

Massive loss of life will result. Warning.

Recommendation, agent?

Gravitational molecular degeneration...

...are decreasing but outside
acceptable parameters.

- Recommendation, Agent Farnsworth.
- Calculating.

DEVICE: Massive loss of life will result.
- Really?

DEVICE: Forty seconds to quarantine.
Quarantine device unlocked.

- I didn't even update my will.
- Massive loss of life will result.

- Frank would just spend it anyway.
- Warning, 30 seconds to quarantine.

Recommendation, Agent Farnsworth.

Event is terminating.
No quarantine recommended.

Captain, you are clear.
Do not quarantine.

- Repeat, do not quarantine.
DEVICE: Twenty seconds to quarantine.

LINCOLN: We gotta stop doing this.
DEVICE: Massive loss of life will...

Hey, guys.

We got something up here.

I wish it was bugs.

OLIVIA: What is that?
LINCOLN: These look like carcinomas.

No way anyone could live long enough
to develop tumors this severe.

- Witnesses have anything?
- The usual. Heard a tearing sound.

Saw a blue flash through the window.

I gave them chips for radiation scans.

I'll see if he has any ID.
Guy may have had a wife and kids...

...before the universe
sucked him up and spat him out.

Poor guy.

That's not a show-me.

Okay. Check this out.

Who the hell is Jackson?


Come on. Come on. Let's go.

Keep down.


Come on. Come on.

s2e22 Over There 1

WALTER: I can take you back
where you belong, son.

They have our coordinates.

But if you come with me,
you won't be able to come back here.

You have to make a choice, Peter.

Let's go.


- Hello?
WALTER: Hello, Agent Dunham.

There's something I'm supposed to
remember and I can't...

- ...but it's about Peter.
- Walter?

I think something is going
to happen to him.

Something... Something terrible.

Oh, my.

I think this is what I'm
supposed to remember.

Okay. One of those men, the Observers,
I think he left it for me.

After I brought Peter
from the other side...

...some years later,
one of them came to visit me.

He told me I had to agree to never let
Peter return to the other side.

- Why?
- Because if I did, this would happen.

But what is this, Walter?
What does it even mean?

It is exactly what it appears to be.

I think my son is going to be
responsible for the end of the world.

- Walter, we have to get Peter back.
- He went over by his own free will.

- He didn't know about this.
- Even if he wanted to come back...

- How do we get him back?
- We have no way...

Walter! How?

GUARD: I'm sorry, sir,
I can't let you in...

- Don't even think about it!

What is this?

You're manufacturing weapons
for the other side.

- That's absurd.
- I want all your data...

- ...related to the other universe.
- How dare you!

Stop it! Both of you.
Peter is in danger.

Walter says that this technology
has a specific and recognizable design.

I dare say Nina would agree.

- Dear God. What side is this?
- Does it matter?

This is William's technology,
but we didn't build it.

Okay, Nina, listen to me.
Peter's been taken.

You have to help us cross over.

The thing is, to get Over There,
that's really a misnomer.

In truth, the two universes
are overlapping.

And to get to the other side,
our universe needs to pass through you.

Literally. Like water passing
through a cheesecloth.

Our cells need to separate
on an atomic level.

Problem is,
when they come back together...

...they don't come back together
with the same cohesion.

Somehow Bell managed
to cross back and forth...

...although precisely how
we can find no record.

But I suspect
that whatever methodology...

...he crossed so many times
that he has become like this coffee cup.

Molecularly unstable.

As many atoms in each of us
as there are stars in the sky.

That's why Belly
never came back, isn't it?

He was scared that the same thing
would happen to him.

I don't know.
I've sent him communications...

...but if he got them, he hasn't been
able to communicate to me.

There has to be a way. What about how
you went over when you first got Peter?

The last time I opened a door,
it set in motion the ripples...

...that weakened
the very fabric of our reality.

To do so again could instantly shatter
both worlds and likely would.

Brandon, give us a moment.

Unlike William, you have the ability
to cross over safely.

I can't. I... I mean, I can't control it.

I've flashed over for a few seconds
or Bell's pulled me over.

But I can't control it. Not on my own.

Not on your own.

But if there were two or three of you,
a larger power supply, as it were.

- I'm not following.
- With more Coretexiphan children...

...their collective
psychic energy could...

You know, Belly and I always agreed
that the primal part of the brain...

...which allows us to cross universes... also responsible
for a host of paranormal activities.

Pyrokinesis, telepathy,
thought control.

We all had these abilities
until a moment in history...

...when something was done to us
and it was shut down.

I suspect aliens.

Unfortunately, the only other
Coretexiphan children we have located...

...they have failed. Or worse.

You are the only one left.

Actually, she's not.

BROYLES: Over a dozen
Coretexiphan subjects unaccounted for.

Prudence dictated we determine
what we might deal with in the future.

So you woke all three of them up?

Actually, five.
We've tracked down some others.


About six weeks ago, Massive Dynamic
proposed a series of experiments... help them gain control of
and re-purpose their abilities.

These three have been successful.

James Heath can now cure disease,
not cause it.

Sally Clark is becoming
a fully functional pyrokinetic.

And your friend Nick Lane's empathic
transfers can now be controlled.




Very good, baby.

Welcome to the monkey house.

- This is new. Who authorized it?
- Senate Intelligence, thanks to Peter.

It was part of a list of demands he gave
before I went to secure our funding.

This is very Mission: Impossible.

I know you.
You're the man that experimented on us.

- I could kill you where you stand.
WALTER: Each of you could.

What I did was inexcusable.


The collateral damage
has been extensive.

But know that we had noble goals.

We believed that our world
needed guardians.

Protectors. And that you children
would be those protectors.

Fostered your talents because we
foresaw that the day would come...

...when both universes
would be in jeopardy.

So horrible as it is to say... is the day
for which you were created.

What I could never have imagined
is that I would be asking you... help me save my son.

So sorry.

Well, if none of you
are going to kill me...

...I think I'll go and have a bit of a cry.

Man, that's not the same guy
I remember.

He's exactly the same.

Dr. Bishop has identified a likely spot
to attempt a crossover.

Brooklyn, New York.
You go at 0800 tomorrow morning.

- You might wanna get some rest.
JAMES: Hey, FBI guy.

We're about to go save the world, right?
Two worlds even.

Can't we have a night off?

Whatever they want.


Who are you?

I was never lucky, you know?

Sometimes people
need some good luck.

Tonight, I guess that's me.

Who else do we have?

- Sweet.
- Mm.

Me or the strawberry?


What would you like this time?

To feel what I'm feeling?
Or what you're feeling?


Please God...

Aunt Liv. What time is it?

It's early.

I have to go on a trip...

...and I wanted to give you something
before I left.

It's pretty.

My mother, your grandmother...

...gave it to me before she died.

She told me
that it would keep me safe.

So now I'm giving it to you.

Thanks, Aunt Liv.

You are welcome, baby girl.

You're up early.

I didn't even hear you
come in last night.

- No, I've been working a case.
- Think you'll be home for dinner?

I hope so.
I'll call you and let you know.


Hey, you okay?


We should do this more often.
It's nice.



Look what Aunt Liv gave me.

Assuming this works,
that you make it to the other side... still have no idea
how to locate Peter.

No, but I spoke to Nina Sharp.
She sent a message to William Bell...

...asking him to meet us at
Greyshot Bridge in Central Park.

I think he'll help us.

Dunham, Massive Dynamic didn't
make that weapon over here.

Bell may have made it
on the other side, for them.

No. I trust him.

In any case, Nina has no confirmation
Bell even gets her messages.

- No.
- You're invading enemy territory...

...without a plan. You don't know
about the opposition, the landscape.


Oh. We're ready. We're ready to try this.

You can't tell me
you think this is a good idea.


I don't think that this is a good idea.

But you got a better one?

It was lovely, wasn't it?

Now faded and broken. Just like me.

So how does this work, Walter?

Remember your Shakespeare, dear.

"All the world is a stage."

Or in this case, both worlds.

You will form a circle.

I will stand in the middle
and I will lead you across.

No. You can't do this.

Oh, no. No. He is my son, Olivia.

You can't do this. I won't allow it.

I believe I can. Or else they cannot.

I can't ask them to do something
that I'm not willing to chance myself.

Thank you.

Well, if any of you have changed
your minds, I will understand.

We were talking about it
on the way over here.

Maybe you did damage us...

...but, on the other hand,
maybe you made us special.

Fate is a tricky thing.

So you would want to take
a few steps back, I think, Agent Broyles.


Now, I want you to clear your minds
and just relax, all right?

Now ignore everything except
the sound of my voice.

Now spread out your arms.
You remember how.

Spread them out to each other. Yes.


I want you to think back to when
you were just young children.

Back to when you were just
young boys and girls.

Think back to when
your imagination...

...could take you
wherever you wanted to go.

Imagine this universe slipping away...

...opening like a curtain.

Allow the universe to pass
right through you.

Allow your imagination to take you
to the other side.


- James. James. James.
- Help me!

OLIVIA: Walter, what do we do?
- Look.

We made it.

We're on the other side.

Okay, come on, James.
You gotta get up. We gotta hide now.

Nick. Nick, I don't feel so good.

NICK: Oh, God.
WALTER: Through here.


MAN 1: Go, go, go!
MAN 2: Move, move, move!

I want science and risk reports
in three minutes.

Nick. Nick. Make them leave.

(WHISPERING) I've been trying,
it's not working. What's wrong with us?

- I don't know.
- Nick, I'm scared.

Check this out.

Who the hell is Jackson?

- Got a Junior?
- Yep.

Going to a strip club later?

Someone's gotta visit your sister.


OLIVIA: The paper's real.
The detail is amazing.

Why would someone go
to this trouble?

What in God's name did y'all find?

Nothing useful. Dead end so far.

Whatever it is you scanned
just raised a red flag at the DOD.

The secretary wants to see you.

Hey, Charlie, you haven't met him?

I shook his hand
when I graduated the academy.

What about you?

- My dad knew him.
- That explains so much.

You don't wanna leak worms
all over the guy.

Makes a bad first impression.

They're not worms.

He's waiting for you. Go in.

Mr. Secretary?

Thank you.

Agent Lee,
I'm sorry about your father.

- He was a good man. Fine jurist.
- Thank you.

- And this is your team?
LINCOLN: Yes, sir.

- Agents Francis and Dunham.
- Sir.

I understand you're investigating
a Fringe event, Brooklyn?

- Correct, sir.
- And in this event...

...there was a casualty? A man?

Correct, sir. So far we haven't been...

Agent, I believe I may have insight into
who that man is and where he was from.

What I'm about to tell you
is classified.

But I think it's time you knew
what you were dealing with.

Agent Dunham, what can you tell me
about the Fringe Division?

Okay, I'll play.


Fringe Division is a special adjunct
branch of the Department of Defense.

Its primary focus is natural disasters
that began in 1985...

...with the Zero Event at Reiden Lake.

And what are these natural disasters?

They're holes in
the fabric of the universe.


And how do you know this?

I know it because I read it in the ZFT
in 1995 when you wrote and published it.


Natural decay of our world.

What would you say if I told you
that the ZFT is a lie?

Or a half-truth, anyway.

These tears are not natural.
They are the work of man.

These holes...

...don't simply lead to nothing.

- There is something on the other side.
- What?

- Another one.
- Bravo.

- Another what?
WALTER: Another universe.

A parallel Earth,
just like this but slightly different.

And it was their attempt to
penetrate our world which created...

...the pattern of destruction
that we struggle with daily.

- The $20 bill was...
- From the other side. And so was he.

And I suspect he didn't come alone.

As you know, I am not a lover of war...

...but I have reason to believe that these
invaders are anything but peaceful.

They must be found.
And they must be found quickly.

We'll get them, sir.

I'm burning up, Nick.

It'll be fine, baby.

Scan your ID, lady.


We're gonna have to walk.

Central Park is 59th Street,
three miles from here.

Okay, then, we better get started.

- Hi.
- Hi.

How are you feeling?

- I'm okay.
- You've been asleep for three days.

Your fa...

Walter said you might feel a bit dizzy.
Maybe you'd like to sit down?

I'm okay.

You must be starving.
I made some eggs and bacon.

Do you still like bacon?
When you were a boy, we...

I love bacon.

Oh, Peter.

I've missed you so much.



NICK: Stop a second.
- It's fine. I'm fine. Let's go.

You've gotta know something.
What's wrong with us?

I suspect that somehow
the human circuit was flawed.

Did any of you engage in
extreme use of abilities last night?

- Far more than normal?
- No.

Perhaps poor Mr. Heath...

- You've got to help her.
- I can't.

But if we're lucky,
perhaps William Bell can.

It's the Grand Hotel.

They never built it.

Things that might have been
in our world but weren't.

Come on. It's not far.

ELIZABETH: Coffee's quite hard to come by
over here.

It's been rationed for some time now.

But Walter's very well-connected.

It's funny, I never had bacon
when I was growing up.

My mother was a vegetarian,
she never made it.

Until today, I always thought
I imagined having it as a kid.

I'm sorry.

My mother from the other side.


I'm sure you don't wanna
hear about that.

No, on the contrary,
I want to hear all about your childhood.


Are you close with her still? I mean...

Did she take good care of you?

She took very good care of me.

But she committed suicide
about 10 years ago.

My mother from the other side...

...she was wonderful,
but she wasn't strong.

In fact, she was very, very sad.

Which I suppose is because of me.

No. Listen, Peter. In the end...

...we have to take responsibility for our
own decisions, the good and the bad.

Your father's going to be
so pleased to see you.

He said he wanted me
to help him with something.

Yes. He's staying in the city tonight,
but he asked me to give you this.

Oh, God.

Look, Nick. These are my favorite.

Can I get one?

I don't think so. We gotta go.

I... I like it here.

Maybe... Maybe we can stay.


...I'm gonna stay.

I know, baby.

I know.

Come on, let's go.

Do you see him? William Bell?


There's a water fountain.
Come on, I think it'll help.


Are we late?

Maybe he didn't get the message.



- Bell has betrayed us.
- Run, run, run!

Don't move!


Go, go, go! Watch your cover!

Walter. Walter!


I think I'm staying here.

You stay, we stay together.

Look, I don't wanna hurt you.
Step away.

Screw you.


AGENT 2 (OVER RADIO): Man down.
Med team to Greyshot Bridge. Man down.




Where's the ambulance?




Must be the onset
of hemorrhagic shock.


But I'm still walking... the bullet couldn't have hit
my spinal column.

I'll be perfectly fine.

Excuse me.

Do you really understand all these?


I'm not sure yet.

Good night, Peter.



- Oh.

- Oh.
FRANK: Mm. I tried to wait up.

- Hey, baby.
- How is he?

He's got third-degree burns
over 90 percent of his body.

He's gonna need three months
in a nanite regeneration chamber.

But he'll live.

I'm sorry. And on your last night.

I'm going for a week,
not until the end of time.

- Yeah. It's details.
- Might be a good day to start drinking.

Oh, God. I would if I could only
stand the taste.

So, what happened out there?

Just a small anomaly
that set off a fuel cell.

It was just bad luck of the draw, is all.

- Come on, no more work.
- I know what you need.

Yeah? What's that?

Back rub.

Oh, you are a god.

- I'll get the oil.
- Really?

On your last night?

I'll take it.

Hello, Olivia.
It's good to see you again.

- How did...? How did you know...?
- I suspected you would come here.

So where were you at the park?

I received Nina's message...

...but when I got there it was too late,
there was nothing I could do.

My dear Olivia. I know you have
good reason not to trust me...

...but I'm afraid
you're going to have to.

Walter is in trouble...

...and I'm quite confident
we don't have much time.