Friends with Better Lives (2014): Season 1, Episode 4 - Pros & Cons - full transcript

Jules auditions for a hair spray commercial. While Andy and Bobby try to kill a rodent that lives in the attic. In the meantime Kate accidently sleeps with a man whore.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Last night was fantastic.

So was this morning.

It was like
you had four hands.

Like you were everywhere
at the same time.

Like some kind
of sex magician.

I abraca-did-ya.

Well, I had a great time.

Me, too.

So will that be
cash or check?

You slept with a prostitute?!

By accident.

So, your vagina swerved
and crashed into his penis?

It was a simple

Remember, I told you I had
that blind date last night?

Hi. Are you...
Are you...

(both chuckle)


It's kate, actually, but...

You look like brad pitt
and smell like firewood,

So you can call me lisa
for all I care.

It looked like he was
waiting for a blind date.

How was I supposed to know
he was waiting for a client?

Why did you pay him?

I don't shoplift dong.

You want to know the
greatest indignity?

He left his card on my pillow
like it was a hotel mint.


"handy randy."

I'm so embarrassed.

I just want to forget this
whole thing ever happened.

We will never,

Ever speak of this again.



But first,
can you tell us everything?

All right, bring it in.

Well, guys,
it's official.

My divorce is final.


To the newly liberated
dr. Will stokes.

All the fun
with half the assets.

You know, it's actually
less than half.

I mean, she got the house,
the car, the dog...

Let's call it half.

To half!

Ooh, you guys, look, it's
a shimmering essence commercial.

I have an audition
for their new campaign.

Babe, this is your
hair's big break.

And to think,
I was completely bald

For the first 18 months
of my life.

See that? It's like a real
rags to riches story.


what is that?

(scurrying, squeaking continues)

You've got
a rat, mate.


(loud thud)
a bloody
big one, too.

I-I have a thing about rats.

Rodents are the natural
consequence of having children.

Filthy, filthy children.

Making you the godmother
was clearly the right choice.

(scurrying continues)

It's in the walls!
It's under the floor.
I'm leaving.

Oh, no.

I forgot my coat
and it's gotten all cold out.

Borrow mine.

I won't need a jacket
when the rat eats my arms.


(inhales deeply) ah, it's got
that delicious will smell.

(loud thud, shuddering)

All right, that's it.

I'm putting all my
fruit roll-ups in a ziploc bag.

Guys, please remember, when
you catch our little friend,

Be humane, all right?

Release him
into the woods.

In the woods.

I'm gonna kill that thing.
He's done.

All right, I'll call
an exterminator.

No, no, no, no. Those
guys are total scammers.

Oh, no, bobby, please don't
start with the scammers.

It's true.
Three guys show up in a van,

One to sell us an overpriced
monthly warranty,

Two to case the joint
for a robbery.

No, thanks.
I will buy some traps.

Bing, bang, boom, it's handled.

Like you bing-bang-boomed
the leaky faucet?

Hey, the plumber said what I did
made it-- and I quote--

"no worse."

Guys, good news. Me and my hair

Got a callback for the
shimmering essence commercial.

all right.

All I have to do
is nail one line.

Oh, that's great.
What's the line?

Okay, get ready.

"it's in my hair."

What'd you think?


(all chattering)

Okay, what'd you really think?

Not good.

All right, what was
wrong with it?

It was too casual.
I disagree.

I think
it was too stiff.

I'm with will.
It's like you had hair,

But you didn't actually care
that you had hair.


It needs some flavor.

What if you do it
with a british accent?

Like, "'ello, guv'nor,
it's in me 'air."

(others arguing)


(arguing stops)
now you've totally

Freaked my hair out.

Do you guys think
it's weird that lowell's

Still wearing my jacket?

Why? You lent it to him.

For a night.

Now it's the next day
and he's still wearing it.

It's outrageous. You go
into a situation thinking

It's one thing and,
the next thing you know,

Your wallet is empty

And you can't look
at yourself in the mirror.

Why don't you just ask
for the jacket back?

He shouldn't have
to, all right?

The lendee should return
the item to the lender

Without being asked.
It's the social contract.

All right, guys.
Here you go.

Will wants
his jacket back.

What? Bobby,
what are you...

I don't... I... I'm not in...

I don't e...

(chuckles, sputters)

Oh, I'm sorry, mate. I spent
the night at jules'. I didn't

Have a change of clothes.
Here, let me give it back.

Lowell, lowell, don't.
Come on. It's cold.

I'm not gonna take the clothes
off your back.

Just return it after work.
Leave it on the porch.

If-if you're in
the neighborhood.

Before 10:00.

(scurrying, squeaking)

Doesn't this thing
ever sleep?

He's, like, training
for a decathlon.

(trap snaps)


I got you, you
son of a bitch!

Huh? Huh?

Okay, okay. You said
that you'd handle it,

And you totally delivered.

I'm sorry that I doubted you.

You should be sorry
'cause I just...

(loud thumping)

Oh, he's not dead.

He's trying to free himself.

Calm down, calm down.
Give it a minute.


(loud thumping,
squeaking continues)

It has been
over an hour.

I-I can't stand
to hear him suffer.

Please do something.

It's in its death throes.
It's gonna be over any second.


There. It stopped. See?

I told you once,
I told you a thousand times...

(scurrying, squeaking)

it escaped.

We didn't kill it.

We just pissed it off.

This is why normal people
call an exterminator.

Please. Call one.

Absolutely not.
I can deal with this on my own.

Yeah, key phrase being "on your
own" because I can't stay here.

I'm taking the baby to kate's.

Unless you want
to use him as bait.

Very funny.

But that rat will be gone by
the time you get home tomorrow.

I promise.

I will be wearing his
pelt as a trophy!


Oh. Thank you so much for
letting us have the big room.

So this is where you did
it with the prostitute.

Really? In front of the kid?

Oh, please. He's
heard much worse.


So, how are you holding up?

I'm full of wine and shame.

So you slept with a hooker
by accident.

I mean, we've all been there.

I mean, not "we" but you.

I just... I can't stop thinking
about it.

Well, what are you gonna do?
You can't un-sleep with him.


But I can un-pay for it.

Right? Think
about it.

The only thing
that makes him a hooker

Is the fact that I paid him.

But if I get my money back,

Then he's just some hot guy
I slept with on Saturday night.

This has really taken
over your life, hasn't it?

I can't stop showering.


I figured this might be
your base of operations.

Kate, right?

Um, I only

Have cash
for one of you.

Does the threesome
cost extra?

You couldn't afford me.

I have to speak to you.

Now's not a...

Good time.

(clears throat)

I want my money back.

What? No way.

The sex trade
is a no-refund business.

Well, that's just it.
I didn't realize

This was a business arrangement.

I thought I was on a date.


There's no way
I could ever date you.

You are way
too high maintenance.

Excuse me?

"rub me, watch me, flip me."

My god, it never ends.

Give me my money back
or I will call the police

And incessantly stalk you

And tell all your clients
you have crabs!


That was my mazda payment
this month.

All right, wait,
wait. Maybe...

I could work it off.


Finger fun in the bathroom?

Nothing sexual!

What else can you do?

I don't know.

So, boning.
Boning is all you do.

Well, I used to do handiwork.

That's how I got the name
"handy randy."

Okay, well, I have
a bunch of odd jobs

I need done around my apartment,

So you can work off
what I paid you,

And then we will call
what happened

"consensual sex between
two non-paying parties."

Okay, fine. Deal.

Great. I will call you
with times that work for me.

She was also my ride.

Use your thumb.

I know you can.

I feel like bruce willis,
crawling through the air ducts

Trying to save everyone
at nakatomi plaza.

Bruce willis walked barefoot
through broken glass.

You have pillows tied around
your shins.

It's because
I'm thinking like a rat.

If I'm a rat,
I run straight up the pant leg

And make a beeline
for the balls.

What do you think
bruce willis would do

If someone took his jacket?

Still, with the jacket?

He didn't return it!

He said he would return it,
and he did not.

I checked the porch five times.

Is it possible

That you're upset
about this jacket

Because lowell looks better
in it than you do?

I'm gonna pretend
you didn't say that.

(scampering and squeaking)
oh, my god, there he is!

I see him! He's huge!

All right, I'm gonna flush him
through the vent.

Wait, no!
I'm at the vent!


Hit him with the broom!
Hit him with the broom!

I forgot the broom!

Repeat: I do not have the broom!


I didn't get him.

All right, guys, I've been
working on this non-stop,

And I finally think
I got it. Ready?


It's in my hair.

I want it in my hair.

Me, too.

I'll take some.


Okay, wish me luck.

Hey, good luck, babe.

Can you believe
that guy?

Not only did he not return
my jacket. He's wearing it.

Again. I'm saying

No. Hey,

He's a real piece of work.

You got to beat him
at his own game.

I'm listening.

You borrow something
of his, and then,

When he asks for it back,

Hold it ransom
until he returns the jacket.

Wow. Plotting comes
so easily to you.

Yeah, well, I'm too old
to play with dolls.

Handy randy, huh?

Yeah, he's my handyman.

He's doing some work
around my place.

Hi. Randy, it's kate.

Just calling about tomorrow.

I will see you at 9:00 a.M.

Don't be late, or else.

Wow. You ride your
handyman hard.

You have no idea.

Hey, coffee
on the house, guys?

We're sampling
an exquisite new african bean

That was harvested
from mongoose dung.

You're serving booze now, right?


Then I'll always have that.

Hey, lowell, I like
your sunglasses.

Do you mind if
I try them on?

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
sure thing, mate.


Will, those look great on you.


Lowell, would you
mind if I borrow...?

You should keep them.


No. You know how sometimes
you buy things

That are clearly meant
for someone else?

No, I'm just glad they found
their rightful owner-- you.

That shifty, shifty bastard.

He turned the social contract
on its head!

Now you have sunglasses
you don't want

Instead of the jacket you do.


And I lied.
Those look ridiculous on you.

God, this poo
coffee's got to go.

I've called, like,
a dozen contractors.

None of them can make it
till at least Monday.

Andi's coming home
this afternoon.

I can't let her
see the ceiling.
You're in luck.

Kate was just talking
about her handyman.

You should call him,
see if he's available.

She seemed very enthusiastic
about him.

Hey, well, I have no choice
but to hire someone.

This guy better not try
to ream me.


Handy randy?

Bobby, right?

Thank you for
coming so quickly.

Really got to get
this taken care of

Before my wife gets home.

If I had a nickel
for every time I heard that.

All right, so, uh, you
want to get started?

Yeah, well, just to warn you,
it's a pretty big hole.

I'm sure I've seen bigger.

I got to tell you,

I've had a hard time
getting a guy up there.

Well, I'm your man.

Okay, well, want
to follow me in the bedroom?

Wherever you want
a rodeo, boss.

So you think it'll
be dry up there

By the time my wife gets home?

I guess that depends
on when we finish.

She's a bit of a neat freak so
try not to get any on the bed.

Hmm. Challenge accepted.

Hey, have you guys
started yet?

Randy, this is my partner, will.

And roommate.

And your wife's okay with this?

She wasn't at first,
but she's coming around.

Do you mind if I watch?

I want to learn from an expert

So next time maybe
I can help bobby out myself.

If bobby's cool with it.

Oh, if you promise
not to hop around

And squeal like
you did last time.

Hey, last time,
you took me by surprise.

All right, this time,
I'm ready for it.

So, where are
your tools?

I only need one.

Let's see it.

What was that?!

I don't know.

Well, why did you push me
in front of you?!

I'm sorry, but when that thing
was coming at me,

It was every man for himself.

(footsteps running)

Hey, did you guys know
there's a giant rat up there?!

I'll tell you one thing.

I do not think
that guy was a handyman.

Hey, guys,
I brought wine.

You slept with a
male prostitute.

Well, it took a while,
but I got all of them.


Yeah, she had babies.

Lots of 'em.

They're really small, too.

I mean, they can
get in anywhere.


Okay, what do
I owe you?

Well, there's the flat fee

For the visit,
labor and materials.

Of course, there's no guarantee

They won't come back, so
I'd recommend purchasing our...

Monthly warranty plan.

We'll take it.

Thank you.

(clearing his throat)

Go ahead and say it.

Say what?

If I had hired a professional
in the first place,

We would have
spent less money

And had a lot less
of a headache.

Plus, you wouldn't
have almost had sex

With a man-whore.

I guess I just wanted to feel
like I can take care of things.

Of course you can
take care of things.

You're an excellent husband
and father and doctor.

Even though you almost slept
with a man-whore.


Good news. Got the shimmering
essence commercial.

Bad news--

Tried shimmering essence.

I'm gonna use it to
stuff a dream pillow.

There's plenty of it
all over my jacket.

Actually, it's my jacket.

I lent it to you, and

You've decided to keep it,

Which is a total violation
of the social contract.

Hey, whoa, there, mate...

Don't "whoa, mate" me, okay?

I am tired of people thinking
they can just take my stuff.

My house, my car,
my dog, my jacket.

You're just like my ex-wife.

And, yes,
I realize what I just said.

Oh, my god,
I'm having an epiphany!

No, this is good, mate.
Let out the poison.

All right, I will!

That's it, it's out!

Looks like someone could use

A little bit of hug therapy.
Get here.

Come on.

Yeah, yeah. Still really want
my jacket back.

What is that?

Lowell left it
on the porch yesterday.

I must have forgotten
to mention it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, no.

I liked yours so much,
I had to get one for myself.

Did you think I've had yours
this whole time?


I saw a strange
penis today.

You know, I think all the
rats are probably gone.

Oh, totally,
I'm sure of it.

Just a few
more nights.