Frasier (1993–2004): Season 11, Episode 14 - Frasier - full transcript

Frasier's radio show is receiving very few calls, and Niles has been losing patients and arguing with Daphne. Martin, on the other hand, is offered the chance to spend the weekend at a house in the mountains with Ronee, courtesy of her boss. They inadvertently end up inviting Frasier, Niles and Daphne to join them, and seeing the state those three are in, Martin and Ronee feel compelled not to let them down. They all go to the house determined to have a relaxing time, but once there Frasier has a nightmare in which he has murdered Niles and is married to Daphne. Soon afterwards, Niles has a nightmare about the stresses of being a father, and then Daphne also has one in which she puts on copious weight after childbirth and Niles sleeps with other women. The three of them all end up in the kitchen in the middle of the night arguing, and it falls to Martin to sort them out.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
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We still have a few minutes
left, and all our lines are open.

Uh... shall I attempt
another joke?



All right, then.

Come on, callers, don't be shy.

There's still time to
talk with the good doctor.

Five open lines.

Who's this, then, Roz?

On line one, uh,
whom do we have?

I understand we have... Susan,

who recently moved
here from... Texas.

Go ahead, Susan. I'm listening.

Hi, Dr. Crane.

I'm new in town, from Texas,

and, uh, I just left my husband.

I see. And why did you do that?

Well, uh...

Oh, I know! He was abusive.

That couldn't have
been easy for you.

Well, my girlfriend helped me.

We just got in her convertible
and drove through the desert

and we stopped
at this honky-tonk,

I started dancing with this
cowboy... long story short,

he roughed me up,
my friend killed him...

But then...

we met the cutest cowboy,

but he stole all our money,

so we robbed a gas station
and blew up a tanker truck...

Yes, I'm afraid
we're out of time.

I will finish with you
off the air, Susan.

Meanwhile, this is
Dr. Frasier Crane,

saying good day, Seattle,
and good mental health.

Well, thank you, Thelma.

Or is it Louise?

Don't snap at me

because you didn't get
any phone calls today.

I told you not to put
me on the spot again.

I'm sorry, Roz, but
I was desperate.

You know, I really
think you were closer

with that character yesterday...

The young teen who
moved into the town

that had banned dancing.

Now that, that had
the tang of reality.

That was Footloose, you idiot.

Hey! I thought you
were working tonight.

I got the night off and I am
kidnapping you for the weekend.

Oh! Where we going?

My boss gave me his
house in the mountains.

It's very romantic.

And there's this
little family of deer

that comes right up to the
window, so you might want to bring...

My camera! I will!

Well, I was going to
say gun, but suit yourself.

Oh, you are going to love it.

There's this amazing
view of the lake.

You can see every
star in the sky.


Is there a VCR there?

'Cause I just bought a couple of

great old Ginger Rogers
and Fred Astaire movies.

Why didn't you just rent them?

I did. Last August.

Ah. Okay, let's get moving.

I don't want to
get stuck in traffic.

Sounds good. I'll
pack some food.

That was really nice of your
boss to give you the cabin.

What made him do it?

I put out.

That's my girl.

I hate people.

What's the matter with you?

In a perfect ending
to a perfect day,

the driver next to me swerved
to avoid hitting a squirrel,

running me into a pothole

and drenching me in coffee.

I hate squirrels, too.

Well, maybe it was for the best.

The coffee might've
made you irritable.

My show today was a fiasco...

The second day in a row
we had virtually no callers.

It's getting harder and
harder to blame it on Roz.

Well, maybe you fixed everybody.

Oh, wait!

There was one caller:

my date for Saturday
night called to cancel

because I am not her type.

Oh, and guess what?

Her honesty was not refreshing.

Dear God...

we're out of sherry.

Well... insult...

made injury.

Well, here's something
that'll cheer you up.

Ronee's boss gave her
his cabin for the weekend,

so we're heading
up there tonight.

Oh. Well...

being home alone for the weekend

might be just the thing for
someone in my state of mind.


and my shadow of a life.

Hey, hey, hey!

We're not leaving you at
home. You're coming with us.

Wouldn't be any fun without you.

Oh, really, Dad?

I was so hoping that
you would say that.

The last thing I wanted to do

was spend the weekend
here wallowing in self-pity.

Leave it to you to
see right through me

and toss me a lifeline.

Oh, uh, now, are you sure, Fras?

'Cause, you know,
uh, come to think of it,

there are lots of
squirrels up there.

Well, I don't mind
them in their own milieu.

Oh, guys, I'm so looking forward

to taking in some mountain
air with the two of you.

And isn't this fortuitous?

I've just had my
Tyrolean hat refeathered!

Can I talk to you?


Oh, Frasier, I have had...

the worst day imaginable.

I need a sherry.

Brace yourself.

You always think it's going
to happen to someone else.

I've opened some wine,
Niles. Help yourself.

Oh, thanks.

Two of my patients canceled,

and Daphne and I spent
the afternoon arguing

over which diaper pail we
would buy for the nursery.

Then, driving home,

I successfully avoided
hitting a squirrel,

only to be nearly run off the
road by some horn-happy maniac.

That was me, you simp.
You nearly killed me.

You nearly killed me!

And what was that
crude multipart gesture

you unleashed on me?

I had hot coffee
all over my hand!

You know what? I do
not wish to delve into it.

I am trying to put my own
miserable day behind me.

To that end, Ronee and Dad

are going to the
mountains for the weekend

and I've decided to tag along.


So it'll be just two
wheels and you.

What are you saying?

Well, just that if Ronee and Dad
are going away for the weekend,

it might've been more
considerate not to horn in.

I'm not horning
in, they invited me.

Ah, well, I would never
dream of accepting

such an obvious pity invite.

You don't have to dream,
because they didn't invite you.

It happened so fast,
then he got all excited

and I didn't know what to say.

How about, "I was
talking to the dog"?

You know, the poor guy's going
through a bad patch right now.

He could use a little company.

We don't have to
spend any time with him.

Marty, you know I love Frasier,

but this was supposed
to be our weekend.

You and me, alone.

I know.

But, hey, why stop at Frasier?

Why not invite Niles and
Daphne and make it a party?

We'd love to!

Thank you, Ronee! Thanks, Dad!



You're finally up.
How'd you sleep?


I was borne off to dreamland

by the cooing of
a mourning dove.

Oh, I heard that, too.

I think the weasels are in heat.

Ronee and I are taking

a walk down to the lake.

Anybody interested?

Oh, no, thanks, Pa.

I'm fixin' to have
me some vittles.

Is he going to talk
hillbilly all weekend?

You should've heard him the
weekend of the Renaissance Faire.

See you guys later!

Okay, bye. All right.

Aw, Daph...

you know who would've
really enjoyed this trip?


You're right.

But let's not dwell on that.

We'll make our own fun.


Something smells
good. Whatcha cookin'?

Sausage patties.

Oh! I hope they're
hot and spicy.

That's the way I like it.

I know you do.

You're so different
from your brother.

Really? How so?

Well, for one
thing, you're alive.

You know, I can't believe
there are still people

who blame me for Niles's death.

Oh, people will
talk about anything.

So you sliced him to ribbons
with your wheat thresher.

It was your first time
farming, for God sakes.

What did I do with the salt?



Maybe I left it in
the dining room.

Oh, I forgot to mention...

What's that, dear?

I just had your baby.

I have never seen anything
more beautiful in my entire life.

Frasier? I thought
you went to bed.

I had a rather bizarre dream.

Really? What about?


Well, I'm not sure
you really want to hear

about this one, Niles.

Well, clearly it troubled you.

It might help you to discuss it.

You know how I enjoy
interpreting dreams.

Well, all right, uh...

It took place in
this very kitchen,

and, uh...

I was married to Daphne

and we were expecting
a baby and, uh...

you were dead and I killed you.

Well, I can see how
that might disturb you.


A man of your intellect
having such an obvious dream.

I beg your pardon.

Oh, come on.

You're lonely, and
you envy what I have.

I was just hoping for
something more complex.

You know, a staircase
leading nowhere

or Mom giving you a physical.

Well, there were many
other perplexing details

that I left out.

For instance,

uh, well, there was, uh...

a wheat thresher,

and some

sausage patties.

And Eddie was dead, too.

Ah, well, there's a
real head-scratcher.

Well, thank you for your
exhaustive analysis, Dr. Crane.

Perhaps you should relocate
your offices to a drive-thru

so your patients could
speak into a clown's nose.

All right, I'm going to bed now.

I was hoping this book
would make me drowsy,

but it looks like your dream
has done the trick instead.

You died tragically,
and no one missed you.

Oh, hi, Roz.

Well, finally. Your
show's about to start.

I'm sorry.

We just got back from
the mountains this morning.

You're about to get all the
vacation you can handle.

Kenny says if you don't get
a call today, you're off the air.

What?! We're
bound to get a call.

Why? We haven't
had a call in six months.

Oh, dear.

You're on!


Hello, Seattle.

This is Dr. Frasier Crane.

Who's our first caller, Roz?

We have no one from nowhere.

Very amusing, Roz.

What's that sound?

It's a phone.

Go get it!



Hello, Seattle. I'm listening.

Not that one. The black one.

Hello, Seattle. I'm listening.

Right there.

Hello, hello, Seattle...

Hurry! They're going to hang up!

Hello... hello...

If you don't find that phone

I'm driving this
booth off a cliff.

Oh, God, I'm
trying to listen...!

Damn it.

Niles, how's the baby?

Have you fed the baby yet?

Make sure you
warm the bottle first,

but not too hot.

Should I come up?

What was that?

Is everything all
right up there?

I'm coming to check.

Don't forget to burp him.

If you don't burp
him, he'll cry.

I better do it
myself. Here I come.

Is the baby okay?

What's going on? I'm on my way.

He's going to need
a new nappy, too.

Don't forget your other
responsibilities, Niles.

There's lots of
other responsibilities.

You have to prioritize,
and the baby comes first.

Is he all right?

I'm coming up there.

Make sure you support
his head when you hold him.

Are you doing it right?
I'm coming to check.

Are you ignoring me?
Why don't I hear anything?

Do I have to do
everything around here?

Do I smell something burning?

I'm on my way.

What was that?

I'd better not find a mess.

I have enough work
taking care of the baby.

I can't clean up after you, too.

Is everything
all right in there?

I can't do it.

It's just as well. I'm
too tired, anyway.

Oh, you couldn't sleep either?

Just thought I'd fix
myself a little snack.

Well, you're entitled,
eating for two.

I had the baby five months ago.

Oh, yes, that's right. I had
Roz send you some flowers.

I just have a few extra
pregnancy pounds

I haven't been able to lose yet.

I work out every day.

It's really starting to show.

Oh, yes.

Well done.

I'll have Roz send
you some flowers.

Excuse us.

The plumber has to fix the
leaky faucet in our bedroom.

Oh, sure, go right on up.

Isn't he a clever one,

finding a plumber at this hour?

Yes, indeed.

How fat of you to notice.


Hi. I'm here about
the cable problem.

Oh, I don't know
anything about that.

I'll handle this, darling.

Cable's out in the bedroom.

Well, let's see what
you've got going on in there.

Bless him. He's on top
of everything around here.

You know, I really
miss playing with Niles.

But he's so busy
sleeping with other women.

What did you say?

Have you seen Dad?

Do you still think
I'm beautiful?

Dad, there you are.

I need to show you
something in the bedroom.

Niles, wait!

Please tell me you
think I'm beautiful!

Niles, answer me!


Are you all right?

How could you?!

I'm sorry?

You better be!


Oh, hi, Daph.

What are you doing here?

I had a nightmare.
Couldn't get back to sleep.

That's strange.

Niles had a nightmare, too,

and I just dreamt...

Niles had a nightmare?

Mm-hmm. What about?

He dropped the
baby, and it shattered.

That's perfect.

Wait a minute.

How did he drop it?

Was it from a
height? In a crowd?

Was there water involved?

No, he was in the nursery.


Oh, hi, Niles.

I understand you
had a bad dream.

Yes, it was utterly inscrutable.

There was a table
saw and an apple pie...

Spare me, Niles.
You broke the baby.

Now who has the obvious dreams?

It was still more
interesting than yours.

Frasier dreamed he
killed me and married you.

At least he wasn't cheating
on me with the service people

because I was fat!

Will you please stop blaming me

for something I
did in your dreams.

So you admit it.

Daphne, Daphne, I will
always find you attractive.

Your dreams shouldn't
worry you at all.

Unlike mine. I could very
well turn out to be a bad father.

At least you two can
face your fears together.

Whom do I have to hug
away my night terrors, hmm?

Oh, boo-hoo. Send
yourself some flowers.

I beg your pardon.

That's a rather
flippant comeback

when I express myself...

Don't you take that
tone with my wife.

He finally notices
I'm in the room.

What the hell is going on here?

Well, Dad, it's this
infernal mountain air.

It's giving us all nightmares.

All of you?


Daphne dreamed that
she was terminally fat,

Niles that he was going
to be a bad parent...

At least mine arose
from a real problem:

the fact that I'm alone
and I will always be alone.

Geez, we come up here to relax,

and you're arguing
about your dreams?

Dreams that reveal genuine
anxieties which were...

Blah, blah, blah.

You're going to lose your looks?

Happens to everyone.

You're afraid you're
going to end up alone?

You'll still have your family.

You're afraid you're
going to be a bad father?

Join the club.

Now just clam up and go to bed.

You know, I'm starting to
regret inviting him up here.

Dad, we're sorry.

You were right.

Maybe we let our problems
get to us a bit too much.

Well, hell, yes.

If they're the worst of
your problems, you're lucky.

I got a bullet in my hip,

a girlfriend who's
too good for me

and might realize it any day,

a dog who's pushing
80 in human years

and I'm not far behind him...

But you don't hear me
making a fuss, do you?

Know why?

'Cause I focus on
what's good about my life.

You know what you
people should do?

Let's tell them, Ronee.

♪ Grab your coat
and get your hat ♪

♪ Leave your worries
on the doorstep ♪

♪ Life can be so sweet ♪

♪ On the sunny
side of the street... ♪

♪ Can't you hear
the pitter-pat ♪

♪ And that happy
tune is your step ♪

♪ Life can be complete ♪

♪ On the sunny
side of the street ♪

♪ I used to walk in the shade ♪

♪ With my blues on parade ♪

♪ But I'm not afraid ♪

♪ This rover crossed over ♪

♪ If I never have a cent ♪

♪ I'll be rich as Rockefeller ♪

♪ Gold dust at my feet ♪

♪ On the sunny
side of the street. ♪