Frankie (2013–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Paula visits terminally ill Dee Olden,whose zest for life gives her confidence when Ian tells her he will support their baby materially but will not live with her. Mary helps Jess Madden,a surrogate mother suffering from post-natal depression by letting her have contact with the child but has to sort out her own wayward daughter. Orla Maguire is concerned that her partner Shane,an MS sufferer,has eschewed his medication for herbal remedies and a fitness regime and asks Frankie to speak to him. Frankie makes him see he must sort things out with Orla without her help but gets no thanks from cold Zoe Evans. Meanwhile Ian denies stalking Frankie and offers to watch the house but her colleagues all point the finger at over-friendly Joe Corden.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I love my job, it's not my fault you
don't feel the same. What?

Karen's car's been repossessed.

I got behind on my repayments.

You're a good nurse, Karen,
don't blow it.

Oh, you remember what we
said? Don't hang around with just


Hello, little girl.

I'm pregnant.

You have completely blown this,
and there is no coming back.

Frankie saved the day.

We're both very grateful.

I take it you've called the police?

The last thing I need is them
sending Ian out to investigate.

You cannae do nothing.

Better be going. What about that
old pervy guy

you said lived across the street?

Died at Christmas.

Probably not him then.

Any weird patients recently?

No more than usual.

Don't get angry,
I'm just putting this out there.


You know I like Ian and...


You read about these things,
it's nearly always the ex.

Ian wouldn't do this.

He wouldn't.

He just wouldn't.

Hello, this is Ian.

I'm sitting here by the phone,
but screening my messages

because chances are you're my boss,
my bank, or my mum.

I'm just joking, Mum!
Leave a message.

Hi, Ian, it's me, Paula.

I was going to make an appointment
with the doctor.

I presume you'll want to come.

I don't know if they do a scan this
early, erm, but...

That's a joke, right? A Jetta?!
Anyway, call me.

All right then.
What about a Citroen C3?

Now you're just winding me up.

Why are all the cars you've
marked in this yellow?

Because I like yellow cars.

No way. I'm going to show you
how to buy a car

the Matt Seren way.

If there is a hell, it will be one
long, endless school run.

Yeah, in a yellow Jetta.

Morning. Good morning. Hi.

Andy, if I say Jetta to you, what's
the first thing you think of?


Jetta Goudal.

The old Hollywood actress.


She was my granny's favourite.

Orla, hi...

Shane's become obsessed with
this new regime.

It's like he's in a cult.
What kind of regime?

It's something he got off
the internet...

You know, um, exercise,

and acupuncture
and macrobiotic juices.

A healthy lifestyle's important
when you've got multiple sclerosis.

Yeah, I know.

He's had his mercury fillings

in case they were poisoning him.

I think he's stopped taking
his medication.

Any recent relapses?

Not that I know of.

Why don't I contact his MS nurse?

See what's going on.

Maybe go and see him. Would you?
Of course.

That would be brilliant, thank you.

Oh, I've got to go.

Would you mind not telling him
that I came to see you.

He'll just think I'm fussing.


Great, thank you

Take care.
Yeah, you too.

Jess Madden, 28, gave birth
five weeks ago by C-section.

Developed MRSA in hospital.

So, rather than risk bringing
her into clinic,

they want us to go and visit her.

If there's a baby, why aren't they
sending a midwife? No baby.

She's a surrogate -
had it, gave it away.

Dee Olden. One of Dr Strider's
patients. Terminal cancer.

Why do I always get the dying ones?

Well, that way
we know YOU can't kill them.


RADIO: Next up, a classic by
The Police...

Please don't say - Every Breath You
Take, I'll Be Watching You.

RADIO:..The Bed's Too Big
Without You.

Aww, Kenneth!
That's not much better!

♪ The bed's too big without you

♪ Cold wind blows right
through that open door

♪ I can't sleep with your memory


♪ Dreaming dreams
of what used to be... ♪

Hey, Shane, I'm impressed.

You think this is good?
Wait till you see my squat thrusts.

Actually, I was just
coming to see you.

Sounds ominous. Your MS nurse says
you haven't been in for a while,

so I thought I'd come see
how you're doing.

And I brought biscuits.

In that case, I'll race you home.

No, I'm not racing you.
Shane, I'm not racing you...

I'm not...

No, I'm not racing my patients.
You're going to have to go round me.


Sure I can't tempt you?

No, I'll stick to the tea
and biccies, thanks.

Orla says that this should come with
frogspawn and a garden gnome.

Probably tastes better than
it looks.

Yeah, not really. Oh!

So, running, macrobiotic diet,

Did I mention the
"cultivating patience" bit.

Now there's something that should be
on the school curriculum.

No relapses?

Not since I started this.

That's great.

It's not just for MS sufferers,
you know. It's never too late

Are you saying I don't look healthy?

Well, healthier.

And what about medication?

Yeah, the last lot didn't really
agree with me.

Had me feeling tired
and irritable all the time.

So, you're not taking anything?

But I feel great.

Still, probably best to get
you on some different medication -

one that doesn't disagree with
you. Yes?

So, you'll call Doctor Evans

and make an appointment to go in
and see her?

Every time I see her,
she leaves me with frostbite.

She's a good doctor.
So was Hannibal Lecter.

Pretty sure he wasn't a GP.

You're late.

It's really just
an opportunity for us

to explain what we do
at the Community Nurses' office -

see how we can help. So, if there's
any questions you want to ask me?

Right, so... What will happen now is

one of our palliative care nurses
will come...


I have to take this.
Of course, you do.

Hi, Ian, you got my message?

Half an hour, that's all.

The city's not going to
descend into anarchy

because you're meeting me
for a panini.

What about tomorrow then?

There's things we need to discuss,
ie the baby.

Zunis, tomorrow evening?

Great, see you then.


'This figurine of Shakespeare...'

'..gone to the Derby factory..."

Hello? I'm a nurse,
I work with your doctor.

I've got an appointment for 11:30.

I can see you in there.

I can see you on the couch.

I'm from the Community Nurses'

To check your wound
and change your dressings.

Maybe we could just turn that off,
and open the curtains -

let a bit of light in here.

As Shane's doctor, I thought
you should know.

But he hasn't had any relapses?

And this "new regime"?

Mostly healthy eating and getting
exercise. He found it online.

What did patients
do before the internet?

We just asked our gran,
she knew everything -

like the internet,
but without the mucky bits.

I'll let you know how I get on.

Joseph, is everything all right?

Sorry to just drop in.

I was struggling to breathe earlier
and I saw your car...

That's what I'm here for.

It's probably nothing.
But better safe than dead.

That's always a good rule of thumb.

Come through, let me
take a look at you.

Any pains in your chest?
Sensations in your arm? No.

Your BP's fine.

Sorry if I overreacted.

It makes a nice change to have
a male patient who

doesn't need to be dragged in here
kicking and screaming.

Oh, I know you like your music,
so I made you this.

It's just something me and Liana
used to listen to together.


Widening your horizons.

I like the idea of jazz - late night
smoky bars and polo necks.

It's just the music
I can't be doing with.

Well, this'll change your mind.
I look forward to being converted.

Thank you.
See ya.

It can be difficult,
after a C-section -

having to stay in and take it easy.

People forget it's major
abdominal surgery.

The wound's healing well
and the infection's almost cleared,

so you should be OK to
drive again next week.

Be good to get back out
and about again. Suppose.

It's natural to feel
a little blue after a baby.

Hormones all over the place.

You know what would help?

Keeping busy.

Tidy up in here, go out for a walk,

meet some friends, you'd be amazed
how much better you feel.

Oh, that smells delicious.

Oh, no, no, no, that's not what I
meant. I just said it smelt nice.

Take it. Be rude not to.



Yes, Joseph Corden made it for me.

Did he now?

What? Spit it out.

Any excuse to drop in and see you.


..don't ruin a nice gesture.

I can't remember the last time,
someone made me a mix-tape.

Kevin Pitts!

Oh, I had such crush on him...

♪ Been around the world
and I, I, I, I can't find my baby

♪ I don't know where, I don't know
why, why he's gone away. ♪

Evans is on the phone for you.


I've checked Shane Stynes'
records -

it seems he hasn't been
in for an appointment in months.

Right. And he didn't attend
his last MRI scan.

He never mentioned that.
I imagine he didn't.

I better go and see him -
sort it out.

I could go too, if you like?

Probably best if I go on my own.

Otherwise it might look like we're
ganging up on him, but... Thank you.

I haven't been, because I'm fine.

All this exercise
and healthy living...

It's called a healing regime.

And that's great. But you still need
to attend check ups, have your MRIs,

find a medication that suits you.

Drugs don't cure MS,
they just mask the symptoms.

Nobody's saying they cure it.
But they can reduce relapses.

I spoke to your MS nurse

and the hospital say they can fit
you in tomorrow for an MRI. Hi!

Hi. Hi.

Hello, darling, how are you?

You all right?

Everything all right?

Yeah, Frankie's just
arranging an MRI for me.

That's great.

Isn't it?


Booked in for 10:30.


There's your checklist.

Check the timing belt.
Dip the oil, it shouldn't be creamy.

Make sure the window numbers match.

I just want a car that goes -
preferably yellow.

OK, fine - we'll do it your way.

I'll come and view the cars
with you though,

give them a proper looking over.
Night. You can thank me later.



'The number you have called is
unavailable. Please try later.'

'The number you have called is
unavailable. Please try later.'


You think I took this?

It is what angry ex-boyfriends do.

I'm not angry.

I'm sorry that
I made one small mistake.

Big mistake, twice.

You know the important thing is?

That I'm sorry. Really? Is that
what the important thing is?

Come on, Franks, we can fix this.

So, you didn't take this video
and you didn't send the text? No.


Well, don't look so disappointed.
Well, I am disappointed.

Why? At least if it was you,
I could get my head around that.

It would make some sort of sense,

but the alternative... Some creepy
stranger spying on me, it's just...

You know, stalkers are rarely
strangers to their victims.

It'll be OK.

Come here.

You're not worming your way
back in with this.

I'm trying to be supportive.

Maybe you should be supporting
your pregnant girlfriend.



Oh, no. No, no, no.

No way.

♪ Been around the world and I, I, I

♪ I can't find my baby

♪ I don't know when,
I don't know why

♪ Why he's gone away
And I don't know where he may be

♪ My baby
But I'm going to find him. ♪


Sorry. Still alive, then?

Not funny.

So, Ian... It wasn't him who sent
the video, said he didn't do it.

You believe him?
It's not really his style -

sneaking about, taking videos,
sending them from a number

I don't recognise.
It's way too much work for Ian...

It was a job to get him
to put the bloody bins out.

Morning. Morning. Morning, Ange.

Karen, I've marked off some cars
in your price range that look OK.

These are actually great.
Course they are.

Morning. Morning. Morning.

Ange saw Dee Olden yesterday
and assessed her.

We've written up a care plan.

We thought maybe you could call out,
talk her through it. Me?

If you don't mind.

Has anyone seen Mary?

I did up a list of some
things that might help -

evening primrose oil, it's good
for levelling out your hormones.

And lavender,
it's great for sleeping.

I thought we agreed you were going
to clean up in here.

I will.


I know postpartum depression
can be very difficult.

I had it with my daughter, Hope.

But it gets easier. Trust me.

Look, why don't I make us a
cup of tea, while you tidy up here?


I've just had the hospital on.

Shane Stynes didn't
show for his MRI.

Thank you.

'Hi, this is Shane. Can't get
to the phone right now,

'so leave a message.'


KEN BRUCE: 'Tell me today doesn't
feel like one of those good to be

'I'm not sure if it's the blue skies
or the weekend closing in,

'but I'm feeling a lot like this...'

MUSIC: "Walking On Sunshine"
by Katrina And The Waves

That's low, Ken. You know
I love this one.

♪ I used to think maybe you love me

♪ Now, baby, I'm sure

♪ And I just can't wait till the day
when you knock on my door

♪ Now every time I go for the mailbox

♪ I've got to hold myself... ♪

I don't want an MRI.

I know you don't agree,
but how I treat my MS is my choice.

But you're not treating it. Then why
do I feel better now than ever?

Because you will get periods
where you feel fine -

when you're in remission phase.
But the condition is still there.

Still needs to be monitored
and treated. In your opinion.

Mine is that this regime
is making me better.

I'm only giving you the
information before you make that

Yeah, and I appreciate that,
but I've already made my mind up.

I never really wanted children, so...

I thought it'd be nice to help
a couple who couldn't have

any of their own.

And did you know this couple before?

I met them through
a surrogacy website.

Ben and Eva.

And how soon after the birth
did they take the baby?

Straight away. They took him
from the delivery room.

So you never saw him again?

It's what I wanted -
no contact after the handover.

I thought it'd be easier that way.

Clean break, wouldn't get
attached to the baby.

And what about support,
like family or friends?

My parents are dead and most
of my friends are in London.

Do you know what I think
would really help?

Seeing the baby again

and having a chance to say
goodbye to him properly.

But the agreement was "no contact".

Well, I think
it might be worth a try.

Booty Beats? Yeah, you dance, you
shake your booty, you get fit.

How did it go with Shane Stynes?

He's decided he doesn't want
any more treatment.

So, seeing him on your
own really worked out then?

At least you're on time today.

I've got your care plan.

Now, she was nice. I liked her.

The other nurse. Angie.

We'll start by visiting
you once a week.

I was going to report you to her.

But if you need more support
we can increase our visits.

You rode off in the middle
of our appointment.

Because you were late
and taking phone calls.

It's my job. I have to take calls.

That was a personal call.
Oh, try proving it.


Do you want my advice, dear?

I'd rather get back to the plan.

Don't sound so keen when he calls.

Being that eager to please
never does any good.

Oh, coffee time.

Can't I... Can we finish this first?
No, I always have coffee at eleven.

Is the meeting room free
tomorrow or not?

Erm, think so, why?

I have arranged a meeting between
my surrogate mother and her baby.

Jess is depressed,
I think this will help.

Depressed surrogate mother
meets baby she gave away.

What could possibly go wrong?

Does Frankie know about this?
Is the room free or not?

I will make it free. I could
probably sell tickets to this.

Me, when I was way too
eager to please.

35 years of marriage
cured me of that.

Is that your husband?

A mutually beneficial relationship.

He got an all-singing,
all-dancing corporate wife

and, erm, I got a tumour.

I think you'll like it.

There's whiskey in that.

Brandy, actually.


It's one of the advantages of dying.

You get to do all the things
that are supposed to kill you.


You have a visitor. Hmm?

This is getting ridiculous.

Joseph. Hi. Come in.

I should have got this done
when I was here yesterday.

But I only remembered about
the paracetamol prescription

It's OK.

Shall we say a month's worth again?

Oh, did you get a chance to listen
to that CD I made for you?

Not yet, but it's on the top
of my to do list.

I think you'll really enjoy it.

Yes, I'm sure I will.

I've got loads of brilliant LPs
up at the house that

I haven't transferred onto CD yet.

Liana was always threatening
to throw them out.

There you go.

Maybe you could come round
one evening,

I'll cook and we could
listen to them.

I'm not going into any kind
of care home or hospice.

That's not a decision
you have to make yet.

No, because I've already made it.

I've only got a year left
and I intend to fill it to the brim.

Bungee jumping
and leaping out of planes?

No, nothing like that.

Just, erm...

..just pleasing myself really.

When you spend a lifetime trying
to make other people happy,

you forget what it's like to do
things for your own pleasure.

I'm going to...

I'm going to wear clothes
because they feel good,

not because they look good.

Refuse to put up with bad manners,

especially tardiness.

Drink wine, read books.

Poo with the door open...

Or is that just me?
I think that's just you.


See, I may only have a year,
but it's my year.

Every minute of it.

Come in.



So, I just wanted to quickly drop
these round to say thank you.

Thank you?

Yes, Shane told me the good news
about the MRI scan.

There's no progression.
It's really good.

It's just such a relief
to know he's doing fine.

Yeah, I'm sure.

Thank you.

Better go.

Thank you.

I know the baby's mine, and I'm going
to do everything I can to help.

To be a proper dad.

So, if there's anything you need -
money, anything,

you just have to ask. OK.

But, that does not mean

that there is anything
between you and me.

We're not a couple.
Just having a baby - together.

Two people.

OK. Well, that's OK then?



You said in your message
about going to see a doctor.

Yeah. I'll let you know
when I've made an appointment.

OK. Shall we order?

It's gorgeous, and it's yellow!

You can cut that out for starters.

No gushing, no smiling,
in fact no enthusiasm at all.

You called about the Mini?

That's right. Yes. Cheers, mate.

Well? Yeah, it's fine.

So, what do you think?

We're going to go do some more
research and we'll get back to you.

I thought you liked it.

Come on,
let's get back before we're missed.

And the worst bit is
I can't say a word.

I know, that patient confidentiality
is a bugger.

But lying and deceiving someone
you're supposed to love,

that's never going to end well!

I take it we are still talking
about your patient?

Do you think I'm over reacting?

I think you cannae force someone
to have treatment.

That has got to be
a flaw in our job description.

And what if he sells it to someone
else? That's what I said!

He's not going to sell it.
You don't know that!

A pint says he calls back
this evening with a better price.

They're lovely.
Ah, from a patient, sort of.

Joseph Corden? No!

He did make you a mix tape.

Was that a secret?
We all have creepy patients.

Not so much in palliative care.

Well, Joseph's not creepy.

Well, if he isn't, he's doing
a pretty good impression of it.

Look, I like Joseph Corden.
Can we just drop it?

Just don't call to his house,
without telling a friend first.

Are we going to the pub
or what? Yes.

I'm home!

What do you fancy for dinner?

I was thinking carbonara.

Hope, are you up there?

Hope! Get in!

You know I don't like you
hanging around with those kids.

They're my friends.

From now on, I want you
to come straight home after school.

I mean it, Hope.

Why should I?
There's no-one ever there anyway.

Do you think
I wouldn't rather be at home?

Do you think your father
likes being away working?

And get that hair out of your eyes.

I'm sick of the sight of you.

Do not get fingerprints
on those windows.

All clear.

You see, I told you
there was nothing to worry about.

If you're not worried,
what's this for?

Jehovah's Witnesses.

Do you want me
to check upstairs for you?

I don't think that is necessary?

Stalking's a serious business.

If you're that concerned,
you can stay the night.

Just being silly.

If you need me... I'll call you.

I should be making tracks.

Right, I'll see you tomorrow.
Yes, good night then.

Are you sure you don't mind me
staying over?

Are you kidding?
I love a sleep-over.

Buenos Dias.
The car dealer still hasn't called.

I should give him a ring.

Sure, if you want to pay
full whack - fire away. Call him.

Trust me, this is how men do it.

Morning. Do you have a minute?


Dr Strider's been on to me
about Dee Olden.

her cancer has metastasised

to the liver, bone and brain.

Does Dee know? Dr Strider
has told her but she left

before he could
tell her anything about it.

She thinks she's got a year left.

More like two months.

I'm going to go and see her,
talk her through it all.

We just thought we'd give you
the heads up.

Would you mind
if I went to see her instead?

I know her a bit now, so it might
all be easier coming from me.

Mm hm.

Are you sure
you don't want a cup of tea?

They're late.

A couple of minutes, that's all.

Now they've had time
to think about it,

maybe they've changed their minds.


Hi! Hi. Hello.


Hi! What a lovely surprise.

I was just going to make
some coffee.

Oh, maybe later.

Oh, I hope you don't play poker
with that face.

Why don't we sit down?

That bad?

You know how you saw Dr Strider

and he explained that your cancer
had spread further.

But he didn't get a chance to go
through what that actually means.

How long?

Two months...


I'm sorry.

Don't be.

And thank you for telling me.

I've wasted too much of my life
just pretending.

Truth's always best.

Well, if I'm going to squeeze
a whole year's worth of living

into two months,
I'd better get cracking.

And do you know what? I think we
could just forget about the coffee

and cut straight to the brandy.

If I get a call, I'll have to go.

This won't take long.

There's something I need to tell you.

Probably should have told
you yesterday.

Someone else will get that.

Like I said, there's something I...

Thank you. You know, I was thinking
about doing a nursery

for the baby at your place... show you
that I'm serious about this.

You're not alone.
It's you and me together.

I'm off this weekend,
I could do it then if you like.

Oh, if you're not keen,
I understand. Er, no.

A nursery would be nice.

Good, good.

St Ives.

That's when we all went away
together for the weekend.

New Year's Eve!

Would you like to hold Dylan now?


Right, I'll be back in about an hour.

In case anyone's looking for me.

I can always grab some sandwiches
if anyone wants anything?

Knew it. I knew you were
all listening. Knew it.

Hey, Shane. What's wrong?

I didn't feel anything.

Nothing at all.

It was just like I was holding
any baby.

It didn't feel like he was mine
or anything.



Hope's here,
she wants to speak to you.

OK, tell her she'll have to wait.

She says it's important.

Honestly, I've not got time
for this. I mean, what is so

Now, you don't need to worry
about it getting in my eyes.

I forgot my keys.


Thanks for coming. Any numbness,
or loss of feeling in your legs?

It's nothing,
I just feel a little bit tired.

If it was nothing, why didn't you
call Orla to come and get you?

Let's start again - any numbness
or loss of feeling in your legs?

Dizziness, disorientated?

No, no. I'm just tired,
really tired.

I can barely stand.

I need to get Conor from creche.
Whoa, whoa!

OK, let's look after you first.

He was supposed to be picked up
20 minutes ago.

Tomorrow, you'll see the consultant
and get on new medication. I told

If you say healing regime,
I'll punch you in the face.

The side effects of the medication
are worse than the MS symptoms.

Then, we'll find ones that doesn't
make you tired and irritable.

It's not just that,
there's other symptoms too.

Confusion? Seizures? What?

Come on, Shane, if you don't tell me,
I can't help you.


Look, I know this isn't something
that you want to hear,

but stopping your treatment
is not the solution to this.

You need to call Orla.

She'll think something's wrong.
Something is wrong.

Well, they won't have just left him
on his own.

He'll be with a teacher or a friend.

You should find that out for sure.


What happened?

You all right, mate?

Creche called to say you hadn't
picked up Conor. Are you all right?

I just got held up with Frankie.
We were discussing treatments and...


I'm not doing this. I'm not covering
for either of you any more.

You need to tell Shane
that you've been coming to see me

And you need to tell Orla
that you're refusing treatment.

Shane, you've got MS,
and it's not going away.

And the only way you're going
to get through this together

is being honest with each other.
So please just...

sort it out!

I'm sorry if...if
this made it worse.

It was nice just seeing
Ben and Eva again.

They did

if you need anything.


But won't they be busy with Dylan?

Do you think that...

..that maybe it's Ben and Eva
you've been missing all this time?

You did see them
throughout the pregnancy.

We were really close.

At least I thought we were. I'm...

probably just a transaction to them.

That's not true.
It's obvious that they like you.

Call them.

But I was the one who wanted
a clean break.

It was me who insisted on it.

Well, it's not written in stone.


Maybe I will call them.

I think you should.

Hi. Hello.

Everything OK?


He was in again with
some cock-and-bull story

about having the wrong date
on his prescription or something...

That pestering you like this
was inappropriate.

Did you use those exact words -
'pestering' and 'inappropriate'?

He's in here every day looking
for you, bringing you presents,

and at the same time someone's
sending you these videos and texts.

That's not Joseph.
You don't know that.

I know that Joseph Corden
has just lost his wife,

and he's grieving and lonely

and if it helps me giving him a bit
of my time, I'm happy to do that.

And don't you speak for me, ever!

I can look after myself!

I don't think they...


So you caved in and called him then?

I wouldn't say caved.
He knocked 250 off the price.

That's probably because I made you
hang on for so long.

No, it's because I wore a short
skirt and flirted like crazy.

That's how the ladies do it.

Can I come in?

What Andy said,
it's not what I think. Not one bit.

He's right, though. No, you're
welcome to call in whenever you want.

I have been making excuses up
to come in and see you.

Here on my own all the time.

It's...just nice to chat
to someone who knew Liana too.

And seeing you always cheers me up.

And I don't mean that in
an 'inappropriate' way.

Well, since we're being honest,
I have a confession too.

I've listened to your CD.

I still don't like jazz.
Well, I'm not giving up on you yet.

So I'll see you next week?
Long as your boyfriend doesn't mind.


Oh, I'm sorry.
It's just the way he was going on,

I presumed you and him were...
No, just colleagues.

Well, he does a very good
jealous boyfriend act.


Hi. Are you, OK?

Hi, ready to shake your booty?

Hiya, how are you?


What are you doing here?

Saw your car outside,
just checking you're OK.

I'm fine.

I've asked some of the lads
on nights to swing by your place,

every now and again.

Keep an eye on things.

Thank you. Welcome.

Ah, you'd better be going...

Thanks. All right, bye.

Everything all right, Shane?

I'm here to see Doctor Evans.


Shane, about earlier...

I know you think I'm crazy,
what I've been doing.

But since this started, the MS,

Orla makes all the money,
pays all the bills,

looks after me when I'm unwell...

..and I just keep house.

The teachers at Conor's creche
even called me Mr Maguire

until I explained to them
I'd kept my maiden name.

I can't be impotent.

Not on top of everything else,
I just can't.

I don't think you're crazy.

Mr Stynes.


Star jumps!

And freestyle... Here we go!

OK, back!

I spoke to Shane Stynes.

He told me exactly what happened
this afternoon.

Yeah, I know, I kicked off a bit,
I was just so frustrated.

Don't worry, it's fine.

Your little pep talk with him
paid off.

He doesn't want to make
a complaint against you.

But he has agreed to
rescheduling his MRI

and finding new medication
that suits him.

That's great. Isn't it just?

Another great day
for Frankie Maddox.

Shouting at patients,
breaking confidentiality,

behaving exactly as you please.

And managing to walk away from
the wreckage looking like a hero.

Well done.

Here we are, a bit harder!

A few more.



Well done, everyone!
See you next week!

Have you seen my bag?

You think there's someone in there?
Don't know, it's mad.

Step out and show yourself.

Don't say anything, will you?

About our night together?

Only if you promise
to go to the police.

I've obviously upset you.

That's enough, I want you
out of here. Get out. Get out!

If I find out it's you
that's been scaring her...

What is this? A crap boyfriend
suddenly gets protective?

I'd never hurt you, Franks.


You can't think you and her?

If she'll have me.

So the stalking and the ironing
and the videoing...that was you?