Fleabag (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - Fleabag - full transcript

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Here's to love!

To love!

Congratulations, you assholes!

I don't need you... to do
anything, thank you.

- I just had a little...
- What? What, darling?


Unless you can find a way to stop
this horrendous wedding.

You come in showing off about
your miscarriage,

like you didn't even want
the one you had.

What was that?

It wasn't a fox, was it?

Hi! Oh!

- How do you two know each other?
- Oh, we are partners.

I didn't want my husband's baby.

It's like a goldfish out
the bowl sort of thing.

Oh, my God, Claire, I love your hair!

If it didn't want to be in there,
it didn't want to be in there.

Something wasn't right.

Uh, I've changed my mind
about the wedding.

I can't let them down like that.

I leave tomorrow, so...

I can't have sex with you,
because I'll fall in love with you.

And if I fall in love with you,
I won't burst into flames,

but my life will be fucked.



What are you thinking?

I just...

Come on.

- I just...
- Come on.

I just can't believe you did that.

I know.


- So good to see you!
- We're over the moon.

- Good to see you! Who was that?
- Love the shirt.

- Is this the, um...
- Don't!

It'll come off.

Thank you.

What's happening with the priest?

- Oh, hi.
- Oh!


Ooooh! So good of you
to come and get me!

- Get you?
- See me!

- Hi, Jake.
- Where's Claire?

Just there.

Your dad's just down there.

Nice skirts.

Do you need me to say
anything emotional about today?

- No, no. We're good.
- I think we're all right, thanks.

Do you want tequila?
I'm going to get one.

- Hi.
- Hi! Nice to...

How was Klare?

Well, he's crazy about me.

- So, that's a nightmare.
- Nightmare.

He's back to Finland today,
anyway, which is good.

- It's fine, it's totally fine.
- Sounds like it's fine.

It is.

It's going to be a lovely day, isn't it?

I'm afraid so.

This is my very interesting
friend Daniel, who's deaf.

I picked him up at a student
gallery opening.

Utterly fascinating.

Can't hear a thing,

but is a fabulous physical
communicator through hands and lips.

Oh, I love that!

And this is my extraordinary friend
Francine, she's a lesbian.

And this is Asif, my bisexual,
Syrian refugee friend,

who you haven't actually
met yet, darling.

And, Asif, this is, um...

Oh, my God.

This is... this is...

God, how extraordinary.
I just, I always call you darling.

This is the love of my life!


Is there somewhere I can put this?

We said no presents!
Oh, you're such a sweetheart.

She's a natural rule breaker.

Not today!

Ah, well I've been trying
to get rid of it for ages.


Thank you.

I'm going to open it over a bin,

so I've got somewhere to put the paper.

Um, come with me!

Uh, are you short on staff
or where, do you need me, or...?

No, I just wondered if you had
a little show planned?

- What?
- Well, you normally do.

And I wondered if there was anything

I might need to know about,
that might happen later?



Well, let me know
if you change your mind.

Because today is the most
important day of my life

and I love your father very much.

And I imagine you'd rather have me

looking after him in the years to come

than having to do it yourself.

So... no more miscarriages.

It's worth a lot.


Thank you.

I'll go and put her
straight back on her shelf.

Do you know, I often thought it
strange that of all my pieces

you chose to take her.


She was based on your mother.

So nice to have her back in the house.

- Oh! Oh, God. Fuck, you're here.
- Oh, fuck! Oh, Jesus.

I thought you were a fox. You're not.

No, are you? I didn't know you were...

No, no, I'm fine, sorry.

No, I just didn't want to,
I'm practising the homily.

- How's it going?
- Not good, not good. I can't, I can't...

You look lovely.

Thank you. So do you.

Wait till you see me in the full
shebang, you're going to lose

your fucking mind.

We just need to get through this bit
and then we can...

- We can...
- Yeah.

- Better get changed.
- Yeah, good luck.

Oh, my God.


- You have lipstick all over...
- Oh, fucking hell.

That would not look good, has it gone?


Oh, fucking hell.

I don't know, I don't know...

Oh, I don't know what this feeling is.

Is it God or is it me?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Fuck you, then.

Where's your priest?

I don't know.

You okay?

Yes, well, um...

I hate my husband and the man
I love is on his way to Finland,

so pretty weird.

Oh! Way to upstage the bride!

Tried my best.

Cute dress.

Oh, look. Woooo!

This is our very chic priest.

Oh, good, I was aiming for chic.

- It's particularly good around the...
- Thank you.

- Father, you remember Martin.
- Hey, how you doing, man?

Bit nervous, Martin.

- And you know Jake.
- Yes, hello, Jake. How are you?

And this is my very
interesting friend Lucy,

who is a surrogate.

- Hello.
- Oh, weird.

And this is my unstable step-daughter,

who's had a miscarriage.

- Nice to see you again.
- You too.

But you knew that, you were there.

It was my miscarriage.


It was my fucking miscarriage.

Yes, I thought you'd find that funny.

How interesting.

She was just covering for me.

What, we were pregnant?

- For a few weeks, yes.
- It was my baby?

Sorry, so you haven't had a miscarriage?

No, sorry.

Wait, what the fuck is going on here?!

I-It was, it was my baby?

I guess it was your baby's way of saying

it didn't want you as it's father.

Like a goldfish out of the bowl
sort of thing.


Sorry, but whoever had a miscarriage,

could you take it
to the kitchen, please?

No! Don't follow me, Jake.

Oh, and this is over.

You're leaving me.

- No, no, no.
- Yes!

Are you drunk?

- Yes.
- Are you sober?

A bit. Could you just fuck off?

- Oh, absolutely not!
- Okay, no, no. I'm staying right here.

I want you to leave me.

Listen to me, I just, I have...

I think he has a little speech.

...I have a little speech
that's building here.

Now, I know you look at me and you
see a bad man with a big beard.

You are an alcoholic and you
tried it on with my sister.


I tried to kiss your sister
on her birthday.

My birthday!

Fine! I mix up birthdays
and I have an alcohol problem,

just like everyone else
in this fucking country.

But I am here and I do things.

I pick up Jake up from shit,
I make dessert for Easter,

I organise the downstairs toilet,
I fired the humming cleaner.

- You enjoyed that.
- I hoover the car.

I put up all your certificates

and I don't make you feel
guilty for not having sex with me.

I am not a bad guy!

I just have a bad personality,
it's not my fault.

Some people are born
with fucked personalities.

Look at Jake.

He is so creepy, it's not his fault!

Why the bassoon!?

You want to know what the bassoon is!?

It's a cry for help!

The main fucking problem here
is that you don't like me.

And that has been breaking
my fucking heart for 11 years.

I love you.

I make you laugh.

I'm a douche, but I make you laugh.

You said that that was the most
important thing!

I think the thing that you hate
the most about yourself

is that you actually love me.

So, I am not going to leave you,

until you are down on
your knees begging me.

Please, leave me.

Oh, man.

I didn't think you'd do
that in that dress.

Right. Well...

I guess the only thing
left for me to say is...

Fuck you.

Fuck you.

What have you done with him?

- Who?
- Your father.

The wedding is about the start
and no-one can find him anywhere.

- Um...
- Can you do something?




- Garden.
- Upstairs. Okay.



I can't get out.

Okay, Dad, you can.

I can't! It's a trap.

I'm stuck.

- No, Dad...
- I just, there's nothing I can do.

...everyone will understand.

Just give them all a bottle
to take home.

Honestly, they, they'll be relieved.

My foot... is stuck.


Everyone will understand?


W-Will you help me, please?

- How is it stuck...?
- J-Just help me get it out.

I'm gonna be in so much trouble.

What are you doing up here?

I... I just remembered
that I'd left a...

a friendly mouse trap up here
a few weeks ago

and I hadn't checked it.

And I just wanted to make sure that
one little chap hadn't got, uh,

trapped in it and was, uh,
was suffocating up here.

I think I've worked out
what we need to do.

Let's... Let's do it.

Do it.


I'll do it if you tell me
why you're up here.

Just one honest answer.

I... What, what? I, I don't think...

One full sentence.

I was checking on the mouse.


Do you want to make a run for it?
I can smuggle you out

- in one of mum's dresses.
- You would, as well.

Look, I-I know she's not...

...everyone's cup of tea.

And neither are you, darling.

I mean, I'm sorry, I love you,
but I'm not sure that I like you...

All the time.


Hey, you created this monster.

You're not the way you are
because of me.

I know.

You're the way you are because of her.

And it's those bits
that you need to cling to.

Right, can you get my shoe out?

I just want you all to be proud of me.

We are proud of you, Dad.

You have two daughters who love you,

even if you don't like them.

I like Claire.

Jesus, Dad!

Thank you.


Come on.

I-I don't think I can.

Come on. Buck up.

Smiles, charm, off we go.

I think you know how to love
better than any of us.

That's why you find it all so painful.

I don't find it painful.

They're there.

Okay, go, go, go, go.

Okay, Dad.

No, no, no. Stay with me.



Oh, sorry.

Good afternoon, everybody.

Thank you for coming today,
to celebrate the love between

these two very special people.

Before we start, uh, Jake
has asked to play another piece

on his bassoon.

I can't do this reading.

- Don't do it.
- What?

I'll do it.

- You go and get him.
- I can't go and get him.

- Why not?
- It's too late.

I can't leave my father's wedding.

He's called "Klare" for God's sake

and he's already at the airport, anyway.

Well, there you go.

Is it running through
the airport kind of love?

I'm not going to the airport.

- He'd think I was insane.
- Yeah.

- I'm just saying...
- The airport.

How would I even find him?

You can't get through security
without a boarding pass.

- No, I wasn't suggesting...
- I'd have to buy a dummy ticket

just to get through the gate.

I don't know when his flight is
or which terminal.

Imagine if I knew that.

Imagine him finding out I knew all that.

Imagine if he was just in Boots
buying a pair of tweezers

in Terminal 5 and suddenly I was there,

"Hello, Klare."

Yeah, okay, that would be intense.

The only person I'd run
through an airport for is you.

Thank you, Jake, for that
beautiful bassoon piece.

Uh, written especially for today.

I believe it's called...

"Where's Claire?"

I think what you guys
are doing is amazing.


Oh! Fuck me.

I'm sorry, didn't get much
sleep last night.

So, it turns out it's quite
hard to come up with something

original to say about love.

But I've had a go.

Love is awful!

It's awful.

It's painful. It's frightening.

Makes you doubt yourself,
judge yourself.

Distance yourself from the
other people in your life.

Make you selfish.

Makes you creepy!

Makes you obsessed with your hair.

Makes you cruel!

Makes you say and do things
you never thought you would do!

There's something wrong
with your priest.

It's all any of us want
and it's hell when we get there!

So, no wonder it's something
we don't want to do on our own.

I was taught if we're born with love,

then life is about choosing
the right place to put it.

People talk about that a lot.

It "feeling right".
"When it feels right it's easy."

But I'm not sure that's true.

It takes strength to know what's right.

And love isn't something
that weak people do.

Being a romantic takes
a hell of a lot of hope.

I think what they mean is...

...when you find somebody
that you love...

...it feels like hope.

Go out the side way, now.

So, thank you for bringing us
all together here today.

To take words from this book of love,

be strong and take heart,

all you who hope in the Lord.

Um, let's get on with the big bit.

Oh, there you are.


Fuck it.

Thank you.

And thank you.

Oh, the, uh, the priest
is looking for you.


Don't break his heart.

- Oh, thank you so much.
- Hiya.

- Oh, are you leaving?
- Oh, actually, well,

I thought you were...

- I was changing.
- Oh, yeah.

What do you do? Do you get the,
get the bus or...?

Yeah, I get the bus.

- On the road?
- Just on the road.

- I go on the bus.
- Cool.

- Well, bye, my daughter.
- Okay.

Bye, Father.

Bye, Father.

- Goodbye.
- Bye.

You nailed it.

They always lie,
it'll magically come in a minute.


They're really into each other,
those two, it's nice.

They really pulled it off.

Was your sister okay?

- She seemed a bit on edge.
- Yeah, she... she had to run off...

- ...to a work thing.
- Wow, dedicated!


It's God, isn't it?




You know, the worst thing is...

...that I fucking love you.

I love you.

No, no, don't.

No, let's just leave that out there
just for a second on its own.

I love you.

It'll pass.

- This bus is not magically coming.
- I think I'll walk.


Uh, see you Sunday?

I'm joking. You're never ever
allowed in my church again.

I love you, too.


? I just kept hoping ?

? I just kept hoping ?

? The way would become clear... ?

He went that way.

? I spent all this time ?

? Trying to play it nice ?

? I found my way here ?

? See, I've been having me
a real hard time ?

? But it feels so nice ?

? To know I'm going to be all right ?

? So I just kept dreaming ?

? Yeah, I just kept dreaming ?

? It wasn't very hard ?

? I spent all this time ?

? Trying to figure out why ?

? Nobody on my side ?

? See, I've been having me
a real good time ?

? And it feels so nice ?

? To know I'm going to be all right ?

? Yeah, if I wanted to ?

? I'd be all right ?